Пример #1
void S_SoundList_f( void ) {
	int		i;
	sfx_t	*sfx;
	int		size, total;
	char	type[4][16];
	char	mem[2][16];

#ifndef NO_DMAHD
	if ( dmaHD_Enabled() ) {

	strcpy(type[0], "16bit");
	strcpy(type[1], "adpcm");
	strcpy(type[2], "daub4");
	strcpy(type[3], "mulaw");
	strcpy(mem[0], "paged out");
	strcpy(mem[1], "resident ");
	total = 0;
	for (sfx=s_knownSfx, i=0 ; i<s_numSfx ; i++, sfx++) {
		size = sfx->soundLength;
		total += size;
		Com_Printf("%6i[%s] : %s[%s]\n", size, type[sfx->soundCompressionMethod], sfx->soundName, mem[sfx->inMemory] );
	Com_Printf ("Total resident: %i\n", total);
Пример #2
void S_SoundInfo_f(void) {	
	Com_Printf("----- Sound Info -----\n" );
#ifndef NO_DMAHD
	if ( dmaHD_Enabled() ) {
	if (!s_soundStarted) {
		Com_Printf ("sound system not started\n");
	} else {
		if ( s_soundMuted ) {
			Com_Printf ("sound system is muted\n");

		Com_Printf("%5d stereo\n", dma.channels - 1);
		Com_Printf("%5d samples\n", dma.samples);
		Com_Printf("%5d samplebits\n", dma.samplebits);
		Com_Printf("%5d submission_chunk\n", dma.submission_chunk);
		Com_Printf("%5d speed\n", dma.speed);
		Com_Printf("0x%x dma buffer\n", dma.buffer);
		if ( s_backgroundFile ) {
			Com_Printf("Background file: %s\n", s_backgroundLoop );
		} else {
			Com_Printf("No background file.\n" );

	Com_Printf("----------------------\n" );
Пример #3
void SND_setup(void) {
	sndBuffer *p, *q;
	cvar_t	*cv;
	int scs;

	cv = Cvar_Get( "com_soundMegs", DEF_COMSOUNDMEGS, CVAR_LATCH | CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	if (cv->integer < 16) Cvar_Set("com_soundMegs", "16"); //dmaHD optimization
	scs = (dmaHD_Enabled()) ? (2*1536) : (cv->integer*1536); // not needed by dmaHD

	buffer = malloc(scs*sizeof(sndBuffer) );
	// allocate the stack based hunk allocator
	sfxScratchBuffer = malloc(SND_CHUNK_SIZE * sizeof(short) * 4);	//Hunk_Alloc(SND_CHUNK_SIZE * sizeof(short) * 4);
	sfxScratchPointer = NULL;

	inUse = scs*sizeof(sndBuffer);
	p = buffer;;
	q = p + scs;
	while (--q > p)
		*(sndBuffer **)q = q-1;
	*(sndBuffer **)q = NULL;
	freelist = p + scs - 1;
	if (!com_quiet->integer)
		Com_Printf("Sound memory manager started\n");
Пример #4
void SND_setup(void) {
	sndBuffer *p, *q;
	cvar_t	*cv;
	int scs;

	cv = Cvar_Get( "com_soundMegs", DEF_COMSOUNDMEGS, CVAR_LATCH | CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	scs = (
#ifndef NO_DMAHD
		dmaHD_Enabled() ? (2*1536) : 

	buffer = malloc(scs*sizeof(sndBuffer) );
	// allocate the stack based hunk allocator
	sfxScratchBuffer = malloc(SND_CHUNK_SIZE * sizeof(short) * 4);	//Hunk_Alloc(SND_CHUNK_SIZE * sizeof(short) * 4);
	sfxScratchPointer = NULL;

	inUse = scs*sizeof(sndBuffer);
	p = buffer;;
	q = p + scs;
	while (--q > p)
		*(sndBuffer **)q = q-1;
	*(sndBuffer **)q = NULL;
	freelist = p + scs - 1;

	Com_Printf("Sound memory manager started\n");
Пример #5
void S_Init( void ) {
	cvar_t	*cv;
	qboolean	r;

