Пример #1
StickyObj::StickyObj(const char * string){
	name = string;
	geomID = dWebotsGetGeomFromDEF(name);
   	if(DEBUG)dWebotsConsolePrintf("%s geom has been found !! ", name);
		bodyID = dGeomGetBody(geomID);
		dMass dmass;
		dBodyGetMass(bodyID, &dmass);
		mass = dmass.mass;
	   dWebotsConsolePrintf("ERROR %s geom has NOT been found !! ERROR ", name);
	linkJoint = dBodyGetJoint(bodyID,0);
   dJointSetFeedback(linkJoint, &linkJointFeedback);
	adhesiveForce = Vector3D(0.0,0.0,0.0);
	adheringPoints = 0;
	surfaceArea = 0.0;
	collidingPoints = 0;
	state = 0;
	elapsedDetachingTimer = 0;	
	elapsedAttachingTimer = 0;
	rho = 1;
Пример #2
void StickyObj::printName(int attach){
		dWebotsConsolePrintf("Name: %s attached", name);
		dWebotsConsolePrintf("Name: %s detached", name);
Пример #3
void StickyObj::printInfos(){
	const char * states[4] = {
	dWebotsConsolePrintf("** Name: %s ** State: %s -- Area: %f  -- AdhePoints: %d, -- rho: %f", name, states[state], surfaceArea,adheringPoints,rho);
		//dWebotsConsolePrintf("AdhesionForce: %f  %f  %f ", adhesiveForce.getX(), adhesiveForce.getY(), adhesiveForce.getZ());
		dWebotsConsolePrintf("JointForce: %f %f %f -- JointTorque: %f  %f  %f",linkJointForce.getX(),linkJointForce.getY(),linkJointForce.getZ(),linkJointTorque.getX(),linkJointTorque.getY(),linkJointTorque.getZ());
		dWebotsConsolePrintf("XLeft  --> SigmZ: %f TauX: %f TauY: %f --> VonMises: %f\n",sheerAndStress[0][BOUND/2].getX(), sheerAndStress[0][BOUND/2].getY(),sheerAndStress[0][BOUND/2].getZ() ,vonMisesFunction(sheerAndStress[0][BOUND/2]) );
		dWebotsConsolePrintf("XMiddle--> SigmZ: %f TauX: %f TauY: %f --> VonMises: %f",sheerAndStress[BOUND/2][BOUND/2].getX(), sheerAndStress[BOUND/2][BOUND/2].getY(),sheerAndStress[BOUND/2][BOUND/2].getZ() ,vonMisesFunction(sheerAndStress[BOUND/2][BOUND/2]) );
		dWebotsConsolePrintf("XRight --> SigmZ: %f TauX: %f TauY: %f --> VonMises: %f\n",sheerAndStress[BOUND-1][BOUND/2].getX(), sheerAndStress[BOUND-1][BOUND/2].getY(),sheerAndStress[BOUND-1][BOUND/2].getZ() ,vonMisesFunction(sheerAndStress[BOUND-1][BOUND/2]) );
		//dWebotsConsolePrintf("VonMises XLeft %f XMiddle %f XRight %f",vonMisesFunction(sheerAndStress[1][BOUND/2]), vonMisesFunction(sheerAndStress[BOUND/2][BOUND/2]),vonMisesFunction(sheerAndStress[BOUND-2][BOUND/2]));
		dWebotsConsolePrintf("YUp  --> SigmZ: %f TauX: %f TauY: %f --> VonMises: %f",sheerAndStress[BOUND/2][0].getX(), sheerAndStress[BOUND/2][0].getY(),sheerAndStress[BOUND/2][0].getZ() ,vonMisesFunction(sheerAndStress[BOUND/2][0]) );
		dWebotsConsolePrintf("XMiddle--> SigmZ: %f TauX: %f TauY: %f --> VonMises: %f",sheerAndStress[BOUND/2][BOUND/2].getX(), sheerAndStress[BOUND/2][BOUND/2].getY(),sheerAndStress[BOUND/2][BOUND/2].getZ() ,vonMisesFunction(sheerAndStress[BOUND/2][BOUND/2]) );
		dWebotsConsolePrintf("YDown  --> SigmZ: %f TauX: %f TauY: %f --> VonMises: %f\n",sheerAndStress[BOUND/2][BOUND-1].getX(), sheerAndStress[BOUND/2][BOUND-1].getY(),sheerAndStress[BOUND/2][BOUND-1].getZ() ,vonMisesFunction(sheerAndStress[BOUND/2][BOUND-1]) );
