Пример #1
        GtkWidget   *main_tb, *main_vb;
        GtkWidget   *display_hidden_cb;
        GtkTooltips *tooltips = gtk_tooltips_new();
        int pos = 0;

        /* Main vertical box */
        main_vb = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 7);
        gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(main_vb), 5);

        /* Main table */
        main_tb = gtk_table_new(PROTOCOLS_TABLE_ROWS, 1, FALSE);
        gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), main_tb, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
        gtk_table_set_row_spacings(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), 10);
        gtk_table_set_col_spacings(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), 15);
        g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_tb), E_TOOLTIPS_KEY, tooltips);

        /* Show hidden protocol items in packet list */
        display_hidden_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, pos++,
            "Display hidden protocol items:", 
            "Display all hidden protocol items in the packet list.",
        g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), PROTOCOLS_SHOW_HIDDEN_KEY, display_hidden_cb);

        /* Show 'em what we got */

        return main_vb;
Пример #2
	GtkWidget *main_grid, *main_vb;
#ifdef _WIN32
	GtkWidget *console_open_om, *enable_update_cb;
	GtkWidget *fileopen_rb, *fileopen_dir_te, *fileopen_preview_te;
	GtkWidget *recent_files_count_max_te, *recent_df_entries_max_te, *ask_unsaved_cb, *find_wrap_cb;
	GtkWidget *use_pref_save_cb;
	GtkWidget *show_version_om;
	GtkWidget *auto_scroll_cb, *scroll_percent_te;
	GtkWidget *webbrowser_te;
	GtkWidget *save_position_cb, *save_size_cb, *save_maximized_cb;
	GtkWidget *macosx_style_cb;
	GtkWidget *expert_info_eyecandy_cb;

	int        pos = 0;
	char       current_val_str[128];

	/* The columns haven't been changed yet */
	cfile.columns_changed = FALSE;

	/* Main vertical box */
	main_vb = ws_gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 7, FALSE);
	gtk_container_set_border_width( GTK_CONTAINER(main_vb), 5 );

	/* Main grid */
	main_grid = ws_gtk_grid_new();
	gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), main_grid, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
        gtk_widget_set_vexpand(GTK_WIDGET(main_grid), FALSE); /* Ignore VEXPAND requests from children */
	ws_gtk_grid_set_row_spacing(GTK_GRID(main_grid), 10);
	ws_gtk_grid_set_column_spacing(GTK_GRID(main_grid), 15);

	/* Geometry prefs */
	save_position_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_grid, pos++,
	    "Save window position:",
	    "Save the position of the main window.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GEOMETRY_POSITION_KEY, save_position_cb);

	save_size_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_grid, pos++,
	    "Save window size:",
	    "Save the size of the main window.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GEOMETRY_SIZE_KEY, save_size_cb);

	save_maximized_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_grid, pos++,
	    "Save maximized state:",
	    "Save the maximized state of the main window.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GEOMETRY_MAXIMIZED_KEY, save_maximized_cb);

#ifdef _WIN32
	enable_update_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_grid, pos++,
	    "Check for updates:",
	    "Periodically check for new versions of Wireshark.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), ENABLE_UPDATE_KEY, enable_update_cb);

	macosx_style_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_grid, pos++,
	    "Mac OS X style",
	    "Create a Mac OS X look and feel. Checking this box will move the "
	    "menu bar to the top of the screen instead of the top of the Wireshark window. "
	    "Requires a restart of Wireshark to take effect.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), MACOSX_STYLE_KEY, macosx_style_cb);

#ifdef _WIN32
	/* How the console window should be opened */
	console_open_om = create_preference_option_menu(main_grid, pos++,
	    "Open a console window",
	    "Whether to open a console window "
	    "(Automatic will open a console if messages appear).",
	    gui_console_open_vals, prefs.gui_console_open);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_CONSOLE_OPEN_KEY, console_open_om);

