// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// class to find paths for adventure map
// find some point, any point, which needs to be have a path cleared
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
bool t_combat_obstruction_finder::find_obstruction( t_map_point_2d& result ) 
	// find an obstructed point
	t_potential_creature creature(2);
	t_map_point_2d      point;
	t_map_point_2d      nearby_point;
	int                 row_end;
	t_combat_path_data* ptr;

	point.row = m_data.get_size();
	while (point.row--)
		point.column = m_data.get_row_start( point.row );
		row_end = m_data.get_row_end( point.row );
		ptr = &m_data.get( point );
		while (point.column < row_end)
			if ((ptr->move_cost > 0 || ptr->off_map || ptr->forbidden)
				&& m_battlefield.can_place( creature, point ))
				result = find_closest_point( point );
				if (m_data.get( result ).move_cost > 0)
					return true;
	return false;
Пример #2
    int Creature::main(int argc, char** argv) {
        (void) argc;
        (void) argv;
        BasicCreature creature(1);

        QDomDocument doc;
        QString xml = doc.toString();
        //        std::cout << xml.toStdString() << std::endl;

        QString * error_msg = new QString();
        int* error_line = new int();
        int* error_col = new int();
        doc.setContent(xml, error_msg, error_line, error_col);
        std::cout << "Error: " << error_msg->toStdString() << " at [" << *error_line << " , "
                << *error_col << "]" << std::endl;
        delete error_msg;
        delete error_line;
        delete error_col;

        QDomElement root = doc.firstChild().toElement();
        //        creature.fromXml(root);
        xml = doc.toString();
        std::cout << xml.toStdString() << std::endl;
        return 0;
Пример #3
void Battlelist::init(BattleListEntry_t* pBattleList)
	for (int i = 0; i < CONSTS::BATTLELIST_SIZE; i++)
		if (pBattleList[i].Visible)
			Creature creature(&pBattleList[i], i);

Пример #4
void Map::loadSpawns(const std::string &fileName)
        stdext::throw_exception("cannot load spawns; monsters/nps aren't loaded.");

    TiXmlDocument doc;
        stdext::throw_exception(stdext::format("cannot load spawns xml file '%s: '%s'", fileName, doc.ErrorDesc()));

    TiXmlElement* root = doc.FirstChildElement();
    if(!root || root->ValueStr() != "spawns")
        stdext::throw_exception("malformed spawns file");

    CreatureTypePtr cType(nullptr);
    for(TiXmlElement* node = root->FirstChildElement(); node; node = node->NextSiblingElement()) {
        if(node->ValueTStr() != "spawn")
            stdext::throw_exception("invalid spawn node");

        Position centerPos = node->readPos("center");
        for(TiXmlElement* cNode = node->FirstChildElement(); cNode; cNode = cNode->NextSiblingElement()) {
            if(cNode->ValueStr() != "monster" && cNode->ValueStr() != "npc")
                stdext::throw_exception(stdext::format("invalid spawn-subnode %s", cNode->ValueStr()));

            std::string cName = cNode->Attribute("name");

            if (!(cType = m_creatures.getCreature(cName)))

            CreaturePtr creature(new Creature);


            centerPos.x += cNode->readType<int>("x");
            centerPos.y += cNode->readType<int>("y");
            centerPos.z  = cNode->readType<int>("z");

            addThing(creature, centerPos, 4);
Пример #5
bool map::process_fields_in_submap(game *g, int gridn)
 bool found_field = false;
 field *cur;
 field_id curtype;
 for (int locx = 0; locx < SEEX; locx++) {
  for (int locy = 0; locy < SEEY; locy++) {
   cur = &(grid[gridn].fld[locx][locy]);
   int x = locx + SEEX * (gridn % my_MAPSIZE),
       y = locy + SEEY * int(gridn / my_MAPSIZE);

   curtype = cur->type;
   if (!found_field && curtype != fd_null)
    found_field = true;
   if (cur->density > 3 || cur->density < 1)
    debugmsg("Whoooooa density of %d", cur->density);

  if (cur->age == 0)	// Don't process "newborn" fields
   curtype = fd_null;

  int part;
  vehicle *veh;
  switch (curtype) {

   case fd_null:
    break;	// Do nothing, obviously.  OBVIOUSLY.

   case fd_blood:
   case fd_bile:
    if (has_flag(swimmable, x, y))	// Dissipate faster in water
     cur->age += 250;

   case fd_acid:
    if (has_flag(swimmable, x, y))	// Dissipate faster in water
     cur->age += 20;
    for (int i = 0; i < i_at(x, y).size(); i++) {
     item *melting = &(i_at(x, y)[i]);
     if (melting->made_of(LIQUID) || melting->made_of(VEGGY)   ||
         melting->made_of(FLESH)  || melting->made_of(POWDER)  ||
         melting->made_of(COTTON) || melting->made_of(WOOL)    ||
         melting->made_of(PAPER)  || melting->made_of(PLASTIC) ||
         (melting->made_of(GLASS) && !one_in(3)) || one_in(4)) {
// Acid destructable objects here
      if (melting->damage >= 5 ||
          (melting->made_of(PAPER) && melting->damage >= 3)) {
       cur->age += melting->volume();
       for (int m = 0; m < i_at(x, y)[i].contents.size(); m++)
        i_at(x, y).push_back( i_at(x, y)[i].contents[m] );
       i_at(x, y).erase(i_at(x, y).begin() + i);

   case fd_sap:
    break; // It doesn't do anything.

