Пример #1
void MetisPartitioner::partition_range(MeshBase & mesh,
                                       MeshBase::element_iterator beg,
                                       MeshBase::element_iterator end,
                                       unsigned int n_pieces)
  libmesh_assert_greater (n_pieces, 0);

  // We don't yet support distributed meshes with this Partitioner
  if (!mesh.is_serial())

  // Check for an easy return
  if (n_pieces == 1)
      this->single_partition_range (beg, end);

  // What to do if the Metis library IS NOT present

  libMesh::err << "ERROR: The library has been built without"    << std::endl
               << "Metis support.  Using a space-filling curve"  << std::endl
               << "partitioner instead!"                         << std::endl;

  SFCPartitioner sfcp;
  sfcp.partition_range (mesh, beg, end, n_pieces);

  // What to do if the Metis library IS present

  LOG_SCOPE("partition_range()", "MetisPartitioner");

  const dof_id_type n_range_elem = std::distance(beg, end);

  // Metis will only consider the elements in the range.
  // We need to map the range element ids into a
  // contiguous range.  Further, we want the unique range indexing to be
  // independent of the element ordering, otherwise a circular dependency
  // can result in which the partitioning depends on the ordering which
  // depends on the partitioning...
  vectormap<dof_id_type, dof_id_type> global_index_map;
  global_index_map.reserve (n_range_elem);

    std::vector<dof_id_type> global_index;

    MeshCommunication().find_global_indices (mesh.comm(),
                                             beg, end, global_index);

    libmesh_assert_equal_to (global_index.size(), n_range_elem);

    MeshBase::element_iterator it = beg;
    for (std::size_t cnt=0; it != end; ++it)
        const Elem * elem = *it;

        global_index_map.insert (std::make_pair(elem->id(), global_index[cnt++]));
    libmesh_assert_equal_to (global_index_map.size(), n_range_elem);

  // If we have boundary elements in this mesh, we want to account for
  // the connectivity between them and interior elements.  We can find
  // interior elements from boundary elements, but we need to build up
  // a lookup map to do the reverse.
  typedef std::unordered_multimap<const Elem *, const Elem *> map_type;
  map_type interior_to_boundary_map;

    MeshBase::element_iterator it = beg;
    for (; it != end; ++it)
        const Elem * elem = *it;

        // If we don't have an interior_parent then there's nothing
        // to look us up.
        if ((elem->dim() >= LIBMESH_DIM) ||

        // get all relevant interior elements
        std::set<const Elem *> neighbor_set;

        std::set<const Elem *>::iterator n_it = neighbor_set.begin();
        for (; n_it != neighbor_set.end(); ++n_it)
            // FIXME - non-const versions of the std::set<const Elem
            // *> returning methods would be nice
            Elem * neighbor = const_cast<Elem *>(*n_it);

#if defined(LIBMESH_HAVE_UNORDERED_MULTIMAP) ||         \
  defined(LIBMESH_HAVE_HASH_MULTIMAP) ||                \
            interior_to_boundary_map.insert(std::make_pair(neighbor, elem));
                                            std::make_pair(neighbor, elem));

  // Data structure that Metis will fill up on processor 0 and broadcast.
  std::vector<Metis::idx_t> part(n_range_elem);

  // Invoke METIS, but only on processor 0.
  // Then broadcast the resulting decomposition
  if (mesh.processor_id() == 0)
      // Data structures and parameters needed only on processor 0 by Metis.
      // std::vector<Metis::idx_t> options(5);
      std::vector<Metis::idx_t> vwgt(n_range_elem);

        n = static_cast<Metis::idx_t>(n_range_elem),   // number of "nodes" (elements) in the graph
        // wgtflag = 2,                                // weights on vertices only, none on edges
        // numflag = 0,                                // C-style 0-based numbering
        nparts  = static_cast<Metis::idx_t>(n_pieces), // number of subdomains to create
        edgecut = 0;                                   // the numbers of edges cut by the resulting partition

      // Set the options
      // options[0] = 0; // use default options

      // build the graph
      METIS_CSR_Graph<Metis::idx_t> csr_graph;

      csr_graph.offsets.resize(n_range_elem + 1, 0);

      // Local scope for these
        // build the graph in CSR format.  Note that
        // the edges in the graph will correspond to
        // face neighbors

        std::vector<const Elem *> neighbors_offspring;

#ifndef NDEBUG
        std::size_t graph_size=0;

