Пример #1
void	dpsi_xpansion()
    int    i,Ngrid;
    double al;
    double *r,*p,*dp;

    Ngrid = N_LogGrid();
    r     = r_LogGrid();
    al    = log_amesh_LogGrid();

    p  = alloc_LogGrid();
    dp = alloc_LogGrid();

    /* wl_prime = (d/di)wl */
    for (i=0; i<=match; ++i)
        wl_prime[i] = (al*r[i])*( (l+1.0) + r[i]*dp[i] )*pow(r[i],l)*exp(p[i]);

    for (i=(match+1); i<Ngrid; ++i)
        wl_prime[i] = ul_prime[i];


} /* dpsi_xpansion */
Пример #2
void	psp_xpansion()
    int    i,Ngrid;
    double *r,*dp,*ddp;

    Ngrid = N_LogGrid();
    r     = r_LogGrid();

    dp   = alloc_LogGrid();
    ddp  = alloc_LogGrid();


    for (i=0; i<=match; ++i)
        Vl[i] = el + dp[i]*(l+1.0)/r[i]
                + 0.5*ddp[i] + 0.5*dp[i]*dp[i];

    for (i=(match+1); i<Ngrid; ++i)
        Vl[i] = Vall[i];

} /* psp_xpansion */
Пример #3
void	chi_xpansion2()
    int    i,Ngrid;
    double *r,*dp,*ddp;

    Ngrid = N_LogGrid();
    r     = r_LogGrid();

    dp   = alloc_LogGrid();
    ddp  = alloc_LogGrid();


    for (i=0; i<=match; ++i)
        Vl[i] = el + dp[i]*(l+1.0)/r[i]
                + 0.5*ddp[i] + 0.5*dp[i]*dp[i];

    for (i=(match+1); i<Ngrid; ++i)
        Vl[i] = Vall[i];

    /* make it a projector rather than a potential */
    for (i=0; i<Ngrid; ++i)
        Vl[i] = Vl[i]*wl[i];

} /* chi_xpansion2 */
Пример #4
void	psi_xpansion()
    int    i,Ngrid;
    double *r,*p;

    Ngrid = N_LogGrid();
    r     = r_LogGrid();

    p = alloc_LogGrid();

    for (i=0; i<=match; ++i)
        wl[i] = pow(r[i],l+1.0)*exp(p[i]);

    for (i=(match+1); i<Ngrid; ++i)
        wl[i] = ul[i];


} /* psi_xpansion */
Пример #5
solve_RelTroullier (int num_psp,
		    int *n_psp,
		    int *l_psp,
		    int *s_psp,
		    double *e_psp,
		    double *fill_psp,
		    double *rcut_psp,
		    double **r_psi_psp,
		    double **r_psi_prime_psp,
		    double *rho_psp,
		    double *rho_semicore,
		    double **V_psp, double *eall_psp,
		    double *eh_psp, double *ph_psp,
		    double *ex_psp, double *px_psp,
		    double *ec_psp, double *pc_psp)
  int istate, i, l, k, p, s2, match, mch, Ngrid;
  double al, amesh, rmax, Zion;
  double gamma, gpr, nu0;
  double ldpsi_match;
  double el, eeig=0.0;
  double ph, px, pc, eh, ex, ec;

  double *ul, *ul_prime;
  double *wl, *wl_prime;
  double *r, *Vh, *Vx, *Vc, *rho_total, *Vall, *Vl;

  /* Allocate Grids */
  Vall = Vall_Atom ();

  r = r_LogGrid ();
  Ngrid = N_LogGrid ();
  al = log_amesh_LogGrid ();
  amesh = amesh_LogGrid ();

  Zion = 0.0;
  for (k = 0; k < Ngrid; ++k)
    rho_psp[k] = 0.0;

  if (debug_print ())
      printf ("\n\nRelTroullier pseudopotential check\n\n");
	("l\trcore     rmatch    E in       E psp      norm test slope test\n");

  for (p = 0; p < (num_psp); ++p)
      l = l_psp[p];
      s2 = s_psp[p];
      wl = r_psi_psp[p];
      wl_prime = r_psi_prime_psp[p];
      Vl = V_psp[p];

      /* Solve for scattering state if necessary */
      if (fill_psp[p] < 1.e-15)
	  rmax = 10.0;
	  solve_Scattering_State_Atom (n_psp[p], l_psp[p], e_psp[p], rmax);

