Пример #1
Word32 Div_32(Word32 L_num, Word16 denom_hi, Word16 denom_lo)
  Word16 approx, hi, lo, n_hi, n_lo;
  Word32 L_32;

  /* First approximation: 1 / L_denom = 1/denom_hi */

  approx = div_s( (Word16)0x3fff, denom_hi);    /* result in Q14 */
                                                /* Note: 3fff = 0.5 in Q15 */

  /* 1/L_denom = approx * (2.0 - L_denom * approx) */

  L_32 = Mpy_32_16(denom_hi, denom_lo, approx); /* result in Q30 */

  L_32 = L_sub( (Word32)0x7fffffffL, L_32);      /* result in Q30 */

  L_Extract(L_32, &hi, &lo);

  L_32 = Mpy_32_16(hi, lo, approx);             /* = 1/L_denom in Q29 */

  /* L_num * (1/L_denom) */

  L_Extract(L_32, &hi, &lo);
  L_Extract(L_num, &n_hi, &n_lo);
  L_32 = Mpy_32(n_hi, n_lo, hi, lo);            /* result in Q29   */
  L_32 = L_shl(L_32, 2);                        /* From Q29 to Q31 */

  return( L_32 );
Пример #2
void sqrt_i(Word16 x_man, Word16 x_exp, Word16 *y_man, Word16 *y_exp)
   Word16 x_manb, x_expb, y, exp, idx, sub_frac, sub_tab;
   Word32 a0;

   if(x_man <= 0){
      *y_man = 0;
      *y_exp = 0;

      exp = norm_s(x_man);
      x_manb = shl(x_man, exp);                    // normalize to Q15 in [0; 1] for table look-up
      x_expb = add(x_exp, exp);                    // update exponent for x (left-shifting by additionl exp)
      x_expb = sub(x_expb, 15);                    // we need to take sqrt of 0-32767 number but table is for 0-1
      idx = shr(x_manb, 9);                        // for 65 entry table
      a0 = L_deposit_h(tabsqrt[idx]);              // Q31 table look-up value
      sub_frac = shl((Word16)(x_manb & 0x01FF), 6);// Q15 sub-fraction
      sub_tab = sub(tabsqrt[idx+1], tabsqrt[idx]); // Q15 table interval for interpolation
      a0 = L_mac(a0, sub_frac, sub_tab);           // Q31 linear interpolation between table entries
      exp = norm_l(a0);                            // exponent of a0
      y = intround(L_shl(a0,exp));                    // normalize sqrt-root and drop 16 LBSs
      exp = add(15, exp);                          // exponent of a0 taking Q15 of y into account

      if(x_expb & 0x0001){
         if(y < 0x5A82){                           // 1*sqrt(2) in Q14) - with div_s(y1, y2), y2 must be >= y1
            exp = add(exp, shr(add(x_expb,1), 1)); // normalization for sqrt()
            *y_man = div_s(0x2D41, y);             // 0x2D41 is 1/sqrt(2) in Q14 
            exp = add(exp, shr(sub(x_expb,1), 1)); // normalization for sqrt()
            *y_man = div_s(0x5A82, y);             // 0x5A82 is 1*sqrt(2) in Q14 
         *y_exp = sub(29, exp);                    // ...and div_s returns fraction divide in Q15
         exp = add(exp, shr(x_expb, 1));           // normalization for sqrt()
         *y_man = div_s(0x4000, y);
         *y_exp = sub(29, exp);                    // 0x4000 is 1 in Q14 and div_s returns fraction divide in Q15

Пример #3
 * filt_mu - tilt filtering with : (1 + mu z-1) * (1/1-|mu|)
 *   computes y[n] = (1/1-|mu|) (x[n]+mu*x[n-1])
static void filt_mu(
    Word16 *sig_in,     /* input : input signal (beginning at sample -1) */
    Word16 *sig_out,    /* output: output signal */
    Word16 parcor0      /* input : parcor0 (mu = parcor0 * gamma3) */
    int n;
    Word16 mu, mu2, ga, temp;
    Word32 L_acc, L_temp, L_fact;
    Word16 fact, sh_fact1;
    Word16 *ptrs;

    if(parcor0 > 0) {
        mu      = mult_r(parcor0, GAMMA3_PLUS);
        /* GAMMA3_PLUS < 0.5 */
        sh_fact1 = 15;                   /* sh_fact + 1 */
        fact     = (Word16)0x4000;       /* 2**sh_fact */
        L_fact   = (Word32)0x00004000L;
    else {
        mu       = mult_r(parcor0, GAMMA3_MINUS);
        /* GAMMA3_MINUS < 0.9375 */
        sh_fact1 = 12;                   /* sh_fact + 1 */
        fact     = (Word16)0x0800;       /* 2**sh_fact */
        L_fact   = (Word32)0x00000800L;

    temp = sub(1, abs_s(mu));
    mu2  = add(32767, temp);    /* 2**15 (1 - |mu|) */
    ga   = div_s(fact, mu2);    /* 2**sh_fact / (1 - |mu|) */

    ptrs = sig_in;     /* points on sig_in(-1) */
    mu   = shr(mu, 1);          /* to avoid overflows   */

    for(n=0; n<L_SUBFR; n++) {
        temp   = *ptrs++;
        L_temp = L_deposit_l(*ptrs);
        L_acc  = L_shl(L_temp, 15);         /* sig_in(n) * 2**15 */
        L_temp = L_mac(L_acc, mu, temp);
        L_temp = L_add(L_temp, 0x00004000L);
        temp   = extract_l(L_shr(L_temp,15));
        /* ga x temp x 2 with rounding */
        L_temp = L_add(L_mult(temp, ga),L_fact);
        L_temp = L_shr(L_temp, sh_fact1); /* mult. temp x ga */
        sig_out[n] = sature(L_temp);
Пример #4
Word16 G_pitch(          /* (o) Q14 : Gain of pitch lag saturated to 1.2   */
     Word16 xn[],        /* (i)     : Pitch target.                        */
     Word16 y1[],        /* (i)     : filtered adaptive codebook.          */
     Word16 g_coeff[],   /* : Correlations need for gain quantization.     */
     Word16 L_subfr      /* : Length of subframe.                          */
    Word16 i;
    Word16 xy, yy, exp_xy, exp_yy, gain;
    Word32 L_tmp;

    /* Compute scalar product <y1[],y1[]> */

    L_tmp = Dot_product12(y1, y1, L_subfr, &exp_yy);
    yy = (Word16)(L_tmp >> 16);

    /* Compute scalar product <xn[],y1[]> */

    L_tmp = Dot_product12(xn, y1, L_subfr, &exp_xy);
    xy = (Word16)(L_tmp >> 16);
    g_coeff[0] = yy;
    g_coeff[1] = exp_yy;
    g_coeff[2] = xy;
    g_coeff[3] = exp_xy;

    xy = xy >> 1;                       /* Be sure xy < yy */
    /* If (xy < 0) gain = 0 */
    if (xy <= 0)
        return ((Word16) 0);

    /* compute gain = xy/yy */

    gain = div_s(xy, yy);

    i = add(exp_xy, 1 - 1);                /* -1 -> gain in Q14 */
    i = sub(i, exp_yy);

    gain = shl(gain, i);                   /* saturation can occur here */

    /* if (gain > 1.2) gain = 1.2  in Q14 */
    if (gain > 19661)
        gain = 19661;
    return (gain);
Пример #5
 * calc_rc0_h - computes 1st parcor from composed filter impulse response
static void calc_rc0_he(
 Word16 *h,      /* input : impulse response of composed filter */
 Word16 *rc0,     /* output: 1st parcor */
  Word16  long_h_st  /*input : impulse response length */
    Word16 acf0, acf1;
    Word32 L_acc;
    Word16 temp, sh_acf;
    Word16 *ptrs;
    Word16 i;

    /* computation of the autocorrelation function acf */
    L_acc  = 0L;
    for(i=0; i<long_h_st; i++) L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, h[i], h[i]);
    sh_acf = norm_l(L_acc);
    L_acc  = L_shl(L_acc, sh_acf);
    acf0   = extract_h(L_acc);

    L_acc  = 0L;
    ptrs   = h;
    for(i=0; i<long_h_st-1; i++){
        temp = *ptrs++;
        L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, temp, *ptrs);
    L_acc = L_shl(L_acc, sh_acf);
    acf1  = extract_h(L_acc);

    /* Compute 1st parcor */
    if( sub(acf0, abs_s(acf1))<0) {
        *rc0 = 0;
    *rc0 = div_s(abs_s(acf1), acf0);
    if(acf1 > 0) {
        *rc0 = negate(*rc0);

Пример #6
 *   calc_st_filt -  computes impulse response of A(gamma2) / A(gamma1)
 *   controls gain : computation of energy impulse response as
 *                    SUMn  (abs (h[n])) and computes parcor0
static void calc_st_filte(
 Word16 *apond2,     /* input : coefficients of numerator */
 Word16 *apond1,     /* input : coefficients of denominator */
 Word16 *parcor0,    /* output: 1st parcor calcul. on composed filter */
 Word16 *sig_ltp_ptr,    /* in/out: input of 1/A(gamma1) : scaled by 1/g0 */
 Word16  long_h_st,     /* input : impulse response length                   */
 Word16 m_pst               /* input : LPC order    */
    Word16 h[LONG_H_ST_E];
    Word32 L_temp, L_g0;
    Word16 g0, temp;
    Word16 i;

    /* compute i.r. of composed filter apond2 / apond1 */
    Syn_filte(m_pst, apond1, apond2, h, long_h_st, mem_zero, 0);

    /* compute 1st parcor */
    calc_rc0_he(h, parcor0, long_h_st);

    /* compute g0 */
    L_g0 = 0L;
    for(i=0; i<long_h_st; i++) {
        L_temp = L_deposit_l(abs_s(h[i]));
        L_g0   = L_add(L_g0, L_temp);
    g0 = extract_h(L_shl(L_g0, 14));

    /* Scale signal input of 1/A(gamma1) */
    if(sub(g0, 1024)>0) {
        temp = div_s(1024, g0);     /* temp = 2**15 / gain0 */
        for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
            sig_ltp_ptr[i] = mult_r(sig_ltp_ptr[i], temp);

Пример #7
 * Function  Qua_gain                                                        *
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                        *
 * Inputs:                                                                   *
 *   code[]     :Innovative codebook.                                        *
 *   g_coeff[]  :Correlations compute for pitch.                             *
 *   L_subfr    :Subframe length.                                            *
 *                                                                           *
 * Outputs:                                                                  *
 *   gain_pit   :Quantized pitch gain.                                       *
 *   gain_cod   :Quantized code gain.                                        *
 *                                                                           *
 * Return:                                                                   *
 *   Index of quantization.                                                  *
 *                                                                           *
Word16 Qua_gain(
   Word16 code[],       /* (i) Q13 :Innovative vector.             */
   Word16 g_coeff[],    /* (i)     :Correlations <xn y1> -2<y1 y1> */
                        /*            <y2,y2>, -2<xn,y2>, 2<y1,y2> */
   Word16 exp_coeff[],  /* (i)     :Q-Format g_coeff[]             */
   Word16 L_subfr,      /* (i)     :Subframe length.               */
   Word16 *gain_pit,    /* (o) Q14 :Pitch gain.                    */
   Word16 *gain_cod,    /* (o) Q1  :Code gain.                     */
   Word16 tameflag      /* (i)     : set to 1 if taming is needed  */
   Word16  i, j, index1, index2;
   Word16  cand1, cand2;
   Word16  exp, gcode0, exp_gcode0, gcode0_org, e_min ;
   Word16  nume, denom, inv_denom;
   Word16  exp1,exp2,exp_nume,exp_denom,exp_inv_denom,sft,tmp;
   Word16  g_pitch, g2_pitch, g_code, g2_code, g_pit_cod;
   Word16  coeff[5], coeff_lsf[5];
   Word16  exp_min[5];
   Word32  L_gbk12;
   Word32  L_tmp, L_dist_min, L_tmp1, L_tmp2, L_acc, L_accb;
   Word16  best_gain[2];

        /* Gain predictor, Past quantized energies = -14.0 in Q10 */

 static Word16 past_qua_en[4] = { -14336, -14336, -14336, -14336 };

   *-  energy due to innovation                       -*
   *-  predicted energy                               -*
   *-  predicted codebook gain => gcode0[exp_gcode0]  -*

   Gain_predict( past_qua_en, code, L_subfr, &gcode0, &exp_gcode0 );

   *  pre-selection                                                  *
   *  calculate best gain                                            *
   *                                                                 *
   *  tmp = -1./(4.*coeff[0]*coeff[2]-coeff[4]*coeff[4]) ;           *
   *  best_gain[0] = (2.*coeff[2]*coeff[1]-coeff[3]*coeff[4])*tmp ;  *
   *  best_gain[1] = (2.*coeff[0]*coeff[3]-coeff[1]*coeff[4])*tmp ;  *
   *  gbk_presel(best_gain,&cand1,&cand2,gcode0) ;                   *
   *                                                                 *

   *  tmp = -1./(4.*coeff[0]*coeff[2]-coeff[4]*coeff[4]) ;           *
   L_tmp1 = L_mult( g_coeff[0], g_coeff[2] );
   exp1   = add( add( exp_coeff[0], exp_coeff[2] ), 1-2 );
   L_tmp2 = L_mult( g_coeff[4], g_coeff[4] );
   exp2   = add( add( exp_coeff[4], exp_coeff[4] ), 1 );

   //if( sub(exp1, exp2)>0 ){
   if( exp1 > exp2 ){
      L_tmp = L_sub( L_shr( L_tmp1, sub(exp1,exp2) ), L_tmp2 );
      exp = exp2;
      L_tmp = L_sub( L_tmp1, L_shr( L_tmp2, sub(exp2,exp1) ) );
      exp = exp1;
   sft = norm_l( L_tmp );
   denom = extract_h( L_shl(L_tmp, sft) );
   exp_denom = sub( add( exp, sft ), 16 );

   inv_denom = div_s(16384,denom);
   inv_denom = negate( inv_denom );
   exp_inv_denom = sub( 14+15, exp_denom );

   *  best_gain[0] = (2.*coeff[2]*coeff[1]-coeff[3]*coeff[4])*tmp ;  *
   L_tmp1 = L_mult( g_coeff[2], g_coeff[1] );
   exp1   = add( exp_coeff[2], exp_coeff[1] );
   L_tmp2 = L_mult( g_coeff[3], g_coeff[4] );
   exp2   = add( add( exp_coeff[3], exp_coeff[4] ), 1 );

   //if( sub(exp1, exp2)>0 ){
   if (exp1 > exp2){
      L_tmp = L_sub( L_shr( L_tmp1, add(sub(exp1,exp2),1 )), L_shr( L_tmp2,1 ) );
      exp = sub(exp2,1);
      L_tmp = L_sub( L_shr( L_tmp1,1 ), L_shr( L_tmp2, add(sub(exp2,exp1),1 )) );
      exp = sub(exp1,1);
   sft = norm_l( L_tmp );
   nume = extract_h( L_shl(L_tmp, sft) );
   exp_nume = sub( add( exp, sft ), 16 );

   sft = sub( add( exp_nume, exp_inv_denom ), (9+16-1) );
   L_acc = L_shr( L_mult( nume,inv_denom ), sft );
   best_gain[0] = extract_h( L_acc );             /*-- best_gain[0]:Q9 --*/

   if (tameflag == 1){
     //if(sub(best_gain[0], GPCLIP2) > 0) best_gain[0] = GPCLIP2;
     if(best_gain[0] > GPCLIP2) best_gain[0] = GPCLIP2;

   *  best_gain[1] = (2.*coeff[0]*coeff[3]-coeff[1]*coeff[4])*tmp ;  *
   L_tmp1 = L_mult( g_coeff[0], g_coeff[3] );
   exp1   = add( exp_coeff[0], exp_coeff[3] ) ;
   L_tmp2 = L_mult( g_coeff[1], g_coeff[4] );
   exp2   = add( add( exp_coeff[1], exp_coeff[4] ), 1 );

   //if( sub(exp1, exp2)>0 ){
   if( exp1 > exp2 ){
      L_tmp = L_sub( L_shr( L_tmp1, add(sub(exp1,exp2),1) ), L_shr( L_tmp2,1 ) );
      exp = sub(exp2,1);
      //exp = exp2--;
      L_tmp = L_sub( L_shr( L_tmp1,1 ), L_shr( L_tmp2, add(sub(exp2,exp1),1) ) );
      exp = sub(exp1,1);
      //exp = exp1--;
   sft = norm_l( L_tmp );
   nume = extract_h( L_shl(L_tmp, sft) );
   exp_nume = sub( add( exp, sft ), 16 );

   sft = sub( add( exp_nume, exp_inv_denom ), (2+16-1) );
   L_acc = L_shr( L_mult( nume,inv_denom ), sft );
   best_gain[1] = extract_h( L_acc );             /*-- best_gain[1]:Q2 --*/

   /*--- Change Q-format of gcode0 ( Q[exp_gcode0] -> Q4 ) ---*/
   //if( sub(exp_gcode0,4) >= 0 ){
   if (exp_gcode0 >=4) {
      gcode0_org = shr( gcode0, sub(exp_gcode0,4) );
      L_acc = L_deposit_l( gcode0 );
      L_acc = L_shl( L_acc, sub( (4+16), exp_gcode0 ) );
      gcode0_org = extract_h( L_acc );              /*-- gcode0_org:Q4 --*/

   *   - presearch for gain codebook -            *

   Gbk_presel(best_gain, &cand1, &cand2, gcode0_org );

 *                                                                           *
 * Find the best quantizer.                                                  *
 *                                                                           *
 *  dist_min = MAX_32;                                                       *
 *  for ( i=0 ; i<NCAN1 ; i++ ){                                             *
 *    for ( j=0 ; j<NCAN2 ; j++ ){                                           *
 *      g_pitch = gbk1[cand1+i][0] + gbk2[cand2+j][0];                       *
 *      g_code = gcode0 * (gbk1[cand1+i][1] + gbk2[cand2+j][1]);             *
 *      dist = g_pitch*g_pitch * coeff[0]                                    *
 *           + g_pitch         * coeff[1]                                    *
 *           + g_code*g_code   * coeff[2]                                    *
 *           + g_code          * coeff[3]                                    *
 *           + g_pitch*g_code  * coeff[4] ;                                  *
 *                                                                           *
 *      if (dist < dist_min){                                                *
 *        dist_min = dist;                                                   *
 *        indice1 = cand1 + i ;                                              *
 *        indice2 = cand2 + j ;                                              *
 *      }                                                                    *
 *    }                                                                      *
 *  }                                                                        *
 *                                                                           *
 * g_pitch         = Q13                                                     *
 * g_pitch*g_pitch = Q11:(13+13+1-16)                                        *
 * g_code          = Q[exp_gcode0-3]:(exp_gcode0+(13-1)+1-16)                *
 * g_code*g_code   = Q[2*exp_gcode0-21]:(exp_gcode0-3+exp_gcode0-3+1-16)     *
 * g_pitch*g_code  = Q[exp_gcode0-5]:(13+exp_gcode0-3+1-16)                  *
 *                                                                           *
 * term 0: g_pitch*g_pitch*coeff[0] ;exp_min0 = 13             +exp_coeff[0] *
 * term 1: g_pitch        *coeff[1] ;exp_min1 = 14             +exp_coeff[1] *
 * term 2: g_code*g_code  *coeff[2] ;exp_min2 = 2*exp_gcode0-21+exp_coeff[2] *
 * term 3: g_code         *coeff[3] ;exp_min3 = exp_gcode0  - 3+exp_coeff[3] *
 * term 4: g_pitch*g_code *coeff[4] ;exp_min4 = exp_gcode0  - 4+exp_coeff[4] *
 *                                                                           *

   exp_min[0] = add( exp_coeff[0], 13 );
   exp_min[1] = add( exp_coeff[1], 14 );
   exp_min[2] = add( exp_coeff[2], sub( shl( exp_gcode0, 1 ), 21 ) );
   exp_min[3] = add( exp_coeff[3], sub( exp_gcode0, 3 ) );
   exp_min[4] = add( exp_coeff[4], sub( exp_gcode0, 4 ) );

   e_min = exp_min[0];
   for(i=1; i<5; i++){
      //if( sub(exp_min[i], e_min) < 0 ){
     if (exp_min[i] < e_min) {
         e_min = exp_min[i];

   /* align coeff[] and save in special 32 bit double precision */

   for(i=0; i<5; i++){
     j = sub( exp_min[i], e_min );
     L_tmp = (Word32)g_coeff[i] << 16;
     L_tmp = L_shr( L_tmp, j );          /* L_tmp:Q[exp_g_coeff[i]+16-j] */
     L_Extract( L_tmp, &coeff[i], &coeff_lsf[i] );          /* DPF */

   /* Codebook search */

   L_dist_min = MAX_32;

   /* initialization used only to suppress Microsoft Visual C++  warnings */
   index1 = cand1;
   index2 = cand2;

if(tameflag == 1){
   for(i=0; i<NCAN1; i++){
      for(j=0; j<NCAN2; j++){
         g_pitch = add( gbk1[cand1+i][0], gbk2[cand2+j][0] );     /* Q14 */
         if(g_pitch < GP0999) {
         L_acc = L_deposit_l( gbk1[cand1+i][1] );
         L_accb = L_deposit_l( gbk2[cand2+j][1] );                /* Q13 */
         L_tmp = L_add( L_acc,L_accb );
         tmp = extract_l( L_shr( L_tmp,1 ) );                     /* Q12 */

         g_code   = mult( gcode0, tmp );         /*  Q[exp_gcode0+12-15] */
         g2_pitch = mult(g_pitch, g_pitch);                       /* Q13 */
         g2_code  = mult(g_code,  g_code);       /* Q[2*exp_gcode0-6-15] */
         g_pit_cod= mult(g_code,  g_pitch);      /* Q[exp_gcode0-3+14-15] */

         L_tmp = Mpy_32_16(coeff[0], coeff_lsf[0], g2_pitch);
         //L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[1], coeff_lsf[1], g_pitch) );
         //L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[2], coeff_lsf[2], g2_code) );
         //L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[3], coeff_lsf[3], g_code) );
         //L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[4], coeff_lsf[4], g_pit_cod) );
         L_tmp += Mpy_32_16(coeff[1], coeff_lsf[1], g_pitch);
         L_tmp += Mpy_32_16(coeff[2], coeff_lsf[2], g2_code);
         L_tmp += Mpy_32_16(coeff[3], coeff_lsf[3], g_code);
         L_tmp += Mpy_32_16(coeff[4], coeff_lsf[4], g_pit_cod);

         //L_temp = L_sub(L_tmp, L_dist_min);

         //if( L_temp < 0L ){
         if( L_tmp < L_dist_min ){
            L_dist_min = L_tmp;
            index1 = add(cand1,i);
            index2 = add(cand2,j);

   for(i=0; i<NCAN1; i++){
      for(j=0; j<NCAN2; j++){
         g_pitch = add( gbk1[cand1+i][0], gbk2[cand2+j][0] );     /* Q14 */
         L_acc = L_deposit_l( gbk1[cand1+i][1] );
         L_accb = L_deposit_l( gbk2[cand2+j][1] );                /* Q13 */
         L_tmp = L_add( L_acc,L_accb );
         tmp = extract_l( L_shr( L_tmp,1 ) );                     /* Q12 */

         g_code   = mult( gcode0, tmp );         /*  Q[exp_gcode0+12-15] */
         g2_pitch = mult(g_pitch, g_pitch);                       /* Q13 */
         g2_code  = mult(g_code,  g_code);       /* Q[2*exp_gcode0-6-15] */
         g_pit_cod= mult(g_code,  g_pitch);      /* Q[exp_gcode0-3+14-15] */

         L_tmp = Mpy_32_16(coeff[0], coeff_lsf[0], g2_pitch);
         //L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[1], coeff_lsf[1], g_pitch) );
         //L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[2], coeff_lsf[2], g2_code) );
         //L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[3], coeff_lsf[3], g_code) );
         //L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[4], coeff_lsf[4], g_pit_cod) );
         L_tmp += Mpy_32_16(coeff[1], coeff_lsf[1], g_pitch);
         L_tmp += Mpy_32_16(coeff[2], coeff_lsf[2], g2_code);
         L_tmp += Mpy_32_16(coeff[3], coeff_lsf[3], g_code);
         L_tmp += Mpy_32_16(coeff[4], coeff_lsf[4], g_pit_cod);

         if( L_tmp < L_dist_min ){
            L_dist_min = L_tmp;
            index1 = add(cand1,i);
            index2 = add(cand2,j);

   /* Read the quantized gain */

   * *gain_pit = gbk1[indice1][0] + gbk2[indice2][0];                *
   *gain_pit = add( gbk1[index1][0], gbk2[index2][0] );      /* Q14 */

   * *gain_code = (gbk1[indice1][1]+gbk2[indice2][1]) * gcode0;      *
   L_gbk12 = (Word32)gbk1[index1][1] + (Word32)gbk2[index2][1]; /* Q13 */
   tmp = extract_l( L_shr( L_gbk12,1 ) );                     /* Q12 */
   L_acc = L_mult(tmp, gcode0);                /* Q[exp_gcode0+12+1] */

   L_acc = L_shl(L_acc, add( negate(exp_gcode0),(-12-1+1+16) ));
   *gain_cod = extract_h( L_acc );                             /* Q1 */

   * update table of past quantized energies      *
   Gain_update( past_qua_en, L_gbk12 );

   return( add( map1[index1]*(Word16)NCODE2, map2[index2] ) );

Пример #8
void Post_Filter(
  Word16 *syn,       /* in/out: synthesis speech (postfiltered is output)    */
  Word16 *Az_4,      /* input : interpolated LPC parameters in all subframes */
  Word16 *T,          /* input : decoded pitch lags in all subframes          */
  Word16 Vad
  *           Declaration of parameters                               *

 Word16 res2_pst[L_SUBFR];  /* res2[] after pitch postfiltering */
 Word16 syn_pst[L_FRAME];   /* post filtered synthesis speech   */

 Word16 Ap3[MP1], Ap4[MP1];  /* bandwidth expanded LP parameters */

 Word16 *Az;                 /* pointer to Az_4:                 */
                             /*  LPC parameters in each subframe */
 Word16   t0_max, t0_min;    /* closed-loop pitch search range   */
 Word16   i_subfr;           /* index for beginning of subframe  */

 Word16 h[L_H];

 Word16  i, j;
 Word16  temp1, temp2;
 Word32  L_tmp;

	postfilt_type*		ppost_filt = pg729dec->ppost_filt;	
    * Post filtering                                      *

    Az = Az_4;

    for (i_subfr = 0; i_subfr < L_FRAME; i_subfr += L_SUBFR)
      /* Find pitch range t0_min - t0_max */

      t0_min = sub(*T++, 3);
      t0_max = add(t0_min, 6);
      if (sub(t0_max, PIT_MAX) > 0) {
        t0_max = PIT_MAX;
        t0_min = sub(t0_max, 6);

      /* Find weighted filter coefficients Ap3[] and ap[4] */

      Weight_Az(Az, GAMMA2_PST, M, Ap3);
      Weight_Az(Az, GAMMA1_PST, M, Ap4);

      /* filtering of synthesis speech by A(z/GAMMA2_PST) to find res2[] */

      Residu(Ap3, &syn[i_subfr], ppost_filt->res2, L_SUBFR);

      /* scaling of "res2[]" to avoid energy overflow */

      for (j=0; j<L_SUBFR; j++)
        ppost_filt->scal_res2[j] = shr(ppost_filt->res2[j], 2);

      /* pitch postfiltering */
      if (sub(Vad, 1) == 0)
        pit_pst_filt(ppost_filt->res2, ppost_filt->scal_res2, t0_min, t0_max, L_SUBFR, res2_pst);
        for (j=0; j<L_SUBFR; j++)
          res2_pst[j] = ppost_filt->res2[j];

      /* tilt compensation filter */

      /* impulse response of A(z/GAMMA2_PST)/A(z/GAMMA1_PST) */

      Copy(Ap3, h, M+1);
      Set_zero(&h[M+1], L_H-M-1);
      Syn_filt(Ap4, h, h, L_H, &h[M+1], 0);

      /* 1st correlation of h[] */

      L_tmp = L_mult(h[0], h[0]);
      for (i=1; i<L_H; i++) L_tmp = L_mac(L_tmp, h[i], h[i]);
      temp1 = extract_h(L_tmp);

      L_tmp = L_mult(h[0], h[1]);
      for (i=1; i<L_H-1; i++) L_tmp = L_mac(L_tmp, h[i], h[i+1]);
      temp2 = extract_h(L_tmp);

      if(temp2 <= 0) {
        temp2 = 0;
      else {
        temp2 = mult(temp2, MU);
        temp2 = div_s(temp2, temp1);

      preemphasis(res2_pst, temp2, L_SUBFR);

      /* filtering through  1/A(z/GAMMA1_PST) */

      Syn_filt(Ap4, res2_pst, &syn_pst[i_subfr], L_SUBFR, ppost_filt->mem_syn_pst, 1);

      /* scale output to input */

      agc(&syn[i_subfr], &syn_pst[i_subfr], L_SUBFR);

      /* update res2[] buffer;  shift by L_SUBFR */

      Copy(&ppost_filt->res2[L_SUBFR-PIT_MAX], &ppost_filt->res2[-PIT_MAX], PIT_MAX);
      Copy(&ppost_filt->scal_res2[L_SUBFR-PIT_MAX], &ppost_filt->scal_res2[-PIT_MAX], PIT_MAX);

      Az += MP1;

    /* update syn[] buffer */

    Copy(&syn[L_FRAME-M], &syn[-M], M);

    /* overwrite synthesis speech by postfiltered synthesis speech */

    Copy(syn_pst, syn, L_FRAME);

Пример #9
void pit_pst_filt(
  Word16 *signal,      /* (i)     : input signal                        */
  Word16 *scal_sig,    /* (i)     : input signal (scaled, divided by 4) */
  Word16 t0_min,       /* (i)     : minimum value in the searched range */
  Word16 t0_max,       /* (i)     : maximum value in the searched range */
  Word16 L_subfr,      /* (i)     : size of filtering                   */
  Word16 *signal_pst   /* (o)     : harmonically postfiltered signal    */
  Word16 i, j, t0;
  Word16 g0, gain, cmax, en, en0;
  Word16 *p, *p1, *deb_sig;
  Word32 corr, cor_max, ener, ener0, temp;
  Word32 L_temp;

 * Compute the correlations for all delays                                   *
 * and select the delay which maximizes the correlation                      *

  deb_sig = &scal_sig[-t0_min];
  cor_max = MIN_32;
  t0 = t0_min;             /* Only to remove warning from some compilers */
  for (i=t0_min; i<=t0_max; i++)
    corr = 0;
    p    = scal_sig;
    p1   = deb_sig;
    for (j=0; j<L_subfr; j++)
       corr = L_mac(corr, *p++, *p1++);

    L_temp = L_sub(corr, cor_max);
    if (L_temp > (Word32)0)
      cor_max = corr;
      t0 = i;

  /* Compute the energy of the signal delayed by t0 */

  ener = 1;
  p = scal_sig - t0;
  for ( i=0; i<L_subfr ;i++, p++)
    ener = L_mac(ener, *p, *p);

  /* Compute the signal energy in the present subframe */

  ener0 = 1;
  p = scal_sig;
  for ( i=0; i<L_subfr; i++, p++)
    ener0 = L_mac(ener0, *p, *p);

  if (cor_max < 0)
    cor_max = 0;

  /* scale "cor_max", "ener" and "ener0" on 16 bits */

  temp = cor_max;
  if (ener > temp)
    temp = ener;
  if (ener0 > temp)
    temp = ener0;
  j = norm_l(temp);
  cmax = round(L_shl(cor_max, j));
  en = round(L_shl(ener, j));
  en0 = round(L_shl(ener0, j));
  	Word16 pj = abs_s(j);
  	cmax = round(L_shr(cor_max, pj));	
  	en = round(L_shr(ener, pj));
  	en0 = round(L_shr(ener0, pj));
  /* prediction gain (dB)= -10 log(1-cor_max*cor_max/(ener*ener0)) */