   case fd_fire: {
// Consume items as fuel to help us grow/last longer.
    bool destroyed = false;
    int vol = 0, smoke = 0, consumed = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < i_at(x, y).size() && consumed < cur->density * 2; i++) {
     destroyed = false;
     vol = i_at(x, y)[i].volume();
     item *it = &(i_at(x, y)[i]);

     if (it->is_ammo() && it->ammo_type() != AT_BATT &&
         it->ammo_type() != AT_NAIL && it->ammo_type() != AT_BB &&
         it->ammo_type() != AT_BOLT && it->ammo_type() != AT_ARROW) {
      cur->age /= 2;
      cur->age -= 600;
      destroyed = true;
      smoke += 6;

     } else if (it->made_of(PAPER)) {
      destroyed = it->burn(cur->density * 3);
      if (cur->density == 1)
       cur->age -= vol * 10;
      if (vol >= 4)

     } else if ((it->made_of(WOOD) || it->made_of(VEGGY))) {
      if (vol <= cur->density * 10 || cur->density == 3) {
       cur->age -= 4;
       destroyed = it->burn(cur->density);
      } else if (it->burnt < cur->density) {
       destroyed = it->burn(1);

     } else if ((it->made_of(COTTON) || it->made_of(WOOL))) {
      if (vol <= cur->density * 5 || cur->density == 3) {
       destroyed = it->burn(cur->density);
      } else if (it->burnt < cur->density) {
       destroyed = it->burn(1);

     } else if (it->made_of(FLESH)) {
      if (vol <= cur->density * 5 || (cur->density == 3 && one_in(vol / 20))) {
       destroyed = it->burn(cur->density);
       smoke += 3;
      } else if (it->burnt < cur->density * 5 || cur->density >= 2) {
       destroyed = it->burn(1);

     } else if (it->made_of(LIQUID)) {
      switch (it->type->id) { // TODO: Make this be not a hack.
       case itm_whiskey:
       case itm_vodka:
       case itm_rum:
       case itm_tequila:
        cur->age -= 300;
        smoke += 6;
        cur->age += rng(80 * vol, 300 * vol);
      destroyed = true;

     } else if (it->made_of(POWDER)) {
      cur->age -= vol;
      destroyed = true;
      smoke += 2;

     } else if (it->made_of(PLASTIC)) {
      smoke += 3;
      if (it->burnt <= cur->density * 2 || (cur->density == 3 && one_in(vol))) {
       destroyed = it->burn(cur->density);
       if (one_in(vol + it->burnt))

     if (destroyed) {
      for (int m = 0; m < i_at(x, y)[i].contents.size(); m++)
       i_at(x, y).push_back( i_at(x, y)[i].contents[m] );
      i_at(x, y).erase(i_at(x, y).begin() + i);

    veh = &(veh_at(x, y, part));
    if (veh->type != veh_null && (veh->parts[part].flags & VHP_FUEL_TANK) && veh->fuel_type == AT_GAS)
        if (cur->density > 1 && one_in (8) && veh->fuel > 0)
            veh->explode (g, x, y);
// Consume the terrain we're on
    if (has_flag(explodes, x, y)) {
     ter(x, y) = ter_id(int(ter(x, y)) + 1);
     cur->age = 0;
     cur->density = 3;
     g->explosion(x, y, 40, 0, true);

    } else if (has_flag(inflammable, x, y) && one_in(32 - cur->density * 10)) {
     cur->age -= cur->density * cur->density * 40;
     smoke += 15;
     if (cur->density == 3)
      ter(x, y) = t_ash;
    } else if (has_flag(flammable,  x, y) && one_in(32 - cur->density * 10)) {
     cur->age -= cur->density * cur->density * 40;
     smoke += 15;
     if (cur->density == 3)
      ter(x, y) = t_rubble;
    } else if (has_flag(meltable,  x, y) && one_in(32 - cur->density * 10)) {
     cur->age -= cur->density * cur->density * 40;
     if (cur->density == 3)
      ter(x, y) = t_b_metal;
    } else if (terlist[ter(x, y)].flags & mfb(swimmable))
     cur->age += 800;	// Flames die quickly on water

