Пример #1
	unsetWindowProperties(); // Force setWindowProperties to be called before init.
Пример #2
INT frontend_init()
  /* hardware initialization */

  INT status;


  // have simulator start last after master / readout to make sure readout gets all data/triggers
  cm_set_transition_sequence( TR_START, 501);
  // have simulator stop first before master / readout to make sure readout gets all data/triggers
  cm_set_transition_sequence( TR_STOP, 499);

  // MIDAS thread
  //TG  pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex_midas );

  if ( calo_simulator_init() != 0 )
      cm_msg(MERROR, __FILE__, "Cannot start calorimeter simulator");
      return FE_ERR_HW;

#ifdef USE_GPU
  if ( gpu_thread_init() != 0 )
      cm_msg(MERROR, __FILE__, "Cannot start gpu thread");
      return FE_ERR_HW;

  // initialize TCP simulator settings from ODB 
  if ( amc13_ODB_init() != SUCCESS )
      return FE_ERR_ODB;

  // get TCP readout settings from ODB 
  if ( amc13_ODB_get() != SUCCESS )
      return FE_ERR_ODB;
  /* disabled for AMC13 based readout 
  // initialize TCP Calo emulator (TCP server)
  status = tcp_server_init();                                                     
  if ( status != 0 )                                                              
      cm_msg(MERROR, __FILE__, "TCP initialization failed, err = %i", status);    
      return FE_ERR_HW;                                                           
  dbprintf("%s(%d): TCP initialization done \n", __func__, __LINE__);
  // initialize RPC communication interface with master
  status = frontend_rpc_init();
  if ( status != SUCCESS )
      cm_msg(MERROR, __FILE__, "RPC initialization failed, err = %i", status);
      return FE_ERR_HW;
  dbprintf("%s(%d): RPC initialization done \n", __func__, __LINE__);                                                    

  //initialize AMC13
   disableLogging();//disable uHal logging
  int serialNo =1;
  //int serialNo =33;
  int slot = 13;
  int usingControlHub= 0;
  std::string T2ip = "";
  std::string T1ip = "";
  std::string addrTab1="/home/gohn/gm2daq/amc13/map/AMC13_AddressTable_S6.xml";
  std::string addrTab2="/home/gohn/gm2daq/amc13/map/AMC13_AddressTable_K7.xml";
  std::string T2ip = "";
  std::string T1ip = "";
  std::string addrTab1="/home/daq/gm2daq/amc13/map/AMC13_AddressTable_S6.xml";
  std::string addrTab2="/home/daq/gm2daq/amc13/map/AMC13_AddressTable_K7.xml";

  Aeo = new AMC13_env(&Auo, serialNo, slot, usingControlHub);
  amc13 = new cms::AMC13(Aeo);

  return SUCCESS;
Пример #3
INT frontend_init()
  /* hardware initialization */

  INT status;

  // have readout stop last to ensure it get data from simulator
  cm_set_transition_sequence 	( TR_STOP, 501);

  //initialize AMC13  RHF
  disableLogging();//disable uHal logging

  // initalize amc13 settings from ODB
  std::cout << "about to do amc13_ODB_init()\n";
  if ( amc13_ODB_init() != SUCCESS )
      return FE_ERR_ODB;
  std::cout << "finished amc13_ODB_init()\n";
  if( ! amc13_settings_odb.simulate_data){

    //int serialNo =1;
    //int serialNo =33;
    //int slot = 13;
    //int usingControlHub= 0;
    //std::string T2ip = "";
    //std::string T1ip = "";
    //std::string addrTab1="/home/daq/DAQ/amc13/map/AMC13_AddressTable_S6.xml";
    //std::string addrTab2="/home/daq/DAQ/amc13/map/AMC13_AddressTable_K7.xml";

    int serialNo = amc13_amc13_odb.serialNo;
    int slot = amc13_amc13_odb.slot;
    int usingControlHub = amc13_amc13_odb.usingControlHub;
    std::string T2ip = amc13_amc13_odb.T2ip;
    std::string T1ip = amc13_amc13_odb.T1ip;
    std::string addrTab1 = amc13_amc13_odb.addrTab1;
    std::string addrTab2 = amc13_amc13_odb.addrTab2;
    //std::string addrTab2 = "/home/gohn/gm2daq/amc13/map/AMC13_AddressTable_K7.xml";

