Пример #1
void doTracking(std::vector<cv::LatentSvmDetector::ObjectDetection>& detections, int frameNumber,
		std::vector<kstate>& kstates, std::vector<bool>& active, cv::Mat& image,
		std::vector<kstate>& trackedDetections, std::vector<cv::Scalar> & colors)
	std::vector<cv::LatentSvmDetector::ObjectDetection> objects;
	//vector<LatentSvmDetector::ObjectDetection> tracked_objects;
	std::vector<bool> predict_indices;//this will correspond to kstates i
	std::vector<bool> correct_indices;//this will correspond to kstates i
	std::vector<int> correct_detection_indices;//this will correspond to kstates i, used to store the index of the corresponding object
	std::vector<bool> add_as_new_indices;//this will correspond to detections j

	//predict_indices.assign(kstates.size(), true);//always predict
	correct_indices.assign(kstates.size(), false);//correct only those matched
	correct_detection_indices.assign(kstates.size(), false);//correct only those matched
	add_as_new_indices.assign(detections.size(), true);//if the detection was not found add as new

	//Convert Bounding box coordinates from (x1,y1,w,h) to (BoxCenterX, BoxCenterY, width, height)
	objects = detections;//bboxToPosScale(detections);

	std::vector<int> already_matched;
	//compare detections from this frame with tracked objects
	for (unsigned int j = 0; j < detections.size(); j++)
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kstates.size(); i++)
			//compare only to active tracked objects(not too old)
			if (kstates[i].active)
				//extend the roi 20%
				int new_x = (detections[j].rect.x - detections[j].rect.width*.1);
				int new_y = (detections[j].rect.y - detections[j].rect.height*.1);

				if (new_x < 0)			new_x = 0;
				if (new_x > image.cols)	new_x = image.cols;
				if (new_y < 0)			new_y = 0;
				if (new_y > image.rows) new_y = image.rows;

				int new_width = detections[j].rect.width*1.2;
				int new_height = detections[j].rect.height*1.2;

				if (new_width  + new_x > image.cols)	new_width  = image.cols - new_x;
				if (new_height + new_y > image.rows)	new_height = image.rows - new_y;

				cv::Rect roi_20(new_x, new_y, new_width, new_height);
				//cv::Rect roi(detections[j].rect);
				cv::Rect roi(roi_20);
				cv::Mat currentObjectROI = image(roi).clone();//Crop image and obtain only object (ROI)

				//cv::Rect intersect = detections[j].rect & kstates[i].pos;//check overlapping

				cv::Rect boundingbox;
				bool matched = false;
				//try to match with previous frame
				if ( !USE_ORB )
					matched = ( !alreadyMatched(j, already_matched) && crossCorr(kstates[i].image, currentObjectROI));
					matched = (!alreadyMatched(j, already_matched) && orbMatch(currentObjectROI, kstates[i].image, boundingbox, ORB_MIN_MATCHES, ORB_KNN_RATIO));

					correct_indices[i] = true;//if ROI on this frame is matched to a previous object, correct
					correct_detection_indices[i] = j;//store the index of the detection corresponding to matched kstate
					add_as_new_indices[j] = false;//if matched do not add as new
					//kstates[i].image = currentObjectROI;//update image with current frame data
					kstates[i].score = detections[j].score;
					kstates[i].range = _ranges[j];

		}//for (int i = 0; i < kstates.size(); i++)
	}//for (int j = 0; j < detections.size(); j++)

	//do prediction and correction for the marked states
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kstates.size(); i++)
		if (kstates[i].active)//predict and correct only active states
			//update params before predicting
			cv::setIdentity(kstates[i].KF.processNoiseCov, cv::Scalar::all(NOISE_COV));//1e-4
			cv::setIdentity(kstates[i].KF.measurementNoiseCov, cv::Scalar::all(MEAS_NOISE_COV));//1e-3
			cv::setIdentity(kstates[i].KF.errorCovPost, cv::Scalar::all(ERROR_ESTIMATE_COV));//100

			cv::Mat prediction = kstates[i].KF.predict();
			cv::Mat correction;
			kstates[i].pos.x = prediction.at<float>(0);
			kstates[i].pos.y = prediction.at<float>(1);
			kstates[i].pos.width = prediction.at<float>(2);
			kstates[i].pos.height = prediction.at<float>(3);
			kstates[i].real_data = 0;
			kstates[i].range = 0.0f;//fixed to zero temporarily as this is not real_data
			kstates[i].min_height = 0.0f;//fixed to zero temporarily as this is not real_data
			kstates[i].max_height = 0.0f;//fixed to zero temporarily as this is not real_data

