Пример #1
int main()
const int n=40, m=3; // 40 measurements, 3 parameters
double p[m], x[n], opts[LM_OPTS_SZ], info[LM_INFO_SZ];
register int i;
int ret;

  /* generate some measurement using the exponential model with
   * parameters (5.0, 0.1, 1.0), corrupted with zero-mean
   * Gaussian noise of s=0.1
  for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
    x[i]=(5.0*exp(-0.1*i) + 1.0) + gNoise(0.0, 0.1);

  /* initial parameters estimate: (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) */
  p[0]=1.0; p[1]=0.0; p[2]=0.0;

  /* optimization control parameters; passing to levmar NULL instead of opts reverts to defaults */
  opts[0]=LM_INIT_MU; opts[1]=1E-15; opts[2]=1E-15; opts[3]=1E-20;
  opts[4]=LM_DIFF_DELTA; // relevant only if the finite difference Jacobian version is used 

  /* invoke the optimization function */
  //ret=dlevmar_der(expfunc, jacexpfunc, p, x, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // with analytic Jacobian
  ret=dlevmar_dif(expfunc, p, x, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // without Jacobian
  printf("Levenberg-Marquardt returned in %g iter, reason %g, sumsq %g [%g]\n", info[5], info[6], info[1], info[0]);
  printf("Best fit parameters: %.7g %.7g %.7g\n", p[0], p[1], p[2]);

Пример #2
extern "C" LEVMARDLL_API void Rhofit(BoxReflSettings* InitStruct, double parameters[], double covariance[], int parametersize, double info[])

	double ChiSquare = 0;
	double opts[LM_OPTS_SZ];
	double* xvec = new double[InitStruct->ZLength] ;
	double *work, *covar;

	opts[0]=LM_INIT_MU; opts[1]=1E-15; opts[2]=1E-15; opts[3]=1E-20;
	opts[4]=-LM_DIFF_DELTA; // relevant only if the finite difference jacobian version is used 

	RhoCalc Rho;

	//Allocate a dummy array - Our real calculation is done in Refl.objective
	memset(xvec, 0, InitStruct->ZLength*sizeof(double));

	//Allocate workspace and our covariance matrix
	work=new double[((LM_DIF_WORKSZ(parametersize, InitStruct->ZLength)+parametersize*InitStruct->ZLength))];
	covar=work+LM_DIF_WORKSZ(parametersize, InitStruct->ZLength);

	dlevmar_dif(Rho.objective, parameters, xvec,  parametersize,InitStruct->ZLength, 1000, opts, info, work, covar,(void*)(&Rho)); 

	//Calculate the standard deviations in the parameters
	for(int i = 0; i< parametersize;i++)
		covariance[i] = sqrt(covar[i*(parametersize+1)]);
	delete xvec;
	delete work;
Пример #3
void binTriangulate(const double K0[9], const double R0[9], const double t0[3],
		const double K1[9], const double R1[9], const double t1[3],
		const double m0[2], const double m1[2], double x[3]) {

	double Q0[9], q0[3], Q1[9], q1[3];

	mat33AB(K0, R0, Q0);
	mat33ProdVec(K0, t0, q0);

	mat33AB(K1, R1, Q1);
	mat33ProdVec(K1, t1, q1);

	double A[12];
	double b[4];

	A[0] = Q0[0] - m0[0] * Q0[6];
	A[1] = Q0[1] - m0[0] * Q0[7];
	A[2] = Q0[2] - m0[0] * Q0[8];

	A[3] = Q0[3] - m0[1] * Q0[6];
	A[4] = Q0[4] - m0[1] * Q0[7];
	A[5] = Q0[5] - m0[1] * Q0[8];

	A[6] = Q1[0] - m1[0] * Q1[6];
	A[7] = Q1[1] - m1[0] * Q1[7];
	A[8] = Q1[2] - m1[0] * Q1[8];

	A[9] = Q1[3] - m1[1] * Q1[6];
	A[10] = Q1[4] - m1[1] * Q1[7];
	A[11] = Q1[5] - m1[1] * Q1[8];

	b[0] = q0[2] * m0[0] - q0[0];
	b[1] = q0[2] * m0[1] - q0[1];
	b[2] = q1[2] * m1[0] - q1[0];
	b[3] = q1[2] * m1[1] - q1[1];

	/* Find the least squares result */
	dgelsyFor(4, 3, 1, A, b, x);

	/* Run a non-linear optimization to refine the result */
	CamProjParam param[2];
	param[0].set(K0, R0, t0, m0);
	param[1].set(K1, R1, t1, m1);

	const int maxIter = 5;
	double retInfo[LM_INFO_SZ];
	dlevmar_dif(residual2View, x, 0, 3, 4, maxIter, 0, retInfo, 0, 0, param);

Пример #4
void triangulateMultiView(int nview, const double* Rs, const double* ts,
		const double nms[], double x[]) {

	double * A = new double[nview * 2 * 3];
	double * b = new double[nview * 2];

	double* pA = A;
	double* pb = b;
	const double* pR = Rs;
	const double* pT = ts;

	for (int i = 0; i < nview; i++) {
		double u = nms[2 * i];
		double v = nms[2 * i + 1];
		pA[0] = u * pR[6] - pR[0];
		pA[1] = u * pR[7] - pR[1];
		pA[2] = u * pR[8] - pR[2];

		pA[3] = v * pR[6] - pR[3];
		pA[4] = v * pR[7] - pR[4];
		pA[5] = v * pR[8] - pR[5];

		pb[0] = pT[0] - u * pT[2];
		pb[1] = pT[1] - v * pT[2];

		pA += 6;
		pb += 2;
		pR += 9;
		pT += 3;
	/* Find the least squares result */
	dgelsyFor(nview * 2, 3, 1, A, b, x);
	CamProjParam* param = new CamProjParam[nview];
	for (int i = 0; i < nview; i++) {
		param[i].set(0, Rs + i * 9, ts + i * 3, nms + 2 * i);

	const int maxIter = 5;
	double retInfo[LM_INFO_SZ * 2];
	dlevmar_dif(residualMultiView, x, 0, 3, nview * 2, maxIter, 0, retInfo, 0,
			0, param);

	delete[] A;
	delete[] b;
	delete[] param;
Пример #5
void stack_levmar_dif( double* ygiven, double* p, const int m, const int n, void* data ) {
  double opts[LM_OPTS_SZ], info[LM_INFO_SZ];

  // printf( "HELLO from stack_levmar_dif\n");
	StackData *sdata = (StackData*)data;

	int x_dim = sdata->x_dim;
	int x_len = sdata->x_len;
	// printf( "x_len: %d   x_dim: %d\n",x_len,x_dim);

  // optimization control parameters; passing to levmar NULL instead of opts reverts to defaults
  opts[0]=LM_INIT_MU; opts[1]=1E-15; opts[2]=1E-15; opts[3]=1E-20;
  opts[4]=LM_DIFF_DELTA; // relevant only if the finite difference Jacobian version is used

  // invoke the optimization function
  dlevmar_dif(stack_func, p, ygiven, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, data); // without Jacobian
Пример #6
void triangulateMultiView(int nview, const double* Rs[], const double* ts[],
		const double* ms[], double x[]) {
	double * A = new double[nview * 2 * 3];
	double * b = new double[nview * 2];
	double* pA = A;
	double* pb = b;

	for (int i = 0; i < nview; i++) {
		double u = ms[i][0];
		double v = ms[i][1];

		pA[0] = u * Rs[i][6] - Rs[i][0];
		pA[1] = u * Rs[i][7] - Rs[i][1];
		pA[2] = u * Rs[i][8] - Rs[i][2];

		pA[3] = v * Rs[i][6] - Rs[i][3];
		pA[4] = v * Rs[i][7] - Rs[i][4];
		pA[5] = v * Rs[i][8] - Rs[i][5];

		pb[0] = ts[i][0] - u * ts[i][2];
		pb[1] = ts[i][1] - v * ts[i][2];

		pA += 6;
		pb += 2;

	/* Find the least squares result */
	dgelsyFor(nview * 2, 3, 1, A, b, x);
	CamProjParam* param = new CamProjParam[nview];
	for (int i = 0; i < nview; i++) {
		param[i].set(0, Rs[i], ts[i], ms[i]);

	const int maxIter = 5;
	double retInfo[LM_INFO_SZ];
	dlevmar_dif(residualMultiView, x, 0, 3, nview * 2, maxIter, 0, retInfo, 0,
			0, param);

	delete[] A;
	delete[] b;
	delete[] param;
Пример #7
extern "C" LEVMARDLL_API void FastReflfit(BoxReflSettings* InitStruct, double m_cParamVec[], double covariance[], int paramsize, double info[])

	double *work, *covar;
	double ChiSquare = 0;
	double Qc = 0;
	double calcholder = 0;

	FastReflcalc Refl;
	//Setup the fit
	//opts[4] is relevant only if the finite difference jacobian version is used 
	double opts[LM_OPTS_SZ];
	opts[0]=LM_INIT_MU; opts[1]=1E-15; opts[2]=1E-15; opts[3]=1E-20; opts[4]=-LM_DIFF_DELTA; 
	//Allocate a dummy array - Our real calculation is done in Refl.objective
	double* xvec = new double[InitStruct->QPoints] ;
	memset(xvec, 0, InitStruct->QPoints*sizeof(double));
	//Allocate workspace and our covariance matrix
	work=new double[((LM_DIF_WORKSZ(paramsize, InitStruct->QPoints)+paramsize*InitStruct->QPoints))];
	covar=work+LM_DIF_WORKSZ(paramsize, InitStruct->QPoints);

	if(InitStruct->UL == NULL)
		dlevmar_dif(Refl.objective,m_cParamVec, xvec, paramsize,InitStruct->QPoints, 1000, opts, info, work, covar,(void*)(&Refl)); 
		dlevmar_bc_dif(Refl.objective, m_cParamVec, xvec,  paramsize,InitStruct->QPoints, InitStruct->LL,InitStruct->UL,1000, opts, info, work, covar,(void*)(&Refl)); 
	for(int i = 0; i< paramsize;i++)
		covariance[i] = sqrt(covar[i*(paramsize+1)]);

	delete[] xvec;
	delete[] work;
Пример #8
void refineTriangulation(int nview, const double* K, const double* R,
		const double* t, const double pts2d[], double x[], double* err) {