	/* Allow user to select where they want the File Open dialog to open to
	 * by default */
	fileopen_rb = create_preference_radio_buttons(main_grid, pos++,
	    "\"File Open\" dialog behavior:",
	    "Which directory the \"File Open\" dialog should start with.",
	    gui_fileopen_vals, prefs.gui_fileopen_style);

	/* Directory to default File Open dialog to */
	fileopen_dir_te = create_preference_entry(main_grid, pos++,
	    "The \"File Open\" dialog defaults always to this directory.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_FILEOPEN_KEY, fileopen_rb);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_FILEOPEN_DIR_KEY, fileopen_dir_te);
	g_signal_connect(fileopen_rb, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(fileopen_selected_cb), main_vb);
	g_signal_connect(fileopen_dir_te, "focus-out-event",
	    G_CALLBACK(fileopen_dir_changed_cb), main_vb);

	/* File Open dialog preview timeout */
	fileopen_preview_te = create_preference_entry(main_grid, pos++,
	    "\"File Open\" preview timeout:",
	    "Reading preview data in the \"File Open\" dialog will be stopped after given seconds.",
	g_snprintf(current_val_str, sizeof(current_val_str), "%d", prefs.gui_fileopen_preview);
	gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(fileopen_preview_te), current_val_str);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_FILEOPEN_PREVIEW_KEY, fileopen_preview_te);
	g_signal_connect(fileopen_preview_te, "focus_out_event", G_CALLBACK(fileopen_preview_changed_cb), main_vb);

	/* Number of recent entries in the display filter list ... */
	recent_df_entries_max_te = create_preference_entry(main_grid, pos++,
	    "Maximum recent filters:",
	    "Maximum number of recent entries in filter display list.",
	g_snprintf(current_val_str, sizeof(current_val_str), "%d", prefs.gui_recent_df_entries_max);
	gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(recent_df_entries_max_te), current_val_str);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_RECENT_DF_ENTRIES_KEY, recent_df_entries_max_te);
	g_signal_connect(recent_df_entries_max_te, "focus_out_event", G_CALLBACK(recent_df_entries_changed_cb), main_vb);

	/* Number of entries in the recent_files list ... */
	recent_files_count_max_te = create_preference_entry(main_grid, pos++,
	    "Maximum recent files:",
	    "Maximum number of entries in the \"File/Open Recent\" list.",
	g_snprintf(current_val_str, sizeof(current_val_str), "%d", prefs.gui_recent_files_count_max);
	gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(recent_files_count_max_te), current_val_str);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_RECENT_FILES_COUNT_KEY, recent_files_count_max_te);
	g_signal_connect(recent_files_count_max_te, "focus_out_event", G_CALLBACK(recent_files_count_changed_cb), main_vb);

	fileopen_selected_cb(NULL, main_vb);

	/* ask for unsaved capture files? */
	ask_unsaved_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_grid, pos++,
	    "Confirm unsaved capture files:",
	    "Whether a dialog should pop up in case of an unsaved capture file.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_ASK_UNSAVED_KEY, ask_unsaved_cb);

	/* do we want to wrap when searching for data? */
	find_wrap_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_grid, pos++,
	    "Wrap to end/beginning of file during a find:",
	    "Whether a search should wrap in a capture file.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_FIND_WRAP_KEY, find_wrap_cb);

	/* show an explicit Save button for settings dialogs (preferences and alike)? */
	use_pref_save_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_grid, pos++,
	    "Settings dialogs show a save button:",
	    "Whether the various settings dialogs (e.g. Preferences) should "
	    "use an explicit save button - for advanced users.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_USE_PREF_SAVE_KEY, use_pref_save_cb);

	/* Show version in welcome and/or title screen */
	show_version_om = create_preference_option_menu(main_grid, pos++,
	    "Welcome screen and title bar shows version",
	    "Whether version should be shown in the start page and/or main screen's title bar.",
	    gui_version_placement_vals, prefs.gui_version_placement);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_SHOW_VERSION_KEY, show_version_om);