// If we consumed a lot, the flames grow higher
    while (cur->density < 3 && cur->age < 0) {
     cur->age += 300;
// If the flames are in a pit, it can't spread to non-pit
    bool in_pit = (ter(x, y) == t_pit);
// If the flames are REALLY big, they contribute to adjacent flames
    if (cur->density == 3 && cur->age < 0) {
// Randomly offset our x/y shifts by 0-2, to randomly pick a square to spread to
     int starti = rng(0, 2);
     int startj = rng(0, 2);
     for (int i = 0; i < 3 && cur->age < 0; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < 3 && cur->age < 0; j++) {
       int fx = x + ((i + starti) % 3) - 1, fy = y + ((j + startj) % 3) - 1;
       if (field_at(fx, fy).type == fd_fire && field_at(fx, fy).density < 3 &&
           (!in_pit || ter(fx, fy) == t_pit)) {
        field_at(fx, fy).density++;
        field_at(fx, fy).age = 0;
        cur->age = 0;
// Consume adjacent fuel / terrain to spread.
// Randomly offset our x/y shifts by 0-2, to randomly pick a square to spread to
    int starti = rng(0, 2);
    int startj = rng(0, 2);
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
     for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
      int fx = x + ((i + starti) % 3) - 1, fy = y + ((j + startj) % 3) - 1;
      if (INBOUNDS(fx, fy)) {
       int spread_chance = 20 * (cur->density - 1) + 10 * smoke;
       if (has_flag(explodes, fx, fy) && one_in(8 - cur->density)) {
        ter(fx, fy) = ter_id(int(ter(fx, fy)) + 1);
        g->explosion(fx, fy, 40, 0, true);
       } else if ((i != 0 || j != 0) && rng(1, 100) < spread_chance &&
                  (!in_pit || ter(fx, fy) == t_pit) &&
                  ((cur->density == 3 &&
                    (has_flag(flammable, fx, fy) || one_in(20))) ||
                   flammable_items_at(fx, fy) ||
                   field_at(fx, fy).type == fd_web)) {
        if (field_at(fx, fy).type == fd_smoke ||
            field_at(fx, fy).type == fd_web)
         field_at(fx, fy) = field(fd_fire, 1, 0);
         add_field(g, fx, fy, fd_fire, 1);
       } else {
        bool nosmoke = true;
        for (int ii = -1; ii <= 1; ii++) {
         for (int jj = -1; jj <= 1; jj++) {
          if (field_at(x+ii, y+jj).type == fd_fire &&
              field_at(x+ii, y+jj).density == 3)
          else if (field_at(x+ii, y+jj).type == fd_smoke)
           nosmoke = false;
// If we're not spreading, maybe we'll stick out some smoke, huh?
        if (move_cost(fx, fy) > 0 &&
            (!one_in(smoke) || (nosmoke && one_in(40))) &&
            rng(3, 35) < cur->density * 10 && cur->age < 1000) {
         add_field(g, fx, fy, fd_smoke, rng(1, cur->density));
   } break;

   case fd_smoke:
    for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
     for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
      g->scent(x+i, y+j) = 0;
    if (is_outside(x, y))
     cur->age += 50;
    if (one_in(2)) {
     std::vector <point> spread;
     for (int a = -1; a <= 1; a++) {
      for (int b = -1; b <= 1; b++) {
       if ((field_at(x+a, y+b).type == fd_smoke &&
             field_at(x+a, y+b).density < 3       ) ||
           (field_at(x+a, y+b).is_null() && move_cost(x+a, y+b) > 0))
        spread.push_back(point(x+a, y+b));
     if (cur->density > 0 && cur->age > 0 && spread.size() > 0) {
      point p = spread[rng(0, spread.size() - 1)];
      if (field_at(p.x, p.y).type == fd_smoke &&
          field_at(p.x, p.y).density < 3) {
        field_at(p.x, p.y).density++;
      } else if (cur->density > 0 && move_cost(p.x, p.y) > 0 &&
                 add_field(g, p.x, p.y, fd_smoke, 1)){
       field_at(p.x, p.y).age = cur->age;

   case fd_tear_gas:
// Reset nearby scents to zero
    for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
     for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
      g->scent(x+i, y+j) = 0;
    if (is_outside(x, y))
     cur->age += 30;
// One in three chance that it spreads (less than smoke!)
    if (one_in(3)) {
     std::vector <point> spread;
// Pick all eligible points to spread to
     for (int a = -1; a <= 1; a++) {
      for (int b = -1; b <= 1; b++) {
       if (((field_at(x+a, y+b).type == fd_smoke ||
             field_at(x+a, y+b).type == fd_tear_gas) &&
             field_at(x+a, y+b).density < 3            )      ||
           (field_at(x+a, y+b).is_null() && move_cost(x+a, y+b) > 0))
        spread.push_back(point(x+a, y+b));
// Then, spread to a nearby point
     if (cur->density > 0 && cur->age > 0 && spread.size() > 0) {
      point p = spread[rng(0, spread.size() - 1)];
// Nearby teargas grows thicker
      if (field_at(p.x, p.y).type == fd_tear_gas &&
          field_at(p.x, p.y).density < 3) {
        field_at(p.x, p.y).density++;
// Nearby smoke is converted into teargas
      } else if (field_at(p.x, p.y).type == fd_smoke) {
       field_at(p.x, p.y).type = fd_tear_gas;
// Or, just create a new field.
      } else if (cur->density > 0 && move_cost(p.x, p.y) > 0 &&
                 add_field(g, p.x, p.y, fd_tear_gas, 1)) {
       field_at(p.x, p.y).age = cur->age;

