Пример #1
DenseSymmetricMatrix compute_distance_matrix(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator /*end*/,
                                             Landmarks& landmarks, PairwiseCallback callback)
	timed_context context("Multidimensional scaling distance matrix computation");

	const IndexType n_landmarks = landmarks.size();
	DenseSymmetricMatrix distance_matrix(n_landmarks,n_landmarks);

#pragma omp parallel shared(begin,landmarks,distance_matrix,callback) default(none)
		IndexType i_index_iter,j_index_iter;
#pragma omp for nowait
		for (i_index_iter=0; i_index_iter<n_landmarks; ++i_index_iter)
			for (j_index_iter=i_index_iter; j_index_iter<n_landmarks; ++j_index_iter)
				ScalarType d = callback.distance(begin[landmarks[i_index_iter]],begin[landmarks[j_index_iter]]);
				d *= d;
				distance_matrix(i_index_iter,j_index_iter) = d;
				distance_matrix(j_index_iter,i_index_iter) = d;
	return distance_matrix;
Пример #2
 * Be careful. The number of clusters changes and the number of members in
 * each cluster can also change. Make sure memory is being managed well.
 * @param n_in Number of input points to cluster
 * @param dim_in Dimension of the points to cluster
 * @param pts_in The list of n_in points of dimension dim_in
 * @param ep_in Epsilon distance to use to search point density
 * @param minpts_in Minimum number of points required to form a cluster
 * @param cs_out Cluster size vector output
 * @param clst_out Cluster list, a pass-by-reference of a int **
 * @return Returns the number of clusters found
int cluster_dbscan_density( int n_in, int dim_in, double *pts_in, double (*ep_in)(double*), int minpts_in, int **cs_out, int ***clst_out )
	/* Variables nc = number of clusters, cs_out = cluster sizes */
	int i,j,k,m,nc,nca,nnb,nba,nnbp,nbap,*nb,*nbp,*csa; /* Variable nb is for storing neighbors at each iteration */
	int *vtd; /* Variables vtd[i] = -3 if pts_in[i] not visited, vtd[i] = -2 if visited, vtd[i] = -1 if noise, vtd[i] >= 0 if i belongs to cluster vtd[i] */
	double tmp,dist,*mat;

	/* Allocate space to store if each vertex is visited or not visited */
	vtd = (int*) malloc( n_in * sizeof(int) );
		vtd[i] = -3; /* Initialize not visited */

	/* Allocate space for temporary neighbor storage */
	nb = (int*) malloc( CLUSTER_MEMBER_INCREMENT * sizeof(int) );
	nbp = (int*) malloc( CLUSTER_MEMBER_INCREMENT * sizeof(int) );

	/* Allocate base memory for outputting the clusters and cluster sizes */
	nca = CLUSTER_INCREMENT; /* Initialize an allocated size for cluster data */
	csa = (int*) malloc( CLUSTER_INCREMENT * sizeof(int) ); /* Variable csa stores the amount of space allocated for each cluster individually */
	*cs_out = (int*) malloc( CLUSTER_INCREMENT * sizeof(int) );
	*clst_out = (int**) malloc( CLUSTER_INCREMENT * sizeof(int*) );

	distance_matrix( n_in, dim_in, pts_in, &mat );

	/* Iterate through all unvisited nodes and their neighbors and mark them visited */
	nc = 0; /* Start with zero clusters */
		/* If point i has been visited then continue */
		if( vtd[i] != -3 )
		vtd[i] = -2; /* Mark as visited but not necessarily noise */

		/* Get all epsilon-neighbors of pts[i*dim] */
		nnb = 0; /* Initialize number of neighbors found to zero */
			if( j == i )
			dist = mat[i*n_in+j];
			dist = 0.0;
				tmp = pts_in[i*dim_in+k] - pts_in[j*dim_in+k], dist += tmp * tmp;
			dist = sqrt( dist );

			/* Tack it on to the end of nb for temporary keeping */
			if( dist < ep_in( pts_in + i * dim_in ) )
				/* Allocate more neighbor space if not enough already */
				if( nnb + 1 > nba )
					nb = (int*) realloc( nb, nba * sizeof(int) );
					if( nb == NULL )
						return -1;

				nb[nnb++] = j;

		/* Now have all neighbors counted; figure out what to do */
		if( nnb < minpts_in )
			vtd[i] = -1; /* Mark as noise and move on */
		else /* Expand to create a new cluster */
			/* Create a new cluster */
			if( nc + 1 > nca )
				nca += CLUSTER_INCREMENT; /* Increment nca to show that there is more space allocated */
				csa = (int*) realloc( csa, nca * sizeof(int) ); /* Allocate more space for storing individual allocated cluster sizes */
				*cs_out = (int*) realloc( *cs_out, nca * sizeof(int) ); /* Allocate more space for actual cluster sizes */
				*clst_out = (int**) realloc( *clst_out, nca * sizeof(int*) ); /* Space for the actual cluster members */

			/* Add onto the end at position nc */
			(*cs_out)[nc] = 1;
			(*clst_out)[nc] = (int*) malloc( CLUSTER_MEMBER_INCREMENT * sizeof(int) );
			(*clst_out)[nc][0] = i;
			vtd[i] = nc; /* Save the index of the cluster to which it belongs */
				/* Do epsilon-density for each neighbor nb[j] */
				if( vtd[nb[j]] == -3 )
					vtd[nb[j]] = -2; /* Mark as visited but not necessarily noise */

					nnbp = 0;
						if( k == nb[j] )
						dist = mat[nb[j]*n_in+k];
						dist = 0.0;
							tmp = pts_in[nb[j]*dim_in+m] - pts_in[k*dim_in+m], dist += tmp * tmp;
						dist = sqrt( dist );

						if( dist < ep_in( pts_in + j * dim_in ) )
							/* Allocate more space if necessary */
							if( nnbp + 1 > nbap )
								nbp = (int*) realloc( nbp, nbap * sizeof(int) );
								if( nbp == NULL )
									return -1;

							/* Add it to the neighbors prime list */
							nbp[nnbp++] = k;
					if( nnbp >= minpts_in )
						/* Combine nb with nbp */
						if( nnb + nnbp + 1 > nba )
							nb = (int*) realloc( nb, nba * sizeof(int) );
							if( nb == NULL )
								return -1;

						/* Combine these two neighbor groups */
							nb[nnb+k] = nbp[k];
						nnb += nnbp; /* Important: Note that because nnb can increase, the loop expands! */

				/* If nb[j] is not yet a part of a cluster, then add it to cluster nc */
				if( vtd[nb[j]] < 0 ) /* Variable vtd[nb[j]] < 0 means taht nb[j] vertex is not part of a cluster yet */
					/* Then add it to the new cluster just created */
					if( (*cs_out)[nc] + 1 > csa[nc] )
						(*clst_out)[nc] = (int*) realloc( (*clst_out)[nc], csa[nc] * sizeof(int) );
						if( (*clst_out)[nc] == NULL )
							return -1;
					(*clst_out)[nc][(*cs_out)[nc]++] = nb[j];
					vtd[nb[j]] = nc;

			/* Finally increment after all additions made to the output cluster data structures */

	/* Clean up here; this will leak memory if you don't */
	free( vtd );
	free( csa );
	free( nb );
	free( nbp );

	return nc;
Пример #3
	inline tapkee::ScalarType operator()(int a, int b) const
		return distance_matrix(a,b);