Пример #1
void AAM_TDM::AlignTextureToRef(const CvMat* refTextrure, CvMat* Texture)
	double alpha = cvDotProduct(Texture, refTextrure);

	if(fabs(alpha) > DBL_EPSILON)	
		cvConvertScale(Texture, Texture, 1.0 / alpha, 0.0);
Пример #2
static void icvH11Ops( CvMat* X, CvMat* Y, void* userdata )
	CvH11OpsData* h11 = (CvH11OpsData*)userdata;
	h11->AOps( X, h11->AR, h11->userdata );
	h11->AtOps( h11->AR, h11->AtR, h11->userdata );
	double rc = h11->fe_inv_2 * cvDotProduct( h11->atr, X );
	cvAddWeighted( h11->AtR, -h11->fe_inv, h11->atr, rc, 0, h11->AtR );
	cvMul( h11->sigx, X, h11->tX );
	cvAdd( h11->tX, h11->AtR, Y );
Пример #3
double cvCGSolve( CvMatOps AOps, void* userdata, CvMat* B, CvMat* X, CvTermCriteria term_crit )
	cvZero( X );
	CvMat* R = cvCloneMat( B );
	double delta = cvDotProduct( R, R );
	CvMat* D = cvCloneMat( R );
	double delta0 = delta;
	double bestres = 1.;
	CvMat* BX = cvCloneMat( X );
	CvMat* Q = cvCreateMat( X->rows, X->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(X->type) );
	for ( int i = 0; i < term_crit.max_iter; i++ )
		AOps( D, Q, userdata );
		double alpha = delta / cvDotProduct( D, Q );
		cvScaleAdd( D, cvScalar(alpha), X, X );
		if ( (i + 1) % 50 == 0 )
			AOps( X, R, userdata );
			cvSub( B, R, R );
		} else {
			cvScaleAdd( Q, cvScalar(-alpha), R, R );
		double deltaold = delta;
		delta = cvDotProduct( R, R );
		double beta = delta / deltaold;
		cvScaleAdd( D, cvScalar(beta), R, D );
		double res = delta / delta0;
		if ( res < bestres )
			cvCopy( X, BX );
			bestres = res;
		if ( delta < delta0 * term_crit.epsilon )
	cvCopy( BX, X );
	cvReleaseMat( &R );
	cvReleaseMat( &D );
	cvReleaseMat( &BX );
	cvReleaseMat( &Q );
	return sqrt( bestres );
Пример #4
CvMat* Conv_Weighted_Gaussian(IplImage *inp_img,CvMat *kernel)
         //IplImage *result;
         int i,j;
         CvPoint start;
         CvMat *tmp;
         CvMat *ddd;
         CvMat *w_gauss;
         double val;


        return ddd;

Пример #5
int Recognize(double * Features,CvArr** eigenVects,CvArr** eigenVals,CvArr** Means,int numGestures,int numFeatures,int use)
	int i,j,z;
	double d=10000;
	double d2,tmp;
	int choice=0;
	//double mahal=0;
	CvArr* input=cvCreateMat(1,numFeatures,CV_64FC1);
	CvArr* tempSub=cvCreateMat(1,numFeatures,CV_64FC1);
	CvArr* tempEV=cvCreateMat(1,numFeatures,CV_64FC1);

		*( (double*)CV_MAT_ELEM_PTR( *((CvMat *)input), 0,i ) ) = Features[i];
				*( (double*)CV_MAT_ELEM_PTR( *((CvMat *)tempEV), 0,z ) )=CV_MAT_ELEM( *((CvMat *)eigenVects[i]), double, j, z );
			d2+=(tmp*tmp)/(double)(CV_MAT_ELEM( *((CvMat *)eigenVals[i]), double, 0, j ));
		fprintf(stderr,"for %d the distance is %lf\n",i,d2); 

		if (d2<d)
			//fprintf(stderr,"for %d the distance is %lf\n",i,d2); 
	return choice;
int plane_intersection(struct plane *pl, struct line *l, CvMat *res)
    float d = cvDotProduct(&(pl->p), &(pl->norm));
    float num = d - (FLOAT_MAT_ELEM(&(pl->norm), 0, 0) * FLOAT_MAT_ELEM(&(l->p0), 0, 0)) -
                    (FLOAT_MAT_ELEM(&(pl->norm), 1, 0) * FLOAT_MAT_ELEM(&(l->p0), 1, 0)) - 
                    (FLOAT_MAT_ELEM(&(pl->norm), 2, 0) * FLOAT_MAT_ELEM(&(l->p0), 2, 0));

