void initFiles(void) { initSysop(); createDirOrDie("NiKom:DatoCfg"); createDirOrDie("NiKom:Moten"); createZeroFilledFile("NiKom:DatoCfg/Sysinfo.dat", sizeof(struct SysInfo)); createEmptyFile("NiKom:DatoCfg/Möten.dat"); createEmptyFile("NiKom:DatoCfg/ConferenceTexts.dat"); createEmptyFile("NiKom:DatoCfg/Areor.dat"); createEmptyFile("NiKom:DatoCfg/Grupper.dat"); createZeroFilledFile("NiKom:DatoCfg/Senaste.dat", sizeof(struct Inloggning) * MAXSENASTE); }
void SandBoxDir::fill(const QStringList& filePaths) { Q_FOREACH(const QString& filePath, filePaths) { QFileInfo info(*this, filePath); mkpath(info.absolutePath()); createEmptyFile(info.absoluteFilePath()); }
void *shmServerConstructor(void *arg) { //Create the key file for shm and sem keyfiles deleteFile(SHMKEYPATH); deleteFile(SEMKEYPATH); createEmptyFile(SHMKEYPATH); createEmptyFile(SEMKEYPATH); //initiator first shmServerInitiator(); //Create Clients' Check status shmServer.gsThreadID = pthread_create(&shmServer.gsThread, NULL, shmServerClientCheck, NULL); trace_printf("Thread shmServerClientCheck successfully"); pthread_join(shmServer.gsThread, NULL); trace_printf("Join threads Done"); shmServerDestructor(); return (void *) NULL; }
/* createEmptyFile */ PyObject * xmipp_createEmptyFile(PyObject *obj, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) { int Xdim,Ydim,Zdim; size_t Ndim; Zdim=1; Ndim=1; PyObject * input; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oii|ii", &input, &Xdim, &Ydim, &Zdim, &Ndim)) { createEmptyFile(PyString_AsString(input),Xdim,Ydim,Zdim,Ndim,true,WRITE_REPLACE); Py_RETURN_NONE; } return NULL; }
int QDesktopViewWidget::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QListWidget::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: iconClicked((*reinterpret_cast< QListWidgetItem*(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 1: layoutDirection(); break; case 2: populatedDesktop(); break; case 3: resizeIcons(); break; case 4: createFolder(); break; case 5: createLauncher(); break; case 6: createEmptyFile(); break; case 7: showDesktopIcons(); break; case 8: execDesktopSettings(); break; default: ; } _id -= 9; } return _id; }
void ProgXrayImport::run() { // Delete output stack if it exists fnOut = fnRoot + ".mrc"; fnOut.deleteFile(); /* Turn off error handling */ H5Eset_auto(H5E_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL); if (dSource == MISTRAL) H5File.openFile(fnInput, H5F_ACC_RDONLY); // Reading bad pixels mask if ( !fnBPMask.empty() ) { std::cerr << "Reading bad pixels mask from "+fnBPMask << "." << std::endl; bpMask.read(fnBPMask); if ( (cropSizeX + cropSizeY ) > 0 ) bpMask().selfWindow(cropSizeY,cropSizeX, (int)(YSIZE(bpMask())-cropSizeY-1),(int)(XSIZE(bpMask())-cropSizeX-1)); STARTINGX(bpMask()) = STARTINGY(bpMask()) = 0; } // Setting the image projections list switch (dSource) { case MISTRAL: { inMD.read(fnInput); H5File.getDataset("NXtomo/data/rotation_angle", anglesArray, false); H5File.getDataset("NXtomo/instrument/sample/ExpTimes", expTimeArray, false); H5File.getDataset("NXtomo/instrument/sample/current", cBeamArray); /* In case there is no angles information we set them to to an increasing sequence * just to be able to continue importing data */ if ( anglesArray.size() != inMD.size() ) { reportWarning("Input file does not contains angle information. Default sequence used."); anglesArray.resizeNoCopy(inMD.size()); anglesArray.enumerate(); } // If expTime is empty or only one single value in nexus file then we fill with 1 if (expTimeArray.size() < 2) { reportWarning("Input file does not contains tomogram exposition time information."); expTimeArray.initConstant(anglesArray.size(), 1.); } // If current is empty or only one single value in nexus file then we fill with 1 if (cBeamArray.size() < 2) { reportWarning("Input file does not contains tomogram current beam information."); cBeamArray.initConstant(anglesArray.size(), 1.); } // Since Alba does not provide slit width, we set to ones slitWidthArray.initConstant(anglesArray.size(), 1.); } break; case BESSY: { size_t objId; for (size_t i = tIni; i <= tEnd; ++i) { objId = inMD.addObject(); inMD.setValue(MDL_IMAGE, fnInput + formatString("/img%d.spe", i), objId); } break; } case GENERIC: { // Get Darkfield std::cerr << "Getting darkfield from "+fnInput << " ..." << std::endl; getDarkfield(fnInput, IavgDark); if (XSIZE(IavgDark())!