bool _cldClipCylinderEdgeToTriangle(sData& cData, const dVector3 &v0, const dVector3 &v1, const dVector3 &v2)
    // translate cylinder
    dReal fTemp = dVector3Dot(cData.vCylinderAxis , cData.vContactNormal);
    dVector3 vN2;
    vN2[0] = cData.vContactNormal[0] - cData.vCylinderAxis[0]*fTemp;
    vN2[1] = cData.vContactNormal[1] - cData.vCylinderAxis[1]*fTemp;
    vN2[2] = cData.vContactNormal[2] - cData.vCylinderAxis[2]*fTemp;

    fTemp = dVector3Length(vN2);
    if (fTemp < REAL(1e-5))
        return false;

    // Normalize it
    vN2[0] /= fTemp;
    vN2[1] /= fTemp;
    vN2[2] /= fTemp;

    // calculate caps centers in absolute space
    dVector3 vCposTrans;
    vCposTrans[0] = cData.vCylinderPos[0] + vN2[0]*cData.fCylinderRadius;
    vCposTrans[1] = cData.vCylinderPos[1] + vN2[1]*cData.fCylinderRadius;
    vCposTrans[2] = cData.vCylinderPos[2] + vN2[2]*cData.fCylinderRadius;

    dVector3 vCEdgePoint0;
    vCEdgePoint0[0]  = vCposTrans[0] + cData.vCylinderAxis[0] * (cData.fCylinderSize* REAL(0.5));
    vCEdgePoint0[1]  = vCposTrans[1] + cData.vCylinderAxis[1] * (cData.fCylinderSize* REAL(0.5));
    vCEdgePoint0[2]  = vCposTrans[2] + cData.vCylinderAxis[2] * (cData.fCylinderSize* REAL(0.5));

    dVector3 vCEdgePoint1;
    vCEdgePoint1[0]  = vCposTrans[0] - cData.vCylinderAxis[0] * (cData.fCylinderSize* REAL(0.5));
    vCEdgePoint1[1]  = vCposTrans[1] - cData.vCylinderAxis[1] * (cData.fCylinderSize* REAL(0.5));
    vCEdgePoint1[2]  = vCposTrans[2] - cData.vCylinderAxis[2] * (cData.fCylinderSize* REAL(0.5));

    // transform cylinder edge points into triangle space
    vCEdgePoint0[0] -= v0[0];
    vCEdgePoint0[1] -= v0[1];
    vCEdgePoint0[2] -= v0[2];

    vCEdgePoint1[0] -= v0[0];
    vCEdgePoint1[1] -= v0[1];
    vCEdgePoint1[2] -= v0[2];

    dVector4 plPlane;
    dVector3 vPlaneNormal;

    // triangle plane
    //plPlane = Plane4f( -cData.vNormal, 0);
    vPlaneNormal[0] = -cData.vNormal[0];
    vPlaneNormal[1] = -cData.vNormal[1];
    vPlaneNormal[2] = -cData.vNormal[2];
    if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( vCEdgePoint0, vCEdgePoint1, plPlane ))
        return false;

    // plane with edge 0
    //plPlane = Plane4f( ( cData.vNormal cross cData.vE0 ), REAL(1e-5));
    if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( vCEdgePoint0, vCEdgePoint1, plPlane ))
        return false;

    // plane with edge 1
    //dVector3 vTemp = ( cData.vNormal cross cData.vE1 );
    fTemp = dVector3Dot(cData.vE0 , vPlaneNormal) - REAL(1e-5);
    //plPlane = Plane4f( vTemp, -(( cData.vE0 dot vTemp )-REAL(1e-5)));
    if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( vCEdgePoint0, vCEdgePoint1, plPlane ))
        return false;

    // plane with edge 2
    // plPlane = Plane4f( ( cData.vNormal cross cData.vE2 ), REAL(1e-5));
    if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( vCEdgePoint0, vCEdgePoint1, plPlane ))
        return false;

    // return capsule edge points into absolute space
    vCEdgePoint0[0] += v0[0];
    vCEdgePoint0[1] += v0[1];
    vCEdgePoint0[2] += v0[2];

    vCEdgePoint1[0] += v0[0];
    vCEdgePoint1[1] += v0[1];
    vCEdgePoint1[2] += v0[2];