   case fd_toxic_gas:
// Reset nearby scents to zero
    for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
     for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
      g->scent(x+i, y+j) = 0;
    if (is_outside(x, y))
     cur->age += 40;
    if (one_in(2)) {
     std::vector <point> spread;
// Pick all eligible points to spread to
     for (int a = -1; a <= 1; a++) {
      for (int b = -1; b <= 1; b++) {
       if (((field_at(x+a, y+b).type == fd_smoke ||
             field_at(x+a, y+b).type == fd_tear_gas ||
             field_at(x+a, y+b).type == fd_toxic_gas ||
             field_at(x+a, y+b).type == fd_nuke_gas   ) &&
             field_at(x+a, y+b).density < 3            )      ||
           (field_at(x+a, y+b).is_null() && move_cost(x+a, y+b) > 0))
        spread.push_back(point(x+a, y+b));
// Then, spread to a nearby point
     if (cur->density > 0 && cur->age > 0 && spread.size() > 0) {
      point p = spread[rng(0, spread.size() - 1)];
// Nearby toxic gas grows thicker
      if (field_at(p.x, p.y).type == fd_toxic_gas &&
          field_at(p.x, p.y).density < 3) {
        field_at(p.x, p.y).density++;
// Nearby smoke & teargas is converted into toxic gas
      } else if (field_at(p.x, p.y).type == fd_smoke ||
                 field_at(p.x, p.y).type == fd_tear_gas) {
       field_at(p.x, p.y).type = fd_toxic_gas;
// Or, just create a new field.
      } else if (cur->density > 0 && move_cost(p.x, p.y) > 0 &&
                 add_field(g, p.x, p.y, fd_toxic_gas, 1)) {
       field_at(p.x, p.y).age = cur->age;

   case fd_nuke_gas:
// Reset nearby scents to zero
    for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
     for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
      g->scent(x+i, y+j) = 0;
    if (is_outside(x, y))
     cur->age += 40;
// Increase long-term radiation in the land underneath
    radiation(x, y) += rng(0, cur->density);
    if (one_in(2)) {
     std::vector <point> spread;
// Pick all eligible points to spread to
     for (int a = -1; a <= 1; a++) {
      for (int b = -1; b <= 1; b++) {
       if (((field_at(x+a, y+b).type == fd_smoke ||
             field_at(x+a, y+b).type == fd_tear_gas ||
             field_at(x+a, y+b).type == fd_toxic_gas ||
             field_at(x+a, y+b).type == fd_nuke_gas   ) &&
             field_at(x+a, y+b).density < 3            )      ||
           (field_at(x+a, y+b).is_null() && move_cost(x+a, y+b) > 0))
        spread.push_back(point(x+a, y+b));
// Then, spread to a nearby point
     if (cur->density > 0 && cur->age > 0 && spread.size() > 0) {
      point p = spread[rng(0, spread.size() - 1)];
// Nearby nukegas grows thicker
      if (field_at(p.x, p.y).type == fd_nuke_gas &&
          field_at(p.x, p.y).density < 3) {
        field_at(p.x, p.y).density++;
// Nearby smoke, tear, and toxic gas is converted into nukegas
      } else if (field_at(p.x, p.y).type == fd_smoke ||
                 field_at(p.x, p.y).type == fd_toxic_gas ||
                 field_at(p.x, p.y).type == fd_tear_gas) {
       field_at(p.x, p.y).type = fd_nuke_gas;
// Or, just create a new field.
      } else if (cur->density > 0 && move_cost(p.x, p.y) > 0 &&
                 add_field(g, p.x, p.y, fd_nuke_gas, 1)) {
       field_at(p.x, p.y).age = cur->age;

   case fd_gas_vent:
    for (int i = x - 1; i <= x + 1; i++) {
     for (int j = y - 1; j <= y + 1; j++) {
      if (field_at(i, j).type == fd_toxic_gas && field_at(i, j).density < 3)
       field_at(i, j).density++;
       add_field(g, i, j, fd_toxic_gas, 3);

   case fd_fire_vent:
    if (cur->density > 1) {
     if (one_in(3))
    } else {
     cur->type = fd_flame_burst;
     cur->density = 3;

   case fd_flame_burst:
    if (cur->density > 1)
    else {
     cur->type = fd_fire_vent;
     cur->density = 3;

   case fd_electricity:
    if (!one_in(5)) {	// 4 in 5 chance to spread
     std::vector<point> valid;
     if (move_cost(x, y) == 0 && cur->density > 1) { // We're grounded
      int tries = 0;
      while (tries < 10 && cur->age < 50) {
       int cx = x + rng(-1, 1), cy = y + rng(-1, 1);
       if (move_cost(cx, cy) != 0 && field_at(cx, cy).is_null()) {
        add_field(g, cx, cy, fd_electricity, 1);
        tries = 0;
       } else
     } else {	// We're not grounded; attempt to ground
      for (int a = -1; a <= 1; a++) {
       for (int b = -1; b <= 1; b++) {
        if (move_cost(x + a, y + b) == 0 && // Grounded tiles first
            field_at(x + a, y + b).is_null())
         valid.push_back(point(x + a, y + b));
      if (valid.size() == 0) {	// Spread to adjacent space, then
       int px = x + rng(-1, 1), py = y + rng(-1, 1);
       if (move_cost(px, py) > 0 && field_at(px, py).type == fd_electricity &&
           field_at(px, py).density < 3)
        field_at(px, py).density++;
       else if (move_cost(px, py) > 0)
        add_field(g, px, py, fd_electricity, 1);
      while (valid.size() > 0 && cur->density > 0) {
       int index = rng(0, valid.size() - 1);
       add_field(g, valid[index].x, valid[index].y, fd_electricity, 1);
       valid.erase(valid.begin() + index);