	/* Whether to auto scroll when expanding items */
	auto_scroll_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_grid, pos++,
		"Auto scroll on expansion:",
	    "Whether the details view should be automatically scrolled up when expanding an item.",
	    prefs.gui_auto_scroll_on_expand );
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_AUTO_SCROLL_KEY, auto_scroll_cb);

	/* Where to auto scroll to when expanding items */
	scroll_percent_te = create_preference_entry(main_grid, pos++,
		"Auto scroll percentage:",
	    "Where to scroll the expanded item to within the view e.g. 0% = top of view, 50% = center of view.",
	g_snprintf(current_val_str, sizeof(current_val_str), "%d", prefs.gui_auto_scroll_percentage);
	gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(scroll_percent_te), current_val_str);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_SCROLL_PERCENT_KEY, scroll_percent_te);
	g_signal_connect(scroll_percent_te, "focus_out_event", G_CALLBACK(scroll_percent_changed_cb), main_vb);

	/* Webbrowser */
	if (browser_needs_pref()) {
	    webbrowser_te = create_preference_entry(main_grid, pos++,
						    "Web browser command:",
						    "Command line to desired browser.",
	    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(webbrowser_te), prefs.gui_webbrowser);
	    g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_WEBBROWSER_KEY, webbrowser_te);

	/* Enable Expert Infos Dialog Tab Label "eye-candy" */
	expert_info_eyecandy_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_grid, pos++,
	    "Display icons in the Expert Infos dialog tab labels:",
	    "Whether icon images should be displayed in the Expert Infos dialog tab labels.",
	    prefs.gui_expert_composite_eyecandy );
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_EXPERT_EYECANDY_KEY, expert_info_eyecandy_cb);

	/* Show 'em what we got */

Пример #3
	GtkWidget *main_tb, *main_vb;
	GtkWidget *plist_browse_om;
	GtkWidget *ptree_browse_om;
#ifdef _WIN32
	GtkWidget *console_open_om;
	GtkWidget *fileopen_rb, *fileopen_dir_te, *fileopen_preview_te;
	GtkWidget *recent_files_count_max_te, *recent_df_entries_max_te, *ask_unsaved_cb, *find_wrap_cb;
	GtkWidget *use_pref_save_cb;
	GtkWidget *show_version_cb;
	GtkWidget *webbrowser_te;
	GtkWidget *save_position_cb, *save_size_cb, *save_maximized_cb;
	GtkWidget *macosx_style_cb;

	GtkTooltips *tooltips = gtk_tooltips_new();

	int        pos = 0;
	char       current_val_str[128];

	/* The font haven't been changed yet. */
	font_changed = FALSE;

	/* The columns haven't been changed yet */
	cfile.cinfo.columns_changed = FALSE;

	/* Main vertical box */
	main_vb = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 7);
	gtk_container_set_border_width( GTK_CONTAINER(main_vb), 5 );

        /* Main table */
        main_tb = gtk_table_new(GUI_TABLE_ROWS, 2, FALSE);
        gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), main_tb, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
        gtk_table_set_row_spacings(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), 10);
        gtk_table_set_col_spacings(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), 15);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_tb), E_TOOLTIPS_KEY, tooltips);

	/* Packet list selection browseable */
	plist_browse_om = create_preference_option_menu(main_tb, pos++,
	    "Packet list selection mode:", 
	    "Choose to browse or select a packet for detailed dissection.",
	    selection_mode_vals, prefs.gui_plist_sel_browse);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), PLIST_SEL_BROWSE_KEY, plist_browse_om);

	/* Proto tree selection browseable */
	ptree_browse_om = create_preference_option_menu(main_tb, pos++,
	    "Protocol tree selection mode:", 
	    "Choose to browse or select.",
	    selection_mode_vals, prefs.gui_ptree_sel_browse);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), PTREE_SEL_BROWSE_KEY, ptree_browse_om);

