Пример #1
// crash_check - disarms motors if a crash or block has been detected
// crashes are detected by the vehicle being static (no speed) for more than CRASH_CHECK_TRIGGER_SEC and motor are running
// called at 10Hz
void Rover::crash_check()
    static uint16_t crash_counter;  // number of iterations vehicle may have been crashed
    bool crashed = false; //stores crash state

    // return immediately if disarmed, crash checking is disabled or vehicle is Hold, Manual or Acro mode(if it is not a balance bot)
    if (!arming.is_armed() || g.fs_crash_check == FS_CRASH_DISABLE || ((!control_mode->is_autopilot_mode()) && (!is_balancebot()))) {
        crash_counter = 0;

    // Crashed if pitch/roll > crash_angle
    if ((g2.crash_angle != 0) && ((fabsf(ahrs.pitch) > radians(g2.crash_angle)) || (fabsf(ahrs.roll) > radians(g2.crash_angle)))) {
        crashed = true;

    // TODO : Check if min vel can be calculated
    // min_vel = ( CRASH_CHECK_THROTTLE_MIN * g.speed_cruise) / g.throttle_cruise;

    if (!is_balancebot()) {
        if (!crashed && ((ahrs.groundspeed() >= CRASH_CHECK_VEL_MIN) ||        // Check velocity
            (fabsf(ahrs.get_gyro().z) >= CRASH_CHECK_VEL_MIN) ||  // Check turn speed
            (fabsf(g2.motors.get_throttle()) < CRASH_CHECK_THROTTLE_MIN))) {
            crash_counter = 0;

        // we may be crashing

        // check if crashing for 2 seconds
        if (crash_counter >= (CRASH_CHECK_TRIGGER_SEC * 10)) {
            crashed = true;

    if (crashed) {

        if (is_balancebot()) {
            // send message to gcs
            gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY, "Crash: Disarming");
        } else {
            // send message to gcs
            gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY, "Crash: Going to HOLD");
            // change mode to hold and disarm
            set_mode(mode_hold, MODE_REASON_CRASH_FAILSAFE);
            if (g.fs_crash_check == FS_CRASH_HOLD_AND_DISARM) {
Пример #2
void Rover::handle_battery_failsafe(const char* type_str, const int8_t action)
        switch ((Failsafe_Action)action) {
            case Failsafe_Action_None:
            case Failsafe_Action_SmartRTL:
                if (set_mode(mode_smartrtl, MODE_REASON_FAILSAFE)) {
            case Failsafe_Action_RTL:
                if (set_mode(mode_rtl, MODE_REASON_FAILSAFE)) {
            case Failsafe_Action_Hold:
                set_mode(mode_hold, MODE_REASON_FAILSAFE);
            case Failsafe_Action_SmartRTL_Hold:
                if (!set_mode(mode_smartrtl, MODE_REASON_FAILSAFE)) {
                    set_mode(mode_hold, MODE_REASON_FAILSAFE);
            case Failsafe_Action_Terminate:
                char battery_type_str[17];
                snprintf(battery_type_str, 17, "%s battery", type_str);
                afs.gcs_terminate(true, battery_type_str);
Пример #3
  this failsafe_check function is called from the core timer interrupt
  at 1kHz.
void Rover::failsafe_check()
    static uint16_t last_ticks;
    static uint32_t last_timestamp;
    const uint32_t tnow = AP_HAL::micros();

    const uint16_t ticks = scheduler.ticks();
    if (ticks != last_ticks) {
        // the main loop is running, all is OK
        last_ticks = ticks;
        last_timestamp = tnow;

    if (tnow - last_timestamp > 200000) {
        // we have gone at least 0.2 seconds since the main loop
        // ran. That means we're in trouble, or perhaps are in
        // an initialisation routine or log erase. disarm the motors
        // To-Do: log error to dataflash
        if (arming.is_armed()) {
            // disarm motors
Пример #4
  check for driver input on rudder/steering stick for arming/disarming
void Rover::rudder_arm_disarm_check()
    // In Rover we need to check that its set to the throttle trim and within the DZ
    // if throttle is not within trim dz, then pilot cannot rudder arm/disarm
    if (!channel_throttle->in_trim_dz()) {
        rudder_arm_timer = 0;