	Com_Printf("\n------- sound initialization -------\n");

	s_volume = Cvar_Get ("s_volume", "0.8", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
	s_musicVolume = Cvar_Get ("s_musicvolume", "0.25", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
	s_separation = Cvar_Get ("s_separation", "0.5", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
	s_doppler = Cvar_Get ("s_doppler", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
	s_khz = Cvar_Get ("s_khz", "22", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
	s_mixahead = Cvar_Get ("s_mixahead", "0.2", CVAR_ARCHIVE);

	s_mixPreStep = Cvar_Get ("s_mixPreStep", "0.05", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
	s_show = Cvar_Get ("s_show", "0", CVAR_CHEAT);
	s_testsound = Cvar_Get ("s_testsound", "0", CVAR_CHEAT);

	cv = Cvar_Get ("s_initsound", "1", 0);
	if ( !cv->integer ) {
		Com_Printf ("not initializing.\n");

	Cmd_AddCommand("play", S_Play_f);
	Cmd_AddCommand("music", S_Music_f);
	Cmd_AddCommand("s_list", S_SoundList_f);
	Cmd_AddCommand("s_info", S_SoundInfo_f);
	Cmd_AddCommand("s_stop", S_StopAllSounds);

	r = SNDDMA_Init();

#ifndef NO_DMAHD
	if (dmaHD_Enabled()) dmaHD_Init();

	if ( r ) {
		s_soundStarted = 1;
		s_soundMuted = 1;
//		s_numSfx = 0;

		Com_Memset(sfxHash, 0, sizeof(sfx_t *)*LOOP_HASH);

		s_soundtime = 0;
		s_paintedtime = 0;

		S_StopAllSounds ();


Пример #6

Change the volumes of all the playing sounds for changes in their positions
void S_Respatialize( int entityNum, const vec3_t head, vec3_t axis[3], int inwater ) {
	int			i;
	channel_t	*ch;
	vec3_t		origin;

#ifndef NO_DMAHD
	if ( dmaHD_Enabled() ) {
		dmaHD_Respatialize( entityNum, head, axis, inwater );

	if ( !s_soundStarted || s_soundMuted ) {

	listener_number = entityNum;
	VectorCopy(head, listener_origin);
	VectorCopy(axis[0], listener_axis[0]);
	VectorCopy(axis[1], listener_axis[1]);
	VectorCopy(axis[2], listener_axis[2]);

	// update spatialization for dynamic sounds	
	ch = s_channels;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; i++, ch++ ) {
		if ( !ch->thesfx ) {
		// anything coming from the view entity will always be full volume
		if (ch->entnum == listener_number) {
			ch->leftvol = ch->master_vol;
			ch->rightvol = ch->master_vol;
		} else {
			if (ch->fixed_origin) {
				VectorCopy( ch->origin, origin );
			} else {
				VectorCopy( loopSounds[ ch->entnum ].origin, origin );

			S_SpatializeOrigin (origin, ch->master_vol, &ch->leftvol, &ch->rightvol);

	// add loopsounds
	S_AddLoopSounds ();
Пример #7

Called once each time through the main loop
void S_Update( void ) {
	int			i;
	int			total;
	channel_t	*ch;

#ifndef NO_DMAHD
	if ( dmaHD_Enabled() ) {

	if ( !s_soundStarted || s_soundMuted ) {
		Com_DPrintf ("not started or muted\n");

	// debugging output
	if ( s_show->integer == 2 ) {
		total = 0;
		ch = s_channels;
		for (i=0 ; i<MAX_CHANNELS; i++, ch++) {
			if (ch->thesfx && (ch->leftvol || ch->rightvol) ) {
				Com_Printf ("%f %f %s\n", ch->leftvol, ch->rightvol, ch->thesfx->soundName);
		Com_Printf ("----(%i)---- painted: %i\n", total, s_paintedtime);

	// add raw data from streamed samples

	// mix some sound
Пример #8
qboolean S_Base_Init( soundInterface_t *si ) {
	qboolean	r;

	if( !si ) {
		return qfalse;

#ifndef NO_DMAHD
	s_khz = Cvar_Get ("s_khz", "44", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
	s_khz = Cvar_Get ("s_khz", "22", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
	s_mixahead = Cvar_Get ("s_mixahead", "0.2", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
	s_mixPreStep = Cvar_Get ("s_mixPreStep", "0.05", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
	s_show = Cvar_Get ("s_show", "0", CVAR_CHEAT);
	s_testsound = Cvar_Get ("s_testsound", "0", CVAR_CHEAT);
	s_dev = Cvar_Get ("s_dev", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE);

	Cmd_AddCommand( "s_devlist", S_dmaHD_devlist );
	r = SNDDMA_Init();

	if ( r ) {
		s_soundStarted = 1;
		s_soundMuted = 1;
//		s_numSfx = 0;