	/* Geometry prefs */
	save_position_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, pos++,
	    "Save window position:", 
	    "Whether to save the position of the main window.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GEOMETRY_POSITION_KEY, save_position_cb);

	save_size_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, pos++,
	    "Save window size:", 
	    "Whether to save the size of the main window.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GEOMETRY_SIZE_KEY, save_size_cb);

	save_maximized_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, pos++,
	    "Save maximized state:", 
	    "Whether to save the maximized state of the main window.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GEOMETRY_MAXIMIZED_KEY, save_maximized_cb);

	macosx_style_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, pos++,
	    "Mac OS X style", 
	    "Whether to create a Mac OS X look and feel. Checking this box will move the "
	    "menu bar to the top of the screen instead of the top of the Wireshark window. "
	    "Requires a restart of Wireshark to take effect.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), MACOSX_STYLE_KEY, macosx_style_cb);

#ifdef _WIN32
	/* How the console window should be opened */
	console_open_om = create_preference_option_menu(main_tb, pos++,
	    "Open a console window", 
	    "Whether to open a console window "
	    "(Automatic will open a console if messages appear).",
	    gui_console_open_vals, prefs.gui_console_open);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_CONSOLE_OPEN_KEY, console_open_om);

	/* Allow user to select where they want the File Open dialog to open to
	 * by default */
	fileopen_rb = create_preference_radio_buttons(main_tb, pos++,
	    "\"File Open\" dialog behavior:", 
	    "Which directory the \"File Open\" dialog should start with.", 
	    gui_fileopen_vals, prefs.gui_fileopen_style);

	/* Directory to default File Open dialog to */
	fileopen_dir_te = create_preference_entry(main_tb, pos++, 
	    "The \"File Open\" dialog defaults always to this directory.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_FILEOPEN_KEY, fileopen_rb);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_FILEOPEN_DIR_KEY, fileopen_dir_te);
	g_signal_connect(fileopen_rb, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(fileopen_selected_cb), main_vb);
	g_signal_connect(fileopen_dir_te, "focus-out-event",
	    G_CALLBACK(fileopen_dir_changed_cb), main_vb);

	/* File Open dialog preview timeout */
	fileopen_preview_te = create_preference_entry(main_tb, pos++,
	    "\"File Open\" preview timeout:", 
	    "Reading preview data in the \"File Open\" dialog will be stopped after given seconds.",
	g_snprintf(current_val_str, sizeof(current_val_str), "%d", prefs.gui_fileopen_preview);
	gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(fileopen_preview_te), current_val_str);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_FILEOPEN_PREVIEW_KEY, fileopen_preview_te);
	g_signal_connect(fileopen_preview_te, "focus_out_event", G_CALLBACK(fileopen_preview_changed_cb), main_vb);

	/* Number of recent entries in the display filter list ... */
	recent_df_entries_max_te = create_preference_entry(main_tb, pos++,
	    "Filter display max. list entries:", 
	    "Maximum number of recent entries in filter display list.",
	g_snprintf(current_val_str, sizeof(current_val_str), "%d", prefs.gui_recent_df_entries_max);
	gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(recent_df_entries_max_te), current_val_str);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_RECENT_DF_ENTRIES_KEY, recent_df_entries_max_te);
	g_signal_connect(recent_df_entries_max_te, "focus_out_event", G_CALLBACK(recent_df_entries_changed_cb), main_vb);

	/* Number of entries in the recent_files list ... */
	recent_files_count_max_te = create_preference_entry(main_tb, pos++,
	    "\"Open Recent\" max. list entries:", 
	    "Maximum number of entries in the \"File/Open Recent\" list.",
	g_snprintf(current_val_str, sizeof(current_val_str), "%d", prefs.gui_recent_files_count_max);
	gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(recent_files_count_max_te), current_val_str);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_RECENT_FILES_COUNT_KEY, recent_files_count_max_te);
	g_signal_connect(recent_files_count_max_te, "focus_out_event", G_CALLBACK(recent_files_count_changed_cb), main_vb);

	fileopen_selected_cb(NULL, main_vb);

