Пример #1
lob_t local_decrypt(local_t local, lob_t outer)
  uint8_t secret[crypto_box_BEFORENMBYTES];
  lob_t inner, tmp;

//  * `KEY` - 32 bytes, the sending exchange's ephemeral public key
//  * `NONCE` - 24 bytes, randomly generated
//  * `CIPHERTEXT` - the inner packet bytes encrypted using secretbox() using the `NONCE` as the nonce and the shared secret (derived from the recipients endpoint key and the included ephemeral key) as the key
//  * `AUTH` - 16 bytes, the calculated onetimeauth(`KEY` + `INNER`, SHA256(`NONCE` + secret)) using the shared secret derived from both endpoint keys, the hashing is to minimize the chance that the same key input is ever used twice

  if(outer->body_len <= (32+24+crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES+16)) return NULL;
  tmp = lob_new();
  if(!lob_body(tmp,NULL,outer->body_len-(32+24+crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES+16))) return lob_free(tmp);

  // get the shared secret
  crypto_box_beforenm(secret, outer->body, local->secret);

  // decrypt the inner
    secret) != 0) return lob_free(tmp);

  // load inner packet
  inner = lob_parse(tmp->body,tmp->body_len);

  return inner;
Пример #2
* Function: decrypt_file
* ----------------------
* Decrypt a file by reading in chunks of data, decrypting those chunks, and
* writing the decrypted chunks to a new file.
decrypt_file(char *efname, char *pfname, unsigned char *k)
    size_t rsize;
    size_t wsize;
    size_t r;
    unsigned char ebuf[BUFBYTES + MACBYTES];
    unsigned char pbuf[BUFBYTES];
    unsigned char n[NONCEBYTES];
    FILE *pfile;
    FILE *efile;

    pfile = open_file(pfname, "wb");
    if (pfile == NULL) { return FAIL; }

    efile = open_file(efname, "rb");
    if (efile == NULL) { fclose(pfile); return FAIL; }

    // Read the nonce from the file.
    rsize = fread(n, sizeof(char), NONCEBYTES, efile);
    if (rsize != NONCEBYTES)
        fprintf(stderr, "Could not read nonce from file.\n");
        return FAIL;

    // Decrypt the data in the file in chunks.
    while (feof(efile) == 0)
        rsize = fread(ebuf, sizeof(char), BUFBYTES + MACBYTES, efile);

        r = crypto_secretbox_open_easy(pbuf, ebuf, rsize, n, k);
        if (r != 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "Could not decrypt data.\n");
            return FAIL;

        // The decrypted bytes no longer include the MAC bytes.
        wsize = fwrite(pbuf, sizeof(char), rsize - MACBYTES, pfile);
        if (wsize <= 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "Could not write decrypted data to file.\n");
            return FAIL;


    return SUCCESS;
Пример #3
lob_t ephemeral_decrypt(ephemeral_t ephem, lob_t outer)

  return lob_parse(outer->body+16+24, outer->body_len-(16+24+crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES));
Пример #4
    bool Decrypt( const uint8_t * encryptedMessage, int encryptedMessageLength, 
                  uint8_t * decryptedMessage, int & decryptedMessageLength, 
                  const uint8_t * nonce, const uint8_t * key )
        uint8_t actual_nonce[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES];
        memset( actual_nonce, 0, sizeof( actual_nonce ) );
        memcpy( actual_nonce, nonce, NonceBytes );

        if ( crypto_secretbox_open_easy( decryptedMessage, encryptedMessage, encryptedMessageLength, actual_nonce, key ) != 0 )
            return false;

        decryptedMessageLength = encryptedMessageLength - MacBytes;

        return true;
Пример #5
static int luasymmetric_decrypt( lua_State * const L ) {
	size_t ciphertext_len;
	size_t key_len;
	const char * const ciphertext = luaL_checklstring( L, 1, &ciphertext_len );
	const char * const key = luaL_checklstring( L, 2, &key_len );

	if( key_len != crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES ) {
		lua_pushliteral( L, "key should be " stringify( crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES ) " bytes" );
		return lua_error( L );

	if( ciphertext_len < crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES + crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES ) {
		lua_pushnil( L );
		return 1;

	const size_t message_len = ciphertext_len - crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES - crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES;
	char * const message = malloc( message_len );

	if( message == NULL ) {
		lua_pushliteral( L, "out of memory" );
		return lua_error( L );

	const int ok = crypto_secretbox_open_easy( message,
		ciphertext + crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES, ciphertext_len - crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES,
		ciphertext, key );

	if( ok == 0 ) {
		lua_pushlstring( L, message, message_len );
	else {
		lua_pushnil( L );

	explicit_bzero( message, message_len );
	free( message );

	return 1;
Пример #6
shick_crypto_dec_message(const SC_CHAR recipient_secret_key[crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES],
                         const SC_CHAR sender_public_key[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES],
                         const SC_ENC_SYM_KEY encrypted_symmetric_key,
                         const SC_CHAR* ciphertext,
                         const SC_LEN ciphertext_len,
                         const SC_CHAR nonce[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES],
                         SC_CHAR* message) {
  int failed = 0;
  SC_CHAR buffer[sizeof(SC_SYM_KEY)];
  SC_SYM_KEY* sym_key;

