Foam::instantList Foam::Time::findTimes
    const fileName& directory,
    const word& constantName
    if (debug)
        InfoInFunction << "Finding times in directory " << directory << endl;

    // Read directory entries into a list
    fileNameList dirEntries

    // Initialise instant list
    instantList Times(dirEntries.size() + 1);
    label nTimes = 0;

    // Check for "constant"
    bool haveConstant = false;
    forAll(dirEntries, i)
        if (dirEntries[i] == constantName)
            Times[nTimes].value() = 0;
            Times[nTimes].name() = dirEntries[i];
            haveConstant = true;

    // Read and parse all the entries in the directory
    forAll(dirEntries, i)
        IStringStream timeStream(dirEntries[i]);
        token timeToken(timeStream);

        if (timeToken.isNumber() && timeStream.eof())
            Times[nTimes].value() = timeToken.number();
            Times[nTimes].name() = dirEntries[i];
Пример #2
// Read a directory and return the entries as a string list
Foam::fileNameList Foam::readDir
    const fileName& directory,
    const fileName::Type type,
    const bool filtergz
    // Initial filename list size
    // also used as increment if initial size found to be insufficient
    static const int maxNnames = 100;

    if (POSIX::debug)
        Info<< "readDir(const fileName&, const fileType, const bool filtergz)"
            << " : reading directory " << directory << endl;

    // Setup empty string list MAXTVALUES long
    fileNameList dirEntries(maxNnames);

    // Pointers to the directory entries
    DIR *source;
    struct dirent *list;

    // Temporary variables and counters
    label nEntries = 0;

    // Attempt to open directory and set the structure pointer
    if ((source = opendir(directory.c_str())) == NULL)

        if (POSIX::debug)
            Info<< "readDir(const fileName&, const fileType, "
                   "const bool filtergz) : cannot open directory "
                << directory << endl;
        // Read and parse all the entries in the directory
        while ((list = readdir(source)) != NULL)
            fileName fName(list->d_name);

            // Ignore files begining with ., i.e. '.', '..' and '.*'
            if (fName.size() && fName[0] != '.')
                word fExt = fName.ext();

                    (type == fileName::DIRECTORY)
                        type == fileName::FILE
                     && fName[fName.size() - 1] != '~'
                     && fExt != "vtk"
                     && fExt != "bak"
                     && fExt != "BAK"
                     && fExt != "old"
                     && fExt != "save"
                    if ((directory/fName).type() == type)
                        if (nEntries >= dirEntries.size())
                            dirEntries.setSize(dirEntries.size() + maxNnames);

                        if (filtergz && fExt == "gz")
                            dirEntries[nEntries++] = fName.lessExt();
                            dirEntries[nEntries++] = fName;

        // Reset the length of the entries list


    return dirEntries;
// Read a directory and return the entries as a string list
fileNameList readDir
    const fileName& directory,
    const fileName::Type type,
    const bool filtergz
    // Initial filename list size
    // also used as increment if initial size found to be insufficient
    const int maxNnames = 100;

    if (MSwindows::debug)
        Info<< "readDir(const fileName&, const fileType, const bool filtergz)"
            << " : reading directory " << directory << endl;

    // Setup empty string list MAXTVALUES long
    fileNameList dirEntries(maxNnames);

    // Temporary variables and counters
    label nEntries = 0;

    MSwindows::DirectoryIterator dirIt(directory);

    if (dirIt.isValid())
        while (dirIt.hasNext())
            const fileName & fName =;

            // ignore files begining with ., i.e. '.', '..' and '.*'
            if (fName.size() > 0 && fName[size_t(0)] != '.')
                word fileNameExt = fName.ext();

                    (type == fileName::DIRECTORY)
                        type == fileName::FILE
                        && fName[fName.size()-1] != '~'
                        && fileNameExt != "bak"
                        && fileNameExt != "BAK"
                        && fileNameExt != "old"
                        && fileNameExt != "save"
                    if ((directory/fName).type() == type)
                        if (nEntries >= dirEntries.size())
                            dirEntries.setSize(dirEntries.size() + maxNnames);

                        if (filtergz && fileNameExt == "gz")
                            dirEntries[nEntries++] = fName.lessExt();
                            dirEntries[nEntries++] = fName;
    else if (MSwindows::debug)
        Info<< "readDir(const fileName&, const fileType, "
            "const bool filtergz) : cannot open directory "
            << directory << endl;

    // Reset the length of the entries list

    return dirEntries;