int ALIGN_DISTRIBUTE_TOOL::selectTarget( ALIGNMENT_RECTS& aItems, ALIGNMENT_RECTS& aLocked, T aGetValue ) { wxPoint curPos( getViewControls()->GetCursorPosition().x, getViewControls()->GetCursorPosition().y ); // after sorting, the fist item acts as the target for all others // unless we have a locked item, in which case we use that for the target int target = !aLocked.size() ? aGetValue( aItems.front() ): aGetValue( aLocked.front() ); // Iterate through both lists to find if we are mouse-over on one of the items. for( auto sel = aLocked.begin(); sel != aItems.end(); sel++ ) { // If there are locked items, prefer aligning to them over // aligning to the cursor as they do not move if( sel == aLocked.end() ) { if( aLocked.size() == 0 ) { sel = aItems.begin(); continue; } break; } // We take the first target that overlaps our cursor. // This is deterministic because we assume sorted arrays if( sel->second.Contains( curPos ) ) { target = aGetValue( *sel ); break; } } return target; }
SimpleAutomatonTokenizer::Token SimpleAutomatonTokenizer::emitToken() { while (!eof()) { size_t startLine = line(); size_t startColumn = column(); const char* c = curPos(); switch (*c) { case '{': discardUntil("}"); break; case ',': advance(); return Token(SimpleAutomatonToken::Comma, c, c+1, offset(c), startLine, startColumn); case ';': advance(); return Token(SimpleAutomatonToken::Semicolon, c, c+1, offset(c), startLine, startColumn); case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': discardWhile(Whitespace); break; default: { const char* e = readString(Whitespace + ";,:"); if (e == NULL) throw ParserException(startLine, startColumn, "Unexpected character: " + String(c, 1)); return Token(detectType(c, e), c, e, offset(c), startLine, startColumn); } } } return Token(SimpleAutomatonToken::Eof, NULL, NULL, length(), line(), column()); }
bool SceneLoader::doG(istream &str, string &name) { name = getString(str); if (name.empty()) { *err << "Couldn't read group name at "; errLine(str.tellg()); return false; } if (groups[name] != NULL) { *err << "Illegal re-use of group name \"" << name << "\" at "; curPos(*err,str.tellg()); *err << endl; return false; } SceneGroup *n = new SceneGroup(); groups[name] = n; n->_name = name; do { int state = findOpenOrClosedParen(str); if (state == ERROR) return false; else if (state == CLOSED) return true; else if (state == OPEN) { string cmd; if (readCommand(str, cmd)) { if (cmd != "I") { *err << "Command other than I from G at "; curPos(*err,str.tellg()); *err << endl; } string iname; SceneInstance *newNode; if ((newNode = doI(str,iname)) != NULL) { n->_children.push_back( newNode ); } findCloseParen(str); } } } while (true); }
bool SceneLoader::readCommand(istream &str, string &name) { name = getString(str); if (name.empty()) { *err << "error: expected command but did not find one at "; curPos(*err, str.tellg()); *err << endl; return false; } return true; }
string SceneLoader::getQuoted(istream &str) { string ret; char temp; str >> temp; if (temp != '"') { *err << "expected opening \" at "; curPos(*err, str.tellg()); *err << endl; } getline(str, ret, '"'); return ret; }
void SummaryWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter painter(this); QRect rect = painter.viewport(); painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt::gray)); painter.drawRect(rect); QPointF curPos(5,5); QFont serifFont("Times", 9); QFontMetricsF fm(serifFont); int fontPixHeight = fm.height(); // box at the right edge of widget, labeled with week number; QRect weekOfYearRect(width()-fontPixHeight-4, 0, fontPixHeight+4, height()); painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt::black)); painter.drawRect(weekOfYearRect); painter.rotate(90); painter.setPen(Qt::white); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); QString sideLabel = QString("WEEK %1").arg(week.week()); int sideLabelLen = fm.width(sideLabel); painter.drawText(0, -width(),height(), fontPixHeight+8, Qt::AlignCenter, sideLabel); painter.restore(); // QFont serifFont("Times", 10); // QFontMetricsF fm(serifFont); // int fontPixHeight = fm.height(); for (int i=0; i<summary->getSessions().length(); i++) { curPos = summary->getSessions().value(i)->paint(*spainter, curPos, painter); } // no session this week => print "recomp" if (summary->getSessions().length() == 0) { QFont serifFont("Times", 14, QFont::Bold); QFontMetricsF fm(serifFont); fontPixHeight = fm.height(); painter.setFont(serifFont); painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::red)); curPos += QPointF(0, fontPixHeight); painter.drawText(curPos, "recomp"); int space = sideLabelLen - curPos.y() + 20; curPos += QPointF(0, space); } plotHeight = curPos.y(); emit plotHeightChanged(week); }
bool SceneLoader::doRender(istream &str, string &name) { name = getString(str); if (name.empty()) { *err << "Trying to render group without specifying a name at "; curPos(*err,str.tellg()); *err << endl; return false; } if (groups[name] == NULL) { *err << "Trying to render group not found \"" << name << "\" at "; curPos(*err,str.tellg()); *err << endl; return false; } root->_child = groups[name]; return true; }
bool QQuickCustomAffector::affectParticle(QQuickParticleData *d, qreal dt) { //This does the property based affecting, called by superclass if signal isn't hooked up. bool changed = false; QPointF curPos(d->curX(), d->curY()); if (m_acceleration != &m_nullVector){ QPointF pos = m_acceleration->sample(curPos); QPointF curAcc = QPointF(d->curAX(), d->curAY()); if (m_relative) { pos *= dt; pos += curAcc; } if (pos != curAcc) { d->setInstantaneousAX(pos.x()); d->setInstantaneousAY(pos.y()); changed = true; } } if (m_velocity != &m_nullVector){ QPointF pos = m_velocity->sample(curPos); QPointF curVel = QPointF(d->curVX(), d->curVY()); if (m_relative) { pos *= dt; pos += curVel; } if (pos != curVel) { d->setInstantaneousVX(pos.x()); d->setInstantaneousVY(pos.y()); changed = true; } } if (m_position != &m_nullVector){ QPointF pos = m_position->sample(curPos); if (m_relative) { pos *= dt; pos += curPos; } if (pos != curPos) { d->setInstantaneousX(pos.x()); d->setInstantaneousY(pos.y()); changed = true; } } return changed; }
