Пример #1
   * @param depth the depth image (if given as short int CV_U, it is assumed to be the depth in millimeters
   *              (as done with the Microsoft Kinect), otherwise, if given as CV_32F, it is assumed in meters)
   * @param K The calibration matrix
   * @param points3d the resulting 3d points. They are of depth the same as `depth` if it is CV_32F or CV_64F, and the
   *        depth of `K` if `depth` is of depth CV_U
   * @param mask the mask of the points to consider (can be empty)
  depthTo3d(InputArray depth_in, InputArray K_in, OutputArray points3d_out, InputArray mask_in)
    cv::Mat depth = depth_in.getMat();
    cv::Mat K = K_in.getMat();
    cv::Mat mask = mask_in.getMat();
    CV_Assert(K.cols == 3 && K.rows == 3 && (K.depth() == CV_64F || K.depth()==CV_32F));
        depth.type() == CV_64FC1 || depth.type() == CV_32FC1 || depth.type() == CV_16UC1 || depth.type() == CV_16SC1);
    CV_Assert(mask.empty() || mask.channels() == 1);

    // TODO figure out what to do when types are different: convert or reject ?
    cv::Mat K_new;
    if ((depth.depth() == CV_32F || depth.depth() == CV_64F) && depth.depth() != K.depth())
      K.convertTo(K_new, depth.depth());
      K_new = K;

    // Create 3D points in one go.
    cv::Mat points3d;
    if (!mask.empty())
      cv::Mat points3d;
      depthTo3dMask(depth, K_new, mask, points3d);
      points3d_out.create(points3d.size(), CV_MAKETYPE(K_new.depth(), 3));
      points3d_out.create(depth.size(), CV_MAKETYPE(K_new.depth(), 3));
      cv::Mat points3d = points3d_out.getMat();
      if (K_new.depth() == CV_64F)
        depthTo3dNoMask<double>(depth, K_new, points3d);
        depthTo3dNoMask<float>(depth, K_new, points3d);
    process(const tendrils& in, const tendrils& out)
      cv::Mat depth = in.get<cv::Mat>("depth");
      if (depth.empty())
        return ecto::OK;

      cv::Mat R, T, K;
      in.get<cv::Mat>("R").convertTo(R, CV_64F);
      in.get<cv::Mat>("T").convertTo(T, CV_64F);
      in.get<cv::Mat>("K").convertTo(K, CV_64F);

      if (R.empty() || T.empty() || K.empty())
        return ecto::OK;

      cv::Mat mask = cv::Mat::zeros(depth.size(), CV_8UC1);


      std::vector<cv::Point3f> box(8);
      box[0] = cv::Point3f(*x_crop, *y_crop, *z_min);
      box[1] = cv::Point3f(-*x_crop, *y_crop, *z_min);
      box[2] = cv::Point3f(-*x_crop, -*y_crop, *z_min);
      box[3] = cv::Point3f(*x_crop, -*y_crop, *z_min);
      box[4] = cv::Point3f(*x_crop, *y_crop, *z_crop);
      box[5] = cv::Point3f(-*x_crop, *y_crop, *z_crop);
      box[6] = cv::Point3f(-*x_crop, -*y_crop, *z_crop);
      box[7] = cv::Point3f(*x_crop, -*y_crop, *z_crop);

      std::vector<cv::Point2f> projected, hull;
      cv::projectPoints(box, R, T, K, cv::Mat(4, 1, CV_64FC1, cv::Scalar(0)), projected);

      cv::convexHull(projected, hull, true);
      std::vector<cv::Point> points(hull.size());
      std::copy(hull.begin(), hull.end(), points.begin());
      cv::fillConvexPoly(box_mask, points.data(), points.size(), cv::Scalar::all(255));

      int width = mask.size().width;
      int height = mask.size().height;
      cv::Mat_<uint8_t>::iterator it = mask.begin<uint8_t>();
      cv::Mat_<uint8_t>::iterator mit = box_mask.begin();

      cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3f> points3d;
      depthTo3dMask(K, depth, box_mask, points3d);
      if (points3d.empty())
        return ecto::OK;

      cv::Matx<double, 3, 1> p, p_r, Tx(T); //Translation
      cv::Matx<double, 3, 3> Rx; //inverse Rotation
      Rx = cv::Mat(R.t());
      cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3f>::iterator point = points3d.begin();

//      std::cout << cv::Mat(Rx) << "\n" << cv::Mat(Tx) << std::endl;
//      std::cout << fx << " " << fy << " " << cx << " " << cy << " " << std::endl;
      double z_min_ = *z_min, z_max_ = *z_crop, x_min_ = -*x_crop, x_max_ = *x_crop, y_min_ = -*y_crop,
          y_max_ = *y_crop;
      for (int v = 0; v < height; v++)
        for (int u = 0; u < width; u++, ++it, ++mit)
          if (*mit == 0)
          //calculate the point based on the depth
          p(0) = (*point).val[0];
          p(1) = (*point).val[1];
          p(2) = (*point).val[2];
          p_r = Rx * (p - Tx);
//          std::cout <<"p=" << cv::Mat(p) << ",p_r="<< cv::Mat(p_r) << std::endl;
          if (p_r(2) > z_min_ && p_r(2) < z_max_ && p_r(0) > x_min_ && p_r(0) < x_max_ && p_r(1) > y_min_
              && p_r(1) < y_max_)
            *it = 255;
      out["mask"] << mask;
      return ecto::OK;