    float denom = FLOAT_MAT_ELEM(&(pl->norm), 0, 0) * ( FLOAT_MAT_ELEM(l->p1, 0, 0) - FLOAT_MAT_ELEM( &(l->p0), 0, 0) ) +
                  FLOAT_MAT_ELEM(&(pl->norm), 1, 0) * ( FLOAT_MAT_ELEM(l->p1, 1, 0) - FLOAT_MAT_ELEM( &(l->p0), 1, 0) ) +
                  FLOAT_MAT_ELEM(&(pl->norm), 2, 0) * ( FLOAT_MAT_ELEM(l->p1, 2, 0) - FLOAT_MAT_ELEM( &(l->p0), 2, 0) );
    if (denom == 0)
        return 0;

    float t = num/denom;
    cvSub(l->p1, &(l->p0), res);
    myMulS(res, t, res);

    return 1;
CV_IMPL void
cvCalcImageHomography( float* line, CvPoint3D32f* _center,
                       float* _intrinsic, float* _homography )
    double norm_xy, norm_xz, xy_sina, xy_cosa, xz_sina, xz_cosa, nx1, plane_dist;
    float _ry[3], _rz[3], _r_trans[9];
    CvMat rx = cvMat( 1, 3, CV_32F, line );
    CvMat ry = cvMat( 1, 3, CV_32F, _ry );
    CvMat rz = cvMat( 1, 3, CV_32F, _rz );
    CvMat r_trans = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_32F, _r_trans );
    CvMat center = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_32F, _center );

    float _sub[9];
    CvMat sub = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_32F, _sub );
    float _t_trans[3];
    CvMat t_trans = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_32F, _t_trans );

    CvMat intrinsic = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_32F, _intrinsic );
    CvMat homography = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_32F, _homography );

    if( !line || !_center || !_intrinsic || !_homography )
        CV_Error( CV_StsNullPtr, "" );

    norm_xy = cvSqrt( line[0] * line[0] + line[1] * line[1] );
    xy_cosa = line[0] / norm_xy;
    xy_sina = line[1] / norm_xy;

    norm_xz = cvSqrt( line[0] * line[0] + line[2] * line[2] );
    xz_cosa = line[0] / norm_xz;
    xz_sina = line[2] / norm_xz;

    nx1 = -xz_sina;

    _rz[0] = (float)(xy_cosa * nx1);
    _rz[1] = (float)(xy_sina * nx1);
    _rz[2] = (float)xz_cosa;
    cvScale( &rz, &rz, 1./cvNorm(&rz,0,CV_L2) );

    /*  new axe  y  */
    cvCrossProduct( &rz, &rx, &ry );
    cvScale( &ry, &ry, 1./cvNorm( &ry, 0, CV_L2 ) );

    /*  transpone rotation matrix    */
    memcpy( &_r_trans[0], line, 3*sizeof(float));
    memcpy( &_r_trans[3], _ry, 3*sizeof(float));
    memcpy( &_r_trans[6], _rz, 3*sizeof(float));

    /*  calculate center distanse from arm plane  */
    plane_dist = cvDotProduct( &center, &rz );

    /* calculate (I - r_trans)*center */
    cvSetIdentity( &sub );
    cvSub( &sub, &r_trans, &sub );
    cvMatMul( &sub, &center, &t_trans ); 

    cvMatMul( &t_trans, &rz, &sub );
    cvScaleAdd( &sub, cvRealScalar(1./plane_dist), &r_trans, &sub ); /* ? */

    cvMatMul( &intrinsic, &sub, &r_trans );
    cvInvert( &intrinsic, &sub, CV_SVD );
    cvMatMul( &r_trans, &sub, &homography );
Пример #8
void AAM_TDM::NormalizeTexture(const CvMat* refTextrure, CvMat* Texture)
	double alpha = cvDotProduct(Texture, refTextrure);
	if(alpha != 0)	cvConvertScale(Texture, Texture, 1.0/alpha, 0);
Пример #9
static void
icvSpillTreeDFSearch( CvSpillTree* tr,
		      CvSpillTreeNode* node,
		      CvResult* heap,
		      int* es,
		      const CvMat* desc,
		      const int k,
		      const int emax,
                      bool * cache)
  if ((emax > 0)&&( *es >= emax ))
  double dist, p=0;
  double distance;
  while ( node->spill )
      // defeatist search
      if ( !node->leaf )
	p = cvDotProduct( node->u, desc );
      if ( p < node->lb && node->lc->cc >= k ) // check the number of children larger than k otherwise you'll skip over better neighbor
	node = node->lc;
      else if ( p > node->ub && node->rc->cc >= k )
	node = node->rc;
      if ( NULL == node )
  if ( node->leaf )
      // a leaf, naive search
      CvSpillTreeNode* it = node->lc;
      for ( int i = 0; i < node->cc; i++ )
          if ( !cache[it->i] )
	    distance = cvNorm( it->center, desc );
            cache[it->i] = true;
	    if (( heap[0].index == -1)||( distance < heap[0].distance ))
                CvResult  current_result;
                current_result.index = it->i;
                current_result.distance = distance;
                heap[0] = current_result;
	        icvSpillTreeNodeHeapify( heap, 0, k );
          it = it->rc;
  dist = cvNorm( node->center, desc );
  // impossible case, skip
  if (( heap[0].index != -1 )&&( dist-node->r > heap[0].distance ))
  p = cvDotProduct( node->u, desc );
  // guided dfs
  if ( p < node->mp )
      icvSpillTreeDFSearch( tr, node->lc, heap, es, desc, k, emax, cache );
      icvSpillTreeDFSearch( tr, node->rc, heap, es, desc, k, emax, cache );
    } else {
    icvSpillTreeDFSearch( tr, node->rc, heap, es, desc, k, emax, cache );
    icvSpillTreeDFSearch( tr, node->lc, heap, es, desc, k, emax, cache );
Пример #10
static void
icvDFSInitSpillTreeNode( const CvSpillTree* tr,
			 const int d,
			 CvSpillTreeNode* node )
  if ( node->cc <= tr->naive )
      // already get to a leaf, terminate the recursion.
      node->leaf = true;
      node->spill = false;