void ParticleField::Render() { glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); m_ParticleTexture->bind(); static ci::Color c = ci::Color(0.4f, 0.7f, 0.9f); static ci::Color c2 = ci::Color(0.9f, 0.6f, 0.1f); glPushMatrix(); for (std::list<Particle>::iterator it = m_Particles.begin(); it != m_Particles.end(); it++) { const ci::Vec4f back = it->history.back(); float temp = static_cast<float>((it->radius-MIN_RADIUS)/(MAX_RADIUS-MIN_RADIUS)); ci::Color curColor = c*temp + c2*(1-temp); float radius = it->radius * back[3]; ci::Vec3f pos(back[0], back[1], back[2]); scaleVec3(pos); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); renderImage(pos, radius, curColor, back[3]); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); float total = static_cast<float>(it->history.size()); for (int i = static_cast<int>(it->history.size())-1; i>0; i--) { float per = static_cast<float>(i) / total; const ci::Vec4f& cur = it->history[i]; const ci::Vec4f& last = it->history[i-1]; ci::Vec3f curPos(cur[0], cur[1], cur[2]); ci::Vec3f lastPos(last[0], last[1], last[2]); scaleVec3(curPos); scaleVec3(lastPos); ci::Vec3f perp0 = curPos - lastPos; ci::Vec3f perp1 = perp0.cross(ci::Vec3f::zAxis()); ci::Vec3f perp2 = perp0.cross(perp1); perp1 = perp0.cross(perp2).normalized(); float offWidth = (it->radius * cur[3] * per * 0.07f); float opacityScale = 0.95f*back[3]*per; if (per > 0.8f) { float temp = (1.0f - per) / 0.2f; float tempScale = sqrt(temp); offWidth *= tempScale; opacityScale *= tempScale; } ci::Vec3f off = perp1 * offWidth; glColor4f(curColor.r, curColor.g, curColor.b, opacityScale); ci::gl::vertex(curPos - off); ci::gl::vertex(curPos + off); } glEnd(); } glPopMatrix(); }
DirectX::XMFLOAT2 SpriteFont::MeasureText(const wchar *text, uint maxWidth) const { DirectX::XMFLOAT2 size(0.0f, 0.0f); DirectX::XMFLOAT2 curPos(0.0f, 0.0f);; size_t length = wcslen(text); for (uint64 i = 0; i < length; ++i) { wchar character = text[i]; if (character == ' ') { // Check for wrapping if (maxWidth != 0U && curPos.x + m_spaceWidth > maxWidth) { size.x = std::max(size.x, curPos.x); curPos.y += m_charHeight; curPos.x = 0; } curPos.x += m_spaceWidth; } else if (character == '\t') { // Check for wrapping if (maxWidth != 0U && curPos.x + 4.0f * m_spaceWidth > maxWidth) { curPos.y += m_charHeight; curPos.x = 0; } curPos.x += 4.0f * m_spaceWidth; } else if (character == '\n' || character == '\r') { size.x = std::max(size.x, curPos.x); curPos.y += m_charHeight; curPos.x = 0; } else { SpriteFont::CharDesc desc = GetCharDescriptor(character); // Check for wrapping if (maxWidth != 0U && curPos.x + desc.Width + 1 > maxWidth) { size.x = std::max(size.x, curPos.x); curPos.y += m_charHeight; curPos.x = 0; } curPos.x += desc.Width + 1; } size.x = std::max(curPos.x, size.x); size.y = curPos.y + m_charHeight; } return size; }
void EObject::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { if(myMode == RESIZE) { width = dashRect->rect().width() +margin*2; height = dashRect->rect().height() +margin*2; qreal curX = dashRect->rect().left() - margin; qreal curY = dashRect->rect().top() - margin; QPointF curPos(curX,curY); setPos(mapToScene(curPos)); //scene()->removeItem(dashRect); delete dashRect; } else QGraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent(event); }
void Primitive2D::handleEvent(SoHandleEventAction* action) { if (!eventsHandles) { SoSeparator::handleEvent(action); return; } eventAction = action; const SoEvent* event = action->getEvent(); SbViewportRegion viewRegion = sketcherView.getViewer().getViewportRegion(); SbVec2f normalizedPos(event->getNormalizedPosition(viewRegion)); SbViewVolume volume; volume = SoViewVolumeElement::get(eventAction->getState()); SbVec3f curPos(sketcherView.projectPoint(normalizedPos, volume)); if (event->getTypeId().isDerivedFrom(SoKeyboardEvent::getClassTypeId())) { const SoKeyboardEvent* keyEvent = static_cast<const SoKeyboardEvent*>(event); int key = keyEvent->getKey(); if (key == SoKeyboardEvent::RETURN) emitCreated(); else if (key == SoKeyboardEvent::ESCAPE) emitCreationCanceled(); if (keyPressed(key)) action->setHandled(); } else if (event->getTypeId().isDerivedFrom(SoMouseButtonEvent::getClassTypeId())) { const SoMouseButtonEvent* mouseEvent = static_cast<const SoMouseButtonEvent*>(event); int button = mouseEvent->getButton(); SbBool press = mouseEvent->getState() == SoButtonEvent::DOWN ? TRUE : FALSE; if (mouseButtonPressed(button, press, curPos)) action->setHandled(); } else if (event->getTypeId().isDerivedFrom(SoLocation2Event::getClassTypeId())) { if (mouseMove(curPos)) action->setHandled(); } }
bool SceneLoader::doSurface(istream &str, string& name) { name = getString(str); if (name.empty()) { *err << "Couldn't read surface name at "; errLine(str.tellg()); return false; } if (_savedColors[name] != NULL) { *err << "Illegal re-use of surface name \"" << name << "\" at "; curPos(*err,str.tellg()); *err << endl; return false; } do { int state = findOpenOrClosedParen(str); if (state == ERROR) return false; else if (state == CLOSED) return true; else if (state == OPEN) { string cmd; vector<ParametricValue*> values; if (readCommand(str, cmd)) { if (cmd == "rgb") { int numv = getValues(str, values); if (numv < 3) { *err << "rgb with not enough args at "; errLine(str.tellg()); } else { cleanAfter(values, 3); Color *c = new Color(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { c->_color[i] = values[i]; } _savedColors[name] = c; } } else if (cmd == "bitmap") { // something with loading textures string file = getQuoted(str); _savedTextures[name] = file; } findCloseParen(str); } } } while (true); }
bool SceneLoader::findOpenParen(istream &str) { char temp; string line; while (str >> temp) { if (temp == '(') return true; else if (temp == '#') getline(str,line); else { *err << "error: unexpected char " << temp << " at "; curPos(*err, str.tellg()); *err << endl; return false; } } return false; }
