Пример #1
void EventSubscriberPlugin::expireRecords(const std::string& list_type,
                                          const std::string& index,
                                          bool all) {
  auto db = DBHandle::getInstance();
  auto record_key = "records." + dbNamespace();
  auto data_key = "data." + dbNamespace();

  // If the expirations is not removing all records, rewrite the persisting.
  std::vector<std::string> persisting_records;
  // Request all records within this list-size + bin offset.
  auto expired_records = getRecords({list_type + "." + index});
  for (const auto& record : expired_records) {
    if (all) {
      db->Delete(kEvents, data_key + "." + record.first);
    } else if (record.second > expire_time_) {
      persisting_records.push_back(record.first + ":" +

  // Either drop or overwrite the record list.
  if (all) {
    db->Delete(kEvents, record_key + "." + list_type + "." + index);
  } else {
    auto new_records = boost::algorithm::join(persisting_records, ",");
    db->Put(kEvents, record_key + "." + list_type + "." + index, new_records);
Пример #2
void EventSubscriberPlugin::expireCheck(bool cleanup) {
  auto data_key = "data." + dbNamespace();
  auto eid_key = "eid." + dbNamespace();
  // Min key will be the last surviving key.
  size_t min_key = 0;

    auto limit = getEventsMax();
    std::vector<std::string> keys;
    scanDatabaseKeys(kEvents, keys, data_key);
    if (keys.size() <= limit) {

    // There is an overflow of events buffered for this subscriber.
    LOG(WARNING) << "Expiring events for subscriber: " << getName()
                 << " (limit " << limit << ")";
    VLOG(1) << "Subscriber events " << getName() << " exceeded limit " << limit
            << " by: " << keys.size() - limit;
    // Inspect the N-FLAGS_events_max -th event's value and expire before the
    // time within the content.
    std::string last_key;
    getDatabaseValue(kEvents, eid_key, last_key);
    // The EID is the next-index.
    // EID - events_max is the most last-recent event to keep.
    min_key = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(last_key) - getEventsMax();

    if (cleanup) {
      // Scan each of the keys in keys, if their ID portion is < min_key.
      // Nix them, this requires lots of conversions, use with care.
      for (const auto& key : keys) {
        if (std::stoul(key.substr(key.rfind('.') + 1)) < min_key) {
          deleteDatabaseValue(kEvents, key);

  // Convert the key index into a time using the content.
  // The last-recent event is fetched and the corresponding time is used as
  // the expiration time for the subscriber.
  std::string content;
  getDatabaseValue(kEvents, data_key + "." + std::to_string(min_key), content);

  // Decode the value into a row structure to extract the time.
  Row r;
  if (!deserializeRowJSON(content, r) || r.count("time") == 0) {

  // The last time will become the implicit expiration time.
  size_t last_time = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(r.at("time"));
  if (last_time > 0) {
    expire_time_ = last_time;

  // Finally, attempt an index query to trigger expirations.
  // In this case the result set is not used.
  getIndexes(expire_time_, 0);
Пример #3
Status EventSubscriberPlugin::recordEvent(EventID& eid, EventTime time) {
  Status status;
  auto db = DBHandle::getInstance();
  std::string time_value = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(time);

  // The record is identified by the event type then module name.
  std::string index_key = "indexes." + dbNamespace();
  std::string record_key = "records." + dbNamespace();
  // The list key includes the list type (bin size) and the list ID (bin).
  std::string list_key;
  std::string list_id;

  for (auto time_list : kEventTimeLists) {
    // The list_id is the MOST-Specific key ID, the bin for this list.
    // If the event time was 13 and the time_list is 5 seconds, lid = 2.
    list_id = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(time / time_list);
    // The list name identifies the 'type' of list.
    list_key = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(time_list);
    // list_key = list_key + "." + list_id;

      boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(event_record_lock_);
      // Append the record (eid, unix_time) to the list bin.
      std::string record_value;
      status = db->Get(
          kEvents, record_key + "." + list_key + "." + list_id, record_value);

