// Open the training data from the file 'facedata.xml'.
int loadTrainingData(CvMat ** pTrainPersonNumMat)
    CvFileStorage * fileStorage;
    int i;
    // create a file-storage interface
    fileStorage = cvOpenFileStorage( facedata, 0, CV_STORAGE_READ );
    if( !fileStorage ) {
        printf("Can't open training database file 'facedata.xml'.\n");
        return 0;
    // Load the person names. Added by Shervin.
    personNames.clear();	// Make sure it starts as empty.
    nPersons = cvReadIntByName( fileStorage, 0, "nPersons", 0 );
    if (nPersons == 0) {
        printf("No people found in the training database 'facedata.xml'.\n");
        return 0;
    // Load each person's name.
    for (i=0; i<nPersons; i++) {
        string sPersonName;
        char varname[200];
        sprintf( varname, "personName_%d", (i+1) );
        sPersonName = cvReadStringByName(fileStorage, 0, varname );
        personNames.push_back( sPersonName );
    // Load the data
    nEigens = cvReadIntByName(fileStorage, 0, "nEigens", 0);
    nTrainFaces = cvReadIntByName(fileStorage, 0, "nTrainFaces", 0);
    *pTrainPersonNumMat = (CvMat *)cvReadByName(fileStorage, 0, "trainPersonNumMat", 0);
    eigenValMat  = (CvMat *)cvReadByName(fileStorage, 0, "eigenValMat", 0);
    projectedTrainFaceMat = (CvMat *)cvReadByName(fileStorage, 0, "projectedTrainFaceMat", 0);
    pAvgTrainImg = (IplImage *)cvReadByName(fileStorage, 0, "avgTrainImg", 0);
    eigenVectArr = (IplImage **)cvAlloc(nTrainFaces*sizeof(IplImage *));
    for(i=0; i<nEigens; i++)
        char varname[200];
        sprintf( varname, "eigenVect_%d", i );
        eigenVectArr[i] = (IplImage *)cvReadByName(fileStorage, 0, varname, 0);
    // release the file-storage interface
    cvReleaseFileStorage( &fileStorage );
    printf("Training data loaded (%d training images of %d people):\n", nTrainFaces, nPersons);
    printf("People: ");
    if (nPersons > 0)
        printf("<%s>", personNames[0].c_str());
    for (i=1; i<nPersons; i++) {
        printf(", <%s>", personNames[i].c_str());
    return 1;
Пример #2
  void FrameProcessor::loadConfig()
    CvFileStorage* fs = cvOpenFileStorage("./config/FrameProcessor.xml", 0, CV_STORAGE_READ);

    tictoc = cvReadStringByName(fs, 0, "tictoc", "");

    enablePreProcessor = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enablePreProcessor", true);

    enableForegroundMaskAnalysis = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableForegroundMaskAnalysis", false);

    enableFrameDifferenceBGS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableFrameDifferenceBGS", false);
    enableStaticFrameDifferenceBGS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableStaticFrameDifferenceBGS", false);
    enableWeightedMovingMeanBGS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableWeightedMovingMeanBGS", false);
    enableWeightedMovingVarianceBGS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableWeightedMovingVarianceBGS", false);
    enableMixtureOfGaussianV1BGS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableMixtureOfGaussianV1BGS", false);
    enableMixtureOfGaussianV2BGS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableMixtureOfGaussianV2BGS", false);
    enableAdaptiveBackgroundLearning = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableAdaptiveBackgroundLearning", false);
    enableGMG = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableGMG", false);

    enableDPAdaptiveMedianBGS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableDPAdaptiveMedianBGS", false);
    enableDPGrimsonGMMBGS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableDPGrimsonGMMBGS", false);
    enableDPZivkovicAGMMBGS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableDPZivkovicAGMMBGS", false);
    enableDPMeanBGS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableDPMeanBGS", false);
    enableDPWrenGABGS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableDPWrenGABGS", false);
    enableDPPratiMediodBGS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableDPPratiMediodBGS", false);
    enableDPEigenbackgroundBGS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableDPEigenbackgroundBGS", false);
    enableDPTextureBGS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableDPTextureBGS", false);