  // Decrypt symmetric key 
  failed = crypto_box_open_easy(buffer, (SC_CHAR*) &encrypted_symmetric_key, sizeof encrypted_symmetric_key, nonce, sender_public_key, recipient_secret_key);
  if (failed) return SC_DEC_ASYM_FAILED;

  // Decrypt message with symmetric key
  sym_key = (SC_SYM_KEY*) buffer;
  failed = crypto_secretbox_open_easy(message, ciphertext, ciphertext_len, sym_key->nonce, sym_key->key);
  if (failed) return SC_DEC_SYM_FAILED;

  return 0;
Пример #7
BOOL SodiumDecryptFile(LPTSTR password)
	ULONG numread;
	BOOL bErrorFlag;
	HLOCAL hFileBuffer = NULL;
	HLOCAL hCipherBuffer = NULL;
	YENCFILE encFileStrct;

	if (SetFilePointer(hFileIn, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER)
		MessageBox(NULL, L"Cannot set file pointer", L"Decryption error", MB_ICONERROR);

		bErrorFlag = FALSE;
		goto dec_exit_on_failure;

	if (!ReadFile(hFileIn, &encFileStrct, sizeof(YENCFILE), &numread, NULL))
		MessageBox(NULL, L"Cannot read file into memory", L"Decryption error", MB_ICONERROR);

		bErrorFlag = FALSE;
		goto dec_exit_on_failure;

	if (sodium_memcmp(encFileStrct.cbSignature, pszSignature, MAX_SIGNATURE))
		MessageBox(NULL, L"This is not an encrypted file", L"Decryption error", MB_ICONERROR);

		bErrorFlag = FALSE;
		goto dec_exit_on_failure;

	if (encFileStrct.algorithm != YC_SCRYPT_SALSA_POLY)
		MessageBox(NULL, L"Encryption method not available", L"Decryption error", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);

		bErrorFlag = FALSE;
		goto dec_exit_on_failure;

	hCipherBuffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, (encFileStrct.rawSize + crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES) * sizeof(BYTE));
	if (!hCipherBuffer) {
		MessageBox(NULL, L"Cannot allocate memory", L"Decryption error", MB_ICONERROR);

		bErrorFlag = FALSE;
		goto dec_exit_on_failure;

	if (!ReadFile(hFileIn, hCipherBuffer, encFileStrct.rawSize + crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES, &numread, NULL)) {
		MessageBox(NULL, L"Cannot read file into memory", L"Decryption error", MB_ICONERROR);

		bErrorFlag = FALSE;
		goto dec_exit_on_failure;

	// For now read byes must equal filesize
	assert((encFileStrct.rawSize + crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES) == numread);

	// Wide password to multibyte password
	size_t nConvChars;
	char c_szPassword[100]; //TODO This might not be enough
	wcstombs_s(&nConvChars, c_szPassword, password, wcslen(password) + 1);

	BYTE key[crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES];

	if (crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256(key, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES, c_szPassword, strlen(c_szPassword), encFileStrct.cbPasswordSalt,
		encFileStrct.dwMemory) != 0) {

		MessageBox(NULL, L"Operation takes too much system resources", L"Decryption error", MB_ICONERROR);

		bErrorFlag = FALSE;
		goto dec_exit_on_failure;

	hFileBuffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, encFileStrct.rawSize * sizeof(char));
	if (!hFileBuffer) {
		MessageBox(NULL, L"Cannot allocate memory", L"Encryption error", MB_ICONERROR);

		bErrorFlag = FALSE;
		goto dec_exit_on_failure;

	if (crypto_secretbox_open_easy((LPBYTE)hFileBuffer, (LPBYTE)hCipherBuffer, encFileStrct.rawSize + crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES, encFileStrct.cbNonce, key) != 0) {
		MessageBox(NULL, L"Decryption failed, please try again", L"Decryption error", MB_ICONERROR);
		bErrorFlag = FALSE;
		goto dec_exit_on_failure;

	LPCWSTR szOriginalFileName = fileNameStripExt(szFile);

	HANDLE hFileOut = CreateFile(
		szOriginalFileName,		// Name of the write
		GENERIC_WRITE,			// Open for writing
		0,						// Do not share
		NULL,					// Default security
		CREATE_NEW,				// Create new file only
		NULL);					// No attr. template

	if (hFileOut == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
		MessageBox(NULL, L"Cannot open file", L"Decryption error", MB_ICONERROR);
		bErrorFlag = FALSE;
		goto dec_exit_on_failure;

	bErrorFlag = WriteFile(
		hFileOut,				// Open file handle
		hFileBuffer,			// Start of data to write
		encFileStrct.rawSize,	// Number of bytes to write
		&numread,				// Number of bytes that were written
		NULL);					// No overlapped structure'


	// Override sensitive in memory
	sodium_memzero(password, wcslen(password) * sizeof(TCHAR));
	sodium_memzero(c_szPassword, strlen(c_szPassword) * sizeof(BYTE));
	sodium_memzero(key, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES);


	return bErrorFlag;