    // if not in a manual throttle mode then disallow rudder arming/disarming
    if (control_mode->auto_throttle()) {
        rudder_arm_timer = 0;

    if (!arming.is_armed()) {
        // when not armed, full right rudder starts arming counter
        if (channel_steer->get_control_in() > 4000) {
            const uint32_t now = millis();

            if (rudder_arm_timer == 0 ||
                now - rudder_arm_timer < 3000) {
                if (rudder_arm_timer == 0) {
                    rudder_arm_timer = now;
            } else {
                // time to arm!
                rudder_arm_timer = 0;
        } else {
            // not at full right rudder
            rudder_arm_timer = 0;
    } else if (!motor_active() & !g2.motors.have_skid_steering()) {
        // when armed and motor not active (not moving), full left rudder starts disarming counter
        // This is disabled for skid steering otherwise when tring to turn a skid steering rover around
        // the rover would disarm
        if (channel_steer->get_control_in() < -4000) {
            const uint32_t now = millis();

            if (rudder_arm_timer == 0 ||
                now - rudder_arm_timer < 3000) {
                if (rudder_arm_timer == 0) {
                    rudder_arm_timer = now;
            } else {
                // time to disarm!
                rudder_arm_timer = 0;
        } else {
            // not at full left rudder
            rudder_arm_timer = 0;
Пример #5
  check for driver input on rudder/steering stick for arming/disarming
void Rover::rudder_arm_disarm_check()
    // In Rover we need to check that its set to the throttle trim and within the DZ
    // if throttle is not within trim dz, then pilot cannot rudder arm/disarm
    if (!channel_throttle->in_trim_dz()) {
        rudder_arm_timer = 0;

    // check if arming/disarming allowed from this mode
    if (!control_mode->allows_arming_from_transmitter()) {
        rudder_arm_timer = 0;

    if (!arming.is_armed()) {
        // when not armed, full right rudder starts arming counter
        if (channel_steer->get_control_in() > 4000) {
            const uint32_t now = millis();

            if (rudder_arm_timer == 0 ||
                now - rudder_arm_timer < ARM_DELAY_MS) {
                if (rudder_arm_timer == 0) {
                    rudder_arm_timer = now;
            } else {
                // time to arm!
                rudder_arm_timer = 0;
        } else {
            // not at full right rudder
            rudder_arm_timer = 0;
    } else if (!g2.motors.active()) {
        // when armed and motor not active (not moving), full left rudder starts disarming counter
        if (channel_steer->get_control_in() < -4000) {
            const uint32_t now = millis();

            if (rudder_arm_timer == 0 ||
                now - rudder_arm_timer < ARM_DELAY_MS) {
                if (rudder_arm_timer == 0) {
                    rudder_arm_timer = now;
            } else {
                // time to disarm!
                rudder_arm_timer = 0;
        } else {
            // not at full left rudder
            rudder_arm_timer = 0;
Пример #6
    If land_DisarmDelay is enabled (non-zero), check for a landing then auto-disarm after time expires

    only called from AP_Landing, when the landing library is ready to disarm
void Plane::disarm_if_autoland_complete()
    if (landing.get_disarm_delay() > 0 &&
        !is_flying() &&
        arming.arming_required() != AP_Arming::NO &&
        arming.is_armed()) {
        /* we have auto disarm enabled. See if enough time has passed */
        if (millis() - auto_state.last_flying_ms >= landing.get_disarm_delay()*1000UL) {
            if (disarm_motors()) {
                gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO,"Auto disarmed");
Пример #7
    If land_DisarmDelay is enabled (non-zero), check for a landing then auto-disarm after time expires
void Plane::disarm_if_autoland_complete()
    if (g.land_disarm_delay > 0 && 
        auto_state.land_complete && 
        !is_flying() && 
        arming.arming_required() != AP_Arming::NO &&
        arming.is_armed()) {
        /* we have auto disarm enabled. See if enough time has passed */
        if (millis() - auto_state.last_flying_ms >= g.land_disarm_delay*1000UL) {
            if (disarm_motors()) {
Пример #8
// crash_check - disarms motors if a crash or block has been detected
// crashes are detected by the vehicle being static (no speed) for more than CRASH_CHECK_TRIGGER_SEC and motor are running
// called at 10Hz
void Rover::crash_check()
  static uint16_t crash_counter;  // number of iterations vehicle may have been crashed