        // (1) first pass - get the row sizes for each element by counting the number
        // of face neighbors.  Also populate the vwght array if necessary
        MeshBase::element_iterator it = beg;
        for (; it != end; ++it)
            const Elem * elem = *it;

            const dof_id_type elem_global_index =

            libmesh_assert_less (elem_global_index, vwgt.size());

            // maybe there is a better weight?
            // The weight is used to define what a balanced graph is
            if (!_weights)
              vwgt[elem_global_index] = elem->n_nodes();
              vwgt[elem_global_index] = static_cast<Metis::idx_t>((*_weights)[elem->id()]);

            unsigned int num_neighbors = 0;

            // Loop over the element's neighbors.  An element
            // adjacency corresponds to a face neighbor
            for (auto neighbor : elem->neighbor_ptr_range())
                if (neighbor != libmesh_nullptr)
                    // If the neighbor is active, but is not in the
                    // range of elements being partitioned, treat it
                    // as a NULL neighbor.
                    if (neighbor->active() && !global_index_map.count(neighbor->id()))

                    // If the neighbor is active treat it
                    // as a connection
                    if (neighbor->active())


                    // Otherwise we need to find all of the
                    // neighbor's children that are connected to
                    // us and add them
                        // The side of the neighbor to which
                        // we are connected
                        const unsigned int ns =
                          neighbor->which_neighbor_am_i (elem);
                        libmesh_assert_less (ns, neighbor->n_neighbors());

                        // Get all the active children (& grandchildren, etc...)
                        // of the neighbor.

                        // FIXME - this is the wrong thing, since we
                        // should be getting the active family tree on
                        // our side only.  But adding too many graph
                        // links may cause hanging nodes to tend to be
                        // on partition interiors, which would reduce
                        // communication overhead for constraint
                        // equations, so we'll leave it.
                        neighbor->active_family_tree (neighbors_offspring);

                        // Get all the neighbor's children that
                        // live on that side and are thus connected
                        // to us
                        for (std::size_t nc=0; nc<neighbors_offspring.size(); nc++)
                            const Elem * child =

                            // Skip neighbor offspring which are not in the range of elements being partitioned.
                            if (!global_index_map.count(child->id()))

                            // This does not assume a level-1 mesh.
                            // Note that since children have sides numbered
                            // coincident with the parent then this is a sufficient test.
                            if (child->neighbor_ptr(ns) == elem)
                                libmesh_assert (child->active());

#endif /* ifdef LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR */


            // Check for any interior neighbors
            if ((elem->dim() < LIBMESH_DIM) && elem->interior_parent())
                // get all relevant interior elements
                std::set<const Elem *> neighbor_set;

                num_neighbors += neighbor_set.size();

            // Check for any boundary neighbors
            typedef map_type::iterator map_it_type;
            std::pair<map_it_type, map_it_type>
              bounds = interior_to_boundary_map.equal_range(elem);
            num_neighbors += std::distance(bounds.first, bounds.second);

            csr_graph.prep_n_nonzeros(elem_global_index, num_neighbors);
#ifndef NDEBUG
            graph_size += num_neighbors;


        // (2) second pass - fill the compressed adjacency array
        it = beg;

        for (; it != end; ++it)
            const Elem * elem = *it;

            const dof_id_type elem_global_index =

            unsigned int connection=0;

            // Loop over the element's neighbors.  An element
            // adjacency corresponds to a face neighbor
            for (auto neighbor : elem->neighbor_ptr_range())
                if (neighbor != libmesh_nullptr)
                    // If the neighbor is active, but is not in the
                    // range of elements being partitioned, treat it
                    // as a NULL neighbor.
                    if (neighbor->active() && !global_index_map.count(neighbor->id()))

                    // If the neighbor is active treat it
                    // as a connection
                    if (neighbor->active())
                      csr_graph(elem_global_index, connection++) = global_index_map[neighbor->id()];


                    // Otherwise we need to find all of the
                    // neighbor's children that are connected to
                    // us and add them
                        // The side of the neighbor to which
                        // we are connected
                        const unsigned int ns =
                          neighbor->which_neighbor_am_i (elem);
                        libmesh_assert_less (ns, neighbor->n_neighbors());

                        // Get all the active children (& grandchildren, etc...)
                        // of the neighbor.
                        neighbor->active_family_tree (neighbors_offspring);

