Пример #1
 * Create and initialize a hash table.
HashTable* dvmHashTableCreate(size_t initialSize, HashFreeFunc freeFunc)
    HashTable* pHashTable;

    assert(initialSize > 0);

    pHashTable = (HashTable*) malloc(sizeof(*pHashTable));
    if (pHashTable == NULL)
        return NULL;


    pHashTable->tableSize = dexRoundUpPower2(initialSize);
    pHashTable->numEntries = pHashTable->numDeadEntries = 0;
    pHashTable->freeFunc = freeFunc;
    pHashTable->pEntries =
        (HashEntry*) malloc(pHashTable->tableSize * sizeof(HashEntry));
    if (pHashTable->pEntries == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    memset(pHashTable->pEntries, 0, pHashTable->tableSize * sizeof(HashEntry));
    return pHashTable;
Пример #2
 * Create the class lookup hash table.
 * Returns newly-allocated storage.
DexClassLookup* dexCreateClassLookup(DexFile* pDexFile)
    DexClassLookup* pLookup;
    int allocSize;
    int i, numEntries;
    int numProbes, totalProbes, maxProbes;

    numProbes = totalProbes = maxProbes = 0;

    assert(pDexFile != NULL);

     * Using a factor of 3 results in far less probing than a factor of 2,
     * but almost doubles the flash storage requirements for the bootstrap
     * DEX files.  The overall impact on class loading performance seems
     * to be minor.  We could probably get some performance improvement by
     * using a secondary hash.
    numEntries = dexRoundUpPower2(pDexFile->pHeader->classDefsSize * 2);
    allocSize = offsetof(DexClassLookup, table)
                    + numEntries * sizeof(pLookup->table[0]);

    pLookup = (DexClassLookup*) calloc(1, allocSize);
    if (pLookup == NULL)
        return NULL;
    pLookup->size = allocSize;
    pLookup->numEntries = numEntries;

    for (i = 0; i < (int)pDexFile->pHeader->classDefsSize; i++) {
        const DexClassDef* pClassDef;
        const char* pString;

        pClassDef = dexGetClassDef(pDexFile, i);
        pString = dexStringByTypeIdx(pDexFile, pClassDef->classIdx);

        classLookupAdd(pDexFile, pLookup,
            (u1*)pString - pDexFile->baseAddr,
            (u1*)pClassDef - pDexFile->baseAddr, &numProbes);

        if (numProbes > maxProbes)
            maxProbes = numProbes;
        totalProbes += numProbes;

    LOGV("Class lookup: classes=%d slots=%d (%d%% occ) alloc=%d"
         " total=%d max=%d\n",
        pDexFile->pHeader->classDefsSize, numEntries,
        (100 * pDexFile->pHeader->classDefsSize) / numEntries,
        allocSize, totalProbes, maxProbes);

    return pLookup;
 * Parse the Zip archive, verifying its contents and initializing internal
 * data structures.
static bool parseZipArchive(ZipArchive* pArchive, const MemMapping* pMap)
#define CHECK_OFFSET(_off) {                                                \
        if ((unsigned int) (_off) >= maxOffset) {                           \
            LOGE("ERROR: bad offset %u (max %d): %s\n",                     \
                (unsigned int) (_off), maxOffset, #_off);                   \
            goto bail;                                                      \
        }                                                                   \
    bool result = false;
    const unsigned char* basePtr = (const unsigned char*)pMap->addr;
    const unsigned char* ptr;
    size_t length = pMap->length;
    unsigned int i, numEntries, cdOffset;
    unsigned int val;

     * The first 4 bytes of the file will either be the local header
     * signature for the first file (kLFHSignature) or, if the archive doesn't
     * have any files in it, the end-of-central-directory signature
     * (kEOCDSignature).
    val = get4LE(basePtr);
    if (val == kEOCDSignature) {
        LOGI("Found Zip archive, but it looks empty\n");
        goto bail;
    } else if (val != kLFHSignature) {
        LOGV("Not a Zip archive (found 0x%08x)\n", val);
        goto bail;

