Пример #1
 * Make a console instance.
 * This will not return until either an 'exit' command is issued or a error code
 * indicating connection loss is encountered.
 * @returns VINF_SUCCESS if console termination caused by the 'exit' command.
 * @returns The VBox status code causing the console termination.
 * @param   pUVM        The user mode VM handle.
 * @param   pBack       Pointer to the backend structure. This must contain
 *                      a full set of function pointers to service the console.
 * @param   fFlags      Reserved, must be zero.
 * @remarks A forced termination of the console is easiest done by forcing the
 *          callbacks to return fatal failures.
DBGDECL(int) DBGCCreate(PUVM pUVM, PDBGCBACK pBack, unsigned fFlags)
     * Validate input.
    AssertPtrNullReturn(pUVM, VERR_INVALID_VM_HANDLE);
    PVM pVM = NULL;
    if (pUVM)
        pVM = VMR3GetVM(pUVM);
        AssertPtrReturn(pVM, VERR_INVALID_VM_HANDLE);

     * Allocate and initialize instance data
    PDBGC pDbgc;
    int rc = dbgcCreate(&pDbgc, pBack, fFlags);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return rc;
    if (!HMR3IsEnabled(pUVM))
        pDbgc->hDbgAs = DBGF_AS_RC_AND_GC_GLOBAL;

     * Print welcome message.
    rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
                                 "Welcome to the VirtualBox Debugger!\n");

     * Attach to the specified VM.
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && pUVM)
        rc = dbgcReadConfig(pDbgc, pUVM);
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
            rc = DBGFR3Attach(pUVM);
            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                pDbgc->pVM   = pVM;
                pDbgc->pUVM  = pUVM;
                pDbgc->idCpu = 0;
                rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
                                             "Current VM is %08x, CPU #%u\n" /** @todo get and print the VM name! */
                                             , pDbgc->pVM, pDbgc->idCpu);
                rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnVBoxError(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, rc, "When trying to attach to VM %p\n", pDbgc->pVM);
            rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnVBoxError(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, rc, "Error reading configuration\n");

     * Load plugins.
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        if (pVM)

        rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "VBoxDbg> ");
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
             * Set debug config log callback.
            RTDBGCFG    hDbgCfg = DBGFR3AsGetConfig(pUVM);
            if (   hDbgCfg != NIL_RTDBGCFG
                && RTDbgCfgRetain(hDbgCfg) != UINT32_MAX)
                int rc2 = RTDbgCfgSetLogCallback(hDbgCfg, dbgcDbgCfgLogCallback, pDbgc);
                if (RT_FAILURE(rc2))
                    hDbgCfg = NIL_RTDBGCFG;
                hDbgCfg = NIL_RTDBGCFG;

             * Run the debugger main loop.
            rc = dbgcRun(pDbgc);

             * Remove debug config log callback.
            if (hDbgCfg != NIL_RTDBGCFG)
                RTDbgCfgSetLogCallback(hDbgCfg, NULL, NULL);
        pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "\nDBGCCreate error: %Rrc\n", rc);

     * Cleanup console debugger session.
    return rc == VERR_DBGC_QUIT ? VINF_SUCCESS : rc;
Пример #2
 * Make a console instance.
 * This will not return until either an 'exit' command is issued or a error code
 * indicating connection loss is encountered.
 * @returns VINF_SUCCESS if console termination caused by the 'exit' command.
 * @returns The VBox status code causing the console termination.
 * @param   pVM         VM Handle.
 * @param   pBack       Pointer to the backend structure. This must contain
 *                      a full set of function pointers to service the console.
 * @param   fFlags      Reserved, must be zero.
 * @remark  A forced termination of the console is easiest done by forcing the
 *          callbacks to return fatal failures.
DBGDECL(int) DBGCCreate(PVM pVM, PDBGCBACK pBack, unsigned fFlags)
     * Validate input.
    AssertPtrNullReturn(pVM, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);

     * Allocate and initialize instance data
    PDBGC pDbgc;
    int rc = dbgcCreate(&pDbgc, pBack, fFlags);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return rc;

     * Print welcome message.
    rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
                                 "Welcome to the VirtualBox Debugger!\n");

     * Attach to the specified VM.
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && pVM)
        rc = DBGFR3Attach(pVM);
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
            pDbgc->pVM   = pVM;
            pDbgc->idCpu = 0;
            rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
                                         "Current VM is %08x, CPU #%u\n" /** @todo get and print the VM name! */
                                         , pDbgc->pVM, pDbgc->idCpu);
            rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnVBoxError(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, rc, "When trying to attach to VM %p\n", pDbgc->pVM);