  // random select a node, then find a farthest node from this one, then find a farthest from that one...
  // to approximate the farthest node-pair
  static CvRNG rng_state = cvRNG(0xdeadbeef);
  int rn = cvRandInt( &rng_state ) % node->cc;
  CvSpillTreeNode* lnode = NULL;
  CvSpillTreeNode* rnode = node->lc;
  for ( int i = 0; i < rn; i++ )
    rnode = rnode->rc;
  lnode = icvFarthestNode( rnode, node->lc, node->cc );
  rnode = icvFarthestNode( lnode, node->lc, node->cc );

  // u is the projection vector
  node->u = cvCreateMat( 1, d, tr->type );
  cvSub( lnode->center, rnode->center, node->u );
  cvNormalize( node->u, node->u );
  // find the center of node in hyperspace
  node->center = cvCreateMat( 1, d, tr->type );
  cvZero( node->center );
  CvSpillTreeNode* it = node->lc;
  for ( int i = 0; i < node->cc; i++ )
      cvAdd( it->center, node->center, node->center );
      it = it->rc;
  cvConvertScale( node->center, node->center, 1./node->cc );

  // project every node to "u", and find the mean point "mp"
  it = node->lc;
  node->r = -1.;
  node->mp = 0;
  for ( int i = 0; i < node->cc; i++ )
      node->mp += ( it->p = cvDotProduct( it->center, node->u ) );
      double norm = cvNorm( node->center, it->center );
      if ( norm > node->r )
	node->r = norm;
      it = it->rc;
  node->mp = node->mp / node->cc;

  // overlapping buffer and upper bound, lower bound
  double ob = (lnode->p-rnode->p)*tr->tau*.5;
  node->ub = node->mp+ob;
  node->lb = node->mp-ob;
  int sl = 0, l = 0;
  int sr = 0, r = 0;
  it = node->lc;
  for ( int i = 0; i < node->cc; i++ )
      if ( it->p <= node->ub )
      if ( it->p >= node->lb )
      if ( it->p < node->mp )
      it = it->rc;
  // precision problem, return the node as it is.
  if (( l == 0 )||( r == 0 ))
      cvReleaseMat( &(node->u) );
      cvReleaseMat( &(node->center) );
      node->leaf = true;
      node->spill = false;
  CvSpillTreeNode* lc = (CvSpillTreeNode*)cvAlloc( sizeof(CvSpillTreeNode) );
  memset(lc, 0, sizeof(CvSpillTreeNode));
  CvSpillTreeNode* rc = (CvSpillTreeNode*)cvAlloc( sizeof(CvSpillTreeNode) );
  memset(rc, 0, sizeof(CvSpillTreeNode));
  lc->lc = lc->rc = rc->lc = rc->rc = NULL;
  lc->cc = rc->cc = 0;
  int undo = cvRound(node->cc*tr->rho);
  if (( sl >= undo )||( sr >= undo ))
      // it is not a spill point (defeatist search disabled)
      it = node->lc;
      for ( int i = 0; i < node->cc; i++ )
	  CvSpillTreeNode* next = it->rc;
	  if ( it->p < node->mp )
	    icvAppendSpillTreeNode( lc, it );
	    icvAppendSpillTreeNode( rc, it );
	  it = next;
      node->spill = false;
    } else {
      // a spill point
      it = node->lc;
      for ( int i = 0; i < node->cc; i++ )
	  CvSpillTreeNode* next = it->rc;
	  if ( it->p < node->lb )
	    icvAppendSpillTreeNode( lc, it );
	  else if ( it->p > node->ub )
	    icvAppendSpillTreeNode( rc, it );
	  else {
	    CvSpillTreeNode* cit = icvCloneSpillTreeNode( it );
	    icvAppendSpillTreeNode( lc, it );
	    icvAppendSpillTreeNode( rc, cit );
	  it = next;
      node->spill = true;
  node->lc = lc;
  node->rc = rc;