      if (record_value.length() == 0) {
        // This is a new list_id for list_key, append the ID to the indirect
        // lookup for this list_key.
        std::string index_value;
        status = db->Get(kEvents, index_key + "." + list_key, index_value);
        if (index_value.length() == 0) {
          // A new index.
          index_value = list_id;
        } else {
          index_value += "," + list_id;
        status = db->Put(kEvents, index_key + "." + list_key, index_value);
        record_value = eid + ":" + time_value;
      } else {
        // Tokenize a record using ',' and the EID/time using ':'.
        record_value += "," + eid + ":" + time_value;
      status = db->Put(
          kEvents, record_key + "." + list_key + "." + list_id, record_value);
      if (!status.ok()) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Could not put Event Record key: " << record_key << "."
                   << list_key << "." << list_id;

  return Status(0, "OK");
Пример #4
QueryData EventSubscriberPlugin::get(EventTime start, EventTime stop) {
  QueryData results;

  // Get the records for this time range.
  auto indexes = getIndexes(start, stop);
  auto records = getRecords(indexes);

  std::string events_key = "data." + dbNamespace();
  std::vector<std::string> mapped_records;
  for (const auto& record : records) {
    if (record.second >= start && (record.second <= stop || stop == 0)) {
      mapped_records.push_back(events_key + "." + record.first);

  if (FLAGS_events_optimize && !records.empty()) {
    // If records were returned save the ordered-last as the optimization EID.
    unsigned long int eidr = 0;
    if (safeStrtoul(records.back().first, 10, eidr)) {
      optimize_eid_ = static_cast<size_t>(eidr);
      auto index_key = "optimize_id." + dbNamespace();
      setDatabaseValue(kEvents, index_key, records.back().first);

  // Select mapped_records using event_ids as keys.
  std::string data_value;
  for (const auto& record : mapped_records) {
    Row r;
    auto status = getDatabaseValue(kEvents, record, data_value);
    if (data_value.length() == 0) {
      // There is no record here, interesting error case.
    status = deserializeRowJSON(data_value, r);
    if (status.ok()) {

  if (getEventsExpiry() > 0) {
    // Set the expire time to NOW - "configured lifetime".
    // Index retrieval will apply the constraints checking and auto-expire.
    expire_time_ = getUnixTime() - getEventsExpiry();

  return results;
Пример #5
TEST_F(EventsDatabaseTests, test_expire_check) {
  auto sub = std::make_shared<DBFakeEventSubscriber>();
  // Set the max number of buffered events to something reasonably small.
  FLAGS_events_max = 10;
  auto t = 10000;

  // We are still at the mercy of the opaque EVENTS_CHECKPOINT define.
  for (size_t x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
    size_t num_events = 256 * x;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_events; i++) {

    // Since events tests are dependent, expect 257 + 3 events.
    QueryContext context;
    auto results = sub->genTable(context);
    if (x == 0) {
      // The first iteration is dependent on previous test state.

    // The number of events should remain constant.
    // In practice there may be an event still in the write queue.
    EXPECT_LT(results.size(), 60U);

  // Try again, this time with a scan
  for (size_t k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
    for (size_t x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
      size_t num_events = 256 * x;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < num_events; i++) {

      // Records hold the event_id + time indexes.
      // Data hosts the event_id + JSON content.
      auto record_key = "records." + sub->dbNamespace();
      auto data_key = "data." + sub->dbNamespace();

      std::vector<std::string> records, datas;
      scanDatabaseKeys(kEvents, records, record_key);
      scanDatabaseKeys(kEvents, datas, data_key);

      EXPECT_LT(records.size(), 20U);
      EXPECT_LT(datas.size(), 60U);
Пример #6
std::vector<EventRecord> EventSubscriberPlugin::getRecords(
    const std::set<std::string>& indexes) {
  auto record_key = "records." + dbNamespace();

  std::vector<EventRecord> records;
  for (const auto& index : indexes) {
    std::vector<std::string> bin_records;
      std::string record_value;
      getDatabaseValue(kEvents, record_key + "." + index, record_value);
      if (record_value.empty()) {
        // There are actually no events in this bin, interesting error case.