		Com_Memset(sfxHash, 0, sizeof(sfx_t *)*LOOP_HASH);

		s_soundtime = 0;
		s_paintedtime = 0;

		S_Base_StopAllSounds( );
	} else {
		return qfalse;

	si->Shutdown = S_Base_Shutdown;
	si->StartSound = S_Base_StartSound;
	si->StartLocalSound = S_Base_StartLocalSound;
	si->StartBackgroundTrack = S_Base_StartBackgroundTrack;
	si->StopBackgroundTrack = S_Base_StopBackgroundTrack;
	si->RawSamples = S_Base_RawSamples;
	si->StopAllSounds = S_Base_StopAllSounds;
	si->ClearLoopingSounds = S_Base_ClearLoopingSounds;
	si->AddLoopingSound = S_Base_AddLoopingSound;
	si->AddRealLoopingSound = S_Base_AddRealLoopingSound;
	si->StopLoopingSound = S_Base_StopLoopingSound;
	si->Respatialize = S_Base_Respatialize;
	si->UpdateEntityPosition = S_Base_UpdateEntityPosition;
	si->Update = S_Base_Update;
	si->DisableSounds = S_Base_DisableSounds;
	si->BeginRegistration = S_Base_BeginRegistration;
	si->RegisterSound = S_Base_RegisterSound;
	si->ClearSoundBuffer = S_Base_ClearSoundBuffer;
	si->SoundInfo = S_Base_SoundInfo;
	si->SoundList = S_Base_SoundList;

#ifndef NO_DMAHD
	if (dmaHD_Enabled()) return dmaHD_Init(si);

	return qtrue;
Пример #9

The filename may be different than sfx->name in the case
of a forced fallback of a player specific sound
qboolean S_LoadSound( sfx_t *sfx )
    byte	*data;
    short	*samples;
    snd_info_t	info;
//	int		size;

#ifndef NO_DMAHD
    if(dmaHD_Enabled()) return dmaHD_LoadSound(sfx);

    // player specific sounds are never directly loaded
    if ( sfx->soundName[0] == '*') {
        return qfalse;

    // load it in
    data = S_CodecLoad(sfx->soundName, &info);
        return qfalse;

    if ( info.width == 1 ) {
        Com_DPrintf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: %s is a 8 bit audio file\n", sfx->soundName);

    if ( info.rate != 22050 ) {
        Com_DPrintf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: %s is not a 22kHz audio file\n", sfx->soundName);

    samples = Hunk_AllocateTempMemory(info.samples * sizeof(short) * 2);

    sfx->lastTimeUsed = Com_Milliseconds()+1;

    // each of these compression schemes works just fine
    // but the 16bit quality is much nicer and with a local
    // install assured we can rely upon the sound memory
    // manager to do the right thing for us and page
    // sound in as needed

    if( sfx->soundCompressed == qtrue) {
        sfx->soundCompressionMethod = 1;
        sfx->soundData = NULL;
        sfx->soundLength = ResampleSfxRaw( samples, info.rate, info.width, info.samples, data + info.dataofs );
        S_AdpcmEncodeSound(sfx, samples);
#if 0
    } else if (info.samples>(SND_CHUNK_SIZE*16) && info.width >1) {
        sfx->soundCompressionMethod = 3;
        sfx->soundData = NULL;
        sfx->soundLength = ResampleSfxRaw( samples, info.rate, info.width, info.samples, (data + info.dataofs) );
        encodeMuLaw( sfx, samples);
    } else if (info.samples>(SND_CHUNK_SIZE*6400) && info.width >1) {
        sfx->soundCompressionMethod = 2;
        sfx->soundData = NULL;
        sfx->soundLength = ResampleSfxRaw( samples, info.rate, info.width, info.samples, (data + info.dataofs) );
        encodeWavelet( sfx, samples);
    } else {
        sfx->soundCompressionMethod = 0;
        sfx->soundLength = info.samples;
        sfx->soundData = NULL;
        ResampleSfx( sfx, info.rate, info.width, data + info.dataofs, qfalse );


    return qtrue;
Пример #10
int SNDDMA_InitDS ()
	HRESULT			hresult;
	DSBCAPS			dsbcaps;
	int				use8;
	// Match/Choose output directsound device