  /* temp = (cor_max * cor_max) - (0.5 * ener * ener0)  */
  temp = L_mult(cmax, cmax);
  temp = L_sub(temp, L_shr(L_mult(en, en0), 1));

  if (temp < (Word32)0)           /* if prediction gain < 3 dB   */
  {                               /* switch off pitch postfilter */
    for (i = 0; i < L_subfr; i++)
      signal_pst[i] = signal[i];

  if (sub(cmax, en) > 0)      /* if pitch gain > 1 */
    g0 = INV_GAMMAP;
    gain = GAMMAP_2;
  else {
    cmax = shr(mult(cmax, GAMMAP), 1);  /* cmax(Q14) = cmax(Q15) * GAMMAP */
    en = shr(en, 1);          /* Q14 */
    i = add(cmax, en);
    if(i > 0)
      gain = div_s(cmax, i);    /* gain(Q15) = cor_max/(cor_max+ener)  */
      g0 = sub(32767, gain);    /* g0(Q15) = 1 - gain */
      g0 =  32767;
      gain = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < L_subfr; i++)
    /* signal_pst[i] = g0*signal[i] + gain*signal[i-t0]; */

    signal_pst[i] = add(mult(g0, signal[i]), mult(gain, signal[i-t0]));


Пример #10
/* Standard Long-Term Postfilter */
void postfilter(
                Word16 *s,   /* input : quantized speech signal         */
                Word16 pp,   /* input : pitch period                    */
                Word16 *ma_a,
                Word16 *b_prv,
                Word16 *pp_prv,
                Word16 *e)   /* output: enhanced speech signal          */
   int n;
   Word16 len, t0, t1, t2, t3, shift, aa, R0norm, R0_exp;
   Word32 a0, a1, R0, R1, R01, R01max, Rx;
   Word16 *fp1;
   Word16 ppt, pptmin, pptmax, ppnew;
   Word16 bb[2];
   Word16 R1max_exp, R1max, R01Sqmax_exp, R01Sqmax, R01Sq_exp, R01Sq, R1_exp, R1n;
   Word16 gainn, Rx_exp;
   Word16 buf[MAXPP+FRSZ];
   Word16 *ps, ww1, ww2;
   Word32 step, delta;
   Word16 bi0, bi1c, bi1p;
   ps = s+XQOFF;
   /*                 pitch search around decoded pitch                */
   pptmin = sub(pp, DPPQNS);
   pptmax = add(pp, DPPQNS);
   if (pptmin<MINPP)
      pptmin = MINPP;
      pptmax = add(pptmin, 2*DPPQNS);
   else if (pptmax>MAXPP)
      pptmax = MAXPP;
      pptmin = sub(pptmax, 2*DPPQNS);
   fp1 = &s[XQOFF-pptmax];
   len = add(FRSZ, pptmax);
   a0 = 0;
   for (n=0;n<len;n++) 
      t1 = shr(*fp1++, 3);
      a0 = L_mac0(a0,t1,t1);
   shift = norm_l(a0);
   if (a0==0) shift=31;
   shift = sub(6, shift);
   if (shift > 0)
      ps = buf+pptmax;
      fp1 = &s[XQOFF-pptmax];
      shift = shr(add(shift, 1), 1);
      for (n=0;n<len;n++)
         buf[n] = shr(fp1[n], shift);
   else shift=0;
   R0  = 0;
   R1  = 0;
   R01 = 0;
   for(n=0; n<FRSZ; n++)
      R0  = L_mac0(R0, ps[n], ps[n]);
      R1  = L_mac0(R1, ps[n-pptmin], ps[n-pptmin]);
      R01 = L_mac0(R01,ps[n], ps[n-pptmin]);
   R0_exp = norm_l(R0);
   R0norm = extract_h(L_shl(R0, R0_exp));
   R0_exp = R0_exp-16;
   ppnew        = pptmin;
   R1max_exp    = norm_l(R1);
   R1max        = extract_h(L_shl(R1, R1max_exp));
   R01Sqmax_exp = norm_l(R01);
   t1           = extract_h(L_shl(R01, R01Sqmax_exp));
   R01Sqmax_exp = shl(R01Sqmax_exp, 1);
   R01Sqmax     = extract_h(L_mult(t1, t1));
   R01max       = R01;
   for(ppt=pptmin+1; ppt<=pptmax; ppt++)
      R1 = L_msu0(R1,ps[FRSZ-ppt], ps[FRSZ-ppt]);
      R1 = L_mac0(R1,ps[-ppt], ps[-ppt]);      
      R01= 0;
      for(n=0; n<FRSZ; n++)
         R01 = L_mac0(R01, ps[n], ps[n-ppt]);
      R01Sq_exp = norm_l(R01);
      t1 = extract_h(L_shl(R01, R01Sq_exp));
      R01Sq_exp = shl(R01Sq_exp, 1);
      R01Sq = extract_h(L_mult(t1, t1));
      R1_exp = norm_l(R1);
      R1n = extract_h(L_shl(R1, R1_exp));
      a0 = L_mult(R01Sq, R1max);
      a1 = L_mult(R01Sqmax, R1n);
      t1 = add(R01Sq_exp, R1max_exp);
      t2 = add(R01Sqmax_exp, R1_exp);
      t2 = sub(t1, t2);
      if (t2>=0) a0 = L_shr(a0, t2);
      if (t2<0)  a1 = L_shl(a1, t2); 
      if (L_sub(a0, a1)>0) 
         R01Sqmax = R01Sq; 
         R01Sqmax_exp = R01Sq_exp;
         R1max = R1n; R1max_exp = R1_exp;
         ppnew = ppt;
         R01max = R01;
   /*               calculate all-zero pitch postfilter              */
   if (R1max==0 || R0==0 || R01max <= 0)
      aa = 0;
      a0 = R1max_exp-16;
      t1 = mult(R1max, R0norm);
      a0 = a0+R0_exp-15;
      sqrt_i(t1, (Word16)a0, &t1, &t2);
      t0 = norm_l(R01max);
      t3 = extract_h(L_shl(R01max, t0));
      t0 = t0-16;
      aa = mult(t3, t1);
      t0 = t0+t2-15;
      t0 = t0-15;
      if (t0<0) aa = shl(aa, sub(0,t0));
      else aa = shr(aa, t0);
   a0 = L_mult(8192, aa);
   a0 = L_mac(a0, 24576, *ma_a);
   *ma_a = intround(a0);
   if((*ma_a < ATHLD1) && (aa < (ATHLD2)))
      aa = 0;
   bb[1] = mult(ScLTPF, aa);
   /*             calculate normalization energies                   */
   Rx = 0;
   R0 = 0;
   for(n=0; n<FRSZ; n++)
      a0   = L_shl(s[XQOFF+n], 15);
      a0   = L_add(a0, L_mult0(bb[1], s[XQOFF+n-ppnew]));
      e[n] = intround(a0);
      t1   = shr(e[n], shift);
      t2   = shr(s[XQOFF+n], shift);
      Rx   = L_mac0(Rx, t1, t1);
      R0   = L_mac0(R0, t2, t2);
   R0 = L_shr(R0, 2);
   if(R0 == 0 || Rx == 0)
      gainn = 32767;
      Rx_exp = norm_l(Rx);
      t1 = extract_h(L_shl(Rx, Rx_exp));
      t2 = extract_h(L_shl(R0, Rx_exp));
      if (t2>= t1)
         gainn = 32767;
         t1 = div_s(t2, t1);
         gainn = sqrts(t1);
   /*    interpolate from the previous postfilter to the current     */
   bb[0] = gainn;
   bb[1] = mult(gainn, bb[1]);
   step  = (Word32)((1.0/(NINT+1))*(2147483648.0));
   delta = 0;
   for(n=0; n<NINT; n++)
      delta = L_add(delta, step);
      ww1   = intround(delta);
      ww2   = add(sub(32767, ww1), 1);
      /* interpolate between two filters */
      bi0 = intround(L_mac(L_mult(ww1, bb[0]), ww2, b_prv[0]));
      bi1c= mult(ww1, bb[1]);
      bi1p= mult(ww2, b_prv[1]);
      e[n] = intround(L_mac(L_mac(L_mult(bi1c, s[XQOFF+n-ppnew]), bi1p, s[XQOFF+n-(*pp_prv)]), bi0, s[XQOFF+n]));
   for(n=NINT; n<FRSZ; n++)
      e[n] = intround(L_shl(L_mult(gainn, e[n]),1));
   /*                       save state memory                        */
   *pp_prv = ppnew;
   b_prv[0] = bb[0];
   b_prv[1] = bb[1];
Пример #11
 * FUNCTION: calc_unfilt_energies
 * PURPOSE:  calculation of several energy coefficients for unfiltered
 *           excitation signals and the LTP coding gain
 *       frac_en[0]*2^exp_en[0] = <res res>   // LP residual energy
 *       frac_en[1]*2^exp_en[1] = <exc exc>   // LTP residual energy
 *       frac_en[2]*2^exp_en[2] = <exc code>  // LTP/CB innovation dot product
 *       frac_en[3]*2^exp_en[3] = <lres lres> // LTP residual energy
 *                                            // (lres = res - gain_pit*exc)
 *       ltpg = log2(LP_res_en / LTP_res_en)
    Word16 res[],     /* i  : LP residual,                               Q0  */
    Word16 exc[],     /* i  : LTP excitation (unfiltered),               Q0  */
    Word16 code[],    /* i  : CB innovation (unfiltered),                Q13 */
    Word16 gain_pit,  /* i  : pitch gain,                                Q14 */
    Word16 L_subfr,   /* i  : Subframe length                                */

    Word16 frac_en[], /* o  : energy coefficients (4), fraction part,    Q15 */
    Word16 exp_en[],  /* o  : energy coefficients (4), exponent part,    Q0  */
    Word16 *ltpg      /* o  : LTP coding gain (log2()),                  Q13 */
    Word32 s, L_temp;
    Word16 i, exp, tmp;
    Word16 ltp_res_en, pred_gain;
    Word16 ltpg_exp, ltpg_frac;

    /* Compute residual energy */
    s = L_mac((Word32) 0, res[0], res[0]);
    for (i = 1; i < L_subfr; i++)
        s = L_mac(s, res[i], res[i]);

    /* ResEn := 0 if ResEn < 200.0 (= 400 Q1) */
    if (L_sub (s, 400L) < 0)
        frac_en[0] = 0;                      move16 ();
        exp_en[0] = -15;                     move16 ();
        exp = norm_l(s);
        frac_en[0] = extract_h(L_shl(s, exp));   move16 ();
        exp_en[0] = sub(15, exp);                move16 ();
    /* Compute ltp excitation energy */
    s = L_mac((Word32) 0, exc[0], exc[0]);
    for (i = 1; i < L_subfr; i++)
        s = L_mac(s, exc[i], exc[i]);

    exp = norm_l(s);
    frac_en[1] = extract_h(L_shl(s, exp));   move16 ();
    exp_en[1] = sub(15, exp);                move16 ();

    /* Compute scalar product <exc[],code[]> */
    s = L_mac((Word32) 0, exc[0], code[0]);
    for (i = 1; i < L_subfr; i++)
        s = L_mac(s, exc[i], code[i]);

    exp = norm_l(s);
    frac_en[2] = extract_h(L_shl(s, exp));   move16 ();
    exp_en[2] = sub(16-14, exp);             move16 ();

    /* Compute energy of LTP residual */
    s = 0L;                                  move32 ();
    for (i = 0; i < L_subfr; i++)
        L_temp = L_mult(exc[i], gain_pit);
        L_temp = L_shl(L_temp, 1);
        tmp = sub(res[i], round(L_temp));           /* LTP residual, Q0 */
        s = L_mac (s, tmp, tmp);

    exp = norm_l(s);
    ltp_res_en = extract_h (L_shl (s, exp));
    exp = sub (15, exp);

    frac_en[3] = ltp_res_en;                 move16 ();
    exp_en[3] = exp;                         move16 ();
    /* calculate LTP coding gain, i.e. energy reduction LP res -> LTP res */
    test (); test ();
    if (ltp_res_en > 0 && frac_en[0] != 0)
        /* gain = ResEn / LTPResEn */
        pred_gain = div_s (shr (frac_en[0], 1), ltp_res_en);
        exp = sub (exp, exp_en[0]);

        /* L_temp = ltpGain * 2^(30 + exp) */
        L_temp = L_deposit_h (pred_gain);
        /* L_temp = ltpGain * 2^27 */
        L_temp = L_shr (L_temp, add (exp, 3));

        /* Log2 = log2() + 27 */
        Log2(L_temp, &ltpg_exp, &ltpg_frac);

        /* ltpg = log2(LtpGain) * 2^13 --> range: +- 4 = +- 12 dB */
        L_temp = L_Comp (sub (ltpg_exp, 27), ltpg_frac);
        *ltpg = round (L_shl (L_temp, 13)); /* Q13 */
        *ltpg = 0;                           move16 ();
Пример #12
 * FUNCTION: calc_filt_energies
 * PURPOSE:  calculation of several energy coefficients for filtered
 *           excitation signals
 *     Compute coefficients need for the quantization and the optimum
 *     codebook gain gcu (for MR475 only).
 *      coeff[0] =    y1 y1
 *      coeff[1] = -2 xn y1
 *      coeff[2] =    y2 y2
 *      coeff[3] = -2 xn y2
 *      coeff[4] =  2 y1 y2
 *      gcu = <xn2, y2> / <y2, y2> (0 if <xn2, y2> <= 0)
 *     Product <y1 y1> and <xn y1> have been computed in G_pitch() and
 *     are in vector g_coeff[].
    enum Mode mode,     /* i  : coder mode                                   */
    Word16 xn[],        /* i  : LTP target vector,                       Q0  */
    Word16 xn2[],       /* i  : CB target vector,                        Q0  */
    Word16 y1[],        /* i  : Adaptive codebook,                       Q0  */
    Word16 Y2[],        /* i  : Filtered innovative vector,              Q12 */
    Word16 g_coeff[],   /* i  : Correlations <xn y1> <y1 y1>                 */
                        /*      computed in G_pitch()                        */

    Word16 frac_coeff[],/* o  : energy coefficients (5), fraction part,  Q15 */
    Word16 exp_coeff[], /* o  : energy coefficients (5), exponent part,  Q0  */
    Word16 *cod_gain_frac,/* o: optimum codebook gain (fraction part),   Q15 */
    Word16 *cod_gain_exp  /* o: optimum codebook gain (exponent part),   Q0  */
    Word32 s, ener_init;
    Word16 i, exp, frac;
    Word16 y2[L_SUBFR];

    if (test(), sub(mode, MR795) == 0 || sub(mode, MR475) == 0)
        ener_init = 0L; move32 ();
        ener_init = 1L; move32 ();
    for (i = 0; i < L_SUBFR; i++) {
        y2[i] = shr(Y2[i], 3);         move16 ();

    frac_coeff[0] = g_coeff[0];          move16 ();
    exp_coeff[0] = g_coeff[1];           move16 ();
    frac_coeff[1] = negate(g_coeff[2]);  move16 ();   /* coeff[1] = -2 xn y1 */
    exp_coeff[1] = add(g_coeff[3], 1);   move16 ();

    /* Compute scalar product <y2[],y2[]> */

    s = L_mac(ener_init, y2[0], y2[0]);
    for (i = 1; i < L_SUBFR; i++)
        s = L_mac(s, y2[i], y2[i]);

    exp = norm_l(s);
    frac_coeff[2] = extract_h(L_shl(s, exp)); move16 ();
    exp_coeff[2] = sub(15 - 18, exp);    move16();

    /* Compute scalar product -2*<xn[],y2[]> */

    s = L_mac(ener_init, xn[0], y2[0]);
    for (i = 1; i < L_SUBFR; i++)
        s = L_mac(s, xn[i], y2[i]);

    exp = norm_l(s);
    frac_coeff[3] = negate(extract_h(L_shl(s, exp))); move16 ();
    exp_coeff[3] = sub(15 - 9 + 1, exp);         move16 ();