    // calculate depths for both contact points
    dVector3 vTemp;
    dVector3Subtract(vCEdgePoint0,cData.vCylinderPos, vTemp);
    dReal fRestDepth0 = -dVector3Dot(vTemp,cData.vContactNormal) + cData.fBestrt;
    dVector3Subtract(vCEdgePoint1,cData.vCylinderPos, vTemp);
    dReal fRestDepth1 = -dVector3Dot(vTemp,cData.vContactNormal) + cData.fBestrt;

    dReal fDepth0 = cData.fBestDepth - (fRestDepth0);
    dReal fDepth1 = cData.fBestDepth - (fRestDepth1);

    // clamp depths to zero
    if(fDepth0 < REAL(0.0) )
        fDepth0 = REAL(0.0);

        fDepth1 = REAL(0.0);

    // Generate contact 0
        cData.gLocalContacts[cData.nContacts].fDepth = fDepth0;
        cData.gLocalContacts[cData.nContacts].nFlags = 1;
        if(cData.nContacts >= (cData.iFlags & NUMC_MASK))
            return true;

    // Generate contact 1
        // generate contacts
        cData.gLocalContacts[cData.nContacts].fDepth = fDepth1;
        cData.gLocalContacts[cData.nContacts].nFlags = 1;

    return true;
bool _cldTestAxis(sData& cData,
                  const dVector3 &v0,
                  const dVector3 &v1,
                  const dVector3 &v2,
                  dVector3& vAxis,
                  int iAxis,
                  bool bNoFlip = false)

    // calculate length of separating axis vector
    dReal fL = dVector3Length(vAxis);
    // if not long enough
    if ( fL < REAL(1e-5) )
        // do nothing
        return true;

    // otherwise normalize it
    vAxis[0] /= fL;
    vAxis[1] /= fL;
    vAxis[2] /= fL;

    dReal fdot1 = dVector3Dot(cData.vCylinderAxis,vAxis);
    // project capsule on vAxis
    dReal frc;

    if (dFabs(fdot1) > REAL(1.0) )
//		fdot1 = REAL(1.0);
        frc = dFabs(cData.fCylinderSize* REAL(0.5));
        frc = dFabs((cData.fCylinderSize* REAL(0.5)) * fdot1)
              + cData.fCylinderRadius * dSqrt(REAL(1.0)-(fdot1*fdot1));

    dVector3 vV0;
    dVector3 vV1;
    dVector3 vV2;

    // project triangle on vAxis
    dReal afv[3];
    afv[0] = dVector3Dot( vV0 , vAxis );
    afv[1] = dVector3Dot( vV1 , vAxis );
    afv[2] = dVector3Dot( vV2 , vAxis );

    dReal fMin = MAX_REAL;
    dReal fMax = -MAX_REAL;

    // for each vertex
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        // find minimum
        if (afv[i]<fMin)
            fMin = afv[i];
        // find maximum
        if (afv[i]>fMax)
            fMax = afv[i];

    // find capsule's center of interval on axis
    dReal fCenter = (fMin+fMax)* REAL(0.5);
    // calculate triangles halfinterval
    dReal fTriangleRadius = (fMax-fMin)*REAL(0.5);

    // if they do not overlap,
    if( dFabs(fCenter) > (frc+fTriangleRadius) )
        // exit, we have no intersection
        return false;

    // calculate depth
    dReal fDepth = -(dFabs(fCenter) - (frc + fTriangleRadius ) );

    // if greater then best found so far
    if ( fDepth < cData.fBestDepth )
        // remember depth
        cData.fBestDepth			= fDepth;
        cData.fBestCenter		    = fCenter;
        cData.fBestrt				= frc;
        cData.iBestAxis				= iAxis;

        // flip normal if interval is wrong faced
        if ( fCenter< REAL(0.0) && !bNoFlip)
            cData.fBestCenter = -fCenter;

    return true;
Пример #3
int dCollideCylinderSphere(dxGeom* Cylinder, dxGeom* Sphere, 
                           int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip)
    dIASSERT (skip >= (int)sizeof(dContactGeom));
    dIASSERT (Cylinder->type == dCylinderClass);
    dIASSERT (Sphere->type == dSphereClass);
    dIASSERT ((flags & NUMC_MASK) >= 1);

    //unsigned char* pContactData = (unsigned char*)contact;
    int GeomCount = 0; // count of used contacts

#ifdef dSINGLE
    const dReal toleranz = REAL(0.0001);
#ifdef dDOUBLE
    const dReal toleranz = REAL(0.0000001);

