int main(int argc, char **argv) { char working_dir[PATH_MAX]; /* Check we are running as root */ debug_return(geteuid() == 0, EACCES, "%s", "Please, run the program as root!\n"); /* Get directory in which tests are to be run */ if (argc > 1) { strncpy(working_dir, argv[1], sizeof(working_dir) / sizeof(working_dir[0])); /* And try to move to it */ debug_return(chdir(working_dir) != -1, errno, "working_dir=\"%s\" errno=%d\n", working_dir, errno); } else { getcwd(working_dir, sizeof(working_dir)); /* Nothing more to do, we're still there */ } debug_out("Will execute tests on: %s\n", working_dir); /* Quickly check whether tree looks good */ debug_return(check_tree_dir("export/") != -1, errno, "Failed stat() on export directory, errno = %d\n", errno); debug_return(check_tree_dir("root/") != -1, errno, "Failed stat() on root directory, errno = %d\n", errno); debug_return(check_tree_dir("snapshot/") != -1, errno, "Failed stat() on snapshot directory, errno = %d\n", errno); /* Start tests */ do_tests(working_dir); return 0; }
static int col_list_addColumn_blob_S( odbcdr_blob_col_list_def *list, int position_I, pByteArray_def *address_I ) { odbcdr_blob_col_def newColumn = initialisedColumn_blob_S; int rdbi_status = RDBI_GENERIC_ERROR; debug_on2( "odbcdr_blob:col_list_addColumn_blob_S", "pos %d, address 0x%lx", position_I, (long) address_I ); if ( list == NULL || position_I < 1 || address_I == NULL ) goto the_exit; newColumn.position = position_I; newColumn.address = address_I; if ( ut_da_append( list, 1L, (void *) &newColumn ) == NULL ) { rdbi_status = RDBI_MALLOC_FAILED; goto the_exit; } rdbi_status = RDBI_SUCCESS; the_exit: debug_return( NULL, rdbi_status ); }
int rdbi_col_actW( rdbi_context_def *context, const wchar_t *owner, const wchar_t *object_name, const wchar_t *dbaselink ) { int status; int tran_begun = FALSE; debug_on2("rdbi_col_actW", "owner='%ls', object='%ls'", ISNULL(owner), ISNULL(object_name)); if (context->rdbi_cnct->autocommit_on) { rdbi_tran_begin(context, tran_id); tran_begun = TRUE; } status = (*(context->dispatch.col_actW))(context->drvr, owner, object_name, dbaselink); context->rdbi_last_status = status; /* ingdr_col_act prefetches all columns so its safe to end the transaction * here without getting fetch across commit problems. */ if ( tran_begun ) { rdbi_tran_end(context, tran_id); } debug_return(NULL, status); }
int rdbi_col_getW( rdbi_context_def *context, wchar_t *column_name, wchar_t *type, int *length, int *scale, int *nullable, int *is_autoincrement, int *position, int *eof) { int status; debug_on("rdbi_col_getW"); status = (*(context->dispatch.col_getW))(context->drvr, column_name, type, length, scale, nullable, is_autoincrement, position, eof); context->rdbi_last_status = status; debug_area() { if (*eof) { debug0("eof=TRUE"); } else { debug6("column='%ls', type='%ls', length=%d, scale=%d, nullable=%s, position=%d", ISNULL(column_name), ISNULL(type), *length, *scale, ISTRUE(*nullable), *position); } } debug_return(NULL, status); }
int rdbi_objects_actW( rdbi_context_def *context, const wchar_t *owner, const wchar_t *target) { int status; int tran_begun = FALSE; debug_on("rdbi_objects_actW"); if (context->rdbi_cnct->autocommit_on) { rdbi_tran_begin(context, tran_id); tran_begun = TRUE; } status = (*(context->dispatch.objects_actW))(context->drvr, owner, target); context->rdbi_last_status = status; /* This code is based on rdbi_col_act, which assumes that prefetches * occur, making it safe to end the transaction * without getting fetch across commit problems. We'll do the same. */ if ( tran_begun ) { rdbi_tran_end(context, tran_id); } debug_return(NULL, status); }
int rdbi_objects_deac(rdbi_context_def *context) { int status; debug_on("rdbi_objects_deac"); status = (*(context->dispatch.objects_deac))(context->drvr); context->rdbi_last_status = status; debug_return(NULL, status); }
int odbcdr_xlt_status( /* Return RDBI equiv of SQL Server status */ odbcdr_context_def *context, SQLRETURN odbcdr_status, SQLSMALLINT handle_type, SQLHANDLE handle ) { int rdbi_status = RDBI_GENERIC_ERROR; debug_on1( "odbcdr_xlt_status","ODBC status: %d", odbcdr_status ); switch( odbcdr_status ) { case SQL_SUCCESS : case SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO : rdbi_status = RDBI_SUCCESS; break; /* DS: THIS IS NOT TRUE! ** SQL_SUCESS_WITH_INFO is returned after executing array DML, if ** there are ignorable errors or if a row operation failed. ** Therefore, we need to search the diagnostic record to see if any ** real errors occured. /* ** In the SQL_ERROR case, we need to check if we can convert it to a ** more specific database error type. The message is saved in the ** context->odbcdr_last_err_msg field. */ case SQL_ERROR : rdbi_status = get_error_from_diag_rec(context, handle_type, handle); break; case SQL_NO_DATA : rdbi_status = RDBI_END_OF_FETCH; break; case SQL_NEED_DATA : case SQL_INVALID_HANDLE : case SQL_STILL_EXECUTING : rdbi_status = RDBI_GENERIC_ERROR; if (context->odbcdr_UseUnicode) save_err_msgW(context, handle_type, handle, 1); // 1 = assuming a connection has already been made else save_err_msg(context, handle_type, handle, 1); // 1 = assuming a connection has already been made break; default: rdbi_status = RDBI_GENERIC_ERROR; } debug_return(NULL, rdbi_status); }