      // Each list is tokenized into a record=event_id:time.
      boost::split(bin_records, record_value, boost::is_any_of(",:"));

    auto bin_it = bin_records.begin();
    // Iterate over every 2 items: EID:TIME.
    for (; bin_it != bin_records.end(); bin_it++) {
      const auto& eid = *bin_it;
      EventTime time = timeFromRecord(*(++bin_it));
      records.push_back(std::make_pair(eid, time));

  return records;
Пример #7
Status EventSubscriberPlugin::add(Row& r, EventTime event_time) {
  std::shared_ptr<DBHandle> db = nullptr;
  try {
    db = DBHandle::getInstance();
  } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
    return Status(1, e.what());

  // Get and increment the EID for this module.
  EventID eid = getEventID();
  // Without encouraging a missing event time, do not support a 0-time.
  r["time"] = std::to_string((event_time == 0) ? getUnixTime() : event_time);

  // Serialize and store the row data, for query-time retrieval.
  std::string data;
  auto status = serializeRowJSON(r, data);
  if (!status.ok()) {
    return status;

  // Store the event data.
  std::string event_key = "data." + dbNamespace() + "." + eid;
  status = db->Put(kEvents, event_key, data);
  // Record the event in the indexing bins, using the index time.
  recordEvent(eid, event_time);
  return status;
Пример #8
QueryData EventSubscriberPlugin::genTable(QueryContext& context) {
  // Stop is an unsigned (-1), our end of time equivalent.
  EventTime start = 0, stop = -1;
  if (context.constraints["time"].getAll().size() > 0) {
    // Use the 'time' constraint to optimize backing-store lookups.
    for (const auto& constraint : context.constraints["time"].getAll()) {
      EventTime expr = timeFromRecord(constraint.expr);
      if (constraint.op == EQUALS) {
        stop = start = expr;
      } else if (constraint.op == GREATER_THAN) {
        start = std::max(start, expr + 1);
      } else if (constraint.op == GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS) {
        start = std::max(start, expr);
      } else if (constraint.op == LESS_THAN) {
        stop = std::min(stop, expr - 1);
      } else if (constraint.op == LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS) {
        stop = std::min(stop, expr);
  } else if (kToolType == OSQUERY_TOOL_DAEMON && FLAGS_events_optimize) {
    // If the daemon is querying a subscriber without a 'time' constraint and
    // allows optimization, only emit events since the last query.
    start = optimize_time_;
    optimize_time_ = getUnixTime() - 1;

    // Store the optimize time such that it can be restored if the daemon is
    // restarted.
    auto index_key = "optimize." + dbNamespace();
    setDatabaseValue(kEvents, index_key, std::to_string(optimize_time_));

  return get(start, stop);
Пример #9
EventID EventSubscriberPlugin::getEventID() {
  Status status;
  auto db = DBHandle::getInstance();
  // First get an event ID from the meta key.
  std::string eid_key = "eid." + dbNamespace();
  std::string last_eid_value;
  std::string eid_value;

    boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(event_id_lock_);
    status = db->Get(kEvents, eid_key, last_eid_value);
    if (!status.ok()) {
      last_eid_value = "0";

    size_t eid = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(last_eid_value) + 1;
    eid_value = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(eid);
    status = db->Put(kEvents, eid_key, eid_value);

  if (!status.ok()) {
    return "0";

  return eid_value;
Пример #10
std::vector<EventRecord> EventSubscriberPlugin::getRecords(
    const std::set<std::string>& indexes) {
  auto db = DBHandle::getInstance();
  auto record_key = "records." + dbNamespace();

  std::vector<EventRecord> records;
  for (const auto& index : indexes) {
    std::string record_value;
    if (!db->Get(kEvents, record_key + "." + index, record_value).ok()) {
      return records;

    if (record_value.length() == 0) {
      // There are actually no events in this bin, interesting error case.

