int Program::exec() { std::vector<unsigned int> positions; Random rand; for (unsigned long r = ReadsCount_; r > 0; r--) positions.push_back(, Config_.getInt("Head", "MaxPos", 1) - 1)); DS_.add(positions); Disk fcfs(Config_.getInt("Head", "InitPos", 1)); Disk sstf(Config_.getInt("Head", "InitPos", 1)); Disk scan(Config_.getInt("Head", "InitPos", 1)); CSCANDisk cscan(Config_.getInt("Head", "InitPos", 1), Config_.getInt("Head", "MaxPos", 1)); std::cout << "FCFS \t\t SSTF \t\t SCAN \t\t CSCAN" << std::endl; do { fcfs.setNextPosition(DS_.popFCFS()); sstf.setNextPosition(DS_.popSSTF()); scan.setNextPosition(DS_.popSCAN()); cscan.setNextPosition(DS_.popCSCAN()); std::string str = ""; str += fcfs.toString() + " \t "; str += sstf.toString() + " \t "; str += scan.toString() + " \t "; str += cscan.toString(); std::cout << str << std::endl; Log_.out(str); } while (!DS_.done()); std::cin.get(); return 0; }
void choice() { clrscr(); i=nor; movt=0; int ch; cout<<"1.FCFS\n2.SSTF\n3.SCAN\n4.LOOK\n5.CSCAN\n6.CLOOK\n7.Exit\nEnter Choice : "; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1:fcfs(); break; case 2:sstf(); break; case 3:scan(); break; case 4:look(); break; case 5:cscan(); break; case 6:clook(); break; default:exit(1); } }
int main() { input(); printf("%d\n\n\n",clook()); printf("%d\n\n\n",cscan()); printf("%d\n\n\n",fcfs()); printf("%d\n\n\n",look()); printf("%d\n\n\n",scan()); printf("%d\n\n\n",sstf()); return 0; }
void main() { printf("Enter The no. of tasks per cylinder :"); scanf("%d",&task); printf("Enter the current head position: "); scanf("%d",&hand); for(i=0;i<task;i++) { printf("Enter the track no. %d: ",(i+1)); scanf("%d",&track[i][0]); } //fcfs(); cscan(); }
IO_PAIR mmu_NRU::locate_event() { IO_PAIR temp; if(mmutype=='f') { temp=*readylist.begin(); readylist.erase(readylist.begin()); return temp; } else if(mmutype=='s') { vector<IO_PAIR>::iterator it=readylist.begin(); for (it = readylist.begin() ; it != readylist.end(); ++it) { it->priority=abs(it->track_number-current_position); } sort(readylist.begin(),readylist.end(),my_priority); temp=*readylist.begin(); readylist.erase(readylist.begin()); return temp; } else if(mmutype=='S') { if(direction==true) { temp=up(); return temp; } else { temp=down(); return temp; } } else if(mmutype=='C') { temp=cscan(); return temp; } else { printf("prameter error! Please check the parameter for -s option\n"); exit(0); } }
int setup_scheduler(const char* input_file, const char* scheduler, int sec_to_sec_seek, int end_to_end_seek){ char** tokens = read_input(input_file); int len = array_len(tokens); access_data* data[len]; char* tok; char* line; int i = 0; while (i < len){ line = tokens[i]; tok = strtok(line," "); int arrival_time = atoi((const char*)tok); tok = strtok(NULL," "); int sector = atoi((const char*)tok); access_data* a = malloc(sizeof(access_data)); new_data(a, arrival_time, sector); data[i] = a; i++; } //show_data(data, len); if (strcmp(scheduler, "FCFS") == 0){ fcfs(data, len, sec_to_sec_seek); } else if (strcmp(scheduler, "SSTN") == 0){ sstn(data, len, sec_to_sec_seek); } else if (strcmp(scheduler, "SCAN") == 0){ scan(data, len, sec_to_sec_seek); } else if (strcmp(scheduler, "CSCAN") == 0){ cscan(data, len, sec_to_sec_seek); } else{ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n","Invalid scheduling algorithm."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } free_access_data(data, len); free(tokens); return 0; }
/* **policy_handler select the corresponding function to handle the request sequence **@ncylinder is the total number of cylinders **@ipolicy is the index if policy **@ifile is the file pointer to the input_file **@result is a pointer to dynamic array for store execute sequence and their travel_num **@travel is the total travel number */ void policy_handler(int ncylinder, int ipolicy, FILE *ifile, int **result, int *travel) { int *list = NULL; init_sequence(ncylinder, ifile, &list); init_result(result); item *sorted = NULL; int first = list[0]; //sort the request according to there distance to the head of disk if (ipolicy == 2 || ipolicy == 3 || ipolicy == 4) sorted = sort(ncylinder, list); if (ipolicy == 1) *travel = fcfs(ncylinder, list, *result); else if (ipolicy == 2) *travel = sstf(first, sorted, *result); else if (ipolicy == 3) *travel = cscan(ncylinder, first, sorted, *result); else if (ipolicy == 4) *travel = look(ncylinder, first, sorted, *result); }