    // get the data from the geoms
    dReal radius, length;
    dGeomCylinderGetParams(Cylinder, &radius, &length);
    dVector3 &cylpos = Cylinder->final_posr->pos;
    //const dReal* pfRot1 = dGeomGetRotation(Cylinder);

    dReal radius2;
    radius2 = dGeomSphereGetRadius(Sphere);
    const dReal* SpherePos = dGeomGetPosition(Sphere);

    // G1Pos1 is the middle of the first disc
    // G1Pos2 is the middle of the second disc
    // vDir1 is the unit direction of the cylinderaxis
    dVector3 G1Pos1, G1Pos2, vDir1;
    vDir1[0] = Cylinder->final_posr->R[2];
    vDir1[1] = Cylinder->final_posr->R[6];
    vDir1[2] = Cylinder->final_posr->R[10];

    dReal s;
    s = length * REAL(0.5); // just a precomputed factor
    G1Pos2[0] = vDir1[0] * s + cylpos[0];
    G1Pos2[1] = vDir1[1] * s + cylpos[1];
    G1Pos2[2] = vDir1[2] * s + cylpos[2];

    G1Pos1[0] = vDir1[0] * -s + cylpos[0];
    G1Pos1[1] = vDir1[1] * -s + cylpos[1];
    G1Pos1[2] = vDir1[2] * -s + cylpos[2];

    dVector3 C;
    dReal t;
    // Step 1: compute the two distances 's' and 't'
    // 's' is the distance from the first disc (in vDir1-/Zylinderaxis-direction), the disc with G1Pos1 in the middle
    s = (SpherePos[0] - G1Pos1[0]) * vDir1[0] - (G1Pos1[1] - SpherePos[1]) * vDir1[1] - (G1Pos1[2] - SpherePos[2]) * vDir1[2];
    if(s < (-radius2) || s > (length + radius2) )
        // Sphere is too far away from the discs
        // no collision
        return 0;

    // C is the direction from Sphere-middle to the cylinder-axis (vDir1); C is orthogonal to the cylinder-axis
    C[0] = s * vDir1[0] + G1Pos1[0] - SpherePos[0];
    C[1] = s * vDir1[1] + G1Pos1[1] - SpherePos[1];
    C[2] = s * vDir1[2] + G1Pos1[2] - SpherePos[2];
    // t is the distance from the Sphere-middle to the cylinder-axis!
    t = dVector3Length(C);
    if(t > (radius + radius2) )
        // Sphere is too far away from the cylinder axis!
        // no collision
        return 0;