int rdbi_stores_act( rdbi_context_def *context) { int status; debug_on("rdbi_stores_act"); status = (*(context->dispatch.stores_act))(context->drvr); context->rdbi_last_status = status; debug_return(NULL, status); }
int rdbi_stores_get( rdbi_context_def *context, char *name, int *eof) { int status; debug_on("rdbi_stores_get"); status = (*(context->dispatch.stores_get))(context->drvr, name, eof); context->rdbi_last_status = status; debug_return(NULL, status); }
int rdbi_objects_getW( rdbi_context_def *context, wchar_t *name, wchar_t *type, int *eof) { int status; debug_on("rdbi_objects_get"); status = (*(context->dispatch.objects_getW))(context->drvr, name, type, eof); context->rdbi_last_status = status; debug_return(NULL, status); }
int rdbi_usr_existsW( rdbi_context_def *context, wchar_t *user_name, int *exists) { int status; debug_on("rdbi_usr_exists"); status = (*(context->dispatch.usr_existsW))(context->drvr, user_name, exists); context->rdbi_last_status = status; debug_return(NULL, status); }
static bool col_list_free_blob_S( odbcdr_context_def *context, odbcdr_blob_col_list_def *list ) { long i; bool status = true; int rdbi_status = RDBI_GENERIC_ERROR; debug_on1( "odbcdr_blob:col_list_free_blob_S", "%ld columns", (list==NULL)? -1 : list->size ); if ( list == NULL ) goto the_exit; if ( !col_list_freeSqlServerBlobs_S( context, list ) ) goto the_exit; for ( i = 0; i < list->size; i++ ) { odbcdr_blob_col_def *column = col_list_getColumnByIndex_blob_S( list, i ); /* Free the arrays themselves. */ debug1( "Freeing pointers for %ld blobs.", column->blob_list.size ); for ( int j = 0; j < column->blob_list.size; j++ ) { IByteArray_Release( column->l_address[j] ); } ut_vm_free( _db_function, column->l_address ); status &= ut_da_free( &(column->blob_list) ); status &= ut_da_free( &(column->blobNI_list) ); } rdbi_status = RDBI_SUCCESS; debug1( "Freeing %ld blob columns.", list->size ); status &= ut_da_free( list ); the_exit: status &= ( rdbi_status == RDBI_SUCCESS ); debug_return( NULL, status ); }
int rdbi_initialize (rdbi_context_def **contextp, char* driver) { DWORD nchars; char module[MAX_PATH]; char* last; HMODULE handle; FARPROC procedure; int status; debug_on("rdbi_initialize"); nchars = GetModuleFileName (NULL, module, MAX_PATH); if (0 == nchars) strcpy (module, ".\\"); else { // scan the string for the last occurrence of a slash last = strrchr (module, '\\'); if (NULL != last) { last++; // move past the slash *last = '\0'; // null terminate it there } } strcat (module, driver); #ifdef _WIN32 strcat (module, ".dll"); #else strcat (module, ".so"); // doesn't really work here, just a placeholder #endif handle = LoadLibrary (module); if (NULL != handle) { procedure = GetProcAddress (handle, "init"); if (NULL != procedure) status = rdbi_init (contextp, (initializer*)procedure); else status = RDBI_GENERIC_ERROR; } else status = RDBI_GENERIC_ERROR; debug_return(NULL, status); }
int rdbi_tran_begin( rdbi_context_def *context, char *tran_id ) { tran_entry_def *tran_entry; int status; debug_on3("rdbi_tran_begin", "New tran id [%s.R%d:'%s']", context->rdbi_cnct->db_name, context->rdbi_cnct->connect_id, ISNULL(tran_id)); status = FALSE; if (tran_id == NULL || strcmp(tran_id, "") == 0) { rdbi_msg_set_0(context, RDBI_20, "Illegal (null or empty) transaction id."); goto the_exit; } if (context->rdbi_cnct == NULL) { rdbi_msg_set_S(context, RDBI_21, "No current database is open; cannot begin transaction '%1$ls' .", tran_id); goto the_exit; } tran_entry = (tran_entry_def *)ut_vm_malloc("rdbi_tran_begin", sizeof(struct tran_entry_def)); if (tran_entry == NULL) goto the_exit; if( context->rdbi_cnct->tran_head == NULL && context->dispatch.tran_begin != NULL ) { (*(context->dispatch.tran_begin))(context->drvr); } strncpy(tran_entry->tran_id, tran_id, sizeof(tran_entry->tran_id)); tran_entry->tran_id[sizeof(tran_entry->tran_id)-1] = '\0'; tran_entry->tran_ended = FALSE; tran_entry->next = context->rdbi_cnct->tran_head; context->rdbi_cnct->tran_head = tran_entry; status = TRUE; the_exit: debug_return(NULL, status); }
static int col_list_setNumRows_blob_S( odbcdr_blob_col_list_def *list, int numRows_I ) { long i; int rdbi_status = RDBI_GENERIC_ERROR; debug_on1( "odbcdr_blob:col_list_setNumRows_blob_S", "numRows %d", numRows_I ); if ( list == NULL || numRows_I < 1 ) goto the_exit; for ( i = 0; i < list->size; i++ ) { odbcdr_blob_col_def *column = col_list_getColumnByIndex_blob_S( list, i ); if ( !ut_da_presize( &column->blob_list, numRows_I ) ) { rdbi_status = RDBI_MALLOC_FAILED; goto the_exit; } if ( !ut_da_presize( &column->blobNI_list, numRows_I ) ) { rdbi_status = RDBI_MALLOC_FAILED; goto the_exit; } if ( column->l_address == NULL ) { column->l_address = (pByteArray_def *) malloc (numRows_I * sizeof(pByteArray_def)); if ( column->l_address == NULL ) { rdbi_status = RDBI_MALLOC_FAILED; goto the_exit; } memset( column->l_address, '\0', numRows_I * sizeof(pByteArray_def)); } } rdbi_status = RDBI_SUCCESS; the_exit: debug_return(NULL, rdbi_status ); }