    enableT2FGMM_UM = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableT2FGMM_UM", false);
    enableT2FGMM_UV = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableT2FGMM_UV", false);
    enableT2FMRF_UM = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableT2FMRF_UM", false);
    enableT2FMRF_UV = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableT2FMRF_UV", false);
    enableFuzzySugenoIntegral = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableFuzzySugenoIntegral", false);
    enableFuzzyChoquetIntegral = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableFuzzyChoquetIntegral", false);

    enableLBSimpleGaussian = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableLBSimpleGaussian", false);
    enableLBFuzzyGaussian = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableLBFuzzyGaussian", false);
    enableLBMixtureOfGaussians = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableLBMixtureOfGaussians", false);
    enableLBAdaptiveSOM = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableLBAdaptiveSOM", false);
    enableLBFuzzyAdaptiveSOM = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableLBFuzzyAdaptiveSOM", false);

    enableLbpMrf = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableLbpMrf", false);

    enableMultiLayerBGS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableMultiLayerBGS", false);
    //enablePBAS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enablePBAS", false);
    enableVuMeter = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableVuMeter", false);
    enableKDE = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableKDE", false);
    enableIMBS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableIMBS", false);
    enableMultiCueBGS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableMultiCueBGS", false);
    enableSigmaDeltaBGS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableSigmaDeltaBGS", false);
    enableSuBSENSEBGS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableSuBSENSEBGS", false);
    enableLOBSTERBGS = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "enableLOBSTERBGS", false);

  void ForegroundMaskAnalysis::loadConfig()
    CvFileStorage* fs = cvOpenFileStorage("./config/ForegroundMaskAnalysis.xml", 0, CV_STORAGE_READ);

    stopAt = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "stopAt", 0);
    img_ref_path = cvReadStringByName(fs, 0, "img_ref_path", "");

Пример #4
void CConfig::LoadXmlFile()
    if (!QDir(CONF_PATH).exists())

    CvFileStorage* fs = NULL;

        fs = cvOpenFileStorage(XML_FILE, 0, CV_STORAGE_READ);
    catch (...)

    if (fs == NULL)

    _config.ipCam               = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "IpCam", 0);
    _config.strCamUrl_GV        = cvReadStringByName(fs, 0, "VsCamGV", CAM_URL_GV);
    _config.strCamUrl_GV_ir     = cvReadStringByName(fs, 0, "IrCamGV", CAM_URL_GV_IR);
    _config.strCamUrl_IP        = cvReadStringByName(fs, 0, "VsCamIP", CAM_URL_IP);
    _config.strCamUrl_IP_ir     = cvReadStringByName(fs, 0, "IrCamIP", CAM_URL_IP_IR);
    _config.trkWidth            = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "TrkWidth", QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(0).width()/6);
    _config.trkHeight           = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "TrkHeight", QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(0).height()/6);
    _config.frmPosX             = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "FrmPosX", 0);
    _config.frmPosY             = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "FrmPosY", 0);
    _config.frmWidth            = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "FrmWidth", QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(0).width());
    _config.frmHeight           = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "FrmHeight", QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(0).height());
    _config.fps                 = cvReadRealByName(fs, 0, "Fps", 18.5);

void MultiLayerBGS::loadConfig()
  CvFileStorage* fs = cvOpenFileStorage("MultiLayerBGS.xml", 0, CV_STORAGE_READ);

  if(fs == NULL)
	  cout << "Do not open file MultiLayerBGS.xml - loadConfig()" << endl;

  bg_model_preload = cvReadStringByName(fs, 0, "preloadModel", "");
  saveModel = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "saveModel", false);
  detectAfter = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "detectAfter", 0);
  disableDetectMode = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "disableDetectMode", true);
  disableLearning = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "disableLearningInDetecMode", false);
  loadDefaultParams = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "loadDefaultParams", true);