bool SceneLoader::doInclude(istream &str, string& name) { name = getString(str); if (name.empty()) { *err << "Couldn't read include name at "; errLine(str.tellg()); return false; } if (groups[name] != NULL) { *err << "Illegal re-use of variable name \"" << name << "\" at "; curPos(*err,str.tellg()); *err << endl; return false; } string file = getQuoted(str); SceneGroup *n = new SceneGroup(); n->_poly = new Polygon(file); n->_name = name; groups[name] = n; return true; }
int SceneLoader::findOpenOrClosedParen(istream &str) { char temp; string line; while (str >> temp) { if (temp == '(') return OPEN; else if (temp == '#') getline(str,line); else if (temp == ')') { str.putback(temp); return CLOSED; } else { *err << "error: unexpected char " << temp << " at "; curPos(*err, str.tellg()); *err << endl; return false; } } return ERROR; }
ParametricValue* SceneLoader::getValue(istream &str) { char temp; str >> temp; if (temp == ')') { str.putback(temp); return NULL; } else if (temp == '#') { string no; getline(str,no); return getValue(str); } else { str.putback(temp); double val; str.peek(); str >> val; if ( { str.clear(); *err << "Failed to extract a numeric value at "; curPos(*err, str.tellg()); *err << endl; str.peek(); return NULL; } else { return new ConstValue(val); } } }
//============================== // BitmapFontSurfaceLocal::DrawText3D void BitmapFontSurfaceLocal::DrawText3D( BitmapFont const & font, fontParms_t const & parms, Vector3f const & pos, Vector3f const & normal, Vector3f const & up, float scale, Vector4f const & color, char const * text ) { if ( text == NULL || text[0] == '\0' ) { return; // nothing to do here, move along } // TODO: multiple line support -- we would need to calculate the horizontal width // for each string ending in \n size_t len; float width; float height; float ascent; float descent; int const MAX_LINES = 128; float lineWidths[MAX_LINES]; int numLines; AsLocal( font ).CalcTextMetrics( text, len, width, height, ascent, descent, lineWidths, MAX_LINES, numLines ); // LOG( "BitmapFontSurfaceLocal::DrawText3D( \"%s\" %s %s ) : width = %.2f, height = %.2f, numLines = %i, fh = %.2f", // text, parms.CenterVert ? "cv" : "", parms.CenterHoriz ? "ch" : "", // width, height, numLines, AsLocal( font ).GetFontInfo().FontHeight ); if ( len == 0 ) { return; } DROID_ASSERT( normal.IsNormalized(), "BitmapFont" ); DROID_ASSERT( up.IsNormalized(), "BitmapFont" ); const FontInfoType & fontInfo = AsLocal( font ).GetFontInfo(); float imageWidth = (float)AsLocal( font ).GetImageWidth(); float const xScale = AsLocal( font ).GetFontInfo().ScaleFactor * scale; float const yScale = AsLocal( font ).GetFontInfo().ScaleFactor * scale; // allocate a vertex block size_t numVerts = 4 * len; VertexBlockType vb( font, numVerts, pos, Quatf(), parms.Billboard, parms.TrackRoll ); Vector3f const right = up.Cross( normal ); Vector3f const r = ( parms.Billboard ) ? Vector3f( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) : right; Vector3f const u = ( parms.Billboard ) ? Vector3f( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) : up; Vector3f curPos( 0.0f ); if ( parms.CenterVert ) { float const vofs = ( height * 0.5f ) - ascent; curPos += u * ( vofs * scale ); } Vector3f basePos = curPos; if ( parms.CenterHoriz ) { curPos -= r * ( lineWidths[0] * 0.5f * scale ); } Vector3f lineInc = u * ( fontInfo.FontHeight * yScale ); float const distanceScale = imageWidth / FontInfoType::DEFAULT_SCALE_FACTOR; const uint8_t fontParms[4] = { (uint8_t)( OVR::Alg::Clamp( parms.AlphaCenter + fontInfo.CenterOffset, 0.0f, 1.0f ) * 255 ), (uint8_t)( OVR::Alg::Clamp( parms.ColorCenter + fontInfo.CenterOffset, 0.0f, 1.0f ) * 255 ), (uint8_t)( OVR::Alg::Clamp( distanceScale, 1.0f, 255.0f ) ), 0 }; int iColor = ColorToABGR( color ); int curLine = 0; fontVertex_t * v = vb.Verts; char const * p = text; size_t i = 0; uint32_t charCode = UTF8Util::DecodeNextChar( &p ); for ( ; charCode != '\0'; i++, charCode = UTF8Util::DecodeNextChar( &p ) ) { OVR_ASSERT( i < len ); if ( charCode == '\n' && curLine < numLines && curLine < MAX_LINES ) { // move to next line curLine++; basePos -= lineInc; curPos = basePos; if ( parms.CenterHoriz ) { curPos -= r * ( lineWidths[curLine] * 0.5f * scale ); } } FontGlyphType const & g = AsLocal( font ).GlyphForCharCode( charCode ); float s0 = g.X; float t0 = g.Y; float s1 = ( g.X + g.Width ); float t1 = ( g.Y + g.Height ); float bearingX = g.BearingX * xScale; float bearingY = g.BearingY * yScale ; float rw = ( g.Width + g.BearingX ) * xScale; float rh = ( g.Height - g.BearingY ) * yScale; // lower left v[i * 4 + 0].xyz = curPos + ( r * bearingX ) - ( u * rh ); v[i * 4 + 0].s = s0; v[i * 4 + 0].t = t1; *(UInt32*)(&v[i * 4 + 0].rgba[0]) = iColor; *(UInt32*)(&v[i * 4 + 0].fontParms[0]) = *(UInt32*)(&fontParms[0]); // upper left v[i * 4 + 1].xyz = curPos + ( r * bearingX ) + ( u * bearingY ); v[i * 4 + 1].s = s0; v[i * 4 + 1].t = t0; *(UInt32*)(&v[i * 4 + 1].rgba[0]) = iColor; *(UInt32*)(&v[i * 4 + 1].fontParms[0]) = *(UInt32*)(&fontParms[0]); // upper right v[i * 4 + 2].xyz = curPos + ( r * rw ) + ( u * bearingY ); v[i * 4 + 2].s = s1; v[i * 4 + 2].t = t0; *(UInt32*)(&v[i * 4 + 2].rgba[0]) = iColor; *(UInt32*)(&v[i * 4 + 2].fontParms[0]) = *(UInt32*)(&fontParms[0]); // lower right v[i * 4 + 3].xyz = curPos + ( r * rw ) - ( u * rh ); v[i * 4 + 3].s = s1; v[i * 4 + 3].t = t1; *(UInt32*)(&v[i * 4 + 3].rgba[0]) = iColor; *(UInt32*)(&v[i * 4 + 3].fontParms[0]) = *(UInt32*)(&fontParms[0]); // advance to start of next char curPos += r * ( g.AdvanceX * xScale ); } // add the new vertex block to the array of vertex blocks VertexBlocks.PushBack( vb ); }