static bool col_list_freeSqlServerBlobs_S( odbcdr_context_def *context, odbcdr_blob_col_list_def *list ) { long i, j; bool status = true; int rdbi_status = RDBI_GENERIC_ERROR; debug_on1( "odbcdr_blob:col_list_freeSqlServerBlobs_S", "%ld columns", (list==NULL)? -1 : list->size ); if ( list == NULL ) goto the_exit; for ( i = 0; i < list->size; i++ ) { odbcdr_blob_col_def *column = col_list_getColumnByIndex_blob_S( list, i ); for ( j = 0; j < column->blob_list.size; j++ ) { odbcdr_blob_def *blob = *((odbcdr_blob_def **)ut_da_get( &column->blob_list, j )); odbcdr_blobNI_def *blobNI = *((odbcdr_blobNI_def **)ut_da_get( &column->blobNI_list, j )); } /* Just zero out the pointers. */ debug1( "Zeroing out pointers for %ld blobs.", column->blob_list.size ); (void) memset( column->, 0, (size_t) column->blob_list.el_size * column->blob_list.size ); (void) memset( column->, 0, (size_t) column->blobNI_list.el_size * column->blobNI_list.size ); } rdbi_status = RDBI_SUCCESS; the_exit: status &= ( rdbi_status == RDBI_SUCCESS ); debug_return( NULL, status ); }
odbcdr_cursor_def *odbcdr_crt_cursor( odbcdr_context_def *context, odbcdr_cursor_def *old_cursor ) { odbcdr_cursor_def *c; debug_on1("odbcdr_crt_cursor", "c: 0x%p", old_cursor); if(old_cursor) c = old_cursor; else { c = (odbcdr_cursor_def *) ut_vm_malloc( "odbcdr_crt_cursor", sizeof( odbcdr_cursor_def ) ); memset((char *)c, '\0', sizeof(odbcdr_cursor_def)); // cmb } if( c == (odbcdr_cursor_def *)NULL ) goto the_exit; // Initialize all struct elements c->sqlstring = (char *)NULL; c->hStmt = (odbcdr_cursor_handle_def) NULL; c->next = (odbcdr_cursor_def *)NULL; c->cumul_rows_fetched = 0; c->is_rollback = FALSE; c->odbcdr_geom = NULL; c->odbcdr_geomNI = NULL; c->odbcdr_blob_tmp = NULL; c->odbcdr_blob_tmp_size = 0; c->odbcdr_geom_handle = NULL; c->geom_srid_maping = NULL; c->geom_type_maping = NULL; c->geom_version_value = 1; c->odbcdr_blob = NULL; c->odbcdr_blobNI = NULL; c->defined_blobs = NULL; c->len_idf_maping = NULL; the_exit: debug_return (NULL,c); }
int odbcdr_define( odbcdr_context_def *context, char *cursor, char *name, int datatype, int size, char *address, SQLLEN *null_ind ) { odbcdr_cursor_def *c; int position; //int atoi(); int odbcdr_datatype; int odbcdr_size; int rdbi_status = RDBI_GENERIC_ERROR; SQLRETURN rc = ODBCDR_SUCCESS; int is_numeric = TRUE; /* no alphabetic name support */ debug_on5("odbcdr_define","c:%#x name: %s type: %d address: 0x%lx size: %d", cursor, name, datatype, (long) address, size); ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_get_cursor( context, cursor, &c ) ); position = atoi(name); /* Numeric positions are the only valid input */ odbcdr_get_o_t_s( context, datatype, size, &odbcdr_datatype, &odbcdr_size ); // Spetial handling for Geometries if ( datatype != RDBI_GEOMETRY ) { if ( datatype != RDBI_BLOB_ULEN && datatype != RDBI_WSTRING_ULEN && datatype != RDBI_STRING_ULEN) { ODBCDR_ODBC_ERR( SQLBindCol( c->hStmt, (SQLUSMALLINT) position, (SQLSMALLINT) odbcdr_datatype, (SQLPOINTER) address, (SQLINTEGER) size, (SQLLEN *) null_ind), SQL_HANDLE_STMT, c->hStmt, "SQLBindCol", "define" ); } else // RDBI_BLOB_ULEN , RDBI_WSTRING_ULEN , RDBI_STRING_ULEN { ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_blob_defineColumn(context, c, position, address)); ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_blob_setNumRows(context, c, ODBCDR_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE)); // Allocate the buffers for blobs and Null indicators int numBlobCols = c->defined_blobs->size; if ( numBlobCols == 1 ) { c->odbcdr_blob = (PBYTE)malloc( ODBCDR_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE * ODBCDR_UBLOB_CHUNK_SIZE ); c->odbcdr_blobNI = (SQLLEN *)malloc( ODBCDR_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(SQLLEN)); } else { c->odbcdr_blob = (PBYTE)realloc( c->odbcdr_blob, numBlobCols * ODBCDR_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE * ODBCDR_UBLOB_CHUNK_SIZE ); c->odbcdr_blobNI = (SQLLEN *)realloc( c->odbcdr_blobNI, numBlobCols * ODBCDR_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(SQLLEN)); } // Do binds (the previous bound columns will be rebound because of reallocation) for ( int i = 0; i < numBlobCols; i++ ) { odbcdr_blob_col_def *column = (odbcdr_blob_col_def *) ut_da_get( c->defined_blobs, i ); int offset = i * ODBCDR_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE; ODBCDR_ODBC_ERR( SQLBindCol( c->hStmt, (SQLUSMALLINT) column->position, (SQLSMALLINT) odbcdr_datatype, (SQLPOINTER) (char *)&c->odbcdr_blob[offset * ODBCDR_UBLOB_CHUNK_SIZE], (SQLINTEGER) ODBCDR_UBLOB_CHUNK_SIZE, (SQLLEN *) (char *)&c->odbcdr_blobNI[offset]), SQL_HANDLE_STMT, c->hStmt, "SQLBindCol", "define" ); } } } else { ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_geom_defineColumn(context, c, position, address)); ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_geom_setNumRows(context, c, ODBCDR_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE)); // Allocate the buffers for Geometries and Null indicators int numGeomCols = c->defined_geometries->size; if ( numGeomCols == 1 ) { c->odbcdr_geom = (PBYTE)malloc( ODBCDR_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE * ODBCDR_BLOB_CHUNK_SIZE ); c->odbcdr_geomNI = (SQLLEN *)malloc( ODBCDR_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(SQLLEN)); } else { c->odbcdr_geom = (PBYTE)realloc( c->odbcdr_geom, numGeomCols * ODBCDR_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE * ODBCDR_BLOB_CHUNK_SIZE ); c->odbcdr_geomNI = (SQLLEN *)realloc( c->odbcdr_geomNI, numGeomCols * ODBCDR_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(SQLLEN)); } // Do binds (the previous bound columns will be rebound because of reallocation) for ( int i = 0; i < numGeomCols; i++ ) { odbcdr_geom_col_def *column = (odbcdr_geom_col_def *) ut_da_get( c->defined_geometries, i ); int offset = i * ODBCDR_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE; ODBCDR_ODBC_ERR( SQLBindCol( c->hStmt, (SQLUSMALLINT) column->position, (SQLSMALLINT) odbcdr_datatype, (SQLPOINTER) (char *)&c->odbcdr_geom[offset * ODBCDR_BLOB_CHUNK_SIZE], (SQLINTEGER) ODBCDR_BLOB_CHUNK_SIZE, (SQLLEN *) (char *)&c->odbcdr_geomNI[offset]), SQL_HANDLE_STMT, c->hStmt, "SQLBindCol", "define" ); } } /* end if datatype == RDBI_GEOMETRY */ rdbi_status = RDBI_SUCCESS; the_exit: debug1("Returning cursor c:%#x", cursor); debug_area() odbcdr_show_context( context, c ); debug_return(NULL, rdbi_status ); }