  // recursion process
  icvDFSInitSpillTreeNode( tr, d, node->lc );
  icvDFSInitSpillTreeNode( tr, d, node->rc );
void ImageProcessing::getDisparity() {

    int windowSize = 9;
    int DSR = 20;
    //char *leftImgPath, *rightImgPath;
    //cout<<"Enter full path of Left image ";
    //cout<<"Enter full path of Left image ";
    IplImage *LeftinputImage = cvLoadImage("../outputs/raw/left-0.pgm", 0);
    IplImage *RightinputImage = cvLoadImage("../outputs/raw/right-0.pgm", 0);

    //    int width = LeftinputImage->width;
    //    int height = LeftinputImage->height;

    /****************8U to 32F**********************/
    IplImage *LeftinputImage32 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(LeftinputImage->width, LeftinputImage->height), 32, 1);
    IplImage *RightinputImage32 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(LeftinputImage->width, LeftinputImage->height), 32, 1);
    cvConvertScale(LeftinputImage, LeftinputImage32, 1 / 255.);
    cvConvertScale(RightinputImage, RightinputImage32, 1 / 255.);

    int offset = floor((double) windowSize / 2);
    int height = LeftinputImage32->height;
    int width = LeftinputImage32->width;
    double *localNCC = new double[DSR];

    int x = 0, y = 0, d = 0, m = 0;
    int N = windowSize;

    IplImage *leftWinImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(N, N), 32, 1);
    IplImage *rightWinImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(N, N), 32, 1);
    IplImage *disparity = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), 8, 1);
    //or IPL_DEPTH_8U
    BwImage imgA(disparity);

    for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            imgA[y][x] = 0;

    CvScalar s1;
    CvScalar s2;
    for (y = 0; y < height - N; y++) {
        for (x = 0; x < width - N; x++) {
            cvSetImageROI(LeftinputImage32, cvRect(x, y, N, N));
            s1 = cvAvg(LeftinputImage32, NULL);
            cvSubS(LeftinputImage32, s1, leftWinImg, NULL); //zero-means
            cvNormalize(leftWinImg, leftWinImg, 1, 0, CV_L2, NULL);
            d = 0;

            //initialise localNCC
            for (m = 0; m < DSR; m++) {
                localNCC[m] = 0;

            do {
                if (x - d >= 0) {

                    cvSetImageROI(RightinputImage32, cvRect(x - d, y, N, N));
                    s2 = cvAvg(RightinputImage32, NULL);
                    cvSubS(RightinputImage32, s2, rightWinImg, NULL); //zero-means
                    cvNormalize(rightWinImg, rightWinImg, 1, 0, CV_L2, NULL);
                } else {
                localNCC[d] = cvDotProduct(leftWinImg, rightWinImg);
            }            while (d <= DSR);

            //to find the best d and store
            imgA[y + offset][x + offset] = getMaxMin(localNCC, DSR, 1) *16;
        } //x
        if (y % 10 == 0)
            cout << "row=" << y << " of " << height << endl;
    } //y


    cvSaveImage("disparity.pgm", disparity);
    cout << "Displaying Disparity image" << endl;
    // cvShowImage( "Disparity", disparity);
    //return disparity;

Пример #12
//For the given PCA space, loads a dataset and saves the corresponding UCI format
void CPCAUtils::SaveDatasetinUCIFormat(char *directory)
	ClassifiedImageDataset* tBC;
	int ii;

	char DatasetDir[256];


	DatasetProjections *tPDS=(DatasetProjections*)new unsigned char[sizeof(DatasetProjections)];


	tPDS->P=(float**)new unsigned char[sizeof(float*)*tPDS->TotalProjections];

	int clase=1;
	int acum=tBC->FramesPerClass[clase-1];

	char cName[256];

	FILE *fUCI=fopen(cName,"w");


	for (ii=0;ii<(int)tPDS->TotalProjections;ii++)
		tPDS->P[ii]=(float*)new unsigned char[sizeof(float)*tPDS->NumCoefs];

		//Etiqueta del objetivo
		//Assigns a number to each class, depending of the samples for each one
		if (ii>=acum)

		IplImage *I=cvCreateImage( PCAspace->ImageSize, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );

		if (tBC->BC[ii]->nChannels==I->nChannels)
			cvConvertScale(tBC->BC[ii],I,1,0); // convierte de 8U a 32F
			//Convierte primero a una imagen de grises
			IplImage *Itemp=cvCreateImage( PCAspace->ImageSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );

			cvCvtColor( tBC->BC[ii], Itemp, CV_BGR2GRAY );
			cvConvertScale(Itemp,I,1,0); // convierte de 8U a 32F

