MStatus MannequinMoveManipulator::connectToDependNode(const MObject &dependNode) { MStatus status; MFnDependencyNode nodeFn(dependNode, &status); if (!status) return MS::kFailure; MPlug translatePlug = nodeFn.findPlug("translate", &status); if (!status) return MS::kFailure; int plugIndex = 0; status = connectPlugToValue(translatePlug, _translateIndex, plugIndex); if (!status) return MS::kFailure; MFnDagNode dagNodeFn(dependNode); MDagPath nodePath; dagNodeFn.getPath(nodePath); MTransformationMatrix m(nodePath.exclusiveMatrix()); _parentXform = m; MTransformationMatrix n(nodePath.inclusiveMatrix()); _childXform = n; finishAddingManips(); return MPxManipulatorNode::connectToDependNode(dependNode); }
MStatus customAttrManip::connectToDependNode(const MObject &node) // // Description // This method activates the manip on the given transform node. // { MStatus stat = MStatus::kSuccess; // Get the DAG path // MFnDagNode dagNodeFn(node); dagNodeFn.getPath(fNodePath); // Connect the plugs to the manip. MFnDependencyNode nodeFn(node); MFnDistanceManip distManipFn(fManip); MPlug cPlug = nodeFn.findPlug(customAttributeString, &stat); if( stat == MStatus::kSuccess ) distManipFn.connectToDistancePlug(cPlug); finishAddingManips(); updateManipLocations(); MPxManipContainer::connectToDependNode(node); return stat; }
DagNodeExporter* NodeExporterFactory::createDagNodeExporter( const MDagPath& path, asr::Project& project, AppleseedSession::SessionMode sessionMode) { MFnDagNode dagNodeFn(path); CreateDagExporterMapType::const_iterator it = gDagNodeExporters.find(dagNodeFn.typeName()); if(it == gDagNodeExporters.end()) { //throw NoExporterForNode(); return 0; } return it->second(path, project, sessionMode); }
// // Write out a "select" command. // void maTranslator::writeSelectNode(fstream& f, const MObject& node) { MStatus status; MFnDependencyNode nodeFn(node); MString nodeName; // // If the node has a unique name, then we can just go ahead and use // that. Otherwise we will have to use part of its DAG path to to // distinguish it from the others with the same name. // if (nodeFn.hasUniqueName()) nodeName =; else { // // Only DAG nodes are allowed to have duplicate names. // MFnDagNode dagNodeFn(node, &status); if (!status) { MGlobal::displayWarning( MString("Node '") + + "' has a non-unique name but claimes to not be a DAG node.\n" + "Using non-unique name." ); nodeName =; } else nodeName = dagNodeFn.partialPathName(); } // // We use the "-ne/noExpand" flag so that if the node is a set, we // actually select the set itself, rather than its members. // f << "select -ne "; // // Default nodes get a colon slapped onto the start of their names. // if (nodeFn.isDefaultNode()) f << ":"; f << nodeName.asChar() << ";\n"; }
//------------------------------------------------- MDagPath moveManip::findMeshPath(const MObject& node) const //------------------------------------------------- { MFnDependencyNode depNodeFn(node); MPlugArray plugArray; depNodeFn.findPlug("outMesh").connectedTo(plugArray,false, true); MFnDagNode dagNodeFn(plugArray[0].node()); MDagPath path; dagNodeFn.getPath(path); return path; }
MStatus vixo_visImport::connectionMade(const MPlug& plug,const MPlug& otherPlug,bool asSrc) { if(plug.array()==this->vis) { //cout<<<<" "<<plug.array().name().asChar()<<" "<<plug.logicalIndex()<<endl; MPlugArray arr; plug.connectedTo(arr,false,true); MFnDagNode dagNodeFn(arr[0].node()); if(dagNodeFn.parentCount()<=0) return MS::kSuccess; //MFnDagNode transformFn(dagNodeFn.parent(0)); MStringArray tempArray;':',tempArray); if(tempArray.length()<2) return MS::kSuccess; //cout<<tempArray[tempArray.length()-1].asChar()<<endl; mapObjName.insert(pair<int,string>(plug.logicalIndex(),tempArray[tempArray.length()-1].asChar())); return MS::kSuccess; } return MPxNode::connectionMade( plug, otherPlug, asSrc ); }
void maTranslator::writeDagNodes(fstream& f) { fParentingRequired.clear(); MItDag dagIter; dagIter.traverseUnderWorld(true); MDagPath worldPath; dagIter.getPath(worldPath); // // We step over the world node before starting the loop, because it // doesn't get written out. // for (; !dagIter.isDone(); { MDagPath path; dagIter.getPath(path); // // If the node has already been written, then all of its descendants // must have been written, or at least checked, as well, so prune // this branch of the tree from the iteration. // MFnDagNode dagNodeFn(path); if (dagNodeFn.isFlagSet(fCreateFlag)) { dagIter.prune(); continue; } // // If this is a default node, it will be written out later, so skip // it. // if (dagNodeFn.isDefaultNode()) continue; // // If this node is not writable, and