void CtrlDisAsmView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter painter(this); painter.setBrush(Qt::white); painter.setPen(Qt::white); painter.drawRect(rect()); struct branch { int src,dst,srcAddr; bool conditional; }; branch branches[256]; int numBranches=0; int width = rect().width(); int numRows=(rect().height()/rowHeight); QColor bgColor(0xFFFFFFFF); QPen nullPen(bgColor); QPen currentPen(QColor(0,0,0)); QPen selPen(QColor(0xFF808080)); QPen condPen(QColor(0xFFFF3020)); QBrush lbr; lbr.setColor(bgColor); QBrush currentBrush(QColor(0xFFFFEfE8)); QBrush pcBrush(QColor(0xFF70FF70)); QFont normalFont("Arial", 10); QFont boldFont("Arial", 10); QFont alignedFont("Monospace", 10); alignedFont.setStyleHint(QFont::Monospace); boldFont.setBold(true); painter.setFont(normalFont); QImage breakPoint(":/resources/breakpoint.ico"); int i; curAddress&=~(align-1); align=(debugger->getInstructionSize(0)); for (i=0; i<=numRows; i++) { unsigned int address=curAddress + (i-(numRows/2))*align; int rowY1 = rect().top() + rowHeight*i; int rowY2 = rect().top() + rowHeight*i + rowHeight - 1; lbr.setColor((unsigned int)marker == address ? QColor(0xFFFFEEE0) : QColor(debugger->getColor(address))); QColor bg = lbr.color(); painter.setBrush(currentBrush); painter.setPen(nullPen); painter.drawRect(0,rowY1,16-1,rowY2-rowY1); if (selecting && address == (unsigned int)selection) painter.setPen(selPen); else { if(i==numRows/2) painter.setPen(currentPen); else painter.setPen(bg); } painter.setBrush(QBrush(bg)); if (address == debugger->getPC()) { painter.setBrush(pcBrush); } painter.drawRect(16,rowY1,width-16-1,rowY2-rowY1); painter.setBrush(currentBrush); QPen textPen(QColor(halfAndHalf(bg.rgba(),0))); painter.setPen(textPen); painter.setFont(alignedFont); painter.drawText(17,rowY1-3+rowHeight,QString("%1").arg(address,8,16,QChar('0'))); painter.setFont(normalFont); textPen.setColor(QColor(0xFF000000)); painter.setPen(textPen); if (debugger->isAlive()) { const char *dizz = debugger->disasm(address, align); char dis[512]; strcpy(dis, dizz); char *dis2 = strchr(dis,'\t'); char desc[256]=""; if (dis2) { *dis2=0; dis2++; const char *mojs=strstr(dis2,"->$"); if (mojs) { for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { bool found=false; for (int j=0; j<22; j++) { if (mojs[i+3]=="0123456789ABCDEFabcdef"[j]) found=true; } if (!found) { mojs=0; break; } } } if (mojs) { int offs; sscanf(mojs+3,"%08x",&offs); branches[numBranches].src=rowY1 + rowHeight/2; branches[numBranches].srcAddr=address/align; branches[numBranches].dst=(int)(rowY1+((s64)offs-(s64)address)*rowHeight/align + rowHeight/2); branches[numBranches].conditional = (dis[1]!=0); //unconditional 'b' branch numBranches++; const char *t = debugger->getDescription(offs).c_str(); if (memcmp(t,"z_",2)==0) t+=2; if (memcmp(t,"zz_",3)==0) t+=3; sprintf(desc,"-->%s", t); textPen.setColor(QColor(0xFF600060)); painter.setPen(textPen); } else { textPen.setColor(QColor(0xFF000000)); painter.setPen(textPen); } painter.drawText(149,rowY1-3+rowHeight,QString(dis2)); } textPen.setColor(QColor(0xFF007000)); painter.setPen(textPen); painter.setFont(boldFont); painter.drawText(84,rowY1-3+rowHeight,QString(dis)); painter.setFont(normalFont); if (desc[0]==0) { const char *t = debugger->getDescription(address).c_str(); if (memcmp(t,"z_",2)==0) t+=2; if (memcmp(t,"zz_",3)==0) t+=3; strcpy(desc,t); } if (memcmp(desc,"-->",3) == 0) { textPen.setColor(QColor(0xFF0000FF)); painter.setPen(textPen); } else { textPen.setColor(halfAndHalf(halfAndHalf(bg.rgba(),0),bg.rgba())); painter.setPen(textPen); } if (strlen(desc)) painter.drawText(std::max(280,width/3+190),rowY1-3+rowHeight,QString(desc)); if (debugger->isBreakpoint(address)) { painter.drawImage(2,rowY1+2,breakPoint); } } } for (i=0; i<numBranches; i++) { painter.setPen(branches[i].conditional ? condPen : currentPen); int x=280+(branches[i].srcAddr%9)*8; QPoint curPos(x-2,branches[i].src); if (branches[i].dst<rect().bottom()+200 && branches[i].dst>-200) { painter.drawLine(curPos, QPoint(x+2,branches[i].src)); curPos = QPoint(x+2,branches[i].src); painter.drawLine(curPos, QPoint(x+2,branches[i].dst)); curPos = QPoint(x+2,branches[i].dst); painter.drawLine(curPos, QPoint(x-4,branches[i].dst)); curPos = QPoint(x,branches[i].dst-4); painter.drawLine(curPos, QPoint(x-4,branches[i].dst)); curPos = QPoint(x-4,branches[i].dst); painter.drawLine(curPos, QPoint(x+1,branches[i].dst+5)); } else { painter.drawLine(curPos, QPoint(x+4,branches[i].src)); } } }
void QD3D11MultiViewportViewer::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* event ) { Vector2i curPos( event->x(), event->y() ); Vector2f delta = curPos - m_prevPos; #if 1 float pitchSpeed = m_flipMouseUpDown ? m_mousePitchSpeed : -m_mousePitchSpeed; const float yawSpeed = 0.005f; const float panSpeed = 0.005f; const float walkSpeed = -0.005f; Matrix3f worldToCamera = m_perspectiveCamera.viewMatrix().getSubmatrix3x3( 0, 0 ); Matrix3f cameraToWorld = m_perspectiveCamera.inverseViewMatrix().getSubmatrix3x3( 0, 0 ); Vector3f eye = m_perspectiveCamera.eye(); Vector3f x = m_perspectiveCamera.right(); Vector3f y = m_perspectiveCamera.up(); Vector3f z = m_perspectiveCamera.forward(); // rotate if( event->buttons() == Qt::LeftButton ) { // pitch around the local x axis float pitch = pitchSpeed * delta.y; Matrix3f pitchMatrix = Matrix3f::rotateX( pitch ); y = cameraToWorld * pitchMatrix * worldToCamera * y; z = cameraToWorld * pitchMatrix * worldToCamera * z; // yaw around the world up vector float yaw = yawSpeed * delta.x; Matrix3f yawMatrix = m_groundPlaneToWorld * Matrix3f::rotateY( yaw ) * m_worldToGroundPlane; x = yawMatrix * x; y = yawMatrix * y; z = yawMatrix * z; m_perspectiveCamera.setLookAt( eye, eye + z, y ); } // walk else if( event->buttons() == Qt::RightButton ) { float dx = panSpeed * delta.x; float dz = walkSpeed * delta.y; translate( dx, 0, dz ); } // move up/down else if( event->buttons() == Qt::MiddleButton ) { float dy = -panSpeed * delta.y; translate( 0, dy, 0 ); } #else if(event->buttons() & Qt::RightButton) //rotate { float rotSpeed = 0.005f; //radians per pixel Quat4f rotation; rotation.setAxisAngle(rotSpeed * delta.abs(), Vector3f(-delta[1], -delta[0], 0)); Matrix3f rotMatrix = Matrix3f::rotation(rotation); Matrix3f viewMatrix = m_camera.getViewMatrix().getSubmatrix3x3(0, 0); rotMatrix = viewMatrix.transposed() * rotMatrix * viewMatrix; Vector3f eye, center, up; m_camera.getLookAt(&eye, ¢er, &up); m_camera.setLookAt(center + rotMatrix * (eye - center), center, rotMatrix * up); } else if(event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) //translate { float speed = 10.f; Vector3f screenDelta(delta[0], delta[1], 0); screenDelta[0] /= -double(width()); screenDelta[1] /= double(height()); Matrix4f iViewProjMatrix = m_camera.getInverseViewProjectionMatrix(); Vector3f worldDelta = iViewProjMatrix.getSubmatrix3x3(0, 0) * (speed * screenDelta); Vector3f eye, center, up; m_camera.getLookAt(&eye, ¢er, &up); m_camera.setLookAt(eye + worldDelta, center + worldDelta, up); } #endif m_prevPos = curPos; update(); }
// select on glyph on line REAL scTextline::Select( scMuPoint& charLoc, long& count, const scMuPoint& hitPt, eContentMovement, BOOL& endOfLine ) { CharRecordP chStop; CharRecordP chStart; CharRecordP chRec; scSpecRecord *specRec; scMuPoint curPos( fOrigin ); scXRect extents( fInkExtents ); long offset; MicroPoint letterSpace; BOOL searchDone = false; BOOL vertical; endOfLine = false; vertical = fColumn->GetFlowdir().IsVertical(); chStart = (CharRecordP)fPara->GetCharArray().Lock(); specRec = fPara->GetSpecRun().ptr( ); letterSpace = fLspAdjustment; chStop = chStart + fEndOffset; offset = fStartOffset; chRec = chStart + offset; if ( vertical ) { curPos.Translate( -fVJOffset, 0 ); extents.Translate( -fVJOffset, 0 ); } else { curPos.Translate( 0, fVJOffset ); extents.Translate( 0, fVJOffset ); } TypeSpec ts = specRec->spec(); scCachedStyle::GetCachedStyle( ts ); // now start the computation if ( !searchDone ) specRec = LNSpecSelect( chRec, chStop, extents, vertical, offset, specRec, letterSpace, curPos, hitPt ); if ( offset >= fEndOffset ) { endOfLine = true; if ( offset == fEndOffset && IsHyphenated() ) { count = offset; chRec = chStart + ( offset - 1 ); if ( chRec ->character != scBreakingHyphen ) curPos.x += scCachedStyle::GetCurrentCache().GetEscapement( '-' ); } else count = fEndOffset; } else count = offset; charLoc = curPos; fPara->GetCharArray().Unlock(); // the hit is within the extents of the line now // determine how far from the selected point it // is and return the square of the distance REAL x, y; if ( vertical ) { x = (REAL)(hitPt.y - curPos.x); y = (REAL)(hitPt.x - curPos.y); } else { x = (REAL)(hitPt.x - curPos.x); y = (REAL)(hitPt.y - curPos.y); } x = x * x; y = y * y; return( x + y ); }
SceneInstance* SceneLoader::doI(istream &str, string &name) { name = getString(str); if (name.empty()) { *err << "Couldn't read instance name at "; errLine(str.tellg()); return NULL; } string var = getString(str); if (groups[var] == NULL) { *err << "Instancing node " << var << " which doesn't exist yet at "; curPos(*err,str.tellg()); *err << endl; return NULL; } SceneInstance *n = new SceneInstance(); instances.push_back(n); //nodes[name] = n; n->_name = name; n->_child = groups[var]; do { int state = findOpenOrClosedParen(str); if (state == ERROR) return NULL; else if (state == CLOSED) return n; else if (state == OPEN) { string cmd; vector<ParametricValue*> values; if (readCommand(str, cmd)) { if (cmd == "R") // load rotations { int numv = getValues(str, values); Rotate *r = NULL; if (numv < 1) { *err << "R with no args at "; errLine(str.tellg()); } else if (numv < 4) { cleanAfter(values, 1); r = new Rotate(); r->angle = values[0]; } else { cleanAfter(values, 4); r = new Rotate(); r->angle = values[0]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) r->axis[i] = values[i+1]; } if (r != NULL) n->_transforms.push_back(r); } else if (cmd == "Xform") { int numv = getValues(str, values); GeneralTransform *g = NULL; if (numv < 9) { *err << "Xform with too few parameters at "; errLine(str.tellg()); } else if (numv < 16) { // 2d cleanAfter(values, 9); g = new GeneralTransform(); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) g->matrix.push_back(values[i]); } else { cleanAfter(values, 16); g = new GeneralTransform(); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) g->matrix.push_back(values[i]); } if (g != NULL) n->_transforms.push_back(g); } else if (cmd == "T") { int numv = getValues(str, values); Translate *t = NULL; if (numv < 2) { *err << "T with too few parameters at "; errLine(str.tellg()); } else if (numv == 2) { t = new Translate(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) t->translate[i] = values[i]; } else { cleanAfter(values, 3); t = new Translate(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) t->translate[i] = values[i]; } if (t != NULL) n->_transforms.push_back(t); } else if (cmd == "S") { int numv = getValues(str, values); Scale *s = NULL; if (numv < 2) { *err << "S with too few parameters at "; errLine(str.tellg()); } else if (numv == 2) { s = new Scale(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) s->scale[i] = values[i]; } else { s = new Scale(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) s->scale[i] = values[i]; } if (s != NULL) n->_transforms.push_back(s); } else if (cmd == "color") { int numv = getValues(str, values); ParametricColor *c = NULL; if (numv < 3) { *err << "color with too few parameters at "; errLine(str.tellg()); } else { cleanAfter(values, 3); c = new ParametricColor(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) c->_color[i] = values[i]; } if (c != NULL) n->_color = c; } else if (cmd == "lod") { int numv = getValues(str, values); LOD *l = NULL; if (numv < 1) { *err << "lod with no parameters at "; errLine(str.tellg()); } else { //cout << "got lod" << endl; cleanAfter(values, 1); l = new LOD(); l->_level = values[0]; } if (l != NULL) n->_lod = l; } else { *err << "Error: command " << cmd << " not recognized at "; curPos(*err,str.tellg()); *err << endl; } findCloseParen(str); } } } while (true); }