		IplImage *itemp= cvCreateImage( PCAspace->ImageSize, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );

		// restar a I la imagen media...
		//iplSubtract(I,PCA->avg, itemp);
		cvSub(I,PCAspace->avg, itemp);

		// multiplicar itemp por las autocaras...
		for (unsigned int j=0;j<tPDS->NumCoefs;j++)
			fprintf(fUCI,"%f ",tPDS->P[ii][j]);//Escribe en fichero el atributo
		fprintf(fUCI,"%d\n",clase);//Escribe en fichero la clase



	//Escribir ahora a fichero

	//Free projections
	if (tPDS!=NULL)
		for (unsigned int ii=0;ii<(int)tPDS->TotalProjections;ii++)
			delete [] tPDS->P[ii];
		delete [] tPDS->P;
		delete [] tPDS;


	delete [] tBC;
Пример #13
double LKInverseComp::iterate()

    if (iterateImage==NULL)
        return 0;

       double timer = (double)cvGetTickCount();


        for (int i=0;i<(4);i++)


        for (int i=4;i<(nS+4);i++)


        CvMat * affShapeVec = computeShape(ptemp2);
        affShapeVec = computeShape(ptemp1);

        for (int i=0;i<numberofpoints;i++)
            double x,y;
            int k=0;
            double xx= x* newDelaunay->ithNodeCode[i].triangles[k].affine[0] + y* newDelaunay->ithNodeCode[i].triangles[k].affine[1] + newDelaunay->ithNodeCode[i].triangles[k].affine[2];
            double yy= x* newDelaunay->ithNodeCode[i].triangles[k].affine[3] + y* newDelaunay->ithNodeCode[i].triangles[k].affine[4] + newDelaunay->ithNodeCode[i].triangles[k].affine[5];

            CvScalar s1,s2;

        // cvZero(ErrorImage);

        for (int i=0;i<totalNumberOfPixels;i++)
            int flag=1;

            pixel * pix = newDelaunay->getpixel(i);
            pixel *pix2 =newDelaunay->findCorrespondingPixelInImage(pix);

            if (((double)pix2->x)<(double)iterateImage->width && ((double)pix2->y)<(double)iterateImage->height )
                if ((pix2->y)>=0 && (pix2->x)>=0)
                    CvScalar val1,val2,val3;


                    if ((pix->y+pix->ty)>=0 && (pix->x+pix->tx)>=0)
                        val3.val[0] = val1.val[0]-val2.val[0];
                        ErrorImage->data.db[ (int(pix->y+pix->ty)*int(pix->width) + int(pix->x+pix->tx)) *ErrorImage->cols + 0 ] =val3.val[0];

                        //   cvSet2D(ErrorImage, int(pix->y+pix->ty)*int(pix->width+10) + int(pix->x+pix->tx),0,val3);




//        timer = (double)cvGetTickCount() - timer;
//        printf( " Error Estimate = %gms\n", (timer)/((double)cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.) );

        //printf("Error = %e \n",totalerror);

//        timer= (double)cvGetTickCount();
        static CvMat * parameter = cvCreateMat( nS+4,1, CV_64FC1);

//        timer = (double)cvGetTickCount() - timer;
//        printf( " MULTIPLICATION = %gms\n", timer/((double)cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.) );

        //printf("Rat %e\n",(bottomStepSize/topStepSize));
        for (int i=0;i<(nS+4);i++)
            CvScalar s = cvGet2D(parameter,i,0);
            negNewParam[i] =-1*(bottomStepSize/topStepSize)*s.val[0];
        for (int i=0;i<(4);i++)
            negNewParam4[i]= negNewParam[i];

        for (int i=4;i<(nS+4);i++)
            negNewParamnS[i]= negNewParam[i];


//        timer= (double)cvGetTickCount();

        affShapeVec = computeShape(negNewParamnS);  //Modified
        affShapeVec = computeShape(negNewParam4);
//        timer = (double)cvGetTickCount() - timer;
//        printf( " Compose = %gms\n", timer/((double)cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.) );
        for (int i=0;i<numberofpoints;i++)
            double x,y;
            double finalx,finaly;
            int ind = newDelaunayInverse->ithNodeCode[i].count;

            for (int k=0;k<ind;k++)
                double xx= x* newDelaunayInverse->ithNodeCode[i].triangles[k].affine[0] + y* newDelaunayInverse->ithNodeCode[i].triangles[k].affine[1] + newDelaunayInverse->ithNodeCode[i].triangles[k].affine[2];
                double yy= x* newDelaunayInverse->ithNodeCode[i].triangles[k].affine[3] + y* newDelaunayInverse->ithNodeCode[i].triangles[k].affine[4] + newDelaunayInverse->ithNodeCode[i].triangles[k].affine[5];
                finalx+= xx* newDelaunay->ithNodeCode[i].triangles[k].affine[0] + yy* newDelaunay->ithNodeCode[i].triangles[k].affine[1] + newDelaunay->ithNodeCode[i].triangles[k].affine[2];
                finaly+= xx* newDelaunay->ithNodeCode[i].triangles[k].affine[3] + yy* newDelaunay->ithNodeCode[i].triangles[k].affine[4] + newDelaunay->ithNodeCode[i].triangles[k].affine[5];