     * Load plugins.
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        if (pVM)
        rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "VBoxDbg> ");
        pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "\nDBGCCreate error: %Rrc\n", rc);

     * Run the debugger main loop.
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        rc = dbgcRun(pDbgc);

     * Cleanup console debugger session.
    return rc == VERR_DBGC_QUIT ? VINF_SUCCESS : rc;
int main()
     * Init.
    int rc = RTTestInitAndCreate("tstDBGCParser", &g_hTest);
    if (rc)
        return rc;

     * Create a DBGC instance.
    RTTestSub(g_hTest, "dbgcCreate");
    PDBGC pDbgc;
    rc = dbgcCreate(&pDbgc, &g_tstBack, 0);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        rc = dbgcProcessInput(pDbgc, true /* fNoExecute */);
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
            RTTestSub(g_hTest, "basic parsing");
            tstTry(pDbgc, "stop\n", VINF_SUCCESS);
            tstTry(pDbgc, "format 1\n", VINF_SUCCESS);
            tstTry(pDbgc, "format \n", VERR_PARSE_TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS);
            tstTry(pDbgc, "format 0 1 23 4\n", VERR_PARSE_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS);
            tstTry(pDbgc, "sa 3 23 4 'q' \"21123123\" 'b' \n", VINF_SUCCESS);

            if (RTTestErrorCount(g_hTest) == 0)
                RTTestSub(g_hTest, "Operators");
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "1",                                        1);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "1",                                        1);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "1",                                        1);

                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "+1",                                       1);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "++++++1",                                  1);

                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "-1",                                       UINT64_MAX);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "--1",                                      1);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "---1",                                     UINT64_MAX);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "----1",                                    1);

                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "~0",                                       UINT64_MAX);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "~1",                                       UINT64_MAX-1);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "~~0",                                      0);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "~~1",                                      1);

                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "!1",                                       0);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "!0",                                       1);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "!42",                                      0);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "!!42",                                     1);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "!!!42",                                    0);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "!!!!42",                                   1);

                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "1 +1",                                     2);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "1 + 1",                                    2);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "1+1",                                      2);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "1+ 1",                                     2);

                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "1 - 1",                                    0);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "99 - 90",                                  9);

                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "2 * 2",                                    4);

                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "2 / 2",                                    1);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "2 / 0",                                    UINT64_MAX);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "0i1024 / 0i4",                             256);

                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "1<<1",                                     2);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "1<<0i32",                                  UINT64_C(0x0000000100000000));
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "1<<0i48",                                  UINT64_C(0x0001000000000000));
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "1<<0i63",                                  UINT64_C(0x8000000000000000));

                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "fedcba0987654321>>0i04",                   UINT64_C(0x0fedcba098765432));
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "fedcba0987654321>>0i32",                   UINT64_C(0xfedcba09));
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "fedcba0987654321>>0i48",                   UINT64_C(0x0000fedc));

                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "0ef & 4",                                  4);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "01234567891 & fff",                        UINT64_C(0x00000000891));
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "01234567891 & ~fff",                       UINT64_C(0x01234567000));

                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "1 | 1",                                    1);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "0 | 4",                                    4);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "4 | 0",                                    4);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "4 | 4",                                    4);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "1 | 4 | 2",                                7);

                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "1 ^ 1",                                    0);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "1 ^ 0",                                    1);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "0 ^ 1",                                    1);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "3 ^ 1",                                    2);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "7 ^ 3",                                    4);

                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "7 || 3",                                   1);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "1 || 0",                                   1);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "0 || 1",                                   1);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "0 || 0",                                   0);

                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "0 && 0",                                   0);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "1 && 0",                                   0);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "0 && 1",                                   0);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "1 && 1",                                   1);
                tstNumOp(pDbgc, "4 && 1",                                   1);

            if (RTTestErrorCount(g_hTest) == 0)
                RTTestSub(g_hTest, "Odd cases");
                tstTry(pDbgc, "r @rax\n", VINF_SUCCESS);
                tstTry(pDbgc, "r @eax\n", VINF_SUCCESS);
                tstTry(pDbgc, "r @ah\n", VINF_SUCCESS);


     * Summary
    return RTTestSummaryAndDestroy(g_hTest);