Пример #1
int main() {
    boost::tuple<char, int, char, int> decim('-', 10, 'e', 5);
    assert(stringize(decim) == "-10e5");

    std::pair<short, std::string> value_and_type(270, "Kelvin");
    assert(stringize(value_and_type) == "270Kelvin");
Пример #2
float	vtt_sim( void )
	int	i, j, time, r_arm;
	double	p, q, sound, sound_decim;

	/*** compute da and dx with a new area function, and Ud=d(A*x)/dt ***/


	/*** Simulate deci (=simfrq/smpfrq) cycles with interpolation of a and x ***/

	for(time=0; time<deci; time++)
		/*** refresh area function by a linear interpolation ***/

		afglt[0].A = nonzero_t(afglt[0].A + dafglt[0].A);	/* glottis */
		if(vocal_tract == TIME_VARYING) refresh_af();

		/*** time-varying acoustic elements ***/

		acous_elements_t(GLOTTIS, nglt0, afglt, acglt);
		if(vocal_tract == TIME_VARYING) refresh_acoustic_elements();

		/*** Bernoulli (kinetic) resistance at glottis and at constriction ***/

		/* compute a DC flow considering flow resistances at the 2 constrictions */

		Rg_v    = acglt[0].Rs + acglt[1].Rs;
		Ag2     = 1./(afglt[0].A*afglt[0].A);
		Ac2     = 1./(Ac.A*Ac.A);
		Rc_v    = 2.*K_viscous_const*Ac.x*Ac2;
		rv_sum  = Rg_v + Rc_v;
		rk_sum  = K_Bernoulli*(Ag2 + Ac2);
		Udc = (-rv_sum + sqrt(rv_sum*rv_sum + 4.*rk_sum*H2O_bar*Psub))

		Rg_k = K_Bernoulli*Udc*Ag2;
		Rc_k = K_Bernoulli*Udc*Ac2;

		acglt[1].Rs += Rg_k;		/* add Bernoulli res. to glottis */
		if(Ac.Loc == PHARYNX) ac[Ac.N+1].Rs = Rc_v + Rc_k;
		if(Ac.Loc == MOUTH)   acbu[Ac.N+1].Rs = Rc_v + Rc_k;

		/* Noise sources at the exit of glottis and at the constriction */
		if(noise_source == ON)
			if(Ac.Loc == PHARYNX)
			{ j = Ac.N+noiseSourceLoc+1;   /* at n sections downstream */
			if(j > nvt0)j = Ac.N + 1;    /* at the exit */
			ac[j].Ns = noiseAmp
				*frictionNoise3(1, inMemAc, outMemAc, &lowMemAc)
				*(Udc*Udc*Udc/pow(Ac.A, 2.5));
			if(Ac.Loc == MOUTH)
			{ j = Ac.N+noiseSourceLoc+1;   /* at n sections downstream */
			if(j > nbu0)j = Ac.N + 1;    /* at the exit */
			acbu[j].Ns = noiseAmp
				*frictionNoise3(1, inMemAc, outMemAc, &lowMemAc)
				*(Udc*Udc*Udc/pow(Ac.A, 2.5));
			/* -10dB = 0.315, -16dB = 0.158, -20dB = 0.1 */
			acglt[1].Ns = 0.1*noiseAmp
				*frictionNoise3(1, inMemGlt, outMemGlt, &lowMemGlt)
				*(Udc*Udc*Udc/pow(afglt[0].A, 2.5));

		/*** w : matrix elements ***/

		/* vocal tract : {trachea} + glottis + pharynx + {mouth} */
		r_arm = 1;
		if(subGLTsystem == ON)
		{  eq_elements_t(TRACHEA, &r_arm, ntr, actr, eq);
		eq[1].w += Rlungs;
		eq_elements_t(GLOTTIS, &r_arm, nglt0, acglt, eq);
		if(subGLTsystem == OFF) eq[1].w += Rlungs;
		eq_elements_t(VOCAL_TRACT, &r_arm, nvt0, ac, eq);

		if(nasal_tract == ON)
			/* bucal and nasal tract */
			r_arm = 1;
			eq_elements_t(VOCAL_TRACT, &r_arm, nbu0, acbu, eqbu);
			r_arm = 1;
			eq_elements_t(NOSE, &r_arm, nnc, acnc, eqnt);
			eq_elements_t(NOSE, &r_arm, nna0, acna, eqnt);