	/* ask for unsaved capture files? */
	ask_unsaved_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, pos++,
	    "Ask for unsaved capture files:",
	    "Whether a dialog should pop up in case of an unsaved capture file.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_ASK_UNSAVED_KEY, ask_unsaved_cb);

	/* do we want to wrap when searching for data? */
	find_wrap_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, pos++,
	    "Wrap to end/beginning of file during a find:", 
	    "Whether a search should wrap in a capture file.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_FIND_WRAP_KEY, find_wrap_cb);

	/* show an explicit Save button for settings dialogs (preferences and alike)? */
	use_pref_save_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, pos++,
	    "Settings dialogs show a save button:",
	    "Whether the various settings dialogs (e.g. Preferences) should "
	    "use an explicit save button - for advanced users.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_USE_PREF_SAVE_KEY, use_pref_save_cb);

	/* Show version in welcome screen */
	show_version_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, pos++,
	    "Welcome screen shows version:",
	    "Whether version should be shown in the start page or not.",
	    prefs.gui_version_in_start_page );
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_SHOW_VERSION_KEY, show_version_cb);

	/* Webbrowser */
	if (browser_needs_pref()) {
	    webbrowser_te = create_preference_entry(main_tb, pos++, 
                "Web browser command:",
                "Command line to desired browser.",
	    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(webbrowser_te), prefs.gui_webbrowser);
	    g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), GUI_WEBBROWSER_KEY, webbrowser_te);

	/* Show 'em what we got */

Пример #4
	GtkWidget	*main_tb, *main_vb;
	GtkWidget	*if_cbxe, *if_lb, *promisc_cb, *pcap_ng_cb, *sync_cb, *auto_scroll_cb, *show_info_cb;
	GtkWidget	*ifopts_lb, *ifopts_bt;
	GList		*if_list, *combo_list;
	int		err;
	int		row = 0;
	const gchar     *tooltips_text;

	/* Main vertical box */
	main_vb = ws_gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 7, FALSE);
	gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(main_vb), 5);

	/* Main table */
	main_tb = gtk_table_new(CAPTURE_TABLE_ROWS, 2, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), main_tb, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
	gtk_table_set_row_spacings(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), 10);
	gtk_table_set_col_spacings(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), 15);

	/* Default device */
	if_lb = gtk_label_new("Default interface:");
	gtk_table_attach_defaults(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), if_lb, 0, 1, row, row+1);
	gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(if_lb), 1.0f, 0.5f);

	if_cbxe = gtk_combo_box_text_new_with_entry();
	 * XXX - what if we can't get the list?
	if_list = capture_interface_list(&err, NULL);
	combo_list = build_capture_combo_list(if_list, FALSE);
	if (combo_list != NULL) {
		GList *combo_entry;
		for (combo_entry = combo_list; combo_entry != NULL; combo_entry = g_list_next(combo_entry)) {
				 gtk_combo_box_text_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT(if_cbxe), combo_entry->data);
	if (prefs.capture_device) {
	else if (combo_list != NULL) {
		gtk_combo_box_set_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(if_cbxe), 0);

	gtk_table_attach_defaults(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), if_cbxe, 1, 2, row, row+1);
	tooltips_text = "The default interface to be captured from.";
	gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(if_lb, tooltips_text);
	gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(gtk_bin_get_child(GTK_BIN(if_cbxe)), tooltips_text);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), DEVICE_KEY, if_cbxe);