    // decide which kind of collision we have:
    if(t > radius && (s < 0 || s > length) )
        // 3. collision
        if(s <= 0)
            contact->depth = radius2 - dSqrt( (s) * (s) + (t - radius) * (t - radius) );
            if(contact->depth < 0)
                // no collision!
                return 0;
            contact->pos[0] = C[0] / t * -radius + G1Pos1[0];
            contact->pos[1] = C[1] / t * -radius + G1Pos1[1];
            contact->pos[2] = C[2] / t * -radius + G1Pos1[2];
            contact->normal[0] = (contact->pos[0] - SpherePos[0]) / (radius2 - contact->depth);
            contact->normal[1] = (contact->pos[1] - SpherePos[1]) / (radius2 - contact->depth);
            contact->normal[2] = (contact->pos[2] - SpherePos[2]) / (radius2 - contact->depth);
            contact->g1 = Cylinder;
            contact->g2 = Sphere;
            contact->side1 = -1;
            contact->side2 = -1;
            return GeomCount;
            // now s is bigger than length here!
            contact->depth = radius2 - dSqrt( (s - length) * (s - length) + (t - radius) * (t - radius) );
            if(contact->depth < 0)
                // no collision!
                return 0;
            contact->pos[0] = C[0] / t * -radius + G1Pos2[0];
            contact->pos[1] = C[1] / t * -radius + G1Pos2[1];
            contact->pos[2] = C[2] / t * -radius + G1Pos2[2];
            contact->normal[0] = (contact->pos[0] - SpherePos[0]) / (radius2 - contact->depth);
            contact->normal[1] = (contact->pos[1] - SpherePos[1]) / (radius2 - contact->depth);
            contact->normal[2] = (contact->pos[2] - SpherePos[2]) / (radius2 - contact->depth);
            contact->g1 = Cylinder;
            contact->g2 = Sphere;
            contact->side1 = -1;
            contact->side2 = -1;
            return GeomCount;
    else if( (radius - t) <= s && (radius - t) <= (length - s) )
        // 1. collsision
        if(t > (radius2 + toleranz))
            // cylinder-axis is outside the sphere
            contact->depth = (radius2 + radius) - t;
            if(contact->depth < 0)
                // should never happen, but just for safeness
                return 0;
                C[0] /= t;
                C[1] /= t;
                C[2] /= t;
                contact->pos[0] = C[0] * radius2 + SpherePos[0];
                contact->pos[1] = C[1] * radius2 + SpherePos[1];
                contact->pos[2] = C[2] * radius2 + SpherePos[2];
                contact->normal[0] = C[0];
                contact->normal[1] = C[1];
                contact->normal[2] = C[2];
                contact->g1 = Cylinder;
                contact->g2 = Sphere;
                contact->side1 = -1;
                contact->side2 = -1;
                return GeomCount;
            // cylinder-axis is outside of the sphere
            contact->depth = (radius2 + radius) - t;
            if(contact->depth < 0)
                // should never happen, but just for safeness
                return 0;
                contact->pos[0] = C[0] + SpherePos[0];
                contact->pos[1] = C[1] + SpherePos[1];
                contact->pos[2] = C[2] + SpherePos[2];
                contact->normal[0] = C[0] / t;
                contact->normal[1] = C[1] / t;
                contact->normal[2] = C[2] / t;
                contact->g1 = Cylinder;
                contact->g2 = Sphere;
                contact->side1 = -1;
                contact->side2 = -1;
                return GeomCount;
        // 2. collision
        if(s <= (length * REAL(0.5)) )
            // collsision with the first disc
            contact->depth = s + radius2;
            if(contact->depth < 0)
                // should never happen, but just for safeness
                return 0;
            contact->pos[0] = radius2 * vDir1[0] + SpherePos[0];
            contact->pos[1] = radius2 * vDir1[1] + SpherePos[1];
            contact->pos[2] = radius2 * vDir1[2] + SpherePos[2];
            contact->normal[0] = vDir1[0];
            contact->normal[1] = vDir1[1];
            contact->normal[2] = vDir1[2];
            contact->g1 = Cylinder;
            contact->g2 = Sphere;
            contact->side1 = -1;
            contact->side2 = -1;
            return GeomCount;
            // collsision with the second disc
            contact->depth = (radius2 + length - s);
            if(contact->depth < 0)
                // should never happen, but just for safeness
                return 0;
            contact->pos[0] = radius2 * -vDir1[0] + SpherePos[0];
            contact->pos[1] = radius2 * -vDir1[1] + SpherePos[1];
            contact->pos[2] = radius2 * -vDir1[2] + SpherePos[2];
            contact->normal[0] = -vDir1[0];
            contact->normal[1] = -vDir1[1];
            contact->normal[2] = -vDir1[2];
            contact->g1 = Cylinder;
            contact->g2 = Sphere;
            contact->side1 = -1;
            contact->side2 = -1;
            return GeomCount;
    return GeomCount;
Пример #4
// test for given separating axis
int _cldTestAxis(sCylinderBoxData& cData, dVector3& vInputNormal, int iAxis ) 
	// check length of input normal
	dReal fL = dVector3Length(vInputNormal);
	// if not long enough
	if ( fL < 1e-5f ) 
		// do nothing
		return 1;

	// otherwise make it unit for sure

	// project box and Cylinder on mAxis
	dReal fdot1 = dVector3Dot(cData.vCylinderAxis, vInputNormal);

	dReal frc;

	if (fdot1 > REAL(1.0)) 
		fdot1 = REAL(1.0);
		frc = dFabs(cData.fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));

	// project box and capsule on iAxis
	frc = dFabs( fdot1 * (cData.fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5))) + cData.fCylinderRadius * dSqrt(REAL(1.0)-(fdot1*fdot1));

	dVector3	vTemp1;
	dReal frb = REAL(0.0);

	frb = dFabs(dVector3Dot(vTemp1,vInputNormal))*cData.vBoxHalfSize[0];

	frb += dFabs(dVector3Dot(vTemp1,vInputNormal))*cData.vBoxHalfSize[1];

	frb += dFabs(dVector3Dot(vTemp1,vInputNormal))*cData.vBoxHalfSize[2];
	// project their distance on separating axis
	dReal fd  = dVector3Dot(cData.vDiff,vInputNormal);