            CvScalar s1,s2;

        cvAddWeighted(srcShape, 0.3, destShape, 0.7, 0, destShape);

        for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
            double p=cvDotProduct(combineshapevectors[i],destShapeTemp);

        for (int j=0;j<totalnumberofpoints;j++)
            CvScalar s2 = cvGet2D(destShape,0,j);
            double p=0;
            for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
                CvScalar s1 = cvGet2D(combineshapevectors[i],0,j);
                p+= (negNewParam4[i] * s1.val[0]);

            CvScalar t;
            t.val[0] = s2.val[0] + p;
        for (int i=4;i<(nS+4);i++)
            double p=cvDotProduct(combineshapevectors[i],destShapeTemp);
        for (int i=4;i<nS+4;i++)
            param[i] =ParamnS[i];
        for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
            param[i] =Param4[i];
//        printf(" -------------- \n");
     for (int i=0;i<nS+4;i++)
 CvScalar s;
 s= cvGet2D(eigenVal,0,i-4);
// printf("%e \n",s.val[0]);


//         printf("param %e \n",param[i]);

                timer = (double)cvGetTickCount() - timer;
        printf( " Current Estimate = %gms\n", timer/((double)cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.) );

    return totalerror;

Пример #14
static int icvL1QCNewton( CvAAtOpsData& AAtData, CvMat* B, CvMat* X, CvMat* U, double epsilon, double tau, CvTermCriteria nt_term_crit, CvTermCriteria cg_term_crit )
	const double alpha = .01;
	const double beta = .5;

	CvMat* R = cvCreateMat( B->rows, B->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(B->type) );
	AAtData.AOps( X, AAtData.AR, AAtData.userdata );
	cvSub( AAtData.AR, B, R );
	CvMat* fu1 = cvCreateMat( X->rows, X->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(X->type) );
	CvMat* fu2 = cvCreateMat( X->rows, X->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(X->type) );
	CvMat* lfu1 = cvCreateMat( fu1->rows, fu1->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(fu1->type) );
	CvMat* lfu2 = cvCreateMat( fu2->rows, fu2->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(fu2->type) );
	cvSub( U, X, lfu1 );
	cvAdd( X, U, lfu2 );
	cvSubRS( lfu1, cvScalar(0), fu1 );
	cvSubRS( lfu2, cvScalar(0), fu2 );
	double epsilon2 = epsilon * epsilon;
	double tau_inv = 1. / tau;
	double fe = .5 * (cvDotProduct( R, R ) - epsilon2);
	double fe_inv = 1. / fe;
	cvLog( lfu1, lfu1 );
	cvLog( lfu2, lfu2 );
	CvScalar sumU = cvSum( U );
	CvScalar sumfu1 = cvSum( lfu1 );
	CvScalar sumfu2 = cvSum( lfu2 );
	double f = sumU.val[0] - tau_inv * (sumfu1.val[0] + sumfu2.val[0] + log(-fe));

	CvMat* atr = cvCreateMat( X->rows, X->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(X->type) );
	CvMat* ntgx = cvCreateMat( X->rows, X->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(X->type) );
	CvMat* ntgu = cvCreateMat( X->rows, X->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(X->type) );
	CvMat* sig1211 = cvCreateMat( X->rows, X->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(X->type) );
	CvMat* sigx = cvCreateMat( X->rows, X->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(X->type) );
	CvMat* w1 = cvCreateMat( X->rows, X->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(X->type) );
	CvMat* du = cvCreateMat( X->rows, X->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(X->type) );
	CvMat* pX = cvCreateMat( X->rows, X->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(X->type) );
	CvMat* pU = cvCreateMat( U->rows, U->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(U->type) );
	CvMat* pR = cvCreateMat( R->rows, R->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(R->type) );
	CvMat* pfu1 = cvCreateMat( fu1->rows, fu1->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(fu1->type) );
	CvMat* pfu2 = cvCreateMat( fu2->rows, fu2->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(fu2->type) );
	CvMat* Adx = cvCreateMat( B->rows, B->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(B->type) );
	CvMat* dx = cvCreateMat( X->rows, X->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(X->type) );
	CvMat* tX = cvCreateMat( X->rows, X->cols, CV_MAT_TYPE(X->type) );

	int result = nt_term_crit.max_iter;