int odbcdr_fre_cursor( odbcdr_context_def *context, char **cursor ) { odbcdr_cursor_def *c; odbcdr_connData_def *connData; odbcdr_cursor_def *parent_cursor; /* For traversing cursor list */ SQLRETURN rc; int rdbi_status = RDBI_GENERIC_ERROR; //int i; debug_on1("odbcdr_fre_cursor", "s:0x%p", *cursor); ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_get_cursor( context, *cursor, &c ) ); ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_get_curr_conn( context, &connData) ); /* Remove this cursor from the connection's linked list of cursors */ parent_cursor = connData->cursors; if( parent_cursor == c ) { connData->cursors = c->next; } else { while( parent_cursor != (odbcdr_cursor_def *)NULL && parent_cursor->next != c ) { parent_cursor = parent_cursor->next; } if( parent_cursor != (odbcdr_cursor_def *)NULL ) { parent_cursor->next = c->next; } else { // ERROR: Cursor not found // Needs a message catalog... //nls_msg_issue('s', MF_OCIDR, S_OCIDR_1, OCIDR_1, "Cursor not found."); goto the_exit; } } /* ** Free the statement handle */ rc = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, c->hStmt); if ( rc != ODBCDR_SUCCESS ) { debug0( "SQLFreeHandle for cursor FAILED!" ); /* Don't exit, even if error. */ rdbi_status = odbcdr_xlt_status( context, rc, SQL_HANDLE_STMT, c->hStmt ); } c->hStmt = NULL; c->cumul_rows_fetched = 0; /* ** Deallocate the string memory */ if(c->sqlstring != NULL) { ut_vm_free( _db_function, c->sqlstring ); c->sqlstring = NULL; } // Free the working buffer if ( c->odbcdr_geom != NULL ) ut_vm_free( _db_function, c->odbcdr_geom ); if ( c->odbcdr_geomNI != NULL ) ut_vm_free( _db_function, c->odbcdr_geomNI ); // Free the working buffer if ( c->odbcdr_blob_tmp != NULL ) ut_vm_free( _db_function, c->odbcdr_blob_tmp ); // Free the geometry buffers ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_geom_freeAllColumns( context, c ) ); ut_vm_free( _db_function, (char *)c ); c = NULL; *cursor = (char *)NULL; rdbi_status = RDBI_SUCCESS; // Sometimes the last error message is retrieved after the cursor is closed. // Clearing the error code means to inhibit reading the error message. //context->odbcdr_last_rc = ODBCDR_SUCCESS; the_exit: debug_return(NULL, rdbi_status ); }
int odbcdr_fetch2( odbcdr_context_def *context, char *cursor, /* cursor context area */ int count, /* # rows requested */ int do_exec, int do_cancel, int *rows_processed /* # rows actually returned */ ) { odbcdr_cursor_def *c; SQLRETURN rc; /* ODBC return value */ int rdbi_status = RDBI_SUCCESS; int rows_in_last_fetch; debug_on4("odbcdr_fetch2", "c:%#x count: %d %sexec %scancel", cursor, count, do_exec?"do ":"no ", do_cancel?"do ":"no "); ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_get_cursor(context, cursor, &c ) ); assert(count <= ODBCDR_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE); if ( c->defined_geometries != NULL ) { /* Free any Oracle objects from previous executions/fetches. */ ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_geom_freeSqlServerGeometries( context, c ) ); /* Set array size to exactly that which is requested. */ ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_geom_setNumRows( context, c, count ) ); } /* end if geometries */ if (context->odbcdr_UseUnicode) { //Set the fetch size SQLSetStmtAttrW( c->hStmt, SQL_ATTR_ROW_ARRAY_SIZE, (PTR)count, SQL_IS_INTEGER); //Enable retreival of rows_processed SQLSetStmtAttrW( c->hStmt, SQL_ATTR_ROWS_FETCHED_PTR, &rows_in_last_fetch, SQL_IS_POINTER); } else { //Set the fetch size SQLSetStmtAttr( c->hStmt, SQL_ATTR_ROW_ARRAY_SIZE, (PTR)count, SQL_IS_INTEGER); //Enable retreival of rows_processed SQLSetStmtAttr( c->hStmt, SQL_ATTR_ROWS_FETCHED_PTR, &rows_in_last_fetch, SQL_IS_POINTER); } // if using server cursors and if end of fetch, the value of rows // in last fetch will be garbage. Set it to 0 to get rid of the garbage rows_in_last_fetch = 0; if ( do_exec ) { debug0("Running execfetch"); #ifdef _WIN32 // Turn on autofetch if (context->odbcdr_UseUnicode) SQLSetStmtAttrW( c->hStmt, SQL_SOPT_SS_CURSOR_OPTIONS, (PTR)SQL_CO_AF, SQL_IS_INTEGER); else SQLSetStmtAttr( c->hStmt, SQL_SOPT_SS_CURSOR_OPTIONS, (PTR)SQL_CO_AF, SQL_IS_INTEGER); #endif rdbi_status = odbcdr_execute( context, cursor, 1, 0, rows_processed ); #ifdef _WIN32 if (context->odbcdr_UseUnicode) { // Turn off autofetch SQLSetStmtAttrW( c->hStmt, SQL_SOPT_SS_CURSOR_OPTIONS, (PTR)SQL_CO_OFF, SQL_IS_INTEGER); //Make sure we are still using fast forward cursors SQLSetStmtAttrW( c->hStmt, SQL_SOPT_SS_CURSOR_OPTIONS, (PTR)SQL_CO_FFO, SQL_IS_INTEGER); } else { // Turn off autofetch SQLSetStmtAttr( c->hStmt, SQL_SOPT_SS_CURSOR_OPTIONS, (PTR)SQL_CO_OFF, SQL_IS_INTEGER); //Make sure we are still using fast forward cursors SQLSetStmtAttr( c->hStmt, SQL_SOPT_SS_CURSOR_OPTIONS, (PTR)SQL_CO_FFO, SQL_IS_INTEGER); } #endif if ( rdbi_status != RDBI_SUCCESS && rdbi_status != RDBI_END_OF_FETCH) { goto the_exit; } if (rdbi_status == RDBI_END_OF_FETCH) { SQLCloseCursor(c->hStmt); } } if (!do_exec){ // if do_exec was true, the fetch was already done in the call to odbcdr_execute() rc = SQLFetch( c->hStmt); if ( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO && rc != SQL_NO_DATA) { debug0( "SQLFetch FAILED!" ); rdbi_status = odbcdr_xlt_status( context, rc, SQL_HANDLE_STMT, c->hStmt); context->odbcdr_last_rc = rc; goto the_exit; } else { rdbi_status = odbcdr_xlt_status( context, rc, SQL_HANDLE_STMT, c->hStmt ); debug0( "ODBCStmtFetch succeeded." ); if (rc == SQL_NO_DATA) { SQLCloseCursor(c->hStmt); } } } /* ** In ODBC rows_processed is only for the LAST fetch ** (In OCI, rows_processed is for ALL previous fetches) ** We need a cumulative total in c->cumul_rows_fetched */ *rows_processed = c->cumul_rows_fetched + rows_in_last_fetch; c->cumul_rows_fetched = *rows_processed; debug2( "%d rows fetch (cumul %ld)", rows_in_last_fetch, c->cumul_rows_fetched ); /* Translate geometry columns from SqlServer . */ if ( c->defined_geometries != NULL && rows_in_last_fetch > 0 ) { if ( rows_in_last_fetch > ODBCDR_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE ) { // char buffer[256]; // sprintf(buffer, "TOO MANY GEOMETRY ROWS: %d (max is %d)", rows_in_last_fetch, ODBCDR_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE); // msg_issue(buffer, 'e'); goto the_exit; } /* Reduce array size to exactly that which is populated. */ ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_geom_setNumRows( context, c, rows_in_last_fetch ) ); ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_geom_convertDefinedFromSqlServer(context, c, rows_in_last_fetch)); } /* end if geometries */ /* Convert blob columns into byte arrays. */ if ( c->defined_blobs != NULL && rows_in_last_fetch > 0 ) { if ( rows_in_last_fetch > ODBCDR_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE ) { goto the_exit; } /* Reduce array size to exactly that which is populated. */ ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_blob_setNumRows( context, c, rows_in_last_fetch ) ); ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_blob_convertBlobsToByteArray(context, c, rows_in_last_fetch)); } /* end if geometries */ the_exit: debug_area() odbcdr_show_context( context, c ); debug_return(NULL, rdbi_status ); }
int local_rdbi_sql( rdbi_context_def *context, int sqlid, rdbi_string_def* sql, int defer, int type ) { rdbi_cursor_def *cursor = (rdbi_cursor_def *) NULL; /* for ease of reference */ rdbi_cursor_def *cursor_coc = (rdbi_cursor_def *) NULL; /* for ease of reference */ int trace_line_num = 0; int sqlid_coc = -1; char stats[128]; #ifdef _DEBUG if (context->dispatch.capabilities.supports_unicode == 1){ debug_on4("rdbi_sql2", "\tContext: %d Db: %s#%d\n\tSQL: %.120ls", sqlid, context->rdbi_cnct->db_name, context->rdbi_cnct->connect_id, sql->cwString); }else{ debug_on4("rdbi_sql2", "\tContext: %d Db: %s#%d\n\tSQL: %.120s", sqlid, context->rdbi_cnct->db_name, context->rdbi_cnct->connect_id, sql->ccString); } #endif cursor = context->rdbi_cursor_ptrs[sqlid]; if (context->rdbi_cnct->autocommit_on && cursor->tran_begun) { char tran_id[50]; sprintf(tran_id, "auto-exec-%s %d", cursor->verb, cursor->trace_line); rdbi_tran_end(context, tran_id); cursor->tran_begun = FALSE; } sprintf(stats, "Open Cursor: %d", sqlid); debug_trace(stats, (wchar_t *)NULL, NULL); if (context->dispatch.capabilities.supports_unicode == 1) debug_trace(NULL, sql->wString, &trace_line_num); else debug_trace(sql->cString, NULL, &trace_line_num); cursor->sql_parsed = FALSE; /* set default cursor conditions */ cursor->bound_vars = FALSE; cursor->defined_vars = FALSE; cursor->sel_for_update = FALSE; cursor->n_executions = 0; cursor->tran_begun = FALSE; cursor->trace_line = trace_line_num; #ifdef _DEBUG /* free any previously-stored SQL statement */ ut_vm_free("rdbi_sql", cursor->sql); cursor->sql = (char *)NULL; if( sql->cwString ) { if (context->dispatch.capabilities.supports_unicode == 1) { cursor->sqlW = (wchar_t*)ut_vm_malloc("rdbi_sql", (wcslen(sql->cwString) + 1)*sizeof(wchar_t)); if (cursor->sqlW == (wchar_t *)NULL) { cursor->status = RDBI_MALLOC_FAILED; goto the_exit; } wcscpy(cursor->sqlW, sql->cwString); } else { cursor->sql = (char*)ut_vm_malloc("rdbi_sql", strlen(sql->ccString) + 1); if (cursor->sql == (char *)NULL) { cursor->status = RDBI_MALLOC_FAILED; goto the_exit; } strcpy(cursor->sql, sql->ccString); } } #endif /* instead of parsing the statement for 'current of cursor' we just do this: */ cursor->status = RDBI_SUCCESS; cursor->statement_type = 0; cursor->sel_for_update = 0; /* get the verb */ if (context->dispatch.capabilities.supports_unicode == 1) { local_parseW (sql->cwString, cursor->verb, type); cursor->status = (*(context->dispatch.sqlW))(context->drvr, cursor->vendor_data, sql->cwString, defer, cursor->verb, NULL, cursor_coc == (rdbi_cursor_def *) NULL ? (char *) NULL : cursor_coc->vendor_data); } else { local_parse (sql->ccString, cursor->verb, type); cursor->status = (*(context->dispatch.sql))(context->drvr, cursor->vendor_data, sql->ccString, defer, cursor->verb, NULL, cursor_coc == (rdbi_cursor_def *) NULL ? (char *) NULL : cursor_coc->vendor_data); } if (cursor->status == RDBI_SUCCESS) cursor->sql_parsed = TRUE; #ifdef _DEBUG the_exit: #endif context->rdbi_last_status = cursor->status; debug_return(NULL, cursor->status); }