	CamProjParam* param = new CamProjParam[nview];
	for (int i = 0; i < nview; i++) {
		param[i].set(K == 0 ? 0 : K + i * 9, R + i * 9, t + i * 3,
				pts2d + 2 * i);

	const int maxIter = 5;
	double retInfo[LM_INFO_SZ];
	dlevmar_dif(residualMultiView, x, 0, 3, nview * 2, maxIter, 0, retInfo, 0,
			0, param);

	if (err) {
		*err = 0;
		const double* pK = K;
		const double* pR = R;
		const double* pT = t;
		double pt[2];
		for (int i = 0; i < nview; i++) {
			if (pK)
				project(pK, pR, pT, x, pt);
				project(pR, pT, x, pt);
			double dx = pts2d[2 * i] - pt[0];
			double dy = pts2d[2 * i + 1] - pt[1];
			*err += dx * dx + dy * dy;
			pK += 9;
			pR += 9;
			pT += 3;
		*err = sqrt(*err / nview);
	delete[] param;
Пример #9
double stfnum::lmFit( const Vector_double& data, double dt,
                   const stfnum::storedFunc& fitFunc, const Vector_double& opts,
                   bool use_scaling,
                   Vector_double& p, std::string& info, int& warning )
    // Basic range checking:
    if (fitFunc.pInfo.size()!=p.size()) {
        std::string msg("Error in stfnum::lmFit()\n"
                "function parameters (p_fit) and parameters entered (p) have different sizes");
        throw std::runtime_error(msg);
    if ( opts.size() != 6 ) {
        std::string msg("Error in stfnum::lmFit()\n"
                "wrong number of options");
        throw std::runtime_error(msg);

    bool constrained = false;
    std::vector< double > constrains_lm_lb( fitFunc.pInfo.size() );
    std::vector< double > constrains_lm_ub( fitFunc.pInfo.size() );

    bool can_scale = use_scaling;
    for ( unsigned n_p=0; n_p < fitFunc.pInfo.size(); ++n_p ) {
        if ( fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].constrained ) {
            constrained = true;
            constrains_lm_lb[n_p] = fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].constr_lb;
            constrains_lm_ub[n_p] = fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].constr_ub;
        } else {
            constrains_lm_lb[n_p] = -DBL_MAX;
            constrains_lm_ub[n_p] = DBL_MAX;
        if ( can_scale ) {
            if (fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].scale == stfnum::noscale) {
                can_scale = false;

    // Store the functions at global scope:

    double info_id[LM_INFO_SZ];
    Vector_double data_ptr(data);
    Vector_double xyscale(4);
    if (can_scale) {
        xyscale = get_scale(data_ptr, dt);
    // The parameters need to be separated into two parts:
    // Those that are to be fitted and those that the client wants
    // to keep constant. Since there is no native support to
    // do so in Lourakis' routines, the workaround is a little
    // tricky, making (ab)use of the *void pointer:

    // number of parameters that need to be fitted:
    int n_fitted=0;
    for ( unsigned n_p=0; n_p < fitFunc.pInfo.size(); ++n_p ) {
        n_fitted += fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].toFit;
    // parameters that need to be fitted:
    Vector_double p_toFit(n_fitted);
    std::deque<bool> p_fit_bool( fitFunc.pInfo.size() );
    // parameters that are held constant:
    Vector_double p_const( fitFunc.pInfo.size()-n_fitted );
    for ( unsigned n_p=0, n_c=0, n_f=0; n_p < fitFunc.pInfo.size(); ++n_p ) {
        if (fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].toFit) {
            p_toFit[n_f++] = p[n_p];
            if (can_scale) {
                p_toFit[n_f-1] = fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].scale(p_toFit[n_f-1], xyscale[0],
                                                          xyscale[1], xyscale[2], xyscale[3]);
        } else {
            p_const[n_c++] = p[n_p];
            if (can_scale) {
                p_const[n_c-1] = fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].scale(p_const[n_c-1], xyscale[0],
                                                          xyscale[1], xyscale[2], xyscale[3]);
        p_fit_bool[n_p] = fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].toFit;
    // size * dt_new = 1 -> dt_new = 1.0/size
    double dt_finfo = dt;
    if (can_scale)
        dt_finfo = 1.0/data_ptr.size();

    fitInfo fInfo( p_fit_bool, p_const, dt_finfo );

    // make l-value of opts:
    Vector_double opts_l(5);
    for (std::size_t n=0; n < 4; ++n) opts_l[n] = opts[n];
    opts_l[4] = -1e-6;
    int it = 0;
    if (p_toFit.size()!=0 && data_ptr.size()!=0) {
        double old_info_id[LM_INFO_SZ];

        // initialize with initial parameter guess:
        Vector_double old_p_toFit(p_toFit);

#ifdef _DEBUG
        std::ostringstream optsMsg;
        optsMsg << "\nopts: ";
        for (std::size_t n_p=0; n_p < opts.size(); ++n_p)
            optsMsg << opts[n_p] << "\t";
        optsMsg << "\n" << "data_ptr[" << data_ptr.size()-1 << "]=" << data_ptr[data_ptr.size()-1] << "\n";
        optsMsg << "constrains_lm_lb: ";
        for (std::size_t n_p=0; n_p < constrains_lm_lb.size(); ++n_p) 
            optsMsg << constrains_lm_lb[n_p] << "\t";
        optsMsg << "\n" << "constrains_lm_ub: ";
        for (std::size_t n_p=0; n_p < constrains_lm_ub.size(); ++n_p) 
            optsMsg << constrains_lm_ub[n_p] << "\t";
        optsMsg << "\n\n";
        std::cout << optsMsg;

        while ( 1 ) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
            std::ostringstream paramMsg;
            paramMsg << "Pass: "******"\t";
            paramMsg << "p_toFit: ";
            for (std::size_t n_p=0; n_p < p_toFit.size(); ++n_p)
                paramMsg << p_toFit[n_p] << "\t";
            paramMsg << "\n";
            std::cout << paramMsg.str().c_str();

            if ( !fitFunc.hasJac ) {
                if ( !constrained ) {
                    dlevmar_dif( c_func_lour, &p_toFit[0], &data_ptr[0], n_fitted, 
                            (int)data.size(), (int)opts[4], &opts_l[0], info_id,
                            NULL, NULL, &fInfo );
                } else {
                    dlevmar_bc_dif( c_func_lour, &p_toFit[0], &data_ptr[0], n_fitted, 
                            (int)data.size(), &constrains_lm_lb[0], &constrains_lm_ub[0], NULL,
                            (int)opts[4], &opts_l[0], info_id, NULL, NULL, &fInfo );
            } else {
                if ( !constrained ) {
                    dlevmar_der( c_func_lour, c_jac_lour, &p_toFit[0], &data_ptr[0], 
                            n_fitted, (int)data.size(), (int)opts[4], &opts_l[0], info_id,
                            NULL, NULL, &fInfo );                
                } else {
                    dlevmar_bc_der( c_func_lour,  c_jac_lour, &p_toFit[0], 
                            &data_ptr[0], n_fitted, (int)data.size(), &constrains_lm_lb[0], 
                            &constrains_lm_ub[0], NULL, (int)opts[4], &opts_l[0], info_id,
                            NULL, NULL, &fInfo );
            if ( info_id[1] != info_id[1] ) {
                // restore previous parameters if new chisqr is NaN:
                p_toFit = old_p_toFit;
            } else {
                double dchisqr = (info_id[0] - info_id[1]) / info_id[1]; // (old chisqr - new chisqr) / new_chisqr
                if ( dchisqr < 0 ) {
                    // restore previous results and exit if new chisqr is larger:
                    for ( int n_i = 0; n_i < LM_INFO_SZ; ++n_i )  info_id[n_i] = old_info_id[n_i];
                    p_toFit = old_p_toFit;
                if ( dchisqr < 1e-5 ) {
                    // Keep current results and exit if change in chisqr is below threshold
                // otherwise, store results and continue iterating:
                for ( int n_i = 0; n_i < LM_INFO_SZ; ++n_i ) old_info_id[n_i] = info_id[n_i];
                old_p_toFit = p_toFit;
            if ( it >= opts[5] )
                // Exit if maximal number of iterations is reached
            // decrease initial step size for next iteration:
            opts_l[0] *= 1e-4;
    } else {
        std::runtime_error e("Array of size zero in lmFit");
        throw e;

    // copy back the fitted parameters to p:
    for ( unsigned n_p=0, n_f=0, n_c=0; n_p<fitFunc.pInfo.size(); ++n_p ) {
        if (fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].toFit) {
            p[n_p] = p_toFit[n_f++];
        } else {
            p[n_p] = p_const[n_c++];
        if (can_scale) {
            p[n_p] = fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].unscale(p[n_p], xyscale[0],
                                                xyscale[1], xyscale[2], xyscale[3]);
    std::ostringstream str_info;
    str_info << "Passes: " << it;
    str_info << "\nIterations during last pass: "******"\nStopping reason during last pass:"******"\nStopped by small gradient of squared error.";
         warning = 0;
     case 2:
         str_info << "\nStopped by small rel. parameter change.";
         warning = 0;
     case 3:
         str_info << "\nReached max. number of iterations. Restart\n"
                  << "with smarter initial parameters and / or with\n"
                  << "increased initial scaling factor and / or with\n"
                  << "increased max. number of iterations.";
         warning = 3;
     case 4:
         str_info << "\nSingular matrix. Restart from current parameters\n"
                  << "with increased initial scaling factor.";
         warning = 4;
     case 5:
         str_info << "\nNo further error reduction is possible.\n"
                  << "Restart with increased initial scaling factor.";
         warning = 5;
     case 6:
         str_info << "\nStopped by small squared error.";
         warning = 0;
     case 7:
         str_info << "\nStopped by invalid (i.e. NaN or Inf) \"func\" values.\n";
         str_info << "This is a user error.";
         warning = 7;
         str_info << "\nUnknown reason for stopping the fit.";
         warning = -1;
    if (use_scaling && !can_scale) {
        str_info << "\nCouldn't use scaling because one or more "
                 << "of the parameters don't allow it.";
    return info_id[1];
void PhotometricOptimizer::optimizePhotometric(PanoramaData & pano, const OptimizeVector & vars,
                                               const std::vector<vigra_ext::PointPairRGB> & correspondences,
                                               AppBase::ProgressReporter & progress,
                                               double & error)

    OptimizeVector photometricVars;
    // keep only the photometric variables
    unsigned int optCount=0;
    for (OptimizeVector::const_iterator it=vars.begin(); it != vars.end(); ++it)
        std::set<std::string> cvars;
        for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator itv = (*it).begin();
             itv != (*it).end(); ++itv)
            if ((*itv)[0] == 'E' || (*itv)[0] == 'R' || (*itv)[0] == 'V') {
    //if no variables to optimize return

    int nMaxIter = 250;
    OptimData data(pano, photometricVars, correspondences, 5/255.0, false, nMaxIter, progress);

    int ret;
    //double opts[LM_OPTS_SZ];
    double info[LM_INFO_SZ];

    // parameters
    int m=data.m_vars.size();
    vigra::ArrayVector<double> p(m, 0.0);

    // vector for errors
    int n=2*3*correspondences.size()+pano.getNrOfImages();
    vigra::ArrayVector<double> x(n, 0.0);

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("Parameters before optimisation: ");
    for(int i=0; i<m; ++i)
        printf("%.7g ", p[i]);

    // covariance matrix at solution
    vigra::DImage cov(m,m);
    // TODO: setup optimisation options with some good defaults.
    double optimOpts[5];
    optimOpts[0] = 1E-03;  // init mu
    // stop thresholds
    optimOpts[1] = 1e-5;   // ||J^T e||_inf
    optimOpts[2] = 1e-5;   // ||Dp||_2
    optimOpts[3] = 1e-1;   // ||e||_2
    // difference mode
    optimOpts[4] = LM_DIFF_DELTA;
    ret=dlevmar_dif(&photometricError, &photometricVis, &(p[0]), &(x[0]), m, n, nMaxIter, optimOpts, info, NULL, &(cov(0,0)), &data);  // no jacobian
    // copy to source images (data.m_imgs)
    // calculate error at solution
    data.huberSigma = 0;
    photometricError(&(p[0]), &(x[0]), m, n, &data);
    error = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        error += x[i]*x[i];
    error = sqrt(error/n);

