Пример #1
Test::Test() {
	QUrl con(QString("amqp://*****:*****@localhost:5672/"));
	client_ = new QAMQP::Client(this);
	exchange_ =  client_->createExchange("test.test2");

	queue_ = client_->createQueue("test.my_queue", exchange_->channelNumber());

	queue2_ = client_->createQueue("test.my_queue2");


	connect(queue2_, SIGNAL(declared()), this, SLOT(declared()));

	connect(queue_, SIGNAL(messageRecieved()), this, SLOT(newMessage()));	
	connect(queue2_, SIGNAL(messageRecieved()), this, SLOT(newMessage()));
Пример #2
  void SXFunctionInternal::generateBody(CodeGenerator& g) const {

    // Which variables have been declared
    vector<bool> declared(sz_w(), false);

    // Run the algorithm
    for (vector<AlgEl>::const_iterator it = algorithm_.begin(); it!=algorithm_.end(); ++it) {
      // Indent
      g.body << "  ";

      if (it->op==OP_OUTPUT) {
        g.body << "if (res[" << it->i0 << "]!=0) "
                      << "res["<< it->i0 << "][" << it->i2 << "]=" << "a" << it->i1;
      } else {
        // Declare result if not already declared
        if (!declared[it->i0]) {
          g.body << "real_t ";

        // Where to store the result
        g.body << "a" << it->i0 << "=";

        // What to store
        if (it->op==OP_CONST) {
          g.body << g.constant(it->d);
        } else if (it->op==OP_INPUT) {
          g.body << "arg[" << it->i1 << "] ? arg[" << it->i1 << "][" << it->i2 << "] : 0";
        } else {
          int ndep = casadi_math<double>::ndeps(it->op);
          casadi_math<double>::printPre(it->op, g.body);
          for (int c=0; c<ndep; ++c) {
            if (c==0) {
              g.body << "a" << it->i1;
            } else {
              casadi_math<double>::printSep(it->op, g.body);
              g.body << "a" << it->i2;
          casadi_math<double>::printPost(it->op, g.body);
      g.body  << ";" << endl;
Пример #3
  void SXFunctionInternal::spAllocOpenCL() {
    // OpenCL return flag
    cl_int ret;

    // Generate the kernel source code
    stringstream ss;

    const char* fcn_name[2] = {"sp_evaluate_fwd", "sp_evaluate_adj"};
    for (int kernel=0; kernel<2; ++kernel) {
      bool use_fwd = kernel==0;
      ss << "__kernel void " << fcn_name[kernel] << "(";
      bool first=true;
      for (int i=0; i<nIn(); ++i) {
        if (first) first=false;
        else      ss << ", ";
        ss << "__global unsigned long *x" << i;
      for (int i=0; i<nOut(); ++i) {
        if (first) first=false;
        else      ss << ", ";
        ss << "__global unsigned long *r" << i;
      ss << ") { " << endl;

      if (use_fwd) {
        // Which variables have been declared
        vector<bool> declared(n_w_, false);

        // Propagate sparsity forward
        for (vector<AlgEl>::iterator it=algorithm_.begin(); it!=algorithm_.end(); ++it) {
          if (it->op==OP_OUTPUT) {
            ss << "if (r" << it->i0 << "!=0) r" << it->i0 << "[" << it->i2 << "]=" << "a" << it->i1;
          } else {
            // Declare result if not already declared
            if (!declared[it->i0]) {
              ss << "ulong ";

            // Where to store the result
            ss << "a" << it->i0 << "=";

            // What to store
            if (it->op==OP_CONST || it->op==OP_PARAMETER) {
              ss << "0";
            } else if (it->op==OP_INPUT) {
              ss << "x" << it->i1 << "[" << it->i2 << "]";
            } else {
              int ndep = casadi_math<double>::ndeps(it->op);
              for (int c=0; c<ndep; ++c) {
                if (c==0) {
                  ss << "a" << it->i1;
                } else {
                  ss << "|";
                  ss << "a" << it->i2;
          ss  << ";" << endl;

      } else { // Backward propagation
        // Temporary variable
        ss << "ulong t;" << endl;

        // Declare and initialize work vector
        for (int i=0; i<n_w_; ++i) {
          ss << "ulong a" << i << "=0;"<< endl;

        // Propagate sparsity backward
        for (vector<AlgEl>::reverse_iterator it=algorithm_.rbegin(); it!=algorithm_.rend(); ++it) {
          if (it->op==OP_OUTPUT) {
            ss << "if (r" << it->i0 << "!=0) a" << it->i1
               << "|=r" << it->i0 << "[" << it->i2 << "];" << endl;
          } else {
            if (it->op==OP_INPUT) {
              ss << "x" << it->i1 << "[" << it->i2 << "]=a" << it->i0 << "; ";
              ss << "a" << it->i0 << "=0;" << endl;
            } else if (it->op==OP_CONST || it->op==OP_PARAMETER) {
              ss << "a" << it->i0 << "=0;" << endl;
            } else {
              int ndep = casadi_math<double>::ndeps(it->op);
              ss << "t=a" << it->i0 << "; ";
              ss << "a" << it->i0 << "=0; ";
              ss << "a" << it->i1 << "|=" << "t" << "; ";
              if (ndep>1) {
                ss << "a" << it->i2 << "|=" << "t" << "; ";
              ss << endl;
      ss << "}" << endl << endl;

    // Form c-string
    std::string s = ss.str();
    if (verbose()) {
      userOut() << "Kernel source code for sparsity propagation:" << endl;
      userOut() << " ***** " << endl;
      userOut() << s;
      userOut() << " ***** " << endl;
    const char* cstr = s.c_str();

    // Parse kernel source code
    sp_program_ = clCreateProgramWithSource(sparsity_propagation_kernel_.context,
                                            1, static_cast<const char **>(&cstr), 0, &ret);
    casadi_assert(ret == CL_SUCCESS);
    casadi_assert(sp_program_ != 0);

    // Build Kernel Program

    // Create OpenCL kernel for forward propatation
    sp_fwd_kernel_ = clCreateKernel(sp_program_, fcn_name[0], &ret);
    casadi_assert(ret == CL_SUCCESS);

    // Create OpenCL kernel for backward propatation
    sp_adj_kernel_ = clCreateKernel(sp_program_, fcn_name[1], &ret);
    casadi_assert(ret == CL_SUCCESS);

    // Memory buffer for each of the input arrays
    sp_input_memobj_.resize(nIn(), static_cast<cl_mem>(0));
    for (int i=0; i<sp_input_memobj_.size(); ++i) {
      sp_input_memobj_[i] = clCreateBuffer(sparsity_propagation_kernel_.context,
                                           CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR,
                                           inputNoCheck(i).size() * sizeof(cl_ulong),
                                           reinterpret_cast<void*>(inputNoCheck(i).ptr()), &ret);
      casadi_assert(ret == CL_SUCCESS);

    // Memory buffer for each of the output arrays
    sp_output_memobj_.resize(nOut(), static_cast<cl_mem>(0));
    for (int i=0; i<sp_output_memobj_.size(); ++i) {
      sp_output_memobj_[i] = clCreateBuffer(sparsity_propagation_kernel_.context,
                                            CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR,
                                            outputNoCheck(i).size() * sizeof(cl_ulong),
                                            reinterpret_cast<void*>(outputNoCheck(i).ptr()), &ret);
      casadi_assert(ret == CL_SUCCESS);