    /* Compute scalar product 2*<y1[],y2[]> */

    s = L_mac(ener_init, y1[0], y2[0]);
    for (i = 1; i < L_SUBFR; i++)
        s = L_mac(s, y1[i], y2[i]);

    exp = norm_l(s);
    frac_coeff[4] = extract_h(L_shl(s, exp)); move16 ();
    exp_coeff[4] = sub(15 - 9 + 1, exp);  move16();

    if (test(), test (), sub(mode, MR475) == 0 || sub(mode, MR795) == 0)
        /* Compute scalar product <xn2[],y2[]> */

        s = L_mac(ener_init, xn2[0], y2[0]);
        for (i = 1; i < L_SUBFR; i++)
            s = L_mac(s, xn2[i], y2[i]);
        exp = norm_l(s);
        frac = extract_h(L_shl(s, exp));
        exp = sub(15 - 9, exp);

        if (test (), frac <= 0)
            *cod_gain_frac = 0; move16 ();
            *cod_gain_exp = 0;  move16 ();
              gcu = <xn2, y2> / c[2]
                  = (frac>>1)/frac[2]             * 2^(exp+1-exp[2])
                  = div_s(frac>>1, frac[2])*2^-15 * 2^(exp+1-exp[2])
                  = div_s * 2^(exp-exp[2]-14)
            *cod_gain_frac = div_s (shr (frac,1), frac_coeff[2]); move16 ();
            *cod_gain_exp = sub (sub (exp, exp_coeff[2]), 14);    move16 ();

Пример #13
void A_Refl(
    Word16 a[],        /* i   : Directform coefficients */
    Word16 refl[],     /* o   : Reflection coefficients */
    Flag   *pOverflow
    /* local variables */
    Word16 i;
    Word16 j;
    Word16 aState[M];
    Word16 bState[M];
    Word16 normShift;
    Word16 normProd;
    Word32 L_acc;
    Word16 scale;
    Word32 L_temp;
    Word16 temp;
    Word16 mult;

    /* initialize states */
    for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
        aState[i] = a[i];

    /* backward Levinson recursion */
    for (i = M - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        if (abs_s(aState[i]) >= 4096)
            for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
                refl[i] = 0;

        refl[i] = shl(aState[i], 3, pOverflow);

        L_temp = L_mult(refl[i], refl[i], pOverflow);
        L_acc = L_sub(MAX_32, L_temp, pOverflow);

        normShift = norm_l(L_acc);
        scale = sub(15, normShift, pOverflow);

        L_acc = L_shl(L_acc, normShift, pOverflow);
        normProd = pv_round(L_acc, pOverflow);

        mult = div_s(16384, normProd);

        for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
            L_acc = L_deposit_h(aState[j]);
            L_acc = L_msu(L_acc, refl[i], aState[i-j-1], pOverflow);

            temp = pv_round(L_acc, pOverflow);
            L_temp = L_mult(mult, temp, pOverflow);
            L_temp = L_shr_r(L_temp, scale, pOverflow);

            if (L_abs(L_temp) > 32767)
                for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
                    refl[i] = 0;

            bState[j] = extract_l(L_temp);

        for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
            aState[j] = bState[j];
Пример #14
void Az_lsp(
  Word16 a[],        /* (i) Q12 : predictor coefficients              */
  Word16 lsp[],      /* (o) Q15 : line spectral pairs                 */
  Word16 old_lsp[]   /* (i)     : old lsp[] (in case not found 10 roots) */
 Word16 i, j, nf, ip;
 Word16 xlow, ylow, xhigh, yhigh, xmid, ymid, xint;
 Word16 x, y, sign, exp;
 Word16 *coef;
 Word16 f1[M/2+1], f2[M/2+1];
 Word32 t0, L_temp;
 Flag   ovf_coef;
 Word16 (*pChebps)(Word16 x, Word16 f[], Word16 n);

 *  find the sum and diff. pol. F1(z) and F2(z)                *
 *    F1(z) <--- F1(z)/(1+z**-1) & F2(z) <--- F2(z)/(1-z**-1)  *
 *                                                             *
 * f1[0] = 1.0;                                                *
 * f2[0] = 1.0;                                                *
 *                                                             *
 * for (i = 0; i< NC; i++)                                     *
 * {                                                           *
 *   f1[i+1] = a[i+1] + a[M-i] - f1[i] ;                       *
 *   f2[i+1] = a[i+1] - a[M-i] + f2[i] ;                       *
 * }                                                           *

 ovf_coef = 0;
 pChebps = Chebps_11;

 f1[0] = 2048;          /* f1[0] = 1.0 is in Q11 */
 f2[0] = 2048;          /* f2[0] = 1.0 is in Q11 */

 for (i = 0; i< NC; i++)
   Overflow = 0;
   t0 = L_mult(a[i+1], 16384);          /* x = (a[i+1] + a[M-i]) >> 1        */
   t0 = L_mac(t0, a[M-i], 16384);       /*    -> From Q12 to Q11             */
   x  = extract_h(t0);
   if ( Overflow ) {
     ovf_coef = 1;      }

   Overflow = 0;
   f1[i+1] = sub(x, f1[i]);    /* f1[i+1] = a[i+1] + a[M-i] - f1[i] */
   if ( Overflow ) {
     ovf_coef = 1;      }

   Overflow = 0;
   t0 = L_mult(a[i+1], 16384);          /* x = (a[i+1] - a[M-i]) >> 1        */
   t0 = L_msu(t0, a[M-i], 16384);       /*    -> From Q12 to Q11             */
   x  = extract_h(t0);
   if ( Overflow ) {
     ovf_coef = 1;      }

   Overflow = 0;
   f2[i+1] = add(x, f2[i]);    /* f2[i+1] = a[i+1] - a[M-i] + f2[i] */
   if ( Overflow ) {
     ovf_coef = 1;      }

 if ( ovf_coef ) {
   /*printf("===== OVF ovf_coef =====\n");*/

   pChebps = Chebps_10;

   f1[0] = 1024;          /* f1[0] = 1.0 is in Q10 */
   f2[0] = 1024;          /* f2[0] = 1.0 is in Q10 */

   for (i = 0; i< NC; i++)
     t0 = L_mult(a[i+1], 8192);          /* x = (a[i+1] + a[M-i]) >> 1        */
     t0 = L_mac(t0, a[M-i], 8192);       /*    -> From Q11 to Q10             */
     x  = extract_h(t0);
     f1[i+1] = sub(x, f1[i]);    /* f1[i+1] = a[i+1] + a[M-i] - f1[i] */

     t0 = L_mult(a[i+1], 8192);          /* x = (a[i+1] - a[M-i]) >> 1        */
     t0 = L_msu(t0, a[M-i], 8192);       /*    -> From Q11 to Q10             */
     x  = extract_h(t0);
     f2[i+1] = add(x, f2[i]);    /* f2[i+1] = a[i+1] - a[M-i] + f2[i] */

 * find the LSPs using the Chebichev pol. evaluation           *

 nf=0;          /* number of found frequencies */
 ip=0;          /* indicator for f1 or f2      */

 coef = f1;

 xlow = grid[0];
 ylow = (*pChebps)(xlow, coef, NC);

 j = 0;
 while ( (nf < M) && (j < GRID_POINTS) )
   j =add(j,1);
   xhigh = xlow;
   yhigh = ylow;
   xlow  = grid[j];
   ylow  = (*pChebps)(xlow,coef,NC);

   L_temp = L_mult(ylow ,yhigh);
   if ( L_temp <= (Word32)0)

     /* divide 4 times the interval */

     for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
       xmid = add( shr(xlow, 1) , shr(xhigh, 1)); /* xmid = (xlow + xhigh)/2 */

       ymid = (*pChebps)(xmid,coef,NC);

       L_temp = L_mult(ylow,ymid);
       if ( L_temp <= (Word32)0)
         yhigh = ymid;
         xhigh = xmid;
         ylow = ymid;
         xlow = xmid;

     * Linear interpolation                                        *
     *    xint = xlow - ylow*(xhigh-xlow)/(yhigh-ylow);            *

     x   = sub(xhigh, xlow);
     y   = sub(yhigh, ylow);

     if(y == 0)
       xint = xlow;
       sign= y;
       y   = abs_s(y);
       exp = norm_s(y);
       y   = shl(y, exp);
       y   = div_s( (Word16)16383, y);
       t0  = L_mult(x, y);
       t0  = L_shr(t0, sub(20, exp) );
       y   = extract_l(t0);            /* y= (xhigh-xlow)/(yhigh-ylow) in Q11 */

       if(sign < 0) y = negate(y);

       t0   = L_mult(ylow, y);                  /* result in Q26 */
       t0   = L_shr(t0, 11);                    /* result in Q15 */
       xint = sub(xlow, extract_l(t0));         /* xint = xlow - ylow*y */

     lsp[nf] = xint;
     xlow    = xint;
     nf =add(nf,1);

     if(ip == 0)
       ip = 1;
       coef = f2;
       ip = 0;
       coef = f1;
     ylow = (*pChebps)(xlow,coef,NC);


 /* Check if M roots found */

 if( sub(nf, M) < 0)
    for(i=0; i<M; i++)
      lsp[i] = old_lsp[i];

 /* printf("\n !!Not 10 roots found in Az_lsp()!!!\n"); */

Пример #15
** Function:            Lsp_Qnt()
** Description:     Vector quantizes the LSP frequencies.  The LSP
**          vector is divided into 3 sub-vectors, or
**          bands, of dimension 3, 3, and 4.  Each band is
**          quantized separately using a different VQ
**          table.  Each table has 256 entries, so the
**          quantization generates three indices of 8 bits
**          each.  (Only the LSP vector for subframe 3 is
**          quantized per frame.)
** Links to text:   Section 2.5
** Arguments:       
**  Word16 CurrLsp[]    Unquantized LSP frequencies for the current frame (10 words)
**  Word16 PrevLsp[]    LSP frequencies from the previous frame (10 words)
** Outputs:             Quantized LSP frequencies for the current frame (10 words)
** Return value:
**  Word32      Long word packed with the 3 VQ indices.  Band 0
**          corresponds to bits [23:16], band 1 corresponds
**          to bits [15:8], and band 2 corresponds to bits [7:0].
**          (Bit 0 is the least significant.)
Word32   Lsp_Qnt( Word16 *CurrLsp, Word16 *PrevLsp )
    int   i ;

    Word16   Wvect[LpcOrder] ;

    Word16   Tmp0,Tmp1   ;
    Word16   Exp   ;

  * Compute the VQ weighting vector.  The weights assign greater
  * precision to those frequencies that are closer together.

    /* Compute the end differences */
    Wvect[0] = sub( CurrLsp[1], CurrLsp[0] ) ;
    Wvect[LpcOrder-1] = sub( CurrLsp[LpcOrder-1], CurrLsp[LpcOrder-2] ) ;

    /* Compute the rest of the differences */
    for ( i = 1 ; i < LpcOrder-1 ; i ++ ) {
        Tmp0 = sub( CurrLsp[i+1], CurrLsp[i] ) ;
        Tmp1 = sub( CurrLsp[i], CurrLsp[i-1] ) ;
        if ( Tmp0 > Tmp1 )
            Wvect[i] = Tmp1 ;
            Wvect[i] = Tmp0 ;

    /* Invert the differences */
    Tmp0 = (Word16) 0x0020 ;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder ; i ++ ) {

        if ( Wvect[i] > Tmp0 )
            Wvect[i] = div_s( Tmp0, Wvect[i] ) ;
            Wvect[i] = MAX_16 ;

    /* Normalize the weight vector */
    Tmp0 = (Word16) 0 ;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder ; i ++ )
        if ( Wvect[i] > Tmp0 )
            Tmp0 = Wvect[i] ;

    Exp = norm_s( Tmp0 ) ;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder ; i ++ )
        Wvect[i] = shl( Wvect[i], Exp ) ;

  * Compute the VQ target vector.  This is the residual that remains
  * after subtracting both the DC and predicted
  * components.

  * Subtract the DC component from both the current and previous LSP
  * vectors.
    for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder ; i ++ ) {
        CurrLsp[i] = sub( CurrLsp[i], LspDcTable[i] ) ;
        PrevLsp[i] = sub( PrevLsp[i], LspDcTable[i] ) ;

  * Generate the prediction vector and subtract it.  Use a constant
  * first-order predictor based on the previous (DC-free) LSP
  * vector.
    for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder ; i ++ ) {
        Tmp0 = mult_r( PrevLsp[i], (Word16) LspPrd0 ) ;
        CurrLsp[i] = sub( CurrLsp[i], Tmp0 ) ;

  * Add the DC component back to the previous LSP vector.  This
  * vector is needed in later routines.
    for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder ; i ++ )
        PrevLsp[i] = add( PrevLsp[i], LspDcTable[i] ) ;

  * Do the vector quantization for all three bands
    return Lsp_Svq( CurrLsp, Wvect ) ;
Пример #16
void a2lsp(
           Word16 pc[],       /* (i) Q12: predictor coefficients */
           Word16 lsp[],      /* (o) Q15: line spectral pairs    */
           Word16 old_lsp[])  /* (i) Q15: old lsp                */
   Word16 i, j, exp;
   Word16 fa_man[NAB], fa_exp[NAB], fb_man[NAB], fb_exp[NAB];
   Word16 ta_man[NAB], ta_exp[NAB], tb_man[NAB], tb_exp[NAB];
   Word16 *t_man, *t_exp;
   Word32 a0;
   Word16 nd2, nf, ngrd;
   Word16 xroot, xlow, ylow, ind, xhigh, yhigh, xmid, ymid, dx, dy, dxdy, x, sign;

   /* Find normalization for fa and fb */
   /*   fb[0] = fa[0] = 1.0;                             */
   /*   for (i = 1, j = LPCO; i <= (LPCO/2); i++, j--) { */
   /*      fa[i] = pc[i] + pc[j] - fa[i-1];              */
   /*      fb[i] = pc[i] - pc[j] + fb[i-1];              */
   /*   }                                                */
   fa_man[0] = 16384; 
   fa_exp[0] = 6;       // fa_man[0] in high 16-bits >> fa_exp[0] = 1.0 in Q24 
   fb_man[0] = 16384;
   fb_exp[0] = 6;       // fb_man[0] in high 16-bits >> fb_exp[0] = 1.0 in Q24
   for (i = 1, j = LPCO; i <= (LPCO/2); i++, j--) {
      a0 = L_mult0(pc[i], 4096);     // Q24
      a0 = L_mac0(a0, pc[j], 4096);  // Q24
      a0 = L_sub(a0, L_shr(L_deposit_h(fa_man[i-1]),fa_exp[i-1]));  // Q24
      fa_exp[i] = norm_l(a0);
      fa_man[i] = intround(L_shl(a0, fa_exp[i]));  // Q(8+fb_exp[i])

      a0 = L_mult0(pc[i], 4096);     // Q24
      a0 = L_msu0(a0, pc[j], 4096);  // Q24
      a0 = L_add(a0, L_shr(L_deposit_h(fb_man[i-1]),fb_exp[i-1]));  // Q24
      fb_exp[i] = norm_l(a0);
      fb_man[i] = intround(L_shl(a0, fb_exp[i]));  // Q(8+fb_exp[i])

   nd2 = (LPCO)/2;

   /* ta[] and tb[] in Q(7+exp)               */
   /* ta[0] = fa[nab-1]; ta[i] = 2.0 * fa[j]; */
   /* tb[0] = fb[nab-1]; tb[i] = 2.0 * fb[j]; */
   ta_man[0] = fa_man[NAB-1];
   ta_exp[0] = add(fa_exp[NAB-1], 1);
   tb_man[0] = fb_man[NAB-1];
   tb_exp[0] = add(fb_exp[NAB-1], 1);
   for (i = 1, j = NAB - 2; i < NAB; ++i, --j) {
      ta_man[i] = fa_man[j];
      ta_exp[i] = fa_exp[j];
      tb_man[i] = fb_man[j];
      tb_exp[i] = fb_exp[j];

   nf = 0;
   t_man = ta_man;
   t_exp = ta_exp;
   xroot = 0x7fff;
   ngrd  = 0;
   xlow  = grid[0];  // Q15
   ylow = FNevChebP(xlow, t_man, t_exp, nd2);
   ind = 0;

