Пример #1
//! A piston requires a fixed anchor point and an axis
OscPistonODE::OscPistonODE(dWorldID odeWorld, dSpaceID odeSpace,
                           const char *name, OscBase* parent,
                           OscObject *object1, OscObject *object2,
                           double x, double y, double z,
                           double ax, double ay, double az)
    : OscPiston(name, parent, object1, object2, x, y, z, ax, ay, az)
    m_response = new OscResponse("response",this);

	// create the constraint for object1
    cVector3d anchor(x,y,z);
    cVector3d axis(ax,ay,az);

    dJointID odeJoint = dJointCreatePiston(odeWorld,0);

    m_pSpecial = new ODEConstraint(this, odeJoint, odeWorld, odeSpace,
                                   object1, object2);

    dJointSetPistonAnchor(odeJoint, anchor.x, anchor.y, anchor.z);
    dJointSetPistonAxis(odeJoint, axis.x, axis.y, axis.z);

    printf("Piston joint created between %s and %s at anchor (%f,%f,%f), axis (%f,%f,%f)\n",
        object1->c_name(), object2?object2->c_name():"world", x,y,z,ax,ay,az);
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    bool fixed  = true;

    // setup pointers to drawstuff callback functions
    dsFunctions fn;
    fn.version = DS_VERSION;
    fn.start = &start;
    fn.step = &simLoop;
    fn.command = &command;
    fn.stop = 0;
    fn.path_to_textures = DRAWSTUFF_TEXTURE_PATH;

    dVector3 offset;
    dSetZero (offset, 4);

    // Default test case

    if (argc >= 2 )
        for (int i=1; i < argc; ++i)
            //static int tata = 0;

            if (1)
                if ( 0 == strcmp ("-h", argv[i]) || 0 == strcmp ("--help", argv[i]) )
                    Help (argv);

                if ( 0 == strcmp ("-s", argv[i]) || 0 == strcmp ("--slider", argv[i]) )
                    type = dJointTypeSlider;

                if ( 0 == strcmp ("-t", argv[i]) || 0 == strcmp ("--texture-path", argv[i]) )
                    int j = i+1;
                    if ( j+1 > argc      ||  // Check if we have enough arguments
                            argv[j] == '\0' ||  // We should have a path here
                            argv[j][0] == '-' ) // We should have a path not a command line
                        Help (argv);
                        fn.path_to_textures = argv[++i]; // Increase i since we use this argument

            if ( 0 == strcmp ("-1", argv[i]) || 0 == strcmp ("--offset1", argv[i]) )
                tc = 1;

            if ( 0 == strcmp ("-2", argv[i]) || 0 == strcmp ("--offset2", argv[i]) )
                tc = 2;

            if ( 0 == strcmp ("-3", argv[i]) || 0 == strcmp ("--offset3", argv[i]) )
                tc = 3;

            if (0 == strcmp ("-n", argv[i]) || 0 == strcmp ("--notFixed", argv[i]) )
                fixed = false;

    world = dWorldCreate();
    dWorldSetERP (world, 0.8);

    space = dSimpleSpaceCreate (0);
    contactgroup = dJointGroupCreate (0);
    geom[GROUND] = dCreatePlane (space, 0,0,1,0);
    dGeomSetCategoryBits (geom[GROUND], catBits[GROUND]);
    dGeomSetCollideBits (geom[GROUND], catBits[ALL]);

    dMass m;
    dMatrix3 R;

    // Create the Obstacle
    geom[OBS] = dCreateBox (space, OBS_SIDES[0], OBS_SIDES[1], OBS_SIDES[2]);
    dGeomSetCategoryBits (geom[OBS], catBits[OBS]);
    dGeomSetCollideBits (geom[OBS], catBits[ALL]);
    //Rotation of 45deg around y
    dRFromAxisAndAngle (R, 1,1,0, -0.25*PI);
    dGeomSetRotation (geom[OBS], R);
    dGeomSetPosition (geom[OBS], 1.95, -0.2, 0.5);

    //Rotation of 90deg around y
    // Will orient the Z axis along X
    dRFromAxisAndAngle (R, 0,1,0, -0.5*PI);