   case fd_fatigue:
    if (cur->density < 3 && int(g->turn) % 3600 == 0 && one_in(10))
    else if (cur->density == 3 && one_in(600)) { // Spawn nether creature!
     mon_id type = mon_id(rng(mon_flying_polyp, mon_blank));
     monster creature(g->mtypes[type]);
     creature.spawn(x + rng(-3, 3), y + rng(-3, 3));

   if (fieldlist[cur->type].halflife > 0) {
    if (cur->age > 0 &&
        dice(3, cur->age) > dice(3, fieldlist[cur->type].halflife)) {
     cur->age = 0;
    if (cur->density <= 0) { // Totally dissapated.
     grid[gridn].fld[locx][locy] = field();
 return found_field;
Пример #6
int main(int /*argc*/, char* /*argv*/[])

    CLOG_DEBUG("starting crawler");

    Input input;
    Renderer r;

    auto& simulator = Simulator::get();
    auto& windowManager = WindowManager::get();

    WorldSharedPtr world(new World());
    // Possibility: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096...

    HeroSharedPtr hero(new Hero());

    CharacterTemplateSharedPtrs creatureTemplates;

    int worldArea = world->getWidth() * world->getHeight();

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        ObjectSharedPtr room = RoomFactory::create(RoomTemplates::INN());

    float creatureDensity = 100 / (float)(64*64);
    int numCreature = (int)(worldArea * creatureDensity);
    for (int i = 0; i < numCreature; i++)
        int idx = Math::ceilRandom(creatureTemplates.size());
        ObjectSharedPtr creature(CharacterFactory::create(creatureTemplates[idx]));

    float chestDensity = 2 / (float)(64*64);
    int numChest = (int)(worldArea * chestDensity);
    for (int i = 0; i < numChest; i++)
        ObjectSharedPtr chest(ChestFactory::create());

    Debugger& debugger = Debugger::get();

    Timer timer;
    while (!input.quit())
        float dt = timer.elapsed();



        // control camera around hero
        int centerX = hero->getX() - r.getWidth() / 2;
        int centerY = hero->getY() - r.getHeight() / 2;
          int ox = r.getOriginX();
          int oy = r.getOriginY();
          int errX = (int)fabs((float)centerX - ox) - r.getWidth() / 6;
          int errY = (int)fabs((float)centerY - oy) - r.getHeight() / 6;
          if (errX > 0)
          ox += (centerX > ox) ? errX : -errX;

          if (errY > 0)
          oy += (centerY > oy) ? errY : -errY;

          r.setOrigin(ox, oy);
        r.setOrigin(centerX, centerY, hero->getZ());


        int sleepTime = (int)(33333.3f - timer.elapsed() * 1000000.0f);
        if (sleepTime > 0)

    return 0;
Пример #7
bool map::process_fields(game *g)
 bool found_field = false;
 field *cur;
 field_id curtype;
 for (int x = 0; x < SEEX * 3; x++) {
  for (int y = 0; y < SEEY * 3; y++) {
   cur = &field_at(x, y);
   curtype = cur->type;
   if (!found_field && curtype != fd_null)
    found_field = true;
   if (cur->density > 3)
    debugmsg("Whoooooa density of %d", cur->density);

  if (cur->age == 0)	// Don't process "newborn" fields
   curtype = fd_null;

  switch (curtype) {

   case fd_null:
    break;	// Do nothing, obviously.  OBVIOUSLY.

   case fd_blood:
   case fd_bile:
    if (has_flag(swimmable, x, y))	// Dissipate faster in water
     cur->age += 250;

   case fd_acid:
    if (has_flag(swimmable, x, y))	// Dissipate faster in water
     cur->age += 20;
    for (int i = 0; i < i_at(x, y).size(); i++) {
     item *melting = &(i_at(x, y)[i]);
     if (melting->made_of(LIQUID) || melting->made_of(VEGGY)   ||
         melting->made_of(FLESH)  || melting->made_of(POWDER)  ||
         melting->made_of(COTTON) || melting->made_of(WOOL)    ||
         melting->made_of(PAPER)  || melting->made_of(PLASTIC) ||
         (melting->made_of(GLASS) && !one_in(3)) || one_in(4)) {
// Acid destructable objects here
      if (melting->damage >= 5 ||
          (melting->made_of(PAPER) && melting->damage >= 3)) {
       cur->age += melting->volume();
       for (int m = 0; m < i_at(x, y)[i].contents.size(); m++)
        i_at(x, y).push_back( i_at(x, y)[i].contents[m] );
       i_at(x, y).erase(i_at(x, y).begin() + i);