static int get_blobSqlServer( odbcdr_context_def *context, odbcdr_cursor_def *cursor, int position, int blobNo, int recNo, int blobValid, pByteArray_def *visionBlob_O, pByteArray_def *l_visionBlob_0 ) { odbcdr_connData_def *connData = NULL; int rdbi_status = RDBI_GENERIC_ERROR; PBYTE pData = NULL; BYTE test[1]; pByteArray_def wkb = NULL; SQLLEN count; SQLRETURN rc; debug_on( "odbcdr_blob:blob_convertFromSqlServer_S" ); // Bound arrays offset int offset = blobNo * ODBCDR_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE + recNo; if ( blobValid ) { if ( cursor->odbcdr_blobNI[offset] == SQL_NULL_DATA || cursor->odbcdr_blobNI[offset] == 0) { *visionBlob_O = NULL; *l_visionBlob_0 = NULL; debug0( "Blob is NULL." ); rdbi_status = RDBI_SUCCESS; goto the_exit; } debug0( "Blob is not NULL." ); pData = (PBYTE)&cursor->odbcdr_blob[offset * ODBCDR_UBLOB_CHUNK_SIZE]; count = cursor->odbcdr_blobNI[offset]; } else { // Fetch as blob. First get the size. rc = SQLGetData( cursor->hStmt, position, SQL_C_BINARY, test, 0, &count); if ( rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO ) { ODBCDR_ODBC_ERR( rc, SQL_HANDLE_STMT, cursor->hStmt, "SQLGetData", "getData"); } if ( count <= 0 ) { *visionBlob_O = NULL; *l_visionBlob_0 = NULL; debug0( "Blob is NULL." ); rdbi_status = RDBI_SUCCESS; goto the_exit; } debug0( "Blob is not NULL." ); // Allocate the buffer int allocMore = true; if ( cursor->odbcdr_blob_tmp == NULL ) cursor->odbcdr_blob_tmp = (PBYTE)malloc( count ); else if ( cursor->odbcdr_blob_tmp_size < count ) cursor->odbcdr_blob_tmp = (PBYTE)realloc( cursor->odbcdr_blob_tmp, count ); else allocMore = false; if ( allocMore ) cursor->odbcdr_blob_tmp_size = (int) count; pData = cursor->odbcdr_blob_tmp; SQLLEN lenOrIndex; ODBCDR_ODBC_ERR( SQLGetData( cursor->hStmt, position, SQL_C_BINARY, pData, count, &lenOrIndex), SQL_HANDLE_STMT, cursor->hStmt, "SQLGetData", "getData"); cursor->odbcdr_blobNI[offset] = lenOrIndex; } // Create a byte array from the array of bytes. Note 'count' is an initial size. if ( NULL == ( wkb = IByteArray_Create( pData, (int) count) ) ) goto the_exit; *visionBlob_O = *l_visionBlob_0 = wkb; rdbi_status = RDBI_SUCCESS; the_exit: debug_return( NULL, rdbi_status ); }
void debug_dump(void) { int i,idx,cnt,mem_sz; obj_type *obj; effect_type *effect; proj_type *proj; weapon_type *weap; proj_setup_type *proj_setup; model_type *mdl; script_type *script; timer_type *timer; SDL_version *sdl_ver; console_add_system("Debugging info dumped to stdout"); fprintf(stdout,"\n\n"); fprintf(stdout,"#########################################################################\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Dump: dim3 Debugging Info\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Engine v%s\n",dim3_version); fprintf(stdout,"(c) 2000-2007 Klink! Software\n"); fprintf(stdout,"#########################################################################\n\n"); // game info fprintf(stdout,"**************************************\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Game\n"); fprintf(stdout,"**************************************\n\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Project: %s\n",; fprintf(stdout,"Tick: %d\n",game_time_get()); debug_return(); // system info fprintf(stdout,"**************************************\n"); fprintf(stdout,"System\n"); fprintf(stdout,"**************************************\n\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Arch Type: %s\n",arch_type); #ifdef D3_OS_MAC fprintf(stdout,"OS Version: %d.%d.%d\n",os_vers_major,os_vers_minor_1,os_vers_minor_2); #endif sdl_ver=(SDL_version*)SDL_Linked_Version(); fprintf(stdout,"SDL Version: %d.%d.%d\n",sdl_ver->major,sdl_ver->minor,sdl_ver->patch); fprintf(stdout,"JavaScript Version: %.2f\n",((float)JS_VERSION/100.0f)); fprintf(stdout,"PNG Version: %s\n",PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING); debug_return(); // video info fprintf(stdout,"**************************************\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Video\n"); fprintf(stdout,"**************************************\n\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Engine: %s\n",; fprintf(stdout,"Screen: %d,%d at %d\n",render_info.monitor_x_sz,render_info.monitor_y_sz,render_info.monitor_refresh_rate); fprintf(stdout,"Max Texture Units: %d\n",render_info.texture_unit_count); fprintf(stdout,"Max Texture Size: %d\n",render_info.texture_max_size); if (!gl_check_frame_buffer_ok()) fprintf(stdout,"Shadow support disabled; Unsupported on this video card.\n"); if (!gl_check_fsaa_ok()) fprintf(stdout,"FSAA support disabled; Unsupported on this video card.\n"); if (!gl_check_texture_compress_ok()) fprintf(stdout,"Compression disabled; Unsupported on this video card.\n"); if (!gl_check_point_sprite_ok()) fprintf(stdout,"Point sprite support disabled; Unsupported on this video card.