Пример #1
 * Covers the 4 cases discussed in the text:
 * - both neighbours are allocated
 * - the next block is available for coalescing
 * - the previous block is available for coalescing
 * - both neighbours are available for coalescing

 *  The coalesce has four conditions based on
 *  the neighbours around it
 *  basically if there is a free neighbour,
 *  we need to modify the header and footer 
 *  of the left most neightbour to coalesce the new size.
 *  But as well, since we need to remove the coalesced free
 *  block from the free list and re add the new larger block
 *  onto the free list.
void *coalesce(void *bp)
    size_t prev_alloc = GET_ALLOC(FTRP(PREV_BLKP(bp)));
    size_t next_alloc = GET_ALLOC(HDRP(NEXT_BLKP(bp)));
    size_t size = GET_SIZE(HDRP(bp));
    if (bp == NULL)
        return NULL;

    if (prev_alloc && next_alloc) {       /* Case 1 */
    insertFifoFreeBlock(bp);              // Insert onto free list
        return bp;

    else if (prev_alloc && !next_alloc) { /* Case 2 */
        size += GET_SIZE(HDRP(NEXT_BLKP(bp)));
        delete_from_free (NEXT_BLKP(bp));   // Remove the right block from the free list
        PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));
        PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));

        insertFifoFreeBlock(bp);           // Insert onto free list
        return (bp);

    else if (!prev_alloc && next_alloc) { /* Case 3 */
        size += GET_SIZE(HDRP(PREV_BLKP(bp)));
        delete_from_free (PREV_BLKP(bp));      // Remove the left block from the free list
        PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));
        PUT(HDRP(PREV_BLKP(bp)), PACK(size, 0));

        bp = PREV_BLKP(bp);

        insertFifoFreeBlock(bp);             // Insert onto free list

        return (bp);

    else {            /* Case 4 */
        size += GET_SIZE(HDRP(PREV_BLKP(bp)))  +
        GET_SIZE(FTRP(NEXT_BLKP(bp)))  ;

        delete_from_free (PREV_BLKP(bp));       // Remove the left block from the free list
        delete_from_free (NEXT_BLKP(bp));        // Remove the right block from the free list
        PUT(HDRP(PREV_BLKP(bp)), PACK(size,0));
        PUT(FTRP(NEXT_BLKP(bp)), PACK(size,0));

        bp = PREV_BLKP(bp);

        insertFifoFreeBlock(bp);                // Insert onto free list
        return (bp);
Пример #2
 * place
 * Mark the block as allocated
void place(void* bp, size_t asize, int call_delete)
  /* Get the current block size */
    size_t bsize = GET_SIZE(HDRP(bp));
  if (call_delete == 1) {
                             // since we are returning
                             // free block to be used
                             // remove the block from the free
                             // list
    PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(bsize, 1));
    PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(bsize, 1));
Пример #3
//method for allocating memory for memory block
void* getmem(uintptr_t size){
		return NULL;
	uintptr_t actual_size = (size % HEAD_SIZE != 0) ? (size+HEAD_SIZE) + (HEAD_SIZE - (size % HEAD_SIZE)) : (size+HEAD_SIZE); 

	if(free_list == NULL){
		return allocateNew(actual_size);

	memnode* cur = free_list;

	// first add header(16 bytes) and then make it a mutiple of 16

	while(cur != NULL){

		if(cur->size > actual_size){ //check if there is enough block for new request

			memnode* newMem = (memnode*)((uintptr_t)cur + HEAD_SIZE + cur->size - actual_size);
			newMem->size = actual_size - HEAD_SIZE;
			newMem->next = NULL;
			cur->size = cur->size - actual_size;

			return (void*) ((memnode*) ((uintptr_t)newMem+HEAD_SIZE));
		}else if(cur->size == actual_size){
			//delete cur from free_list and add it to the AMA

			return (void*) ((memnode*) ((uintptr_t)cur+HEAD_SIZE));
		cur = cur->next;
	return allocateNew(actual_size);