Пример #1
// Parse a subchain of input delimited by matching pairs: [],(),{},<>
// [WARNING: no other subchain types are recognized!]. This function expects
// g_cxx.pToken to point to the initial token of the pair ([{<.
// It will parse input until the matching terminator token is found.
// Inner parsing is done by cxxParserParseAndCondenseSubchainsUpToOneOf()
// so this is actually a recursive subchain nesting algorithm.
boolean cxxParserParseAndCondenseCurrentSubchain(
		unsigned int uInitialSubchainMarkerTypes,
		boolean bAcceptEOF
	CXXTokenChain * pCurrentChain = g_cxx.pTokenChain;

	g_cxx.pTokenChain = cxxTokenChainCreate();

	CXXToken * pInitial = cxxTokenChainTakeLast(pCurrentChain);

	CXXToken * pChainToken = cxxTokenCreate();

	pChainToken->iLineNumber = pInitial->iLineNumber;
	pChainToken->oFilePosition = pInitial->oFilePosition;
	// see the declaration of CXXTokenType enum.
	// Shifting by 8 gives the corresponding chain marker
	pChainToken->eType = (enum CXXTokenType)(g_cxx.pToken->eType << 8);
	pChainToken->pChain = g_cxx.pTokenChain;

	// see the declaration of CXXTokenType enum.
	// Shifting by 4 gives the corresponding closing token type
	unsigned int uTokenTypes = g_cxx.pToken->eType << 4;
		uTokenTypes |= CXXTokenTypeEOF;
	boolean bRet = cxxParserParseAndCondenseSubchainsUpToOneOf(
	g_cxx.pTokenChain = pCurrentChain;
	g_cxx.pToken = pCurrentChain->pTail;
	return bRet;
Пример #2
// This function parses input until one of the specified tokens appears.
// The algorithm will also build subchains of matching pairs ([...],(...),{...}).
// Within the subchain analysis of uTokenTypes is completly disabled.
// Subchains do nest.
// Please note that this function will skip entire scopes (matching {} pairs)
// unless you pass CXXTokenTypeOpeningBracket to stop at their beginning.
// This is usually what you want, unless you're really expecting a scope to begin
// in the current statement.
boolean cxxParserParseUpToOneOf(unsigned int uTokenTypes)
	return cxxParserParseAndCondenseSubchainsUpToOneOf(
			CXXTokenTypeOpeningBracket |
				CXXTokenTypeOpeningParenthesis |
Пример #3
// Parses the <parameters> part of the template prefix.
// Here we are pointing at the initial < (but the token chain has been emptied by cxxParserParseTemplatePrefix())
static boolean cxxParserParseTemplatePrefixAngleBrackets(void)

	// Here we have the big prolem of <> characters which may be
	// template argument delimiters, less than/greater than operators, shift left/right operators.
	// A well written code will have parentheses around all the ambiguous cases. We handle that
	// and we permit any kind of syntax inside a parenthesis.
	// Without parentheses we still try to handle the << and >> shift operator cases:
	// - << is always recognized as shift operator
	// - >> is recognized as shift unless it's non-nested. This is what C++11 spec says
	//      and theoretically it should be also pseudo-compatible with C++03 which treats this
	//      case as a syntax error.
	// The 'less-than' and 'greater-than' operators are hopeless in the general case: gcc
	// is smart enough to figure them out by looking at the identifiers around but without
	// proper state (include headers, macro expansion, full type database etc) we simply can't
	// do the same. However, we try to recover if we figure out we (or the programmer?) screwed up.

	int iTemplateLevel = 0;

		// Within parentheses everything is permitted.
				CXXTokenTypeGreaterThanSign | CXXTokenTypeSmallerThanSign | CXXTokenTypeOpeningBracket | CXXTokenTypeSemicolon | CXXTokenTypeEOF | CXXTokenTypeAssignment,
				CXXTokenTypeOpeningParenthesis | CXXTokenTypeOpeningSquareParenthesis
			CXX_DEBUG_LEAVE_TEXT("Failed to parse up to '<>{EOF'");
			return FALSE;

			case CXXTokenTypeSmallerThanSign:
				if(g_cxx.pToken->pPrev && cxxTokenTypeIsOneOf(g_cxx.pToken->pPrev,CXXTokenTypeIdentifier | CXXTokenTypeKeyword))
						CXX_DEBUG_LEAVE_TEXT("Syntax error, but tolerate it at this level");
						return TRUE;

