int cfio_put_vara_int( int ncid, int varid, int dim, size_t *start, size_t *count, int *fp) { if(start == NULL || count == NULL || fp == NULL) { error("args should not be NULL."); return CFIO_ERROR_ARG_NULL; } cfio_msg_t *msg; //times_start(); debug(DEBUG_CFIO, "start :(%lu, %lu), count :(%lu, %lu)", start[0], start[1], count[0], count[1]); //head_size = 6 * sizeof(int) + 2 * dim * sizeof(size_t); //_put_vara(io_proc_id, ncid, varid, dim, // start, count, CFIO_DOUBLE, fp, head_size, dim - 1); cfio_send_put_vara(ncid, varid, dim, start, count, CFIO_INT, fp); debug_mark(DEBUG_CFIO); //debug(DEBUG_TIME, "%f ms", times_end()); return CFIO_ERROR_NONE; }
int cfio_put_vara_text( int ncid, int varid, int dim, size_t *start, size_t *count, char *fp) { if(start == NULL || count == NULL || fp == NULL) { error("args should not be NULL."); return CFIO_ERROR_ARG_NULL; } cfio_send_put_vara(ncid, varid, dim, start, count, CFIO_CHAR, fp); debug_mark(DEBUG_CFIO); return CFIO_ERROR_NONE; }
int cfio_put_vara_double( int ncid, int varid, int dim, size_t *start, size_t *count, double *fp) { if(start == NULL || count == NULL || fp == NULL) { error("args should not be NULL."); return CFIO_ERROR_ARG_NULL; } cfio_msg_t *msg; debug(DEBUG_CFIO, "start :(%lu, %lu), count :(%lu, %lu)", start[0], start[1], count[0], count[1]); cfio_send_put_vara(ncid, varid, dim, start, count, CFIO_DOUBLE, fp); debug_mark(DEBUG_CFIO); return CFIO_ERROR_NONE; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int rank, size; char *path = "test"; int ncidp; int dim1,var1,i; size_t len = 10; char *test="test"; MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size); //assert(size == LAT_PROC * LON_PROC); //set_debug_mask(DEBUG_IO); size_t start[2],count[2]; start[0] = (rank % LAT_PROC) * (LAT / LAT_PROC); start[1] = (rank / LAT_PROC) * (LON / LON_PROC); count[0] = LAT / LAT_PROC; count[1] = LON / LON_PROC; float *fp = malloc(count[0] * count[1] *sizeof(float)); for( i = 0; i< count[0] * count[1]; i++) { fp[i] = i + rank * count[0] * count[1]; } cfio_init( LAT_PROC, LON_PROC, ratio); CFIO_START(); char fileName[100]; memset(fileName, 0, sizeof(fileName)); sprintf(fileName,"",path); int dimids[2]; cfio_create(fileName, 0, &ncidp); debug_mark(DEBUG_USER); int lat = LAT; cfio_def_dim(ncidp, "lat", LAT,&dimids[0]); cfio_def_dim(ncidp, "lon", LON,&dimids[1]); cfio_def_dim(ncidp, "lat", LAT,&dimids[0]); int a = 3; double b= 4.0; cfio_put_att(ncidp, NC_GLOBAL, "test", CFIO_INT, 1, &a); cfio_put_att(ncidp, NC_GLOBAL, "test", CFIO_FLOAT, 1, &b); cfio_def_var(ncidp,"time_v", CFIO_FLOAT, 2, dimids, start, count, &var1); cfio_put_att(ncidp, var1, "test", CFIO_CHAR, strlen(test), test); cfio_enddef(ncidp); cfio_put_vara_float(ncidp,var1, 2,start, count,fp); cfio_close(ncidp); cfio_io_end(); free(fp); CFIO_END(); cfio_finalize(); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }