static int mysql_read (user_data_t *ud) { mysql_database_t *db; MYSQL *con; MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; char *query; derive_t qcache_hits = 0; derive_t qcache_inserts = 0; derive_t qcache_not_cached = 0; derive_t qcache_lowmem_prunes = 0; gauge_t qcache_queries_in_cache = NAN; gauge_t threads_running = NAN; gauge_t threads_connected = NAN; gauge_t threads_cached = NAN; derive_t threads_created = 0; unsigned long long traffic_incoming = 0ULL; unsigned long long traffic_outgoing = 0ULL; if ((ud == NULL) || (ud->data == NULL)) { ERROR ("mysql plugin: mysql_database_read: Invalid user data."); return (-1); } db = (mysql_database_t *) ud->data; /* An error message will have been printed in this case */ if ((con = getconnection (db)) == NULL) return (-1); query = "SHOW STATUS"; if (mysql_get_server_version (con) >= 50002) query = "SHOW GLOBAL STATUS"; res = exec_query (con, query); if (res == NULL) return (-1); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row (res))) { char *key; unsigned long long val; key = row[0]; val = atoll (row[1]); if (strncmp (key, "Com_", strlen ("Com_")) == 0) { if (val == 0ULL) continue; /* Ignore `prepared statements' */ if (strncmp (key, "Com_stmt_", strlen ("Com_stmt_")) != 0) counter_submit ("mysql_commands", key + strlen ("Com_"), val, db); } else if (strncmp (key, "Handler_", strlen ("Handler_")) == 0) { if (val == 0ULL) continue; counter_submit ("mysql_handler", key + strlen ("Handler_"), val, db); } else if (strncmp (key, "Qcache_", strlen ("Qcache_")) == 0) { if (strcmp (key, "Qcache_hits") == 0) qcache_hits = (derive_t) val; else if (strcmp (key, "Qcache_inserts") == 0) qcache_inserts = (derive_t) val; else if (strcmp (key, "Qcache_not_cached") == 0) qcache_not_cached = (derive_t) val; else if (strcmp (key, "Qcache_lowmem_prunes") == 0) qcache_lowmem_prunes = (derive_t) val; else if (strcmp (key, "Qcache_queries_in_cache") == 0) qcache_queries_in_cache = (gauge_t) val; } else if (strncmp (key, "Bytes_", strlen ("Bytes_")) == 0) { if (strcmp (key, "Bytes_received") == 0) traffic_incoming += val; else if (strcmp (key, "Bytes_sent") == 0) traffic_outgoing += val; } else if (strncmp (key, "Threads_", strlen ("Threads_")) == 0) { if (strcmp (key, "Threads_running") == 0) threads_running = (gauge_t) val; else if (strcmp (key, "Threads_connected") == 0) threads_connected = (gauge_t) val; else if (strcmp (key, "Threads_cached") == 0) threads_cached = (gauge_t) val; else if (strcmp (key, "Threads_created") == 0) threads_created = (derive_t) val; } else if (strncmp (key, "Table_locks_", strlen ("Table_locks_")) == 0) { counter_submit ("mysql_locks", key + strlen ("Table_locks_"), val, db); } } mysql_free_result (res); res = NULL; if ((qcache_hits != 0) || (qcache_inserts != 0) || (qcache_not_cached != 0) || (qcache_lowmem_prunes != 0)) { derive_submit ("cache_result", "qcache-hits", qcache_hits, db); derive_submit ("cache_result", "qcache-inserts", qcache_inserts, db); derive_submit ("cache_result", "qcache-not_cached", qcache_not_cached, db); derive_submit ("cache_result", "qcache-prunes", qcache_lowmem_prunes, db); gauge_submit ("cache_size", "qcache", qcache_queries_in_cache, db); } if (threads_created != 0) { gauge_submit ("threads", "running", threads_running, db); gauge_submit ("threads", "connected", threads_connected, db); gauge_submit ("threads", "cached", threads_cached, db); derive_submit ("total_threads", "created", threads_created, db); } traffic_submit (traffic_incoming, traffic_outgoing, db); if (db->master_stats) mysql_read_master_stats (db, con); if ((db->slave_stats) || (db->slave_notif)) mysql_read_slave_stats (db, con); return (0); } /* int mysql_read */
static int mysql_read_wsrep_stats (mysql_database_t *db, MYSQL *con) { MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; const char *query; struct { const char *key; const char *type; int ds_type; } metrics[] = { { "wsrep_apply_oooe", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "wsrep_apply_oool", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "wsrep_causal_reads", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "wsrep_commit_oooe", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "wsrep_commit_oool", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "wsrep_flow_control_recv", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "wsrep_flow_control_sent", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "wsrep_flow_control_paused", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "wsrep_local_bf_aborts", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "wsrep_local_cert_failures", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "wsrep_local_commits", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "wsrep_local_replays", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "wsrep_received", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "wsrep_replicated", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "wsrep_received_bytes", "total_bytes", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "wsrep_replicated_bytes", "total_bytes", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "wsrep_apply_window", "gauge", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { "wsrep_commit_window", "gauge", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { "wsrep_cluster_size", "gauge", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { "wsrep_cert_deps_distance", "gauge", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { "wsrep_local_recv_queue", "queue_length", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { "wsrep_local_send_queue", "queue_length", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { NULL, NULL, 0} }; query = "SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'wsrep_%'"; res = exec_query (con, query); if (res == NULL) return (-1); row = mysql_fetch_row (res); if (row == NULL) { ERROR ("mysql plugin: Failed to get wsrep statistics: " "`%s' did not return any rows.", query); mysql_free_result (res); return (-1); } while ((row = mysql_fetch_row (res))) { int i; char *key; unsigned long long val; key = row[0]; val = atoll (row[1]); for (i = 0; metrics[i].key != NULL && strcmp(metrics[i].key, key) != 0; i++) ; if (metrics[i].key == NULL) continue; switch (metrics[i].ds_type) { case DS_TYPE_GAUGE: gauge_submit(metrics[i].type, key, (gauge_t)val, db); break; case DS_TYPE_DERIVE: derive_submit(metrics[i].type, key, (derive_t)val, db); break; } } mysql_free_result(res); return (0); } /* mysql_read_wsrep_stats */
static int mysql_read (user_data_t *ud) { mysql_database_t *db; MYSQL *con; MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; const char *query; derive_t qcache_hits = 0; derive_t qcache_inserts = 0; derive_t qcache_not_cached = 0; derive_t qcache_lowmem_prunes = 0; gauge_t qcache_queries_in_cache = NAN; gauge_t threads_running = NAN; gauge_t threads_connected = NAN; gauge_t threads_cached = NAN; derive_t threads_created = 0; unsigned long long traffic_incoming = 0ULL; unsigned long long traffic_outgoing = 0ULL; unsigned long mysql_version = 0ULL; if ((ud == NULL) || (ud->data == NULL)) { ERROR ("mysql plugin: mysql_database_read: Invalid user data."); return (-1); } db = (mysql_database_t *) ud->data; /* An error message will have been printed in this case */ if ((con = getconnection (db)) == NULL) return (-1); mysql_version = mysql_get_server_version(con); query = "SHOW STATUS"; if (mysql_version >= 50002) query = "SHOW GLOBAL STATUS"; res = exec_query (con, query); if (res == NULL) return (-1); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row (res))) { char *key; unsigned long long val; key = row[0]; val = atoll (row[1]); if (strncmp (key, "Com_", strlen ("Com_")) == 0) { if (val == 0ULL) continue; /* Ignore `prepared statements' */ if (strncmp (key, "Com_stmt_", strlen ("Com_stmt_")) != 0) counter_submit ("mysql_commands", key + strlen ("Com_"), val, db); } else if (strncmp (key, "Handler_", strlen ("Handler_")) == 0) { if (val == 0ULL) continue; counter_submit ("mysql_handler", key + strlen ("Handler_"), val, db); } else if (strncmp (key, "Qcache_", strlen ("Qcache_")) == 0) { if (strcmp (key, "Qcache_hits") == 0) qcache_hits = (derive_t) val; else if (strcmp (key, "Qcache_inserts") == 0) qcache_inserts = (derive_t) val; else if (strcmp (key, "Qcache_not_cached") == 0) qcache_not_cached = (derive_t) val; else if (strcmp (key, "Qcache_lowmem_prunes") == 0) qcache_lowmem_prunes = (derive_t) val; else if (strcmp (key, "Qcache_queries_in_cache") == 0) qcache_queries_in_cache = (gauge_t) val; } else if (strncmp (key, "Bytes_", strlen ("Bytes_")) == 0) { if (strcmp (key, "Bytes_received") == 0) traffic_incoming += val; else if (strcmp (key, "Bytes_sent") == 0) traffic_outgoing += val; } else if (strncmp (key, "Threads_", strlen ("Threads_")) == 0) { if (strcmp (key, "Threads_running") == 0) threads_running = (gauge_t) val; else if (strcmp (key, "Threads_connected") == 0) threads_connected = (gauge_t) val; else if (strcmp (key, "Threads_cached") == 0) threads_cached = (gauge_t) val; else if (strcmp (key, "Threads_created") == 0) threads_created = (derive_t) val; } else if (strncmp (key, "Table_locks_", strlen ("Table_locks_")) == 0) { counter_submit ("mysql_locks", key + strlen ("Table_locks_"), val, db); } else if (db->innodb_stats && strncmp (key, "Innodb_", strlen ("Innodb_")) == 0) { /* buffer pool */ if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data") == 0) gauge_submit ("mysql_bpool_pages", "data", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty") == 0) gauge_submit ("mysql_bpool_pages", "dirty", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_bpool_counters", "pages_flushed", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free") == 0) gauge_submit ("mysql_bpool_pages", "free", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc") == 0) gauge_submit ("mysql_bpool_pages", "misc", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total") == 0) gauge_submit ("mysql_bpool_pages", "total", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_bpool_counters", "read_ahead_rnd", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_bpool_counters", "read_ahead", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_bpool_counters", "read_ahead_evicted", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_bpool_counters", "read_requests", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_reads") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_bpool_counters", "reads", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_bpool_counters", "write_requests", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_data") == 