     * Find the EOCD.  We'll find it immediately unless they have a file
     * comment.
    ptr = basePtr + length - kEOCDLen;

    while (ptr >= basePtr) {
        if (*ptr == (kEOCDSignature & 0xff) && get4LE(ptr) == kEOCDSignature)
    if (ptr < basePtr) {
        LOGI("Could not find end-of-central-directory in Zip\n");
        goto bail;

     * There are two interesting items in the EOCD block: the number of
     * entries in the file, and the file offset of the start of the
     * central directory.
     * (There's actually a count of the #of entries in this file, and for
     * all files which comprise a spanned archive, but for our purposes
     * we're only interested in the current file.  Besides, we expect the
     * two to be equivalent for our stuff.)
    numEntries = get2LE(ptr + kEOCDNumEntries);
    cdOffset = get4LE(ptr + kEOCDFileOffset);

    /* valid offsets are [0,EOCD] */
    unsigned int maxOffset;
    maxOffset = (ptr - basePtr) +1;

    LOGV("+++ numEntries=%d cdOffset=%d\n", numEntries, cdOffset);
    if (numEntries == 0 || cdOffset >= length) {
        LOGW("Invalid entries=%d offset=%d (len=%zd)\n",
            numEntries, cdOffset, length);
        goto bail;

     * Create hash table.  We have a minimum 75% load factor, possibly as
     * low as 50% after we round off to a power of 2.  There must be at
     * least one unused entry to avoid an infinite loop during creation.
    pArchive->mNumEntries = numEntries;
    pArchive->mHashTableSize = dexRoundUpPower2(1 + (numEntries * 4) / 3);
    pArchive->mHashTable = (ZipHashEntry*)
            calloc(pArchive->mHashTableSize, sizeof(ZipHashEntry));

     * Walk through the central directory, adding entries to the hash
     * table.
    ptr = basePtr + cdOffset;
    for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
        unsigned int fileNameLen, extraLen, commentLen, localHdrOffset;
        const unsigned char* localHdr;
        unsigned int hash;

        if (get4LE(ptr) != kCDESignature) {
            LOGW("Missed a central dir sig (at %d)\n", i);
            goto bail;
        if (ptr + kCDELen > basePtr + length) {
            LOGW("Ran off the end (at %d)\n", i);
            goto bail;

        localHdrOffset = get4LE(ptr + kCDELocalOffset);
        fileNameLen = get2LE(ptr + kCDENameLen);
        extraLen = get2LE(ptr + kCDEExtraLen);
        commentLen = get2LE(ptr + kCDECommentLen);

        //LOGV("+++ %d: localHdr=%d fnl=%d el=%d cl=%d\n",
        //    i, localHdrOffset, fileNameLen, extraLen, commentLen);
        //LOGV(" '%.*s'\n", fileNameLen, ptr + kCDELen);

        /* add the CDE filename to the hash table */
        hash = computeHash((const char*)ptr + kCDELen, fileNameLen);
        addToHash(pArchive, (const char*)ptr + kCDELen, fileNameLen, hash);

        localHdr = basePtr + localHdrOffset;
        if (get4LE(localHdr) != kLFHSignature) {
            LOGW("Bad offset to local header: %d (at %d)\n",
                localHdrOffset, i);
            goto bail;

        ptr += kCDELen + fileNameLen + extraLen + commentLen;
        CHECK_OFFSET(ptr - basePtr);

    result = true;

    return result;
Пример #4
 * Parses the Zip archive's Central Directory.  Allocates and populates the
 * hash table.
 * Returns 0 on success.
static int parseZipArchive(ZipArchive* pArchive)
    int result = -1;
    const u1* cdPtr = (const u1*)pArchive->mDirectoryMap.addr;
    size_t cdLength = pArchive->mDirectoryMap.length;
    int numEntries = pArchive->mNumEntries;

     * Create hash table.  We have a minimum 75% load factor, possibly as
     * low as 50% after we round off to a power of 2.  There must be at
     * least one unused entry to avoid an infinite loop during creation.
    pArchive->mHashTableSize = dexRoundUpPower2(1 + (numEntries * 4) / 3);
    pArchive->mHashTable = (ZipHashEntry*)
            calloc(pArchive->mHashTableSize, sizeof(ZipHashEntry));

