Пример #1
 * stronglyConnectedComponents() finds strongly-connected components within system, and gives all Vertices within each strongly-
 * connected component the same Vertex.sccNumber value, which will differ from that within all Vertices not within that strongly-
 * connected component. Implements STRONGLY-CONNECTED-COMPONENTS() and DFS(), as defined in Introduction to Algorithms, Third
 * Edition.
 * system - pointer to the System struct in which strongly-connected components are to be found
static void stronglyConnectedComponents(System * system){
  int time = 0;
  int sccNumber = 0;
  for(VertexSign i = POSITIVE; i <= NEGATIVE; i++){
    for(int j = 0; j < system->n; j++){
      if( system->graph[i][j].dfsColor == WHITE ){
        dfsVisit( &system->graph[i][j], &time, sccNumber, NULL );
  System transpose;
  transposeSystem( system, &transpose );
  int vertexSortArrayLength = system->n * VERTEX_SIGN_COUNT;
  Vertex * vertexSortArray[ vertexSortArrayLength ];
  for(VertexSign i = POSITIVE; i <= NEGATIVE; i++){
    for(int j = 0; j < system->n; j++){
      transpose.graph[i][j].finishingTime = system->graph[i][j].finishingTime;
      vertexSortArray[ i * system->n + j ] = &transpose.graph[i][j];
  qsort( vertexSortArray, vertexSortArrayLength, sizeof(Vertex *), vertexCompareFinishingTimes);
  time = 0;
  for(int i = vertexSortArrayLength - 1; i >= 0; i--){
    if( vertexSortArray[i]->dfsColor == WHITE ){
      dfsVisit( vertexSortArray[i], &time, sccNumber, NULL );
  for(VertexSign i = POSITIVE; i <= NEGATIVE; i++){
    for(int j = 0; j < system->n; j++){
      system->graph[i][j].sccNumber = transpose.graph[i][j].sccNumber;
  freeSystem( &transpose );
Пример #2
 * generateProof() generates a proof of integral infeasibility, as defined in An Efficient Decision Procedure for UTVPI
 * Constraints - Lahiri, Musuvathi. Returns a pointer to a ConstraintRefList storing this proof.
 * Gphi - pointer to the System struct containing the original graph representation
 * GphiPrime - pointer to the system struct containing only the slackless edges from Gphi
 * infeasibleVertexIndex - integer representing the index of the variable causing the contradiction
static ConstraintRefList * generateProof(System * Gphi, System * GphiPrime, int infeasibleVertexIndex){
  ConstraintRefList * proof = generateConstraintRefList();
  int k = Gphi->graph[NEGATIVE][infeasibleVertexIndex].D - Gphi->graph[POSITIVE][infeasibleVertexIndex].D;

  Constraint * constraint;
  Edge * edge;

  for(VertexSign i = POSITIVE; i <= NEGATIVE; i++){
    for(int j = 0; j < GphiPrime->n; j++){
      GphiPrime->graph[i][j].dfsColor = WHITE;
  int time = 0;
  GphiPrime->graph[NEGATIVE][infeasibleVertexIndex].L = NULL;
  dfsVisit( &GphiPrime->graph[NEGATIVE][infeasibleVertexIndex], &time, 0, &GphiPrime->graph[POSITIVE][infeasibleVertexIndex] );
  edge = GphiPrime->graph[POSITIVE][infeasibleVertexIndex].L;
  while( edge != NULL ){
    constraint = (Constraint *) malloc( sizeof(Constraint) );
    edgeToConstraint(edge, constraint);
    constraintRefListPrepend(proof, constraint);
    edge = edge->tail->L;

  constraint = (Constraint *) malloc( sizeof(Constraint) );
  constraint->sign[0] = CONSTRAINT_PLUS;
  constraint->index[0] = infeasibleVertexIndex + 1;
  constraint->sign[1] = CONSTRAINT_NONE;
  constraint->index[1] = 0;
  constraint->weight = (-k-1)/2;
  constraintRefListPrepend(proof, constraint);