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("Levenberg-Marquardt returned %d in %g iter, reason %g\nSolution: ", ret, info[5], info[6]);
    for(int i=0; i<m; ++i)
        printf("%.7g ", p[i]);
    printf("\n\nMinimization info:\n");
    for(int i=0; i<LM_INFO_SZ; ++i)
        printf("%g ", info[i]);

    // copy settings to panorama
    for (unsigned i=0; i<pano.getNrOfImages(); i++) {
        pano.setSrcImage(i, data.m_imgs[i]);
Пример #11
bool ccCalibratedImage::computeOrthoRectificationParams(CCLib::GenericIndexedCloud* keypoints3D, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypointsImage, double a_out[], double b_out[], double c_out[]) const
	if (!keypoints3D)
		return false;

	unsigned count = (unsigned)keypointsImage.size();
	if (count<4)
		return false;

	//first guess for X (a0 a1 a2 b0 b1 b2 c1 c2)
	double norm = (double)std::max(m_width,m_height);
	double X0[8];
	X0[0] = 1.0/sqrt(norm);
	X0[1] = 1.0/norm;
	X0[2] = 1.0/norm;
	X0[3] = 1.0/sqrt(norm);
	X0[4] = 1.0/norm;
	X0[5] = 1.0/norm;
	X0[6] = 1.0/norm;
	X0[7] = 1.0/norm;

#ifndef USE_LEVMAR

	//compute the A matrix and b vector
	unsigned Neq = 2*count; //number of equations
	double *A = new double[8*Neq]; // 8 coefficients: a0 a1 a2 b0 b1 b2 c1 c2
	double *b = new double[Neq];

    //for all points
		double* _A=A;
		double* _b=b;
		for (unsigned i=0;i<count;++i)
			const KeyPoint& kp = keypointsImage[i];
			double kpx = (double)kp.x;
			double kpy = (double)kp.y;
			const CCVector3* P = keypoints3D->getPoint(kp.index);

			*_A++ = 1.0;
			*_A++ = kpx;
			*_A++ = kpy;
			*_A++ = 0.0;
			*_A++ = 0.0;
			*_A++ = 0.0;
			*_A++ = -kpx * (double)P->x;
			*_A++ = -kpy * (double)P->x;
			*_b++ = (double)P->x;

			*_A++ = 0.0;
			*_A++ = 0.0;
			*_A++ = 0.0;
			*_A++ = 1.0;
			*_A++ = kpx;
			*_A++ = kpy;
			*_A++ = -kpx * (double)P->y;
			*_A++ = -kpy * (double)P->y;
			*_b++ = (double)P->y;

	//conjugate gradient initialization
	//we solve tA.A.X=tA.b
	CCLib::ConjugateGradient<8,double> cg;
	CCLib::SquareMatrixd& tAA = cg.A();
	double* tAb = cg.b();

	//compute tA.A and tA.b
		for (unsigned i=0; i<8; ++i)
			//tA.A part
			for (unsigned j=i; j<8; ++j)
				double sum_prod = 0;
				const double* _Ai = A+i;
				const double* _Aj = A+j;
				for (unsigned k=0; k<Neq; ++k)
					//sum_prod += A[(8*2*k)+i]*A[(8*2*k)+j];
					sum_prod += (*_Ai) * (*_Aj);
					_Ai += 8;
					_Aj += 8;
				tAA.m_values[j][i] = tAA.m_values[i][j] = sum_prod;

			//tA.b part
				double sum_prod = 0;
				const double* _Ai = A+i;
				const double* _b = b;
				for (unsigned k=0; k<Neq; ++k)
					//sum_prod += A[(8*2*k)+i]*b[k];
					sum_prod += (*_Ai) * (*_b++);
					_Ai += 8;
				tAb[i] = sum_prod;

	//init. conjugate gradient

    //conjugate gradient iterations
		double convergenceThreshold = 1e-8/* * norm*/;  //max. error for convergence
		for (unsigned i=0; i<1500; ++i)
			double lastError = cg.iterConjugateGradient(X0);
			if (lastError < convergenceThreshold) //converged
				#ifdef _DEBUG
				printf("[computeOrthoRectificationParams] Convergence reached in %i iterations (error: %g)\n",i+1,lastError);

	//inverse normalization
	//for (unsigned i=0;i<8;++i)
	//	X0[i] *= norm;

	delete[] A;
	delete[] b;


	double* A = new double[count*4];
	double* _A=A;
	for (unsigned i=0;i<count;++i)
		const KeyPoint& kp = keypointsImage[i];
		CCVector3 P = *keypoints3D->getPoint(kp.index);

		*_A++ = kp.x;
		*_A++ = kp.y;
		*_A++ = P.x;
		*_A++ = P.y;

	//LM minimization
	double info[LM_INFO_SZ];
	dlevmar_dif(func_step, X0, NULL, 8, count*2, 5000, 0, info, 0, 0, A); //numerical derivatives

	delete[] A;


	a_out[0] = X0[0];
	a_out[1] = X0[1];
	a_out[2] = X0[2];
	b_out[0] = X0[3];
	b_out[1] = X0[4];
	b_out[2] = X0[5];
	c_out[0] = 1.0;
	c_out[1] = X0[6];
	c_out[2] = X0[7];

	return true;
Пример #12
qreal CurveFitter::fit(const PointArray<256> &points, PointArray<256> &curve,
    Transformation transformation)
    /* Init input data */
    int sz = 2 * points.count();
    qreal *pdata = const_cast<qreal*>(points.data());

    qreal *x;
    qreal mean[2] = {.0, .0};
    qreal std[2] = {.0, .0};
    if (transformation == AFFINE) {
        x = new qreal[sz];
        for (int i = 0; i < sz; i += 2) {
            mean[0] += pdata[i];
            mean[1] += pdata[i + 1];
        mean[0] /= (sz / 2);
        mean[1] /= (sz / 2);

        for (int i = 0; i < sz; i += 2) {
            std[0] += (pdata[i] - mean[0]) * (pdata[i] - mean[0]);
            std[1] += (pdata[i + 1] - mean[1]) * (pdata[i + 1] - mean[1]);
        std[0] = qSqrt(std[0] / (sz / 2));
        std[1] = qSqrt(std[1] / (sz / 2));

        qreal minStd = qMin(std[0], std[1]);
        std[0] /= minStd;
        std[1] /= minStd;

        for (int i = 0; i < sz; i += 2) {
            x[i] = (pdata[i] - mean[0]) / std[0];
            x[i + 1] = (pdata[i + 1] - mean[1]) / std[1];
    } else {
        x = pdata;

    InternalData data(sz / 2);
    data.pxy = curve.data();
    chordLengthParam(sz / 2, x, data.ts, CHORD_LENGTH);

    qreal segmentLen = (sz / (SPLINE_ORDER - 1));
    /* Init middle points of Bezier curve */
    for (int i = 2; i < SPLINE_SIZE - 2; i += 2) {
        int idx = (i / 2) * segmentLen;
        idx -= idx % 2;
        data.pxy[i] = x[idx];
        data.pxy[i + 1] = x[idx + 1];

    /* Init first point of Bezier curve */
    data.pxy[0] = x[0];
    data.pxy[1] = x[1];

    int idx = (segmentLen - (int)segmentLen % 2);
    data.pxy[2] = (x[idx] - x[0]) * 2 + x[0];
    data.pxy[3] = (x[idx + 1] - x[1]) * 2 + x[1];

    data.pxy[SPLINE_SIZE - 4] = (x[sz - 2 - idx] - x[sz - 2]) * 2 + x[sz - 2];
    data.pxy[SPLINE_SIZE - 3] = (x[sz - 1 - idx] - x[sz - 1]) * 2 + x[sz - 1];

    /* Init last point of Bezier curve */
    data.pxy[SPLINE_SIZE - 2] = x[sz - 2];
    data.pxy[SPLINE_SIZE - 1] = x[sz - 1];

    /* info[0]= ||e||_2 at initial p.
     * info[1-4]=[ ||e||_2, ||J^T e||_inf,  ||Dp||_2, \mu/max[J^T J]_ii ], all computed at estimated p.
     * info[5]= # iterations,
     * info[6]=reason for terminating: 1 - stopped by small gradient J^T e
     *                                 2 - stopped by small Dp
     *                                 3 - stopped by itmax
     *                                 4 - singular matrix. Restart from current p with increased \mu
     *                                 5 - no further error reduction is possible. Restart with increased mu
     *                                 6 - stopped by small ||e||_2
     *                                 7 - stopped by invalid (i.e. NaN or Inf) "func" values; a user error
     * info[7]= # function evaluations
     * info[8]= # Jacobian evaluations
     * info[9]= # linear systems solved, i.e. # attempts for reducing error
    qreal info[LM_INFO_SZ];
    qreal *p = data.pxy + 2;
    int m = SPLINE_SIZE - 2 * 2;
    int n = sz;
    qreal fnorm = INT_MAX, fnormPrev;

    int totalIters = 0;
    do {
        /* Optimize spline shape */
        dlevmar_dif(CurveFitter::func, p, x, m, n, MAX_ITER, NULL, info, NULL,
            NULL, &data);

        /* Residuals */
        fnormPrev = fnorm;
        fnorm = info[1] / sz;
        qDebug() << "Termination reason" << info[6]
                 << "after" << info[5] << "iterations"
                 << "error" << fnorm;

        totalIters += info[5];
        /* Quit, when improvement is less than 1% */
        if ((fnormPrev - fnorm) / fnormPrev < 0.01)

        /* Optimize point parameters */
        reparametrizePoints(data.pxy, sz / 2, x, data.ts);
    } while (true);
    qDebug() << "Total iterations" << totalIters;

    if (transformation == AFFINE) {
        delete [] x;

        for (int i = 0; i < SPLINE_SIZE; i += 2) {
            data.pxy[i] = data.pxy[i] * std[0] + mean[0];
            data.pxy[i + 1] = data.pxy[i + 1] * std[1] + mean[1];

    return fnorm;
// Function definitions. 
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
void mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) 
    //Input Args
    user_function_data fun;
    double *x0, *ydata = NULL, *lb = NULL, *ub = NULL, *A = NULL, *b = NULL, *Aeq = NULL, *beq = NULL;
    int maxIter = 500;
    double info[LM_INFO_SZ];
    //Outputs Args
    double *x, *fval, *exitflag, *iter, *feval;
    double *pcovar = NULL;
    //Internal Vars
    size_t ndec, ndat;   
    int i, status, havJac = 0, conMode = 0;
    int nineq=0, neq=0;
    double *covar = NULL;
    double *Apr, *bpr;
    double *llb, *lub;
    citer = 1;
    iterF.enabled = false;
    if (nrhs < 1) {
        if(nlhs < 1)
            plhs[0] = mxCreateString(LM_VERSION);   

    //Check user inputs & get constraint information

    //Get Sizes
    ndec = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[2]);
    ndat = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[3]);
    //Get Objective Function Handle
    if (mxIsChar(prhs[0])) {
        CHECK(mxGetString(prhs[0], fun.f, FLEN) == 0,"error reading objective name string");
        fun.nrhs = 1;
        fun.xrhs = 0;
    } else {
        fun.prhs[0] = (mxArray*)prhs[0];
        strcpy(fun.f, "feval");
        fun.nrhs = 2;
        fun.xrhs = 1;
    fun.prhs[fun.xrhs] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(ndec, 1, mxREAL); //x0
    fun.print = 0;
    //Check and Get Gradient Function Handle
    if(!mxIsEmpty(prhs[1])) {  
        havJac = 1;
        if (mxIsChar(prhs[1])) {
            CHECK(mxGetString(prhs[1], fun.g, FLEN) == 0,"error reading gradient name string");
            fun.nrhs_g = 1;
            fun.xrhs_g = 0;
        } else {
            fun.prhs_g[0] = (mxArray*)prhs[1];
            strcpy(fun.g, "feval");
            fun.nrhs_g = 2;
            fun.xrhs_g = 1;
        fun.prhs_g[fun.xrhs_g] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(ndec, 1, mxREAL); //x0