Пример #4
// this function is called by Webots after dWorldStep()
void webots_physics_step_end() {
  if (nContacts == 0) {
    dWebotsConsolePrintf("no contact\n");

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < nContacts; i++) {
    // printf force and torque that each contact joint
    // applies on the box's body
    dWebotsConsolePrintf("contact: %d:\n", i);
    print_vec3("f1", feedbacks[i].f1);
    print_vec3("t1", feedbacks[i].t1);
    print_vec3("f2", feedbacks[i].f2);
    print_vec3("t2", feedbacks[i].t2);
Пример #5
 * Test if adhesions points should unattach due to (pulling) forces (vs AdhesionForce)
 * Two different case : if stress pushing or stress pulling 
 *	Update the number of points attached (and by effet de bord, the AdhesionForce)
 * Return 1 if detached , else 0
int StickyObj::testAdhesionEfficiency(){
	//For each adhesionPoint:
	//	if (pull force + stress)*func(sheer) > Fadhesion --> then detach this point 

	dReal lengX = absdReal(2*collidingPointPos[0].getX()); // approximate the width of the conctact surfac with one point (should be done with all points ..)
	dReal lengZ = absdReal(2*collidingPointPos[0].getZ()); // approximate the height of the conctact surfac with one point (should be done with all points ..)
	dReal stepX = lengX/BOUND;
	dReal stepZ = lengZ/BOUND; 
	dReal dispX = -lengX/2+stepX/2;
	dReal dispZ = -lengZ/2+stepZ/2;	
	rho= adheringPoints/MAX_ADHESIONPOINTS;
	dReal sigmaVonMisesThreshold = 200*ADHESION_FORCE_FACTOR*surfaceArea*rho; // = 1000 exp data from Webots
	dReal thetaVonMisesThreshold = 50*ADHESION_FORCE_FACTOR*surfaceArea*rho; // guessed value
	dReal mu = 0.5;
	int adhePoints = MAX_ADHESIONPOINTS;
	dReal max =0.0;
	dReal maxTemp;
	int i;
	int j;
	for(i=0; i< BOUND; i++){
		for(j=0; j<BOUND;j++){
			sheerAndStress[i][j] = computeSheerAndStress(dispX+stepX*i ,dispZ+stepZ*j);
			maxTemp = 0.01*vonMisesFunction(sheerAndStress[i][j]);
			if(sheerAndStress[i][j].getX() > 0){	
				if(maxTemp > sigmaVonMisesThreshold){	
				if(maxTemp > mu*-1*sheerAndStress[i][j].getX()*rho + thetaVonMisesThreshold){	
			if(maxTemp > max){
				max = maxTemp;
	adheringPoints = adhePoints;
	if(adheringPoints == 0){
		dWebotsConsolePrintf("Detached due to forces");
		return 1;
	return 0;
Пример #6
// convenience function to print a 3d vector
void print_vec3(const char *msg, const dVector3 v) {
  dWebotsConsolePrintf("%s: %g %g %g\n", msg, v[0], v[1], v[2]);
Пример #7
// convenience function to find ODE body by its DEF name in the .wbt file
dBodyID getBody(const char *def) {
  dBodyID body = dWebotsGetBodyFromDEF(def);
  if (!body)
    dWebotsConsolePrintf("Warning: did not find body with DEF name: %s", def);
  return body;
Пример #8
// convenience function to find ODE geometry by its DEF name in the .wbt file
dGeomID getGeom(const char *def) {
  dGeomID geom = dWebotsGetGeomFromDEF(def);
  if (!geom)
    dWebotsConsolePrintf("Warning: did not find geometry with DEF name: %s", def);
  return geom;