    // Each list is tokenized into a record=event_id:time.
    std::vector<std::string> bin_records;
    boost::split(bin_records, record_value, boost::is_any_of(",:"));
    auto bin_it = bin_records.begin();
    for (; bin_it != bin_records.end(); bin_it++) {
      std::string eid = *bin_it;
      EventTime time = boost::lexical_cast<EventTime>(*(++bin_it));
      records.push_back(std::make_pair(eid, time));

  return records;
Пример #11
EventID EventSubscriberPlugin::getEventID() {
  Status status;
  // First get an event ID from the meta key.
  std::string eid_key = "eid." + dbNamespace();
  std::string last_eid_value;
  std::string eid_value;

    WriteLock lock(event_id_lock_);
    status = getDatabaseValue(kEvents, eid_key, last_eid_value);
    if (!status.ok() || last_eid_value.empty()) {
      last_eid_value = "0";

    last_eid_ = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(last_eid_value) + 1;
    eid_value = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(last_eid_);
    status = setDatabaseValue(kEvents, eid_key, eid_value);

  if (!status.ok()) {
    return "0";

  return eid_value;
Пример #12
Status EventSubscriberPlugin::add(Row& r, EventTime event_time) {
  // Get and increment the EID for this module.
  EventID eid = getEventID();
  // Without encouraging a missing event time, do not support a 0-time.
  r["time"] = std::to_string((event_time == 0) ? getUnixTime() : event_time);
  // Serialize and store the row data, for query-time retrieval.
  std::string data;
  auto status = serializeRowJSON(r, data);
  if (!status.ok()) {
    return status;
  // Then remove the newline.
  if (data.size() > 0 && data.back() == '\n') {

  // Use the last EventID and a checkpoint bucket size to periodically apply
  // buffer eviction. Eviction occurs if the total count exceeds events_max.
  if (last_eid_ % EVENTS_CHECKPOINT == 0) {

  // Store the event data.
  std::string event_key = "data." + dbNamespace() + "." + eid;
  status = setDatabaseValue(kEvents, event_key, data);
  // Record the event in the indexing bins, using the index time.
  recordEvent(eid, event_time);
  return status;
Пример #13
Status EventSubscriberPlugin::add(const Row& r, EventTime time) {
  Status status;

  std::shared_ptr<DBHandle> db;
  try {
    db = DBHandle::getInstance();
  } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
    return Status(1, e.what());

  // Get and increment the EID for this module.
  EventID eid = getEventID();

  std::string event_key = "data." + dbNamespace() + "." + eid;
  std::string data;

  status = serializeRowJSON(r, data);
  if (!status.ok()) {
    return status;

  // Store the event data.
  status = db->Put(kEvents, event_key, data);
  // Record the event in the indexing bins.
  recordEvent(eid, time);
  return status;
Пример #14
Status EventSubscriberPlugin::add(Row& r, EventTime event_time) {
  std::shared_ptr<DBHandle> db = nullptr;
  try {
    db = DBHandle::getInstance();
  } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
    return Status(1, e.what());

  // Get and increment the EID for this module.
  EventID eid = getEventID();
  // Without encouraging a missing event time, do not support a 0-time.
  r["time"] = std::to_string((event_time == 0) ? getUnixTime() : event_time);

  // Serialize and store the row data, for query-time retrieval.
  std::string data;
  auto status = serializeRowJSON(r, data);
  if (!status.ok()) {
    return status;

  // Use the last EventID and a checkpoint bucket size to periodically apply
  // buffer eviction. Eviction occurs if the total count exceeds events_max.
  if (last_eid_ % EVENTS_CHECKPOINT == 0) {

  // Store the event data.
  std::string event_key = "data." + dbNamespace() + "." + eid;
  status = db->Put(kEvents, event_key, data);
  // Record the event in the indexing bins, using the index time.
  recordEvent(eid, event_time);
  return status;
Пример #15
Status EventSubscriberPlugin::recordEvent(EventID& eid, EventTime et) {
  std::string time_value = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(et);