    //Get x0 + data
    x0 = mxGetPr(prhs[2]);
    ydata = mxGetPr(prhs[3]);
    fun.ydata = ydata;
    //Get Bounds
    if(conMode & 1) {
            llb = mxGetPr(prhs[4]);
            lb = mxCalloc(ndec,sizeof(double));
            for(i=0;i<ndec;i++) {
                    lb[i] = -DBL_MAX;
        else {
            lb = mxCalloc(ndec,sizeof(double));
                lb[i] = -DBL_MAX;
        if(nrhs > 5 && !mxIsEmpty(prhs[5])){
            lub = mxGetPr(prhs[5]);
            ub = mxCalloc(ndec,sizeof(double));
            for(i=0;i<ndec;i++) {
                    ub[i] = DBL_MAX;
        else {
            ub = mxCalloc(ndec,sizeof(double));
                ub[i] = DBL_MAX;
    //Get Linear Inequality Constraints
    if(conMode & 2) {
        nineq = (int)mxGetM(prhs[7]);
        Apr = mxGetPr(prhs[6]);
        bpr = mxGetPr(prhs[7]);
        //Need to flip >= to <=
        A = mxCalloc(ndec*nineq,sizeof(double));
        b = mxCalloc(nineq,sizeof(double));
            A[i] = -Apr[i];
            b[i] = -bpr[i];
    //Get Linear Equality Constraints
    if(conMode & 4) {
        Aeq = mxGetPr(prhs[8]);
        beq = mxGetPr(prhs[9]);
        neq = (int)mxGetM(prhs[9]);
    //Get Options if specified
    if(nrhs > 10) {
            maxIter = (int)*mxGetPr(mxGetField(prhs[10],0,"maxiter"));
            fun.print = (int)*mxGetPr(mxGetField(prhs[10],0,"display"));
        if(mxGetField(prhs[10],0,"iterfun") && !mxIsEmpty(mxGetField(prhs[10],0,"iterfun")))
            iterF.prhs[0] = (mxArray*)mxGetField(prhs[10],0,"iterfun");
            strcpy(iterF.f, "feval");
            iterF.enabled = true;  
            iterF.prhs[1] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1,1,mxINT32_CLASS,mxREAL);
            iterF.prhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
            iterF.prhs[3] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(ndec,1,mxREAL);

    //Create Outputs
    plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(ndec,1, mxREAL);
    plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1, mxREAL);
    plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1, mxREAL);
    plhs[3] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1, mxREAL);
    plhs[4] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1, mxREAL);
    x = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); 
    fval = mxGetPr(plhs[1]); 
    exitflag = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);    
    iter = mxGetPr(plhs[3]);
    feval = mxGetPr(plhs[4]);
    //Copy initial guess to x
    //Create Covariance Matrix if Required
    //Print Header
    if(fun.print) {
        mexPrintf(" This is LEVMAR v2.5\n");
        mexPrintf(" Author: Manolis Lourakis\n MEX Interface J. Currie 2011\n\n");
        mexPrintf(" Problem Properties:\n");
        mexPrintf(" # Decision Variables:     %4d\n",ndec);
        mexPrintf(" # Data Points:            %4d\n",ndat);

    //Solve based on constraints
            //mexPrintf("Unc Problem\n");
                status = dlevmar_der(func, jac, x, ydata, (int)ndec, (int)ndat, maxIter, opts, info, NULL, covar, &fun);
                status = dlevmar_dif(func, x, ydata, (int)ndec, (int)ndat, maxIter, opts, info, NULL, covar, &fun);            
        case MIN_CONSTRAINED_BC:
            //mexPrintf("Box Constrained Problem\n");
                status = dlevmar_bc_der(func, jac, x, ydata, (int)ndec, (int)ndat, lb, ub, NULL, maxIter, opts, info, NULL, covar, &fun);
                status = dlevmar_bc_dif(func, x, ydata, (int)ndec, (int)ndat, lb, ub, NULL, maxIter, opts, info, NULL, covar, &fun);
            //mexPrintf("Linear Inequality Problem\n");
                status = dlevmar_lic_der(func, jac, x, ydata, (int)ndec, (int)ndat, A, b, nineq, maxIter, opts, info, NULL, covar, &fun);
                status = dlevmar_lic_dif(func, x, ydata, (int)ndec, (int)ndat, A, b, nineq, maxIter, opts, info, NULL, covar, &fun);
            //mexPrintf("Boxed Linear Inequality Problem\n");
                status = dlevmar_blic_der(func, jac, x, ydata, (int)ndec, (int)ndat, lb, ub, A, b, nineq, maxIter, opts, info, NULL, covar, &fun);
                status = dlevmar_blic_dif(func, x, ydata, (int)ndec, (int)ndat, lb, ub, A, b, nineq, maxIter, opts, info, NULL, covar, &fun);
            //mexPrintf("Linear Equality Problem\n");
                status = dlevmar_lec_der(func, jac, x, ydata, (int)ndec, (int)ndat, Aeq, beq, neq, maxIter, opts, info, NULL, covar, &fun);
                status = dlevmar_lec_dif(func, x, ydata, (int)ndec, (int)ndat, Aeq, beq, neq, maxIter, opts, info, NULL, covar, &fun);
            //mexPrintf("Boxed Linear Equality Problem\n");
                status = dlevmar_blec_der(func, jac, x, ydata, (int)ndec, (int)ndat, lb, ub, Aeq, beq, neq, NULL, maxIter, opts, info, NULL, covar, &fun);
                status = dlevmar_blec_dif(func, x, ydata, (int)ndec, (int)ndat, lb, ub, Aeq, beq, neq, NULL, maxIter, opts, info, NULL, covar, &fun);
            //mexPrintf("Linear Inequality + Equality Problem\n");
                status = dlevmar_leic_der(func, jac, x, ydata, (int)ndec, (int)ndat, Aeq, beq, neq, A, b, nineq, maxIter, opts, info, NULL, covar, &fun);
                status = dlevmar_leic_dif(func, x, ydata, (int)ndec, (int)ndat, Aeq, beq, neq, A, b, nineq, maxIter, opts, info, NULL, covar, &fun);
            //mexPrintf("Boxed Linear Inequality + Equality Problem\n");
                status = dlevmar_bleic_der(func, jac, x, ydata, (int)ndec, (int)ndat, lb, ub, Aeq, beq, neq, A, b, nineq, maxIter, opts, info, NULL, covar, &fun);
                status = dlevmar_bleic_dif(func, x, ydata, (int)ndec, (int)ndat, lb, ub, Aeq, beq, neq, A, b, nineq, maxIter, opts, info, NULL, covar, &fun);
            mexErrMsgTxt("Unknown constraint configuration");
    //Save Status & Iterations
    *fval = info[1];
    *exitflag = getStatus(info[6]);
    *iter = (double)status;
    *feval = (double)citer;
    //Save Covariance if Required
    if(nlhs > 5) {
        plhs[5] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(ndec, ndec, mxREAL);
        pcovar = mxGetPr(plhs[5]);
    //Print Header
        //Termination Detected
        if(*exitflag == 1)
            mexPrintf("\n *** SUCCESSFUL TERMINATION ***\n");
        else if(*exitflag == 0)
            mexPrintf("\n *** MAXIMUM ITERATIONS REACHED ***\n");
        else if(*exitflag == -1)
            mexPrintf("\n *** TERMINATION: TOLERANCE TOO SMALL ***\n");
        else if(*exitflag == -2)
            mexPrintf("\n *** TERMINATION: ROUTINE ERROR ***\n");     

            mexPrintf(" Final SSE: %12.5g\n In %3.0f iterations\n",*fval,*iter);

    //Clean Up
    if(lb) mxFree(lb);
    if(ub) mxFree(ub);
    if(covar) mxFree(covar);
    if(A) mxFree(A);
    if(b) mxFree(b);
Пример #14
static PyObject *
_pylm_dlevmar_generic(PyObject *mod, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds,
                     char *argstring, char *kwlist[],
                      int jacobian, int bounds) {
    PyObject *func			= NULL;
	PyObject *jacf			= NULL; 
	PyObject *initial		= NULL,	*initial_npy		= NULL;
	PyObject *measurements	= NULL, *measurements_npy	= NULL;
    PyObject *lower			= NULL, *lower_npy			= NULL;
	PyObject *upper			= NULL, *upper_npy			= NULL;
    PyObject *opts			= NULL, *opts_npy			= NULL;
	PyObject *covar			= NULL;
    PyObject *retval		= NULL;
	PyObject *info			= NULL;
	pylm_callback_data *pydata = NULL;
    double *c_initial		= NULL;
	double *c_measurements	= NULL;
	double *c_opts			= NULL;
    double *c_lower			= NULL;
	double *c_upper			= NULL;
	double *c_covar			= NULL;
    int	   max_iter = 0;
	int    run_iter = 0;
	int    m = 0, n = 0;
    double c_info[LM_INFO_SZ];
	int nopts;

	// If finite-difference approximate Jacobians are used, we
	// need 5 optional params; otherwise 4.
	if (jacobian){
		nopts = 4;
	} else {
		nopts = 5;

    // parse arguments
    if (!bounds) {
        if (jacobian) {
            if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, argstring, kwlist,
                                             &func, &jacf, &initial,
                                             &measurements, &max_iter, 
                                             &opts, &covar)){
				return NULL;	
        } else {
            if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, argstring, kwlist,
                                             &func, &initial,
                                             &measurements, &max_iter, 
                                             &opts, &covar)){
				return NULL;
    } else {
        if (jacobian) {
            if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, argstring, kwlist,
                                             &func, &jacf, &initial,
                                             &measurements, &lower, &upper, &max_iter, 
                                             &opts, &covar)){
                return NULL;
        } else {
            if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, argstring, kwlist,
                                             &func, &initial,
                                             &measurements, &lower, &upper, &max_iter,
                                             &opts, &covar)){
				return NULL;	
    // Check each variable type
    if (!PyCallable_Check(func)) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "func must be a callable object");
        return NULL;

    if (!PyArray_Check(initial)) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "initial must be a numpy array");
        return NULL;

    if (!PyArray_Check(measurements)) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "measurements must be a numpy array");
        return NULL;

    if (jacobian && !PyCallable_Check(jacf)) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "jacf must be a callable object");
        return NULL;

    if (lower && !PyArray_Check(lower)) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "lower bounds must be a numpy array");
        return NULL;
    if (upper && !PyArray_Check(upper)) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "upper bounds must be a numpy array");
        return NULL;

    if (opts && !PyArray_Check(opts) && (PyArray_Size(opts) != nopts)) {
		if (nopts == 4){
							"opts must be a numpy vector of length 4.");
		} else {
							"opts must be a numpy vector of length 5.");
        return NULL;