	  /* scattering state saved at the end of the atom list */
	  istate = Nvalence_Atom () + Ncore_Atom ();
	  if (s2 < 0)
	    istate += 1;
	  mch = (int) rint (log (rmax / r[0]) / al);
	  ul = r_psi_Atom (istate);
	  ul_prime = r_psi_prime_Atom (istate);
	  nu0 = Norm_LogGrid (mch, (l + 1.0), ul);
	  nu0 = 1.0 / sqrt (nu0);
	  for (i = 0; i < Ngrid; ++i)
	      ul[i] = ul[i] * nu0;
	      ul_prime[i] = ul_prime[i] * nu0;
      /* find state of all-electron wavefunction */
	istate = state_RelAtom (n_psp[p], l_psp[p], s_psp[p]);

      /* get the all-electron wavefunction */
      ul = r_psi_Atom (istate);
      ul_prime = r_psi_prime_Atom (istate);
      el = e_psp[p];

      /* find matching point stuff */
      match = (int) rint (log (rcut_psp[p] / r[0]) / al);
      ldpsi_match = ul_prime[match] / ul[match];

      /* make sure that wavefunctions are non-negative at the matching point */
      if (ul[match] < 0.0)
	  nu0 = -1.0;
	  for (i = 0; i < Ngrid; ++i)
	      ul[i] = ul[i] * nu0;
	      ul_prime[i] = ul_prime[i] * nu0;

      /* generate troullier pseudopotential */
      init_xpansion (l, match, fill_psp[p], el, Vall, ul, ul_prime, Vl, wl,
      psi_xpansion ();
      dpsi_xpansion ();
      psp_xpansion ();

      /* verify psp Vl */
      /* psp bound state */
      if (fill_psp[p] > 1.e-14)

	  R_Schrodinger (l_psp[p] + 1, l_psp[p], Vl, &mch, &el, wl, wl_prime);

      /* scattering state */
	  R_Schrodinger_Fixed_Logderiv (l_psp[p] + 1, l_psp[p], Vl, match,
					ldpsi_match, &el, wl, wl_prime);
	  R_Schrodinger_Fixed_E (l_psp[p] + 1, l_psp[p], Vl,
				 Ngrid - 1, el, wl, wl_prime);

	  /* normalize the scattering state to mch = 10.0 a.u. */
	  rmax = 10.0;
	  mch = rint (log (rmax / r[0]) / al);
	  nu0 = Norm_LogGrid (mch, (l + 1.0), wl);
	  nu0 = 1.0 / sqrt (nu0);
	  for (i = 0; i < Ngrid; ++i)
	      wl[i] = wl[i] * nu0;
	      wl_prime[i] = wl_prime[i] * nu0;

      gamma = fabs (ul[match] / wl[match]);
      gpr = fabs (ul_prime[match] / wl_prime[match]);
      if (debug_print ())
	  /*printf("ul[match] wl[match]: %lf %lf\n",ul[match],wl[match]); */
	  printf ("%d\t%lf  %lf  %lf  %lf  %lf  %lf\n", l_psp[p],
		  rcut_psp[p], r[match], e_psp[p], el, gamma, gpr);

      /* Use the analytic form of pseudopotential */
      el = e_psp[p];
      psi_xpansion ();
      dpsi_xpansion ();
      psp_xpansion ();

      if (fill_psp[p] > 1.e-14)
	  eeig += fill_psp[p] * el;

	  /* accumulate charges */
	  Zion += fill_psp[p];
	  for (k = 0; k < Ngrid; ++k)
	    rho_psp[k] += fill_psp[p] * pow (wl[k] / r[k], 2.0);

    }				/* for p */

  /* get the hartree potential an energy */
  /* get the exchange potential and energy */
  /* get the correlation potential and energy */
  Vh = alloc_LogGrid ();
  Vx = alloc_LogGrid ();
  Vc = alloc_LogGrid ();
  ph = R_Hartree_DFT (rho_psp, Zion, Vh);
  eh = 0.5 * ph;

  rho_total = alloc_LogGrid ();
  for (k = 0; k < Ngrid; ++k)
    rho_total[k] = rho_psp[k] + rho_semicore[k];

  R_Exchange_DFT (rho_total, Vx, &ex, &px);
  R_Correlation_DFT (rho_total, Vc, &ec, &pc);

  /* recalculate px and pc */
  for (k = 0; k < Ngrid; ++k)
    rho_total[k] = (rho_psp[k]) * Vx[k];
  px = Integrate_LogGrid (rho_total);
  for (k = 0; k < Ngrid; ++k)
    rho_total[k] = (rho_psp[k]) * Vc[k];
  pc = Integrate_LogGrid (rho_total);

  *eall_psp = eeig + eh + ex + ec - ph - px - pc;
  *eh_psp = eh;
  *ph_psp = ph;
  *ex_psp = ex;
  *px_psp = px;
  *ec_psp = ec;
  *pc_psp = pc;
  for (p = 0; p < num_psp; ++p)
    for (k = 0; k < Ngrid; ++k)
      V_psp[p][k] = V_psp[p][k] - Vh[k] - Vx[k] - Vc[k];

  /* deallocate memory */
  dealloc_LogGrid (Vh);
  dealloc_LogGrid (Vx);
  dealloc_LogGrid (Vc);
  dealloc_LogGrid (rho_total);

}				/* solve_Troullier */
Пример #6
void FATR rpspsolve_
#if defined(USE_FCD)
  (Integer * print_ptr,
   Integer * debug_ptr,
   Integer * lmax_ptr,
   Integer * locp_ptr,
   double *rlocal_ptr,
   const _fcd fcd_sdir_name,
   Integer * n9,
   const _fcd fcd_dir_name,
   Integer * n0,
   const _fcd fcd_in_filename,
   Integer * n1, const _fcd fcd_out_filename, Integer * n2)
  char *sdir_name = _fcdtocp (fcd_sdir_name);
  char *dir_name = _fcdtocp (fcd_dir_name);
  char *in_filename = _fcdtocp (fcd_in_filename);
  char *out_filename = _fcdtocp (fcd_out_filename);
  (print_ptr, debug_ptr, lmax_ptr, locp_ptr, rlocal_ptr,
   sdir_name, n9, dir_name, n0, in_filename, n1, out_filename, n2)
     Integer *print_ptr;
     Integer *debug_ptr;
     Integer *lmax_ptr;
     Integer *locp_ptr;
     double *rlocal_ptr;
     char sdir_name[];
     Integer *n9;
     char dir_name[];
     Integer *n0;
     char in_filename[];
     Integer *n1;
     char out_filename[];
     Integer *n2;

  int i, j, k, l, p, Nlinear, Nvalence;
  int debug, print;
  double *rl, *rhol, **psil, **pspl;
  double over_fourpi, c, x, y;
  int Ngrid;
  double *vall, *rgrid;
  char name[255];
  int lmax_out, locp_out, nvh;
  double rlocal_out, vx;

  FILE *fp;

  int m9 = ((int) (*n9));
  int m0 = ((int) (*n0));
  int m1 = ((int) (*n1));
  int m2 = ((int) (*n2));
  char *infile = (char *) malloc (m9 + m1 + 5);
  char *outfile = (char *) malloc (m0 + m2 + 5);
  char *soutfile = (char *) malloc (m0 + m2 + 9);
  char *full_filename = (char *) malloc (m9 + 25 + 5);

  print = *print_ptr;
  debug = *debug_ptr;
  lmax_out = *lmax_ptr;
  locp_out = *locp_ptr;
  rlocal_out = *rlocal_ptr;

  (void) strncpy (infile, sdir_name, m9);
  infile[m9] = '\0';
  strcat (infile, "/");
  infile[m9 + 1] = '\0';
  strncat (infile, in_filename, m1);
  infile[m9 + m1 + 1] = '\0';

  (void) strncpy (outfile, dir_name, m0);
  outfile[m0] = '\0';
  strcat (outfile, "/");
  outfile[m0 + 1] = '\0';
  strncat (outfile, out_filename, m2);
  outfile[m0 + m2 + 1] = '\0';

  over_fourpi = 0.25/M_PI;

 *   we have already solved for the Relativsitic AE wavefunctions using atom 
 *  in the call to pspsolve
  set_debug_print (debug);

  init_RelPsp (infile);

  solve_RelPsp ();

  if (debug)
    print_RelPsp (stdout);

  init_Linear (infile);