	/* Interface properties */
	ifopts_lb = gtk_label_new("Interfaces:");
	gtk_table_attach_defaults(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), ifopts_lb, 0, 1, row, row+1);
	gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(ifopts_lb), 1.0f, 0.5f);

	ifopts_bt = gtk_button_new_from_stock(WIRESHARK_STOCK_EDIT);
	tooltips_text = "Open a dialog box to set various interface options.";
	gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(ifopts_lb, tooltips_text);
	gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(ifopts_bt, tooltips_text);
	g_signal_connect(ifopts_bt, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(ifopts_edit_cb), NULL);
	gtk_table_attach_defaults(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), ifopts_bt, 1, 2, row, row+1);

	/* Promiscuous mode */
	promisc_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, row++,
	    "Capture packets in promiscuous mode:",
	    "Usually a network card will only capture the traffic sent to its own network address. "
	    "If you want to capture all traffic that the network card can \"see\", mark this option. "
	    "See the FAQ for some more details of capturing packets from a switched network. ",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), PROM_MODE_KEY, promisc_cb);

	/* Pcap-NG format */
	pcap_ng_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, row++,
	    "Capture packets in pcap-ng format:",
	    "Capture packets in the next-generation capture file format.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), PCAP_NG_KEY, pcap_ng_cb);

	/* Real-time capture */
	sync_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, row++,
	    "Update list of packets in real time:",
	    "Update the list of packets while capture is in progress. "
	    "Don't use this option if you notice packet drops.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), CAPTURE_REAL_TIME_KEY, sync_cb);

	/* Auto-scroll real-time capture */
	auto_scroll_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, row++,
	    "Automatic scrolling in live capture:",
	    "Automatic scrolling of the packet list while live capture is in progress. ",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), AUTO_SCROLL_KEY, auto_scroll_cb);

	/* Show capture info dialog */
	show_info_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, row++,
	    "Hide capture info dialog:",
	    "Hide the capture info dialog while capturing. ",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), SHOW_INFO_KEY, show_info_cb);

	/* Show 'em what we got */

Пример #5
	guint		table_row;
	GtkWidget	*main_tb, *main_vb;
	GtkWidget	*m_resolv_cb, *n_resolv_cb, *t_resolv_cb;
#if defined(HAVE_C_ARES) || defined(HAVE_GNU_ADNS)
	GtkWidget	*c_resolv_cb;
	GtkWidget	*resolv_concurrency_te;
	char		concur_str[10+1];
#endif /* HAVE_C_ARES || HAVE_GNU_ADNS */
	GtkWidget	*load_smi_modules_cb, *suppress_smi_errors_cb;
	uat_t *smi_paths_uat;
	uat_t *smi_modules_uat;
	uat_t		*geoip_db_paths_uat;
	 * XXX - it would be nice if the current setting of the resolver
	 * flags could be different from the preference flags, so that
	 * the preference flags would represent what the user *typically*
	 * wants, but they could override them for particular captures
	 * without a subsequent editing of the preferences recording the
	 * temporary settings as permanent preferences.
	prefs.name_resolve = gbl_resolv_flags;

	/* Main vertical box */
	main_vb = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 7);
	gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(main_vb), 5);

	/* Main table */
	main_tb = gtk_table_new(RESOLV_TABLE_ROWS, 3, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), main_tb, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
	gtk_table_set_row_spacings(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), 10);
	gtk_table_set_col_spacings(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), 15);

	/* Resolve MAC addresses */
	table_row = 0;
	m_resolv_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, table_row,
	    "Enable MAC name resolution:", "e.g. Ethernet address to manufacturer name",
	    prefs.name_resolve & RESOLV_MAC);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), M_RESOLVE_KEY, m_resolv_cb);

	/* Resolve network addresses */
	n_resolv_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, table_row,
	    "Enable network name resolution:", "e.g. IP address to DNS name (hostname)",
	    prefs.name_resolve & RESOLV_NETWORK);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), N_RESOLVE_KEY, n_resolv_cb);

	/* Resolve transport addresses */
	t_resolv_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, table_row,
	    "Enable transport name resolution:", "e.g. TCP/UDP port to service name",
	    prefs.name_resolve & RESOLV_TRANSPORT);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), T_RESOLVE_KEY, t_resolv_cb);

