tOplkError veth_addInstance(const UINT8 aSrcMac_p[6])
    tOplkError ret = kErrorOk;


    // Register receive callback function for incoming virtual Ethernet frames
    ret = dllk_regAsyncHandler(receiveFrameCb);

    return ret;
static int veth_open(struct net_device* pNetDevice_p)
    tOplkError  ret = kErrorOk;

    //open the device
    //start the interface queue for the network subsystem

    // register callback function in DLL
    ret = dllk_regAsyncHandler(veth_receiveFrame);

    DEBUG_LVL_VETH_TRACE("veth_open: dllk_regAsyncHandler returned 0x%02X\n", ret);
    return 0;
tOplkError veth_init(const UINT8 aSrcMac_p[6])
    tOplkError      ret;
    struct ifreq    ifr;
    int             err;

    if ((vethInstance_l.fd = open(TUN_DEV_NAME, O_RDWR)) < 0)
        DEBUG_LVL_VETH_TRACE("Error opening %s\n", TUN_DEV_NAME);
        return kErrorNoFreeInstance;

    OPLK_MEMSET(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
    ifr.ifr_flags = IFF_TAP | IFF_NO_PI;
    strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, PLK_VETH_NAME, IFNAMSIZ);

    if ((err = ioctl(vethInstance_l.fd, TUNSETIFF, (void*)&ifr)) < 0)
        DEBUG_LVL_VETH_TRACE("Error setting TUN IFF options\n");
        return err;

    // save MAC address of TAP device and Ethernet device to be able to
    // exchange them
    OPLK_MEMCPY(vethInstance_l.macAdrs, aSrcMac_p, 6);

    // start tap receive thread
    vethInstance_l.fStop = FALSE;
    if (pthread_create(&vethInstance_l.threadHandle, NULL, vethRecvThread, (void*)&vethInstance_l) != 0)
        return kErrorNoFreeInstance;

#if (defined(__GLIBC__) && (__GLIBC__ >= 2) && (__GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 12))
    pthread_setname_np(vethInstance_l.threadHandle, "oplk-veth");

    // register callback function in DLL
    ret = dllk_regAsyncHandler(receiveFrameCb);

    return ret;