	// if they do not overlap exit, we have no intersection
	if ( dFabs(fd) > frc+frb )
		return 0; 

	// get depth
	dReal fDepth = - dFabs(fd) + (frc+frb);

	// get maximum depth
	if ( fDepth < cData.fBestDepth ) 
		cData.fBestDepth = fDepth;
		cData.iBestAxis  = iAxis;
		cData.fBestrb    = frb;
		cData.fBestrc    = frc;

		// flip normal if interval is wrong faced
		if (fd > 0) 

	return 1;
int dCollideCylinderPlane(dxGeom *Cylinder, dxGeom *Plane, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip)
	dIASSERT (skip >= (int)sizeof(dContactGeom));
	dIASSERT (Cylinder->type == dCylinderClass);
	dIASSERT (Plane->type == dPlaneClass);
	dIASSERT ((flags & NUMC_MASK) >= 1);

	int GeomCount = 0; // count of used contactgeoms

#ifdef dSINGLE
	const dReal toleranz = REAL(0.0001);
#ifdef dDOUBLE
	const dReal toleranz = REAL(0.0000001);

	// Get the properties of the cylinder (length+radius)
	dReal radius, length;
	dGeomCylinderGetParams(Cylinder, &radius, &length);
	dVector3 &cylpos = Cylinder->final_posr->pos;
	// and the plane
	dVector4 planevec;
	dGeomPlaneGetParams(Plane, planevec);
	dVector3 PlaneNormal = {planevec[0],planevec[1],planevec[2]};
	dVector3 PlanePos = {planevec[0] * planevec[3],planevec[1] * planevec[3],planevec[2] * planevec[3]};

	dVector3 G1Pos1, G1Pos2, vDir1;
	vDir1[0] = Cylinder->final_posr->R[2];
	vDir1[1] = Cylinder->final_posr->R[6];
	vDir1[2] = Cylinder->final_posr->R[10];

	dReal s;
	s = length * REAL(0.5);
	G1Pos2[0] = vDir1[0] * s + cylpos[0];
	G1Pos2[1] = vDir1[1] * s + cylpos[1];
	G1Pos2[2] = vDir1[2] * s + cylpos[2];

	G1Pos1[0] = vDir1[0] * -s + cylpos[0];
	G1Pos1[1] = vDir1[1] * -s + cylpos[1];
	G1Pos1[2] = vDir1[2] * -s + cylpos[2];

	dVector3 C;

	// parallel-check
	s = vDir1[0] * PlaneNormal[0] + vDir1[1] * PlaneNormal[1] + vDir1[2] * PlaneNormal[2];
	if(s < 0)
		s += REAL(1.0); // is ca. 0, if vDir1 and PlaneNormal are parallel
		s -= REAL(1.0); // is ca. 0, if vDir1 and PlaneNormal are parallel
	if(s < toleranz && s > (-toleranz))
		// discs are parallel to the plane

		// 1.compute if, and where contacts are
		dVector3 P;
		s = planevec[3] - dVector3Dot(planevec, G1Pos1);
		dReal t;
		t = planevec[3] - dVector3Dot(planevec, G1Pos2);
		if(s >= t) // s == t does never happen, 
			if(s >= 0)
				// 1. Disc
				dVector3Copy(G1Pos1, P);
				return GeomCount; // no contacts
			if(t >= 0)
				// 2. Disc
				dVector3Copy(G1Pos2, P);
				return GeomCount; // no contacts

		// 2. generate a coordinate-system on the disc
		dVector3 V1, V2;
		if(vDir1[0] < toleranz && vDir1[0] > (-toleranz))
			// not x-axis
			V1[0] = vDir1[0] + REAL(1.0); // random value
			V1[1] = vDir1[1];
			V1[2] = vDir1[2];
			// maybe x-axis
			V1[0] = vDir1[0];
			V1[1] = vDir1[1] + REAL(1.0); // random value
			V1[2] = vDir1[2];
		// V1 is now another direction than vDir1
		// Cross-product
	    dVector3Cross(V1, vDir1, V2);
		// make unit V2
		t = dVector3Length(V2);
		t = radius / t;
		dVector3Scale(V2, t);
		// cross again
		dVector3Cross(V2, vDir1, V1);
		// |V2| is 'radius' and vDir1 unit, so |V1| is 'radius'
		// V1 = first axis
		// V2 = second axis