   case fd_fire:
// Consume items as fuel to help us grow/last longer.
    bool destroyed;
    int vol;
    for (int i = 0; i < i_at(x, y).size(); i++) {
     destroyed = false;
     vol = i_at(x, y)[i].volume();
     if (i_at(x, y)[i].is_ammo()) {
      cur->age /= 2;
      cur->age -= 300;
      destroyed = true;
     } else if (i_at(x, y)[i].made_of(PAPER)) {
      cur->age -= vol * 10;
      destroyed = true;
     } else if ((i_at(x, y)[i].made_of(WOOD) || i_at(x, y)[i].made_of(VEGGY)) &&
                (vol <= cur->density*10-(cur->age>0 ? rng(0,cur->age/10) : 0) ||
                 cur->density == 3)) {
      cur->age -= vol * 10;
      destroyed = true;
     } else if ((i_at(x, y)[i].made_of(COTTON) || i_at(x, y)[i].made_of(FLESH)||
                 i_at(x, y)[i].made_of(WOOL)) &&
                (vol <= cur->density*2 || (cur->density == 3 && one_in(vol)))) {
      cur->age -= vol * 5;
      destroyed = true;
     } else if (i_at(x, y)[i].made_of(LIQUID) || i_at(x, y)[i].made_of(POWDER)||
                i_at(x, y)[i].made_of(PLASTIC)||
                (cur->density >= 2 && i_at(x, y)[i].made_of(GLASS)) ||
                (cur->density == 3 && i_at(x, y)[i].made_of(IRON))) {
      switch (i_at(x, y)[i].type->id) { // TODO: Make this be not a hack.
       case itm_whiskey:
       case itm_vodka:
       case itm_rum:
       case itm_tequila:
        cur->age -= 220;
      destroyed = true;
     if (destroyed) {
      for (int m = 0; m < i_at(x, y)[i].contents.size(); m++)
       i_at(x, y).push_back( i_at(x, y)[i].contents[m] );
      i_at(x, y).erase(i_at(x, y).begin() + i);
// Consume the terrain we're on
    if (terlist[ter(x, y)].flags & mfb(flammable) && one_in(8 - cur->density)) {
     cur->age -= cur->density * cur->density * 40;
     if (cur->density == 3)
      ter(x, y) = t_rubble;
    } else if (terlist[ter(x, y)].flags & mfb(explodes)) {
     ter(x, y) = ter_id(int(ter(x, y)) + 1);
     cur->age = 0;
     cur->density = 3;
     g->explosion(x, y, 40, 0, true);
    } else if (terlist[ter(x, y)].flags & mfb(swimmable))
     cur->age += 800;	// Flames die quickly on water
// If we consumed a lot, the flames grow higher
    while (cur->density < 3 && cur->age < 0) {
     cur->age += 300;
// If the flames are REALLY big, they contribute to adjacent flames
    if (cur->density == 3 && cur->age < 0) {
// If the flames are in a pit, it can't spread to non-pit
     bool in_pit = (ter(x, y) == t_pit);
// Randomly offset our x/y shifts by 0-2, to randomly pick a square to spread to
     int starti = rng(0, 2);
     int startj = rng(0, 2);
     for (int i = 0; i < 3 && cur->age < 0; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < 3 && cur->age < 0; j++) {
       if (field_at(x+((i+starti)%3), y+((j+startj)%3)).type == fd_fire &&
           field_at(x+((i+starti)%3), y+((j+startj)%3)).density < 3 &&
           (!in_pit || ter(x+((i+starti)%3), y+((j+startj)%3)) == t_pit)) {
        field_at(x+((i+starti)%3), y+((j+startj)%3)).density++; 
        field_at(x+((i+starti)%3), y+((j+startj)%3)).age = 0;
        cur->age = 0;
// Consume adjacent fuel / terrain to spread.
    for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
     for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
      if (x+i >= 0 && y+j >= 0 && x+i < SEEX * 3 && y+j <= SEEY * 3) {
       if (has_flag(explodes, x + i, y + j) && one_in(8 - cur->density)) {
        ter(x + i, y + i) = ter_id(int(ter(x + i, y + i)) + 1);
        g->explosion(x+i, y+j, 40, 0, true);
       } else if ((i != 0 || j != 0) && (i_at(x+i, y+j).size() > 0 ||
                  rng(15, 120) < cur->density * 10)) {
        if (field_at(x+i, y+j).type == fd_smoke)
         field_at(x+i, y+j) = field(fd_fire, 1, 0);
// Fire in pits can only spread to adjacent pits
        else if (ter(x, y) != t_pit || ter(x + i, y + j) == t_pit)
         add_field(g, x+i, y+j, fd_fire, 1);
// If we're not spreading, maybe we'll stick out some smoke, huh?
       } else if (move_cost(x+i, y+j) > 0 &&
                  rng(7, 40) < cur->density * 10 && cur->age < 1000) {
        add_field(g, x+i, y+j, fd_smoke, rng(1, cur->density));
   case fd_smoke:
    for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
     for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
      g->scent(x+i, y+j) = 0;
    if (is_outside(x, y))
     cur->age += 50;
    if (one_in(2)) {
     std::vector <point> spread;
     for (int a = -1; a <= 1; a++) {
      for (int b = -1; b <= 1; b++) {
       if ((field_at(x+a, y+b).type == fd_smoke &&
             field_at(x+a, y+b).density < 3)      ||
           (field_at(x+a, y+b).is_null() && move_cost(x+a, y+b) > 0))
        spread.push_back(point(x+a, y+b));
     if (cur->density > 0 && cur->age > 0 && spread.size() > 0) {
      point p = spread[rng(0, spread.size() - 1)];
      if (field_at(p.x, p.y).type == fd_smoke &&
          field_at(p.x, p.y).density < 3) {
        field_at(p.x, p.y).density++;
      } else if (cur->density > 0 && move_cost(p.x, p.y) > 0 &&
                 add_field(g, p.x, p.y, fd_smoke, 1)){
       field_at(p.x, p.y).age = cur->age;

