Пример #1
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  REDIS redis;
  REDIS_INFO info;
  int rc;

  redis = credis_connect(NULL, 9999, 10000);
  if (redis == NULL) {
    printf("Error connecting to Redis server. Please start server to run tests.\n");

  printf("Testing a number of credis functions. To perform a simplistic set-command\n"\
         "benchmark, run: `%s <num>' where <num> is the number\n"\
         "of set-commands to send.\n\n", argv[0]);

  printf("\n\n************* misc info ************************************ \n");

  rc = credis_ping(redis);
  printf("ping returned: %d\n", rc);

  rc = credis_info(redis, &info);
  printf("info returned %d\n", rc);
  printf("> redis_version: %s\n", info.redis_version);
  printf("> arch_bits: %d\n", info.arch_bits);
  printf("> multiplexing_api: %s\n", info.multiplexing_api);
  printf("> process_id: %ld\n", info.process_id);
  printf("> uptime_in_seconds: %ld\n", info.uptime_in_seconds);
  printf("> uptime_in_days: %ld\n", info.uptime_in_days);
  printf("> connected_clients: %d\n", info.connected_clients);
  printf("> connected_slaves: %d\n", info.connected_slaves);
  printf("> blocked_clients: %d\n", info.blocked_clients);
  printf("> used_memory: %zu\n", info.used_memory);
  printf("> used_memory_human: %s\n", info.used_memory_human);
  printf("> changes_since_last_save: %lld\n", info.changes_since_last_save);
  printf("> bgsave_in_progress: %d\n", info.bgsave_in_progress);
  printf("> last_save_time: %ld\n", info.last_save_time);
  printf("> bgrewriteaof_in_progress: %d\n", info.bgrewriteaof_in_progress);
  printf("> total_connections_received: %lld\n", info.total_connections_received);
  printf("> total_commands_processed: %lld\n", info.total_commands_processed);
  printf("> expired_keys: %lld\n", info.expired_keys);
  printf("> hash_max_zipmap_entries: %zu\n", info.hash_max_zipmap_entries);
  printf("> hash_max_zipmap_value: %zu\n", info.hash_max_zipmap_value);
  printf("> pubsub_channels: %ld\n", info.pubsub_channels);
  printf("> pubsub_patterns: %u\n", info.pubsub_patterns);
  printf("> vm_enabled: %d\n", info.vm_enabled);
  printf("> role: %d\n", info.role);

  printf("\n\n************* sets ************************************ \n");

  rc = credis_sadd(redis, "fruits", "banana");
  printf("sadd returned: %d\n", rc);

  rc = credis_sadd(redis, "fruits", "apple");
  printf("sadd returned: %d\n", rc);


  return 0;
Пример #2
int CRedisClient::printInfo()
  REDIS_INFO info;

  if (not mRedisCon)
    return 0; // failure

  if (credis_info(mRedisCon, &info) != 0) {
    PRT_ERR2("No answer from Redis server %s:%d", mHostName.c_str(), mPort);
    return 0; // failure

  printf("REDIS Information: \n"                   \
         "  version: %s\n"                         \
         "  uptime in seconds: %d\n"               \
         "  uptime in days: %d\n"                  \
         "  connected clients: %d\n"               \
         "  connected slaves: %d\n"                \
         "  used memory: %u\n"                     \
         "  changes since last save: %lld\n"       \
         "  bgsave in progress: %d\n"              \
         "  last save time: %d\n"                  \
         "  total connections received: %lld\n"    \
         "  total commands processed: %lld\n"      \
         "  role: %d\n",
  return 1; // success
Пример #3
static int redis_read (void) /* {{{ */
  redis_node_t *rn;

  for (rn = nodes_head; rn != NULL; rn = rn->next)
    REDIS rh;
    REDIS_INFO info;

    int status;

    DEBUG ("redis plugin: querying info from node `%s' (%s:%d).", rn->name, rn->host, rn->port);

    rh = credis_connect (rn->host, rn->port, rn->timeout);
    if (rh == NULL)
      ERROR ("redis plugin: unable to connect to node `%s' (%s:%d).", rn->name, rn->host, rn->port);

    if (strlen (rn->passwd) > 0)
      DEBUG ("redis plugin: authenticanting node `%s' passwd(%s).", rn->name, rn->passwd);
      status = credis_auth(rh, rn->passwd);
      if (status != 0)
        WARNING ("redis plugin: unable to authenticate on node `%s'.", rn->name);
        credis_close (rh);

    memset (&info, 0, sizeof (info));
    status = credis_info (rh, &info);
    if (status != 0)
      WARNING ("redis plugin: unable to get info from node `%s'.", rn->name);
      credis_close (rh);

    /* typedef struct _cr_info {
     *   char redis_version[CREDIS_VERSION_STRING_SIZE];
     *   int bgsave_in_progress;
     *   int connected_clients;
     *   int connected_slaves;
     *   unsigned int used_memory;
     *   long long changes_since_last_save;
     *   int last_save_time;
     *   long long total_connections_received;
     *   long long total_commands_processed;
     *   int uptime_in_seconds;
     *   int uptime_in_days;
     *   int role;
     * } REDIS_INFO; */