#if defined(HAVE_C_ARES) || defined(HAVE_GNU_ADNS)
	/* Enable concurrent (asynchronous) DNS lookups */
	c_resolv_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, table_row,
	    "Enable concurrent DNS name resolution:", "be sure to enable network name resolution",
	    prefs.name_resolve & RESOLV_CONCURRENT);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), C_RESOLVE_KEY, c_resolv_cb);

	/* Max concurrent requests */
	g_snprintf(concur_str, sizeof(concur_str), "%d", prefs.name_resolve_concurrency);
	resolv_concurrency_te = create_preference_entry(main_tb, table_row,
	    "Maximum concurrent requests:", "maximum parallel running DNS requests", concur_str);
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), RESOLVE_CONCURRENCY_KEY, resolv_concurrency_te);

#else /* HAVE_C_ARES || HAVE_GNU_ADNS */
	create_preference_static_text(main_tb, table_row,
	    "Enable concurrent DNS name resolution: N/A",
	    "Support for this feature was not compiled into this version of Wireshark");
#endif /* HAVE_C_ARES || HAVE_GNU_ADNS */
	/* Enable OID resolution */
	load_smi_modules_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, table_row,
		"Enable OID resolution:", "You must restart Wireshark for this change to"
		" take effect. [If True the 'SMI paths' and 'SMI modules' preferences will be shown].",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), LOAD_SMI_MODULES_KEY, load_smi_modules_cb);

	/* Suppress smi errors */
	suppress_smi_errors_cb = create_preference_check_button(main_tb, table_row,
	    "Suppress SMI errors:", "Some errors can be ignored. If unsure, set to false.",
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(main_vb), SUPPRESS_SMI_ERRORS_KEY, suppress_smi_errors_cb);

	/* SMI paths UAT */
	smi_paths_uat = uat_get_table_by_name("SMI Paths");
	if (smi_paths_uat) {
		create_preference_uat(main_tb, table_row,
		    "SMI (MIB and PIB) paths",
                    "Search paths for SMI (MIB and PIB) modules. You must\n"
                    "restart Wireshark for these changes to take effect.",

	/* SMI modules UAT */
	smi_modules_uat = uat_get_table_by_name("SMI Modules");
	if (smi_modules_uat) {
		create_preference_uat(main_tb, table_row,
		    "SMI (MIB and PIB) modules",
                    "List of enabled SMI (MIB and PIB) modules. You must\n"
                    "restart Wireshark for these changes to take effect.",
#else /* HAVE_LIBSMI */
	create_preference_static_text(main_tb, table_row,
	    "SMI (MIB and PIB) modules and paths: N/A",
	    "Support for this feature was not compiled into this version of Wireshark");
	create_preference_static_text(main_tb, table_row,
	    "Enable OID resolution: N/A",
	    "Support for this feature was not compiled into this version of Wireshark");
	create_preference_static_text(main_tb, table_row,
	    "Suppress SMI errors: N/A",
	    "Support for this feature was not compiled into this version of Wireshark");
#endif /* HAVE_LIBSMI */

	/* GeoIP databases http://www.maxmind.com/app/api */
	geoip_db_paths_uat = uat_get_table_by_name("GeoIP Database Paths");

	if (geoip_db_paths_uat) {
		create_preference_uat(main_tb, table_row,
		    "GeoIP database directories",
		    "Search paths for GeoIP address mapping databases.\n"
		    "Wireshark will look in each directory for files beginning\n"
		    "with \"Geo\" and ending with \".dat\".\n"
		    "You must restart Wireshark for these changes to take\n"
#else /* HAVE_GEOIP */
	create_preference_static_text(main_tb, table_row,
	    "GeoIP database search paths: N/A",
	    "Support for this feature was not compiled into this version of Wireshark");
#endif /* HAVE_GEOIP */

	/* Show 'em what we got */
