Пример #1

computes the eigen space for matrix images.

This function is used in the training procedure of the face recognition pca
INPUT:  the data matrix of images
OUTPUT: mean: the mean value of the images
eigen_values: eigenvalues
eigen_base: eigenvectors

The data matrix is mean centered, and this is a side effect.
void eigentrain(Matrix *mean, Matrix *eigen_vals,
                Matrix *eigen_base, Matrix images) 
    double p = 0.0;
    Matrix M, eigenvectors;

    DEBUG(1, "Calculating mean image.");
    *mean = get_mean_image(images);

    DEBUG(1, "Calculating the mean centered images for the training set.");
    mean_subtract_images(images, *mean);

    MESSAGE2ARG("Calculating Covariance Matrix: M = images' * images. M is a %d by %d Matrix.", images->col_dim, images->col_dim);
    M = transposeMultiplyMatrixL(images, images);
    DEBUG_INT(3, "Covariance Matrix Rows", M->row_dim);
    DEBUG_INT(3, "Covariance Matrix Cols", M->col_dim);

    DEBUG(2, "Allocating memory for eigenvectors and eigenvalues.");
    eigenvectors = makeMatrix(M->row_dim, M->col_dim);
    *eigen_vals = makeMatrix(M->row_dim, 1);

    MESSAGE("Computing snap shot eigen vectors using the double precision cv eigensolver.");

    cvJacobiEigens_64d(M->data, eigenvectors->data, (*eigen_vals)->data, images->col_dim, p, 1);


    DEBUG(1, "Verifying the eigen vectors");
    /* Reconstruct M because it is destroyed in cvJacobiEigens */
    M = transposeMultiplyMatrixL(images, images);
    if (debuglevel >= 3)
        eigen_verify(M, *eigen_vals, eigenvectors);

    *eigen_base = multiplyMatrix(images, eigenvectors);
    MESSAGE2ARG("Recovered the %d by %d high resolution eigen basis.", (*eigen_base)->row_dim, (*eigen_base)->col_dim);

    DEBUG(1, "Normalizing eigen basis");

    /*Remove last elements because they are unneeded.  Mean centering the image
    guarantees that the data points define a hyperplane that passes through
    the origin. Therefore all points are in a k - 1 dimensional subspace.
    (*eigen_base)->col_dim -= 1;
    (*eigen_vals)->row_dim -= 1;
    eigenvectors->col_dim -= 1;

    DEBUG(1, "Verifying eigenbasis");
    if (debuglevel >= 3)
        basis_verify(images, *eigen_base);

    /* The eigenvectors for the smaller covariance (snap shot) are not needed */
Пример #2
int SQFitting::estimateParameters(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>& cloud, SQParameters& sqParams, const int& eigenVector) {
	double t[4][4] = {0};

	// Check if cloud contains enough data points
	int len = (int) cloud.points.size();
	if (len < 13) { // changed from 13
		return -1;

	// Find center of gravity
	double a, b, c, x, y, z, xx, yy, zz, cxy, cxz, cyz, count = 0.0;
	x = y = z = 0; 
	xx = yy = zz = cxy = cyz = cxz = 0; 
	count = 0;

	for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
		pcl::PointXYZ pnt = cloud.points[i];
		a = (double) pnt.x;
		b = (double) pnt.y;
		c = (double) pnt.z;

		x += a;
		y += b;
		z += c;

		xx += a*a;
		yy += b*b;
		zz += c*c;

		cxz += a*c;
		cyz += b*c;
		cxy += a*b;


	// Compute center of gravity, covariance and variance
	double avgx, avgy, avgz;
	avgx = x/count;
	avgy = y/count;
	avgz = z/count;

	xx  /= count;
	yy  /= count;
	zz  /= count;

	cxz /= count;
	cyz /= count;
	cxy /= count;

    xx  -= (avgx * avgx);
    yy  -= (avgy * avgy);
    zz  -= (avgz * avgz);

    cxy -= (avgx * avgy);
    cxz -= (avgx * avgz);
    cyz -= (avgy * avgz);

	// Build covariance matrix
	double aa[3][3];
	aa[0][0] =  xx;   aa[0][1] = cxy; aa[0][2] = cxz;
	aa[1][0] = cxy;   aa[1][1] =  yy; aa[1][2] = cyz;
	aa[2][0] = cxz;   aa[2][1] = cyz; aa[2][2] =  zz;

	// Compute eigenvectors and eigenvalues
	double	d[3], m_brain[3][3], m_inverse[3][3];
	double lambdas[3];
	double vectors[3][3];
	int    nrot;

	 * Using the covariance matrix, we get its eigenvalues
	 * and eigenvectors
	cvJacobiEigens_64d((double*) aa, (double*) m_brain, (double*) d, 3, 0.0);

	// Find the vector with the largest eigenvalue
	double max_eigen = -1000000000.0;
	int vectorIndex;
	if(d[0] > max_eigen) {
		max_eigen = d[0];
		vectorIndex = 0;
	if(d[1] > max_eigen) {
		max_eigen = d[1]; 
		vectorIndex = 1;
	if(d[2] > max_eigen) {
		max_eigen = d[2]; 
		vectorIndex = 2;
	for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
		for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
			m_inverse[j][k] = m_brain[j][k];