    DEBUG ("redis plugin: received info from node `%s': connected_clients = %d; "
        "connected_slaves = %d; used_memory = %lu; changes_since_last_save = %lld; "
        "bgsave_in_progress = %d; total_connections_received = %lld; "
        "total_commands_processed = %lld; uptime_in_seconds = %ld", rn->name,
        info.connected_clients, info.connected_slaves, info.used_memory,
        info.changes_since_last_save, info.bgsave_in_progress,
        info.total_connections_received, info.total_commands_processed,

    redis_submit_g (rn->name, "current_connections", "clients", info.connected_clients);
    redis_submit_g (rn->name, "current_connections", "slaves", info.connected_slaves);
    redis_submit_g (rn->name, "memory", "used", info.used_memory);
    redis_submit_g (rn->name, "volatile_changes", NULL, info.changes_since_last_save);
    redis_submit_d (rn->name, "total_connections", NULL, info.total_connections_received);
    redis_submit_d (rn->name, "total_operations", NULL, info.total_commands_processed);

    credis_close (rh);

  return 0;
Пример #4
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  REDIS redis;
  REDIS_INFO info;
  char *val, **valv;
  const char *keyv[] = {"kalle", "adam", "unknown", "bertil", "none"};
  int rc, keyc=5, i;

  redis = credis_connect(NULL, 0, 10000);
  if (redis == NULL) {
    printf("Error connecting to Redis server. Please start server to run tests.\n");

  printf("\n\n************* misc info ************************************ \n");

  rc = credis_info(redis, &info);
  printf("info returned %d\n", rc);
  printf("> redis_version: %s\n", info.redis_version);
  printf("> arch_bits: %d\n", info.arch_bits);
  printf("> multiplexing_api: %s\n", info.multiplexing_api);
  printf("> process_id: %ld\n", info.process_id);
  printf("> uptime_in_seconds: %ld\n", info.uptime_in_seconds);
  printf("> uptime_in_days: %ld\n", info.uptime_in_days);
  printf("> connected_clients: %d\n", info.connected_clients);
  printf("> connected_slaves: %d\n", info.connected_slaves);
  printf("> blocked_clients: %d\n", info.blocked_clients);
  printf("> used_memory: %zu\n", (size_t)info.used_memory);
  printf("> used_memory_human: %s\n", info.used_memory_human);
  printf("> changes_since_last_save: %lld\n", info.changes_since_last_save);
  printf("> bgsave_in_progress: %d\n", info.bgsave_in_progress);
  printf("> last_save_time: %ld\n", info.last_save_time);
  printf("> bgrewriteaof_in_progress: %d\n", info.bgrewriteaof_in_progress);
  printf("> total_connections_received: %lld\n", info.total_connections_received);
  printf("> total_commands_processed: %lld\n", info.total_commands_processed);
  printf("> expired_keys: %lld\n", info.expired_keys);
  printf("> hash_max_zipmap_entries: %zu\n", (size_t)info.hash_max_zipmap_entries);
  printf("> hash_max_zipmap_value: %zu\n", (size_t)info.hash_max_zipmap_value);
  printf("> pubsub_channels: %ld\n", info.pubsub_channels);
  printf("> pubsub_patterns: %u\n", info.pubsub_patterns);
  printf("> vm_enabled: %d\n", info.vm_enabled);
  printf("> role: %d\n", info.role);

  printf("\n\n************* get/set ************************************ \n");

  rc = credis_set(redis, "kalle", "kula");
  printf("set kalle=kula returned: %d\n", rc);

  rc = credis_get(redis, "kalle", &val);
  printf("get kalle returned: %s\n", val);

  rc = credis_type(redis, "someunknownkey");
  printf("get type unknown key returned: %d\n", rc);

  rc = credis_type(redis, "kalle");
  printf("get type known key returned: %d\n", rc);

  rc = credis_getset(redis, "kalle", "buhu", &val);
  printf("get set kalle=buhu returned: %s\n", val);

  rc = credis_get(redis, "kalle", &val);
  printf("get kalle returned: %s\n", val);

  rc = credis_del(redis, "kalle");
  printf("del kalle returned: %d\n", rc);

  rc = credis_get(redis, "kalle", &val);
  printf("get kalle returned: %s\n", val);

  rc = credis_set(redis, "adam", "aaa");
  rc = credis_set(redis, "bertil", "bbbbbbb");
  rc = credis_set(redis, "caesar", "cccc");
  rc = credis_get(redis, "adam", &val);
  printf("get adam returned: %s\n", val);
  rc = credis_get(redis, "bertil", &val);
  printf("get bertil returned: %s\n", val);
  rc = credis_get(redis, "caesar", &val);
  printf("get caesar returned: %s\n", val);

  rc = credis_mget(redis, keyc, keyv, &valv);
  printf("mget returned: %d\n", rc);
  for (i = 0; i < rc; i++)
    printf(" % 2d: %s\n", i, valv[i]);

  return 0;