  /* allocate linear meshes */
  Nvalence = Nvalence_RelPsp ();
  Nlinear = nrl_Linear ();
  psil = (double **) malloc (Nvalence * sizeof (double *));
  pspl = (double **) malloc (Nvalence * sizeof (double *));
  for (p = 0; p < Nvalence; ++p)
      psil[p] = (double *) malloc (Nlinear * sizeof (double));
      pspl[p] = (double *) malloc (Nlinear * sizeof (double));
  rl = (double *) malloc (Nlinear * sizeof (double));
  rhol = (double *) malloc (Nlinear * sizeof (double));

  /* Norm-conserving output */
  for (p = 0; p < Nvalence; ++p)
      Log_to_Linear (r_psi_RelPsp (p), rl, psil[p]);
      Log_to_Linear_zero (V_RelPsp (p), rl, pspl[p]);

      /* normalize scattering state */
      if (fill_RelPsp (p) == 0.0)
	  normalize_Linear (psil[p]);

  Log_to_Linear (rho_RelPsp (), rl, rhol);

  if (debug)
      /* output pseudowavefunctions argv[1].psw */
      strcpy (name, name_Atom ());
      strcat (name, ".psw.plt");
      full_filename[0] = '\0';
      strncpy (full_filename, sdir_name, m9);
      full_filename[m9] = '\0';
      strcat (full_filename, "/");
      full_filename[m9 + 1] = '\0';
      strcat (full_filename, name);

      printf ("Outputing pseudowavefunctions: %s\n", full_filename);
      fp = fopen (full_filename, "w+");
      for (k = 0; k < Nlinear; ++k)
	  fprintf (fp, "%12.8lf", rl[k]);
	  for (p = 0; p < Nvalence; ++p)
	    fprintf (fp, " %12.8lf", psil[p][k]);
	  fprintf (fp, "\n");
      fclose (fp);

      /* output pseudopotentials argv[1].psp.plt */
      strcpy (name, name_Atom ());
      strcat (name, ".psp.plt");
      full_filename[0] = '\0';
      strncpy (full_filename, sdir_name, m9);
      full_filename[m9] = '\0';
      strcat (full_filename, "/");
      full_filename[m9 + 1] = '\0';
      strcat (full_filename, name);

      printf ("Outputing pseudopotentials: %s\n", full_filename);
      fp = fopen (full_filename, "w+");
      for (k = 0; k < Nlinear; ++k)
	  fprintf (fp, "%12.8lf", rl[k]);
	  for (p = 0; p < Nvalence; ++p)
	    fprintf (fp, " %12.8lf", pspl[p][k]);
	  fprintf (fp, "\n");
      fclose (fp);

      /* output pseudodensity infile.psd.plt */
      strcpy (name, name_Atom ());
      strcat (name, ".psd.plt");
      full_filename[0] = '\0';
      strncpy (full_filename, sdir_name, m9);
      full_filename[m9] = '\0';
      strcat (full_filename, "/");
      full_filename[m9 + 1] = '\0';
      strcat (full_filename, name);

      fp = fopen (full_filename, "w+");
      for (k = 0; k < Nlinear; ++k)
	fprintf (fp, "%12.8lf %12.8lf\n", rl[k], rhol[k]);
      fclose (fp);

  /* output datafile to be used for Kleinman-Bylander input, argv[1].psp */
  if (print)
      printf (" Creating datafile for Kleinman-Bylander input: %s\n",

  fp = fopen (outfile, "w+");
  fprintf (fp, "7 %s\n", name_Atom ());
  fprintf (fp, "%lf %lf %d   %d %d %lf\n", Zion_RelPsp (), Amass_Atom (),
	   lmax_RelPsp (), lmax_out, locp_out, rlocal_out);
  for (p = 0; p <= lmax_RelPsp (); ++p)
    fprintf (fp, "%lf ", rcut_RelPsp (p));
  fprintf (fp, "\n");
  fprintf (fp, "%d %lf\n", nrl_Linear (), drl_Linear ());
  fprintf (fp, "%s\n", comment_RelPsp ());

  if (print)
      printf ("  + Appending pseudopotentials:    %s thru %s\n",
	      spd_Name (0), spd_Name (lmax_RelPsp ()));

  for (k = 0; k < Nlinear; ++k)
      fprintf (fp, "%12.8lf", rl[k]);
      for (p = 0; p < nvh; ++p)
 *  Here we output the v average
 *     v_avg(l,r)=((l*v(l-1/2) + (l+1)*v(l+1/2))/(2*l+1)
	  vx = ((p) * pspl[2 * p][k] + (p+1) * pspl[2 * p + 1][k])/(p+p+1);
	  fprintf (fp, " %12.8lf", vx);
      fprintf (fp, "\n");
  if (print)
      printf ("  + Appending pseudowavefunctions: %s thru %s\n",
	      spd_Name (0), spd_Name (lmax_RelPsp ()));

  for (k = 0; k < Nlinear; ++k)
      fprintf (fp, "%12.8lf ", rl[k]);
      for (p = 0; p < Nvalence; ++p)
	fprintf (fp, " %12.8lf", psil[p][k]);
      fprintf (fp, "\n");