   /* Root search loop */
   while (ngrd<(Ngrd-1) && nf < LPCO) {
      xhigh = xlow;
      yhigh = ylow;
      xlow  = grid[ngrd];
      ylow = FNevChebP(xlow, t_man, t_exp, nd2);
      if ( L_mult(ylow ,yhigh) <= 0) {
         /* Bisections of the interval containing a sign change */
         dx = xhigh - xlow;
         for (i = 1; i <= NBIS; ++i) {
            dx = shr(dx, 1);
            xmid = add(xlow, dx);
            ymid = FNevChebP(xmid, t_man, t_exp, nd2);
            if (L_mult(ylow,ymid) <= 0) {
               yhigh = ymid;
               xhigh = xmid;
            } else {
               ylow = ymid;
               xlow = xmid;
         * Linear interpolation in the subinterval with a sign change
         * (take care if yhigh=ylow=0)
         dx = sub(xhigh, xlow);
         dy  = sub(ylow, yhigh);
         if (dy != 0) {
            sign = dy;
            dy = abs_s(dy);
            exp = norm_s(dy);
            dy = shl(dy, exp);
            /* The maximum grid distance is 1629 =>                                  */
            /* Maximum dx=1629/2^4=101.8125, i.e. 16384/101.8125=160.92~128 (7 bits) */
            /* However, due to the starting point for the search of a new root,      */
            /* xlow = xroot, 1 more bit of headroom for the division is required.    */
            dxdy = div_s(shl(dx,6), dy); 
            a0 = L_mult(dxdy, ylow);
            a0 = L_shr(a0, sub(6, exp));
            x  = intround(a0);
            if(sign < 0) x = negate(x);
            xmid = add(xlow, x);
         else {
            xmid = add(xlow, shr(dx,1));
         /* acos mapping for New lsp component */
         while (( costable[ind] >= xmid ) && (ind < 63)) ind++;
         a0 = L_mult( sub(xmid, costable[ind]) , acosslope[ind] );
         x  = intround(L_shl(a0, 4));
         lsp[nf] = add(x, shl(ind, 9));
         /* Start the search for the roots of next polynomial at the estimated
         * location of the root just found.  We have to catch the case that the
         * two polynomials have roots at the same place to avoid getting stuck at
         * that root.
         if (xmid >= xroot) xmid = xlow - dx;
         xroot = xmid;
         if (t_man == ta_man){
            t_man = tb_man;
            t_exp = tb_exp;
            t_man = ta_man;
            t_exp = ta_exp;
         xlow = xmid;
         ylow = FNevChebP(xlow, t_man, t_exp, nd2);
   /* Check if all LSPs are found */
   if( sub(nf, LPCO) < 0)
      W16copy(lsp, old_lsp, LPCO);

Пример #17
void agc(
  int16_t *sig_in,   /* (i)     : postfilter input signal  */
  int16_t *sig_out,  /* (i/o)   : postfilter output signal */
  int16_t l_trm      /* (i)     : subframe size            */
  static int16_t past_gain=4096;         /* past_gain = 1.0 (Q12) */
  int16_t i, exp;
  int16_t gain_in, gain_out, g0, gain;                     /* Q12 */
  int32_t s;

  int16_t signal[L_SUBFR];

  /* calculate gain_out with exponent */

  for(i=0; i<l_trm; i++)
    signal[i] = shr(sig_out[i], 2);

  s = 0;
  for(i=0; i<l_trm; i++)
    s = L_mac(s, signal[i], signal[i]);

  if (s == 0) {
    past_gain = 0;
  exp = sub(norm_l(s), 1);
  gain_out = _round(L_shl(s, exp));

  /* calculate gain_in with exponent */

  for(i=0; i<l_trm; i++)
    signal[i] = shr(sig_in[i], 2);

  s = 0;
  for(i=0; i<l_trm; i++)
    s = L_mac(s, signal[i], signal[i]);

  if (s == 0) {
    g0 = 0;
  else {
    i = norm_l(s);
    gain_in = _round(L_shl(s, i));
    exp = sub(exp, i);

    *  g0(Q12) = (1-AGC_FAC) * sqrt(gain_in/gain_out);  *

    s = L_deposit_l(div_s(gain_out,gain_in));   /* Q15 */
    s = L_shl(s, 7);           /* s(Q22) = gain_out / gain_in */
    s = L_shr(s, exp);         /* Q22, add exponent */

    /* i(Q12) = s(Q19) = 1 / sqrt(s(Q22)) */
    s = Inv_sqrt(s);           /* Q19 */
    i = _round(L_shl(s,9));     /* Q12 */

    /* g0(Q12) = i(Q12) * (1-AGC_FAC)(Q15) */
    g0 = mult(i, AGC_FAC1);       /* Q12 */

  /* compute gain(n) = AGC_FAC gain(n-1) + (1-AGC_FAC)gain_in/gain_out */
  /* sig_out(n) = gain(n) sig_out(n)                                   */

  gain = past_gain;
  for(i=0; i<l_trm; i++) {
    gain = mult(gain, AGC_FAC);
    gain = add(gain, g0);
    sig_out[i] = extract_h(L_shl(L_mult(sig_out[i], gain), 3));
  past_gain = gain;

Пример #18
Word16 vad2 (Word16 * farray_ptr, vadState2 * st)

	 * The channel table is defined below.  In this table, the
	 * lower and higher frequency coefficients for each of the 16
	 * channels are specified.  The table excludes the coefficients
	 * with numbers 0 (DC), 1, and 64 (Foldover frequency).

	const static Word16 ch_tbl[NUM_CHAN][2] =

		{2, 3},
		{4, 5},
		{6, 7},
		{8, 9},
		{10, 11},
		{12, 13},
		{14, 16},
		{17, 19},
		{20, 22},
		{23, 26},
		{27, 30},
		{31, 35},
		{36, 41},
		{42, 48},
		{49, 55},
		{56, 63}


	/* channel energy scaling table - allows efficient division by number
         * of DFT bins in the channel: 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, etc.

	const static Word16 ch_tbl_sh[NUM_CHAN] =
		16384, 16384, 16384, 16384, 16384, 16384, 10923, 10923,
		10923, 8192, 8192, 6554, 5461, 4681, 4681, 4096

	 * The voice metric table is defined below.  It is a non-
	 * linear table with a deadband near zero.  It maps the SNR
	 * index (quantized SNR value) to a number that is a measure
	 * of voice quality.

	const static Word16 vm_tbl[90] =
		2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
		3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7,
		8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 15,
		15, 16, 17, 17, 18, 19, 20, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
		24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,
		35, 36, 37, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45,
		46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50,
		50, 50

	/* hangover as a function of peak SNR (3 dB steps) */
	const static Word16 hangover_table[20] =
		30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 8, 8, 8

	/* burst sensitivity as a function of peak SNR (3 dB steps) */
	const static Word16 burstcount_table[20] =
		8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4

	/* voice metric sensitivity as a function of peak SNR (3 dB steps) */
	const static Word16 vm_threshold_table[20] =
                34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 40, 51, 71, 100, 139, 191, 257, 337, 432

	/* State tables that use 22,9 or 27,4 scaling for ch_enrg[] */

   const static Word16 noise_floor_chan[2] =	{NOISE_FLOOR_CHAN_0, NOISE_FLOOR_CHAN_1};
	const  static Word16 min_chan_enrg[2] =	{MIN_CHAN_ENRG_0, MIN_CHAN_ENRG_1};
	const static Word16 ine_noise[2] = 		{INE_NOISE_0, INE_NOISE_1};
	const static Word16 fbits[2] = 		{FRACTIONAL_BITS_0, FRACTIONAL_BITS_1};
	const static Word16 state_change_shift_r[2] = {STATE_1_TO_0_SHIFT_R, STATE_0_TO_1_SHIFT_R};

	/* Energy scale table given 30,1 input scaling (also account for -6 dB shift on input) */
	const static Word16 enrg_norm_shift[2] = 	{(FRACTIONAL_BITS_0-1+2), (FRACTIONAL_BITS_1-1+2)};

	/* Automatic variables */

	Word32 Lenrg;				/* scaled as 30,1 */
	Word32 Ltne;				/* scaled as 22,9 */
	Word32 Ltce;				/* scaled as 22,9 or 27,4 */

	Word16 tne_db;				/* scaled as 7,8 */
	Word16 tce_db;				/* scaled as 7,8 */

	Word16 input_buffer[FRM_LEN];		/* used for block normalising input data */
	Word16 data_buffer[FFT_LEN];		/* used for in-place FFT */

	Word16 ch_snr[NUM_CHAN];		/* scaled as 7,8 */
	Word16 ch_snrq;				/* scaled as 15,0 (in 0.375 dB steps) */
	Word16 vm_sum;				/* scaled as 15,0 */
	Word16 ch_enrg_dev;			/* scaled as 7,8 */

	Word32 Lpeak;				/* maximum channel energy */
	Word16 p2a_flag;			/* flag to indicate spectral peak-to-average ratio > 10 dB */

	Word16 ch_enrg_db[NUM_CHAN];		/* scaled as 7,8 */
	Word16 ch_noise_db;			/* scaled as 7,8 */

	Word16 alpha;				/* scaled as 0,15 */
	Word16 one_m_alpha;			/* scaled as 0,15 */
	Word16 update_flag;			/* set to indicate a background noise estimate update */

	Word16 i, j, j1, j2;			/* Scratch variables */
	Word16 hi1, lo1;

	Word32 Ltmp, Ltmp1, Ltmp2;
	Word16 tmp;

	Word16 normb_shift;		/* block norm shift count */

	Word16 ivad;			/* intermediate VAD decision (return value) */
	Word16 tsnrq;			/* total signal-to-noise ratio (quantized 3 dB steps) scaled as 15,0 */
	Word16 xt;			/* instantaneous frame SNR in dB, scaled as 7,8 */

	Word16 state_change;

	/* Increment frame counter */
	st->Lframe_cnt = L_add(st->Lframe_cnt, 1);

	/* Block normalize the input */
	normb_shift = block_norm(farray_ptr, input_buffer, FRM_LEN, FFT_HEADROOM);

	/* Pre-emphasize the input data and store in the data buffer with the appropriate offset */
	for (i = 0; i < DELAY; i++)
		data_buffer[i] = 0;									move16();

	st->pre_emp_mem = shr_r(st->pre_emp_mem, sub(st->last_normb_shift, normb_shift));
	st->last_normb_shift = normb_shift;								move16();

	data_buffer[DELAY] = add(input_buffer[0], mult(PRE_EMP_FAC, st->pre_emp_mem));			move16();

	for (i = DELAY + 1, j = 1; i < DELAY + FRM_LEN; i++, j++)
		data_buffer[i] = add(input_buffer[j], mult(PRE_EMP_FAC, input_buffer[j-1]));		move16();
	st->pre_emp_mem = input_buffer[FRM_LEN-1];							move16();

	for (i = DELAY + FRM_LEN; i < FFT_LEN; i++)
		data_buffer[i] = 0;									move16();

	/* Perform FFT on the data buffer */

	/* Use normb_shift factor to determine the scaling of the energy estimates */
	state_change = 0;										move16();
	if (st->shift_state == 0)
	{												test();
		if (sub(normb_shift, -FFT_HEADROOM+2) <= 0)
			state_change = 1;								move16();
			st->shift_state = 1;								move16();
	{												test();
		if (sub(normb_shift, -FFT_HEADROOM+5) >= 0)
			state_change = 1;								move16();
			st->shift_state = 0;								move16();

	/* Scale channel energy estimate */								test();
	if (state_change)
		for (i = LO_CHAN; i <= HI_CHAN; i++)
			st->Lch_enrg[i] = L_shr(st->Lch_enrg[i], state_change_shift_r[st->shift_state]);	move32();

	/* Estimate the energy in each channel */
	if (L_sub(st->Lframe_cnt, 1) == 0)
		alpha = 32767;										move16();
		one_m_alpha = 0;									move16();
		alpha = CEE_SM_FAC;									move16();
		one_m_alpha = ONE_MINUS_CEE_SM_FAC;							move16();

	for (i = LO_CHAN; i <= HI_CHAN; i++)
		Lenrg = 0;										move16();
		j1 = ch_tbl[i][0];									move16();
		j2 = ch_tbl[i][1];									move16();

		for (j = j1; j <= j2; j++)
			Lenrg = L_mac(Lenrg, data_buffer[2 * j], data_buffer[2 * j]);
			Lenrg = L_mac(Lenrg, data_buffer[2 * j + 1], data_buffer[2 * j + 1]);

		/* Denorm energy & scale 30,1 according to the state */
		Lenrg = L_shr_r(Lenrg, sub(shl(normb_shift, 1), enrg_norm_shift[st->shift_state]));

		/* integrate over time: e[i] = (1-alpha)*e[i] + alpha*enrg/num_bins_in_chan */
		tmp = mult(alpha, ch_tbl_sh[i]);
		L_Extract (Lenrg, &hi1, &lo1);
		Ltmp = Mpy_32_16(hi1, lo1, tmp);

		L_Extract (st->Lch_enrg[i], &hi1, &lo1);
		st->Lch_enrg[i] = L_add(Ltmp, Mpy_32_16(hi1, lo1, one_m_alpha));			move32();
		if (L_sub(st->Lch_enrg[i], min_chan_enrg[st->shift_state]) < 0)
			st->Lch_enrg[i] = min_chan_enrg[st->shift_state];				move32();


	/* Compute the total channel energy estimate (Ltce) */
	Ltce = 0;											move16();
	for (i = LO_CHAN; i <= HI_CHAN; i++)
		Ltce = L_add(Ltce, st->Lch_enrg[i]);

	/* Calculate spectral peak-to-average ratio, set flag if p2a > 10 dB */
	Lpeak = 0;											move32();
	for (i = LO_CHAN+2; i <= HI_CHAN; i++)	/* Sine waves not valid for low frequencies */
	{												test();
		if (L_sub(st->Lch_enrg [i], Lpeak) > 0)
			Lpeak = st->Lch_enrg [i];							move32();

	/* Set p2a_flag if peak (dB) > average channel energy (dB) + 10 dB */
	/*   Lpeak > Ltce/num_channels * 10^(10/10)                        */
	/*   Lpeak > (10/16)*Ltce                                          */

	L_Extract (Ltce, &hi1, &lo1);
	Ltmp = Mpy_32_16(hi1, lo1, 20480);
	if (L_sub(Lpeak, Ltmp) > 0)
		p2a_flag = TRUE;									move16();
		p2a_flag = FALSE;									move16();

	/* Initialize channel noise estimate to either the channel energy or fixed level  */
	/*   Scale the energy appropriately to yield state 0 (22,9) scaling for noise */
	if (L_sub(st->Lframe_cnt, 4) <= 0)
	{												test();
		if (p2a_flag == TRUE)
			for (i = LO_CHAN; i <= HI_CHAN; i++)
				st->Lch_noise[i] = INE_NOISE_0;						move32();
			for (i = LO_CHAN; i <= HI_CHAN; i++)
			{										test();
				if (L_sub(st->Lch_enrg[i], ine_noise[st->shift_state]) < 0)
					st->Lch_noise[i] = INE_NOISE_0;					move32();
				{									test();
					if (st->shift_state == 1)
						st->Lch_noise[i] = L_shr(st->Lch_enrg[i], state_change_shift_r[0]);
						st->Lch_noise[i] = st->Lch_enrg[i];			move32();

	/* Compute the channel energy (in dB), the channel SNRs, and the sum of voice metrics */
	vm_sum = 0;											move16();
	for (i = LO_CHAN; i <= HI_CHAN; i++)
		ch_enrg_db[i] = fn10Log10(st->Lch_enrg[i], fbits[st->shift_state]);			move16();
		ch_noise_db = fn10Log10(st->Lch_noise[i], FRACTIONAL_BITS_0);

		ch_snr[i] = sub(ch_enrg_db[i], ch_noise_db);						move16();