  for(VertexSign i = POSITIVE; i <= NEGATIVE; i++){
    for(int j = 0; j < GphiPrime->n; j++){
      GphiPrime->graph[i][j].dfsColor = WHITE;
  time = 0;
  GphiPrime->graph[POSITIVE][infeasibleVertexIndex].L = NULL;
  dfsVisit( &GphiPrime->graph[POSITIVE][infeasibleVertexIndex], &time, 0, &GphiPrime->graph[NEGATIVE][infeasibleVertexIndex] );
  edge = GphiPrime->graph[NEGATIVE][infeasibleVertexIndex].L;
  while( edge != NULL ){
    constraint = (Constraint *) malloc( sizeof(Constraint) );
    edgeToConstraint(edge, constraint);
    constraintRefListPrepend(proof, constraint);
    edge = edge->tail->L;

  constraint = (Constraint *) malloc( sizeof(Constraint) );
  constraint->sign[0] = CONSTRAINT_MINUS;
  constraint->index[0] = infeasibleVertexIndex + 1;
  constraint->sign[1] = CONSTRAINT_NONE;
  constraint->index[1] = 0;
  constraint->weight = (k-1)/2;
  constraintRefListPrepend(proof, constraint);

  return proof;
Пример #3
    void dfsVisit(TreeNode* root, int sum, int curSum, vector<int> tmp, vector< vector<int> >& res) {
        if (!root) return;

        curSum += root->val;
        if (isLeaf(root) && sum == curSum) {

        dfsVisit(root->left, sum, curSum, tmp, res);
        dfsVisit(root->right, sum, curSum, tmp, res);
Пример #4
void dfs(vertex *g, int n) {
    int time = 0, u;
    for (u = 0; u < n; u++) {
        if (g[u].color == 0) {
            dfsVisit(g, u, &time);
Пример #5
 bool canFinish(int numCourses, vector<pair<int, int>>& prerequisites) {
     vector<vector<int>> adjList(numCourses);
     for (auto &edge : prerequisites) {
     vector<int> color(numCourses, WHITE);
     for (int u = 0; u < numCourses; ++u) if (color[u]==WHITE
         && !dfsVisit(adjList, color, u)) { return false; }
     return true;
Пример #6
    vector<vector<int>> pathSum(TreeNode* root, int sum) {
        //do a recursive dfs, cal the sum along the way
        vector<vector<int>> res;
        if (!root) return res;

        int curSum = 0;
        vector<int> tmp;
        dfsVisit(root, sum, curSum, tmp, res);

        return res;
Пример #7
void dfs(){
  int i;

  scc = 0;
  time = 0;
  for(i = 1; i <= n;i++){
    if(vertexList[i].color == WHITE){
 * returns a list of variables with total ordering determined by the constraint 
 * DAG
list<Variable*> *Blocks::totalOrder() {
	list<Variable*> *order = new list<Variable*>;
	for(int i=0;i<nvs;i++) {
	for(int i=0;i<nvs;i++) {
		if(vs[i]->in.size()==0) {
	return order;
Пример #9
void dfsVisit(int current)
  visited[current] = true;

  for(int i = 0; i < n ; i++)
        && (points[current][0] == points[i][0]
              || points[current][1] == points[i][1]))
Пример #10
void dfs(GRAPH *g)
	VERTEX *adj = g->adj;
	int i, vet = g->vetNum;
	for (i = 0; i < vet; i++) {
		adj[i].color = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < vet; i++) {
		if (adj[i].color == 0) {
			dfsVisit(g, i);
Пример #11
static void dfsVisit(GRAPH *g, int v)
	printf("%c ", v + 'A');
	g->adj[v].color = 1;
	EDGE *p = g->adj[v].adj;
	while (p != NULL) {
		int next = p->dest;
		if (g->adj[next].color == 0) {
			dfsVisit(g, next);
		p = p->link;
	g->adj[v].color = 2;
Пример #12
void Solve()
  answer = 0;
  memset(visited, 0, sizeof(visited));