0) gauge_submit ("mysql_bpool_bytes", "data", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_dirty") == 0) gauge_submit ("mysql_bpool_bytes", "dirty", val, db); /* data */ if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_data_fsyncs") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_data", "fsyncs", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_data_read") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_data", "read", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_data_reads") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_data", "reads", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_data_writes") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_data", "writes", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_data_written") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_data", "written", val, db); /* double write */ else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_dblwr_writes") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_dblwr", "writes", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_dblwr_pages_written") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_dblwr", "written", val, db); /* log */ else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_log_waits") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_log", "waits", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_log_write_requests") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_log", "write_requests", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_log_writes") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_log", "writes", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_os_log_fsyncs") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_log", "fsyncs", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_os_log_written") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_log", "written", val, db); /* pages */ else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_pages_created") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_pages", "created", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_pages_read") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_pages", "read", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_pages_written") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_pages", "written", val, db); /* row lock */ else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_row_lock_time") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_row_lock", "time", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_row_lock_waits") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_row_lock", "waits", val, db); /* rows */ else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_rows_deleted") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_rows", "deleted", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_rows_inserted") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_rows", "inserted", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_rows_read") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_rows", "read", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_rows_updated") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_rows", "updated", val, db); } else if (strncmp (key, "Select_", strlen ("Select_")) == 0) { counter_submit ("mysql_select", key + strlen ("Select_"), val, db); } else if (strncmp (key, "Sort_", strlen ("Sort_")) == 0) { if (strcmp (key, "Sort_merge_passes") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_sort_merge_passes", NULL, val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Sort_rows") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_sort_rows", NULL, val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Sort_range") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_sort", "range", val, db); else if (strcmp (key, "Sort_scan") == 0) counter_submit ("mysql_sort", "scan", val, db); } else if (strncmp (key, "Slow_queries", strlen ("Slow_queries")) == 0) { counter_submit ("mysql_slow_queries", NULL , val, db); } } mysql_free_result (res); res = NULL; if ((qcache_hits != 0) || (qcache_inserts != 0) || (qcache_not_cached != 0) || (qcache_lowmem_prunes != 0)) { derive_submit ("cache_result", "qcache-hits", qcache_hits, db); derive_submit ("cache_result", "qcache-inserts", qcache_inserts, db); derive_submit ("cache_result", "qcache-not_cached", qcache_not_cached, db); derive_submit ("cache_result", "qcache-prunes", qcache_lowmem_prunes, db); gauge_submit ("cache_size", "qcache", qcache_queries_in_cache, db); } if (threads_created != 0) { gauge_submit ("threads", "running", threads_running, db); gauge_submit ("threads", "connected", threads_connected, db); gauge_submit ("threads", "cached", threads_cached, db); derive_submit ("total_threads", "created", threads_created, db); } traffic_submit (traffic_incoming, traffic_outgoing, db); if (mysql_version >= 50600 && db->innodb_stats) mysql_read_innodb_stats (db, con); if (db->master_stats) mysql_read_master_stats (db, con); if ((db->slave_stats) || (db->slave_notif)) mysql_read_slave_stats (db, con); if (db->wsrep_stats) mysql_read_wsrep_stats (db, con); return (0); } /* int mysql_read */
