Пример #1
static void _AndroidGetTxtFileArgs(int &argc, char** argv, int maxargc)
    argc = 0;
    const U32 kMaxTextLen = 2048;
    U32 textLen;
    char* text = new char[kMaxTextLen];
    // Open the file, kick out if we can't
    File cmdfile;
    File::Status err = cmdfile.open("AndroidCmdLine.txt", cmdfile.Read);
    // Re-organise function to handle memory deletion better
    if (err == File::Ok)
        // read in the first kMaxTextLen bytes, kick out if we get errors or no data
        err = cmdfile.read(kMaxTextLen-1, text, &textLen);
        if (((err == File::Ok || err == File::EOS) || textLen > 0))
            // Null terminate
            text[textLen++] = '\0';
            // Truncate to the 1st line of the file
            for(int i = 0; i < textLen; i++)
                if( text[i] == '\n' || text[i] == '\r' )
                    text[i] = '\0';
                    textLen = i+1;
            // Tokenize the args with nulls, save them in argv, count them in argc
            char* tok;
            for(tok = dStrtok(text, " "); tok && argc < maxargc; tok = dStrtok(NULL, " "))
                argv[argc++] = tok;
	// Close file and delete memory before returning
	delete[] text;
	text = NULL;
Пример #2
void setVariable(const char *name, const char *value)
   // get the field info from the object..
   if(name[0] != '$' && dStrchr(name, '.') && !isFunction(name))
      S32 len = dStrlen(name);
      AssertFatal(len < sizeof(scratchBuffer)-1, "Sim::getVariable - name too long");
      dMemcpy(scratchBuffer, name, len+1);

      char * token = dStrtok(scratchBuffer, ".");
      SimObject * obj = Sim::findObject(token);

      token = dStrtok(0, ".\0");

      while(token != NULL)
         const char * val = obj->getDataField(StringTable->insert(token), 0);

         char *fieldToken = token;
         token = dStrtok(0, ".\0");
            obj = Sim::findObject(token);
            obj->setDataField(StringTable->insert(fieldToken), 0, value);

   name = prependDollar(name);
   gEvalState.globalVars.setVariable(StringTable->insert(name), value);
Пример #3
void ProjectWindow::refreshAssetList()
   // Clear list.
   mAssetListRoot = mAssetsTab->assetList->AddRoot("ROOT");

   Vector<ModuleInfo>* modules = mEditorManager->getModuleList();

   const char* currentModuleID = "";
   wxTreeItemId currentModuleTreeID = mAssetListRoot;
   for (Vector<ModuleInfo>::iterator modulesItr = modules->begin(); modulesItr != modules->end(); ++modulesItr)
      if (dStrcmp(modulesItr->moduleID, currentModuleID) != 0)
         currentModuleID = modulesItr->moduleID;
         currentModuleTreeID = mAssetsTab->assetList->AppendItem(mAssetListRoot, modulesItr->moduleID, 0, -1, new ModuleTreeItemData(*modulesItr));
      for (Vector<AssetCategoryInfo>::iterator assetCatItr = modulesItr->assets.begin(); assetCatItr != modulesItr->assets.end(); ++assetCatItr)
         wxTreeItemId categoryTreeID = mAssetsTab->assetList->AppendItem(currentModuleTreeID, assetCatItr->categoryName, 1, -1, new AssetCategoryTreeItemData(*assetCatItr));

         for (Vector<const AssetDefinition*>::iterator assetItr = assetCatItr->assets.begin(); assetItr != assetCatItr->assets.end(); ++assetItr)
            // Fetch asset definition.
            const AssetDefinition* pAssetDefinition = *assetItr;
            char buf[256];
            dStrcpy(buf, pAssetDefinition->mAssetId);
            const char* moduleName = dStrtok(buf, ":");
            const char* assetName = dStrtok(NULL, ":");
            mAssetsTab->assetList->AppendItem(categoryTreeID, assetName, 2, -1, new AssetTreeItemData(pAssetDefinition));

   // Sort Modules by Name
Пример #4
bool FindMatch::isMatchMultipleExprs( const char *exps, const char *str, bool caseSensitive )
   char *tok = 0;
   S32 len = dStrlen(exps);

   char *e = new char[len+1];

   // [tom, 12/18/2006] This no longer supports space separated expressions as
   // they don't work when the paths have spaces in.