=0) IavgDark.write(fnRoot+"_darkfield.xmp"); std::vector<FileName> listDir; fnInput.getFiles(listDir); size_t objId; for (size_t i = 0; i < listDir.size(); ++i) { if (!listDir[i].hasImageExtension()) continue; objId = inMD.addObject(); inMD.setValue(MDL_IMAGE, fnInput+"/"+listDir[i], objId); } } break; } inMD.findObjects(objIds); size_t nIm = inMD.size(); // Create empty output stack file getImageInfo(inMD, imgInfo); /* Get the flatfield:: We get the FF after the image list because we need the image size to adapt the FF * in case they were already cropped. */ if (!fnFlat.empty()) { std::cout << "Getting flatfield from "+fnFlat << " ..." << std::endl; getFlatfield(fnFlat,IavgFlat); if ( XSIZE(IavgFlat()) != 0 ) { FileName ffName = fnRoot+"_flatfield_avg.xmp"; IavgFlat.write(ffName); fMD.setValue(MDL_IMAGE, ffName, fMD.addObject()); } } createEmptyFile(fnOut, imgInfo.adim.xdim-cropSizeXi-cropSizeXe, imgInfo.adim.ydim-cropSizeYi-cropSizeYe, 1, nIm); // Process images td = new ThreadTaskDistributor(nIm, XMIPP_MAX(1, nIm/30)); tm = new ThreadManager(thrNum, this); std::cerr << "Getting data from " << fnInput << " ...\n"; init_progress_bar(nIm); tm->run(runThread); progress_bar(nIm); // Write Metadata and angles MetaData MDSorted; MDSorted.sort(outMD,MDL_ANGLE_TILT); MDSorted.write("tomo@"+fnRoot + ".xmd"); if ( fMD.size() > 0 ) fMD.write("flatfield@"+fnRoot + ".xmd", MD_APPEND); // We also reference initial and final images at 0 degrees for Mistral tomograms if ( dSource == MISTRAL ) { fMD.clear(); FileName degree0Fn = "NXtomo/instrument/sample/0_degrees_initial_image"; if ( H5File.checkDataset(degree0Fn.c_str())) fMD.setValue(MDL_IMAGE, degree0Fn + "@" + fnInput, fMD.addObject()); degree0Fn = "NXtomo/instrument/sample/0_degrees_final_image"; if ( H5File.checkDataset(degree0Fn.c_str())) fMD.setValue(MDL_IMAGE, degree0Fn + "@" + fnInput, fMD.addObject()); if ( fMD.size() > 0 ) fMD.write("degree0@"+fnRoot + ".xmd", MD_APPEND); } // Write tlt file for IMOD std::ofstream fhTlt; fhTlt.open((fnRoot+".tlt").c_str()); if (!fhTlt) REPORT_ERROR(ERR_IO_NOWRITE,fnRoot+".tlt"); FOR_ALL_OBJECTS_IN_METADATA(MDSorted) { double tilt; MDSorted.getValue(MDL_ANGLE_TILT,tilt,__iter.objId); fhTlt << tilt << std::endl; } fhTlt.close(); delete td; delete tm; }
void ProgVolumePCA::run() { show(); produce_side_info(); const MultidimArray<int> &imask=mask.imask; size_t Nvoxels=imask.sum(); MultidimArray<float> v; v.initZeros(Nvoxels); // Add all volumes to the analyzer FileName fnVol; FOR_ALL_OBJECTS_IN_METADATA(mdVols) { mdVols.getValue(MDL_IMAGE,fnVol,__iter.objId); V.read(fnVol); // Construct vector const MultidimArray<double> &mV=V(); size_t idx=0; FOR_ALL_DIRECT_ELEMENTS_IN_MULTIDIMARRAY(mV) { if (DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(imask,n)) DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(v,idx++)=DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(mV,n); } analyzer.addVector(v); } // Construct PCA basis analyzer.subtractAvg(); analyzer.learnPCABasis(NPCA,100); // Project onto the PCA basis Matrix2D<double> proj; analyzer.projectOnPCABasis(proj); std::vector<double> dimredProj; dimredProj.resize(NPCA); int i=0; FOR_ALL_OBJECTS_IN_METADATA(mdVols) { memcpy(&dimredProj[0],&MAT_ELEM(proj,i,0),NPCA*sizeof(double)); mdVols.setValue(MDL_DIMRED,dimredProj,__iter.objId); i++; } if (fnVolsOut!="") mdVols.write(fnVolsOut); else mdVols.write(fnVols); // Save the basis const MultidimArray<double> &mV=V(); for (int i=NPCA-1; i>=0; --i) { V().initZeros(); size_t idx=0; const MultidimArray<double> &mPCA=analyzer.PCAbasis[i]; FOR_ALL_DIRECT_ELEMENTS_IN_MULTIDIMARRAY(mV) { if (DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(imask,n)) DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(mV,n)=DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(mPCA,idx++); } if (fnBasis!="") V.write(fnBasis,i+1,true,WRITE_OVERWRITE); } // Generate the PCA volumes if (listOfPercentiles.size()>0 && fnOutStack!="" && fnAvgVol!="") { Image<double> Vavg; if (fnAvgVol!="") Vavg.read(fnAvgVol); else Vavg().initZeros(V()); Matrix1D<double> p; proj.toVector(p); Matrix1D<double> psorted=p.sort(); Image<double> Vpca; Vpca()=Vavg(); createEmptyFile(fnOutStack,(int)XSIZE(Vavg()),(int)YSIZE(Vavg()),(int)ZSIZE(Vavg()),listOfPercentiles.size()); std::cout << "listOfPercentiles.size()=" << listOfPercentiles.size() << std::endl; for (size_t i=0; i<listOfPercentiles.size(); i++) { int idx=(int)round(textToFloat(listOfPercentiles[i].c_str())/100.0*VEC_XSIZE(p)); std::cout << "Percentile " << listOfPercentiles[i] << " -> idx=" << idx << " p(idx)=" << psorted(idx) << std::endl; Vpca()+=psorted(idx)*V(); Vpca.write(fnOutStack,i+1,true,WRITE_REPLACE); } } }