Пример #1
 * Set a call to Cache_process_queue from the main cycle.
static void Cache_delayed_process_queue(CacheEntry_t *entry)
   /* there's no need to repeat entries in the queue */
   if (!dList_find(DelayedQueue, entry))
      dList_append(DelayedQueue, entry);

   if (DelayedQueueIdleId == 0) {
      _MSG("  Setting timeout callback\n");
      a_Timeout_add(0.0, Cache_delayed_process_queue_callback, NULL);
      DelayedQueueIdleId = 1;
Пример #2
 * Validate a capi_conn_t pointer.
 * Return value: NULL if not valid, conn otherwise.
static capi_conn_t *Capi_conn_valid(capi_conn_t *conn)
   return dList_find(CapiConns, conn);