  max_mode_num = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "max_mode_num", 5);
  weight_updating_constant = cvReadRealByName(fs, 0, "weight_updating_constant", 5.0);
  texture_weight = cvReadRealByName(fs, 0, "texture_weight", 0.5);
  bg_mode_percent = cvReadRealByName(fs, 0, "bg_mode_percent", 0.6);
  pattern_neig_half_size = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "pattern_neig_half_size", 4);
  pattern_neig_gaus_sigma = cvReadRealByName(fs, 0, "pattern_neig_gaus_sigma", 3.0);
  bg_prob_threshold = cvReadRealByName(fs, 0, "bg_prob_threshold", 0.2);
  bg_prob_updating_threshold = cvReadRealByName(fs, 0, "bg_prob_updating_threshold", 0.2);
  robust_LBP_constant = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "robust_LBP_constant", 3);
  min_noised_angle = cvReadRealByName(fs, 0, "min_noised_angle", 0.01768);
  shadow_rate = cvReadRealByName(fs, 0, "shadow_rate", 0.6);
  highlight_rate = cvReadRealByName(fs, 0, "highlight_rate", 1.2);
  bilater_filter_sigma_s = cvReadRealByName(fs, 0, "bilater_filter_sigma_s", 3.0);
  bilater_filter_sigma_r = cvReadRealByName(fs, 0, "bilater_filter_sigma_r", 0.1);

  frame_duration = cvReadRealByName(fs, 0, "frame_duration", 0.1);

  learn_mode_learn_rate_per_second = cvReadRealByName(fs, 0, "learn_mode_learn_rate_per_second", 0.5);
  learn_weight_learn_rate_per_second = cvReadRealByName(fs, 0, "learn_weight_learn_rate_per_second", 0.5);
  learn_init_mode_weight = cvReadRealByName(fs, 0, "learn_init_mode_weight", 0.05);

  detect_mode_learn_rate_per_second = cvReadRealByName(fs, 0, "detect_mode_learn_rate_per_second", 0.01);
  detect_weight_learn_rate_per_second = cvReadRealByName(fs, 0, "detect_weight_learn_rate_per_second", 0.01);
  detect_init_mode_weight = cvReadRealByName(fs, 0, "detect_init_mode_weight", 0.001);

  showOutput = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "showOutput", true);

Пример #6
static void
preload (TimerAction timer_action) 

    /* show logo */
    show_logo_bool = true;

	CvFileStorage* fs=cvOpenFileStorage("data/config.xml", 0,CV_STORAGE_READ);
	//save color
	char buffer[64];
    for(int i=0; i <=10; i++) {
        char * tmp = (char *) cvReadStringByName(fs, NULL, buffer);
        printf("read color %d: #%s\n",i,color_key[i]);
    treshold = cvReadIntByName( fs, NULL, "treshold");
    filter[0] = cvReadIntByName( fs, NULL, "filter_min");
    filter[1] = cvReadIntByName( fs, NULL, "filter_max");
    printf("min/max fitler %d %d\n",filter[0], filter[1]);
    cvReleaseFileStorage( &fs );


    // set mask for active zone for detect

      1,   1,
      640, 1,
      640, 480,
      1,   480
    /* loading timer */
    g_timeout_add(TIMER, timeout, (gpointer) &timer_action);
    g_timeout_add(TIMER, timeout2, (gpointer) &timer_action);

Пример #7
 const char * cvReadStringByName_wrap(const CvFileStorage * fs , const CvFileNode * map , const char * name , const char * default_value ){
	return cvReadStringByName(/*const*//*CvFileStorage*//***/fs , /*const*//*CvFileNode*//***/map , /*const*//*char*//***/name , /*const*//*char*//***/default_value);
Пример #8
static CvTestSeqElem* icvTestSeqReadElemOne(CvTestSeq_* pTS, CvFileStorage* fs, CvFileNode* node)
    int             noise_type = CV_NOISE_NONE;;
    CvTestSeqElem*  pElem = NULL;
    const char*     pVideoName = cvReadStringByName( fs, node,"Video", NULL);
    const char*     pVideoObjName = cvReadStringByName( fs, node,"VideoObj", NULL);