void SceneLoader::errLine(int at) { curPos(*err, at); *err << endl; }
ParametricValue* SceneLoader::getValue(istream &str) { char temp; str >> temp; if (temp == '{') // time-varying expression { int start = str.tellg(); string expr; while (str.get(temp)) { if (temp == '}') // completed expr { ParametricValue *v = new ExprValue(expr.c_str()); if (!v->good()) { *err << "Error: couldn't parse expression \"" << expr << "\" at "; curPos(*err,str.tellg()); *err << endl; delete v; return NULL; } else { return v; } } else if (temp == '#') { string no; getline(str, no); } else { expr += temp; } } *err << "Error: No closing brace for expr at "; curPos(*err, start); *err << endl; return NULL; } else if (temp == ')') { str.putback(temp); return NULL; } else if (temp == '#') { string no; getline(str,no); return getValue(str); } else { str.putback(temp); double val; str.peek(); str >> val; if ( { str.clear(); *err << "Failed to extract a numeric value at "; curPos(*err, str.tellg()); *err << endl; str.peek(); return NULL; } else { return new ConstValue(val); } } }
BallTrack::BallTrack(Vector3D* curLoc, double strength, double shootAngle, Vector3D* centerLoc, double level) { //strength *= 0.8; scoredLocation = -1; scored = false; int collideNextPoint = 0; double step = (strength / 900); double xChange = centerLoc->getValueAt(X) - curLoc->getValueAt(X), zChange = centerLoc->getValueAt(Z) - curLoc->getValueAt(Z); double d = sqrt(pow(zChange, 2) + pow(xChange, 2)); double zStep = (step * zChange / d) * cos(shootAngle * PI / 180), xStep = (step * xChange / d) * cos(shootAngle * PI / 180), yStep = (step) / cos(shootAngle * PI / 180); Vector3D curPos(curLoc); Vector3D accelVector(0.0, -0.002, 0.0); Vector3D speedVector(xStep, yStep, zStep); double ballDiameter = 0.27; Bin tempBin(0.6, level, 100); // A bin used just for calculation while (scored == false && (route.size() < 350)) { route.push_back(new Vector3D(curPos)); string infoString; infoString = ""; speedVector.add(accelVector); curPos.add(speedVector); if (curPos.getValueAt(X) >= 8 - ballDiameter || curPos.getValueAt(X) <= -8 + ballDiameter) { // Wall collision (curPos.getValueAt(X) < 0) ? curPos.setValueAt(X, -8 + ballDiameter) : curPos.setValueAt(X, 8 - ballDiameter); speedVector.changeDirection(X); speedVector.setValueAt(X, 0.9 * speedVector.getValueAt(X)); // Debug // infoString = "Wall Hit"; } if (curPos.getValueAt(Y) <= -1.7 || curPos.getValueAt(Y) >= 6) { // Floor collision curPos.getValueAt(Y) < 0 ? curPos.setValueAt(Y, -1.7) : curPos.setValueAt(Y, 6); speedVector.changeDirection(Y); speedVector.setValueAt(Y, 0.7 * speedVector.getValueAt(Y)); // Debug // infoString = "Floor Hit"; } if (curPos.getValueAt(Z) <= 0.5 || curPos.getValueAt(Z) >= 16) { // Front wall collision curPos.getValueAt(Z) <= 0.5 ? curPos.setValueAt(Z, 0.5) : curPos.setValueAt(Z, 16); speedVector.changeDirection(Z); // Debug // infoString = "Wall Hit"; } // Collision with the bin if (collideNextPoint == 0) { if (curPos.getValueAt(Y) < 0.0 && curPos.getValueAt(Y) > -1.9 && curPos.getValueAt(X) < 1.3 && curPos.getValueAt(X) > -1.3 && curPos.getValueAt(Z) > 1.4 && curPos.getValueAt(Z) < 3.5) { // Bin area Vector3D binLoc(0.0, -1, 2.3); double closestLength = ballDiameter; int closestLocation = -1; for (int i = 0; i < tempBin.getfaces(); i++) { Vector3D tempVector = tempBin.getVertexAt(i); tempVector.add(binLoc); double test = curPos.distance(tempVector); if (test < closestLength) { closestLocation = i; closestLength = test; } } if (closestLocation > 0) { double mag = speedVector.getLength(); speedVector.normalize(); Vector3D normalVec = tempBin.getNormalAt(closestLocation); double dotProd = -2 * (; normalVec.setValueAt(X, normalVec.getValueAt(X) * dotProd); normalVec.setValueAt(Y, normalVec.getValueAt(Y) * dotProd); normalVec.setValueAt(Z, normalVec.getValueAt(Z) * dotProd); normalVec.add(speedVector); normalVec.setValueAt(X, normalVec.getValueAt(X) * mag * 0.8); normalVec.setValueAt(Y, normalVec.getValueAt(Y) * mag * 0.8); normalVec.setValueAt(Z, normalVec.getValueAt(Z) * mag * 0.8); speedVector = normalVec; if (curPos.getValueAt(Y) < 1.4) collideNextPoint = 10; else collideNextPoint = 3; // Debug // infoString = "Bin hit"; } } } else { collideNextPoint--; } //Scored? if (((curPos.getValueAt(Y) < -1.05 && curPos.getValueAt(Y) > -1.5))//-1.3 && (((curPos.getValueAt(Z) > 1.9 && curPos.getValueAt(Z) < 2.6) && (curPos.getValueAt(X) < 0.4 && curPos.getValueAt(X)> -0.4) && speedVector.getValueAt(Y) < 0))) { // Debug // infoString = "Scores!!!"; scored = true; if (scoredLocation < 0) scoredLocation = route.size(); } if (infoString == "" && information.size() != 0) infoString = information[information.size() - 1]; information.push_back(infoString); } }
bool SceneLoader::buildScene(string filename) { buildEndlineTable(filename); ifstream file(filename.c_str()); string line; int lastPos = 0; while (findOpenParen(file)) { cout << "found open paren" << endl; file.tellg(); if (readCommand(file, line)) { if (line == "Include") { string instName; if (doInclude(file, instName)) { cout << "included " << instName << endl; } else { cout << "mangled include at "; curPos(cout, file.tellg()); cout << endl; } } else if (line == "Sphere") { string gname; if (doSphere(file, gname)) { cout << "read sphere " << gname << endl; } else { *err << "mangled sphere command at "; errLine(file.tellg()); } } else if (line == "Material") { string gname; if (doMaterial(file, gname)) { cout << "read material " << gname << endl; } else { *err << "mangled material command at "; errLine(file.tellg()); } } else if (line == "Light") { string gname; if (doLight(file, gname)) { cout << "read light " << gname << endl; } else { *err << "mangled light command at "; errLine(file.tellg()); } } else if (line == "Camera") { string gname; if (doCamera(file, gname)) { cout << "read camera " << gname << endl; } else { *err << "mangled camera command at "; errLine(file.tellg()); } } else if (line == "I") { *err << "Error: Instance commands must belong to a group, but I found in global scope at "; errLine(file.tellg()); /*string iname; // code to handle I at global scope (doesn't make much sense now that instance names skip the names table) if (doI(file, iname)) { cout << "got an instance named " << iname << endl; }*/ } else if (line == "G") { string iname; if (doG(file, iname)) { cout << "got a group named " << iname << endl; } } else if (line == "Render") { string iname; if (doRender(file, iname)) { cout << "did render " << iname << endl; } } else { *err << "command not recognized: " << line << endl; } findCloseParen(file); } else { } lastPos = file.tellg(); } return true; }
