void KTickmarks_Widget::drawContents( QPainter* p ) {
	//kdDebug()<<"KTickmarks::drawContents( QPainter* "<<p<<" )"<<endl;
	bool left=false, right=false;
	if (  _pos&Arts::posLeft ) left=true;
	if (  _pos&Arts::posRight ) right=true;
	// Setting the font
	QFont font;
	font.setPixelSize( 8 /*font.pixelSize()/2*/ ); // Maybe this could be adjusted...
	p->setFont( font );
	// Determining the size of the largest text (currently the text at the minimum-scale)
	QFontMetrics fontmetric( font );
	QRect fontrect = fontmetric.boundingRect( QString::number( dbmin ) );
	// Calculating stepsizes
	float _minstepcount = ( dbmax-dbmin )/minstep;
	float _minstep = minstep; // this value gets changed
	float _substepcount = ( dbmax-dbmin )/substep;
	float _substep = substep; // this value gets changed
	// Calculating minimum size of the widget
	int _minsize;
	// Shorcuts
	int w,h;
	QColor colornormal = colorGroup().foreground();
	QColor colordiff = colorGroup().buttonText();

	if ( _dir == Arts::BottomToTop || _dir == Arts::TopToBottom ) {
		p->translate( contentsRect().left(), contentsRect().bottom() );
		// Calculating stepsizes
		for ( int i=1; _minstepcount*( fontrect.height()+4 ) > contentsRect().height(); i++ ) {
			_minstepcount = ( dbmax-dbmin ) / minstep / i;
			_minstep = minstep*i;
		while ( _substepcount*2 > contentsRect().height() ) { _substepcount/=2; _substep*=2; }
		// Calculating minimum size of the widget
		if ( left ) _minsize+=6;
		if ( right ) _minsize+=6;
		setMinimumWidth( _minsize + frameWidth() + 2 );
//		setMaximumWidth( _minsize /*+6*/ );
		w = contentsRect().width(); // Just a shortcut
		// Painting substep marks
		p->setPen( QPen( colordiff, 1 ) );
		for ( float i=dbmax; i>=dbmin; i-=_substep ) {
			h = int( -contentsRect().height() * dbtondb( i ) );
			if ( _dir==Arts::TopToBottom ) h = 1 - h;
			if ( left ) p->drawLine( 0, h, 3, h );
			if ( right ) p->drawLine( w-3, h, w, h );
		// Painting step marks and texts
		p->setPen( QPen( colornormal, 1 ) );
		for ( float i=0; i>=dbmin; i-=_minstep ) {
			h = int( -contentsRect().height() * dbtondb( i ) );
			if ( _dir==Arts::TopToBottom ) h = 1 - h;
			if ( left ) p->drawLine( 0, h, 6, h );
			p->drawText( ( w - (left)*6 - (right)*6 - fontrect.width() )/2 + (left)*6
			             , h-fontrect.height()/2,
			             fontrect.width(), fontrect.height()+2,
			             Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTop, QString::number( i ) );
			if ( right ) p->drawLine( w-6, h, w, h );
		for ( float i=_minstep; i<=dbmax; i+=_minstep ) {
			h = int( -contentsRect().height() * dbtondb( i ) );
			if ( _dir==Arts::TopToBottom ) h = 1 - h;
			if ( left ) p->drawLine( 0, h, 6, h );
			p->drawText( ( w - (left)*6 - (right)*6 - fontrect.width() )/2 + (left)*6
			             , h-fontrect.height()/2,
			             fontrect.width(), fontrect.height()+2,
			             Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTop, QString::number( i ) );
			if ( right ) p->drawLine( w-6, h, w, h );
	} else {
	//if ( _dir == Arts::LeftToRight || _dir == Arts::RightToLeft ) {
		// Calculating stepsizes
		for ( int i=1; _minstepcount*( fontrect.width()+4 ) > contentsRect().width(); i++ ) {
			_minstepcount = ( dbmax-dbmin ) / minstep / i;
			_minstep = minstep*i;
		while ( _substepcount*2 > contentsRect().width() ) { _substepcount/=2; _substep*=2; }
		// Calculating minimum size of the widget
		if ( left ) _minsize+=6;
		if ( right ) _minsize+=6;
		setMinimumHeight( _minsize + frameWidth() + 2 );
//		setMaximumHeight( _minsize /*+6*/ );
		w = 0; // Just a shortcut
		h = frameWidth() + contentsRect().height();
		// Painting substep marks
		p->setPen( QPen( colordiff, 1 ) );
		for ( float i=dbmax; i>=dbmin; i-=_substep ) {
			w = this->frameWidth()+ int( contentsRect().width() * dbtondb( i ) );
			if ( _dir==Arts::RightToLeft ) w = 1 - w;
			if ( left ) p->drawLine( w, frameWidth(), w, frameWidth() + 3 );
			if ( right ) p->drawLine( w, h-3, w, h );
		// Painting step marks and texts
		p->setPen( QPen( colornormal, 1 ) );
		for ( float i=0; i>=dbmin; i-=_minstep ) {
			w = int( contentsRect().width() * dbtondb( i ) );
			if ( _dir==Arts::RightToLeft ) w = 1 - w;
			if ( left ) p->drawLine( w, 0, w, 6 );
			p->drawText( w - fontrect.width()/2
			             , ( h - (left)*6 - (right)*6 - fontrect.height() )/2 + (left)*6,
			             fontrect.width(), fontrect.height()+2,
			             Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTop, QString::number( i ) );
			if ( right ) p->drawLine( w, h-6, w, h );
		for ( float i=_minstep; i<=dbmax; i+=_minstep ) {
			h = int( -contentsRect().height() * dbtondb( i ) );
			if ( _dir==Arts::RightToLeft ) w = 1 - w;
			if ( left ) p->drawLine( w, 0, w, 6 );
			p->drawText( w - fontrect.width()/2
			             , ( h - (left)*6 - (right)*6 - fontrect.height() )/2 + (left)*6,
			             fontrect.width(), fontrect.height()+2,
			             Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTop, QString::number( i ) );
			if ( right ) p->drawLine( w, h-6, w, h );
Пример #2
		QRectF rect(
			QFontMetrics( small ).width( _valuestring ),
			QFontMetrics( small ).height() );
		if ( dbtondb( a ) < 0.5 )
			rect.translate( -QFontMetrics( small ).width( _valuestring ), 0 );
		p.drawText( rect, Qt::AlignCenter, QString( _valuestring ).arg( a ) );
		if ( a == 0.0 )
			_nullclick = p.matrix().mapRect( rect ).toRect();

	// Draw highlight-line for the value
	p.rotate( 300 * dbtondb( _value ) );
	QPen linepen( palette().color( QPalette::HighlightedText ) );
	linepen.setWidthF( 3 );
	linepen.setCapStyle( Qt::RoundCap );
	p.setPen( linepen );
	p.drawLine( QPointF( 0,0 ), QPointF( radius*0.71,0 ) );


	if ( _show_value ) {

	QString tmp = QString::number( _value );
	if ( tmp.contains( "." ) )
		tmp = _valuestring.arg( tmp.left( tmp.indexOf( "." ) + _precision + 1 ) );