    {   /* Check to noise flag: */
        if( cv_stricmp(pVideoName,"noise_gaussian") == 0 ||
            cv_stricmp(pVideoName,"noise_normal") == 0) noise_type = CV_NOISE_GAUSSIAN;
        if( cv_stricmp(pVideoName,"noise_uniform") == 0) noise_type = CV_NOISE_UNIFORM;
        if( cv_stricmp(pVideoName,"noise_speckle") == 0) noise_type = CV_NOISE_SPECKLE;
        if( cv_stricmp(pVideoName,"noise_salt_and_pepper") == 0) noise_type = CV_NOISE_SALT_AND_PEPPER;

    if((pVideoName || pVideoObjName ) && noise_type == CV_NOISE_NONE)
    {   /* Read other elements: */
        if(pVideoName) pElem = icvTestSeqReadElemAll(pTS, fs, pVideoName);
            CvTestSeqElem* pE;
            pElem = icvTestSeqReadElemAll(pTS, fs, pVideoObjName);
                pE->ObjID = pTS->ObjNum;
                pE->pObjName = pVideoObjName;
    }   /* Read other elements. */
    {   /* Create new element: */
        CvFileNode* pPosNode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node,"Pos");
        CvFileNode* pSizeNode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node,"Size");
        int AutoSize = (pSizeNode && CV_NODE_IS_STRING(pSizeNode->tag) && cv_stricmp("auto",cvReadString(pSizeNode,""))==0);
        int AutoPos = (pPosNode && CV_NODE_IS_STRING(pPosNode->tag) && cv_stricmp("auto",cvReadString(pPosNode,""))==0);
        const char* pFileName = cvReadStringByName( fs, node,"File", NULL);
        pElem = (CvTestSeqElem*)cvAlloc(sizeof(CvTestSeqElem));

        pElem->ObjID = -1;
        pElem->noise_type = noise_type;
        cvRandInit( &pElem->rnd_state, 1, 0, 0,CV_RAND_NORMAL);

        if(pFileName && pElem->noise_type == CV_NOISE_NONE)
        {   /* If AVI or BMP: */
            size_t  l = strlen(pFileName);
            pElem->pFileName = pFileName;

            pElem->type = SRC_TYPE_IMAGE;
            if(cv_stricmp(".avi",pFileName+l-4) == 0)pElem->type = SRC_TYPE_AVI;

            if(pElem->type == SRC_TYPE_IMAGE)
                //pElem->pImg = cvLoadImage(pFileName);
                    pElem->FrameNum = 1;

                    pElem->pImgMask = cvCreateImage(

            if(pElem->type == SRC_TYPE_AVI && pFileName)
                //pElem->pAVI = cvCaptureFromFile(pFileName);

                    IplImage* pImg = 0;//cvQueryFrame(pElem->pAVI);
                    pElem->pImg = cvCloneImage(pImg);
                    pElem->pImg->origin = 0;
                    pElem->FrameBegin = 0;
                    pElem->AVILen = pElem->FrameNum = 0;//(int)cvGetCaptureProperty(pElem->pAVI, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT);
                    pElem->pAVI = NULL;
                    printf("WARNING!!! Cannot open avi file %s\n",pFileName);

        }   /* If AVI or BMP. */

        {   /* Read positions: */
                int num = pPosNode->data.seq->total;
                pElem->pPos = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(sizeof(float)*num);
                cvReadRawData( fs, pPosNode, pElem->pPos, "f" );
                pElem->PosNum = num/2;
                if(pElem->FrameNum == 0) pElem->FrameNum = pElem->PosNum;

        {   /* Read sizes: */
                int num = pSizeNode->data.seq->total;
                pElem->pSize = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(sizeof(float)*num);
                cvReadRawData( fs, pSizeNode, pElem->pSize, "f" );
                pElem->SizeNum = num/2;

        if(AutoPos || AutoSize)
        {   /* Auto size and pos: */
            int     i;
            int     num = (pElem->type == SRC_TYPE_AVI)?pElem->AVILen:1;
                pElem->pSize = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)*num);
                pElem->SizeNum = num;
                pElem->pPos = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)*num);
                pElem->PosNum = num;

            for(i=0; i<num; ++i)
                IplImage* pFG = NULL;
                CvPoint2D32f* pPos = AutoPos?(pElem->pPos + i):NULL;
                CvPoint2D32f* pSize = AutoSize?(pElem->pSize + i):NULL;

                pFG = pElem->pImgMask;

                    pPos->x = 0.5f;
                    pPos->y = 0.5f;
                    pSize->x = 0;
                    pSize->y = 0;