                        // Get all the neighbor's children that
                        // live on that side and are thus connected
                        // to us
                        for (std::size_t nc=0; nc<neighbors_offspring.size(); nc++)
                            const Elem * child =

                            // Skip neighbor offspring which are not in the range of elements being partitioned.
                            if (!global_index_map.count(child->id()))

                            // This does not assume a level-1 mesh.
                            // Note that since children have sides numbered
                            // coincident with the parent then this is a sufficient test.
                            if (child->neighbor_ptr(ns) == elem)
                                libmesh_assert (child->active());

                                csr_graph(elem_global_index, connection++) = global_index_map[child->id()];

#endif /* ifdef LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR */


            if ((elem->dim() < LIBMESH_DIM) &&
                // get all relevant interior elements
                std::set<const Elem *> neighbor_set;

                std::set<const Elem *>::iterator n_it = neighbor_set.begin();
                for (; n_it != neighbor_set.end(); ++n_it)
                    const Elem * neighbor = *n_it;

                    // Not all interior neighbors are necessarily in
                    // the same Mesh (hence not in the global_index_map).
                    // This will be the case when partitioning a
                    // BoundaryMesh, whose elements all have
                    // interior_parents() that belong to some other
                    // Mesh.
                    const Elem * queried_elem = mesh.query_elem_ptr(neighbor->id());

                    // Compare the neighbor and the queried_elem
                    // pointers, make sure they are the same.
                    if (queried_elem && queried_elem == neighbor)
                        vectormap<dof_id_type, dof_id_type>::iterator global_index_map_it =

                        // If the interior_neighbor is in the Mesh but
                        // not in the global_index_map, we have other issues.
                        if (global_index_map_it == global_index_map.end())
                          libmesh_error_msg("Interior neighbor with id " << neighbor->id() << " not found in global_index_map.");

                          csr_graph(elem_global_index, connection++) = global_index_map_it->second;

            // Check for any boundary neighbors
            for (const auto & pr : as_range(interior_to_boundary_map.equal_range(elem)))
                const Elem * neighbor = pr.second;
                csr_graph(elem_global_index, connection++) =

        // We create a non-empty vals for a disconnected graph, to
        // work around a segfault from METIS.
        libmesh_assert_equal_to (csr_graph.vals.size(),
                                 std::max(graph_size, std::size_t(1)));
      } // done building the graph

      Metis::idx_t ncon = 1;

      // Select which type of partitioning to create

      // Use recursive if the number of partitions is less than or equal to 8
      if (n_pieces <= 8)

      // Otherwise  use kway

    } // end processor 0 part

  // Broadcast the resulting partition

  // Assign the returned processor ids.  The part array contains
  // the processor id for each active element, but in terms of
  // the contiguous indexing we defined above
    MeshBase::element_iterator it = beg;
    for (; it!=end; ++it)
        Elem * elem = *it;

        libmesh_assert (global_index_map.count(elem->id()));

        const dof_id_type elem_global_index =

        libmesh_assert_less (elem_global_index, part.size());
        const processor_id_type elem_procid =

        elem->processor_id() = elem_procid;
Пример #2
PartitionerMetis<MeshType>::partitionImpl ( mesh_ptrtype mesh, rank_type np )
    LOG(INFO) << "PartitionerMetis::partitionImpl starts...";

    // Check for an easy return
    if (np == 1)
        this->singlePartition (mesh);
    const dof_id_type n_elems = mesh->numElements();

    // build the graph
    // std::vector<Metis::idx_t> options(5);
    std::vector<Metis::idx_t> vwgt(n_elems);
    std::vector<Metis::idx_t> part(n_elems);

    // number of "nodes" (elements) in the graph
    Metis::idx_t n = static_cast<Metis::idx_t>(n_elems);
    // number of subdomains to create
    Metis::idx_t nparts  = static_cast<Metis::idx_t>(np); 
    // number of edges cut by the resulting partition
    Metis::idx_t edgecut = 0;

    std::map<dof_id_type, dof_id_type> global_index_map;

        std::vector<dof_id_type> global_index(nelements(elements(mesh)),0);
        std::iota( global_index.begin(), global_index.end(), 0 );

        size_type cnt = 0;
        for( auto const& elt : elements(mesh) )
            global_index_map.insert (std::make_pair(elt.id(), global_index[cnt++]));

    // Invoke METIS, but only on processor 0.
    // Then broadcast the resulting decomposition
    if ( Environment::isMasterRank() )
        CSRGraphMetis<Metis::idx_t> csr_graph;
        csr_graph.offsets.resize(mesh->numElements()+1, 0);