\n"); if (!gl_check_shader_ok()) fprintf(stdout,"GLSL support disabled; Unsupported on this video card.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Extensions:\n%s\n",render_info.ext_string); #ifdef D3_OS_WINDOWS fprintf(stdout,"WGL Extensions:\n%s\n",wglGetExtensionsStringARB(wglGetCurrentDC())); #endif debug_return(); // map info fprintf(stdout,"**************************************\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Map\n"); fprintf(stdout,"**************************************\n\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Map: %s\n",; fprintf(stdout,"Author: %s\n",; fprintf(stdout,"Mesh Count: %d\n",map.mesh.nmesh); fprintf(stdout,"Liquid Count: %d\n",map.liquid.nliquid); fprintf(stdout,"Spot Count: %d\n",map.nspot); fprintf(stdout,"Scenery Count: %d\n",map.nscenery); fprintf(stdout,"Node Count: %d\n",map.nnode); debug_return(); // objects debug_header("Objects",server.count.obj,(sizeof(obj_type)*server.count.obj)); debug_space("Name",25); debug_space("Type",15); debug_space("Script",25); debug_space("Binding",10); debug_return(); debug_space("------------------------",25); debug_space("------------------------",15); debug_space("------------------------",25); debug_space("---------",10); debug_return(); obj=server.objs; for ((i=0);(i!=server.count.obj);i++) { debug_space(obj->name,25); debug_space(obj->type,15); if (!obj->scenery.on) { idx=scripts_find_uid(obj->attach.script_uid); debug_space(js.scripts[idx].name,25); } else { debug_space("*",25); } debug_space(bind_type_str[obj->bind],10); debug_return(); obj++; } debug_return(); // weapons debug_header("Weapons",server.count.weapon,(sizeof(weapon_type)*server.count.weapon)); debug_space("Name",20); debug_space("Object",20); debug_return(); debug_space("-------------------",20); debug_space("-------------------",20); debug_return(); weap=server.weapons; for ((i=0);(i!=server.count.weapon);i++) { obj=object_find_uid(weap->obj_uid); debug_space(weap->name,20); debug_space(obj->name,20); debug_return(); weap++; } debug_return(); // projectile setups debug_header("Projectile Setups",server.count.proj_setup,(sizeof(proj_setup_type)*server.count.proj_setup)); debug_space("Name",20); debug_space("Object",20); debug_space("Weapon",20); debug_return(); debug_space("-------------------",20); debug_space("-------------------",20); debug_space("-------------------",20); debug_return(); proj_setup=server.proj_setups; for ((i=0);(i!=server.count.proj_setup);i++) { obj=object_find_uid(proj_setup->obj_uid); weap=weapon_find_uid(proj_setup->weap_uid); debug_space(proj_setup->name,20); debug_space(obj->name,20); debug_space(weap->name,20); debug_return(); proj_setup++; } debug_return(); // models mem_sz=sizeof(model_type)*server.count.model; mdl=server.models; for (i=0;i!=server.count.model;i++) { mem_sz+=model_memory_size(mdl); mdl++; } debug_header("Models",server.count.model,mem_sz); debug_space("Name",32); debug_space("Vertexes",10); debug_space("Trigs",10); debug_space("Ref Count",10); debug_return(); debug_space("------------------------------",32); debug_space("---------",10); debug_space("---------",10); debug_space("---------",10); debug_return(); mdl=server.models; for (i=0;i!=server.count.model;i++) { debug_space(mdl->name,32); debug_int_space(mdl->meshes[0].nvertex,10); debug_int_space(mdl->meshes[0].ntrig,10); debug_int_space(mdl->reference_count,10); debug_return(); mdl++; } debug_return(); // projectiles debug_header("Projectiles",server.count.proj,(sizeof(proj_type)*max_projectile)); debug_space("Name",20); debug_space("Object",20); debug_space("Weapon",20); debug_return(); debug_space("-------------------",20); debug_space("-------------------",20); debug_space("-------------------",20); debug_return(); proj=server.projs; for ((i=0);(i!=server.count.proj);i++) { obj=object_find_uid(proj->obj_uid); weap=weapon_find_uid(proj->weap_uid); proj_setup=proj_setups_find_uid(proj->proj_setup_uid); debug_space(proj_setup->name,20); debug_space(obj->name,20); debug_space(weap->name,20); debug_return(); proj++; } debug_return(); // effects debug_header("Effects",server.count.effect,(sizeof(effect_type)*max_effect)); debug_space("Type",10); debug_space("Life Tick",10); debug_return(); debug_space("---------",10); debug_space("---------",10); debug_return(); effect=server.effects; for ((i=0);(i!=server.count.effect);i++) { debug_space(effect_type_str[effect->effecttype],10); debug_int_space(effect->life_tick,10); debug_return(); effect++; } debug_return(); // scripts script=js.scripts; cnt=0; for ((i=0);(i!=max_scripts);i++) { if (script->used) cnt++; script++; } debug_header("Scripts",cnt,-1); debug_space("Name",32); debug_return(); debug_space("-------------------------------",32); debug_return(); script=js.scripts; for ((i=0);(i!=max_scripts);i++) { if (script->used) { debug_space(script->name,32); debug_return(); } script++; } debug_return(); // timers debug_header("Timers",js.count.timer,-1); debug_space("Script",32); debug_space("Count",10); debug_space("Type",10); debug_return(); debug_space("-------------------------------",32); debug_space("---------",10); debug_space("---------",10); debug_return(); timer=js.timers; for ((i=0);(i!=js.count.timer);i++) { script=&js.scripts[scripts_find_uid(timer->attach.script_uid)]; debug_space(script->name,32); debug_int_space(timer->count,10); debug_space((timer->mode==timer_mode_repeat)?"Timer":"Wait",10); debug_return(); timer++; } debug_return(); fflush(stdout); }