  // return immediately if disarmed, or crash checking disabled or in HOLD mode
  if (!arming.is_armed() || g.fs_crash_check == FS_CRASH_DISABLE || (control_mode != GUIDED && control_mode != AUTO)) {
    crash_counter = 0;

  // TODO : Check if min vel can be calculated
  // min_vel = ( CRASH_CHECK_THROTTLE_MIN * g.speed_cruise) / g.throttle_cruise;

  if ((ahrs.groundspeed() >= CRASH_CHECK_VEL_MIN) ||        // Check velocity
      (fabsf(ahrs.get_gyro().z) >= CRASH_CHECK_VEL_MIN) ||  // Check turn speed
      ((100 * fabsf(SRV_Channels::get_output_norm(SRV_Channel::k_throttle))) < CRASH_CHECK_THROTTLE_MIN)) {
    crash_counter = 0;

  // we may be crashing

  // check if crashing for 2 seconds
  if (crash_counter >= (CRASH_CHECK_TRIGGER_SEC * 10)) {
    // log an error in the dataflash
    // send message to gcs
    gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY, "Crash: Going to HOLD");
    // change mode to hold and disarm
    if (g.fs_crash_check == FS_CRASH_HOLD_AND_DISARM) {
Пример #9
// crash_check - disarms motors if a crash or block has been detected
// crashes are detected by the vehicle being static (no speed) for more than CRASH_CHECK_TRIGGER_SEC and motor are running
// called at 10Hz
void Rover::crash_check()
  static uint16_t crash_counter;  // number of iterations vehicle may have been crashed

  // return immediately if disarmed, crash checking is disabled or vehicle is Hold, Manual or Acro mode
  if (!arming.is_armed() || g.fs_crash_check == FS_CRASH_DISABLE || (!control_mode->is_autopilot_mode())) {
    crash_counter = 0;

  // TODO : Check if min vel can be calculated
  // min_vel = ( CRASH_CHECK_THROTTLE_MIN * g.speed_cruise) / g.throttle_cruise;

  if ((ahrs.groundspeed() >= CRASH_CHECK_VEL_MIN) ||        // Check velocity
      (fabsf(ahrs.get_gyro().z) >= CRASH_CHECK_VEL_MIN) ||  // Check turn speed
      (fabsf(g2.motors.get_throttle()) < CRASH_CHECK_THROTTLE_MIN)) {
    crash_counter = 0;

  // we may be crashing

  // check if crashing for 2 seconds
  if (crash_counter >= (CRASH_CHECK_TRIGGER_SEC * 10)) {
    // log an error in the dataflash
    // send message to gcs
    gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY, "Crash: Going to HOLD");
    // change mode to hold and disarm
    set_mode(mode_hold, MODE_REASON_CRASH_FAILSAFE);
    if (g.fs_crash_check == FS_CRASH_HOLD_AND_DISARM) {
Пример #10
 * Determine if we have crashed
void Plane::crash_detection_update(void)
    if (control_mode != AUTO || !g.crash_detection_enable)
        // crash detection is only available in AUTO mode
        crash_state.debounce_timer_ms = 0;
        crash_state.is_crashed = false;

    uint32_t now_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
    bool crashed_near_land_waypoint = false;
    bool crashed = false;
    bool been_auto_flying = (auto_state.started_flying_in_auto_ms > 0) &&
                            (now_ms - auto_state.started_flying_in_auto_ms >= 2500);

    if (!is_flying() && been_auto_flying)
        switch (flight_stage)
        case AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_TAKEOFF:
        case AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_NORMAL:
            if (!in_preLaunch_flight_stage()) {
                crashed = true;
            // TODO: handle auto missions without NAV_TAKEOFF mission cmd

        case AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_VTOL:
            // we need a totally new method for this
            crashed = false;
        case AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_LAND_APPROACH:
            crashed = true;
            // when altitude gets low, we automatically progress to FLIGHT_LAND_FINAL
            // so ground crashes most likely can not be triggered from here. However,
            // a crash into a tree would be caught here.

        case AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_LAND_PREFLARE:
        case AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_LAND_FINAL:
            // We should be nice and level-ish in this flight stage. If not, we most
            // likely had a crazy landing. Throttle is inhibited already at the flare
            // but go ahead and notify GCS and perform any additional post-crash actions.
            // Declare a crash if we are oriented more that 60deg in pitch or roll
            if (!crash_state.checkedHardLanding && // only check once
                (fabsf(ahrs.roll_sensor) > 6000 || fabsf(ahrs.pitch_sensor) > 6000)) {
                crashed = true;