	CvH11OpsData H11OpsData;
	H11OpsData.AOps = AAtData.AOps;
	H11OpsData.AtOps = AAtData.AtOps;
	H11OpsData.AR = AAtData.AR;
	H11OpsData.AtR = AAtData.AtR;
	H11OpsData.userdata = AAtData.userdata;
	H11OpsData.tX = tX;
	H11OpsData.atr = atr;
	H11OpsData.sigx = sigx;

	int t, i;

	for ( t = 0; t < nt_term_crit.max_iter; ++t )
		AAtData.AtOps( R, atr, AAtData.userdata );
		double* atrp = atr->data.db;
		double* fu1p = fu1->data.db;
		double* fu2p = fu2->data.db;
		double* ntgxp = ntgx->data.db;
		double* ntgup = ntgu->data.db;
		double* sig1211p = sig1211->data.db;
		double* sigxp = sigx->data.db;
		double* w1p = w1->data.db;
		double* dup = du->data.db;
		for ( i = 0; i < X->rows; ++i, ++atrp, ++fu1p, ++fu2p, ++ntgxp, ++ntgup, ++sig1211p, ++sigxp, ++w1p, ++dup )
			double fu1_inv = 1. / (*fu1p);
			double fu2_inv = 1. / (*fu2p);
			double ntgxv = fu1_inv - fu2_inv + fe_inv * (*atrp);
			double ntguv = -tau - fu1_inv - fu2_inv;
			double sig11 = fu1_inv * fu1_inv + fu2_inv * fu2_inv;
			double sig12 = -fu1_inv * fu1_inv + fu2_inv * fu2_inv;
			*sig1211p = sig12 / sig11;
			*sigxp = sig11 - sig12 * (*sig1211p);
			*w1p = ntgxv - (*sig1211p) * ntguv;
			*ntgxp = -tau_inv * ntgxv;
			*ntgup = -tau_inv * ntguv;
			*dup = ntguv / sig11;
		H11OpsData.fe_inv = fe_inv;
		H11OpsData.fe_inv_2 = fe_inv * fe_inv;
		if ( cvCGSolve( icvH11Ops, &H11OpsData, w1, dx, cg_term_crit ) > .5 )
			result = t;
			goto __clean_up__;
		AAtData.AOps( dx, Adx, AAtData.userdata );
		dup = du->data.db;
		sig1211p = sig1211->data.db;
		double* dxp = dx->data.db;
		for ( i = 0; i < X->rows; ++i, ++dup, ++sig1211p, ++dxp )
			*dup -= (*sig1211p) * (*dxp);

		/* minimum step size that stays in the interior */
		double aqe = cvDotProduct( Adx, Adx );
		double bqe = 2. * cvDotProduct( R, Adx );
		double cqe = cvDotProduct( R, R ) - epsilon2;
		double smax = MIN( 1, -bqe + sqrt( bqe * bqe - 4 * aqe * cqe ) / (2 * aqe) );
		dup = du->data.db;
		dxp = dx->data.db;
		fu1p = fu1->data.db;
		fu2p = fu2->data.db;
		for ( i = 0; i < X->rows; ++i, ++dup, ++dxp, ++fu1p, ++fu2p )
			if ( (*dxp) - (*dup) > 0 )
				smax = MIN( smax, -(*fu1p) / ((*dxp) - (*dup)) );
			if ( (*dxp) + (*dup) < 0 )
				smax = MIN( smax, (*fu2p) / ((*dxp) + (*dup)) );
		smax *= .99;

		/* backtracking line search */
		bool suffdec = 0;
		int backiter = 0;
		double fep = fe;
		double fp = f;
		double lambda2;
		while (!suffdec)
			cvAddWeighted( X, 1, dx, smax, 0, pX );
			cvAddWeighted( U, 1, du, smax, 0, pU );
			cvAddWeighted( R, 1, Adx, smax, 0, pR );
			cvSub( pU, pX, lfu1 );
			cvAdd( pX, pU, lfu2 );
			cvSubRS( lfu1, cvScalar(0), pfu1 );
			cvSubRS( lfu2, cvScalar(0), pfu2 );
			fep = .5 * (cvDotProduct( pR, pR ) - epsilon2);
			cvLog( lfu1, lfu1 );
			cvLog( lfu2, lfu2 );
			CvScalar sumpU = cvSum( pU );
			CvScalar sumpfu1 = cvSum( pfu1 );
			CvScalar sumpfu2 = cvSum( pfu2 );
			fp = sumpU.val[0] - tau_inv * (sumpfu1.val[0] + sumpfu2.val[0] + log(-fep));
			lambda2 = cvDotProduct( ntgx, dx ) + cvDotProduct( ntgu, du );
			double flin = f + alpha * smax * lambda2;
			suffdec = (fp <= flin);
			smax = beta * smax;
			if ( backiter > 32 )
				result = t;
				goto __clean_up__;