        // Local scope for these
#ifndef NDEBUG
            std::size_t graph_size=0;
            // build the graph in CSR format.  Note that
            // the edges in the graph will correspond to
            // face neighbors
            for( auto& elt: elements(mesh) )

                // (1) first pass - get the row sizes for each element by counting the number
                // of face neighbors.  Also populate the vwght array if necessary
                const dof_id_type gid = global_index_map[elt.id()];

                CHECK( gid < vwgt.size() ) << "Invalid gid " << gid << " greater or equal than " << vwgt.size();
                // maybe there is a better weight?
                // The weight is used to define what a balanced graph is
                vwgt[gid] = elt.numPoints;
                //vwgt[gid] = static_cast<Metis::idx_t>((*_weights)[elem->id()]);

                unsigned int num_neighbors = 0;

                // Loop over the element's neighbors.  An element
                // adjacency corresponds to a face neighbor
                for ( uint16_type ms=0; ms < elt.nNeighbors(); ms++ )
                    element_type const* neighbor = NULL;
                    size_type neighbor_id = elt.neighbor( ms ).first;
                    if ( neighbor_id != invalid_size_type_value )
                std::cout << "element id " << elt.id() << " gid: " << gid << " w: " << vwgt[gid] 
                          << " neigh: " << num_neighbors << std::endl;
                csr_graph.prepareNumberNonZeros(gid, num_neighbors);
#ifndef NDEBUG
                graph_size += num_neighbors;


            // (2) second pass - fill the compressed adjacency array
            for( auto& elt : elements(mesh) )
                dof_id_type gid = global_index_map[elt.id()];

                unsigned int connection=0;

                // Loop over the element's neighbors.  An element
                // adjacency corresponds to a face neighbor
                for ( uint16_type ms=0; ms < elt.nNeighbors(); ms++ )
                    element_type const* neighbor = NULL;
                    size_type neighbor_id = elt.neighbor( ms ).first;
                    if ( neighbor_id != invalid_size_type_value )
                        csr_graph(gid, connection++) = global_index_map[neighbor_id];

#ifndef NDEBUG
            // We create a non-empty vals for a disconnected graph, to
            // work around a segfault from METIS.
            DCHECK( csr_graph.vals.size() == std::max(graph_size,std::size_t(1)))
                << "Invalid graph";
        } // done building the graph

        Metis::idx_t ncon = 1;

        // Select which type of partitioning to create

        // Use recursive if the number of partitions is less than or equal to 8
        if (np <= 8)
            Metis::METIS_PartGraphRecursive(&n, &ncon, &csr_graph.offsets[0], &csr_graph.vals[0], &vwgt[0], NULL,
                                            NULL, &nparts, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                                            &edgecut, &part[0]);

        // Otherwise  use kway
            Metis::METIS_PartGraphKway(&n, &ncon, &csr_graph.offsets[0], &csr_graph.vals[0], &vwgt[0], NULL,
                                       NULL, &nparts, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                                       &edgecut, &part[0]);

    } // end processor 0 part

    // Assign the returned processor ids.  The part array contains the processor
    // id for each element, but in terms of the contiguous indexing we defined
    // above
    LOG(INFO) << "PartitionerMetis::partitionImpl nelements : " << nelements(elements(mesh));
    for( auto it = mesh->beginElement(), en = mesh->endElement(); it != en; ++it )
        dof_id_type gid = global_index_map[it->id()];
        CHECK( gid < part.size() ) << "Invalid gid " << gid << " greater or equal than partition size " << part.size();
        rank_type pid = static_cast<rank_type>(part[gid]);
#if 0
        mesh->elements().modify( it,
                                 [&pid]( element_type& e ) 
                                     e.setProcessId( pid ); 
                                     std::cout << "element id " << e.id() << " process id " << e.processId() << "\n"; 
        std::cout << "element id " << it->id() << " process id " << pid << "\n"; 
        auto e = *it;
        e.setProcessId( pid );
        mesh->elements().replace( it, e );
    for( auto& e : allelements(mesh) )
        std::cout << "2. element id " << e.id() << " process id " << e.processId() << "\n"; 

    auto t = toc("PartitionerMetis::partitionImpl", FLAGS_v > 0 );
    LOG(INFO) << "PartitionerMetis::partitionImpl done in " << t << "s";