   // search for each expression. return true soon as we see one.
   for( tok = dStrtok(e,"\t"); tok != NULL; tok = dStrtok(NULL,"\t"))
      if( isMatch( tok, str, caseSensitive) )
         delete []e;
         return true;

   delete []e;
   return false;
Пример #5
void GFXGLCardProfiler::init()
   mChipSet = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetString(GL_VENDOR));

   // get the major and minor parts of the GL version. These are defined to be
   // in the order "[major].[minor] [other]|[major].[minor].[release] [other] in the spec
   const char *versionStart = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetString(GL_VERSION));
   const char *versionEnd = versionStart;
   // get the text for the version "x.x.xxxx "
   for( S32 tok = 0; tok < 2; ++tok )
      char *text = dStrdup( versionEnd );
      dStrtok(text, ". ");
      versionEnd += dStrlen( text ) + 1;
      dFree( text );

   mRendererString = "GL";
   mRendererString += String::SpanToString(versionStart, versionEnd - 1);

   mCardDescription = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetString(GL_RENDERER));
   mVersionString = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetString(GL_VERSION));
   mVideoMemory = static_cast<GFXGLDevice*>(GFX)->getTotalVideoMemory();

   // Set new enums here so if our profile script forces this to be false we keep the GL_ZEROs.
      GFXGLTextureInternalFormat[GFXFormatR16G16F] = GL_RGBA_FLOAT16_ATI;
      GFXGLTextureFormat[GFXFormatR16G16F] = GL_RGBA;
      GFXGLTextureInternalFormat[GFXFormatR16G16B16A16F] = GL_RGBA_FLOAT16_ATI;
      GFXGLTextureInternalFormat[GFXFormatR32G32B32A32F] = GL_RGBA_FLOAT32_ATI;
      GFXGLTextureInternalFormat[GFXFormatR32F] = GL_RGBA_FLOAT32_ATI;

Пример #6
// preload
bool ParticleData::preload(bool server, String &errorStr)
   if (Parent::preload(server, errorStr) == false)
      return false;

   bool error = false;
      // Here we attempt to load the particle's texture if specified. An undefined
      // texture is *not* an error since the emitter may provide one.
      if (textureName && textureName[0])
        textureHandle = GFXTexHandle(textureName, &GFXDefaultStaticDiffuseProfile, avar("%s() - textureHandle (line %d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__));
        if (!textureHandle)
          errorStr = String::ToString("Missing particle texture: %s", textureName);
          error = true;

      if (animateTexture) 
        // Here we parse animTexFramesString into byte-size frame numbers in animTexFrames.
        // Each frame token must be separated by whitespace.
        // A frame token must be a positive integer frame number or a range of frame numbers
        // separated with a '-'. 
        // The range separator, '-', cannot have any whitspace around it.
        // Ranges can be specified to move through the frames in reverse as well as forward.
        // Frame numbers exceeding the number of tiles will wrap.
        //   example:
        //     "0-16 20 19 18 17 31-21"

        S32 n_tiles = animTexTiling.x * animTexTiling.y;
        AssertFatal(n_tiles > 0 && n_tiles <= 256, "Error, bad animTexTiling setting." );


        char* tokCopy = new char[dStrlen(animTexFramesString) + 1];
        dStrcpy(tokCopy, animTexFramesString);

        char* currTok = dStrtok(tokCopy, " \t");
        while (currTok != NULL) 
          char* minus = dStrchr(currTok, '-');
          if (minus)
            // add a range of frames
            *minus = '\0';
            S32 range_a = dAtoi(currTok);
            S32 range_b = dAtoi(minus+1);
            if (range_b < range_a)
              // reverse frame range
              for (S32 i = range_a; i >= range_b; i--)
                animTexFrames.push_back((U8)(i % n_tiles));
              // forward frame range
              for (S32 i = range_a; i <= range_b; i++)
                animTexFrames.push_back((U8)(i % n_tiles));
            // add one frame
            animTexFrames.push_back((U8)(dAtoi(currTok) % n_tiles));
          currTok = dStrtok(NULL, " \t");