  /* output spin-orbit datafile to be used for Kleinman-Bylander input, argv[1].dat */
  if (print)
	(" Creating spin-orbit datafile for Kleinman-Bylander input: %s\n",
  if (print)
      printf ("  + Appending Spin-Orbit pseudopotentials:    %s thru %s\n",
	      spd_Name (0), spd_Name (lmax_RelPsp ()));
  for (k = 0; k < Nlinear; ++k)
      fprintf (fp, "%12.8lf", rl[k]);
 *  Here we output the v spin orbit
 *     v_spin_orbit(l,r)=2*(v(l+1/2) - v(l-1/2))/(2*l+1)
 *   so that V_spin_orbit|Psi>= -1/2(1+kappa)*v_spin_orbit|Psi>
 *   its confusing because L*S -> - (1+kappa)/2
      for (p = 1; p < nvh;++p)
	  vx = (pspl[2*p+1][k] - pspl[2*p][k]);
	  vx *= 2. / (2. * p + 1.);
	  fprintf (fp, " %15.8lf", vx);
      fprintf (fp, "\n");

  /* append semicore corrections */
  if (r_semicore_RelPsp () != 0.0)
      if (print)
	  printf ("  + Appending semicore density\n");
      Log_to_Linear (rho_semicore_RelPsp (), rl, rhol);
      fprintf (fp, "%lf\n", r_semicore_RelPsp ());
      for (k = 0; k < Nlinear; ++k)
	fprintf (fp, "%12.8lf %12.8lf\n", rl[k],
		 fabs (rhol[k] * over_fourpi));

      if (print)
	  printf ("  + Appending semicore density gradient\n");
      Log_to_Linear (drho_semicore_RelPsp (), rl, rhol);
      for (k = 0; k < Nlinear; ++k)
	fprintf (fp, "%12.8lf %12.8lf\n", rl[k], (rhol[k] * over_fourpi));
  fclose (fp);

   /******************* output AE information ************************/

  if (debug)

      /* output all-electron wavefunctions */
      printf ("Outputing all-electron wavefunctions:");
      Ngrid = N_LogGrid ();
      rgrid = r_LogGrid ();
      for (p = 0; p < (Ncore_Atom () + Nvalence_Atom ()); ++p)
	  sprintf (name, "%s.%1d%s%s", name_Atom (), n_Atom (p),
		   spd_Name (l_Atom (p)), spin_Name (p));
	  full_filename[0] = '\0';
	  strncpy (full_filename, sdir_name, m9);
	  full_filename[m9] = '\0';
	  strcat (full_filename, "/");
	  full_filename[m9 + 1] = '\0';
	  strcat (full_filename, name);

	  printf (" %s", full_filename);
	  fp = fopen (full_filename, "w+");
	  for (k = 0; k < Ngrid; ++k)
	    fprintf (fp, "%12.8lf %12.8lf\n", rgrid[k], r_psi_Atom (p)[k]);
	  fclose (fp);
      printf ("\n");

      /* output density argv[1].dns */
      Ngrid = N_LogGrid ();
      rgrid = r_LogGrid ();
      strcpy (name, name_Atom ());
      strcat (name, ".dns.plt");
      full_filename[0] = '\0';
      strncpy (full_filename, sdir_name, m9);
      full_filename[m9] = '\0';
      strcat (full_filename, "/");
      full_filename[m9 + 1] = '\0';
      strcat (full_filename, name);

      printf ("Outputing atom density: %s\n", full_filename);
      fp = fopen (full_filename, "w+");
      for (k = 0; k < Ngrid; ++k)
	fprintf (fp, "%12.8lf %12.8lf\n", rgrid[k], rho_Atom ()[k]);
      fclose (fp);