     * Walk through the central directory, adding entries to the hash
     * table and verifying values.
    const u1* ptr = cdPtr;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
        if (get4LE(ptr) != kCDESignature) {
            LOGW("Zip: missed a central dir sig (at %d)\n", i);
            goto bail;
        if (ptr + kCDELen > cdPtr + cdLength) {
            LOGW("Zip: ran off the end (at %d)\n", i);
            goto bail;

        long localHdrOffset = (long) get4LE(ptr + kCDELocalOffset);
        if (localHdrOffset >= pArchive->mDirectoryOffset) {
            LOGW("Zip: bad LFH offset %ld at entry %d\n", localHdrOffset, i);
            goto bail;

        unsigned int fileNameLen, extraLen, commentLen, hash;
        fileNameLen = get2LE(ptr + kCDENameLen);
        extraLen = get2LE(ptr + kCDEExtraLen);
        commentLen = get2LE(ptr + kCDECommentLen);

        /* add the CDE filename to the hash table */
        hash = computeHash((const char*)ptr + kCDELen, fileNameLen);
        addToHash(pArchive, (const char*)ptr + kCDELen, fileNameLen, hash);

        ptr += kCDELen + fileNameLen + extraLen + commentLen;
        if ((size_t)(ptr - cdPtr) > cdLength) {
            LOGW("Zip: bad CD advance (%d vs %zd) at entry %d\n",
                (int) (ptr - cdPtr), cdLength, i);
            goto bail;
    LOGV("+++ zip good scan %d entries\n", numEntries);

    result = 0;

    return result;
Пример #5
 * Parses the Zip archive's Central Directory.  Allocates and populates the
 * hash table.
 * Returns 0 on success.
static int parseZipArchive(ZipArchive* pArchive)
    int result = -1;
    const u1* cdPtr = (const u1*)pArchive->mDirectoryMap.addr;
    size_t cdLength = pArchive->mDirectoryMap.length;
    int numEntries = pArchive->mNumEntries;

     * Create hash table.  We have a minimum 75% load factor, possibly as
     * low as 50% after we round off to a power of 2.  There must be at
     * least one unused entry to avoid an infinite loop during creation.
    pArchive->mHashTableSize = dexRoundUpPower2(1 + (numEntries * 4) / 3);
    pArchive->mHashTable = (ZipHashEntry*)
            calloc(pArchive->mHashTableSize, sizeof(ZipHashEntry));

     * Walk through the central directory, adding entries to the hash
     * table and verifying values.
    const u1* ptr = cdPtr;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
        if (get4LE(ptr) != kCDESignature) {
            ALOGW("Zip: missed a central dir sig (at %d)", i);
            goto bail;
        if (ptr + kCDELen > cdPtr + cdLength) {
            ALOGW("Zip: ran off the end (at %d)", i);
            goto bail;

        long localHdrOffset = (long) get4LE(ptr + kCDELocalOffset);
        if (localHdrOffset >= pArchive->mDirectoryOffset) {
            ALOGW("Zip: bad LFH offset %ld at entry %d", localHdrOffset, i);
            goto bail;

        unsigned int gpbf = get2LE(ptr + kCDEGPBFlags);
        if ((gpbf & kGPFUnsupportedMask) != 0) {
            ALOGW("Invalid General Purpose Bit Flag: %d", gpbf);
            goto bail;

        unsigned int nameLen, extraLen, commentLen, hash;
        nameLen = get2LE(ptr + kCDENameLen);
        extraLen = get2LE(ptr + kCDEExtraLen);
        commentLen = get2LE(ptr + kCDECommentLen);

        const char *name = (const char *) ptr + kCDELen;

        /* Check name for NULL characters */
        if (memchr(name, 0, nameLen) != NULL) {
            ALOGW("Filename contains NUL byte");
            goto bail;

        /* add the CDE filename to the hash table */
        hash = computeHash(name, nameLen);
        addToHash(pArchive, name, nameLen, hash);

        /* We don't care about the comment or extra data. */
        ptr += kCDELen + nameLen + extraLen + commentLen;
        if ((size_t)(ptr - cdPtr) > cdLength) {
            ALOGW("Zip: bad CD advance (%d vs %zd) at entry %d",
                (int) (ptr - cdPtr), cdLength, i);
            goto bail;
    ALOGV("+++ zip good scan %d entries", numEntries);

    result = 0;

    return result;