is not a shared node, then mark // it as having been written, and skip it. // if (!dagNodeFn.canBeWritten() && !dagNodeFn.isShared()) { dagNodeFn.setFlag(fCreateFlag, true); continue; } unsigned int numParents = dagNodeFn.parentCount(); if (dagNodeFn.isFromReferencedFile()) { // // We don't issue 'creatNode' commands for nodes from referenced // files, but if the node has any parents which are not from // referenced files, other than the world, then make a note that // we'll need to issue extra 'parent' commands for it later on. // unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < numParents; i++) { MObject altParent = dagNodeFn.parent(i); MFnDagNode altParentFn(altParent); if (!altParentFn.isFromReferencedFile() && (altParentFn.object() != worldPath.node())) { fParentingRequired.append(path); break; } } } else { // // Find the node's parent. // MDagPath parentPath = worldPath; if (path.length() > 1) { // // Get the parent's path. // parentPath = path; parentPath.pop(); // // If the parent is in the underworld, then find the closest // ancestor which is not. // if (parentPath.pathCount() > 1) { // // The first segment of the path contains whatever // portion of the path exists in the world. So the closest // worldly ancestor is simply the one at the end of that // first path segment. // path.getPath(parentPath, 0); } } MFnDagNode parentNodeFn(parentPath); if (parentNodeFn.isFromReferencedFile()) { // // We prefer to parent to a non-referenced node. So if this // node has any other parents, which are not from referenced // files and have not already been processed, then we'll // skip this instance and wait for an instance through one // of those parents. // unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < numParents; i++) { if (dagNodeFn.parent(i) != parentNodeFn.object()) { MObject altParent = dagNodeFn.parent(i); MFnDagNode altParentFn(altParent); if (!altParentFn.isFromReferencedFile() && !altParentFn.isFlagSet(fCreateFlag)) { break; } } } if (i < numParents) continue; // // This node only has parents within referenced files, so // create it without a parent and note that we need to issue // 'parent' commands for it later on. // writeCreateNode(f, path, worldPath); fParentingRequired.append(path); } else { writeCreateNode(f, path, parentPath); // // Let's see if this node has any parents from referenced // files, or any parents other than this one which are not // from referenced files. // unsigned int i; bool hasRefParents = false; bool hasOtherNonRefParents = false; for (i = 0; i < numParents; i++) { if (dagNodeFn.parent(i) != parentNodeFn.object()) { MObject altParent = dagNodeFn.parent(i); MFnDagNode altParentFn(altParent); if (altParentFn.isFromReferencedFile()) hasRefParents = true; else hasOtherNonRefParents = true; // // If we've already got positives for both tests, // then there's no need in continuing. // if (hasRefParents && hasOtherNonRefParents) break; } } // // If this node has parents from referenced files, then // make note that we will have to issue 'parent' commands // later on. // if (hasRefParents) fParentingRequired.append(path); // // If this node has parents other than this one which are // not from referenced files, then make note that the // parenting for the other instances still has to be done. // if (hasOtherNonRefParents) { fInstanceChildren.append(path); fInstanceParents.append(parentPath); } } // // Write out the node's 'addAttr', 'setAttr' and 'lockNode' // commands. // writeNodeAttrs(f, path.node(), true); writeLockNode(f, path.node()); } // // Mark the node as having been written. // dagNodeFn.setFlag(fCreateFlag, true); } // // Write out the parenting for instances. // writeInstances(f); }
// // Write out all of the connections in the scene. // void maTranslator::writeConnections(fstream& f) { // // If the scene has broken any connections which were made in referenced // files, handle those first so that the attributes are free for any new // connections which may come along. // writeBrokenRefConnections(f); // // We're about to write out the scene's connections in three parts: DAG // nodes, non-DAG non-default nodes, then default nodes. // // It's really not necessary that we group them like this and would in // fact be more efficient to do them all in one MItDependencyNodes // traversal. However, this is the order in which the normal MayaAscii // translator does them, so this makes it easier to compare the output // of this translator to Maya's output. // // // Write out connections for the DAG nodes first. // MItDag dagIter; dagIter.traverseUnderWorld(true); for (; !dagIter.isDone(); { MObject