		/*** Refresh force constants ***/

		U1_wall = 0;		/* initialization for total wall "flow" */

		/* vocal tract : {trachea} + glottis + pharynx + {mouth} */
		r_arm = 1;
		if(subGLTsystem == ON)
			force_constants(TRACHEA, &r_arm, ntr, actr, eq);
		force_constants(GLOTTIS, &r_arm, nglt0, acglt, eq);
		force_constants(VOCAL_TRACT, &r_arm, nvt0, ac, eq);

		if(nasal_tract == OFF && rad_boundary == RL_CIRCUIT )
		{  iLrad_lip = 2.0*Lrad_lip*eq[n4].x + iLrad_lip;
		eq[n4].s = -iLrad_lip;		/* rad. admitance */

		if( nasal_tract == ON )
		{  r_arm = 1;
		force_constants(VOCAL_TRACT, &r_arm, nbu0, acbu, eqbu);
		if( rad_boundary == RL_CIRCUIT )
		{  iLrad_lip = 2.0*Lrad_lip*eqbu[nbu4].x + iLrad_lip;
		eqbu[nbu4].s = -iLrad_lip;		/* rad. admitance */

		r_arm = 1;
		force_constants(NOSE, &r_arm, nnc, acnc, eqnt);
		force_constants(NOSE, &r_arm, nna0, acna, eqnt);
		if( rad_boundary == RL_CIRCUIT )
		{  iLrad_nos = 2.0*Lrad_nos*eqnt[nnt4].x + iLrad_nos;
		eqnt[nnt4].s = -iLrad_nos;		/* rad. admitance */

		/*** solve s = Wx ***/

		if(nasal_tract == OFF)
		{  forward_elimination_t(n4, eq);
		eq[n4].x = eq[n4].S/eq[n4].W;
		backward_substitution_t(n3, eq);
		{  forward_elimination_t(n3, eq);
		backward_elimination_t(nbu4, eqbu);
		backward_elimination_t(nnt4, eqnt);

		p = eq[n3].S/eq[n3].W-eqbu[1].S/eqbu[1].W-eqnt[1].S/eqnt[1].W;
		q = eq[n2].W/eq[n3].W+eqbu[2].W/eqbu[1].W+eqnt[2].W/eqnt[1].W;
		eq[n4].x = eqbu[0].x = eqnt[0].x = p/q;

		backward_substitution_t(n3, eq);
		forward_substitution_t(nbu4, eqbu);
		forward_substitution_t(nnt4, eqnt);
		/* decimation of the radiated sound */

		U0_lip = U1_lip;
		if(nasal_tract == OFF) U1_lip = -eq[n3].x;
		else			  U1_lip = -eqbu[nbu3].x;
		sound  = U1_lip - U0_lip;

		if(wall_radiation == ON)
		{ sound += (U1_wall - U0_wall);     /* radiation from walls */
		U0_wall = U1_wall;

		if(nasal_tract == ON)
		{  U0_nos = U1_nos;		     /* add radiation from nose */
		U1_nos = -eqnt[nnt3].x;
		sound += (U1_nos - U0_nos);

		if( time == deci - 1 ) sound_decim = decim( 1, Kr*sound );
		else                 	        decim( 0, Kr*sound );

	/* sample Ug and Uac at fixed points, 1st and nAcc-th section */
	j = 1;
	if(subGLTsystem==ON) j += ntr;
	j = 2*j + 1;
	Ug = eq[j].x;

	{ j = nAcc + 1;
	if(subGLTsystem==ON) j += ntr;
	j = 2*j + 1;
	Uac = eq[j].x;
	{ if(nAcc <= nbp)
	{ j = nAcc + 1;
	if(subGLTsystem==ON) j+=ntr;
	j = 2*j + 1;
	Uac = eq[j].x;
	{ j = 2*nAcc + 1;
	Uac = eqbu[j].x;

Пример #3
float	vtt_sim( void )
	int	j;
	float	f, g, h, p, q, sound, sound_decim;

/*** compute da and dx with a new area function, and Ud=d(A*x)/dt ***/

	if( vocal_tract == TIME_VARYING)
	{  dax();
	   if( dynamic_term == ON ) Ud();