		/* set up for next iteration */
		cvCopy( pX, X );
		cvCopy( pU, U );
		cvCopy( pR, R );
		cvCopy( pfu1, fu1 );
		cvCopy( pfu2, fu2 );
		fe = fep;
		fe_inv = 1. / fe;
		f = fp;
		lambda2 = -lambda2 * .5;
		if ( lambda2 < nt_term_crit.epsilon )
			result = t + 1;


	cvReleaseMat( &pfu2 );
	cvReleaseMat( &pfu1 );
	cvReleaseMat( &pR );
	cvReleaseMat( &pU );
	cvReleaseMat( &pX );
	cvReleaseMat( &tX );
	cvReleaseMat( &dx );
	cvReleaseMat( &Adx );
	cvReleaseMat( &du );
	cvReleaseMat( &w1 );
	cvReleaseMat( &sigx );
	cvReleaseMat( &sig1211 );
	cvReleaseMat( &ntgu );
	cvReleaseMat( &ntgx );
	cvReleaseMat( &lfu2 );
	cvReleaseMat( &lfu1 );
	cvReleaseMat( &fu2 );
	cvReleaseMat( &fu1 );
	cvReleaseMat( &R );
	return result;
Пример #15
ImageRAII match( IplImage * image1, IplImage * image2, std::pair< CvMat *, CvMat * > image1_keys, std::pair< CvMat *, CvMat * > image2_keys )
	ImageRAII appended_images = appendimages( image1, image2 );
	ImageRAII rgb_appended_images( cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( appended_images.image ), appended_images.image->depth, 3 ) );
	cvCvtColor( appended_images.image, rgb_appended_images.image, CV_GRAY2RGB );
	CvScalar red;
	red.val[2] = 255;
	std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > points;

	// check for matches with the vectors in image1 and image2
	for( int i = 0; i < image1_keys.first->height; i++ )
		double magnitude1 = 0;
		MatrixRAII current_vector( cvCreateMat( 1, image1_keys.first->cols, CV_32FC1 ) );
		// keeps track of minimum row found b/t image1 and image2 vectors
		MatrixRAII min( cvCreateMat( 1, image2_keys.first->cols, CV_32FC1 ) );
		cvGetRow( image1_keys.first, current_vector.matrix, i );
		CvPoint point1 = cvPoint( ( int )cvmGet( current_vector.matrix, 0, 1 ), ( int )cvmGet( current_vector.matrix, 0, 0 ) );
		std::map< float, int > angles;

		for( int k = 0; k < image1_keys.second->width; k++ )
			magnitude1 += pow( cvmGet( image1_keys.second, i, k ), 2 );
		magnitude1 = cvSqrt( magnitude1 );

		// compare a vector in image1 to every vector in image2 by calculating the cosine simularity
		for( int j = 0; j < image2_keys.first->height; j++ )
			MatrixRAII descriptor1( cvCreateMat( 1, image1_keys.second->cols, CV_32FC1 ) );
			MatrixRAII descriptor2( cvCreateMat( 1, image2_keys.second->cols, CV_32FC1 ) );

			cvGetRow( image1_keys.second, descriptor1.matrix, i );
			cvGetRow( image2_keys.second, descriptor2.matrix, j );

			double dot_product = cvDotProduct( descriptor1.matrix, descriptor2.matrix );
			double magnitude2 = 0;
			for( int k = 0; k < image2_keys.second->width; k++ )
				magnitude2 += pow( cvmGet( descriptor1.matrix, 0, k ), 2 );
			magnitude2 = cvSqrt( magnitude2 );

			angles.insert( std::pair< float, int >( acos( dot_product / ( magnitude1 * magnitude2 ) ), j ) );

		std::map< float, int >::iterator it =  angles.begin();
		int index = it->second;
		float angle = it->first;
		if( angle < THRESHOLD * it->first )
			points.push_back( std::make_pair( i, index ) );

	std::vector< std::pair< int, int > >::iterator it;
	for( it = points.begin(); it < points.end(); it++ )
		CvPoint point1 = cvPoint( ( int )cvmGet( image1_keys.first,  it->first, 1 ), ( int )cvmGet( image1_keys.first, it->first, 0 ) );
		CvPoint point2 = cvPoint( ( int )cvmGet( image2_keys.first,  it->second, 1 ) + image1->width, ( int )cvmGet( image2_keys.first, it->second, 0 ) );
		cvLine( rgb_appended_images.image, point1, point2, red );

	return rgb_appended_images;