  // The record is identified by the event type then module name.
  std::string index_key = "indexes." + dbNamespace();
  std::string record_key = "records." + dbNamespace();
  // The list key includes the list type (bin size) and the list ID (bin).
  std::string list_id;

  // The list_id is the MOST-Specific key ID, the bin for this list.
  // If the event time was 13 and the time_list is 5 seconds, lid = 2.
  list_id = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(et / 60);

  WriteLock lock(event_record_lock_);
  // Append the record (eid, unix_time) to the list bin.
  std::string record_value;
  getDatabaseValue(kEvents, record_key + ".60." + list_id, record_value);

  if (record_value.length() == 0) {
    // This is a new list_id for list_key, append the ID to the indirect
    // lookup for this list_key.
    std::string index_value;
    getDatabaseValue(kEvents, index_key + ".60", index_value);
    if (index_value.length() == 0) {
      // A new index.
      index_value = list_id;
    } else {
      index_value += "," + list_id;
    setDatabaseValue(kEvents, index_key + ".60", index_value);
    record_value = eid + ":" + time_value;
  } else {
    // Tokenize a record using ',' and the EID/time using ':'.
    record_value += "," + eid + ":" + time_value;
  auto status =
      setDatabaseValue(kEvents, record_key + ".60." + list_id, record_value);
  if (!status.ok()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Could not put Event Record key: " << record_key;
  return Status(0, "OK");
Пример #16
void EventSubscriberPlugin::expireCheck() {
  auto db = DBHandle::getInstance();
  auto data_key = "data." + dbNamespace();
  auto eid_key = "eid." + dbNamespace();

  std::vector<std::string> keys;
  db->ScanPrefix(kEvents, keys, data_key);
  if (keys.size() <= FLAGS_events_max) {

  // There is an overflow of events buffered for this subscriber.
  LOG(WARNING) << "Expiring events for subscriber: " << getName() << " limit ("
               << FLAGS_events_max << ") exceeded: " << keys.size();
  // Inspect the N-FLAGS_events_max -th event's value and expire before the
  // time within the content.
  std::string last_key;
  db->Get(kEvents, eid_key, last_key);
  // The EID is the next-index.
  size_t max_key = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(last_key) - FLAGS_events_max - 1;

  // Convert the key index into a time using the content.
  std::string content;
  db->Get(kEvents, data_key + "." + std::to_string(max_key), content);

  // Decode the value into a row structure to extract the time.
  Row r;
  if (!deserializeRowJSON(content, r) || r.count("time") == 0) {

  // The last time will become the implicit expiration time.
  size_t last_time = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(r.at("time"));
  if (last_time > 0) {
    expire_time_ = last_time;

  // Finally, attempt an index query to trigger expirations.
  // In this case the result set is not used.
  getIndexes(expire_time_ - 1, -1);
Пример #17
Status EventSubscriberPlugin::expireIndexes(
    const std::string& list_type,
    const std::vector<std::string>& indexes,
    const std::vector<std::string>& expirations) {
  auto db = DBHandle::getInstance();
  auto index_key = "indexes." + dbNamespace();
  auto record_key = "records." + dbNamespace();
  auto data_key = "data." + dbNamespace();

  // Get the records list for the soon-to-be expired records.
  std::vector<std::string> record_indexes;
  for (const auto& bin : expirations) {
    record_indexes.push_back(list_type + "." + bin);
  auto expired_records = getRecords(record_indexes);

  // Remove the records using the list of expired indexes.
  std::vector<std::string> persisting_indexes = indexes;
  for (const auto& bin : expirations) {
    db->Delete(kEvents, record_key + "." + list_type + "." + bin);
        std::remove(persisting_indexes.begin(), persisting_indexes.end(), bin),

  // Update the list of indexes with the non-expired indexes.
  auto new_indexes = boost::algorithm::join(persisting_indexes, ",");
  db->Put(kEvents, index_key + "." + list_type, new_indexes);