	// Aligning max eigenvector with z axis
#if 0

	for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { 
		m_inverse[j][2] = m_brain[j][eigenVector];
		m_inverse[j][eigenVector] = m_brain[j][2];

	if (vectorIndex != 2) {
		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			m_inverse[j][vectorIndex] = -m_inverse[j][vectorIndex];


	for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
		for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
			m_brain[j][k] = m_inverse[j][k];
	// Build transformation matrix (rotation & translation)
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
			t[i][j] = m_brain[i][j];
	t[0][3] = avgx;
	t[1][3] = avgy;
	t[2][3] = avgz;
	t[3][3] =  1;

	t[3][0] = t[3][1] = t[3][2] = 0.0;

	// Set / Calculate initial parameter
	sqParams.e1 = 1;
	sqParams.e2 = 1;
	sqParams.kx = 0;
	sqParams.ky = 0;
	double xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax;
	xmin = ymin = zmin = 100000.00;
	xmax = ymax = zmax = -100000.00;

	double tInv[4][4];
	matrix_inverse(t, tInv);

	double vector[4];
	for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
		pcl::PointXYZ pnt = cloud.points[i];
		vector[0] = (double) pnt.x;
		vector[1] = (double) pnt.y;
		vector[2] = (double) pnt.z;
		vector[3] = 1;

		double result[4];
		matrix_mult(vector, tInv, result);
		a = result[0]; 
		b = result[1]; 
		c = result[2];

		if(xmin > a)  xmin = a;     
		if(xmax < a)  xmax = a;

		if(ymin > b)  ymin = b;     
		if(ymax < b)  ymax = b;

		if(zmin > c)  zmin = c;     
		if(zmax < c)  zmax = c;

	double r1, r2, r3;

	r1 = atan2(t[1][2], t[0][2]);
	r1 = r1 + M_PI;
	r2 = atan2(cos(r1) * t[0][2] + sin(r1) * t[1][2], t[2][2]);	
	r3 = atan2(-sin(r1) * t[0][0] + cos(r1) * t[1][0], -sin(r1) * t[0][1] + cos(r1) * t[1][1]);
	sqParams.phi = r1;
	sqParams.theta = r2;
	sqParams.psi = r3;

	sqParams.px = t[0][3] + (xmax + xmin) / 2;   
	sqParams.py = t[1][3] + (ymax + ymin) / 2;
	sqParams.pz = t[2][3] + (zmax + zmin) / 2;
	double ta1, ta2, ta3;

	ta1 = (xmax - xmin)/2;
	ta2 = (ymax - ymin)/2;
	ta3 = (zmax - zmin)/2;

	sqParams.a1 = ta1;
	sqParams.a2 = ta2;
	sqParams.a3 = ta3;	

	return 0;
void fisherTrain(Matrix imspca, ImageList *srt, Matrix *fisherBasis, Matrix *fisherValues, int writeTextInterm) {
    int i;
    int numberOfClasses;
    Matrix G, N, Tmp;
    Matrix Rw = makeIdentityMatrix(imspca->row_dim);
    Matrix Siw = makeIdentityMatrix(imspca->row_dim);
    Matrix Ev = makeMatrix(imspca->row_dim, 1);
    Matrix Evecs = makeMatrix(imspca->row_dim, imspca->row_dim);
    Matrix Mw = findWCSMatrix(imspca, srt, &numberOfClasses, writeTextInterm);
    Matrix Mb = findBCSMatrix(imspca, Mw);
    *fisherValues = makeMatrix(imspca->row_dim, 1);

    MESSAGE2ARG("LDA Training started with %d classes and %d total training images.", numberOfClasses, imspca->col_dim);

    if (writeTextInterm) { SAVE_MATRIX(Mw); SAVE_MATRIX(Mb); } /* output textfiles of intermediate matrices */

    MESSAGE("Computing eigenspace decomposition of within class scatter matrix.");
    cvJacobiEigens_64d(Mw->data, Rw->data, Ev->data, Mw->row_dim, 0.0);

    MESSAGE("Computing the inverse scale matrix derived from eigenvalues and transformed scatter matrix.");
    for (i = 0; i < Ev->row_dim; i++)
        ME(Siw, i, i) = (ME(Ev, i, 0) <= 0.0) ? 0.0 : 1 / ( sqrt( ME(Ev, i, 0) ) );

    G = transposeMultiplyMatrixR(Siw, Rw);
    Tmp = transposeMultiplyMatrixR(Mb, G);
    N = multiplyMatrix(G, Tmp);

    if (writeTextInterm) {
    } /* output textfiles of intermediate matrices */

    MESSAGE("Computing eigenspace of transformed between class scatter matrix.");
    cvJacobiEigens_64d(N->data, Evecs->data, (*fisherValues)->data, N->row_dim, 0.0);

    Tmp = multiplyMatrix(Siw, Evecs);
    DEBUG(1, "Calculating fisher basis");
    *fisherBasis = multiplyMatrix(Rw, Tmp);

    if (writeTextInterm) { SAVE_MATRIX(*fisherBasis); SAVE_MATRIX(*fisherValues); SAVE_MATRIX(Evecs); } /* output textfiles of intermediate matrices */

    /* The following verification code does not seem to work so it has been commented out. */
    /* fisherVerify(*fisherBasis, *fisherValues, Mw, Mb); */

    /* Crop the basis to the proper number of vectors */
    (*fisherBasis)->col_dim = numberOfClasses - 1;
    (*fisherValues)->row_dim = numberOfClasses - 1;


    MESSAGE2ARG("Completed LDA Training. Fisher basis projection matrix has dimensions %d by %d.", (*fisherBasis)->row_dim, (*fisherBasis)->col_dim);

    /*Freeing memory allocated during LDA Training. */