Пример #1
// Tests scale mode with an additional copy for transparency. This will happen
// if we have a scaled textbox, for example. WebKit will create a new
// transparency layer, draw the text field, then draw the text into it, then
// composite this down with an opacity.
TEST(TransparencyWin, ScaleTransparency)
    // Create an opaque white buffer.
    OwnPtr<ImageBuffer> src(ImageBuffer::create(IntSize(16, 16), 1));
    FloatRect fullBuffer(0, 0, 16, 16);
    src->context()->fillRect(fullBuffer, Color::white);

    // Make another layer (which duplicates how WebKit will make this). We fill
    // the top half with red, and have the layer be 50% opaque.
    FloatRect topHalf(0, 0, 16, 8);
    src->context()->fillRect(topHalf, Color(0xFFFF0000));

    // Scale by 2x.
    AffineTransform scale;

    // Make a layer inset two pixels (because of scaling, this is 2->14). And
    // will it with 50% black.
        TransparencyWin helper;
                    IntRect(1, 1, 6, 6));

        helper.context()->fillRect(helper.drawRect(), Color(0x7f000000));

    // Finish the layer.

    Color redBackground(0xFFFF8080); // 50% red composited on white.
    EXPECT_EQ(redBackground, getPixelAt(src->context(), 0, 0));
    EXPECT_EQ(redBackground, getPixelAt(src->context(), 1, 1));

    // Top half (minus two pixel border) should be 50% gray atop opaque
    // red = 0xFF804141. Then that's composited with 50% transparency on solid
    // white = 0xFFC0A1A1.
    Color darkRed(0xFFBF8080);
    EXPECT_EQ(darkRed, getPixelAt(src->context(), 2, 2));
    EXPECT_EQ(darkRed, getPixelAt(src->context(), 7, 7));

    // Bottom half (minus a two pixel border) should be a layer with 5% gray
    // with another 50% opacity composited atop white.
    Color darkWhite(0xFFBFBFBF);
    EXPECT_EQ(darkWhite, getPixelAt(src->context(), 8, 8));
    EXPECT_EQ(darkWhite, getPixelAt(src->context(), 13, 13));

    Color white(0xFFFFFFFF); // Background in the lower-right.
    EXPECT_EQ(white, getPixelAt(src->context(), 14, 14));
    EXPECT_EQ(white, getPixelAt(src->context(), 15, 15));
Пример #2
void GameScreen::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * event) {

	if (r >= 255) {
		r_dir = RANGE_DOWN;
		g_dir = RANGE_UP;
		b_dir = RANGE_IDLE;

	if (g >= 255) {
		r_dir = RANGE_IDLE;
		g_dir = RANGE_DOWN;
		b_dir = RANGE_UP;

	if (b >= 255) {
		r_dir = RANGE_UP;
		g_dir = RANGE_IDLE;
		b_dir = RANGE_DOWN;

	if (r_dir == RANGE_UP) {
		r += 5;
	else if (r_dir == RANGE_DOWN){
		r -= 5;
	if (g_dir == RANGE_UP) {
		g += 5;
	else if (g_dir == RANGE_DOWN){
		g -= 5;
	if (b_dir == RANGE_UP) {
		b += 5;
	else if (b_dir == RANGE_DOWN) {
		b -= 5;

	QColor white(255, 255, 255);
	QColor darkWhite(250, 250, 250);
	QColor pink(255, 192, 203);
	QColor brown(97, 25, 11);
	QColor rainbow(r, g, b);
	QColor neg_rainbow(255 - r, 255 - g, 255 - b);
	QPainter painter(this);
	painter.fillRect(0, 0, width(), height(), darkWhite);
	painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 1));

	if (mode == MODE_MENU) {
		painter.drawText(400, 300, "Press the Space Key to Start");
	else if (mode == MODE_RUNNING) {

		//draw coffee
		painter.setPen(QPen(darkWhite, 1));
		for (int i = 0; i < coffee_loc.size(); i++) {
			painter.drawRect(coffee_loc[i].first * sq_s, coffee_loc[i].second * sq_s, sq_s, sq_s);
			painter.fillRect(coffee_loc[i].first * sq_s + 1, coffee_loc[i].second * sq_s + 1, sq_s - 1, sq_s - 1, rainbow);

		//draw fruit
		painter.setPen(QPen(pink, 1));
		for (int i = 0; i < fruit_loc.size(); i++) {
			painter.drawEllipse((fruit_loc[i].first * sq_s), (fruit_loc[i].second * sq_s), sq_s, sq_s);

		//draw snake
		painter.setPen(QPen(darkWhite, 1));
		for (int i = 0; i < body.size(); i++) {
			painter.drawRect(body[i].first * sq_s, body[i].second * sq_s, sq_s, sq_s);
			painter.fillRect(body[i].first * sq_s + 1, body[i].second * sq_s + 1, sq_s - 1, sq_s - 1,neg_rainbow);

	else if (mode == MODE_GAMEOVER) {
		painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::lightGray, 1));
		for (int i = 0; i < body.size(); i++) {
			painter.drawRect(body[i].first * sq_s, body[i].second * sq_s, sq_s, sq_s);
			painter.fillRect(body[i].first * sq_s + 1, body[i].second * sq_s + 1, sq_s - 1, sq_s - 1, Qt::gray);
		painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::red, 1));
		painter.drawText(400, 300, "GAMEOVER");