			//now do respective corrections on KFs (updates)
			if (correct_indices[i])
				//a match was found hence update KF measurement
				int j = correct_detection_indices[i];//obtain the index of the detection

				//cv::Mat_<float> measurement = (cv::Mat_<float>(2, 1) << objects[j].rect.x, //XY ONLY
				//												objects[j].rect.y);
				cv::Mat_<float> measurement = (cv::Mat_<float>(4, 1) << objects[j].rect.x,

				correction = kstates[i].KF.correct(measurement);//UPDATE KF with new info
				kstates[i].lifespan = DEFAULT_LIFESPAN; //RESET Lifespan of object

				//kstates[i].pos.width = objects[j].rect.width;//XY ONLY
				//kstates[i].pos.height = objects[j].rect.height;//XY ONLY

				//use real data instead of predicted if set
				kstates[i].pos.x = objects[j].rect.x;
				kstates[i].pos.y = objects[j].rect.y;
				kstates[i].pos.width = objects[j].rect.width;
				kstates[i].pos.height = objects[j].rect.height;
				kstates[i].real_data = 1;
				//cv::Mat im1 = image(kstates[i].pos);
				//cv::Mat im2 = image(objects[j].rect);
				kstates[i].range = _ranges[j];
				kstates[i].min_height = _min_heights[j];
				kstates[i].max_height = _max_heights[j];

			//check that new widths and heights don't go beyond the image size
			if (kstates[i].pos.width + kstates[i].pos.x > image.cols)
				kstates[i].pos.width = image.cols - kstates[i].pos.x;
			if (kstates[i].pos.height + kstates[i].pos.y > image.rows)
				kstates[i].pos.height = image.rows - kstates[i].pos.y;

			//check that predicted positions are inside the image
			if (kstates[i].pos.x < 0)
				kstates[i].pos.x = 0;
			if (kstates[i].pos.x > image.cols)
				kstates[i].pos.x = image.cols;
			if (kstates[i].pos.y < 0)
				kstates[i].pos.y = 0;
			if (kstates[i].pos.y > image.rows)
				kstates[i].pos.y = image.rows;

			//remove those where the dimensions of are unlikely to be real
			if (kstates[i].pos.width > kstates[i].pos.height*4)
				kstates[i].active = false;

			if (kstates[i].pos.height > kstates[i].pos.width*2)
				kstates[i].active = false;

			kstates[i].lifespan--;//reduce lifespan
			if (kstates[i].lifespan <= 0)
				kstates[i].active = false; //Too old, stop tracking.

	//finally add non matched detections as new
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < add_as_new_indices.size(); i++)
		if (add_as_new_indices[i])
			initTracking(objects[i], kstates, detections[i], image, colors, _ranges[i]);
	//check overlapping states and remove them
	float overlap = (OVERLAPPING_PERC/100);
	std::vector<unsigned int> removedIndices;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kstates.size() ; i++)
		for (unsigned int j = kstates.size() - 1; j > 0; j--)
			if (i==j || isInRemoved(removedIndices, i) || isInRemoved(removedIndices, j))
			//cout << "i:" << i << " j:" << j << endl;
			cv::Rect intersection = kstates[i].pos & kstates[j].pos;

			if ( ( (intersection.width >= kstates[i].pos.width * overlap) && (intersection.height >= kstates[i].pos.height * overlap) ) ||
				( (intersection.width >= kstates[j].pos.width * overlap) && (intersection.height >= kstates[j].pos.height * overlap) ) )
				//if one state is overlapped by "overlap" % remove it (mark it as unused
				if (kstates[i].real_data && !(kstates[j].real_data))
					kstates[j].active = false;
				else if (!(kstates[i].real_data) && (kstates[j].real_data))
					kstates[i].active = false;
					kstates[j].active = false;
	ApplyNonMaximumSuppresion(kstates, OVERLAPPING_PERC);


	//return to x,y,w,h
	posScaleToBbox(kstates, trackedDetections);

