Пример #1
DatasetMap shapesInDataset(QString datasetPath)
	DatasetMap dataset;

	QDir datasetDir(datasetPath);
	QStringList subdirs = datasetDir.entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoSymLinks | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);

	for(auto subdir : subdirs)
		// Special folders
		if (subdir == "corr") continue;

		QDir d(datasetPath + "/" + subdir);

		// Check if no graph is in this folder
		if (d.entryList(QStringList() << "*.xml", QDir::Files).isEmpty()) continue;

		auto xml_files = d.entryList(QStringList() << "*.xml", QDir::Files);

		dataset[subdir]["Name"] = subdir;
		dataset[subdir]["graphFile"] = d.absolutePath() + "/" + (xml_files.empty() ? "" : xml_files.front());
		dataset[subdir]["thumbFile"] = d.absolutePath() + "/" + d.entryList(QStringList() << "*.png", QDir::Files).join("");
		dataset[subdir]["objFile"] = d.absolutePath() + "/" + d.entryList(QStringList() << "*.obj", QDir::Files).join("");

	return dataset;
Пример #2
void computePerformance(double threshold = 0.8)
	QVector<Record> records;

    QString datasetPath = "C:/Users/XXX/Dropbox/DDTT-dataset/evaluation/userstudy/group matching";

    QString endText = ".gmatch";
    QString extension = "*.gmatch";

	QDir datasetDir(datasetPath);
	QStringList subdirs = datasetDir.entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoSymLinks | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);

	QStringList users;

	for (QString subdir : subdirs)
		QDir d(datasetPath + "/" + subdir);

        auto matchFiles = d.entryList(QStringList() << extension, QDir::Files);
		if (matchFiles.isEmpty()) continue;

		users << subdir;

		for (QString matchFile : matchFiles)
			// Get matches from file
			QFile ff(d.absolutePath() + "/" + matchFile);
			ff.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text);
			QTextStream in(&ff);
			auto matches = in.readAll().split("\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts);

			// Shape names
            QStringList shapes = matchFile.replace(endText, "").split("-", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
            if(shapes.back() == "g") shapes.removeLast();

			bool isSwap = shapes.front() > shapes.back();

			// Add to vector
			QVector< QPair<QString, QString> > pairMatches;
			for (QString matchLine : matches)
				QStringList match = matchLine.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);

				QString p = match.front();
				QString q = match.back();

				if (isSwap) std::swap(p, q);

				pairMatches << qMakePair(p, q);

			//qDebug() << pairMatches;

			// Add record
			if (isSwap) std::reverse(shapes.begin(), shapes.end());
			for (auto a : pairMatches) records << Record(shapes.front(), shapes.back(), a.first, a.second, subdir);

	// Debug records:
	for (Record & record : records)
		//qDebug() << record.p << " " << record.q << " " << record.shapeA << " " << record.shapeB << " " << record.user;

	//qDebug() << "Num records =" << records.size();

	// ShapePairs/part_p/part_q/users
	QMap<QString, QMap<QString, QMap<QString, QStringList> > > part_matches;

	// Extract set of good pair-wise part correspondences
	for (Record r : records)
		part_matches[r.shapeA + "|" + r.shapeB][r.p][r.q] << r.user;

	// Passed threshold
	int num_users = users.size();
    QVector<Record> C, badC;

	for (QString shapePair : part_matches.keys())
		auto cur_shape_pairs = shapePair.split("|");

		for (auto p : part_matches[shapePair].keys())
			auto part_matching = part_matches[shapePair][p];

			for (auto q : part_matching.keys())
				auto match = part_matching[q];

				int num_assigned = match.size();

				double v = double(num_assigned) / num_users;

				if (v >= threshold)
					C << Record(cur_shape_pairs.front(), cur_shape_pairs.back(), p, q, "from_users");
                    badC << Record(cur_shape_pairs.front(), cur_shape_pairs.back(), p, q, "from_users");

	int totalNumPairTypes = C.size() + badC.size();

	//qDebug() << "Num records passed =" << C.size();

	// Ground truth
	// ShapePair/part_p/part_q
	QMap <QString, QMap<QString, QStringList> > ground_truth;
	for (Record r : C)
		QStringList tstr = ground_truth[r.shapeA + "|" + r.shapeB][r.p];
		ground_truth[r.shapeA + "|" + r.shapeB][r.p] = tstr;

	// Test set:
	QString testPath = "C:/Users/XXX/Dropbox/DDTT-dataset/evaluation/userstudy/geotopo";
	QDir testDir(testPath);

	int wins = 0;
	int loss = 0;
	int testPairs = 0;

// 	endText = ".match";
// 	extension = "*.match";
	auto matchFiles = testDir.entryList(QStringList() << extension, QDir::Files);
	for (auto matches_filename : matchFiles)
		// Get matches from file
		QFile ff(testDir.absolutePath() + "/" + matches_filename);
		ff.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text);
		QTextStream in(&ff);
		auto matches = in.readAll().split("\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts);

        QStringList shapes = matches_filename.replace(endText, "").split("-", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
        if(shapes.back() == "g") shapes.removeLast();

		bool isSwap = shapes.front() > shapes.back();

		// Shape names sorted
		if (isSwap) std::reverse(shapes.begin(), shapes.end());
		QString shapeA = shapes.front();
		QString shapeB = shapes.back();

		// Get pair matches
		for (QString matchLine : matches)
			QStringList match = matchLine.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);

			QString p = match.front();
			QString q = match.back();

			if (isSwap) std::swap(p, q);

			if (ground_truth[shapeA + "|" + shapeB].contains(p))
				QStringList truth = ground_truth[shapeA + "|" + shapeB][p];

				if (truth.contains(q))

	double performance = (double(wins) / (wins + loss));

	QString result = QString("Performance = %1, agreement %6%, selected = %4, wins = %2, loss = %3, all pairs = %5, test = %7")
		.arg(performance).arg(wins).arg(loss).arg(C.size()).arg(records.size()).arg(threshold * 100).arg(testPairs);

	QMessageBox::information(0, "Performance", result);

	qDebug() << result;