                    double      M00;
                    CvMoments   m;
                    cvMoments( pElem->pImgMask, &m, 0 );
                    M00 = cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 0, 0 );

                    if(M00 > 0 && pSize )
                        double X = cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 1, 0 )/M00;
                        double Y = cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 0, 1 )/M00;
                        double XX = (cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 2, 0 )/M00) - X*X;
                        double YY = (cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 0, 2 )/M00) - Y*Y;
                        pSize->x = (float)(4*sqrt(XX))/(pElem->pImgMask->width-1);
                        pSize->y = (float)(4*sqrt(YY))/(pElem->pImgMask->height-1);

                    if(M00 > 0 && pPos)
                        pPos->x = (float)(cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 1, 0 )/(M00*(pElem->pImgMask->width-1)));
                        pPos->y = (float)(cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 0, 1 )/(M00*(pElem->pImgMask->height-1)));

                    {   /* Another way to calculate y pos
                         * using object median:
                        int y0=0, y1=pFG->height-1;
                        for(y0=0; y0<pFG->height; ++y0)
                            CvMat       m;
                            CvScalar    s = cvSum(cvGetRow(pFG, &m, y0));
                            if(s.val[0] > 255*7) break;

                        for(y1=pFG->height-1; y1>0; --y1)
                            CvMat m;
                            CvScalar s = cvSum(cvGetRow(pFG, &m, y1));
                            if(s.val[0] > 255*7) break;

                        pPos->y = (y0+y1)*0.5f/(pFG->height-1);
                }   /* pFG */
            }   /* Next frame. */

            //if(pElem->pAVI) cvReleaseCapture(&pElem->pAVI);

            pElem->pAVI = NULL;

        }   /* End auto position creation. */
    }   /*  Create new element. */

    {   /* Read transforms and: */
        int             FirstFrame, LastFrame;
        CvTestSeqElem*  p=pElem;
        CvFileNode*     pTransNode = NULL;
        CvFileNode*     pS = NULL;
        int             ShiftByPos = 0;
        int             KeyFrames[1024];
        CvSeq*          pTransSeq = NULL;
        int             KeyFrameNum = 0;

        pTransNode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node,"Trans");

        while( pTransNode &&
               CV_NODE_IS_STRING(pTransNode->tag) &&
        {   /* Trans is reference: */
            pTransNode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, NULL,cvReadString(pTransNode,""));

        pS = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node,"Shift");
        ShiftByPos = 0;
        pTransSeq = pTransNode?(CV_NODE_IS_SEQ(pTransNode->tag)?pTransNode->data.seq:NULL):NULL;
        KeyFrameNum = pTransSeq?pTransSeq->total:1;

        if(   (pS && CV_NODE_IS_STRING(pS->tag) && cv_stricmp("auto",cvReadString(pS,""))==0)
            ||(pTransNode && CV_NODE_IS_STRING(pTransNode->tag) && cv_stricmp("auto",cvReadString(pTransNode,""))==0))
            ShiftByPos = 1;

        FirstFrame = pElem->FrameBegin;
        LastFrame = pElem->FrameBegin+pElem->FrameNum-1;

        /* Calculate length of video and reallocate
         * transformation array:
        for(p=pElem; p; p=p->next)
            int v;
            v = cvReadIntByName( fs, node, "BG", -1 );
            if(v!=-1)p->BG = v;
            v = cvReadIntByName( fs, node, "Mask", -1 );
            if(v!=-1)p->Mask = v;

            p->FrameBegin += cvReadIntByName( fs, node, "FrameBegin", 0 );
            p->FrameNum = cvReadIntByName( fs, node, "FrameNum", p->FrameNum );
            p->FrameNum = cvReadIntByName( fs, node, "Dur", p->FrameNum );
                int LastFrame = cvReadIntByName( fs, node, "LastFrame", p->FrameBegin+p->FrameNum-1 );
                p->FrameNum = MIN(p->FrameNum,LastFrame - p->FrameBegin+1);