		/* quantize channel SNR in 3/8 dB steps (scaled 7,8 => 15,0) */
		/*   ch_snr = round((snr/(3/8))>>8)                          */
		/*          = round(((0.6667*snr)<<2)>>8)                    */
		/*          = round((0.6667*snr)>>6)                         */

		ch_snrq = shr_r(mult(21845, ch_snr[i]), 6);

		/* Accumulate the sum of voice metrics	*/						test();
		if (sub(ch_snrq, 89) < 0)
		{											test();
			if (ch_snrq > 0)
				j = ch_snrq;								move16();
				j = 0;									move16();
			j = 89;										move16();
		vm_sum = add(vm_sum, vm_tbl[j]);

	/* Initialize NOMINAL peak voice energy and average noise energy, calculate instantaneous SNR */ 
	if (L_sub(st->Lframe_cnt, 4) <= 0 || st->fupdate_flag == TRUE)
		/* tce_db = (96 - 22 - 10*log10(64) (due to FFT)) scaled as 7,8 */
		tce_db = 14320;										move16();
		st->negSNRvar = 0;									move16();
		st->negSNRbias = 0;									move16();

		/* Compute the total noise estimate (Ltne) */
		Ltne = 0;										move32();
		for (i = LO_CHAN; i <= HI_CHAN; i++)
			Ltne = L_add(Ltne, st->Lch_noise[i]);

		/* Get total noise in dB */
		tne_db = fn10Log10(Ltne, FRACTIONAL_BITS_0);

		/* Initialise instantaneous and long-term peak signal-to-noise ratios */
		xt = sub(tce_db, tne_db);
		st->tsnr = xt;										move16();
		/* Calculate instantaneous frame signal-to-noise ratio */
		/* xt = 10*log10( sum(2.^(ch_snr*0.1*log2(10)))/length(ch_snr) ) */
		Ltmp1 = 0;										move32();
		for (i=LO_CHAN; i<=HI_CHAN; i++) {
			/* Ltmp2 = ch_snr[i] * 0.1 * log2(10); (ch_snr scaled as 7,8) */
			Ltmp2 = L_shr(L_mult(ch_snr[i], 10885), 8);
			L_Extract(Ltmp2, &hi1, &lo1);
			hi1 = add(hi1, 3);			/* 2^3 to compensate for negative SNR */
			Ltmp1 = L_add(Ltmp1, Pow2(hi1, lo1));
		xt = fn10Log10(Ltmp1, 4+3);			/* average by 16, inverse compensation 2^3 */

		/* Estimate long-term "peak" SNR */							test(),test();
		if (sub(xt, st->tsnr) > 0)
			/* tsnr = 0.9*tsnr + 0.1*xt; */
			st->tsnr = round(L_add(L_mult(29491, st->tsnr), L_mult(3277, xt)));
		/* else if (xt > 0.625*tsnr) */	
		else if (sub(xt, mult(20480, st->tsnr)) > 0)
			/* tsnr = 0.998*tsnr + 0.002*xt; */
			st->tsnr = round(L_add(L_mult(32702, st->tsnr), L_mult(66, xt)));

	/* Quantize the long-term SNR in 3 dB steps, limit to 0 <= tsnrq <= 19 */
	tsnrq = shr(mult(st->tsnr, 10923), 8);

	/* tsnrq = min(19, max(0, tsnrq)); */								test(),test();
	if (sub(tsnrq, 19) > 0)
		tsnrq = 19;										move16();
	else if (tsnrq < 0)
		tsnrq = 0;										move16();

	/* Calculate the negative SNR sensitivity bias */
	if (xt < 0)
		/* negSNRvar = 0.99*negSNRvar + 0.01*xt*xt; */
		/*   xt scaled as 7,8 => xt*xt scaled as 14,17, shift to 7,8 and round */
		tmp = round(L_shl(L_mult(xt, xt), 7));
		st->negSNRvar = round(L_add(L_mult(32440, st->negSNRvar), L_mult(328, tmp)));

		/* if (negSNRvar > 4.0) negSNRvar = 4.0;  */						test();
		if (sub(st->negSNRvar, 1024) > 0)
			st->negSNRvar = 1024;								move16();

		/* negSNRbias = max(12.0*(negSNRvar - 0.65), 0.0); */
		tmp = mult_r(shl(sub(st->negSNRvar, 166), 4), 24576);					test();

		if (tmp < 0)
			st->negSNRbias = 0;								move16();
			st->negSNRbias = shr(tmp, 8);

	/* Determine VAD as a function of the voice metric sum and quantized SNR */

	tmp = add(vm_threshold_table[tsnrq], st->negSNRbias);						test();
	if (sub(vm_sum, tmp) > 0)
		ivad = 1;										move16();
		st->burstcount = add(st->burstcount, 1);						test();
		if (sub(st->burstcount, burstcount_table[tsnrq]) > 0)
			st->hangover = hangover_table[tsnrq];						move16();
		st->burstcount = 0;									move16();
		st->hangover = sub(st->hangover, 1);							test();
		if (st->hangover <= 0)
			ivad = 0;									move16();
			st->hangover = 0;								move16();
			ivad = 1;									move16();

	/* Calculate log spectral deviation */
	ch_enrg_dev = 0;										move16();
	if (L_sub(st->Lframe_cnt, 1) == 0)
		for (i = LO_CHAN; i <= HI_CHAN; i++)
			st->ch_enrg_long_db[i] = ch_enrg_db[i];						move16();
		for (i = LO_CHAN; i <= HI_CHAN; i++)
			tmp = abs_s(sub(st->ch_enrg_long_db[i], ch_enrg_db[i]));
			ch_enrg_dev = add(ch_enrg_dev, tmp);

	 * Calculate long term integration constant as a function of instantaneous SNR
	 * (i.e., high SNR (tsnr dB) -> slower integration (alpha = HIGH_ALPHA),
	 *         low SNR (0 dB) -> faster integration (alpha = LOW_ALPHA)

	/* alpha = HIGH_ALPHA - ALPHA_RANGE * (tsnr - xt) / tsnr, low <= alpha <= high */
	tmp = sub(st->tsnr, xt);						test(),logic16(),test(),test();
	if (tmp <= 0 || st->tsnr <= 0)
		alpha = HIGH_ALPHA;								move16();
		one_m_alpha = 32768L-HIGH_ALPHA;						move16();
	else if (sub(tmp, st->tsnr) > 0)
		alpha = LOW_ALPHA;								move16();
		one_m_alpha = 32768L-LOW_ALPHA;							move16();
		tmp = div_s(tmp, st->tsnr);
		alpha = sub(HIGH_ALPHA, mult(ALPHA_RANGE, tmp));
		one_m_alpha = sub(32767, alpha);

	/* Calc long term log spectral energy */
	for (i = LO_CHAN; i <= HI_CHAN; i++)
		Ltmp1 = L_mult(one_m_alpha, ch_enrg_db[i]);
		Ltmp2 = L_mult(alpha, st->ch_enrg_long_db[i]);
		st->ch_enrg_long_db[i] = round(L_add(Ltmp1, Ltmp2));

	/* Set or clear the noise update flags */
	update_flag = FALSE;										move16();
	st->fupdate_flag = FALSE;									move16();
	if (sub(vm_sum, UPDATE_THLD) <= 0)
	{												test();
		if (st->burstcount == 0)
			update_flag = TRUE;								move16();
			st->update_cnt = 0;								move16();
	else if (L_sub(Ltce, noise_floor_chan[st->shift_state]) > 0)
	{												test();
		if (sub(ch_enrg_dev, DEV_THLD) < 0)
		{											test();
			if (p2a_flag == FALSE)
			{										test();
				if (st->LTP_flag == FALSE)
					st->update_cnt = add(st->update_cnt, 1);			test();
					if (sub(st->update_cnt, UPDATE_CNT_THLD) >= 0)
						update_flag = TRUE;					move16();
						st->fupdate_flag = TRUE;				move16();
	if (sub(st->update_cnt, st->last_update_cnt) == 0)
		st->hyster_cnt = add(st->hyster_cnt, 1);
		st->hyster_cnt = 0;									move16();

	st->last_update_cnt = st->update_cnt;								move16();
	if (sub(st->hyster_cnt, HYSTER_CNT_THLD) > 0)
		st->update_cnt = 0;									move16();

	/* Conditionally update the channel noise estimates */
	if (update_flag == TRUE)
		/* Check shift state */									test();
		if (st->shift_state == 1)
			/* get factor to shift ch_enrg[] from state 1 to 0 (noise always state 0) */
			tmp = state_change_shift_r[0];							move16();
			/* No shift if already state 0 */
			tmp = 0;									move16();

		/* Update noise energy estimate */
		for (i = LO_CHAN; i <= HI_CHAN; i++)
		{											test();
			/* integrate over time: en[i] = (1-alpha)*en[i] + alpha*e[n] */
			/* (extract with shift compensation for state 1) */
			L_Extract (L_shr(st->Lch_enrg[i], tmp), &hi1, &lo1);
			Ltmp = Mpy_32_16(hi1, lo1, CNE_SM_FAC);

			L_Extract (st->Lch_noise[i], &hi1, &lo1);
			st->Lch_noise[i] = L_add(Ltmp, Mpy_32_16(hi1, lo1, ONE_MINUS_CNE_SM_FAC));	move32();

			/* Limit low level noise */							test();
			if (L_sub(st->Lch_noise[i], MIN_NOISE_ENRG_0) < 0)
				st->Lch_noise[i] = MIN_NOISE_ENRG_0;					move32();

}								/* end of vad2 () */
Пример #19
*  Function:  Post_Filter
*  Purpose:   postfiltering of synthesis speech.
*  Description:
*      The postfiltering process is described as follows:
*          - inverse filtering of syn[] through A(z/0.7) to get res2[]
*          - tilt compensation filtering; 1 - MU*k*z^-1
*          - synthesis filtering through 1/A(z/0.75)
*          - adaptive gain control
int Post_Filter (
    Post_FilterState *st, /* i/o : post filter states                        */
    enum Mode mode,       /* i   : AMR mode                                  */
    Word16 *syn,          /* i/o : synthesis speech (postfiltered is output) */
    Word16 *Az_4          /* i   : interpolated LPC parameters in all subfr. */
     *           Declaration of parameters                               *

    Word16 Ap3[MP1], Ap4[MP1];  /* bandwidth expanded LP parameters */
    Word16 *Az;                 /* pointer to Az_4:                 */
    /*  LPC parameters in each subframe */
    Word16 i_subfr;             /* index for beginning of subframe  */
    Word16 h[L_H];

    Word16 i;
    Word16 temp1, temp2;
    Word32 L_tmp;
    Word16 *syn_work = &st->synth_buf[M];
    move16 ();

     * Post filtering                                      *

    Copy (syn, syn_work , L_FRAME);

    Az = Az_4;

    for (i_subfr = 0; i_subfr < L_FRAME; i_subfr += L_SUBFR)
        /* Find weighted filter coefficients Ap3[] and ap[4] */

        test ();
        test ();
        if (sub(mode, MR122) == 0 || sub(mode, MR102) == 0)
            Weight_Ai (Az, gamma3_MR122, Ap3);
            Weight_Ai (Az, gamma4_MR122, Ap4);
            Weight_Ai (Az, gamma3, Ap3);
            Weight_Ai (Az, gamma4, Ap4);

        /* filtering of synthesis speech by A(z/0.7) to find res2[] */

        Residu (Ap3, &syn_work[i_subfr], st->res2, L_SUBFR);

        /* tilt compensation filter */

        /* impulse response of A(z/0.7)/A(z/0.75) */

        Copy (Ap3, h, M + 1);
        Set_zero (&h[M + 1], L_H - M - 1);
        Syn_filt (Ap4, h, h, L_H, &h[M + 1], 0);

        /* 1st correlation of h[] */

        L_tmp = L_mult (h[0], h[0]);
        for (i = 1; i < L_H; i++)
            L_tmp = L_mac (L_tmp, h[i], h[i]);
        temp1 = extract_h (L_tmp);

        L_tmp = L_mult (h[0], h[1]);
        for (i = 1; i < L_H - 1; i++)
            L_tmp = L_mac (L_tmp, h[i], h[i + 1]);
        temp2 = extract_h (L_tmp);

        test ();
        if (temp2 <= 0)
            temp2 = 0;
            move16 ();
            temp2 = mult (temp2, MU);
            temp2 = div_s (temp2, temp1);

        preemphasis (st->preemph_state, st->res2, temp2, L_SUBFR);

        /* filtering through  1/A(z/0.75) */

        Syn_filt (Ap4, st->res2, &syn[i_subfr], L_SUBFR, st->mem_syn_pst, 1);

        /* scale output to input */

        agc (st->agc_state, &syn_work[i_subfr], &syn[i_subfr],
             AGC_FAC, L_SUBFR);

        Az += MP1;

    /* update syn_work[] buffer */

    Copy (&syn_work[L_FRAME - M], &syn_work[-M], M);

    return 0;
Пример #20
void DIV_S(void)
   if (check_cop1_unusable()) return;
   div_s(reg_cop1_simple[cffs], reg_cop1_simple[cfft], reg_cop1_simple[cffd]);
Пример #21
void Az_lsp (
    INT16 a[],         /* (i)     : predictor coefficients                 */
    INT16 lsp[],       /* (o)     : line spectral pairs                    */
    INT16 old_lsp[]    /* (i)     : old lsp[] (in case not found 10 roots) */
    INT16 i, j, nf, ip;
    INT16 xlow, ylow, xhigh, yhigh, xmid, ymid, xint;
    INT16 x, y, sign, exp;
    INT16 *coef;
    INT16 f1[M / 2 + 1], f2[M / 2 + 1];
    INT32 t0=0;


     *  find the sum and diff. pol. F1(z) and F2(z)                *
     *    F1(z) <--- F1(z)/(1+z**-1) & F2(z) <--- F2(z)/(1-z**-1)  *
     *                                                             *
     * f1[0] = 1.0;                                                *
     * f2[0] = 1.0;                                                *
     *                                                             *
     * for (i = 0; i< NC; i++)                                     *
     * {                                                           *
     *   f1[i+1] = a[i+1] + a[M-i] - f1[i] ;                       *
     *   f2[i+1] = a[i+1] - a[M-i] + f2[i] ;                       *
     * }                                                           *

    f1[0] = 1024;                  /* f1[0] = 1.0 */
    f2[0] = 1024;                  /* f2[0] = 1.0 */

    for (i = 0; i < NC; i++)

		//VPP_MLX16 (t0_hi,t0_lo,a[i + 1], 8192);
		//VPP_MLA16 ( t0_hi, t0_lo,   a[M - i],  8192);
		//t0 = VPP_SCALE64_TO_16( t0_hi, t0_lo);
		//x = EXTRACT_H(t0);

        t0 = (INT32) a[i + 1] + (INT32)a[M - i];
        x = (INT16)(L_SHR_D(t0,2));

        /* f1[i+1] = a[i+1] + a[M-i] - f1[i] */
		f1[i + 1] = SUB (x, f1[i]);

		//VPP_MLX16(t0_hi, t0_lo, a[i + 1], 8192);
		//VPP_MLA16(t0_hi, t0_lo, a[M - i], -8192);
		//x = EXTRACT_H(VPP_SCALE64_TO_16(t0_hi, t0_lo));

        t0 = (INT32) a[i + 1] - (INT32)a[M - i];
        x = (INT16)(L_SHR_D(t0,2));

		//f2[i + 1] = add (x, f2[i]);
        f2[i + 1] = ADD(x, f2[i]);


     * find the LSPs using the Chebychev pol. evaluation           *

    nf = 0;                         /* number of found frequencies */
    ip = 0;                         /* indicator for f1 or f2      */

    coef = f1;

    xlow = grid[0];
    ylow = Chebps (xlow, coef, NC);

    j = 0;

    /* while ( (nf < M) && (j < grid_points) ) */
    //while ((sub (nf, M) < 0) && (sub (j, grid_points) < 0))
    while ((SUB (nf, M) < 0) && (SUB (j, grid_points) < 0))
        xhigh = xlow;
        yhigh = ylow;
        xlow = grid[j];
        ylow = Chebps (xlow, coef, NC);