    // Create Body2 (Wiil be attached to the world)
    body[BODY2] = dBodyCreate (world);
    // Main axis of cylinder is along X=1
    dMassSetBox (&m, 1, BODY2_SIDES[0], BODY2_SIDES[1], BODY2_SIDES[2]);
    dMassAdjust (&m, Mass1);
    geom[BODY2] = dCreateBox (space, BODY2_SIDES[0], BODY2_SIDES[1], BODY2_SIDES[2]);
    dGeomSetBody (geom[BODY2], body[BODY2]);
    dGeomSetOffsetRotation (geom[BODY2], R);
    dGeomSetCategoryBits (geom[BODY2], catBits[BODY2]);
    dGeomSetCollideBits (geom[BODY2], catBits[ALL] & (~catBits[BODY1]) );
    dBodySetMass (body[BODY2], &m);

    // Create Body 1 (Slider on the prismatic axis)
    body[BODY1] = dBodyCreate (world);
    // Main axis of capsule is along X=1
    dMassSetCapsule (&m, 1, 1, RADIUS, BODY1_LENGTH);
    dMassAdjust (&m, Mass1);
    geom[BODY1] = dCreateCapsule (space, RADIUS, BODY1_LENGTH);
    dGeomSetBody (geom[BODY1], body[BODY1]);
    dGeomSetOffsetRotation (geom[BODY1], R);
    dGeomSetCategoryBits (geom[BODY1], catBits[BODY1]);
    dGeomSetCollideBits (geom[BODY1], catBits[ALL] & ~catBits[BODY2] & ~catBits[RECT]);

    dMass mRect;
    dMassSetBox (&mRect, 1, RECT_SIDES[0], RECT_SIDES[1], RECT_SIDES[2]);
    dMassAdd (&m, &mRect);
    // TODO: translate m?
    geom[RECT] = dCreateBox (space, RECT_SIDES[0], RECT_SIDES[1], RECT_SIDES[2]);
    dGeomSetBody (geom[RECT], body[BODY1]);
    dGeomSetOffsetPosition (geom[RECT],
                            (BODY1_LENGTH-RECT_SIDES[0]) /2.0,
                            -RADIUS -RECT_SIDES[2]/2.0);
    dGeomSetCategoryBits (geom[RECT], catBits[RECT]);
    dGeomSetCollideBits (geom[RECT], catBits[ALL] & (~catBits[BODY1]) );

    dBodySetMass (body[BODY1], &m);

    setPositionBodies (tc);

    if ( fixed )
        // Attache external cylinder to the world
        dJointID fixed = dJointCreateFixed (world,0);
        dJointAttach (fixed , NULL, body[BODY2]);
        dJointSetFixed (fixed );
        dWorldSetGravity (world,0,0,-0.8);
        dWorldSetGravity (world,0,0,0);

    // The static is here only to help debugging
    switch (type)
    case dJointTypeSlider :
        dSliderJoint *sj = new dSliderJoint (world, 0);
        sj->attach (body[BODY1], body[BODY2]);
        sj->setAxis (1, 0, 0);
        joint = sj;

    case dJointTypePiston : // fall through default
        dPistonJoint *pj = new dPistonJoint (world, 0);
        pj->attach (body[BODY1], body[BODY2]);
        pj->setAxis (1, 0, 0);

        dJointSetPistonAnchor(pj->id(), anchor[X], anchor[Y], anchor[Z]);

        joint = pj;

    // run simulation
    dsSimulationLoop (argc,argv,400,300,&fn);

    delete joint;
    dJointGroupDestroy (contactgroup);
    dSpaceDestroy (space);
    dWorldDestroy (world);
    return 0;
void setPositionBodies (int val)
    const dVector3 POS1 = {0,0,1.5,0};
    const dVector3 POS2 = {0,0,1.5,0};
    const dVector3 ANCHOR = {0,0,1.5,0};

    for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
        pos1[i] = POS1[i];
        pos2[i] = POS2[i];
        anchor[i] = ANCHOR[i];

    if (body[BODY1])
        dBodySetLinearVel (body[BODY1], 0,0,0);
        dBodySetAngularVel (body[BODY1], 0,0,0);