            {   /* New range estimation: */
                int LF = p->FrameBegin+p->FrameNum-1;
                if(p==pElem || FirstFrame > p->FrameBegin)FirstFrame = p->FrameBegin;
                if(p==pElem || LastFrame < LF)LastFrame = LF;
            }   /* New range estimation. */
        }   /*  End allocate new transfrom array. */

            {   /* Modify transformation to make autoshift: */
                int         i;
                int         num = p->FrameNum;
                assert(num <= p->TransNum);
                p->TransNum = MAX(1,num);

                for(i=0; i<num; ++i)
                    CvTSTrans*  pT = p->pTrans+i;
                    //float   t = (num>1)?((float)i/(num-1)):0.0f;
                    float newx = p->pPos[i%p->PosNum].x;
                    float newy = p->pPos[i%p->PosNum].y;
                    pT->Shift.x = -newx*pT->Scale.x;
                    pT->Shift.y = -newy*pT->Scale.y;

                        newx *= p->pImg->width-1;
                        newy *= p->pImg->height-1;

                    pT->T[2] = -(pT->T[0]*newx+pT->T[1]*newy);
                    pT->T[5] = -(pT->T[3]*newx+pT->T[4]*newy);
            }   /* Modify transformation old. */
        }   /*  Next record. */

        /* Initialize frame number array: */
        KeyFrames[0] = FirstFrame;

            int i0,i1,i;
            for(i=0; i<KeyFrameNum; ++i)
                CvFileNode* pTN = (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(pTransSeq,i);
                KeyFrames[i] = cvReadIntByName(fs,pTN,"frame",-1);


            for(i0=0, i1=1; i1<KeyFrameNum;)
                int i;

                for(i1=i0+1; i1<KeyFrameNum && KeyFrames[i1]<0; i1++);


                for(i=i0+1; i<i1; ++i)
                    KeyFrames[i] = cvRound(KeyFrames[i0] + (float)(i-i0)*(float)(KeyFrames[i1] - KeyFrames[i0])/(float)(i1-i0));
                i0 = i1;
            }   /* Next key run. */
        }   /*  Initialize frame number array. */

        if(pTransNode || pTransSeq)
        {   /* More complex transform. */
            int     param;
            CvFileNode* pTN = pTransSeq?(CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(pTransSeq,0):pTransNode;

            for(p=pElem; p; p=p->next)
                //int trans_num = p->TransNum;
                for(param=0; param_name[param]; ++param)
                    const char*   name = param_name[param];
                    float   defv = param_defval[param];
                    {   /* Only one transform record: */
                        int     i;
                        double  val;
                        CvFileNode* node = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, pTN,name);
                        if(node == NULL) continue;
                        val = cvReadReal(node,defv);

                        for(i=0; i<p->TransNum; ++i)
                                p->pTrans+i, param, val,
                    }   /* Next record. */
                    {   /* Several transforms: */
                        int         i0,i1;
                        double      v0;
                        double      v1;

                        CvFileNode* pTN = (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(pTransSeq,0);
                        v0 = cvReadRealByName(fs, pTN,name,defv);

                        for(i1=1,i0=0; i1<KeyFrameNum; ++i1)
                            int         f0,f1;
                            int         i;
                            CvFileNode* pTN = (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(pTransSeq,i1);
                            CvFileNode* pVN = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs,pTN,name);

                            if(pVN)v1 = cvReadReal(pVN,defv);
                            else if(pVN == NULL && i1 == KeyFrameNum-1) v1 = defv;
                            else continue;

                            f0 = KeyFrames[i0];
                            f1 = KeyFrames[i1];

                            if(i1==(KeyFrameNum-1)) f1++;

                            for(i=f0; i<f1; ++i)
                                double   val;
                                double   t = (float)(i-f0);
                                int      li = i - p->FrameBegin;
                                if(li<0) continue;
                                if(li>= p->TransNum) break;
                                if(KeyFrames[i1]>KeyFrames[i0]) t /=(float)(KeyFrames[i1]-KeyFrames[i0]);
                                val = t*(v1-v0)+v0;

                                    p->pTrans+li, param, val,

                            }   /* Next transform. */
                            i0 = i1;
                            v0 = v1;

                        }   /* Next value run. */
                    }   /*  Several transforms. */
                }   /*  Next parameter. */
            }   /*  Next record. */
        }   /*  More complex transform. */
    }   /*  Read transfroms. */

    return pElem;