                // did we "crash" within 75m of the landing location? Probably just a hard landing
                crashed_near_land_waypoint =
                        get_distance(current_loc, mission.get_current_nav_cmd().content.location) < 75;

                // trigger hard landing event right away, or never again. This inhibits a false hard landing
                // event when, for example, a minute after a good landing you pick the plane up and
                // this logic is still running and detects the plane is on its side as you carry it.
                crash_state.debounce_timer_ms = now_ms + CRASH_DETECTION_DELAY_MS;

            crash_state.checkedHardLanding = true;

        } // switch
    } else {
        crash_state.checkedHardLanding = false;

    if (!crashed) {
        // reset timer
        crash_state.debounce_timer_ms = 0;

    } else if (crash_state.debounce_timer_ms == 0) {
        // start timer
        crash_state.debounce_timer_ms = now_ms;

    } else if ((now_ms - crash_state.debounce_timer_ms >= CRASH_DETECTION_DELAY_MS) && !crash_state.is_crashed) {
        crash_state.is_crashed = true;

        if (g.crash_detection_enable == CRASH_DETECT_ACTION_BITMASK_DISABLED) {
            if (crashed_near_land_waypoint) {
                gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "Hard landing detected. No action taken");
            } else {
                gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY, "Crash detected. No action taken");
        else {
            if (g.crash_detection_enable & CRASH_DETECT_ACTION_BITMASK_DISARM) {
            auto_state.land_complete = true;
            if (crashed_near_land_waypoint) {
                gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "Hard landing detected");
            } else {
                gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY, "Crash detected");
Пример #11
  check for pilot input on rudder stick for arming/disarming
void Plane::rudder_arm_disarm_check()
    AP_Arming::ArmingRudder arming_rudder = arming.rudder_arming();

    if (arming_rudder == AP_Arming::ARMING_RUDDER_DISABLED) {
        //parameter disallows rudder arming/disabling

    // if throttle is not down, then pilot cannot rudder arm/disarm
    if (channel_throttle->control_in != 0){
        rudder_arm_timer = 0;

    // if not in a manual throttle mode then disallow rudder arming/disarming
    if (auto_throttle_mode ) {
        rudder_arm_timer = 0;

	if (!arming.is_armed()) {
		// when not armed, full right rudder starts arming counter
		if (channel_rudder->control_in > 4000) {
			uint32_t now = millis();

			if (rudder_arm_timer == 0 ||
				now - rudder_arm_timer < 3000) {

				if (rudder_arm_timer == 0) {
                    rudder_arm_timer = now;
			} else {
				//time to arm!
				rudder_arm_timer = 0;
		} else {
			// not at full right rudder
			rudder_arm_timer = 0;
	} else if (arming_rudder == AP_Arming::ARMING_RUDDER_ARMDISARM && !is_flying()) {
		// when armed and not flying, full left rudder starts disarming counter
		if (channel_rudder->control_in < -4000) {
			uint32_t now = millis();

			if (rudder_arm_timer == 0 ||
				now - rudder_arm_timer < 3000) {
				if (rudder_arm_timer == 0) {
                    rudder_arm_timer = now;
			} else {
				//time to disarm!
				rudder_arm_timer = 0;
		} else {
			// not at full left rudder
			rudder_arm_timer = 0;
Пример #12
 * Determine if we have crashed
void Plane::crash_detection_update(void)
    if (control_mode != AUTO || !aparm.crash_detection_enable)
        // crash detection is only available in AUTO mode
        crash_state.debounce_timer_ms = 0;
        crash_state.is_crashed = false;

    uint32_t now_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
    bool crashed_near_land_waypoint = false;
    bool crashed = false;
    bool been_auto_flying = (auto_state.started_flying_in_auto_ms > 0) &&
                            (now_ms - auto_state.started_flying_in_auto_ms >= 2500);

    if (!is_flying() && arming.is_armed())
        if (landing.is_expecting_impact()) {
            // We should be nice and level-ish in this flight stage. If not, we most
            // likely had a crazy landing. Throttle is inhibited already at the flare
            // but go ahead and notify GCS and perform any additional post-crash actions.
            // Declare a crash if we are oriented more that 60deg in pitch or roll
            if (!crash_state.checkedHardLanding && // only check once
                been_auto_flying &&
                (labs(ahrs.roll_sensor) > 6000 || labs(ahrs.pitch_sensor) > 6000)) {
                crashed = true;