        //if (L_mult (ylow, yhigh) <= (INT32) 0L)
		if (L_MULT(ylow, yhigh) <= (INT32) 0L)
            /* divide 4 times the interval */

            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                /* xmid = (xlow + xhigh)/2 */

               // xmid = add (shr (xlow, 1), shr (xhigh, 1));
                xmid = ADD ((SHR_D(xlow, 1)),(SHR_D(xhigh, 1)));

                ymid = Chebps (xmid, coef, NC);

                //if (L_mult (ylow, ymid) <= (INT32) 0L)
				if (L_MULT(ylow, ymid) <= (INT32) 0L)
                    yhigh = ymid;
                    xhigh = xmid;
                    ylow = ymid;
                    xlow = xmid;

             * Linear interpolation                                        *
             *    xint = xlow - ylow*(xhigh-xlow)/(yhigh-ylow);            *

            //x = sub (xhigh, xlow);
              x = SUB (xhigh, xlow);
			//y = sub (yhigh, ylow);
              y = SUB (yhigh, ylow);

            if (y == 0)
                xint = xlow;
                sign = y;

				//y = abs_s (y);
				y = ABS_S(y);

				exp = norm_s (y);

                //y = shl (y, exp);
				y = SHL(y, exp);

                y = div_s ((INT16) 16383, y);
                //t0 = L_mult (x, y);
				t0 = L_MULT(x, y);
                //t0 = L_shr (t0, sub (20, exp));
                t0 = L_SHR_V(t0, SUB (20, exp));

				//y = extract_l (t0);     /* y= (xhigh-xlow)/(yhigh-ylow) */
                y = EXTRACT_L(t0);

                if (sign < 0)
					//y = negate (y);
					y = NEGATE(y);

                //t0 = L_mult (ylow, y);
				t0 = L_MULT(ylow, y);
                //t0 = L_shr (t0, 11);
                t0 = L_SHR_D(t0, 11);
                //xint = sub (xlow, extract_l (t0)); /* xint = xlow - ylow*y */
                xint = SUB (xlow, EXTRACT_L(t0));

            lsp[nf] = xint;
            xlow = xint;

            if (ip == 0)
                ip = 1;
                coef = f2;
                ip = 0;
                coef = f1;
            ylow = Chebps (xlow, coef, NC);


    /* Check if M roots found */

    //if (sub (nf, M) < 0)
    if (SUB (nf, M) < 0)
        for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
            lsp[i] = old_lsp[i];


Пример #22
void Post_Filter (
    INT16 *syn,    /* in/out: synthesis speech (postfiltered is output)    */
    INT16 *Az_4    /* input: interpolated LPC parameters in all subframes  */
     *           Declaration of parameters                               *

    INT16 syn_pst[L_FRAME];    /* post filtered synthesis speech   */
    INT16 Ap3[MP1], Ap4[MP1];  /* bandwidth expanded LP parameters */
    INT16 *Az;                 /* pointer to Az_4:                 */
                                /*  LPC parameters in each subframe */
    INT16 i_subfr;             /* index for beginning of subframe  */
    INT16 h[L_H];

    INT16 i;
    INT16 temp1, temp2;
    //INT32 L_tmp;
    register INT32 tmp_hi=0;
    register UINT32 tmp_lo=0;


     * Post filtering                                      *

    Az = Az_4;

    for (i_subfr = 0; i_subfr < L_FRAME; i_subfr += L_SUBFR)
        /* Find weighted filter coefficients Ap3[] and ap[4] */

        Weight_Ai (Az, F_gamma3, Ap3);
        Weight_Ai (Az, F_gamma4, Ap4);

        /* filtering of synthesis speech by A(z/0.7) to find res2[] */

        Residu (Ap3, &syn[i_subfr], res2, L_SUBFR);

        /* tilt compensation filter */

        /* impulse response of A(z/0.7)/A(z/0.75) */

        Copy (Ap3, h, M + 1);

        //Set_zero (&h[M + 1], L_H - M - 1);
        memset ((INT8*)&h[M + 1], 0, (L_H - M - 1)<<1);

        Syn_filt (Ap4, h, h, L_H, &h[M + 1], 0);

        /* 1st correlation of h[] */

		//L_tmp = L_MULT(h[0], h[0]);
        VPP_MLX16(tmp_hi,tmp_lo, h[0], h[0]);

        for (i = 1; i < L_H; i++)

			//L_tmp = L_MAC(L_tmp, h[i], h[i]);
			VPP_MLA16(tmp_hi,tmp_lo, h[i], h[i]);

        //temp1 = extract_h (L_tmp);
        //temp1 = EXTRACT_H(VPP_SCALE64_TO_16(tmp_hi,tmp_lo));
        temp1 = L_SHR_D((INT32)tmp_lo, 15);

		//L_tmp = L_MULT(h[0], h[1]);
        VPP_MLX16(tmp_hi,tmp_lo, h[0], h[1]);
        for (i = 1; i < L_H - 1; i++)

			//L_tmp = L_MAC(L_tmp, h[i], h[i + 1]);
			VPP_MLA16(tmp_hi,tmp_lo, h[i], h[i + 1]);
        //temp2 = extract_h (L_tmp);
		//temp2 = EXTRACT_H(VPP_SCALE64_TO_16(tmp_hi,tmp_lo));
        temp2 = L_SHR_D((INT32)tmp_lo, 15);

        if (temp2 <= 0)
            temp2 = 0;
            //temp2 = mult (temp2, MU);
			temp2 = MULT(temp2, MU);
            temp2 = div_s (temp2, temp1);

        preemphasis (res2, temp2, L_SUBFR);

        /* filtering through  1/A(z/0.75) */

        Syn_filt (Ap4, res2, &syn_pst[i_subfr], L_SUBFR, mem_syn_pst, 1);

        /* scale output to input */

        agc (&syn[i_subfr], &syn_pst[i_subfr], AGC_FAC, L_SUBFR);

        Az += MP1;

    /* update syn[] buffer */

    Copy (&syn[L_FRAME - M], &syn[-M], M);
    /* overwrite synthesis speech by postfiltered synthesis speech */

    Copy (syn_pst, syn, L_FRAME);

Пример #23
Word16 G_pitch(      /* (o) Q14 : Gain of pitch lag saturated to 1.2       */
  Word16 xn[],       /* (i)     : Pitch target.                            */
  Word16 y1[],       /* (i)     : Filtered adaptive codebook.              */
  Word16 g_coeff[],  /* (i)     : Correlations need for gain quantization. */
  Word16 L_subfr     /* (i)     : Length of subframe.                      */
   Word16 i;
   Word16 xy, yy, exp_xy, exp_yy, gain;
   Word32 s;

   Word16 scaled_y1[L_SUBFR];

   /* divide "y1[]" by 4 to avoid overflow */

   for(i=0; i<L_subfr; i++)
     scaled_y1[i] = shr(y1[i], 2);

   /* Compute scalar product <y1[],y1[]> */

   Overflow = 0;
   s = 1;                    /* Avoid case of all zeros */
   for(i=0; i<L_subfr; i++)
     s = L_mac(s, y1[i], y1[i]);

   if (Overflow == 0) {
     exp_yy = norm_l(s);
     yy     = round( L_shl(s, exp_yy) );
   else {
     s = 1;                  /* Avoid case of all zeros */
     for(i=0; i<L_subfr; i++)
       s = L_mac(s, scaled_y1[i], scaled_y1[i]);
     exp_yy = norm_l(s);
     yy     = round( L_shl(s, exp_yy) );
     exp_yy = sub(exp_yy, 4);

   /* Compute scalar product <xn[],y1[]> */

   Overflow = 0;
   s = 0;
   for(i=0; i<L_subfr; i++)
     s = L_mac(s, xn[i], y1[i]);

   if (Overflow == 0) {
     exp_xy = norm_l(s);
     xy     = round( L_shl(s, exp_xy) );
   else {
     s = 0;
     for(i=0; i<L_subfr; i++)
       s = L_mac(s, xn[i], scaled_y1[i]);
     exp_xy = norm_l(s);
     xy     = round( L_shl(s, exp_xy) );
     exp_xy = sub(exp_xy, 2);

   g_coeff[0] = yy;
   g_coeff[1] = sub(15, exp_yy);
   g_coeff[2] = xy;
   g_coeff[3] = sub(15, exp_xy);

   /* If (xy <= 0) gain = 0 */

   if (xy <= 0)
      g_coeff[3] = -15;   /* Force exp_xy to -15 = (15-30) */
      return( (Word16) 0);

   /* compute gain = xy/yy */

   xy = shr(xy, 1);             /* Be sure xy < yy */
   gain = div_s( xy, yy);

   i = sub(exp_xy, exp_yy);
   gain = shr(gain, i);         /* saturation if > 1.99 in Q14 */

   /* if(gain >1.2) gain = 1.2  in Q14 */

   if( sub(gain, 19661) > 0)
     gain = 19661;

Пример #24
Word16 Cb_gain_average(
    Cb_gain_averageState *st, /* i/o : State variables for CB gain averaging */
    enum Mode mode,           /* i   : AMR mode                              */
    Word16 gain_code,         /* i   : CB gain                            Q1 */
    Word16 lsp[],             /* i   : The LSP for the current frame     Q15 */
    Word16 lspAver[],         /* i   : The average of LSP for 8 frames   Q15 */
    Word16 bfi,               /* i   : bad frame indication flag             */
    Word16 prev_bf,           /* i   : previous bad frame indication flag    */
    Word16 pdfi,              /* i   : potential degraded bad frame ind flag */
    Word16 prev_pdf,          /* i   : prev pot. degraded bad frame ind flag */
    Word16 inBackgroundNoise, /* i   : background noise decision             */
    Word16 voicedHangover,    /* i   : # of frames after last voiced frame   */
    Flag   *pOverflow
    Word16 i;
    Word16 cbGainMix;
    Word16 diff;
    Word16 tmp_diff;
    Word16 bgMix;
    Word16 cbGainMean;
    Word32 L_sum;
    Word16 tmp[M];
    Word16 tmp1;
    Word16 tmp2;
    Word16 shift1;
    Word16 shift2;
    Word16 shift;

     * Compute mixed cb gain, used to make cb gain more        *
     * smooth in background noise for modes 5.15, 5.9 and 6.7  *
     * states that needs to be updated by all                  *

    /* set correct cbGainMix for MR74, MR795, MR122 */
    cbGainMix = gain_code;

     *   Store list of CB gain needed in the CB gain         *
     *   averaging                                           *
    for (i = 0; i < (L_CBGAINHIST - 1); i++)
        st->cbGainHistory[i] = st->cbGainHistory[i+1];
    st->cbGainHistory[L_CBGAINHIST-1] = gain_code;

    diff = 0;

    /* compute lsp difference */
    for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
        tmp1 = abs_s(sub(*(lspAver + i), *(lsp + i), pOverflow));
        /* Q15      */
        shift1 = sub(norm_s(tmp1), 1, pOverflow);       /* Qn       */
        tmp1 = shl(tmp1, shift1, pOverflow);            /* Q15+Qn   */
        shift2 = norm_s(*(lspAver + i));                /* Qm       */
        tmp2 = shl(*(lspAver + i), shift2, pOverflow);  /* Q15+Qm   */
        tmp[i] = div_s(tmp1, tmp2);        /* Q15+(Q15+Qn)-(Q15+Qm) */

        shift = 2 + shift1 - shift2;

        if (shift >= 0)
            *(tmp + i) = shr(*(tmp + i), shift, pOverflow);
            /* Q15+Qn-Qm-Qx=Q13 */
            *(tmp + i) = shl(*(tmp + i), negate(shift), pOverflow);
            /* Q15+Qn-Qm-Qx=Q13 */

        diff = add(diff, *(tmp + i), pOverflow);           /* Q13 */

    /* Compute hangover */

    if (diff > 5325)                /* 0.65 in Q11 */
        st->hangVar += 1;
        st->hangVar = 0;

    if (st->hangVar > 10)
        /* Speech period, reset hangover variable */
        st->hangCount = 0;

    /* Compute mix constant (bgMix) */
    bgMix = 8192;    /* 1 in Q13 */

    if ((mode <= MR67) || (mode == MR102))
        /* MR475, MR515, MR59, MR67, MR102 */
        /* if errors and presumed noise make smoothing probability stronger */

        if (((((pdfi != 0) && (prev_pdf != 0)) || (bfi != 0) ||
                (prev_bf != 0))
                && (voicedHangover > 1)
                && (inBackgroundNoise != 0)
                && ((mode == MR475) || (mode == MR515) ||
                    (mode == MR59))))
            /* bgMix = min(0.25, max(0.0, diff-0.55)) / 0.25; */
            tmp_diff = sub(diff, 4506, pOverflow);   /* 0.55 in Q13 */
            /* bgMix = min(0.25, max(0.0, diff-0.40)) / 0.25; */
            tmp_diff = sub(diff, 3277, pOverflow); /* 0.4 in Q13 */

        /* max(0.0, diff-0.55)  or  */
        /* max(0.0, diff-0.40) */
        if (tmp_diff > 0)
            tmp1 = tmp_diff;
            tmp1 = 0;

        /* min(0.25, tmp1) */
        if (2048 < tmp1)
            bgMix = 8192;
            bgMix = shl(tmp1, 2, pOverflow);

        if ((st->hangCount < 40) || (diff > 5325)) /* 0.65 in Q13 */
            /* disable mix if too short time since */
            bgMix = 8192;

        /* Smoothen the cb gain trajectory  */
        /* smoothing depends on mix constant bgMix */
        L_sum = L_mult(6554, st->cbGainHistory[2], pOverflow);
        /* 0.2 in Q15; L_sum in Q17 */

        for (i = 3; i < L_CBGAINHIST; i++)
            L_sum = L_mac(L_sum, 6554, st->cbGainHistory[i], pOverflow);
        cbGainMean = pv_round(L_sum, pOverflow);               /* Q1 */

        /* more smoothing in error and bg noise (NB no DFI used here) */

        if (((bfi != 0) || (prev_bf != 0)) && (inBackgroundNoise != 0)
                && ((mode == MR475) || (mode == MR515)
                    || (mode == MR59)))
            /* 0.143 in Q15; L_sum in Q17    */
            L_sum = L_mult(4681, st->cbGainHistory[0], pOverflow);
            for (i = 1; i < L_CBGAINHIST; i++)
                L_sum =
                    L_mac(L_sum, 4681, st->cbGainHistory[i], pOverflow);
            cbGainMean = pv_round(L_sum, pOverflow);              /* Q1 */

        /* cbGainMix = bgMix*cbGainMix + (1-bgMix)*cbGainMean; */
        /* L_sum in Q15 */
        L_sum = L_mult(bgMix, cbGainMix, pOverflow);
        L_sum = L_mac(L_sum, 8192, cbGainMean, pOverflow);
        L_sum = L_msu(L_sum, bgMix, cbGainMean, pOverflow);
        cbGainMix = pv_round(L_shl(L_sum, 2, pOverflow), pOverflow);  /* Q1 */

    st->hangCount += 1;

    return (cbGainMix);
Пример #25
void agc(
  Word16 *sig_in,   /* (i)     : postfilter input signal  */
  Word16 *sig_out,  /* (i/o)   : postfilter output signal */
  Word16 l_trm      /* (i)     : subframe size            */
#if 0 	
  static Word16 past_gain=4096;         /* past_gain = 1.0 (Q12) */
  Word16 i, exp;
  Word16 gain_in, gain_out, g0, gain;                     /* Q12 */
  Word32 s;

  Word16 signal[L_SUBFR];

  /* calculate gain_out with exponent */

  for(i=0; i<l_trm; i++)
    signal[i] = shr(sig_out[i], 2);

  s = 0;
  for(i=0; i<l_trm; i++)
    s = L_mac(s, signal[i], signal[i]);

  if (s == 0) {
    pg729dec->ppost_filt->past_gain = 0;
  exp = sub(norm_l(s), 1);
  gain_out = round(L_shl(s, exp));
  	gain_out = round(L_shr(s, abs_s(exp)));
  /* calculate gain_in with exponent */

  for(i=0; i<l_trm; i++)
    signal[i] = shr(sig_in[i], 2);

  s = 0;
  for(i=0; i<l_trm; i++)
    s = L_mac(s, signal[i], signal[i]);

  if (s == 0) {
    g0 = 0;
  else {
    i = norm_l(s);
    gain_in = round(L_shl(s, i));
    	gain_in = round(L_shr(s, abs_s(i)));
    exp = sub(exp, i);