		// 3. generate contactpoints

		// Potential contact 1
		dVector3Add(P, V1, contact->pos);
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - dVector3Dot(planevec, contact->pos);
		if(contact->depth > 0)
			dVector3Copy(PlaneNormal, contact->normal);
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & NUMC_MASK))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			contact = (dContactGeom *)((char *)contact + skip);

		// Potential contact 2
		dVector3Subtract(P, V1, contact->pos);
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - dVector3Dot(planevec, contact->pos);
		if(contact->depth > 0)
			dVector3Copy(PlaneNormal, contact->normal);
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & NUMC_MASK))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			contact = (dContactGeom *)((char *)contact + skip);

		// Potential contact 3
		dVector3Add(P, V2, contact->pos);
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - dVector3Dot(planevec, contact->pos);
		if(contact->depth > 0)
			dVector3Copy(PlaneNormal, contact->normal);
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & NUMC_MASK))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			contact = (dContactGeom *)((char *)contact + skip);

		// Potential contact 4
		dVector3Subtract(P, V2, contact->pos);
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - dVector3Dot(planevec, contact->pos);
		if(contact->depth > 0)
			dVector3Copy(PlaneNormal, contact->normal);
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & NUMC_MASK))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			contact = (dContactGeom *)((char *)contact + skip);
		dReal t = dVector3Dot(PlaneNormal, vDir1);
		C[0] = vDir1[0] * t - PlaneNormal[0];
		C[1] = vDir1[1] * t - PlaneNormal[1];
		C[2] = vDir1[2] * t - PlaneNormal[2];
		s = dVector3Length(C);
		// move C onto the circle
		s = radius / s;
		dVector3Scale(C, s);

		// deepest point of disc 1
		dVector3Add(C, G1Pos1, contact->pos);

		// depth of the deepest point
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - dVector3Dot(planevec, contact->pos);
		if(contact->depth >= 0)
			dVector3Copy(PlaneNormal, contact->normal);
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & NUMC_MASK))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			contact = (dContactGeom *)((char *)contact + skip);

		// C is still computed

		// deepest point of disc 2
		dVector3Add(C, G1Pos2, contact->pos);

		// depth of the deepest point
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - planevec[0] * contact->pos[0] - planevec[1] * contact->pos[1] - planevec[2] * contact->pos[2];
		if(contact->depth >= 0)
			dVector3Copy(PlaneNormal, contact->normal);
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & NUMC_MASK))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			contact = (dContactGeom *)((char *)contact + skip);
	return GeomCount;
// test for given separating axis
int sCylinderBoxData::_cldTestAxis( dVector3& vInputNormal, int iAxis ) 
	// check length of input normal
	dReal fL = dVector3Length(vInputNormal);
	// if not long enough
	if ( fL < REAL(1e-5) ) 
		// do nothing
		return 1;

	// otherwise make it unit for sure

	// project box and Cylinder on mAxis
	dReal fdot1 = dVector3Dot(m_vCylinderAxis, vInputNormal);

	dReal frc;

	if (fdot1 > REAL(1.0)) 
		// assume fdot1 = 1
		frc = m_fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5);
	else if (fdot1 < REAL(-1.0))
		// assume fdot1 = -1
		frc = m_fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5);
    	// project box and capsule on iAxis
    	frc = dFabs( fdot1 * (m_fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5))) + m_fCylinderRadius * dSqrt(REAL(1.0)-(fdot1*fdot1));
	dVector3	vTemp1;

	dReal frb = dFabs(dVector3Dot(vTemp1,vInputNormal))*m_vBoxHalfSize[0];

	frb += dFabs(dVector3Dot(vTemp1,vInputNormal))*m_vBoxHalfSize[1];

	frb += dFabs(dVector3Dot(vTemp1,vInputNormal))*m_vBoxHalfSize[2];
	// project their distance on separating axis
	dReal fd  = dVector3Dot(m_vDiff,vInputNormal);

	// get depth 

	dReal fDepth = frc + frb;  // Calculate partial depth

	// if they do not overlap exit, we have no intersection
	if ( dFabs(fd) > fDepth )
		return 0; 

	// Finalyze the depth calculation
	fDepth -= dFabs(fd);

	// get maximum depth
	if ( fDepth < m_fBestDepth ) 
		m_fBestDepth = fDepth;
		m_iBestAxis  = iAxis;
		m_fBestrb    = frb;
		m_fBestrc    = frc;

		// flip normal if interval is wrong faced
		if (fd > 0) 

	return 1;