MStatus geometrySurfaceConstraint::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block ) { MStatus returnStatus; if(plug == constraintTranslateX || plug == constraintTranslateY || plug == constraintTranslateZ) { if(!m_isInitd) { // read rest position MDataHandle htgo = block.inputValue(targetRestP); double3 & tgo = htgo.asDouble3(); MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("target rest p ")+tgo[0]+" "+tgo[1]+" "+tgo[2]); m_restPos = MPoint(tgo[0],tgo[1],tgo[2]); m_isInitd = true; } MArrayDataHandle targetArray = block.inputArrayValue( compoundTarget ); const unsigned int targetArrayCount = targetArray.elementCount(); MMatrix tm; tm.setToIdentity(); unsigned int i; for ( i = 0; i < targetArrayCount; i++ ) { MDataHandle targetElement = targetArray.inputValue(&returnStatus); if(!returnStatus) { MGlobal::displayInfo("failed to get input value target element"); } MDataHandle htm = targetElement.child(targetTransform); MFnMatrixData ftm(, &returnStatus); if(!returnStatus) { MGlobal::displayInfo("failed to get matrix data"); } tm = ftm.matrix();; } MDataHandle hparentInvMat = block.inputValue(constraintParentInverseMatrix); MMatrix parentInvMat = hparentInvMat.asMatrix(); // world position MPoint curPos(tm(3,0), tm(3,1), tm(3,2)); // offset in local space m_offsetToRest = m_restPos - curPos; // object position in world space MPoint localP = m_offsetToRest * tm + curPos; // in local space localP *= parentInvMat; MDataHandle hout; if(plug == constraintTranslateX) { hout = block.outputValue(constraintTranslateX); hout.set(localP.x); } else if(plug == constraintTranslateY) { hout = block.outputValue(constraintTranslateY); hout.set(localP.y); } else if(plug == constraintTranslateZ) { hout = block.outputValue(constraintTranslateZ); hout.set(localP.z); } //MPlug pgTx(thisMObject(), constraintTargetX); //pgTx.setValue(m_lastPos.x); //MPlug pgTy(thisMObject(), constraintTargetY); //pgTy.setValue(m_lastPos.y); //MPlug pgTz(thisMObject(), constraintTargetZ); //pgTz.setValue(m_lastPos.z); MPlug pgOx(thisMObject(), constraintObjectX); pgOx.setValue(m_offsetToRest.x); MPlug pgOy(thisMObject(), constraintObjectY); pgOy.setValue(m_offsetToRest.y); MPlug pgOz(thisMObject(), constraintObjectZ); pgOz.setValue(m_offsetToRest.z); // MFnNumericData nd; //MObject offsetData = nd.create( MFnNumericData::k3Double); //nd.setData3Double(m_lastPos.x, m_lastPos.y, m_lastPos.z); //MPlug pgTgo(thisMObject(), targetOffset); //pgTgo.setValue(offsetData); } else return MS::kUnknownParameter; return MS::kSuccess; }
/** * Zeichnet einen Text. * * @param[in] x X-Koordinate * @param[in] y Y-Koordinate * @param[in] text Der Text * @param[in] format Format des Textes (verodern) * @p FontStyle::LEFT - Text links ( standard ) * @p FontStyle::CENTER - Text mittig * @p FontStyle::RIGHT - Text rechts * @p FontStyle::TOP - Text oben ( standard ) * @p FontStyle::VCENTER - Text vertikal zentriert * @p FontStyle::BOTTOM - Text unten * @param[in] color Farbe des Textes * @param[in] length Länge des Textes * @param[in] max maximale Länge * @param end Suffix for displaying a truncation of the text (...) */ void glArchivItem_Font::Draw(DrawPoint pos, const std::string& text, FontStyle format, unsigned color, unsigned short length, unsigned short maxWidth, const std::string& end) { if(!fontNoOutline) initFont(); RTTR_Assert(isValidUTF8(text)); // Breite bestimmen if(length == 0) length = (unsigned short)text.length(); unsigned maxNumChars; unsigned short textWidth; bool drawEnd; if(maxWidth == 0xFFFF) { maxNumChars = length; textWidth = getWidth(text, length); drawEnd = false; } else { RTTR_Assert(isValidUTF8(end)); textWidth = getWidth(text, length, maxWidth, &maxNumChars); if(!end.empty() && maxNumChars < length) { unsigned short endWidth = getWidth(end); // If "end" does not fit, draw nothing if(textWidth < endWidth) return; // Wieviele Buchstaben gehen in den "Rest" (ohne "end") textWidth = getWidth(text, length, textWidth - endWidth, &maxNumChars) + endWidth; drawEnd = true; } else drawEnd = false; } if(maxNumChars == 0) return; auto itEnd = text.cbegin(); std::advance(itEnd, maxNumChars); // Vertical alignment (assumes 1 line only!) if( pos.y -= dy; else if( pos.y -= dy / 2; // Horizontal center must change current line only. Everything else changes the start point DrawPoint curPos(pos); // Horizontal alignment if( curPos.x = pos.x -= textWidth; else if( { unsigned short line_width; const auto itNl = std::find(text.cbegin(), itEnd, '\n'); if(itNl != itEnd) line_width = getWidthInternal(text.cbegin(), itNl); else line_width = textWidth; curPos.x = pos.x - line_width / 2; } texList.texCoords.clear(); texList.vertices.clear(); for(auto it = text.begin(); it != itEnd;) { const uint32_t curChar = utf8::next(it, itEnd); if(curChar == '\n') { if( { unsigned short line_width; const auto itNl = std::find(it, itEnd, '\n'); line_width = getWidthInternal(it, itNl); curPos.x = pos.x - line_width / 2; } else curPos.x = pos.x; curPos.y += dy; } else DrawChar(curChar, texList, curPos); } if(drawEnd) { for(auto it = end.begin(); it != end.end();) { const uint32_t curChar = utf8::next(it, end.end()); if(curChar == '\n') { curPos.x = pos.x; curPos.y += dy; } else DrawChar(curChar, texList, curPos); } } if(texList.vertices.empty()) return; // Get texture first as it might need to be created glArchivItem_Bitmap& usedFont = ? *fontNoOutline : *fontWithOutline; unsigned texture = usedFont.GetTexture(); if(!texture) return; const GlPoint texSize(usedFont.GetTexSize()); RTTR_Assert(texList.texCoords.size() == texList.vertices.size()); RTTR_Assert(texList.texCoords.size() % 4u == 0); // Vectorizable loop for(unsigned i = 0; i < texList.texCoords.size(); i += 4) { for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) texList.texCoords[i + j] /= texSize; } glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, &texList.vertices[0]); glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, &texList.texCoords[0]); VIDEODRIVER.BindTexture(texture); glColor4ub(GetRed(color), GetGreen(color), GetBlue(color), GetAlpha(color)); glDrawArrays(GL_QUADS, 0, texList.vertices.size()); }