    // convert python types into C
    pydata = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(pydata));
						"Error in allocating memory for data.");	
		return NULL;	
    pydata->func = func;
    pydata->jacf = jacf;
	initial_npy = PyArray_FROMANY(initial, NPY_DOUBLE, 0, 0, NPY_INOUT_ARRAY);
	measurements_npy = PyArray_FROMANY(measurements, NPY_DOUBLE, 0, 0, NPY_IN_ARRAY);
	if(!initial_npy || !measurements_npy){
		// Cannot create array
						"Error in creating arrays from input data.");	
		return NULL;
    c_initial = (double *)PyArray_DATA(initial_npy);
	c_measurements = (double *)PyArray_DATA(measurements_npy);
	m = PyArray_SIZE(initial_npy);
	n = PyArray_SIZE(measurements_npy);
	npy_intp dims[2] = {m, m};
	covar = PyArray_SimpleNew(2, dims, NPY_DOUBLE);
	c_covar = PyArray_DATA(covar);
	if (lower){
		lower_npy = PyArray_FROMANY(lower, PyArray_DOUBLE, 0, 0, NPY_IN_ARRAY);
		c_lower = PyArray_DATA(lower_npy);
		// TODO check dims
    if (upper){
		upper_npy = PyArray_FROMANY(upper, PyArray_DOUBLE, 0, 0, NPY_IN_ARRAY);
        c_upper = PyArray_DATA(upper_npy);
		// TODO check dims

	if (opts) {
		opts_npy = PyArray_FROMANY(opts, PyArray_DOUBLE, 0, 0, NPY_IN_ARRAY);
        c_opts = PyArray_DATA(opts_npy);
		// TODO check dims
    // call function to do the fitting
    if (!bounds) {
        if (jacobian) {
            run_iter =  dlevmar_der(_pylm_func_callback, _pylm_jacf_callback,
                                    c_initial, c_measurements, m, n,
									max_iter, c_opts, c_info, NULL, c_covar, pydata);
        } else {
            run_iter =  dlevmar_dif(_pylm_func_callback, c_initial, c_measurements,
                                    m, n, max_iter, c_opts, c_info, NULL, c_covar, pydata);
    } else {
        if (jacobian) {
            run_iter =  dlevmar_bc_der(_pylm_func_callback, _pylm_jacf_callback,
                                       c_initial, c_measurements, m, n,
                                       c_lower, c_upper,
                                       max_iter, c_opts, c_info, NULL, c_covar, pydata);
        } else {
            run_iter =  dlevmar_bc_dif(_pylm_func_callback, c_initial, c_measurements,
                                       m, n, c_lower, c_upper,
                                       max_iter, c_opts, c_info, NULL, c_covar, pydata);

    // convert results back into python
    if (run_iter > 0) {
		npy_intp dims[1] = {m};
		retval = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, dims, PyArray_DOUBLE, c_initial);
    } else {
        retval = Py_None;

	if (pydata) {
    // convert additional information into python
    info = Py_BuildValue("{s:d,s:d,s:d,s:d,s:d,s:d,s:d,s:d,s:d}",
                         "initial_e2", c_info[0],
                         "estimate_e2", c_info[1],
                         "estimate_Jt", c_info[2],
                         "estimate_Dp2", c_info[3],
                         "estimate_mu", c_info[4],
                         "iterations", c_info[5],
                         "termination", c_info[6],
                         "function_evaluations", c_info[7],
                         "jacobian_evaluations", c_info[8]);

	return Py_BuildValue("(OOiO)", retval, covar, run_iter, info, NULL);
Пример #15
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *Prhs[])
register int i;
register double *pdbl;
mxArray **prhs=(mxArray **)&Prhs[0], *At, *Ct;
struct mexdata mdata;
int len, status;
double *p, *p0, *ret, *x;
int m, n, havejac, Arows, Crows, itmax, nopts, mintype, nextra;
double info[LM_INFO_SZ];
double *lb=NULL, *ub=NULL, *A=NULL, *b=NULL, *wghts=NULL, *C=NULL, *d=NULL, *covar=NULL;

  /* parse input args; start by checking their number */
    matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: at least 5 input arguments required (got %d).", nrhs);
    matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: too many output arguments (max. 4, got %d).", nlhs);
  else if(nlhs<2)
    matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: too few output arguments (min. 2, got %d).", nlhs);
  /* note that in order to accommodate optional args, prhs & nrhs are adjusted accordingly below */

  /** func **/
  /* first argument must be a string , i.e. a char row vector */
    mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: first argument must be a string.");
    mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: first argument must be a string (i.e. char row vector).");
  /* store supplied name */
  mdata.fname=mxCalloc(len, sizeof(char));
  status=mxGetString(prhs[0], mdata.fname, len);
    mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: not enough space. String is truncated.");

  /** jac (optional) **/
  /* check whether second argument is a string */
      mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: second argument must be a string (i.e. row vector).");
    /* store supplied name */
    mdata.jacname=mxCalloc(len, sizeof(char));
    status=mxGetString(prhs[1], mdata.jacname, len);
      mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: not enough space. String is truncated.");


#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: %s analytic Jacobian\n", havejac? "with" : "no");
#endif /* DEBUG */

if(!mxIsDouble(prhs[1]) || mxIsComplex(prhs[1]) || !(mxGetM(prhs[1])==1 && mxGetN(prhs[1])==1))

  /** p0 **/
  /* the second required argument must be a real row or column vector */
  if(!mxIsDouble(prhs[1]) || mxIsComplex(prhs[1]) || !(mxGetM(prhs[1])==1 || mxGetN(prhs[1])==1))
    mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: p0 must be a real vector.");
  /* determine if we have a row or column vector and retrieve its 
   * size, i.e. the number of parameters
  /* copy input parameter vector to avoid destroying it */
  for(i=0; i<m; ++i)
  /** x **/
  /* the third required argument must be a real row or column vector */
  if(!mxIsDouble(prhs[2]) || mxIsComplex(prhs[2]) || !(mxGetM(prhs[2])==1 || mxGetN(prhs[2])==1))
    mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: x must be a real vector.");
  n=__MAX__(mxGetM(prhs[2]), mxGetN(prhs[2]));

  /** itmax **/
  /* the fourth required argument must be a scalar */
  if(!mxIsDouble(prhs[3]) || mxIsComplex(prhs[3]) || mxGetM(prhs[3])!=1 || mxGetN(prhs[3])!=1)
    mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: itmax must be a scalar.");
  /** opts **/
  /* the fifth required argument must be a real row or column vector */
  if(!mxIsDouble(prhs[4]) || mxIsComplex(prhs[4]) || (!(mxGetM(prhs[4])==1 || mxGetN(prhs[4])==1) &&
                                                      !(mxGetM(prhs[4])==0 && mxGetN(prhs[4])==0)))
    mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: opts must be a real vector.");
  nopts=__MAX__(mxGetM(prhs[4]), mxGetN(prhs[4]));
  if(nopts!=0){ /* if opts==[], nothing needs to be done and the defaults are used */
      matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: opts must have at most %d elements, got %d.", LM_OPTS_SZ, nopts);
    else if(nopts<((havejac)? LM_OPTS_SZ-1 : LM_OPTS_SZ))
      matlabFmtdWarnMsgTxt("levmar: only the %d first elements of opts specified, remaining set to defaults.", nopts);
    for(i=0; i<nopts; ++i)
#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: empty options vector, using defaults\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */

  /** mintype (optional) **/
  /* check whether sixth argument is a string */
  if(nrhs>=6 && mxIsChar(prhs[5])==1 && mxGetM(prhs[5])==1){
    char *minhowto;

    /* examine supplied name */
    minhowto=mxCalloc(len, sizeof(char));
    status=mxGetString(prhs[5], minhowto, len);
      mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: not enough space. String is truncated.");

    for(i=0; minhowto[i]; ++i)
    if(!strncmp(minhowto, "unc", 3)) mintype=MIN_UNCONSTRAINED;
    else if(!strncmp(minhowto, "bc", 2)) mintype=MIN_CONSTRAINED_BC;
    else if(!strncmp(minhowto, "lec", 3)) mintype=MIN_CONSTRAINED_LEC;
    else if(!strncmp(minhowto, "blec", 4)) mintype=MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEC;
    else if(!strncmp(minhowto, "bleic", 5)) mintype=MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEIC;
    else if(!strncmp(minhowto, "blic", 4)) mintype=MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLIC;
    else if(!strncmp(minhowto, "leic", 4)) mintype=MIN_CONSTRAINED_LEIC;
    else if(!strncmp(minhowto, "lic", 3)) mintype=MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLIC;
    else matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: unknown minimization type '%s'.", minhowto);



  if(mintype==MIN_UNCONSTRAINED) goto extraargs;

  /* arguments below this point are optional and their presence depends
   * upon the minimization type determined above
  /** lb, ub **/
  if(nrhs>=7 && (mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_BC || mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEC || mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLIC || mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEIC)){
    /* check if the next two arguments are real row or column vectors */
    if(mxIsDouble(prhs[5]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[5]) && (mxGetM(prhs[5])==1 || mxGetN(prhs[5])==1)){
      if(mxIsDouble(prhs[6]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[6]) && (mxGetM(prhs[6])==1 || mxGetN(prhs[6])==1)){
        if((i=__MAX__(mxGetM(prhs[5]), mxGetN(prhs[5])))!=m)
          matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: lb must have %d elements, got %d.", m, i);
        if((i=__MAX__(mxGetM(prhs[6]), mxGetN(prhs[6])))!=m)
          matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: ub must have %d elements, got %d.", m, i);



  /** A, b **/
  if(nrhs>=7 && (mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_LEC || mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEC || mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_LEIC || mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEIC)){
    /* check if the next two arguments are a real matrix and a real row or column vector */
    if(mxIsDouble(prhs[5]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[5]) && mxGetM(prhs[5])>=1 && mxGetN(prhs[5])>=1){
      if(mxIsDouble(prhs[6]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[6]) && (mxGetM(prhs[6])==1 || mxGetN(prhs[6])==1)){
          matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: A must have %d columns, got %d.", m, i);
        if((i=__MAX__(mxGetM(prhs[6]), mxGetN(prhs[6])))!=(Arows=mxGetM(prhs[5])))
          matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: b must have %d elements, got %d.", Arows, i);



  /* wghts */
  /* check if we have a weights vector */
  if(nrhs>=6 && mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEC){ /* only check if we have seen both box & linear constraints */
    if(mxIsDouble(prhs[5]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[5]) && (mxGetM(prhs[5])==1 || mxGetN(prhs[5])==1)){
      if(__MAX__(mxGetM(prhs[5]), mxGetN(prhs[5]))==m){


  /** C, d **/
  if(nrhs>=7 && (mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEIC || mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLIC || mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_LEIC || mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_LIC)){
    /* check if the next two arguments are a real matrix and a real row or column vector */
    if(mxIsDouble(prhs[5]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[5]) && mxGetM(prhs[5])>=1 && mxGetN(prhs[5])>=1){
      if(mxIsDouble(prhs[6]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[6]) && (mxGetM(prhs[6])==1 || mxGetN(prhs[6])==1)){
          matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: C must have %d columns, got %d.", m, i);
        if((i=__MAX__(mxGetM(prhs[6]), mxGetN(prhs[6])))!=(Crows=mxGetM(prhs[5])))
          matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: d must have %d elements, got %d.", Crows, i);



  /* arguments below this point are assumed to be extra arguments passed
   * to every invocation of the fitting function and its Jacobian