  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
Пример #13
 * returns a list of variables with total ordering determined by the constraint
 * DAG
list<Variable *> *Blocks::totalOrder() {
  list<Variable *> *order = new list<Variable *>;

  for (int i = 0; i < nvs; i++) {
    vs[i].visited = false;

  for (int i = 0; i < nvs; i++) {
    if (vs[i].in.empty()) {
      dfsVisit(&vs[i], order);

  return order;
// Recursive depth first search giving total order by pushing nodes in the DAG
// onto the front of the list when we finish searching them
void Blocks::dfsVisit(Variable *v, list<Variable*> *order) {
	vector<Constraint*>::iterator it=v->out.begin();
	for(;it!=v->out.end();++it) {
		Constraint *c=*it;
		if(!c->right->visited) {
			dfsVisit(c->right, order);
	ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
	f<<"  order="<<*v<<endl;
Пример #15
void dfsVisit(int u){
  int v, i;
  vertexList[u].start = time;
  vertexList[u].color = GRAY;

  for(i = 0;vertexList[u].egde[i] != 0;i++){
    v = vertexList[u].egde[i];

    if(vertexList[v].color == WHITE){
      vertexList[v].father = u;
  vertexList[u].color = BLACK;
  vertexList[u].finish = time;
Пример #16
void dfsVisit(vertex *g, int u, int *time) {
    (*time)++; /*white vertex u has just been discovered*/
    g[u].d = *time;
    g[u].color = 1;
    node *v = g[u].next;

    vetor[listLenth++] = u;

    while (v) {/*explore edge (u,v)*/
        if (g[v->v].color == 0) {
            g[v->v].pred = u;
            dfsVisit(g, v->v, time);
        } else if (g[v->v].color == 1) {
            aciclico = 0;
        v = v->next;
    g[u].color = 2;
    g[u].f = *time;
Пример #17
 * dfsVisit() implements DFS-VISIT(), as defined in Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition. Also sets Vertex.sccNumber for all
 * Vertices within a set of recurrences with the input sccNumber. This value is not useful unless this function is called on a
 * transposed System being examined in order of decreasing Vertex.finishingTime, as found when searching the original System, and
 * the input sccNumber is set to be different for each set of recurrences. Additionally, the set of recurrences of this function
 * will stop and return as soon as the destination Vertex is found. If this destination Vertex is found, the function returns
 * true. Otherwise, returns false.
 * vertex - pointer to the Vertex to visit
 * time - pointer to an integer value for time, a value defined as global in Introduction to Algorithms
 * sccNumber - an integer value to label each Vertex within each strongly-connected component with
 * destination - pointer to a Vertex to be found. Set NULL if all Vertices must be found.
static bool dfsVisit(Vertex * vertex, int * time, int sccNumber, Vertex * destination){
  if( vertex == destination ){
    return true;
  vertex->dfsColor = GRAY;
  vertex->sccNumber = sccNumber;
  Edge * edge = vertex->first;
  while( edge != NULL ){
    if( edge->head->dfsColor == WHITE ){
      edge->head->L = edge;
      bool destinationFound = dfsVisit( edge->head, time, sccNumber, destination );
      if( destinationFound ){
        return true;
    edge = edge->next;
  vertex->dfsColor = BLACK;
  vertex->finishingTime = *time;
  return false;
Пример #18
 bool dfsVisit(vector<vector<int>> &adjList, vector<int> &color, int u) {
     color[u] = GRAY; for (auto &v : adjList[u]) if (color[v]==GRAY
     || color[v]==WHITE && !dfsVisit(adjList, color, v)) { return false; }
     color[u] = BLACK; return true;