/** * @brief */ void glArchivItem_Font::initFont() { ClearCharInfoMapping(); fontWithOutline = libsiedler2::getAllocator().create<glArchivItem_Bitmap>(libsiedler2::BOBTYPE_BITMAP_RLE); fontNoOutline = libsiedler2::getAllocator().create<glArchivItem_Bitmap>(libsiedler2::BOBTYPE_BITMAP_RLE); // first, we have to find how much chars we really have unsigned numChars = 0; for(unsigned i = 0; i < size(); ++i) { if(get(i)) ++numChars; } if(numChars == 0) return; const auto numCharsPerLine = static_cast<unsigned>(std::sqrt(static_cast<double>(numChars))); // Calc lines required (rounding up) const unsigned numLines = (numChars + numCharsPerLine - 1) / numCharsPerLine; constexpr Extent spacing(1, 1); Extent texSize = (Extent(dx, dy) + spacing * 2u) * Extent(numCharsPerLine, numLines) + spacing * 2u; libsiedler2::PixelBufferARGB bufferWithOutline(texSize.x, texSize.y); libsiedler2::PixelBufferARGB bufferNoOutline(texSize.x, texSize.y); const libsiedler2::ArchivItem_Palette* const palette = LOADER.GetPaletteN("colors"); Position curPos(spacing); numChars = 0; for(unsigned i = 0; i < size(); ++i) { const auto* c = dynamic_cast<const libsiedler2::ArchivItem_Bitmap_Player*>(get(i)); if(!c) continue; if((numChars % numCharsPerLine) == 0 && numChars > 0) { curPos.y += dy + spacing.y * 2; curPos.x = spacing.x; } // Spezialpalette (blaue Spielerfarben sind Grau) verwenden, damit man per OpenGL einfärben kann! c->print(bufferNoOutline, palette, 128, curPos.x, curPos.y, 0, 0, 0, 0, true); c->print(bufferWithOutline, palette, 128, curPos.x, curPos.y); CharInfo ci(curPos, std::min<unsigned short>(dx + 2, c->getWidth())); AddCharInfo(i, ci); curPos.x += dx + spacing.x * 2; ++numChars; } fontNoOutline->create(bufferNoOutline); fontWithOutline->create(bufferWithOutline); // Set the placeholder for non-existant glyphs. Use '?' (should always be possible) if(CharExist('?')) placeHolder = GetCharInfo('?'); else { // Fall back to first glyph in map (kinda random, but should not happen anyway) LOG.writeToFile("Cannot find '?' glyph in font!"); throw std::runtime_error("Cannot find '?' glyph in font. What shall I use as fallback?"); } #ifdef RTTR_PRINT_FONTS Archiv items; items.pushC(*fontNoOutline); libsiedler2::Write("font" + getName() + "_noOutline.bmp", items); items.setC(0, *fontWithOutline); libsiedler2::Write("font" + getName() + "_Outline.bmp", items); #endif }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Finds the shortest path from start to any target in the list, avoiding units and walls. A path will never be found if all targets are occupied or contains a wall. Returns true if and only if a path was found. /// /// @param path If the return value is true, path will contain the shortest path from start to the nearest target. /// @param start Where pathing is to start from. /// @param targetList A list of target destinations. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool baseAI::findPath(vector<Coordinate>& path, const Coordinate start, const vector<Coordinate> targetList) { int dis[26][26]; int via[26][26]; bool success = false; bool changing = true; int newVal; static bool first = true; //via // 1 // 2 0 // 3 if (start.x() < 0 || start.y() < 0 || start.x() > 25 || start.y() > 25) { cout << "Error: Path was called with a start coordinate that was out of bounds."; return false; } for (int i = 0; i < targetList.size(); i++) { if (targetList[i].x() < 0 || targetList[i].y() < 0 || targetList[i].x() > 25 || targetList[i].y() > 25) { cout << "Error: Path was called with a target coordinate that was out of bounds."; return false; } } if (first) { first = false; plotWalls(); } plotUnits(); for (int x = 0; x < 26; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 26; y++) { dis[x][y] = 999; via[x][y] = -1; } } for (int i = 0; i < targetList.size(); i++) { if (!occupied[targetList[i].x()][targetList[i].y()] && !walled[targetList[i].x()][targetList[i].y()]) dis[targetList[i].x()][targetList[i].y()] = 0; } while (changing) { changing = false; for (int x = 0; x < 26; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 26; y++) { if (!walled[x][y] && (!occupied[x][y] || start == Coordinate(x,y))) { //newVal = dis[x][y]; if (x > 0) { if (dis[x-1][y]+1 < dis[x][y]) { dis[x][y] = dis[x-1][y]+1; via[x][y] = 2; changing = true; } } if (x < 25) { if (dis[x+1][y]+1 < dis[x][y]) { dis[x][y] = dis[x+1][y]+1; via[x][y] = 0; changing = true; } } if (y > 0) { if (dis[x][y-1]+1 < dis[x][y]) { dis[x][y] = dis[x][y-1]+1; via[x][y] = 3; changing = true; } } if (y < 25) { if (dis[x][y+1]+1 < dis[x][y]) { dis[x][y] = dis[x][y+1]+1; via[x][y] = 1; changing = true; } } } } } } path.clear(); Coordinate curPos(start.x(), start.y()); if (via[start.x()][start.y()] == -1) { success = false; } else { success = true; while (dis[curPos.x()][curPos.y()] != 0) { switch (via[curPos.x()][curPos.y()]) { case 0: curPos = curPos + Coordinate(1, 0); break; case 1: curPos = curPos + Coordinate(0, 1); break; case 2: curPos = curPos + Coordinate(-1, 0); break; case 3: curPos = curPos + Coordinate(0, -1); break; } path.push_back(curPos); } } return success; }