int local_odbcdr_get_gen_id( odbcdr_context_def *context, rdbi_string_def *table_name_I, rdbiLong *id_O ) { wchar_t sql_buf[100]; rdbi_string_def sqlval; int rows; odbcdr_cursor_def *c = NULL; odbcdr_connData_def *connData; SQLLEN null_ind; int rdbi_status = RDBI_GENERIC_ERROR; int global_identity = ODBCDRV_STRING_EMPTY(table_name_I); ODBCDR_ERRORINFO_VARS; sqlval.wString = sql_buf; bool retLastAinc = (context->odbcdr_UseUnicode) ? (table_name_I->cwString == NULL || *table_name_I->cwString == '\0') : (table_name_I->cString == NULL || *table_name_I->cString == '\0'); #ifdef _DEBUG if (context->odbcdr_UseUnicode){ debug_on1("odbcdr_get_gen_id", "table_name '%ls'", ISNULL(table_name_I->cwString)); }else{ debug_on1("odbcdr_get_gen_id", "table_name '%s'", ISNULL(table_name_I->ccString)); } #endif *id_O = 0; ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_get_curr_conn( context, &connData ) ); /* establish cursor. Reuse the existing one */ if ( global_identity || retLastAinc) { /* set output value to one set by most recent insert statement execution */ *id_O = context->odbcdr_last_autoincrement; } else { ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_est_cursor(context, (char **)&c) ); if (context->odbcdr_UseUnicode) odbcdr_swprintf(sqlval.wString, 100, L"select IDENT_CURRENT('%ls')", table_name_I->cwString); else sprintf(sqlval.cString, "select IDENT_CURRENT('%s')", table_name_I->ccString); ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( local_odbcdr_sql( context, (char *)c, &sqlval, FALSE, (char *)NULL, (void *)NULL, (char *) NULL) ); /* define output locations */ ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_define( context, (char *)c, "1", RDBI_LONG, sizeof(long), (char *) id_O, (SQLLEN *)&null_ind) ); /* execute the SQL statement */ ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_execute( context, (char *)c, 1, 0, &rows) ); /* execute the SQL statement & fetch row */ ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( odbcdr_fetch( context, (char *)c, 1, &rows) ); /* Note: it returns null_ind set if no value was generated during this session */ } rdbi_status = RDBI_SUCCESS; the_exit: /* if ( !global_identity && c != (odbcdr_cursor_def *)NULL) { */ if ( c != (odbcdr_cursor_def *)NULL) { ODBCDR_ERRORINFO_GET; odbcdr_fre_cursor (context, (char **)&c); ODBCDR_ERRORINFO_SET; } debug_return(NULL, rdbi_status); }
int odbcdr_blob_convertBlobsToByteArray(odbcdr_context_def *context, odbcdr_cursor_def *cursor, int num_rows) { odbcdr_blob_col_list_def* columnList = cursor->defined_blobs; int rdbi_status = RDBI_GENERIC_ERROR; if (num_rows < 1 || columnList == NULL) goto the_exit; for (long i = 0; i < columnList->size; i++ ) { long j; odbcdr_blob_def **sqlserverBlob; odbcdr_blobNI_def **sqlserverBlobNI; pByteArray_def *visionBlob; pByteArray_def *l_visionBlob; odbcdr_blob_col_def *column; column = col_list_getColumnByIndex_blob_S( columnList, i ); if ( column == NULL || column->blob_list.size < num_rows ) goto the_exit; sqlserverBlob = (odbcdr_blob_def **)ut_da_get( &column->blob_list, 0L ); sqlserverBlobNI = (odbcdr_blobNI_def **)ut_da_get( &column->blobNI_list, 0L ); visionBlob = column->address; l_visionBlob = column->l_address; if ( sqlserverBlob == NULL || sqlserverBlobNI == NULL || visionBlob == NULL ) goto the_exit; // Process each blob in the dataset. The blob are bound. // In case a large blob is hit (data truncation), the blobs are unbound and // the current blob is fetched again as a blob. // After the entire batch is processed the blobs are bound again. int unbound = false; int wantedDim = -1; for ( j = 0; j < num_rows; j++ ) { debug2( "converting blob column pos '%d', row %d", column->position, j ); IByteArray_Release(visionBlob[j]); visionBlob[j] = NULL; l_visionBlob[j] = NULL; // Check the status of this blob. int blobValid = blob_checkFetchStatusRow_S( cursor, i, j ); // Unbind if not already unbound. if ( !blobValid && !unbound) { ODBCDR_ODBC_ERR( SQLBindCol( cursor->hStmt, (SQLUSMALLINT) column->position, (SQLSMALLINT) SQL_C_BINARY, (SQLPOINTER) (char*)NULL, (SQLINTEGER) 0, (SQLLEN *) NULL), SQL_HANDLE_STMT, cursor->hStmt, "SQLBindCol", "unbind" ); debug0("UNBOUND!\n"); unbound = true; } if ( unbound ) { // Advance ODBCDR_ODBC_ERR( SQLSetPos( cursor->hStmt, (SQLUSMALLINT) j+1, // Row # is 1 based SQL_POSITION, SQL_LOCK_NO_CHANGE), SQL_HANDLE_STMT,cursor->hStmt, "SQLSetPos", "set position"); } /* Remember the last blob fetched in order to be released when the cursor is freed*/ ODBCDR_RDBI_ERR( get_blobSqlServer( context, cursor, column->position, i, j, blobValid, &visionBlob[j], &l_visionBlob[j] )); } // Rebind back if the case. if (unbound) { int offset = i * ODBCDR_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE; ODBCDR_ODBC_ERR( SQLBindCol( cursor->hStmt, (SQLUSMALLINT) column->position, (SQLSMALLINT) SQL_C_BINARY, (SQLPOINTER) (char *)&cursor->odbcdr_blob[offset * ODBCDR_UBLOB_CHUNK_SIZE], (SQLINTEGER) ODBCDR_UBLOB_CHUNK_SIZE, (SQLLEN *) (char *)&cursor->odbcdr_blobNI[offset]), SQL_HANDLE_STMT, cursor->hStmt, "SQLBindCol", "rebind" ); } } rdbi_status = RDBI_SUCCESS; the_exit: debug_return( NULL, rdbi_status ); }