    std::cout <<std::endl<< "AMC13 settings from ODB\n";
    std::cout << serialNo<< " "<<slot<<" "<<usingControlHub<<" "<<T2ip<<" "<<T1ip<<std::endl;
    std::cout << addrTab1 << std::endl;
    std::cout << addrTab2 << std::endl<<std::endl;
    Aeo = new AMC13_env(&Auo, serialNo, slot, usingControlHub);
    std::cout << "Setting IP addresses ... ";
    std::cout << "Setting address tables ... ";
    std::cout << "... new cms::AMC13 ...\n";
    amc13 = new cms::AMC13(Aeo);
    int riders_enabled = channel_calc();
    std::cout << "Channels read " << std::hex<<riders_enabled<<std::endl;
    int setup_stat;
    if(amc13_amc13_odb.enableSoftwareTrigger) AMC13_FAKE_DATA = TRUE;
    else AMC13_FAKE_DATA = FALSE;

    // this configures registers in the rider
    if(!AMC13_FAKE_DATA ) frontend_init_wfd();

    // this configures registers in the amc13
    amc13lib.AMC13_rg(amc13);//general reset of both chips
    if(AMC13_FAKE_DATA) setup_stat = amc13lib.AMC13_FD_Setup(amc13);
    else setup_stat = amc13lib.AMC13_Rider_Setup(amc13,riders_enabled);
    printf(" AMC13 Setup commands issued \n");
    if (setup_stat==0){
      printf("STOP!  AMC13 setup failed!\n");
      return FE_ERR_HW;

  // initalize TCP settings from ODB 
  if ( amc13simulator_ODB_get() != SUCCESS )
      return FE_ERR_ODB;

  // MIDAS thread lock
  pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex_midas );

  // create/initialize TCP calo readout (TCP client) 
  status = tcp_client_init();
  if ( status != 0 )
      cm_msg(MERROR, __FILE__, "TCP initialization failed, err = %i", status);
      return FE_ERR_HW;
  dbprintf("%s(%d): TCP initialization done \n", __func__, __LINE__);                  
  // create/initialize GPU thread
  if ( gpu_thread_init() != 0 )
      cm_msg(MERROR, __FILE__, "Cannot start gpu thread");
      return FE_ERR_HW;
  dbprintf("%s(%d): GPU initialization done \n", __func__, __LINE__);              
  // create/initialize parallel port communications
  printf("initialize parallel port address 0x%08x\n", pp_addr);
  if ( ioperm(pp_addr,1,1) != 0 )
      cm_msg(MERROR, __FILE__, "Cannot connect to parallel port");
      return FE_ERR_HW;

  // create/initialize RPC communications
  status = frontend_rpc_init();
  if ( status != SUCCESS )
      cm_msg(MERROR, __FILE__, "RPC initialization failed, err = %i", status);
      return FE_ERR_HW;
  dbprintf("%s(%d): RPC initialization done \n", __func__, __LINE__);                  
  return SUCCESS;
Пример #4
bool MGMap::runConsoleCommand(const char *c, MGFramework *w, MGSymbolTable *s)
	strcpy(cmd, c);
	std::vector<std::string> cmdvec = MGFramework::split(cmd, " ");

		case MGComponent_UNDEFINED:
			MGFLOG_ERROR("MGMap::runConsoleCommand received MGComponent_UNDEFINED from MGMap::detectMGComponentConsoleCommand"); 

		case MGComponent_MAP_HELP:
			std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl << std::endl;
			std::cout << "map help - Displays help information for console commands implemented in the" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "           map object." << std::endl;
			return true;

		case MGComponent_MAP_PATH_INT_INT_INT_INT:
			int x1 = w->toInt(cmdvec[2], s);
			int y1 = w->toInt(cmdvec[3], s);
			int x2 = w->toInt(cmdvec[4], s);
			int y2 = w->toInt(cmdvec[5], s);
			MGFLOG_INFO("Calculating closest path from (" << x1 << "," << y1 << ") to (" << x2 << "," << y2 << ").");
			calculatePath(MGFBASICPATH1, x1, y1, x2, y2);
			return true;

			int x = w->toInt(cmdvec[2], s);
			int y = w->toInt(cmdvec[3], s);
			int tx = w->toInt(cmdvec[4], s);
			int ty = w->toInt(cmdvec[5], s);
			reInit(x, y, tx, ty);
			return true;

		case MGComponent_MAP_LOGGING_ON:
			MGFLOG_INFO("Logging enabled.");
			return true;

		case MGComponent_MAP_LOGGING_OFF:
			MGFLOG_INFO("Logging disabled.");
			return true;

			MGFLOG_ERROR("MGMap::detectComponentConsoleCommand returned a bad value"); 
			return true;

	std::cout << "Unknown command" << std::endl;
	return true;