}   /* icvTestSeqReadElemOne */
Пример #9
void CvANN_MLP::read_params( CvFileStorage* fs, CvFileNode* node )
    //CV_FUNCNAME( "CvANN_MLP::read_params" );


    const char* activ_func_name = cvReadStringByName( fs, node, "activation_function", 0 );
    CvFileNode* tparams_node;

    if( activ_func_name )
        activ_func = strcmp( activ_func_name, "SIGMOID_SYM" ) == 0 ? SIGMOID_SYM :
                     strcmp( activ_func_name, "IDENTITY" ) == 0 ? IDENTITY :
                     strcmp( activ_func_name, "GAUSSIAN" ) == 0 ? GAUSSIAN : 0;
        activ_func = cvReadIntByName( fs, node, "activation_function" );

    f_param1 = cvReadRealByName( fs, node, "f_param1", 0 );
    f_param2 = cvReadRealByName( fs, node, "f_param2", 0 );
    set_activ_func( activ_func, f_param1, f_param2 );
    min_val = cvReadRealByName( fs, node, "min_val", 0. );
    max_val = cvReadRealByName( fs, node, "max_val", 1. );
    min_val1 = cvReadRealByName( fs, node, "min_val1", 0. );
    max_val1 = cvReadRealByName( fs, node, "max_val1", 1. );

    tparams_node = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node, "training_params" );
    params = CvANN_MLP_TrainParams();

    if( tparams_node )
        const char* tmethod_name = cvReadStringByName( fs, tparams_node, "train_method", "" );
        CvFileNode* tcrit_node;

        if( strcmp( tmethod_name, "BACKPROP" ) == 0 )
            params.train_method = CvANN_MLP_TrainParams::BACKPROP;
            params.bp_dw_scale = cvReadRealByName( fs, tparams_node, "dw_scale", 0 );
            params.bp_moment_scale = cvReadRealByName( fs, tparams_node, "moment_scale", 0 );
        else if( strcmp( tmethod_name, "RPROP" ) == 0 )
            params.train_method = CvANN_MLP_TrainParams::RPROP;
            params.rp_dw0 = cvReadRealByName( fs, tparams_node, "dw0", 0 );
            params.rp_dw_plus = cvReadRealByName( fs, tparams_node, "dw_plus", 0 );
            params.rp_dw_minus = cvReadRealByName( fs, tparams_node, "dw_minus", 0 );
            params.rp_dw_min = cvReadRealByName( fs, tparams_node, "dw_min", 0 );
            params.rp_dw_max = cvReadRealByName( fs, tparams_node, "dw_max", 0 );

        tcrit_node = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, tparams_node, "term_criteria" );
        if( tcrit_node )
            params.term_crit.epsilon = cvReadRealByName( fs, tcrit_node, "epsilon", -1 );
            params.term_crit.max_iter = cvReadIntByName( fs, tcrit_node, "iterations", -1 );
            params.term_crit.type = (params.term_crit.epsilon >= 0 ? CV_TERMCRIT_EPS : 0) +
                                   (params.term_crit.max_iter >= 0 ? CV_TERMCRIT_ITER : 0);

Пример #10
// Read XML-formatted configuration file.
void readConfiguration(const char* filename, struct slParams* sl_params){

	// Open file storage for XML-formatted configuration file.
	CvFileStorage* fs = cvOpenFileStorage(filename, 0, CV_STORAGE_READ);

	// Read output directory and object (or sequence) name.
	CvFileNode* m = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, 0, "output");
	strcpy(sl_params->outdir, cvReadStringByName(fs, m, "output_directory", "./output"));
	strcpy(sl_params->object, cvReadStringByName(fs, m, "object_name", "./output"));
	sl_params->save = (cvReadIntByName(fs, m, "save_intermediate_results", 0) != 0);

	// Read camera parameters.
	m = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, 0, "camera");
	sl_params->cam_w         =  cvReadIntByName(fs, m, "width",                          960);
	sl_params->cam_h         =  cvReadIntByName(fs, m, "height",                         720);
	sl_params->Logitech_9000 = (cvReadIntByName(fs, m, "Logitech_Quickcam_9000_raw_mode",  0) != 0);