  // Delete record events.
  for (const auto& record : expired_records) {
    db->Delete(kEvents, data_key + "." + record.first);

  return Status(0, "OK");
Пример #18
std::vector<std::string> EventSubscriberPlugin::getIndexes(EventTime start,
                                                           EventTime stop) {
  auto index_key = "indexes." + dbNamespace();
  std::vector<std::string> indexes;

  EventTime l_start = (start > 0) ? start / 60 : 0;
  EventTime r_stop = (stop > 0) ? stop / 60 + 1 : 0;

  std::string content;
  getDatabaseValue(kEvents, index_key + ".60", content);
  if (content.empty()) {
    return indexes;

  std::vector<std::string> bins, expirations;
  boost::split(bins, content, boost::is_any_of(","));
  for (const auto& bin : bins) {
    auto step = timeFromRecord(bin);
    auto step_start = step * 60;
    auto step_stop = (step + 1) * 60;
    if (step_stop < expire_time_) {
    } else if (step_start < expire_time_) {
      expireRecords("60", bin, false);

    if (step >= l_start && (r_stop == 0 || step < r_stop)) {
      indexes.push_back("60." + bin);

  // Rewrite the index lists and delete each expired item.
  if (!expirations.empty()) {
    expireIndexes("60", bins, expirations);

  // Return indexes in binning order.
            [](const std::string& left, const std::string& right) {
              auto n1 = timeFromRecord(left.substr(left.find(".") + 1));
              auto n2 = timeFromRecord(right.substr(right.find(".") + 1));
              return n1 < n2;

  // Update the new time that events expire to now - expiry.
  return indexes;
Пример #19
QueryData EventSubscriberPlugin::get(EventTime start, EventTime stop) {
  QueryData results;
  Status status;

  std::shared_ptr<DBHandle> db;
  try {
    db = DBHandle::getInstance();
  } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot retrieve subscriber results database is locked";
    return results;

  // Get the records for this time range.
  auto indexes = getIndexes(start, stop);
  auto records = getRecords(indexes);

  std::vector<EventRecord> mapped_records;
  for (const auto& record : records) {
    if (record.second >= start && (record.second <= stop || stop == 0)) {

  std::string events_key = "data." + dbNamespace();
  if (FLAGS_events_expiry > 0) {
    // Set the expire time to NOW - "configured lifetime".
    // Index retrieval will apply the constraints checking and auto-expire.
    expire_time_ = getUnixTime() - FLAGS_events_expiry;

  // Select mapped_records using event_ids as keys.
  std::string data_value;
  for (const auto& record : mapped_records) {
    Row r;
    status = db->Get(kEvents, events_key + "." + record.first, data_value);
    if (data_value.length() == 0) {
      // THere is no record here, interesting error case.
    status = deserializeRowJSON(data_value, r);
    if (status.ok()) {
  return results;
Пример #20
void EventSubscriberPlugin::expireIndexes(
    const std::string& list_type,
    const std::vector<std::string>& indexes,
    const std::vector<std::string>& expirations) {
  auto index_key = "indexes." + dbNamespace();

  // Construct a mutable list of persisting indexes to rewrite as records.
  std::vector<std::string> persisting_indexes = indexes;
  // Remove the records using the list of expired indexes.
  for (const auto& bin : expirations) {
    expireRecords(list_type, bin, true);
        std::remove(persisting_indexes.begin(), persisting_indexes.end(), bin),

  // Update the list of indexes with the non-expired indexes.
  auto new_indexes = boost::algorithm::join(persisting_indexes, ",");
  setDatabaseValue(kEvents, index_key + "." + list_type, new_indexes);
Пример #21
QueryData EventSubscriberPlugin::get(EventTime start, EventTime stop) {
  QueryData results;

  // Get the records for this time range.
  auto db = DBHandle::getInstance();
  auto indexes = getIndexes(start, stop);
  auto records = getRecords(indexes);
  std::string events_key = "data." + dbNamespace();

  std::vector<std::string> mapped_records;
  for (const auto& record : records) {
    if (record.second >= start && (record.second <= stop || stop == 0)) {
      mapped_records.push_back(events_key + "." + record.first);