      /* output core density argv[1].cdns */
      Ngrid = N_LogGrid ();
      rgrid = r_LogGrid ();
      strcpy (name, name_Atom ());
      strcat (name, ".cdns.plt");
      full_filename[0] = '\0';
      strncpy (full_filename, sdir_name, m9);
      full_filename[m9] = '\0';
      strcat (full_filename, "/");
      full_filename[m9 + 1] = '\0';
      strcat (full_filename, name);

      printf ("Outputing core density: %s\n", full_filename);
      fp = fopen (full_filename, "w+");
      for (k = 0; k < Ngrid; ++k)
	fprintf (fp, "%12.8lf %12.8lf\n", rgrid[k], rho_core_Atom ()[k]);
      fclose (fp);

      /* output core density gradient argv[1].cddns */
      vall = alloc_LogGrid ();
      Derivative_LogGrid (rho_core_Atom (), vall);
      Ngrid = N_LogGrid ();
      rgrid = r_LogGrid ();
      strcpy (name, name_Atom ());
      strcat (name, ".cddns.plt");
      full_filename[0] = '\0';
      strncpy (full_filename, sdir_name, m9);
      full_filename[m9] = '\0';
      strcat (full_filename, "/");
      full_filename[m9 + 1] = '\0';
      strcat (full_filename, name);
      printf ("Outputing core density gradient: %s\n", full_filename);
      fp = fopen (full_filename, "w+");
      for (k = 0; k < Ngrid; ++k)
	fprintf (fp, "%12.8lf %12.8lf\n", rgrid[k], vall[k]);
      fclose (fp);
      dealloc_LogGrid (vall);

      /* output semicore density infile.sdns */
      Ngrid = N_LogGrid ();
      rgrid = r_LogGrid ();
      strcpy (name, name_Atom ());
      strcat (name, ".sdns.plt");
      full_filename[0] = '\0';
      strncpy (full_filename, sdir_name, m9);
      full_filename[m9] = '\0';
      strcat (full_filename, "/");
      full_filename[m9 + 1] = '\0';
      strcat (full_filename, name);

      printf ("Outputing semicore density: %s\n", full_filename);
      fp = fopen (full_filename, "w+");
      for (k = 0; k < Ngrid; ++k)
	fprintf (fp, "%12.8lf %12.8lf\n", rgrid[k], rho_semicore_RelPsp ()[k]);
      fclose (fp);

      /* output semicore density gradient infile.sddns */
      Ngrid = N_LogGrid ();
      rgrid = r_LogGrid ();
      strcpy (name, name_Atom ());
      strcat (name, ".sddns.plt");
      full_filename[0] = '\0';
      strncpy (full_filename, sdir_name, m9);
      full_filename[m9] = '\0';
      strcat (full_filename, "/");
      full_filename[m9 + 1] = '\0';
      strcat (full_filename, name);

      printf ("Outputing semicore density gradient: %s\n", full_filename);
      fp = fopen (full_filename, "w+");
      for (k = 0; k < Ngrid; ++k)
	fprintf (fp, "%12.8lf %12.8lf\n", rgrid[k], vx);
      fclose (fp);

      /* output all-electron potential infile.pot */
      vall = Vall_Atom ();
      Ngrid = N_LogGrid ();
      rgrid = r_LogGrid ();
      strcpy (name, name_Atom ());
      strcat (name, ".pot.plt");
      full_filename[0] = '\0';
      strncpy (full_filename, sdir_name, m9);
      full_filename[m9] = '\0';
      strcat (full_filename, "/");
      full_filename[m9 + 1] = '\0';
      strcat (full_filename, name);

      printf ("Outputing all-electron potential(non-screened): %s\n",
      fp = fopen (full_filename, "w+");

      c = 0.0;
      for (k = 0; k < Ngrid; ++k)
	  x = rgrid[k] / rcut_RelPsp (0);
	  x = pow (x, 3.5);
	  x = exp (-x);
	  y = 1.0 - x;
	  fprintf (fp, "%12.8lf %12.8lf %12.8lf\n", rgrid[k], vall[k],
		   y * vall[k] + c * x);
      fclose (fp);

  /* free malloc memory */
  free (infile);
  free (outfile);
  free (full_filename);
  for (p = 0; p < Nvalence; ++p)
      free (psil[p]);
      free (pspl[p]);
  free (psil);
  free (pspl);
  free (rl);
  free (rhol);
  end_Linear ();
  fflush (stdout);