                // did we "crash" within 75m of the landing location? Probably just a hard landing
                crashed_near_land_waypoint =
                        current_loc.get_distance(mission.get_current_nav_cmd().content.location) < 75;

                // trigger hard landing event right away, or never again. This inhibits a false hard landing
                // event when, for example, a minute after a good landing you pick the plane up and
                // this logic is still running and detects the plane is on its side as you carry it.
                crash_state.debounce_timer_ms = now_ms;
                crash_state.debounce_time_total_ms = 0; // no debounce

            crash_state.checkedHardLanding = true;

        } else if (landing.is_on_approach()) {
            // when altitude gets low, we automatically flare so ground crashes
            // most likely can not be triggered from here. However,
            // a crash into a tree would be caught here.
            if (been_auto_flying) {
                crashed = true;
                crash_state.debounce_time_total_ms = CRASH_DETECTION_DELAY_MS;

        } else {
            switch (flight_stage)
            case AP_Vehicle::FixedWing::FLIGHT_TAKEOFF:
                if (g.takeoff_throttle_min_accel > 0 &&
                        !throttle_suppressed) {
                    // if you have an acceleration holding back throttle, but you met the
                    // accel threshold but still not fying, then you either shook/hit the
                    // plane or it was a failed launch.
                    crashed = true;
                    crash_state.debounce_time_total_ms = CRASH_DETECTION_DELAY_MS;
                // TODO: handle auto missions without NAV_TAKEOFF mission cmd

            case AP_Vehicle::FixedWing::FLIGHT_NORMAL:
                if (!in_preLaunch_flight_stage() && been_auto_flying) {
                    crashed = true;
                    crash_state.debounce_time_total_ms = CRASH_DETECTION_DELAY_MS;

            case AP_Vehicle::FixedWing::FLIGHT_VTOL:
                // we need a totally new method for this
                crashed = false;

            } // switch
    } else {
        crash_state.checkedHardLanding = false;

    // if we have no GPS lock and we don't have a functional airspeed
    // sensor then don't do crash detection
    if (gps.status() < AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D && (!airspeed.use() || !airspeed.healthy())) {
        crashed = false;

    if (!crashed) {
        // reset timer
        crash_state.debounce_timer_ms = 0;

    } else if (crash_state.debounce_timer_ms == 0) {
        // start timer
        crash_state.debounce_timer_ms = now_ms;

    } else if ((now_ms - crash_state.debounce_timer_ms >= crash_state.debounce_time_total_ms) && !crash_state.is_crashed) {
        crash_state.is_crashed = true;

        if (aparm.crash_detection_enable == CRASH_DETECT_ACTION_BITMASK_DISABLED) {
            if (crashed_near_land_waypoint) {
                gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "Hard landing detected. No action taken");
            } else {
                gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY, "Crash detected. No action taken");
        else {
            if (aparm.crash_detection_enable & CRASH_DETECT_ACTION_BITMASK_DISARM) {
            if (crashed_near_land_waypoint) {
                gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "Hard landing detected");
            } else {
                gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY, "Crash detected");
Пример #13
  check for pilot input on rudder stick for arming/disarming
void Plane::rudder_arm_disarm_check()
    AP_Arming::ArmingRudder arming_rudder = arming.get_rudder_arming_type();

    if (arming_rudder == AP_Arming::ARMING_RUDDER_DISABLED) {
        //parameter disallows rudder arming/disabling

    // if throttle is not down, then pilot cannot rudder arm/disarm
    if (get_throttle_input() != 0){
        rudder_arm_timer = 0;