					CXX_DEBUG_PRINT("Got token '%s' of type 0x%02x",vStringValue(g_cxx.pToken->pszWord),g_cxx.pToken->eType);

						// assume it's an operator
						CXX_DEBUG_PRINT("Treating < as shift-left operator");
					} else {
						CXX_DEBUG_PRINT("Increasing template level");

						if(cxxTokenTypeIsOneOf(g_cxx.pToken,CXXTokenTypeOpeningParenthesis | CXXTokenTypeOpeningSquareParenthesis))
							CXX_DEBUG_PRINT("Condensing subchain");
							// hmmm.. must condense as subchain
							if(!cxxParserParseAndCondenseCurrentSubchain(CXXTokenTypeOpeningParenthesis | CXXTokenTypeOpeningSquareParenthesis,TRUE))
								CXX_DEBUG_LEAVE_TEXT("Failed to condense current subchain");
								return TRUE;
								CXX_DEBUG_LEAVE_TEXT("Found EOF, syntax error but we tolerate it");
								return TRUE;
						} else {
							// it's ok
							CXX_DEBUG_PRINT("No need to condense subchain");
				} else {
					// assume it's an operator
					CXX_DEBUG_PRINT("Treating < as less-than operator");
			case CXXTokenTypeGreaterThanSign:
				if(iTemplateLevel == 0)
					// Non-nested > : always a terminator
					CXX_DEBUG_LEAVE_TEXT("Found end of template");
					return TRUE;
				// Nested > : is is a shift operator?

					CXX_DEBUG_LEAVE_TEXT("Syntax error, but tolerate it at this level");
					return TRUE;

				CXX_DEBUG_PRINT("Got token '%s' of type 0x%02x",vStringValue(g_cxx.pToken->pszWord),g_cxx.pToken->eType);

					// assume it's an operator
					CXX_DEBUG_PRINT("Treating > as shift-right operator");
				} else {
					CXX_DEBUG_PRINT("Decreasing template level");

					if(cxxTokenTypeIsOneOf(g_cxx.pToken,CXXTokenTypeOpeningParenthesis | CXXTokenTypeOpeningSquareParenthesis))
						CXX_DEBUG_PRINT("Condensing subchain");
						// hmmm.. must condense as subchain
						if(!cxxParserParseAndCondenseCurrentSubchain(CXXTokenTypeOpeningParenthesis | CXXTokenTypeOpeningSquareParenthesis,TRUE))
							CXX_DEBUG_LEAVE_TEXT("Failed to condense current subchain");
							return TRUE;
							CXX_DEBUG_LEAVE_TEXT("Found EOF, syntax error but we tolerate it");
							return TRUE;
					} else {
						// it's ok
						CXX_DEBUG_PRINT("No need to condense subchain");
			case CXXTokenTypeAssignment:
				CXX_DEBUG_PRINT("Found assignment, trying to skip up to a 'notable' point");
				// try to skip to the next > or , without stopping at < characters.
						CXXTokenTypeGreaterThanSign | CXXTokenTypeComma | CXXTokenTypeOpeningBracket | CXXTokenTypeSemicolon | CXXTokenTypeEOF
					CXX_DEBUG_LEAVE_TEXT("Failed to parse up to '}EOF'");
					return FALSE;
				goto evaluate_current_token; // backward jump!
			case CXXTokenTypeEOF:
				CXX_DEBUG_LEAVE_TEXT("Syntax error, but tolerate it at this level");
				return TRUE;
			case CXXTokenTypeSemicolon:
				CXX_DEBUG_LEAVE_TEXT("Broken template arguments, attempting to continue");
				return TRUE;
			case CXXTokenTypeOpeningBracket:
				CXX_DEBUG_PRINT("Found opening bracket: either syntax error or we screwed up parsing the template parameters (some kind of ugly C++11 syntax?), but we try to recover...");
				// skip the whole bracketed part.
				if(!cxxParserParseUpToOneOf(CXXTokenTypeClosingBracket | CXXTokenTypeEOF))
					CXX_DEBUG_LEAVE_TEXT("Failed to parse up to '}EOF'");
					return FALSE;
				CXX_DEBUG_LEAVE_TEXT("Broken template arguments recovery complete");
				return TRUE;
				CXX_DEBUG_ASSERT(FALSE,"Should not end up here");
				CXX_DEBUG_LEAVE_TEXT("Found unexpected token type 0x%02x",g_cxx.pToken->eType);
				return FALSE;

	// never reached
	return TRUE;