Пример #1
Point2f EyeTracker::detectPupil()
	 * Uses cvHoughCircles to find circles on gray eye image. 
	 * Sets prev_center with last circle.

	/* Sets featurePoints */

	CvPoint2D32f p32[NPOINTS];
	CvBox2D box;

	for(size_t i = 0; i < featurePoints.size(); ++i)
		p32[i] = cvPoint2D32f( featurePoints[i].x, featurePoints[i].y );

	cvFitEllipse(p32, NPOINTS, &box);

			  cvPoint((int)box.center.x, (int)box.center.y),
			  cvSize((int)(box.size.width/2), (int)(box.size.height/2)),
			  cvScalar(WHITE, 0, 0, 0), 

	cout << "x=" << (int)box.center.x << "-y=" << (int) box.center.y << endl;
	if(box.size.width < 1)
		firstDetect = false;

		/* Adds point to centerList, sets aver_center to average of centerList */
		addToList(cvPoint( cvRound(box.center.x), cvRound(box.center.y) ) );
		prev_center.x = (int)box.center.x;
		prev_center.y = (int)box.center.y;

	return box.center;
Пример #2
int fmaFitEllipse(void)
    long lErrors = 0; 
    CvPoint points[1000];
    CvPoint2D32f fpoints[1000];
    CvBox2D box;
    CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
    CvContour* contour;
    CvSize axis;
    IplImage* img = cvCreateImage( cvSize(200,200), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
    for( int k = 0 ; k < 1000; k++ )
        iplSet( img, 0 );

        CvPoint center = { 100, 100 };
        double angle = atsInitRandom( 0, 360 );
        axis.height = (int)atsInitRandom( 5, 50 );
        axis.width  = (int)atsInitRandom( 5, 50 );   

        cvEllipse( img, center, axis, angle, 0, 360, 255, -1 );
        cvFindContours( img, storage, (CvSeq**)&contour, sizeof(CvContour) );

        cvCvtSeqToArray( (CvSeq*)contour, points );
        for( int i = 0; i < contour->total; i++ )
            fpoints[i].x = (float)points[i].x;
            fpoints[i].y = (float)points[i].y;
        cvFitEllipse( fpoints, contour->total, &box );

        //compare boxes
        if( fabs( box.center.x - center.x) > 1 || fabs( box.center.y - center.y ) > 1 )

        if( ( fabs( box.size.width  - (axis.width * 2 ) ) > 4 || 
              fabs( box.size.height - (axis.height * 2) ) > 4 ) &&
            ( fabs( box.size.height - (axis.width * 2 ) ) > 4 || 
              fabs( box.size.width - (axis.height * 2) ) > 4 ) )           

            /*IplImage* rgb = cvCreateImage( cvSize(200,200), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
            iplSet( rgb, 0 );
            cvEllipse( rgb, center, axis, angle, 0, 360, CV_RGB(255,0,0) , 1 );
            int window = atsCreateWindow( "proba", cvPoint(0,0), cvSize(200,200) );
            cvEllipse( rgb, center, cvSize( box.size.width/2, box.size.height/2) , -box.angle, 
                        0, 360, CV_RGB(0,255,0) , 1 );

            //draw center 
            cvEllipse( rgb, center, cvSize( 0, 0) , 0, 
                        0, 360, CV_RGB(255,255,255) , -1 );
            atsDisplayImage( rgb, window, cvPoint(0,0), cvSize(200,200) );

            atsDestroyWindow( window );
            //one more
            cvFitEllipse( fpoints, contour->total, &box );
    cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );
    if( !lErrors) return trsResult(TRS_OK, "No errors");
        return trsResult(TRS_FAIL, "Fixed %d errors", lErrors);
Пример #3
int findStableMatches( CvSeq *seq, float minRad, float maxRad, CandidatePtrVector& kps, IplImage* bin ) {

  // Return value
  int retVal = -1;

  // Threshold Contour entries size
  int elements = seq->total;
  if( elements < 8 ) {
    return retVal;

  // Gather statistics
  CvRect rect = cvBoundingRect( seq );
  int high = ( rect.height < rect.width ? rect.width : rect.height );
  int low = ( rect.height < rect.width ? rect.height : rect.width );

  // If bounding box is very small simply return
  if( low < minRad*2  ) {
    return retVal;
  // Allocate Contour array
  CvPoint *group_pos = (CvPoint*) malloc(elements * sizeof(CvPoint));
  cvCvtSeqToArray(seq, group_pos, CV_WHOLE_SEQ);

  // Calculate arc and downsampling statistics
  double arc_length = cvArcLength( seq );
  double arc_approx = arc_length / 10;
  double rect_approx = 12*(float)high / (float)low;
  double downsample = 2 * elements / (rect_approx + arc_approx);
  double ds_length = arc_length / 4;

  // Perform downsampling
  int maxSize = downsample * elements;
  int newSize = 0;
  CvPoint *dsed = (CvPoint*) malloc(maxSize * sizeof(CvPoint));
  dsed[0] = CvPoint( group_pos[0] );
  CvPoint last = CvPoint( dsed[0] );
  for( int i = 1; i < elements; i++ ) {
    double dist_so_far = dist_squared( group_pos[i], last );
    if( dist_so_far > ds_length && newSize < maxSize ) {
      dsed[newSize] = CvPoint( group_pos[i] );
      last = CvPoint( group_pos[i] );

  // Check to make sure reduced Contour size is sufficient [quickfix: todo revise above]
  if( newSize < 6 ) {
    return -1;

  // Fit Ellipse
  CvPoint2D32f* input = (CvPoint2D32f*)malloc(newSize*sizeof(CvPoint2D32f));
  for( int i=0; i<newSize; i++ ) {
    input[i].x = dsed[i].x;
    input[i].y = dsed[i].y;
  CvBox2D* box = (CvBox2D*)malloc(sizeof(CvBox2D));
  cvFitEllipse( input, newSize, box );

  // Threshold size
  float esize = PI*box->size.height*box->size.width/4.0f;
  if( esize < PI*maxRad*maxRad ) {

    // Add
    Candidate *kp = new Candidate;
    kp->angle = box->angle;
    kp->r = box->center.y;
    kp->c = box->center.x;
    kp->minor = box->size.width/2;
    kp->major = box->size.height/2;
    kp->magnitude = 0;
    kp->method = ADAPTIVE;
    kps.push_back( kp );
    retVal = 0;

  } else {

    // Interest point too large
    retVal = 1;

  // Deallocations

  return retVal;