static int mysql_read_innodb_stats (mysql_database_t *db, MYSQL *con) { MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; const char *query; struct { const char *key; const char *type; int ds_type; } metrics[] = { { "metadata_mem_pool_size", "bytes", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { "lock_deadlocks", "mysql_locks", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "lock_timeouts", "mysql_locks", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "lock_row_lock_current_waits", "mysql_locks", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "buffer_pool_size", "bytes", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { "buffer_pool_reads", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "buffer_pool_read_requests", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "buffer_pool_write_requests", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "buffer_pool_wait_free", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "buffer_pool_read_ahead", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "buffer_pool_pages_total", "gauge", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { "buffer_pool_pages_misc", "gauge", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { "buffer_pool_pages_data", "gauge", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { "buffer_pool_bytes_data", "gauge", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { "buffer_pool_pages_dirty", "gauge", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { "buffer_pool_bytes_dirty", "gauge", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { "buffer_pool_pages_free", "gauge", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { "buffer_pages_created", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "buffer_pages_written", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "buffer_pages_read", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "buffer_data_reads", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "buffer_data_written", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "os_data_reads", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "os_data_writes", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "os_data_fsyncs", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "os_log_bytes_written", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "os_log_fsyncs", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "os_log_pending_fsyncs", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "os_log_pending_writes", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "trx_rseg_history_len", "gauge", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { "log_waits", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "log_write_requests", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "log_writes", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "adaptive_hash_searches", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "file_num_open_files", "gauge", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { "ibuf_merges_insert", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "ibuf_merges_delete_mark", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "ibuf_merges_delete", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "ibuf_merges_discard_insert", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "ibuf_merges_discard_delete_mark", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "ibuf_merges_discard_delete", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "ibuf_merges_discard_merges", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "ibuf_size", "bytes", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { "innodb_activity_count", "gauge", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { "innodb_dblwr_writes", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "innodb_dblwr_pages_written", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "innodb_dblwr_page_size", "gauge", DS_TYPE_GAUGE }, { "innodb_rwlock_s_spin_waits", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "innodb_rwlock_x_spin_waits", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "innodb_rwlock_s_spin_rounds", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "innodb_rwlock_x_spin_rounds", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "innodb_rwlock_s_os_waits", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "innodb_rwlock_x_os_waits", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "dml_reads", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "dml_inserts", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "dml_deletes", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { "dml_updates", "operations", DS_TYPE_DERIVE }, { NULL, NULL, 0} }; query = "SELECT name, count, type FROM information_schema.innodb_metrics WHERE status = 'enabled'"; res = exec_query (con, query); if (res == NULL) return (-1); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row (res))) { int i; char *key; unsigned long long val; key = row[0]; val = atoll (row[1]); for (i = 0; metrics[i].key != NULL && strcmp(metrics[i].key, key) != 0; i++) ; if (metrics[i].key == NULL) continue; switch (metrics[i].ds_type) { case DS_TYPE_COUNTER: counter_submit(metrics[i].type, key, (counter_t)val, db); break; case DS_TYPE_GAUGE: gauge_submit(metrics[i].type, key, (gauge_t)val, db); break; case DS_TYPE_DERIVE: derive_submit(metrics[i].type, key, (derive_t)val, db); break; } } mysql_free_result(res); return (0); }