    *  g0(Q12) = (1-AGC_FAC) * sqrt(gain_in/gain_out);  *

    s = L_deposit_l(div_s(gain_out,gain_in));   /* Q15 */
    s = L_shl(s, 7);           /* s(Q22) = gain_out / gain_in */
    s = L_shr(s, exp);         /* Q22, add exponent */
		s = L_shl(s, abs_s(exp));

    /* i(Q12) = s(Q19) = 1 / sqrt(s(Q22)) */
    s = Inv_sqrt(s);           /* Q19 */
    i = round(L_shl(s,9));     /* Q12 */

    /* g0(Q12) = i(Q12) * (1-AGC_FAC)(Q15) */
    g0 = mult(i, AGC_FAC1);       /* Q12 */

  /* compute gain(n) = AGC_FAC gain(n-1) + (1-AGC_FAC)gain_in/gain_out */
  /* sig_out(n) = gain(n) sig_out(n)                                   */

  gain = pg729dec->ppost_filt->past_gain;
  for(i=0; i<l_trm; i++) {
    gain = mult(gain, AGC_FAC);
    gain = add(gain, g0);
    sig_out[i] = extract_h(L_shl(L_mult(sig_out[i], gain), 3));
  pg729dec->ppost_filt->past_gain = gain;

Пример #26
*                         PUBLIC PROGRAM CODE
Word16 hp_max (  
    Word32 corr[],      /* i   : correlation vector.                      */
    Word16 scal_sig[],  /* i   : scaled signal.                           */
    Word16 L_frame,     /* i   : length of frame to compute pitch         */
    Word16 lag_max,     /* i   : maximum lag                              */
    Word16 lag_min,     /* i   : minimum lag                              */
    Word16 *cor_hp_max) /* o   : max high-pass filtered norm. correlation */
    Word16 i;
    Word16 *p, *p1;
    Word32 max, t0, t1;
    Word16 max16, t016, cor_max;
    Word16 shift, shift1, shift2;
    max = MIN_32;               move32 (); 
    t0 = 0L;                    move32 ();    
    for (i = lag_max-1; i > lag_min; i--)
       /* high-pass filtering */
       t0 = L_sub (L_sub(L_shl(corr[-i], 1), corr[-i-1]), corr[-i+1]);   
       t0 = L_abs (t0);
       test (); 
       if (L_sub (t0, max) >= 0)
          max = t0;             move32 (); 

    /* compute energy */
    p = scal_sig;               move16 (); 
    p1 = &scal_sig[0];          move16 (); 
    t0 = 0L;                    move32 (); 
    for (i = 0; i < L_frame; i++, p++, p1++)
       t0 = L_mac (t0, *p, *p1);

    p = scal_sig;               move16 (); 
    p1 = &scal_sig[-1];         move16 (); 
    t1 = 0L;                    move32 (); 
    for (i = 0; i < L_frame; i++, p++, p1++)
       t1 = L_mac (t1, *p, *p1);
    /* high-pass filtering */
    t0 = L_sub(L_shl(t0, 1), L_shl(t1, 1));
    t0 = L_abs (t0);

    /* max/t0 */
    shift1 = sub(norm_l(max), 1);                 
    max16  = extract_h(L_shl(max, shift1));       
    shift2 = norm_l(t0);                          
    t016 =  extract_h(L_shl(t0, shift2));         

    test ();
    if (t016 != 0)
       cor_max = div_s(max16, t016);              
       cor_max = 0;                                move16 ();
    shift = sub(shift1, shift2);       

    test ();
    if (shift >= 0)
       *cor_hp_max = shr(cor_max, shift);          move16 (); /* Q15 */
       *cor_hp_max = shl(cor_max, negate(shift));  move16 (); /* Q15 */

    return 0;
Пример #27
int exe(FILE* program)  //program指向存有待执行程序机器码的文件

     char* tmp_instru=(char*)malloc(33*sizeof(char)); //读机器码
         int i=0;
         unsigned j=1;
         unsigned char* tmp_R=&instru;
        instru=0;   //指令寄存器清零
    unsigned char* tmp_R=&instru;
    unsigned short addr=addrToMyAddr(pc);
    int i;
    unsigned tmp=instru>>26;//得到指令op

    //printf("the op is :  %u\n",tmp);

    unsigned numRs=0,numRt=0,numRd=0,numFs=0,numFt=0,numFd=0,tmp_fuc=0;
    case 0x00000023:
    case 0x0000002B:
    case 0x00000008:
    case 0x00000009:
    case 0x0000000A:
    case 0x0000000B:
    case 0x0000000C:
    case 0x0000000D:
    case 0x0000000E:
    case 0x00000024:
    case 0x00000020:
    case 0x00000028:
    case 0x0000000F:
    case 0x00000004:
    case 0x00000005:
       // printf("%u\n",lig);
    case 0x00000006:
    case 0x00000007:
    case 0x00000001:
    case 0x00000002:
    case 0x00000003:
    case 0x00000000:
        case 32:
        case 33:
        case 34:
        case 35:
        case 24:
        case 25:
        case 26:
        case 27:
        case 42:
        case 43:
        case 36:
        case 37:
        case 39:
        case 40:
        case 8:
        case 9:
        case 0:
        case 16:
        case 18:
    case 0x00000010:
        else if(numRd==13)
        else return -1;
    case 0x00000031:

            //printf("/********\nL.S %u %u\n****************/\n",numFt,numRs);

    case 0x0000001F:

            //printf("/********\nL.D %u %u\n****************/\n",numFt,numRs);

    case 0x0000001E:
        //printf("/********\nS.D %u %u\n****************/\n",numFt,numRs);

    case 0x00000039:
        //printf("/********\nS.S %u %u\n****************/\n",numFt,numRs);
    case 0x00000011:
        //printf("%u %u\n",tmp_fuc,numRs);
            case 0:
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
        else if(numRs==1)
            case 0:
                //printf("/****************\nADD.D %u %u %u\n*****************/\n",numFd,numFt,numFs);
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
    //printf("%u %u\n",pc,pcShort);
    //printf("%u %u\n",pcShort,programTail);
    return 0;
Пример #28
*  Function    : agc
*  Purpose     : Scales the postfilter output on a subframe basis
int agc (
    agcState *st,      /* i/o : agc state                        */
    Word16 *sig_in,    /* i   : postfilter input signal  (l_trm) */
    Word16 *sig_out,   /* i/o : postfilter output signal (l_trm) */
    Word16 agc_fac,    /* i   : AGC factor                       */
    Word16 l_trm       /* i   : subframe size                    */
    Word16 i, exp;
    Word16 gain_in, gain_out, g0, gain;
    Word32 s;
    /* calculate gain_out with exponent */
    s = energy_new(sig_out, l_trm);  /* function result */
    if (s == 0)
        st->past_gain = 0;           
        return 0;
    exp = sub (norm_l (s), 1);
    gain_out = round (L_shl (s, exp));

    /* calculate gain_in with exponent */
    s = energy_new(sig_in, l_trm);    /* function result */
    if (s == 0)
        g0 = 0;                  
        i = norm_l (s);
        gain_in = round (L_shl (s, i));
        exp = sub (exp, i);

         *  g0 = (1-agc_fac) * sqrt(gain_in/gain_out);       *

        s = L_deposit_l (div_s (gain_out, gain_in));
        s = L_shl (s, 7);       /* s = gain_out / gain_in */
        s = L_shr (s, exp);     /* add exponent */

        s = Inv_sqrt (s);  /* function result */
        i = round (L_shl (s, 9));

        /* g0 = i * (1-agc_fac) */
        g0 = mult (i, sub (32767, agc_fac));

    /* compute gain[n] = agc_fac * gain[n-1]
                        + (1-agc_fac) * sqrt(gain_in/gain_out) */
    /* sig_out[n] = gain[n] * sig_out[n]                        */

    gain = st->past_gain;            

    for (i = 0; i < l_trm; i++)
        gain = mult (gain, agc_fac);
        gain = add (gain, g0);
        sig_out[i] = extract_h (L_shl (L_mult (sig_out[i], gain), 3));

    st->past_gain = gain;            

    return 0;
Пример #29
*  Function    : Az_lsp
*  Purpose     : Compute the LSPs from  the LP coefficients
void Az_lsp (
    Word16 a[],         /* (i)  : predictor coefficients (MP1)               */
    Word16 lsp[],       /* (o)  : line spectral pairs (M)                    */
    Word16 old_lsp[]    /* (i)  : old lsp[] (in case not found 10 roots) (M) */
    Word16 i, j, nf, ip;
    Word16 xlow, ylow, xhigh, yhigh, xmid, ymid, xint;
    Word16 x, y, sign, exp;
    Word16 *coef;
    Word16 f1[M / 2 + 1], f2[M / 2 + 1];
    Word32 t0;

     *  find the sum and diff. pol. F1(z) and F2(z)                *
     *    F1(z) <--- F1(z)/(1+z**-1) & F2(z) <--- F2(z)/(1-z**-1)  *
     *                                                             *
     * f1[0] = 1.0;                                                *
     * f2[0] = 1.0;                                                *
     *                                                             *
     * for (i = 0; i< NC; i++)                                     *
     * {                                                           *
     *   f1[i+1] = a[i+1] + a[M-i] - f1[i] ;                       *
     *   f2[i+1] = a[i+1] - a[M-i] + f2[i] ;                       *
     * }                                                           *

    f1[0] = 1024;                  move16 (); /* f1[0] = 1.0 */
    f2[0] = 1024;                  move16 (); /* f2[0] = 1.0 */

    for (i = 0; i < NC; i++)
        t0 = L_mult (a[i + 1], 8192);   /* x = (a[i+1] + a[M-i]) >> 2  */
        t0 = L_mac (t0, a[M - i], 8192);
        x = extract_h (t0);
        /* f1[i+1] = a[i+1] + a[M-i] - f1[i] */
        f1[i + 1] = sub (x, f1[i]);move16 (); 

        t0 = L_mult (a[i + 1], 8192);   /* x = (a[i+1] - a[M-i]) >> 2 */
        t0 = L_msu (t0, a[M - i], 8192);
        x = extract_h (t0);
        /* f2[i+1] = a[i+1] - a[M-i] + f2[i] */
        f2[i + 1] = add (x, f2[i]);move16 (); 

     * find the LSPs using the Chebychev pol. evaluation           *

    nf = 0;                        move16 (); /* number of found frequencies */
    ip = 0;                        move16 (); /* indicator for f1 or f2      */

    coef = f1;                     move16 (); 

    xlow = grid[0];                move16 (); 
    ylow = Chebps (xlow, coef, NC);move16 (); 

    j = 0;
    test (); test (); 
    /* while ( (nf < M) && (j < grid_points) ) */
    while ((sub (nf, M) < 0) && (sub (j, grid_points) < 0))
        xhigh = xlow;              move16 (); 
        yhigh = ylow;              move16 (); 
        xlow = grid[j];            move16 (); 
        ylow = Chebps (xlow, coef, NC);
                                   move16 (); 

        test (); 
        if (L_mult (ylow, yhigh) <= (Word32) 0L)

            /* divide 4 times the interval */

            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                /* xmid = (xlow + xhigh)/2 */
                xmid = add (shr (xlow, 1), shr (xhigh, 1));
                ymid = Chebps (xmid, coef, NC);
                                   move16 (); 

                test (); 
                if (L_mult (ylow, ymid) <= (Word32) 0L)
                    yhigh = ymid;  move16 (); 
                    xhigh = xmid;  move16 (); 
                    ylow = ymid;   move16 (); 
                    xlow = xmid;   move16 (); 

             * Linear interpolation                                        *
             *    xint = xlow - ylow*(xhigh-xlow)/(yhigh-ylow);            *

            x = sub (xhigh, xlow);
            y = sub (yhigh, ylow);

            test (); 
            if (y == 0)
                xint = xlow;       move16 (); 
                sign = y;          move16 (); 
                y = abs_s (y);
                exp = norm_s (y);
                y = shl (y, exp);
                y = div_s ((Word16) 16383, y);
                t0 = L_mult (x, y);
                t0 = L_shr (t0, sub (20, exp));
                y = extract_l (t0);     /* y= (xhigh-xlow)/(yhigh-ylow) */

                test (); 
                if (sign < 0)
                    y = negate (y);

                t0 = L_mult (ylow, y);
                t0 = L_shr (t0, 11);
                xint = sub (xlow, extract_l (t0)); /* xint = xlow - ylow*y */

            lsp[nf] = xint;        move16 (); 
            xlow = xint;           move16 (); 

            test (); 
            if (ip == 0)
                ip = 1;            move16 (); 
                coef = f2;         move16 (); 
                ip = 0;            move16 (); 
                coef = f1;         move16 (); 
            ylow = Chebps (xlow, coef, NC);
                                   move16 (); 

        test (); test (); 

    /* Check if M roots found */

    test (); 
    if (sub (nf, M) < 0)
        for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
            lsp[i] = old_lsp[i];   move16 (); 

Пример #30
Word16 hp_max(
    Word32 corr[],      /* i   : correlation vector.                      */
    Word16 scal_sig[],  /* i   : scaled signal.                           */
    Word16 L_frame,     /* i   : length of frame to compute pitch         */
    Word16 lag_max,     /* i   : maximum lag                              */
    Word16 lag_min,     /* i   : minimum lag                              */
    Word16 *cor_hp_max, /* o   : max high-pass filtered norm. correlation */
    Flag   *pOverflow   /* i/o : overflow Flag                            */
    Word16 i;
    Word16 *p, *p1;
    Word32 max, t0, t1;
    Word16 max16, t016, cor_max;
    Word16 shift, shift1, shift2;
    Word32 L_temp;

    max = MIN_32;
    t0 = 0L;

    for (i = lag_max - 1; i > lag_min; i--)
        /* high-pass filtering */
        t0 = L_shl(corr[-i], 1, pOverflow);
        L_temp = L_sub(t0, corr[-i-1], pOverflow);
        t0 = L_sub(L_temp, corr[-i+1], pOverflow);
        t0 = L_abs(t0);

        if (t0 >= max)
            max = t0;

    /* compute energy */
    p = scal_sig;
    p1 = &scal_sig[0];
    t0 = 0L;
    for (i = 0; i < L_frame; i++, p++, p1++)
        t0 = L_mac(t0, *p, *p1, pOverflow);

    p = scal_sig;
    p1 = &scal_sig[-1];
    t1 = 0L;
    for (i = 0; i < L_frame; i++, p++, p1++)
        t1 = L_mac(t1, *p, *p1, pOverflow);

    /* high-pass filtering */
    L_temp = L_shl(t0, 1, pOverflow);
    t1 = L_shl(t1, 1, pOverflow);
    t0 = L_sub(L_temp, t1, pOverflow);
    t0 = L_abs(t0);

    /* max/t0 */
    /*  shift1 = sub(norm_l(max), 1);
        max16  = extract_h(L_shl(max, shift1));
        shift2 = norm_l(t0);
        t016 =  extract_h(L_shl(t0, shift2));   */

    t016 = norm_l(max);
    shift1 = sub(t016, 1, pOverflow);

    L_temp = L_shl(max, shift1, pOverflow);
    max16  = (Word16)(L_temp >> 16);

    shift2 = norm_l(t0);
    L_temp = L_shl(t0, shift2, pOverflow);
    t016 = (Word16)(L_temp >> 16);

    if (t016 != 0)
        cor_max = div_s(max16, t016);
        cor_max = 0;

    shift = sub(shift1, shift2, pOverflow);

    if (shift >= 0)
        *cor_hp_max = shr(cor_max, shift, pOverflow); /* Q15 */
        *cor_hp_max = shl(cor_max, negate(shift), pOverflow); /* Q15 */

    return 0;