    if (body[BODY2])
        dBodySetLinearVel (body[BODY2], 0,0,0);
        dBodySetAngularVel (body[BODY2], 0,0,0);

    switch (val)
    case 3:
        pos1[Z] += -0.5;
        anchor[Z] -= 0.25;
    case 2:
        pos1[Z] -= 0.5;
        anchor[Z] -= 0.5;
    case 1:
        pos1[Z] += -0.5;
    default: // This is also case 0
        // Nothing to be done

    const dMatrix3 R =

    if (body[BODY1])
        dBodySetPosition (body[BODY1], pos1[X], pos1[Y], pos1[Z]);
        dBodySetRotation (body[BODY1], R);

    if (body[BODY2])
        dBodySetPosition (body[BODY2], pos2[X], pos2[Y], pos2[Z]);
        dBodySetRotation (body[BODY2], R);

    if (joint)
        joint->attach (body[BODY1], body[BODY2]);
        if (joint->getType() == dJointTypePiston)
            dJointSetPistonAnchor(joint->id(), anchor[X], anchor[Y], anchor[Z]);

void PhysicsPistonJoint::changed(ConstFieldMaskArg whichField, 
                            UInt32            origin,
                            BitVector         details)
    //Do not respond to changes that have a Sync origin
    if(origin & ChangedOrigin::Sync)

    if(whichField & WorldFieldMask)
            _JointID = dJointCreatePiston(getWorld()->getWorldID(), 0);
            _JointID = dJointCreatePiston(getWorld()->getWorldID(), 0);
            if(!(whichField & HiStopFieldMask))
            if(!(whichField & LoStopFieldMask))
            if(!(whichField & BounceFieldMask))
            if(!(whichField & CFMFieldMask))
            if(!(whichField & StopCFMFieldMask))
            if(!(whichField & StopERPFieldMask))
            if(!(whichField & HiStop2FieldMask))
            if(!(whichField & LoStop2FieldMask))
            if(!(whichField & Bounce2FieldMask))
            if(!(whichField & CFM2FieldMask))
            if(!(whichField & StopCFM2FieldMask))
            if(!(whichField & StopERP2FieldMask))

    Inherited::changed(whichField, origin, details);

    if((whichField & AnchorFieldMask) || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
        dJointSetPistonAnchor(_JointID, getAnchor().x(), getAnchor().y(), getAnchor().z());
    if((whichField & AxisFieldMask) || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
        dJointSetPistonAxis(_JointID, getAxis().x(), getAxis().y(), getAxis().z());
    if((whichField & HiStopFieldMask) || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
        dJointSetPistonParam(_JointID,  dParamHiStop, getHiStop());
    if((whichField & LoStopFieldMask) || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
        dJointSetPistonParam(_JointID,  dParamLoStop, getLoStop());
    if((whichField & BounceFieldMask) || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
        dJointSetPistonParam(_JointID,  dParamBounce, getBounce());
    if((whichField & CFMFieldMask) || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
        dJointSetPistonParam(_JointID,  dParamCFM, getCFM());
    if((whichField & StopERPFieldMask) || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
        dJointSetPistonParam(_JointID,  dParamStopERP, getStopERP());
    if((whichField & StopCFMFieldMask) || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
        dJointSetPistonParam(_JointID,  dParamStopCFM, getStopCFM());
    if((whichField & HiStop2FieldMask) || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
        dJointSetPistonParam(_JointID,  dParamHiStop2, getHiStop2());
    if((whichField & LoStop2FieldMask) || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
        dJointSetPistonParam(_JointID,  dParamLoStop2, getLoStop2());
    if((whichField & Bounce2FieldMask) || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
        dJointSetPistonParam(_JointID,  dParamBounce2, getBounce2());
    if((whichField & CFM2FieldMask) || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
        dJointSetPistonParam(_JointID,  dParamCFM2, getCFM2());
    if((whichField & StopERP2FieldMask) || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
        dJointSetPistonParam(_JointID,  dParamStopERP2, getStopERP2());
    if((whichField & StopCFM2FieldMask) || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
        dJointSetPistonParam(_JointID,  dParamStopCFM2, getStopCFM2());