   case fd_tear_gas:
// Reset nearby scents to zero
    for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
     for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
      g->scent(x+i, y+j) = 0;
    if (is_outside(x, y))
     cur->age += 30;
// One in three chance that it spreads (less than smoke!)
    if (one_in(3)) {
     std::vector <point> spread;
// Pick all eligible points to spread to
     for (int a = -1; a <= 1; a++) {
      for (int b = -1; b <= 1; b++) {
       if (((field_at(x+a, y+b).type == fd_smoke ||
             field_at(x+a, y+b).type == fd_tear_gas) &&
             field_at(x+a, y+b).density < 3            )      ||
           (field_at(x+a, y+b).is_null() && move_cost(x+a, y+b) > 0))
        spread.push_back(point(x+a, y+b));
// Then, spread to a nearby point
     if (cur->density > 0 && cur->age > 0 && spread.size() > 0) {
      point p = spread[rng(0, spread.size() - 1)];
// Nearby teargas grows thicker
      if (field_at(p.x, p.y).type == fd_tear_gas &&
          field_at(p.x, p.y).density < 3) {
        field_at(p.x, p.y).density++;
// Nearby smoke is converted into teargas
      } else if (field_at(p.x, p.y).type == fd_smoke) {
       field_at(p.x, p.y).type = fd_tear_gas;
// Or, just create a new field.
      } else if (cur->density > 0 && move_cost(p.x, p.y) > 0 &&
                 add_field(g, p.x, p.y, fd_tear_gas, 1)) {
       field_at(p.x, p.y).age = cur->age;

   case fd_nuke_gas:
// Reset nearby scents to zero
    for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
     for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
      g->scent(x+i, y+j) = 0;
    if (is_outside(x, y))
     cur->age += 40;
// Increase long-term radiation in the land underneath
    radiation(x, y) += rng(0, cur->density);
    if (one_in(2)) {
     std::vector <point> spread;
// Pick all eligible points to spread to
     for (int a = -1; a <= 1; a++) {
      for (int b = -1; b <= 1; b++) {
       if (((field_at(x+a, y+b).type == fd_smoke ||
             field_at(x+a, y+b).type == fd_tear_gas ||
             field_at(x+a, y+b).type == fd_nuke_gas   ) &&
             field_at(x+a, y+b).density < 3            )      ||
           (field_at(x+a, y+b).is_null() && move_cost(x+a, y+b) > 0))
        spread.push_back(point(x+a, y+b));
// Then, spread to a nearby point
     if (cur->density > 0 && cur->age > 0 && spread.size() > 0) {
      point p = spread[rng(0, spread.size() - 1)];
// Nearby nukegas grows thicker
      if (field_at(p.x, p.y).type == fd_nuke_gas &&
          field_at(p.x, p.y).density < 3) {
        field_at(p.x, p.y).density++;
// Nearby smoke & teargas is converted into nukegas
      } else if (field_at(p.x, p.y).type == fd_smoke ||
                 field_at(p.x, p.y).type == fd_tear_gas) {
       field_at(p.x, p.y).type = fd_nuke_gas;
// Or, just create a new field.
      } else if (cur->density > 0 && move_cost(p.x, p.y) > 0 &&
                 add_field(g, p.x, p.y, fd_nuke_gas, 1)) {
       field_at(p.x, p.y).age = cur->age;

   case fd_electricity:
    if (!one_in(5)) {	// 4 in 5 chance to spread
     std::vector<point> valid;
     if (move_cost(x, y) == 0 && cur->density > 1) { // We're grounded
      int tries = 0;
      while (tries < 10 && cur->age < 50) {
       int cx = x + rng(-1, 1), cy = y + rng(-1, 1);
       if (move_cost(cx, cy) != 0 && field_at(cx, cy).is_null()) {
        add_field(g, cx, cy, fd_electricity, 1);
        tries = 0;
       } else
     } else {	// We're not grounded; attempt to ground
      for (int a = -1; a <= 1; a++) {
       for (int b = -1; b <= 1; b++) {
        if (move_cost(x + a, y + b) == 0 && // Grounded tiles first
            field_at(x + a, y + b).is_null())
         valid.push_back(point(x + a, y + b));
      if (valid.size() == 0) {	// Spread to adjacent space, then
       int px = x + rng(-1, 1), py = y + rng(-1, 1);
       if (move_cost(px, py) > 0 && field_at(px, py).type == fd_electricity &&
           field_at(px, py).density < 3)
        field_at(px, py).density++;
       else if (move_cost(px, py) > 0)
        add_field(g, px, py, fd_electricity, 1);
      while (valid.size() > 0 && cur->density > 0) {
       int index = rng(0, valid.size() - 1);
       add_field(g, valid[index].x, valid[index].y, fd_electricity, 1);
       valid.erase(valid.begin() + index);

