/** Filter the log with regular expression string.
 *  @param [in] filename log file name
 *  @param [in] rgEprStr regular expression string
 *  @param [out] filtered_log filtered log string
void log_analysis_tool::run_filter()
    formatter = create_formatter();//formatter used to color the keywords

    // open the file to be analysed
    fstream fs;
    if(!fs.is_open()) cout<<"can not find "<<filename<<endl;

    // processing the file with keyword
    char file_block_buffer[FILE_BUFFER_LENGTH+1];
    bool keep_reading_file = true;
        fs.read(file_block_buffer, FILE_BUFFER_LENGTH);
        file_block_buffer[fs.gcount()] = '\0';

        if (fs.gcount() != FILE_BUFFER_LENGTH)// last block from the file
            keep_reading_file = false;
            file_block_buffer[fs.gcount()] = '\n';
            file_block_buffer[fs.gcount()+1] = '\0';

        int mbNum = - analyse_block_buffer(file_block_buffer);
        fs.seekg(mbNum, fs.cur);

Пример #2
void TestLogger::add_stdout(arc::uint16 verbosity, OutFormat format)
    // safety to ensure two std outs are not defined
        throw arc::test::ex::TestRuntimeError(
                "A standard out test logger has already been defined. "
                "Currently only one standard out test logger is supported."

    m_using_stdout = true;

    // create formatter
    create_formatter(&std::cout, verbosity, format, true);

Пример #3
void TestLogger::add_file_output(
        const arc::str::UTF8String& path,
        arc::uint16 verbosity,
        OutFormat format)
    // open a file stream
    std::ofstream* file_stream = new std::ofstream(path.get_raw());
    // did the stream open ok?
        arc::str::UTF8String error_message;
        error_message << "Failed to open path for logging: " << path;
        throw arc::test::ex::TestRuntimeError(error_message);

    // store the file name and stream
    m_file_streams[path] = file_stream;

    // create a formatter
    create_formatter(file_stream, verbosity, format);