ClInt32T main(ClInt32T argc, ClCharT *argv[]) { SaAisErrorT rc = SA_AIS_OK; /* Connect to the SAF cluster */ rc = initializeAmf(); if( rc != SA_AIS_OK) { CL_DEBUG_PRINT(CL_DEBUG_CRITICAL, ("CKPT: ckptInitialize failed [0x%X]\n\r", rc)); return rc; } /* Do the application specific initialization here. */ /* Block on AMF dispatch file descriptor for callbacks. When this function returns its time to quit. */ dispatchLoop(); /* Now finalize my connection with the SAF cluster */ rc = saAmfFinalize(amfHandle); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ClRcT rc = CL_OK; if (argc < 2){ clLog (EMER,GEN,NA, "usage : %s", GMS_USAGE); exit(0); } /* Connect to the SAF cluster */ rc = initializeAmf(); if( rc != CL_OK) { clLogCritical(GEN,NA, "GMS: gmsInitialize failed [0x%X]\n\r", rc); return rc; } _clGmsServiceInitialize ( argc , argv ); /* Block on AMF dispatch file descriptor for callbacks. When this function returns its time to quit. */ dispatchLoop(); saAmfFinalize(amfHandle); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SaAisErrorT rc = SA_AIS_OK; /* Connect to the SAF cluster */ initializeAmf(); /* Do the application specific initialization here. */ /* Set up console redirection for demo purposes */ (void)ev_init(argc, argv, (ClCharT*)appName.value); /* Block on AMF dispatch file descriptor for callbacks. When this function returns its time to quit. */ dispatchLoop(); /* Do the application specific finalization here. */ /* Now finalize my connection with the SAF cluster */ if((rc = saAmfFinalize(amfHandle)) != SA_AIS_OK) clprintf (CL_LOG_SEV_ERROR, "AMF finalization error[0x%X]", rc); else clprintf (CL_LOG_SEV_INFO, "AMF Finalized"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SaAisErrorT rc = SA_AIS_OK; /* Connect to the SAF cluster */ initializeAmf(); /* Do the application specific initialization here. */ /* Block on AMF dispatch file descriptor for callbacks. When this function returns its time to quit. */ dispatchLoop(); checkpoint_finalize(); /* Do the application specific finalization here. */ /* Now finalize my connection with the SAF cluster */ if((rc = saAmfFinalize(amfHandle)) != SA_AIS_OK) clprintf (CL_LOG_SEV_ERROR, "AMF finalization error[0x%X]", rc); else clprintf (CL_LOG_SEV_INFO, "AMF Finalized"); return 0; }
int main() { auto& backend = ny::Backend::choose(); auto ac = backend.createAppContext(); ny::BufferSurface* bufferSurface {}; MyWindowListener listener; ny::WindowSettings settings; settings.title = "Ayy sick shit"; settings.listener = &listener; settings.surface = ny::SurfaceType::buffer; settings.buffer.storeSurface = &bufferSurface; auto wc = ac->createWindowContext(settings); ny::LoopControl control; = &control; = ac.get(); listener.wc = wc.get(); listener.surface = bufferSurface; ny::log("Entering main loop"); ac->dispatchLoop(control); }
void BottomTracker::brake(bool start) const { IMC::Brake brk; brk.setSourceEntity(m_args->eid); brk.op = start ? IMC::Brake::OP_START : IMC::Brake::OP_STOP; dispatchLoop(brk); if (start) info(DTR("Started braking")); else info(DTR("Stopped braking")); }
ClInt32T main(ClInt32T argc, ClCharT *argv[]) { ClRcT rc = CL_OK; rc = clLogSvrInitialize(argc,argv); if(rc != CL_OK) { CL_LOG_DEBUG_ERROR(("clLogSvrInitialize() failed with : rc[0x %x]", rc)); return rc; } dispatchLoop(); saAmfFinalize(amfHandle); return 0; }
//Main function that just chooses a backend, creates Window- and AppContext from it, registers //a custom EventHandler and then runs the mainLoop. //There is no special main function (like WinMain or sth.) needed for different backends. int main() { //We let ny choose a backend. //If no backend is available, this function will simply throw an exception. //The backend will determine the type of display manager used, usually there is only //one available, but for corner cases (like e.g. wayland and XWayland) it will choose the //better/native one (in this case wayland). auto& backend = ny::Backend::choose(); //Here we let the backend create an AppContext implementation. //This represents the connection to the display, our method of creating windows and //receiving events. auto ac = backend.createAppContext(); //decltype(ac): std::unique_ptr<ny::AppContext> //Now we let the AppContext create a WindowContext implementation. //Just use the defaulted WindowSettings. //This can later be used to change various aspects of the created window. ny::WindowSettings settings; auto wc = ac->createWindowContext(settings); //decltype(wc): std::unique_ptr<ny::WindowContext> //Now we create a LoopControl object. //With this object we can stop the dispatchLoop (which is called below) from the inside //or even from different threads (see ny-multithread). //We construct the EventHandler with a reference to it and when it receives an event that //the WindowContext was closed, it will stop the dispatchLoop, which will end this //program. ny::LoopControl control; MyEventHandler handler(control, *wc); //This call registers our EventHandler to receive the WindowContext related events from //the dispatchLoop. wc->eventHandler(handler); wc->refresh(); //ny::log can be used to easily output application information. //There are also other output methods, see ny/log.hpp. //The call will have no cost/effect when not compiled in debug mode. ny::log("Entering main loop"); ac->dispatchLoop(control); }
ClInt32T main(ClInt32T argc, ClCharT *argv[]) { SaAisErrorT rc = SA_AIS_OK; /* Connect to the SAF cluster */ rc = initializeAmf(); if( rc != SA_AIS_OK) { clLogCritical(CL_LOG_AREA_UNSPECIFIED, CL_LOG_CONTEXT_UNSPECIFIED, "CKPT: ckptInitialize failed [0x%X]\n\r", rc); return rc; } /* Block on AMF dispatch file descriptor for callbacks. When this function returns its time to quit. */ dispatchLoop(); /* Now finalize my connection with the SAF cluster */ rc = saAmfFinalize(amfHandle); return 0; }
ClInt32T main(ClInt32T argc, ClCharT *argv[]) { ClRcT rc = CL_OK; /* Connect to the SAF cluster */ rc = initializeAmf(); if(rc != CL_OK) { CL_DEBUG_PRINT(CL_DEBUG_CRITICAL, ("MSG: msgInitialize failed [0x%X]\n\r", rc)); return rc; } /* Block on AMF dispatch file descriptor for callbacks. When this function returns its time to quit. */ dispatchLoop(); /* Now finalize my connection with the SAF cluster */ saAmfFinalize(amfHandle); return 0; }
ClInt32T main(ClInt32T argc, ClCharT *argv[]) { ClRcT rc = CL_OK; clAppConfigure(&clEoConfig,clEoBasicLibs,clEoClientLibs); rc = clEvtInitialize(argc,argv); if( rc != CL_OK ) { CL_DEBUG_PRINT(CL_DEBUG_CRITICAL, ("Event: clEvtInitialize failed [0x%X]\n\r", rc)); return rc; } /* Block on AMF dispatch file descriptor for callbacks. When this function returns its time to quit. */ dispatchLoop(); /* Do the Event Service finalization here. */ saAmfFinalize(gClEvtAmfHandle); return 0; }