Пример #1
int EditorScreen::GetHoveredSegement(sf::Vector2<int> mousePos, int layer)
	int hoveredSegment = -1;

	for (int i = 0; i < map->mapSeg.size(); i++)
		if (map->mapSeg[i]->layer == layer)
			sf::Rect<float> dRect(
				(map->mapSeg[i]->position.x - (scroll.x * map->layers[layer]->scale)),
				(map->mapSeg[i]->position.y - (scroll.y * map->layers[layer]->scale)),
				(map->segDef[map->mapSeg[i]->segmentIndex]->width * map->mapSeg[i]->scale.x),
				(map->segDef[map->mapSeg[i]->segmentIndex]->height * map->mapSeg[i]->scale.y));

			float c = cos(-map->mapSeg[i]->rotation * M_PI / 180);
			float s = sin(-map->mapSeg[i]->rotation * M_PI / 180);

			float rotatedX = dRect.left + c * (mousePos.x - dRect.left) - s * (mousePos.y - dRect.top);
			float rotatedY = dRect.top + s * (mousePos.x - dRect.left) + c * (mousePos.y - dRect.top);

			float leftX = dRect.left - dRect.width / 2;
			float rightX = dRect.left + dRect.width / 2;
			float topY = dRect.top - dRect.height / 2;
			float bottomY = dRect.top + dRect.height / 2;

			if (leftX <= rotatedX && rotatedX <= rightX &&
				topY <= rotatedY && rotatedY <= bottomY)
				hoveredSegment = i;

	return hoveredSegment;
	void TerrainLayerBlendMap::blit(const PixelBox &src, const Box &dstBox)
		const PixelBox* srcBox = &src;

		if (srcBox->getWidth() != dstBox.getWidth() || srcBox->getHeight() != dstBox.getHeight())
			// we need to rescale src to dst size first (also confvert format)
			void* tmpData = OGRE_MALLOC(dstBox.getWidth() * dstBox.getHeight(), MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL);
			srcBox = OGRE_NEW PixelBox(dstBox.getWidth(), dstBox.getHeight(), 1, PF_L8, tmpData);

			Image::scale(src, *srcBox);

		// pixel conversion
		PixelBox dstMemBox(dstBox, PF_L8, mData);
		PixelUtil::bulkPixelConversion(*srcBox, dstMemBox);

		if (srcBox != &src)
			// free temp
			OGRE_DELETE srcBox;
			srcBox = 0;

		Rect dRect(dstBox.left, dstBox.top, dstBox.right, dstBox.bottom);

Пример #3
void QDirectFbBlitter::drawPixmapOpacity(const QRectF &rect, const QPixmap &pixmap, const QRectF &subrect, QPainter::CompositionMode cmode, qreal opacity)
    QRect sQRect = subrect.toRect();
    QRect dQRect = rect.toRect();
    DFBRectangle sRect(sQRect.x(), sQRect.y(), sQRect.width(), sQRect.height());
    DFBRectangle dRect(dQRect.x(), dQRect.y(), dQRect.width(), dQRect.height());
    DFBResult result;

    // skip if dst too small
    if ((dRect.w <= 0) || (dRect.h <= 0)) return;

    // correct roundings if needed
    if (sRect.w <= 0) sRect.w = 1;
    if (sRect.h <= 0) sRect.h = 1;

    QDirectFbBlitterPlatformPixmap *blitPm = static_cast<QDirectFbBlitterPlatformPixmap *>(pixmap.handle());
    QDirectFbBlitter *dfbBlitter = static_cast<QDirectFbBlitter *>(blitPm->blittable());

    IDirectFBSurface *s = dfbBlitter->m_surface.data();