/*** Simulate deci (=simfrq/smpfrq) cycles with interpolation of a and x ***/

	for(j=0; j<deci; j++)

/*** solve s = Wx ***/

	   if( nasal_tract == ON )
	   {  elimination_t(1, nph3, eqph);
	      elimination_t(0, nbu3, eqbu);
	      elimination_t(0, nna3, eqna);

	      f = eqph[nph3].S/eqph[nph3].W;
	      g = eqbu[nbu3].S/eqbu[nbu3].W;
	      h = eqna[nna3].S/eqna[nna3].W;
	      p = f + g + h;
	      f = eqph[nph2].W/eqph[nph3].W;
	      g = eqbu[nbu2].W/eqbu[nbu3].W;
	      h = eqna[nna2].W/eqna[nna3].W;
	      q = f + g + h;
	      eqph[nph4].x = eqbu[nbu4].x = eqna[nna4].x = p/q;

	      substitution_t(1, nph3, eqph);
	      substitution_t(0, nbu3, eqbu);
	      substitution_t(0, nna3, eqna);
	   {  elimination_t(1, nph3, eqph);
	      elimination_t(0, nbu3, eqbu);

	      f = eqph[nph3].S/eqph[nph3].W;
	      g = eqbu[nbu3].S/eqbu[nbu3].W;
	      p = f + g;
	      f = eqph[nph2].W/eqph[nph3].W;
	      g = eqbu[nbu2].W/eqbu[nbu3].W;
	      q = f + g;
	      eqph[nph4].x = eqbu[nbu4].x = p/q;

	      substitution_t(1, nph3, eqph);
	      substitution_t(0, nbu3, eqbu);

/*** Refresh acoustic and matrix elements ***/

	   if( vocal_tract == TIME_VARYING )
/* pharyngeal tract */
	      acou_mtrx( nph, afph, dph, acph, eqph, 0., 0.);

/* bucal cavity */
	      acou_mtrx( nbu, afbu, dbu, acbu, eqbu, 0., 0.);
	      if( rad_boundary == RL_CIRCUIT )
			  Grad_lips = Grad*afbu[0].A;
			  Lrad_lips = (float)(Srad*sqrt(afbu[0].A));
			  eqbu[0].w = Grad_lips + Lrad_lips;
		 eqbu[0].w = 10.0;		/* short circuit */
/* nasal inlet */
	      acou_mtrx(1, afnc, dnc, acna+nna-1, eqna+2*(nna-1), Rs_na, Ls_na);
/* add the glottal resistance (it alwalys time_varying) */
	   Ag = nonzero_t( Ag );
	   eqph[1].w = (float)(acph[0].Rs + acph[0].Ls
		     + (Rv*xg/Ag + Rk*fabs(eqph[1].x))/(Ag*Ag));

/*** Refresh force constants ***/

	   force_constants(nph, acph, eqph);
	   eqph[1].s = acph[0].els + H2O_bar*Psub;	/* right arm */

	   if( rad_boundary == RL_CIRCUIT )
	      irad_lips = (float)(2.0*Lrad_lips*eqbu[0].x + irad_lips);
	   force_constants(nbu, acbu, eqbu);
	   eqbu[0].s = -irad_lips;		/* rad. admitance */
	   eqbu[1].s = acbu[0].els;		/* right arm      */

	   U0_lips = U1_lips;
	   U1_lips = -eqbu[1].x;
	   sound   = U1_lips - U0_lips;

	   if( nasal_tract == ON )
		   if( rad_boundary == RL_CIRCUIT )
			   irad_nose = (float)(2.0*Lrad_nose*eqna[0].x + irad_nose);
		   force_constants(nna, acna, eqna);
		   eqna[0].s = -irad_nose;		/* rad. admitance */
		   eqna[1].s = acna[0].els;		/* right arm      */
		   U0_nose = U1_nose;
		   U1_nose = -eqna[1].x;
		   sound   = sound + U1_nose - U0_nose;

/*** decimation of the radiated sound ***/

	   if( j == deci - 1 ) sound_decim = decim( 1, Kr*sound );
	   else                 	     decim( 0, Kr*sound );

/*** return the radiated sound pressure ***/

	return( sound_decim );