  /* handle any extra args and allocate memory for
   * passing the current parameter estimate to matlab
  mdata.rhs=(mxArray **)mxMalloc(mdata.nrhs*sizeof(mxArray *));
  for(i=0; i<nextra; ++i)
    mdata.rhs[i+1]=(mxArray *)prhs[nrhs-nextra+i]; /* discard 'const' modifier */
#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: %d extra args\n", nextra);
#endif /* DEBUG */

  if(mdata.isrow_p0){ /* row vector */
    mdata.rhs[0]=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, m, mxREAL);
    mxSetM(mdata.rhs[0], 1);
    mxSetN(mdata.rhs[0], m);
  else{ /* column vector */
    mdata.rhs[0]=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(m, 1, mxREAL);
    mxSetM(mdata.rhs[0], m);
    mxSetN(mdata.rhs[0], 1);

  /* ensure that the supplied function & Jacobian are as expected */
  if(checkFuncAndJacobian(p, m, n, havejac, &mdata)){
    goto cleanup;

  if(nlhs>3) /* covariance output required */

  /* invoke levmar */
    case MIN_UNCONSTRAINED: /* no constraints */
        status=dlevmar_der(func, jacfunc, p, x, m, n, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata);
        status=dlevmar_dif(func,          p, x, m, n, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata);
#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: calling dlevmar_der()/dlevmar_dif()\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */
    case MIN_CONSTRAINED_BC: /* box constraints */
        status=dlevmar_bc_der(func, jacfunc, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata);
        status=dlevmar_bc_dif(func,          p, x, m, n, lb, ub, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata);
#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: calling dlevmar_bc_der()/dlevmar_bc_dif()\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */
    case MIN_CONSTRAINED_LEC:  /* linear equation constraints */
        status=dlevmar_lec_der(func, jacfunc, p, x, m, n, A, b, Arows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata);
        status=dlevmar_lec_dif(func,          p, x, m, n, A, b, Arows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata);
      mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: no linear constraints support, HAVE_LAPACK was not defined during MEX-file compilation.");
#endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */

#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: calling dlevmar_lec_der()/dlevmar_lec_dif()\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */
    case MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEC: /* box & linear equation constraints */
        status=dlevmar_blec_der(func, jacfunc, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, A, b, Arows, wghts, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata);
        status=dlevmar_blec_dif(func,          p, x, m, n, lb, ub, A, b, Arows, wghts, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata);
      mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: no box & linear constraints support, HAVE_LAPACK was not defined during MEX-file compilation.");
#endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */

#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: calling dlevmar_blec_der()/dlevmar_blec_dif()\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */
    case MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEIC: /* box, linear equation & inequalities constraints */
        status=dlevmar_bleic_der(func, jacfunc, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, A, b, Arows, C, d, Crows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata);
        status=dlevmar_bleic_dif(func, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, A, b, Arows, C, d, Crows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata);
      mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: no box, linear equation & inequality constraints support, HAVE_LAPACK was not defined during MEX-file compilation.");
#endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */

#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: calling dlevmar_bleic_der()/dlevmar_bleic_dif()\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */
    case MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLIC: /* box, linear inequalities constraints */
        status=dlevmar_bleic_der(func, jacfunc, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, NULL, NULL, 0, C, d, Crows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata);
        status=dlevmar_bleic_dif(func, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, NULL, NULL, 0, C, d, Crows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata);
      mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: no box & linear inequality constraints support, HAVE_LAPACK was not defined during MEX-file compilation.");
#endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */

#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: calling dlevmar_blic_der()/dlevmar_blic_dif()\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */
    case MIN_CONSTRAINED_LEIC: /* linear equation & inequalities constraints */
        status=dlevmar_bleic_der(func, jacfunc, p, x, m, n, NULL, NULL, A, b, Arows, C, d, Crows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata);
        status=dlevmar_bleic_dif(func, p, x, m, n, NULL, NULL, A, b, Arows, C, d, Crows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata);
      mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: no linear equation & inequality constraints support, HAVE_LAPACK was not defined during MEX-file compilation.");
#endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */

#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: calling dlevmar_leic_der()/dlevmar_leic_dif()\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */
    case MIN_CONSTRAINED_LIC: /* linear inequalities constraints */
        status=dlevmar_bleic_der(func, jacfunc, p, x, m, n, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, C, d, Crows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata);
        status=dlevmar_bleic_dif(func, p, x, m, n, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, C, d, Crows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata);
      mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: no linear equation & inequality constraints support, HAVE_LAPACK was not defined during MEX-file compilation.");
#endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */

#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: calling dlevmar_lic_der()/dlevmar_lic_dif()\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */
      mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: unexpected internal error.");

#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("LEVMAR: minimization returned %d in %g iter, reason %g\n\tSolution: ", status, info[5], info[6]);
  for(i=0; i<m; ++i)
    printf("%.7g ", p[i]);
  printf("\n\n\tMinimization info:\n\t");
  for(i=0; i<LM_INFO_SZ; ++i)
    printf("%g ", info[i]);
#endif /* DEBUG */

  /* copy back return results */
  /** ret **/
  plhs[0]=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);

  /** popt **/
  plhs[1]=(mdata.isrow_p0==1)? mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, m, mxREAL) : mxCreateDoubleMatrix(m, 1, mxREAL);
  for(i=0; i<m; ++i)

  /** info **/
    plhs[2]=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, LM_INFO_SZ, mxREAL);
    for(i=0; i<LM_INFO_SZ; ++i)

  /** covar **/
    plhs[3]=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(m, m, mxREAL);
    for(i=0; i<m*m; ++i) /* covariance matrices are symmetric, thus no need to transpose! */

  /* cleanup */
  if(A) mxFree(A);
  if(C) mxFree(C);

  if(havejac) mxFree(mdata.jacname);
  if(covar) mxFree(covar);

    mexWarnMsgTxt("levmar: optimization returned with an error!");
Пример #16
int QxrdFitterPeakPoint::fit()
  int niter = -1;

  if (m_CenterFinder) {

    double x = m_X0, y = m_Y0;

//    if (qcepDebug(DEBUG_FITTING) || m_CenterFinder->get_PeakFitDebug()) {
//      m_CenterFinder -> printMessage(QObject::tr("Fitting i: %1, x0: %2, y0: %3")
//                                     .arg(index()).arg(m_X0).arg(m_Y0));
//    }

    int    width = 0, height = 0;

    QcepDoubleImageDataPtr data(m_CenterFinder->data());

    if (data) {
      width  = data -> get_Width()+1;
      height = data -> get_Height()+1;

      if (x<0 || x>width || y<0 || y>height) {
        m_Reason = OutsideData;
      } else {
        double dr = m_CenterFinder->get_PeakFitRadius();

        double bkgd = ( m_CenterFinder->imageValue(x+dr, y) +
                        m_CenterFinder->imageValue(x, y+dr) +
                        m_CenterFinder->imageValue(x-dr, y) +
                        m_CenterFinder->imageValue(x, y-dr) )/4.0;
        double pkht = m_CenterFinder->imageValue(x,y) - bkgd;

        double parms[7];

        parms[0] = x;
        parms[1] = y;
        parms[2] = 2.0;
        parms[3] = pkht;
        parms[4] = bkgd;
        parms[5] = 0;
        parms[6] = 0;

        double info[LM_INFO_SZ];

        int n = m_CenterFinder->get_PeakFitRadius()*2+1;

        niter = dlevmar_dif(QxrdFitterPeakPoint::staticEvaluate,
                            parms, NULL, 7, n*n,
                            NULL, info, NULL, NULL, this);

        if (niter > 0) {
          m_Reason       = Successful;
          m_FittedX      = parms[0];
          m_FittedY      = parms[1];
          m_FittedWidth  = parms[2];
          m_FittedHeight = parms[3];
          m_FittedBkgd   = parms[4];
          m_FittedBkgdX  = parms[5];
          m_FittedBkgdY  = parms[6];

          double dx = m_FittedX - m_X0;
          double dy = m_FittedY - m_Y0;
          double dr = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);

          if ((fabs(m_FittedWidth)<m_CenterFinder->get_FittedWidthMin()) ||
              (fabs(m_FittedWidth)>m_CenterFinder->get_FittedWidthMax())) {
            m_Reason = BadWidth;
          } else if ((m_FittedHeight/m_Pkht)<m_CenterFinder->get_FittedHeightMinRatio()) {
            m_Reason = BadHeight;
          } else if (dr>m_CenterFinder->get_FittedPositionMaxDistance()) {
            m_Reason = BadPosition;

  return niter;
Пример #17
extern "C" LEVMARDLL_API void StochFit(BoxReflSettings* InitStruct, double parameters[], double covararray[], int paramsize, 
			double info[], double ParamArray[], double chisquarearray[], int* paramarraysize)
	FastReflcalc Refl;
	double* Reflectivity = InitStruct->Refl;
	int QSize = InitStruct->QPoints;
	double* parampercs = InitStruct->ParamPercs;

	//Setup the fit
	double opts[LM_OPTS_SZ];
	opts[0]=LM_INIT_MU; opts[1]=1E-15; opts[2]=1E-15; opts[3]=1E-20;
	opts[4]=-LM_DIFF_DELTA; // relevant only if the finite difference jacobian version is used 
	//Allocate a dummy array - Our real calculation is done in Refl.objective
	double* xvec = new double[InitStruct->QPoints] ;
	for(int i = 0; i < InitStruct->QPoints; i++)
		xvec[i] = 0;

	//Copy starting solution
	double* origguess = new double[paramsize];
	memcpy(origguess, parameters, sizeof(double)*paramsize);

		Refl.mkdensityonesigma(parameters, paramsize);
		Refl.mkdensity(parameters, paramsize);


	double bestchisquare = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < InitStruct->QPoints; i++)
		bestchisquare += (log(Refl.reflpt[i])-log(Reflectivity[i]))*(log(Refl.reflpt[i])-log(Reflectivity[i]));
	double tempinfoarray[9];
	tempinfoarray[1] = bestchisquare;
	double* tempcovararray = new double[paramsize*paramsize];
	memset(tempcovararray,0.0, sizeof(double)*paramsize*paramsize);
	ParameterContainer original(parameters, tempcovararray, paramsize,InitStruct->OneSigma,
		tempinfoarray, parampercs[6]);
	delete[] tempcovararray;

	vector<ParameterContainer> temp;


	#pragma omp parallel
		FastReflcalc locRefl;

		//Initialize random number generator
		int seed = time_seed();
		CRandomMersenne randgen(time_seed()+omp_get_thread_num());

		ParameterContainer localanswer;
		double locparameters[20];
		double locbestchisquare = bestchisquare;
		double bestparam[20];
		int vecsize = 1000;
		int veccount = 0;
		ParameterContainer* vec = (ParameterContainer*)malloc(vecsize*sizeof(ParameterContainer));
		double locinfo[9];

		//Allocate workspace - these will be private to each thread

		double* work, *covar;
		work=(double*)malloc((LM_DIF_WORKSZ(paramsize, QSize)+paramsize*QSize)*sizeof(double));
		covar=work+LM_DIF_WORKSZ(paramsize, QSize);