    DFBSurfaceBlittingFlags blittingFlags = DFBSurfaceBlittingFlags(DSBLIT_BLEND_ALPHACHANNEL);
    DFBSurfacePorterDuffRule porterDuff = (cmode == QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver) ? DSPD_SRC_OVER : DSPD_SRC;

    if (opacity != 1.0)
        blittingFlags = DFBSurfaceBlittingFlags(blittingFlags | DSBLIT_BLEND_COLORALPHA | (m_premult ? DSBLIT_SRC_PREMULTCOLOR : 0));
        m_surface->SetColor(m_surface.data(), 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, (u8) (opacity * 255.0));

    m_surface->SetBlittingFlags(m_surface.data(), DFBSurfaceBlittingFlags(blittingFlags));
    m_surface->SetPorterDuff(m_surface.data(), porterDuff);

    if (cmode == QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver)
        m_surface->SetDstBlendFunction(m_surface.data(), DSBF_INVSRCALPHA);

    if ((sRect.w == dRect.w) && (sRect.h == dRect.h)) {
        result = m_surface->Blit(m_surface.data(), s, &sRect, dRect.x, dRect.y);
        if (result != DFB_OK)
            DirectFBError("QDirectFBBlitter::drawPixmapOpacity()", result);
        if (m_debugPaint)
            drawDebugRect(QRect(dRect.x, dRect.y, sRect.w, sRect.h), QColor(Qt::green));
    } else {
        result = m_surface->StretchBlit(m_surface.data(), s, &sRect, &dRect);
        if (result != DFB_OK)
            DirectFBError("QDirectFBBlitter::drawPixmapOpacity()", result);
        if (m_debugPaint)
            drawDebugRect(QRect(dRect.x, dRect.y, dRect.w, dRect.h), QColor(Qt::red));
Пример #4
void GSDevice11::DoShadeBoost(GSTexture* sTex, GSTexture* dTex)
	GSVector2i s = dTex->GetSize();

	GSVector4 sRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
	GSVector4 dRect(0, 0, s.x, s.y);

	ShadeBoostConstantBuffer cb;

	cb.rcpFrame = GSVector4(1.0f / s.x, 1.0f / s.y, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	cb.rcpFrameOpt = GSVector4::zero();

	m_ctx->UpdateSubresource(m_shadeboost.cb, 0, NULL, &cb, 0, 0);

	StretchRect(sTex, sRect, dTex, dRect, m_shadeboost.ps, m_shadeboost.cb, true);
Пример #5
void GSDevice11::DoInterlace(GSTexture* sTex, GSTexture* dTex, int shader, bool linear, float yoffset)
	GSVector4 s = GSVector4(dTex->GetSize());

	GSVector4 sRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
	GSVector4 dRect(0.0f, yoffset, s.x, s.y + yoffset);

	InterlaceConstantBuffer cb;

	cb.ZrH = GSVector2(0, 1.0f / s.y);
	cb.hH = s.y / 2;

	m_ctx->UpdateSubresource(m_interlace.cb, 0, NULL, &cb, 0, 0);

	StretchRect(sTex, sRect, dTex, dRect, m_interlace.ps[shader], m_interlace.cb, linear);
Пример #6
		void Renderer::renderTileMap(novus::world::TileMap* tileMap) {
			sf::Texture* sfTexture = renderUtils->getTileset(tileMap->tileset);
			sf::IntRect viewport = renderUtils->getRenderWindow()->getViewport(renderUtils->getRenderWindow()->getView());
			sf::IntRect dRect (0, 0, 32, 32);
			for (int y = 0; y < tileMap->height; y++) {
				for (int x = 0; x < tileMap->width; x++) {
					dRect.left = x * 32;
					dRect.top = y * 32;
					if (viewport.intersects(dRect)) {
						novus::world::Tile* tile = &tileMap->tiles[y * tileMap->width + x];
						if (tile->texture < 0) { continue; }
						sf::IntRect sRect = sf::IntRect(tile->texture % 8 * 32, tile->texture / 8 * 32, 32, 32);
						renderTexture(sfTexture, dRect, sRect);
Пример #7
void GSDevice::ShadeBoost()
	GSVector2i s = m_current->GetSize();

	if(m_shadeboost == NULL || m_shadeboost->GetSize() != s)
		delete m_shadeboost;
		m_shadeboost = CreateRenderTarget(s.x, s.y, false);

	if(m_shadeboost != NULL)
		GSVector4 sRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
		GSVector4 dRect(0, 0, s.x, s.y);