   case fd_fatigue:
    if (cur->density < 3 && g->turn % 3600 == 0 && one_in(10))
    else if (cur->density == 3 && one_in(3600)) { // Spawn nether creature!
     mon_id type = mon_id(rng(mon_flying_polyp, mon_blank));
     monster creature(g->mtypes[type]);
     creature.spawn(x + rng(-3, 3), y + rng(-3, 3));
   if (fieldlist[cur->type].halflife > 0) {
    if (cur->age > 0 &&
        dice(3, cur->age) > dice(3, fieldlist[cur->type].halflife)) {
     cur->age = 0;
    if (cur->density <= 0) // Totally dissapated.
     field_at(x, y) = field();
 return found_field;
int WWD(int argc,char** argv){
	HANDLE *handles =new HANDLE[numCores];

	const int temp[] = {
		295,195,95,	//main box: h,w,d
		1,		//1 box attached
		1,/*Joint type*/		50,50,5,/*preXYS*/		50,50,4,/*postXYS*/	45,45,45,/*DofXYZ*/ //Create joint
		295,195,95,	//attached box: h,w,d
		//NN-Effector0-layer 0
		1,	2,10,0,1,100,100,	//2-in-node: f=interpolate, in0=0,in1=1,w0=100,w1=100
		0,	2,0,0,0,0,100,		//2-in-node: f=sum,in0=0,in1=1,w0=0,w1=100 (just sends in1 through unchanged) - No more nodes
		1,0,1,	//NN-Effector: use outputs O0=1,O1=0,O2=1
		0,		//no attached boxes
		//NN-main-layer 0	(sensors not implemented yet)
		1,	0,30,			//constant node 30
		1,	0,62,			//constant node 62
		2,	0,125,			//constant node 125 - change layer
		//NN-main-layer 1
		1,	2,0,0,1,50,23,	//2-in-node: f=sum in0=0 in1=1 w0=50 w1=23
		2,	1,12,2,5,		//1-in node: f=cos in0=2 w0=5 - change layer
		//NN-main-layer 2
		1,	2,1,0,1,1,200,	//2-in node: f=product in0=0 in1=1, w0=1 w1=200
		0,	2,0,0,1,1,1		//2-in node: f=sum in0=0 in1=1, w0=1 w1=1 - No more nodes
	int size = sizeof( temp ) / sizeof ( *temp );
	std::vector<int> ancestor (temp, temp+size);

	std::vector<creature>* creatures = new std::vector<creature>();

	//Creates one ancestor and the rest is mutation of the ancestor
	for(int i=1; i<populationSize;i++){

	for(int i=0;i<nrOfGenerations;i++){
		//#pragma omp parallel
			//run simulator
			//#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
			for(int j =0; j<populationSize; j++){
				//init world
				Physics* WWDPhysics = new Physics();

				//init creature

				//run sim
				creatures->at(j).fitness = WWDPhysics->getFitness();
				creatures->at(j).treePointer = getMTree(&creatures->at(j).dna);
				delete WWDPhysics;

			for(int j =0; j<numCores; j++){
			handles[j] = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(0, 0, &threadSim,(void*) j, 0, 0);

			WaitForMultipleObjects(numCores, handles, true,INFINITE);

			for(int j =0; j<numCores; j++){
			} */

			//print all unsorted
			/*for(int j=0;j< (int) worlds.size();j++){
			printf("nr %d %f\n",j,worlds.at(j)->getFitness());

			//#pragma omp single nowait
			evolve(creatures); //Evolve cleans up the MTrees so no need for that here
			//print survivors sorted

			//#pragma omp for ordered
			for(int j=0;j< (int) (creatures->size()/5.f);j++){
#ifdef _DEBUG
				printf("nr %d %f\n",j,creatures->at(j).fitness);
			//#pragma omp for ordered
#ifdef _DEBUG
			printf("round %d \n",i);

	for (int i = 0; i < (int) creatures->at(0).dna.size(); i++){
#ifdef _DEBUG
		printf("%d,", creatures->at(0).dna.at(i));

	//Show end result if we want to...
	Physics* WWDPhysics = new Physics();
	//init creature
	//default glut doesn't return from mainloop

#ifdef _DEBUG
	printf("\nPress enter to continue\n");
	return glutmain(argc, argv,1024,600,"Walking with dinosaurs",WWDPhysics);
Пример #9
Creature *CharacterGenerationInfo::getCharacter() const {
	Common::ScopedPtr<Creature> creature(new Creature());

	return creature.release();