		#pragma omp for schedule(runtime)
		for(int i = 0; i < InitStruct->Iterations;i++) 
			locparameters[0] = randgen.IRandom(origguess[0]*parampercs[4], origguess[0]*parampercs[5]);
			for(int k = 0; k< InitStruct->Boxes; k++)
					locparameters[2*k+1] = randgen.IRandom(origguess[2*k+1]*parampercs[0], origguess[2*k+1]*parampercs[1]);
					locparameters[2*k+2] = randgen.IRandom(origguess[2*k+2]*parampercs[2], origguess[2*k+2]*parampercs[3]);
					locparameters[3*k+1] = randgen.IRandom(origguess[3*k+1]*parampercs[0], origguess[3*k+1]*parampercs[1]);
					locparameters[3*k+2] = randgen.IRandom(origguess[3*k+2]*parampercs[2], origguess[3*k+2]*parampercs[3]);
					locparameters[3*k+3] = randgen.IRandom(origguess[3*k+3]*parampercs[4], origguess[3*k+3]*parampercs[5]);

			locparameters[paramsize-1] = origguess[paramsize-1];
			if(InitStruct->UL == NULL)
				dlevmar_dif(locRefl.objective, locparameters, xvec,  paramsize, InitStruct->QPoints, 500, opts, locinfo, work,covar,(void*)(&locRefl)); 
				dlevmar_bc_dif(locRefl.objective, locparameters, xvec, paramsize, InitStruct->QPoints, InitStruct->LL, InitStruct->UL,
					500, opts, locinfo, work,covar,(void*)(&locRefl)); 
			localanswer.SetContainer(locparameters,covar,paramsize,InitStruct->OneSigma,locinfo, parampercs[6]);

			if(locinfo[1] < bestchisquare && localanswer.IsReasonable())
				//Resize the private arrays if we need the space
				if(veccount+2 == vecsize)
							vecsize += 1000;
							vec = (ParameterContainer*)realloc(vec,vecsize*sizeof(ParameterContainer));

				bool unique = true;
				int arraysize = veccount;

				//Check if the answer already exists
				for(int i = 0; i < arraysize; i++)
					if(localanswer == vec[i])
						unique = false; 
						i = arraysize;
				//If the answer is unique add it to our set of answers
					vec[veccount] = localanswer;
		#pragma omp critical (AddVecs)
			for(int i = 0; i < veccount; i++)
	delete[] xvec;
	delete[] origguess;

	//Sort the answers
	//Get the total number of answers

	vector<ParameterContainer> allsolutions;

	int tempsize = temp.size();

	for(int i = 1; i < tempsize; i++)
		int allsolutionssize = allsolutions.size();
		for(int j = 0; j < allsolutionssize;j++)
				if(temp[i] == allsolutions[j])
				if(j == allsolutionssize-1)

	if(allsolutions.size() > 0)
		sort(allsolutions.begin(), allsolutions.end());

	for(int i = 0; i < allsolutions.size() && i < 1000 && allsolutions.size() > 0; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < paramsize; j++)
			ParamArray[(i)*paramsize+j] = (allsolutions.at(i).GetParamArray())[j];
			covararray[(i)*paramsize+j] = (allsolutions.at(i).GetCovarArray())[j];

		memcpy(info, allsolutions.at(i).GetInfoArray(), 9* sizeof(double));
		info += 9;

		chisquarearray[i] = (allsolutions.at(i).GetScore());
	*paramarraysize = min(allsolutions.size(),999);
Пример #18
int main()
register int i, j;
int problem, ret;
double p[5], // 5 is max(2, 3, 5)
	   x[16]; // 16 is max(2, 3, 5, 6, 16)
int m, n;
double opts[LM_OPTS_SZ], info[LM_INFO_SZ];
char *probname[]={
    "Rosenbrock function",
    "modified Rosenbrock problem",
    "Powell's function",
    "Wood's function",
    "Meyer's (reformulated) problem",
    "Osborne's problem",
    "helical valley function",
    "Boggs & Tolle's problem #3",
    "Hock - Schittkowski problem #28",
    "Hock - Schittkowski problem #48",
    "Hock - Schittkowski problem #51",
    "Hock - Schittkowski problem #01",
    "Hock - Schittkowski modified problem #21",
    "hatfldb problem",
    "hatfldc problem",
    "equilibrium combustion problem",
    "Hock - Schittkowski modified #1 problem #52",
    "Schittkowski modified problem #235",
    "Boggs & Tolle modified problem #7",
    "Hock - Schittkowski modified #2 problem #52",
    "Hock - Schittkowski modified problem #76",

  opts[0]=LM_INIT_MU; opts[1]=1E-15; opts[2]=1E-15; opts[3]=1E-20;
  opts[4]= LM_DIFF_DELTA; // relevant only if the Jacobian is approximated using finite differences; specifies forward differencing 
  //opts[4]=-LM_DIFF_DELTA; // specifies central differencing to approximate Jacobian; more accurate but more expensive to compute!

  /* uncomment the appropriate line below to select a minimization problem */
		  //0; // Rosenbrock function
		  //1; // modified Rosenbrock problem
		  //2; // Powell's function
      //3; // Wood's function
		  4; // Meyer's (reformulated) problem
		  //5; // Osborne's problem
      //6; // helical valley function
      //7; // Boggs & Tolle's problem 3
      //8; // Hock - Schittkowski problem 28
      //9; // Hock - Schittkowski problem 48
      //10; // Hock - Schittkowski problem 51
#else // no LAPACK
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma message("LAPACK not available, some test problems cannot be used")
#warning LAPACK not available, some test problems cannot be used
#endif // _MSC_VER

#endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */
      //11; // Hock - Schittkowski problem 01
      //12; // Hock - Schittkowski modified problem 21
      //13; // hatfldb problem
      //14; // hatfldc problem
      //15; // equilibrium combustion problem
      //16; // Hock - Schittkowski modified #1 problem 52
      //17; // Schittkowski modified problem 235
      //18; // Boggs & Tolle modified problem #7
      //19; // Hock - Schittkowski modified #2 problem 52
      //20; // Hock - Schittkowski modified problem #76"
#endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */
  default: fprintf(stderr, "unknown problem specified (#%d)! Note that some minimization problems require LAPACK.\n", problem);

  case 0:
  /* Rosenbrock function */
    m=2; n=2;
    p[0]=-1.2; p[1]=1.0;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=0.0;
    ret=dlevmar_der(ros, jacros, p, x, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // with analytic Jacobian
    //ret=dlevmar_dif(ros, p, x, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL);  // no Jacobian

  case 1:
  /* modified Rosenbrock problem */
    m=2; n=3;
    p[0]=-1.2; p[1]=1.0;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=0.0;
    ret=dlevmar_der(modros, jacmodros, p, x, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // with analytic Jacobian
    //ret=dlevmar_dif(modros, p, x, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL);  // no Jacobian

  case 2:
  /* Powell's function */
    m=2; n=2;
    p[0]=3.0; p[1]=1.0;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=0.0;
    ret=dlevmar_der(powell, jacpowell, p, x, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // with analytic Jacobian
    //ret=dlevmar_dif(powell, p, x, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL);		// no Jacobian

  case 3:
  /* Wood's function */
    m=4; n=6;
    p[0]=-3.0; p[1]=-1.0; p[2]=-3.0; p[3]=-1.0;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=0.0;
    ret=dlevmar_dif(wood, p, x, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL);  // no Jacobian

  case 4:
  /* Meyer's data fitting problem */
    m=3; n=16;
    p[0]=8.85; p[1]=4.0; p[2]=2.5;
    x[0]=34.780;	x[1]=28.610; x[2]=23.650; x[3]=19.630;
    x[4]=16.370;	x[5]=13.720; x[6]=11.540; x[7]=9.744;
    x[8]=8.261;	x[9]=7.030; x[10]=6.005; x[11]=5.147;
    x[12]=4.427;	x[13]=3.820; x[14]=3.307; x[15]=2.872;
    //ret=dlevmar_der(meyer, jacmeyer, p, x, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // with analytic Jacobian

   { double *work, *covar;
    work=malloc((LM_DIF_WORKSZ(m, n)+m*m)*sizeof(double));
    	fprintf(stderr, "memory allocation request failed in main()\n");
    covar=work+LM_DIF_WORKSZ(m, n);

    ret=dlevmar_dif(meyer, p, x, m, n, 1000, opts, info, work, covar, NULL); // no Jacobian, caller allocates work memory, covariance estimated

    printf("Covariance of the fit:\n");
    for(i=0; i<m; ++i){
      for(j=0; j<m; ++j)
        printf("%g ", covar[i*m+j]);


/* uncomment the following block to verify Jacobian */
    double err[16];
    dlevmar_chkjac(meyer, jacmeyer, p, m, n, NULL, err); 
    for(i=0; i<n; ++i) printf("gradient %d, err %g\n", i, err[i]);

  case 5:
  /* Osborne's data fitting problem */
    double x33[]={
      8.44E-1, 9.08E-1, 9.32E-1, 9.36E-1, 9.25E-1, 9.08E-1, 8.81E-1,
      8.5E-1, 8.18E-1, 7.84E-1, 7.51E-1, 7.18E-1, 6.85E-1, 6.58E-1,
      6.28E-1, 6.03E-1, 5.8E-1, 5.58E-1, 5.38E-1, 5.22E-1, 5.06E-1,
      4.9E-1, 4.78E-1, 4.67E-1, 4.57E-1, 4.48E-1, 4.38E-1, 4.31E-1,
      4.24E-1, 4.2E-1, 4.14E-1, 4.11E-1, 4.06E-1};

    m=5; n=33;
    p[0]=0.5; p[1]=1.5; p[2]=-1.0; p[3]=1.0E-2; p[4]=2.0E-2;

    ret=dlevmar_der(osborne, jacosborne, p, x33, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // with analytic Jacobian
    //ret=dlevmar_dif(osborne, p, x33, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL);  // no Jacobian

  case 6:
  /* helical valley function */
    m=3; n=3;
    p[0]=-1.0; p[1]=0.0; p[2]=0.0;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=0.0;
    ret=dlevmar_der(helval, jachelval, p, x, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // with analytic Jacobian
    //ret=dlevmar_dif(helval, p, x, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL);  // no Jacobian

  case 7:
  /* Boggs-Tolle problem 3 */
    m=5; n=5;
    p[0]=2.0; p[1]=2.0; p[2]=2.0;
    p[3]=2.0; p[4]=2.0;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=0.0;

      double A[3*5]={1.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, -2.0,  0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0},
             b[3]={0.0, 0.0, 0.0};

    ret=dlevmar_lec_der(bt3, jacbt3, p, x, m, n, A, b, 3, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // lin. constraints, analytic Jacobian
    //ret=dlevmar_lec_dif(bt3, p, x, m, n, A, b, 3, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // lin. constraints, no Jacobian

  case 8:
  /* Hock - Schittkowski problem 28 */
    m=3; n=3;
    p[0]=-4.0; p[1]=1.0; p[2]=1.0;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=0.0;

      double A[1*3]={1.0, 2.0, 3.0},

    ret=dlevmar_lec_der(hs28, jachs28, p, x, m, n, A, b, 1, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // lin. constraints, analytic Jacobian
    //ret=dlevmar_lec_dif(hs28, p, x, m, n, A, b, 1, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // lin. constraints, no Jacobian

  case 9:
  /* Hock - Schittkowski problem 48 */
    m=5; n=5;
    p[0]=3.0; p[1]=5.0; p[2]=-3.0;
    p[3]=2.0; p[4]=-2.0;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=0.0;

      double A[2*5]={1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,  0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -2.0, -2.0},
             b[2]={5.0, -3.0};

    ret=dlevmar_lec_der(hs48, jachs48, p, x, m, n, A, b, 2, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // lin. constraints, analytic Jacobian
    //ret=dlevmar_lec_dif(hs48, p, x, m, n, A, b, 2, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // lin. constraints, no Jacobian

  case 10:
  /* Hock - Schittkowski problem 51 */
    m=5; n=5;
    p[0]=2.5; p[1]=0.5; p[2]=2.0;
    p[3]=-1.0; p[4]=0.5;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=0.0;

      double A[3*5]={1.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, -2.0,  0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0},
             b[3]={4.0, 0.0, 0.0};

    ret=dlevmar_lec_der(hs51, jachs51, p, x, m, n, A, b, 3, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // lin. constraints, analytic Jacobian
    //ret=dlevmar_lec_dif(hs51, p, x, m, n, A, b, 3, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // lin. constraints, no Jacobian

#endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */

  case 11:
  /* Hock - Schittkowski problem 01 */
    m=2; n=2;
    p[0]=-2.0; p[1]=1.0;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=0.0;
    //ret=dlevmar_der(hs01, jachs01, p, x, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // with analytic Jacobian
      double lb[2], ub[2];

      lb[0]=-DBL_MAX; lb[1]=-1.5;

      ret=dlevmar_bc_der(hs01, jachs01, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // with analytic Jacobian

  case 12:
  /* Hock - Schittkowski (modified) problem 21 */
    m=2; n=2;
    p[0]=-1.0; p[1]=-1.0;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=0.0;
    //ret=dlevmar_der(hs21, jachs21, p, x, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // with analytic Jacobian
      double lb[2], ub[2];

      lb[0]=2.0; lb[1]=-50.0;
      ub[0]=50.0; ub[1]=50.0;

      ret=dlevmar_bc_der(hs21, jachs21, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // with analytic Jacobian

  case 13:
  /* hatfldb problem */
    m=4; n=4;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=0.0;
    //ret=dlevmar_der(hatfldb, jachatfldb, p, x, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // with analytic Jacobian
      double lb[4], ub[4];



      ret=dlevmar_bc_der(hatfldb, jachatfldb, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // with analytic Jacobian

  case 14:
  /* hatfldc problem */
    m=4; n=4;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=0.0;
    //ret=dlevmar_der(hatfldc, jachatfldc, p, x, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // with analytic Jacobian
      double lb[4], ub[4];



      ret=dlevmar_bc_der(hatfldc, jachatfldc, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // with analytic Jacobian

  case 15:
  /* equilibrium combustion problem */
    m=5; n=5;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=0.0;
    //ret=dlevmar_der(combust, jaccombust, p, x, m, n, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // with analytic Jacobian
      double lb[5], ub[5];



      ret=dlevmar_bc_der(combust, jaccombust, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, 5000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // with analytic Jacobian

  case 16:
  /* Hock - Schittkowski modified #1 problem 52 */
    m=5; n=4;
    p[0]=2.0; p[1]=2.0; p[2]=2.0;
    p[3]=2.0; p[4]=2.0;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=0.0;

      double A[3*5]={1.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, -2.0,  0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0},
             b[3]={0.0, 0.0, 0.0};

      double lb[5], ub[5];

      double weights[5]={2000.0, 2000.0, 2000.0, 2000.0, 2000.0}; // penalty terms weights

      lb[0]=-0.09; lb[1]=0.0; lb[2]=-DBL_MAX; lb[3]=-0.2; lb[4]=0.0;
      ub[0]=DBL_MAX; ub[1]=0.3; ub[2]=0.25; ub[3]=0.3; ub[4]=0.3;

      ret=dlevmar_blec_der(mod1hs52, jacmod1hs52, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, A, b, 3, weights, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // box & lin. constraints, analytic Jacobian
      //ret=dlevmar_blec_dif(mod1hs52, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, A, b, 3, weights, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // box & lin. constraints, no Jacobian

  case 17:
  /* Schittkowski modified problem 235 */
    m=3; n=2;
    p[0]=-2.0; p[1]=3.0; p[2]=1.0;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=0.0;

      double A[2*3]={1.0, 0.0, 1.0,  0.0, 1.0, -4.0},
             b[2]={-1.0, 0.0};

      double lb[3], ub[3];

      lb[0]=-DBL_MAX; lb[1]=0.1; lb[2]=0.7;
      ub[0]=DBL_MAX; ub[1]=2.9; ub[2]=DBL_MAX;

      ret=dlevmar_blec_der(mods235, jacmods235, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, A, b, 2, NULL, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // box & lin. constraints, analytic Jacobian
      //ret=dlevmar_blec_dif(mods235, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, A, b, 2, NULL, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // box & lin. constraints, no Jacobian

  case 18:
  /* Boggs & Tolle modified problem 7 */
    m=5; n=5;
    p[0]=-2.0; p[1]=1.0; p[2]=1.0; p[3]=1.0; p[4]=1.0;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=0.0;

      double A[3*5]={1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0,   1.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0,   1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0},
             b[3]={1.0, 0.0, 0.5};

      double lb[5], ub[5];

      lb[0]=-DBL_MAX; lb[1]=-DBL_MAX; lb[2]=-DBL_MAX; lb[3]=-DBL_MAX; lb[4]=-0.3;
      ub[0]=0.7;      ub[1]= DBL_MAX; ub[2]= DBL_MAX; ub[3]= DBL_MAX; ub[4]=DBL_MAX;

      ret=dlevmar_blec_der(modbt7, jacmodbt7, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, A, b, 3, NULL, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // box & lin. constraints, analytic Jacobian
      //ret=dlevmar_blec_dif(modbt7, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, A, b, 3, NULL, 10000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // box & lin. constraints, no Jacobian

  case 19:
  /* Hock - Schittkowski modified #2 problem 52 */
    m=5; n=5;
    p[0]=2.0; p[1]=2.0; p[2]=2.0;
    p[3]=2.0; p[4]=2.0;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=0.0;

      double C[3*5]={1.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, -2.0,  0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0},
             d[3]={-1.0, -2.0, -7.0};

      ret=dlevmar_bleic_der(mod2hs52, jacmod2hs52, p, x, m, n, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, C, d, 3, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // lin. ineq. constraints, analytic Jacobian
      //ret=dlevmar_bleic_dif(mod2hs52, p, x, m, n, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, C, d, 3, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // lin. ineq. constraints, no Jacobian

  case 20:
  /* Hock - Schittkowski modified problem 76 */
    m=4; n=4;
    p[0]=0.5; p[1]=0.5; p[2]=0.5; p[3]=0.5;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=0.0;

      double A[1*4]={0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 0.0},

      double C[2*4]={-1.0, -2.0, -1.0, -1.0,   -3.0, -1.0, -2.0, 1.0},
             d[2]={-5.0, -0.4};

      double lb[4]={0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};

      ret=dlevmar_bleic_der(modhs76, jacmodhs76, p, x, m, n, lb, NULL, A, b, 1, C, d, 2, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // lin. ineq. constraints, analytic Jacobian
      //ret=dlevmar_bleic_dif(modhs76, p, x, m, n, lb, NULL, A, b, 1, C, d, 2, 1000, opts, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); // lin. ineq. constraints, no Jacobian
      /* variations:
       * if no lb is used, the minimizer is (-0.1135922 0.1330097 0.3417476 0.07572816)
       * if the rhs of constr2 is 4.0, the minimizer is (0.0, 0.166667, 0.333333, 0.0)

#endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */
  } /* switch */
  printf("Results for %s:\n", probname[problem]);
  printf("Levenberg-Marquardt returned %d in %g iter, reason %g\nSolution: ", ret, info[5], info[6]);
  for(i=0; i<m; ++i)
    printf("%.7g ", p[i]);
  printf("\n\nMinimization info:\n");
  for(i=0; i<LM_INFO_SZ; ++i)
    printf("%g ", info[i]);

  return 0;
Пример #19
int fitPeak(double xCenter,double yCenter,double distance,double energy,
        double pixelLength,double pixelHeight,double alpha,double beta,double rotation,
        double * sliceQ,double * sliceVal,int numValues,
        double qLower,double qUpper,double chi,double allowedStddevRatio,double *x,double *y,double * qFit,double * deviationFit) {

    double avgVal,maxVal;
    int index;
    double p[4];
    int status;
    double cos_beta,sin_beta,cos_alpha,sin_alpha,cos_rotation,sin_rotation;
    double stddev,sum;
    int i,num;
    //double chiSquare,fit;

    double heightFit,bgFit;
    double covar[4][4];

    int VERBOSE;

    VERBOSE = 0;

    // can't fit unless you have several values
    if (numValues < 10) 
        return 0;

    avgVal = average(sliceVal,numValues);
    index = maxIndex(sliceVal,numValues);
    maxVal = sliceVal[index];

    // 'real' parameters
    p[2]= (qUpper-qLower)/15.0;
    p[3]= avgVal;

    status=dlevmar_dif(gaussian, p, sliceVal, 4, numValues, 
            1000,NULL, NULL, NULL,*covar,(void *)sliceQ);

    // check to see if fit is good.
    // if not, return 0 to tell the code that no fit was found

    if (status <= 0) // for successful operation status > 0
        return 0;

    heightFit = p[0];
    *qFit = p[1];
    *deviationFit = p[2]; // pass pack to caller
    bgFit = p[3];
    sum = 0;
    num = 0;

    if (sqrt(covar[0][0]) > heightFit) {
        if (VERBOSE) printf("Uncertanty in height large compared to height.\n");
        return 0;

    if (sqrt(covar[1][1]) > *deviationFit) {
        if (VERBOSE) printf("Uncertanty in postion large compared to width of peak.\n");
        return 0;

    // I am not sure this is a good thing to test, b/c there could be a good fit even with a weird b/g
    if (sqrt(covar[3][3]) > .3*heightFit) {
        if (VERBOSE) printf("Uncertanty in backgound too much\n");
        return 0;

    // peak must be signifigantly larger then background
    if (heightFit < 0.05*bgFit) {
        if (VERBOSE) printf("Peak is not tall enough to count\n");
        return 0;
    // make sure fit does not fall too far off the data
    if (*qFit-2* (*deviationFit) < qLower || *qFit+2* (*deviationFit) > qUpper) {
        if (VERBOSE) printf("Fit is too far off the data.\n");
        return 0;

    stddev = 0;
    sum = 0;
    num = 0;

    // calculate variation of background outsize 2 sigma of fit
    for (i=0;i<numValues;i++) {
        if (sliceQ[i] > *qFit+2* (*deviationFit) || sliceQ[i] < *qFit-2* (*deviationFit) ) {
    stddev = sqrt(sum*1.0/num);

    // make sure height is bigger then deviation of background by user specified ratio
    if (heightFit < allowedStddevRatio*stddev) {
        if (VERBOSE) printf("Background stddev is too large.\n");
        return 0;

    // good fit, calc x,y cordinates of it.
    cos_beta  = cos(beta*PI/180.0);
    sin_beta  = sin(beta*PI/180.0);
    cos_alpha = cos(alpha*PI/180.0);
    sin_alpha = sin(alpha*PI/180.0);
    cos_rotation = cos(rotation*PI/180.0);
    sin_rotation = sin(rotation*PI/180.0);

    // get physical pixel cordinates

    return 1; // success!