	// Read projector parameters.
	m = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, 0, "projector");
	sl_params->proj_w      =  cvReadIntByName(fs, m, "width",            1024);
	sl_params->proj_h      =  cvReadIntByName(fs, m, "height",            768);
	sl_params->proj_invert = (cvReadIntByName(fs, m, "invert_projector",    0) != 0);

	// Read camera and projector gain parameters.
	m = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, 0, "gain");
	sl_params->cam_gain  = cvReadIntByName(fs, m, "camera_gain",     50);
	sl_params->proj_gain = cvReadIntByName(fs, m, "projector_gain",  50);
	// Read distortion model parameters.
	m = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, 0, "distortion_model");
	sl_params->cam_dist_model[0]  = (cvReadIntByName(fs, m, "enable_tangential_camera",          0) != 0);
	sl_params->cam_dist_model[1]  = (cvReadIntByName(fs, m, "enable_6th_order_radial_camera",    0) != 0);
	sl_params->proj_dist_model[0] = (cvReadIntByName(fs, m, "enable_tangential_projector",       0) != 0);
	sl_params->proj_dist_model[1] = (cvReadIntByName(fs, m, "enable_6th_order_radial_projector", 0) != 0);

	// Read camera calibration chessboard parameters.
	m = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, 0, "camera_chessboard");
	sl_params->cam_board_w    =        cvReadIntByName(fs,  m, "interior_horizontal_corners",    8);
	sl_params->cam_board_h    =        cvReadIntByName(fs,  m, "interior_vertical_corners",      6);
	sl_params->cam_board_w_mm = (float)cvReadRealByName(fs, m, "square_width_mm",             30.0);
	sl_params->cam_board_h_mm = (float)cvReadRealByName(fs, m, "square_height_mm",            30.0);

	// Read projector calibration chessboard parameters.
	m = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, 0, "projector_chessboard");
	sl_params->proj_board_w        = cvReadIntByName(fs,  m, "interior_horizontal_corners",  8);
	sl_params->proj_board_h        = cvReadIntByName(fs,  m, "interior_vertical_corners",    6);
	sl_params->proj_board_w_pixels = cvReadIntByName(fs, m, "square_width_pixels",          75);
	sl_params->proj_board_h_pixels = cvReadIntByName(fs, m, "square_height_pixels",         75);
	// Read scanning and reconstruction parameters.
	m = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, 0, "scanning_and_reconstruction");
	sl_params->mode                    =         cvReadIntByName(fs,  m, "mode",                               2);
	sl_params->scan_cols               =        (cvReadIntByName(fs,  m, "reconstruct_columns",                1) != 0);
	sl_params->scan_rows               =        (cvReadIntByName(fs,  m, "reconstruct_rows",                   1) != 0);
	sl_params->delay                   =         cvReadIntByName(fs,  m, "frame_delay_ms",                   200);
	sl_params->thresh                  =         cvReadIntByName(fs,  m, "minimum_contrast_threshold",        32);
	sl_params->dist_range[0]           = (float) cvReadRealByName(fs, m, "minimum_distance_mm",              0.0);
	sl_params->dist_range[1]           = (float) cvReadRealByName(fs, m, "maximum_distance_mm",            1.0e4);
	sl_params->dist_reject             = (float) cvReadRealByName(fs, m, "maximum_distance_variation_mm",   10.0);
	sl_params->background_depth_thresh = (float) cvReadRealByName(fs, m, "minimum_background_distance_mm",  20.0);

	// Read visualization options.
	m = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, 0, "visualization");
	sl_params->display  = (cvReadIntByName(fs, m, "display_intermediate_results",   1) != 0);
	sl_params->window_w =  cvReadIntByName(fs, m, "display_window_width_pixels",  640);

	// Enable both row and column scanning, if "ray-ray" reconstruction mode is enabled.
	if(sl_params->mode == 2){
		sl_params->scan_cols = true;
		sl_params->scan_rows = true;

	// Set camera visualization window dimensions.
	sl_params->window_h = (int)ceil((float)sl_params->window_w*((float)sl_params->cam_h/(float)sl_params->cam_w));

	// Close file storage for XML-formatted configuration file.