  // Select mapped_records using event_ids as keys.
  std::string data_value;
  for (const auto& record : mapped_records) {
    Row r;
    auto status = db->Get(kEvents, record, data_value);
    if (data_value.length() == 0) {
      // There is no record here, interesting error case.
    status = deserializeRowJSON(data_value, r);
    if (status.ok()) {

  if (FLAGS_events_expiry > 0) {
    // Set the expire time to NOW - "configured lifetime".
    // Index retrieval will apply the constraints checking and auto-expire.
    expire_time_ = getUnixTime() - FLAGS_events_expiry;
  return results;
Пример #22
std::set<std::string> EventSubscriberPlugin::getIndexes(EventTime start,
                                                        EventTime stop,
                                                        int list_key) {
  auto db = DBHandle::getInstance();
  auto index_key = "indexes." + dbNamespace();
  std::set<std::string> indexes;

  // Keep track of the tail/head of account time while bin searching.
  EventTime start_max = stop, stop_min = stop, local_start, local_stop;
  auto types = kEventTimeLists.size();
  // List types are sized bins of time containing records for this namespace.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < types; ++i) {
    auto size = kEventTimeLists[i];
    if (list_key > 0 && i != list_key) {
      // A specific list_type was requested, only return bins of this key.

    std::string time_list;
    auto list_type = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(size);
    auto status = db->Get(kEvents, index_key + "." + list_type, time_list);
    if (time_list.length() == 0) {
      // No events in this binning size.
      return indexes;

    if (list_key == 0 && i == (types - 1) && types > 1) {
      // Relax the requested start/stop bounds.
      if (start != start_max) {
        start = (start / size) * size;
        start_max = ((start / size) + 1) * size;
        if (start_max < stop) {
          start_max = start + kEventTimeLists[types - 2];

      if (stop != stop_min) {
        stop = ((stop / size) + 1) * size;
        stop_min = (stop / size) * size;
        if (stop_min > start) {
          stop_min = stop_min - kEventTimeLists[types - 1];
    } else if (list_key > 0 || types == 1) {
      // Relax the requested bounds to fit the requested/only index.
      start = (start / size) * size;
      start_max = ((start_max / size) + 1) * size;

    // (1) The first iteration will have 1 range (start to start_max=stop).
    // (2) Intermediate iterations will have 2 (start-start_max, stop-stop_min).
    // For each iteration the range collapses based on the coverage using
    // the first bin's start time and the last bin's stop time.
    // (3) The last iteration's range includes relaxed bounds outside the
    // requested start to stop range.
    std::vector<std::string> all_bins, bins, expirations;
    boost::split(all_bins, time_list, boost::is_any_of(","));
    for (const auto& bin : all_bins) {
      // Bins are identified by the binning size step.
      auto step = boost::lexical_cast<EventTime>(bin);
      // Check if size * step -> size * (step + 1) is within a range.
      int bin_start = size * step, bin_stop = size * (step + 1);
      if (expire_events_ && expire_time_ > 0) {
        if (bin_stop <= expire_time_) {
        } else if (bin_start < expire_time_) {
          expireRecords(list_type, bin, false);

      if (bin_start >= start && bin_stop <= start_max) {
      } else if ((bin_start >= stop_min && bin_stop <= stop) || stop == 0) {

    // Rewrite the index lists and delete each expired item.
    if (expirations.size() > 0) {
      expireIndexes(list_type, all_bins, expirations);

    if (bins.size() != 0) {
      // If more precision was achieved though this list's binning.
      local_start = boost::lexical_cast<EventTime>(bins.front()) * size;
      start_max = (local_start < start_max) ? local_start : start_max;
      local_stop = (boost::lexical_cast<EventTime>(bins.back()) + 1) * size;
      stop_min = (local_stop < stop_min) ? local_stop : stop_min;

    for (const auto& bin : bins) {
      indexes.insert(list_type + "." + bin);

    if (start == start_max && stop == stop_min) {

  // Update the new time that events expire to now - expiry.
  return indexes;