	Com_Printf( "Initializing DirectSound\n");

	use8 = 1;
    // Create IDirectSound using the primary sound device
    if( FAILED( hresult = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_DirectSound8, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IDirectSound8, (void **)&pDS))) {
		use8 = 0;
	    if( FAILED( hresult = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_DirectSound, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IDirectSound, (void **)&pDS))) {
			Com_Printf ("failed\n");
			SNDDMA_Shutdown ();
			return qfalse;

	hresult = pDS->lpVtbl->Initialize( pDS, g_dsguid);

	Com_DPrintf( "ok\n" );

	Com_DPrintf("...setting DSSCL_PRIORITY coop level: " );

	if ( DS_OK != pDS->lpVtbl->SetCooperativeLevel( pDS, g_wv.hWnd, DSSCL_PRIORITY ) )	{
		Com_Printf ("failed\n");
		SNDDMA_Shutdown ();
		return qfalse;
	Com_DPrintf("ok\n" );

	// create the secondary buffer we'll actually work with
	dma.channels = 2;
	dma.samplebits = 16;

	if (s_khz->integer >= 44) dma.speed = 44100;
	else if (s_khz->integer >= 32) dma.speed = 32000;
	else if (s_khz->integer >= 24) dma.speed = 24000;
	else if (s_khz->integer >= 22) dma.speed = 22050;
	else dma.speed = 11025;

#ifndef NO_DMAHD
	if (dmaHD_Enabled()) 
		// p5yc0runn3r - Fix dmaHD sound to 44KHz, Stereo and 16 bits per sample.
		dma.speed = 44100;
		dma.channels = 2;
		dma.samplebits = 16;
	memset (&format, 0, sizeof(format));
	format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
    format.nChannels = dma.channels;
    format.wBitsPerSample = dma.samplebits;
    format.nSamplesPerSec = dma.speed;
    format.nBlockAlign = format.nChannels * format.wBitsPerSample / 8;
    format.cbSize = 0;
    format.nAvgBytesPerSec = format.nSamplesPerSec*format.nBlockAlign; 

	memset (&dsbuf, 0, sizeof(dsbuf));
	dsbuf.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC);

	// Micah: take advantage of 2D hardware.if available.
	if (s_alttabmute->integer == 0) {
		// Keep playing when out of focus.
		dsbuf.dwFlags |= DSBCAPS_STICKYFOCUS;
	if (use8) {
	dsbuf.dwBufferBytes = SECONDARY_BUFFER_SIZE;
	dsbuf.lpwfxFormat = &format;
	memset(&dsbcaps, 0, sizeof(dsbcaps));
	dsbcaps.dwSize = sizeof(dsbcaps);
	Com_DPrintf( "...creating secondary buffer: " );
	if (DS_OK == pDS->lpVtbl->CreateSoundBuffer(pDS, &dsbuf, &pDSBuf, NULL)) {
		Com_Printf( "locked hardware.  ok\n" );
	else {
		// Couldn't get hardware, fallback to software.
		dsbuf.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_LOCSOFTWARE;
		if (use8) {
		if (DS_OK != pDS->lpVtbl->CreateSoundBuffer(pDS, &dsbuf, &pDSBuf, NULL)) {
			Com_Printf( "failed\n" );
			SNDDMA_Shutdown ();
			return qfalse;
		Com_DPrintf( "forced to software.  ok\n" );
	// Make sure mixer is active
	if ( DS_OK != pDSBuf->lpVtbl->Play(pDSBuf, 0, 0, DSBPLAY_LOOPING) ) {
		Com_Printf ("*** Looped sound play failed ***\n");
		SNDDMA_Shutdown ();
		return qfalse;

	// get the returned buffer size
	if ( DS_OK != pDSBuf->lpVtbl->GetCaps (pDSBuf, &dsbcaps) ) {
		Com_Printf ("*** GetCaps failed ***\n");
		SNDDMA_Shutdown ();
		return qfalse;
	gSndBufSize = dsbcaps.dwBufferBytes;

	dma.channels = format.nChannels;
	dma.samplebits = format.wBitsPerSample;
	dma.speed = format.nSamplesPerSec;
	dma.samples = gSndBufSize/(dma.samplebits/8);
	dma.submission_chunk = 1;
	dma.buffer = NULL;			// must be locked first

	sample16 = (dma.samplebits/8) - 1;

	SNDDMA_BeginPainting ();
	if (dma.buffer)
		memset(dma.buffer, 0, dma.samples * dma.samplebits/8);
	SNDDMA_Submit ();
	return 1;