Пример #2
void cv::matchTemplate( InputArray _img, InputArray _templ, OutputArray _result, int method )
    CV_Assert( CV_TM_SQDIFF <= method && method <= CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED );

    int numType = method == CV_TM_CCORR || method == CV_TM_CCORR_NORMED ? 0 :
                  method == CV_TM_CCOEFF || method == CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED ? 1 : 2;
    bool isNormed = method == CV_TM_CCORR_NORMED ||
                    method == CV_TM_SQDIFF_NORMED ||
                    method == CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED;

    Mat img = _img.getMat(), templ = _templ.getMat();
    if( img.rows < templ.rows || img.cols < templ.cols )
        std::swap(img, templ);

    CV_Assert( (img.depth() == CV_8U || img.depth() == CV_32F) &&
               img.type() == templ.type() );

    Size corrSize(img.cols - templ.cols + 1, img.rows - templ.rows + 1);
    _result.create(corrSize, CV_32F);
    Mat result = _result.getMat();

    int cn = img.channels();
    crossCorr( img, templ, result, result.size(), result.type(), Point(0,0), 0, 0);

    if( method == CV_TM_CCORR )

    double invArea = 1./((double)templ.rows * templ.cols);

    Mat sum, sqsum;
    Scalar templMean, templSdv;
    double *q0 = 0, *q1 = 0, *q2 = 0, *q3 = 0;
    double templNorm = 0, templSum2 = 0;

    if( method == CV_TM_CCOEFF )
        integral(img, sum, CV_64F);
        templMean = mean(templ);
        integral(img, sum, sqsum, CV_64F);
        meanStdDev( templ, templMean, templSdv );

        templNorm = CV_SQR(templSdv[0]) + CV_SQR(templSdv[1]) +
                    CV_SQR(templSdv[2]) + CV_SQR(templSdv[3]);

        if( templNorm < DBL_EPSILON && method == CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED )
            result = Scalar::all(1);

        templSum2 = templNorm +
                     CV_SQR(templMean[0]) + CV_SQR(templMean[1]) +
                     CV_SQR(templMean[2]) + CV_SQR(templMean[3]);

        if( numType != 1 )
            templMean = Scalar::all(0);
            templNorm = templSum2;

        templSum2 /= invArea;
        templNorm = sqrt(templNorm);
        templNorm /= sqrt(invArea); // care of accuracy here

        q0 = (double*)sqsum.data;
        q1 = q0 + templ.cols*cn;
        q2 = (double*)(sqsum.data + templ.rows*sqsum.step);
        q3 = q2 + templ.cols*cn;

    double* p0 = (double*)sum.data;
    double* p1 = p0 + templ.cols*cn;
    double* p2 = (double*)(sum.data + templ.rows*sum.step);
    double* p3 = p2 + templ.cols*cn;

    int sumstep = sum.data ? (int)(sum.step / sizeof(double)) : 0;
    int sqstep = sqsum.data ? (int)(sqsum.step / sizeof(double)) : 0;

    int i, j, k;

    for( i = 0; i < result.rows; i++ )
        float* rrow = (float*)(result.data + i*result.step);
        int idx = i * sumstep;
        int idx2 = i * sqstep;

        for( j = 0; j < result.cols; j++, idx += cn, idx2 += cn )
            double num = rrow[j], t;
            double wndMean2 = 0, wndSum2 = 0;

            if( numType == 1 )
                for( k = 0; k < cn; k++ )
                    t = p0[idx+k] - p1[idx+k] - p2[idx+k] + p3[idx+k];
                    wndMean2 += CV_SQR(t);
                    num -= t*templMean[k];

                wndMean2 *= invArea;

            if( isNormed || numType == 2 )
                for( k = 0; k < cn; k++ )
                    t = q0[idx2+k] - q1[idx2+k] - q2[idx2+k] + q3[idx2+k];
                    wndSum2 += t;

                if( numType == 2 )
                    num = wndSum2 - 2*num + templSum2;

            if( isNormed )
                t = sqrt(MAX(wndSum2 - wndMean2,0))*templNorm;
                if( fabs(num) < t )
                    num /= t;
                else if( fabs(num) < t*1.125 )
                    num = num > 0 ? 1 : -1;
                    num = method != CV_TM_SQDIFF_NORMED ? 0 : 1;

            rrow[j] = (float)num;