        // Here we pre-calculate the UVs for each frame tile, which are
        // tiled inside the UV region specified by texCoords. Since the
        // UVs are calculated using bilinear interpolation, the texCoords
        // region does *not* have to be an axis-aligned rectangle.

        if (animTexUVs)
          delete [] animTexUVs;

        animTexUVs = new Point2F[(animTexTiling.x+1)*(animTexTiling.y+1)];

        // interpolate points on the left and right edge of the uv quadrangle
        Point2F lf_pt = texCoords[0];
        Point2F rt_pt = texCoords[3];

        // per-row delta for left and right interpolated points
        Point2F lf_d = (texCoords[1] - texCoords[0])/(F32)animTexTiling.y;
        Point2F rt_d = (texCoords[2] - texCoords[3])/(F32)animTexTiling.y;

        S32 idx = 0;
        for (S32 yy = 0; yy <= animTexTiling.y; yy++)
          Point2F p = lf_pt;
          Point2F dp = (rt_pt - lf_pt)/(F32)animTexTiling.x;
          for (S32 xx = 0; xx <= animTexTiling.x; xx++)
            animTexUVs[idx++] = p;
            p += dp;
          lf_pt += lf_d;
          rt_pt += rt_d;

        // cleanup
        delete [] tokCopy;
        numFrames = animTexFrames.size();

   return !error;
Пример #7
void ProjectManager::refreshModuleList()
   Vector<const AssetDefinition*> assetDefinitions = Torque::AssetDatabaseLink.getDeclaredAssets();

   // Fetch all loaded module definitions.
   ModuleManager::typeConstModuleDefinitionVector loadedModules;
   Torque::ModuleDatabaseLink->findModules(true, loadedModules);

   // Iterate found loaded module definitions.
   for (ModuleManager::typeConstModuleDefinitionVector::const_iterator loadedModuleItr = loadedModules.begin(); loadedModuleItr != loadedModules.end(); ++loadedModuleItr)
      // Fetch module definition.
      const ModuleDefinition* module = *loadedModuleItr;

      // Add to module list.
      ModuleInfo newModule;
      newModule.moduleID = module->getModuleId();
      newModule.moduleVersion = module->getVersionId();

   // Iterate asset definitions.
   for (Vector<const AssetDefinition*>::iterator assetItr = assetDefinitions.begin(); assetItr != assetDefinitions.end(); ++assetItr)
      // Fetch asset definition.
      const AssetDefinition* pAssetDefinition = *assetItr;

      char buf[256];
      dStrcpy(buf, pAssetDefinition->mAssetId);
      const char* moduleName = dStrtok(buf, ":");
      const char* assetName = dStrtok(NULL, ":");

      // Try to find module
      bool foundModule = false;
      for (Vector<ModuleInfo>::iterator modulesItr = mModuleList.begin(); modulesItr != mModuleList.end(); ++modulesItr)
         const char* moduleID = pAssetDefinition->mpModuleDefinition->getModuleId();
         if (dStrcmp(modulesItr->moduleID, moduleID) == 0)
            // Try to find category
            bool foundCategory = false;
            for (Vector<AssetCategoryInfo>::iterator categoriesItr = modulesItr->assets.begin(); categoriesItr != modulesItr->assets.end(); ++categoriesItr)
               const char* moduleID = pAssetDefinition->mpModuleDefinition->getModuleId();
               if (dStrcmp(categoriesItr->categoryName, pAssetDefinition->mAssetType) == 0)
                  foundCategory = true;

            // Can't find module? Create one.
            if (!foundCategory)
               AssetCategoryInfo newCategory;
               newCategory.categoryName = pAssetDefinition->mAssetType;

            foundModule = true;

      // Can't find module? Create one.
      if (!foundModule)
         ModuleInfo newModule;
         newModule.moduleID = pAssetDefinition->mpModuleDefinition->getModuleId();
         newModule.moduleVersion = pAssetDefinition->mpModuleDefinition->getVersionId();

         AssetCategoryInfo newCategory;
         newCategory.categoryName = pAssetDefinition->mAssetType;