		StretchRect(m_current, sRect, m_shadeboost, dRect, 0, false);
		DoShadeBoost(m_shadeboost, m_current);
Пример #8
void GSDevice::FXAA()
	GSVector2i s = m_current->GetSize();

	if(m_fxaa == NULL || m_fxaa->GetSize() != s)
		delete m_fxaa;
		m_fxaa = CreateRenderTarget(s.x, s.y, false);

	if(m_fxaa != NULL)
		GSVector4 sRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
		GSVector4 dRect(0, 0, s.x, s.y);

		StretchRect(m_current, sRect, m_fxaa, dRect, 7, false);
		DoFXAA(m_fxaa, m_current);
Пример #9
void GSDevice::ExternalFX()
	GSVector2i s = m_current->GetSize();

	if (m_shaderfx == NULL || m_shaderfx->GetSize() != s)
		delete m_shaderfx;
		m_shaderfx = CreateRenderTarget(s.x, s.y, false);

	if (m_shaderfx != NULL)
		GSVector4 sRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
		GSVector4 dRect(0, 0, s.x, s.y);

		StretchRect(m_current, sRect, m_shaderfx, dRect, 7, false);
		DoExternalFX(m_shaderfx, m_current);
Пример #10
void GSDevice11::DoExternalFX(GSTexture* sTex, GSTexture* dTex)
	GSVector2i s = dTex->GetSize();

	GSVector4 sRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
	GSVector4 dRect(0, 0, s.x, s.y);

	ExternalFXConstantBuffer cb;


	cb.xyFrame = GSVector2((float)s.x, (float)s.y);
	cb.rcpFrame = GSVector4(1.0f / (float)s.x, 1.0f / (float)s.y, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	cb.rcpFrameOpt = GSVector4::zero();

	m_ctx->UpdateSubresource(m_shaderfx.cb, 0, NULL, &cb, 0, 0);

	StretchRect(sTex, sRect, dTex, dRect, m_shaderfx.ps, m_shaderfx.cb, true);
Пример #11
void GSDevice11::DoFXAA(GSTexture* sTex, GSTexture* dTex)
	GSVector2i s = dTex->GetSize();

	GSVector4 sRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
	GSVector4 dRect(0, 0, s.x, s.y);

	FXAAConstantBuffer cb;


	cb.rcpFrame = GSVector4(1.0f / s.x, 1.0f / s.y, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	cb.rcpFrameOpt = GSVector4::zero();

	m_ctx->UpdateSubresource(m_fxaa.cb, 0, NULL, &cb, 0, 0);

	StretchRect(sTex, sRect, dTex, dRect, m_fxaa.ps, m_fxaa.cb, true);

Пример #12
GSTexture* GSDevice11::CopyOffscreen(GSTexture* src, const GSVector4& sRect, int w, int h, int format, int ps_shader)
	GSTexture* dst = NULL;

	if(format == 0)
		format = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;

	if(format != DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM && format != DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT)

		return false;

	if(GSTexture* rt = CreateRenderTarget(w, h, false, format))
		GSVector4 dRect(0, 0, w, h);

		if(GSTexture* src2 = src->IsMSAA() ? Resolve(src) : src)
			StretchRect(src2, sRect, rt, dRect, m_convert.ps[format == DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT ? 1 : 0], NULL);

			if(src2 != src) Recycle(src2);

		dst = CreateOffscreen(w, h, format);

			m_ctx->CopyResource(*(GSTexture11*)dst, *(GSTexture11*)rt);


	return dst;