    // if not in a manual throttle mode and not in CRUISE or FBWB
    // modes then disallow rudder arming/disarming
    if (auto_throttle_mode &&
        (control_mode != CRUISE && control_mode != FLY_BY_WIRE_B)) {
        rudder_arm_timer = 0;

	if (!arming.is_armed()) {
		// when not armed, full right rudder starts arming counter
		if (channel_rudder->get_control_in() > 4000) {
			uint32_t now = millis();

			if (rudder_arm_timer == 0 ||
				now - rudder_arm_timer < 3000) {

				if (rudder_arm_timer == 0) {
                    rudder_arm_timer = now;
			} else {
				//time to arm!
				rudder_arm_timer = 0;
		} else {
			// not at full right rudder
			rudder_arm_timer = 0;
	} else if ((arming_rudder == AP_Arming::ARMING_RUDDER_ARMDISARM) && !is_flying()) {
		// when armed and not flying, full left rudder starts disarming counter
		if (channel_rudder->get_control_in() < -4000) {
			uint32_t now = millis();

			if (rudder_arm_timer == 0 ||
				now - rudder_arm_timer < 3000) {
				if (rudder_arm_timer == 0) {
                    rudder_arm_timer = now;
			} else {
				//time to disarm!
				rudder_arm_timer = 0;
		} else {
			// not at full left rudder
			rudder_arm_timer = 0;
Пример #14
 * Determine if we have crashed
void Plane::crash_detection_update(void)
    if (control_mode != AUTO)
        // crash detection is only available in AUTO mode
        crash_state.debounce_timer_ms = 0;

    uint32_t now_ms = hal.scheduler->millis();
    bool auto_launch_detected;
    bool crashed_near_land_waypoint = false;
    bool crashed = false;
    bool been_auto_flying = (auto_state.started_flying_in_auto_ms > 0) &&
                            (now_ms - auto_state.started_flying_in_auto_ms >= 2500);

    if (!is_flying())
        switch (flight_stage)
        case AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_TAKEOFF:
            auto_launch_detected = !throttle_suppressed && (g.takeoff_throttle_min_accel > 0);

            if (been_auto_flying || // failed hand launch
                auto_launch_detected) { // threshold of been_auto_flying may not be met on auto-launches

                // has launched but is no longer flying. That's a crash on takeoff.
                crashed = true;

        case AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_NORMAL:
            if (been_auto_flying) {
                crashed = true;
            // TODO: handle auto missions without NAV_TAKEOFF mission cmd

        case AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_LAND_APPROACH:
            if (been_auto_flying) {
                crashed = true;
            // when altitude gets low, we automatically progress to FLIGHT_LAND_FINAL
            // so ground crashes most likely can not be triggered from here. However,
            // a crash into a tree, for example, would be.

        case AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_LAND_FINAL:
            // We should be nice and level-ish in this flight stage. If not, we most
            // likely had a crazy landing. Throttle is inhibited already at the flare
            // but go ahead and notify GCS and perform any additional post-crash actions.
            // Declare a crash if we are oriented more that 60deg in pitch or roll
            if (been_auto_flying &&
                !crash_state.checkHardLanding && // only check once
                (fabsf(ahrs.roll_sensor) > 6000 || fabsf(ahrs.pitch_sensor) > 6000)) {
                crashed = true;

                // did we "crash" within 75m of the landing location? Probably just a hard landing
                crashed_near_land_waypoint =
                        get_distance(current_loc, mission.get_current_nav_cmd().content.location) < 75;

                // trigger hard landing event right away, or never again. This inhibits a false hard landing
                // event when, for example, a minute after a good landing you pick the plane up and
                // this logic is still running and detects the plane is on its side as you carry it.
                crash_state.debounce_timer_ms = now_ms + 2500;
            crash_state.checkHardLanding = true;
        } // switch
    } else {
        crash_state.checkHardLanding = false;

    if (!crashed) {
        // reset timer
        crash_state.debounce_timer_ms = 0;

    } else if (crash_state.debounce_timer_ms == 0) {
        // start timer
        crash_state.debounce_timer_ms = now_ms;

    } else if ((now_ms - crash_state.debounce_timer_ms >= 2500) && !crash_state.is_crashed) {
        crash_state.is_crashed = true;

        if (g.crash_detection_enable == CRASH_DETECT_ACTION_BITMASK_DISABLED) {
            if (crashed_near_land_waypoint) {
                gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, PSTR("Hard Landing Detected - no action taken"));
            } else {
                gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, PSTR("Crash Detected - no action taken"));
        else {
            if (g.crash_detection_enable & CRASH_DETECT_ACTION_BITMASK_DISARM) {
            auto_state.land_complete = true;
            if (crashed_near_land_waypoint) {
                gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, PSTR("Hard Landing Detected"));
            } else {
                gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, PSTR("Crash Detected"));