node = dagIter.item(); MFnDagNode dagNodeFn(node); if (!dagNodeFn.isFlagSet(fConnectionFlag) && dagNodeFn.canBeWritten() && !dagNodeFn.isDefaultNode()) { writeNodeConnections(f, dagIter.item()); dagNodeFn.setFlag(fConnectionFlag, true); } } // // Now do the non-DAG, non-default nodes. // MItDependencyNodes nodeIter; for (; !nodeIter.isDone(); { MFnDependencyNode nodeFn(nodeIter.item()); if (!nodeFn.isFlagSet(fConnectionFlag) && nodeFn.canBeWritten() && !nodeFn.isDefaultNode()) { writeNodeConnections(f, nodeIter.item()); nodeFn.setFlag(fConnectionFlag, true); } } // // And finish up with the default nodes. // unsigned int numNodes = fDefaultNodes.length(); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { MFnDependencyNode nodeFn(fDefaultNodes[i]); if (!nodeFn.isFlagSet(fConnectionFlag) && nodeFn.canBeWritten() && nodeFn.isDefaultNode()) { writeNodeConnections(f, fDefaultNodes[i]); nodeFn.setFlag(fConnectionFlag, true); } } }
MStatus swissArmyLocatorManip::connectToDependNode(const MObject &node) { MStatus stat; // Get the DAG path // MFnDagNode dagNodeFn(node); dagNodeFn.getPath(fNodePath); MObject parentNode = dagNodeFn.parent(0); MFnDagNode parentNodeFn(parentNode); // Connect the plugs // MFnDependencyNode nodeFn; nodeFn.setObject(node); // FreePointTriadManip // MFnFreePointTriadManip freePointTriadManipFn(fFreePointTriadManip); MPlug translationPlug = parentNodeFn.findPlug("t", &stat); if (MStatus::kFailure != stat) { freePointTriadManipFn.connectToPointPlug(translationPlug); } // DirectionManip // MFnDirectionManip directionManipFn; directionManipFn.setObject(fDirectionManip); MPlug directionPlug = nodeFn.findPlug("arrow2Direction", &stat); if (MStatus::kFailure != stat) { directionManipFn.connectToDirectionPlug(directionPlug); unsigned startPointIndex = directionManipFn.startPointIndex(); addPlugToManipConversionCallback(startPointIndex, (plugToManipConversionCallback) &swissArmyLocatorManip::startPointCallback); } // DistanceManip // MFnDistanceManip distanceManipFn; distanceManipFn.setObject(fDistanceManip); MPlug sizePlug = nodeFn.findPlug("size", &stat); if (MStatus::kFailure != stat) { distanceManipFn.connectToDistancePlug(sizePlug); unsigned startPointIndex = distanceManipFn.startPointIndex(); addPlugToManipConversionCallback(startPointIndex, (plugToManipConversionCallback) &swissArmyLocatorManip::startPointCallback); } // CircleSweepManip // MFnCircleSweepManip circleSweepManipFn(fCircleSweepManip); MPlug arrow1AnglePlug = nodeFn.findPlug("arrow1Angle", &stat); if (MStatus::kFailure != stat) { circleSweepManipFn.connectToAnglePlug(arrow1AnglePlug); unsigned centerIndex = circleSweepManipFn.centerIndex(); addPlugToManipConversionCallback(centerIndex, (plugToManipConversionCallback) &swissArmyLocatorManip::startPointCallback); } // DiscManip // MFnDiscManip discManipFn(fDiscManip); MPlug arrow3AnglePlug = nodeFn.findPlug("arrow3Angle", &stat); if (MStatus::kFailure != stat) { discManipFn.connectToAnglePlug(arrow3AnglePlug); unsigned centerIndex = discManipFn.centerIndex(); addPlugToManipConversionCallback(centerIndex, (plugToManipConversionCallback) &swissArmyLocatorManip::startPointCallback); } // StateManip // MFnStateManip stateManipFn(fStateManip); MPlug statePlug = nodeFn.findPlug("state", &stat); if (MStatus::kFailure != stat) { stateManipFn.connectToStatePlug(statePlug); unsigned positionIndex = stateManipFn.positionIndex(); addPlugToManipConversionCallback(positionIndex, (plugToManipConversionCallback) &swissArmyLocatorManip::startPointCallback); } // ToggleManip // MFnToggleManip toggleManipFn(fToggleManip); MPlug togglePlug = nodeFn.findPlug("toggle", &stat); if (MStatus::kFailure != stat) { toggleManipFn.connectToTogglePlug(togglePlug); unsigned startPointIndex = toggleManipFn.startPointIndex(); addPlugToManipConversionCallback(startPointIndex, (plugToManipConversionCallback) &swissArmyLocatorManip::startPointCallback); } // Determine the transform node for the locator // MDagPath transformPath(fNodePath); transformPath.pop(); MFnTransform transformNode(transformPath); // RotateManip // MFnRotateManip rotateManipFn(fRotateManip); MPlug rotatePlug = transformNode.findPlug("rotate", &stat); if (MStatus::kFailure != stat) { rotateManipFn.connectToRotationPlug(rotatePlug); rotateManipFn.displayWithNode(node); } // ScaleManip // MFnScaleManip scaleManipFn(fScaleManip); MPlug scalePlug = transformNode.findPlug("scale", &stat); if (MStatus::kFailure != stat) { scaleManipFn.connectToScalePlug(scalePlug); scaleManipFn.displayWithNode(node); } finishAddingManips(); MPxManipContainer::connectToDependNode(node); return stat; }