Пример #1
void do_locale_check()
    typedef std::numpunct<char> numpunct_type;

    static std::string old_locale_ident;

    std::string new_locale_ident(get_locale_tidbit(LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE) << "_" << get_locale_tidbit(LOCALE_SENGCOUNTRY));

    if (old_locale_ident == new_locale_ident)

    old_locale_ident = new_locale_ident;

    // get the important stuff to push to the dictionary

    std::locale          locale(new_locale_ident.c_str());
    const numpunct_type& numpunct(std::use_facet<numpunct_type>(locale));
    char                 sep(numpunct.thousands_sep());
    std::string          thousands_separator(&sep, 1);
    char                 decimal(numpunct.decimal_point());
    std::string          decimal_point(&decimal, 1);

    // finally push the important stuff into the dictionary

    dictionary_t new_locale_data;

	new_locale_data.insert(std::make_pair(key_locale_identifier,          new_locale_ident));
    new_locale_data.insert(std::make_pair(key_locale_decimal_point,       decimal_point));
    new_locale_data.insert(std::make_pair(key_locale_thousands_separator, thousands_separator));

Пример #2
static char *flt(char *str, double num, int size, int precision, char fmt, int flags)
  char tmp[80];
  char c, sign;
  int n, i;

  // Left align means no zero padding
  if (flags & LEFT) flags &= ~ZEROPAD;

  // Determine padding and sign char
  c = (flags & ZEROPAD) ? '0' : ' ';
  sign = 0;
  if (flags & SIGN)
    if (num < 0.0)
      sign = '-';
      num = -num;
    else if (flags & PLUS)
      sign = '+';
    else if (flags & SPACE)
      sign = ' ';

  // Compute the precision value
  if (precision < 0)
    precision = 6; // Default precision: 6

  // Convert floating point number to text
  parse_float(num, tmp, fmt, precision);

  if ((flags & HEX_PREP) && precision == 0) decimal_point(tmp);
  if (fmt == 'g' && !(flags & HEX_PREP)) cropzeros(tmp);

  n = strnlen(tmp,256);

  // Output number with alignment and padding
  size -= n;
  if (!(flags & (ZEROPAD | LEFT))) while (size-- > 0) *str++ = ' ';
  if (sign) *str++ = sign;
  if (!(flags & LEFT)) while (size-- > 0) *str++ = c;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) *str++ = tmp[i];
  while (size-- > 0) *str++ = ' ';

  return str;