Пример #1
 * Parse raw CSV text using separator and return a list containing all
 * fields.
 * \param contents	A pointer to raw CSV contents to parse.
 *			Pointer content will be changed to the end of
 *			parsed line.
 * \param separator	Separator to use.
 * \return		Parsed list or NULL upon failure (last line).
GSList * csv_get_next_line ( gchar ** contents, gchar * separator )
    GSList * list;

	list = csv_parse_line ( contents, separator );
    while ( list == GINT_TO_POINTER(-1) );

    return list;
Пример #2
// returns
//  0: on success
//  E_LINE_TOO_WIDE: on line too wide
//  E_QUOTED_STRING: at least 1 Quoted String is ill-formatted
int csv_parse(FILE *fp, CSV_CB_record_handler cb, void *params) {
    // char buff[MAX_LINE_LEN];
    struct csv_parser_data d;

    d.callback = cb;
    d.params = params;

    while (d.buff[MAX_LINE_LEN - 1] = '*', NULL != fgets(d.buff, MAX_LINE_LEN, fp)) {
        int r;
        if (d.buff[MAX_LINE_LEN - 1] == '\0' && d.buff[MAX_LINE_LEN - 2] != '\n') return E_LINE_TOO_WIDE;
        if (E_QUOTED_STRING == (r = csv_parse_line(&d)))
            return E_QUOTED_STRING;
        else if (r != 0)
    return 0;
Indexer::Indexer(const string &datapath, const string &dbpath)
    // Hardcode field offsets for simplicity.
    const size_t FIELD_ID_NUMBER = 0;
    const size_t FIELD_TITLE = 2;
    const size_t FIELD_DESCRIPTION = 8;

    // Create or open the database we're going to be writing to.
    Xapian::WritableDatabase db(dbpath, Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN);

    // Set up a TermGenerator that we'll use in indexing.
    Xapian::TermGenerator termgenerator;

    ifstream csv(datapath.c_str());
    vector<string> fields;
    csv_parse_line(csv, fields);

    // Check the CSV header line matches our hard-code offsets.
    if (fields.at(FIELD_ID_NUMBER) != "id_NUMBER" ||
    fields.at(FIELD_TITLE) != "TITLE" ||
    // The CSV format doesn't match what we expect.
    cerr << "CSV format has changed!" << endl;

    while (csv_parse_line(csv, fields)) {
    // 'fields' is a vector mapping from field number to value.
    // We look up fields with the 'at' method so we get an exception
    // if that field isn't set.
    // We're just going to use DESCRIPTION, TITLE and id_NUMBER.
    const string & description = fields.at(FIELD_DESCRIPTION);
    const string & title = fields.at(FIELD_TITLE);
    const string & identifier = fields.at(FIELD_ID_NUMBER);

    // We make a document and tell the term generator to use this.
    Xapian::Document doc;

    // Index each field with a suitable prefix.
    termgenerator.index_text(title, 1, "S");
    termgenerator.index_text(description, 1, "XD");

    // Index fields without prefixes for general search.

    // Store all the fields for display purposes.
    doc.set_data(identifier + "\n" + title + "\n" + description);

    // We use the identifier to ensure each object ends up in the
    // database only once no matter how many times we run the
    // indexer.
    string idterm = "Q" + identifier;
    db.replace_document(idterm, doc);