Пример #1
void LibreFM::requestFinished(int id, bool err)
	if(err) {
		proxy->error(QString("Libre.FM: Request failed: %1.").arg(http.errorString()));
		if(httpGetId == id) httpGetId = 0;
		if(httpPostId == id) httpPostId = 0;
	} else {
		if(httpGetId == id) {
			httpGetId = 0;
			if(needInfo) {
				QByteArray arr = http.readAll();
				proxy->log("Libre.FM response:" + arr);
				emit xmlInfo(QString::fromUtf8((const char*)arr));
				needInfo = false;
			} else {
				QString request = http.readAll();
				QString status = request.section('\n', 0, 0);
				if(status == "OK") {
					session = request.section('\n', 1, 1);
					nowPlayingUrl = request.section('\n', 2, 2);
					submissionUrl = request.section('\n', 3, 3);
					connected = true;

					proxy->log("Libre.FM: handshake complete");
				} else if(status.startsWith("BANNED")) {
					proxy->error("Libre.FM: I was banned at Libre.FM, I don't want to live any more.");
					connected = false;
				} else if(status.startsWith("BADAUTH")) {
					proxy->error("Libre.FM: Incorrect user name or password.");
					connected = false;
				} else if(status.startsWith("BADTIME")) {
					proxy->error("Libre.FM: Incorrect time. The system clock must be corrected.");
					connected = false;
				} else if(status.startsWith("FAILED")) {
					proxy->error("Libre.FM: " + status);
					connected = false;
				} else {
					connected = false;
					proxy->warning("Libre.FM: Unknown response:  " + status);
		} else if(httpPostId == id) {
			httpPostId = 0;
			QString request = http.readAll();
			if(request.startsWith("OK")) {
				// nothing to do
			} else if(request.startsWith("BADSESSION")) {
				connected = false;
				proxy->error("Libre.FM: Bad session identifier. Need for reconnect to the server.");
			} else if(request.startsWith("FAILED")) {
				proxy->error("Libre.FM: " + request);
			} else {
				proxy->warning("Libre.FM: Unknown response:  " + request);
Пример #2
void QDeclarativeValueSpacePublisher::componentComplete()
    if (m_pathSet) {
        m_publisher = new QValueSpacePublisher(m_path, this);
        connect(m_publisher, SIGNAL(interestChanged(QString,bool)),
                this, SLOT(onInterestChanged(QString,bool)));
    m_complete = true;
Пример #3
void InfoLastFM::requestFinished(int id, bool err)
    if(err) {
        proxy->error(QString("Last.FM info: Request failed: %1.").arg(http.errorString()));
        if(httpGetId == id) httpGetId = 0;
        if(httpPostId == id) httpPostId = 0;
    } else {
        if(httpGetId == id) {
            httpGetId = 0;
            if(needInfo) {
                QByteArray arr = http.readAll();
                QString text = QString::fromUtf8((const char*)arr);
                proxy->log("Last.FM info response:" + text);
                QString artist, album, mbid, imageUrl, info;
                parseInfo(text, artist, album, mbid, imageUrl, info);
                if(album.size()) { // album found
                    if(imageUrl.size() && infoType == SInfo::AlbumArt)
                        proxy->setResponse(requestId, SInfo(SInfo::AlbumArt, "", imageUrl));
                    if(info.size() && infoType == SInfo::AlbumText)
                        proxy->setResponse(requestId, SInfo(SInfo::AlbumText, info, ""));
                } else if(artist.size()) { // artist found
                    if(imageUrl.size() && infoType == SInfo::ArtistArt)
                        proxy->setResponse(requestId, SInfo(SInfo::ArtistArt, "", imageUrl));
                    if(info.size() && infoType == SInfo::ArtistText)
                        proxy->setResponse(requestId, SInfo(SInfo::ArtistText, info, ""));
                //emit xmlInfo(QString::fromUtf8((const char*)arr));
                needInfo = false;
            } else {
        } else if(httpPostId == id) {
            httpPostId = 0;
            QString request = http.readAll();
            if(request.startsWith("OK")) {
                // nothing to do
            } else {
                proxy->warning("Last.FM info: Unknown response:  " + request);
Пример #4
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
   char * inputname = NULL;
   char * dirname = NULL, * dummy = NULL;
   int fd = -1, errcode = 0, rc = 0, debug = 0;
   size_t length, i, j;
   int separator = -1;
   psocOptionHandle optHandle;
   char * buff = NULL;
   bool ok;
   struct stat status;

   struct psocOptStruct opts[2] = {
      { 'i', "input",    0, "input_filename", "Filename for the input (XML)" },
      { 'o', "output",   0, "output_dirname", "Directory name for the output files" }

   struct psocOptStruct opts[3] = {
      { 'i', "input",    0, "input_filename", "Filename for the input (XML)" },
      { 'l', "length",   0, "input length",   "Length of input if stat() not supported" },
      { 'o', "output",   0, "output_dirname", "Directory name for the output files" }


   xmlSchemaPtr schema = NULL;
   xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr  validCtxt = NULL;
   xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr parserCtxt = NULL;
   xmlNode * root = NULL;
   xmlDoc  * doc = NULL;
   xmlChar * prop = NULL;
   ok = psocSetSupportedOptions( 2, opts, &optHandle );
   ok = psocSetSupportedOptions( 3, opts, &optHandle );
   PSO_POST_CONDITION( ok == true || ok == false );
   if ( ! ok ) {
      fprintf( stderr, "Internal error in psocSetSupportedOptions\n" );
      return 1;
   errcode = psocValidateUserOptions( optHandle, argc, argv, 1 );
   if ( errcode < 0 ) {
      psocShowUsage( optHandle, argv[0], "" );
      return 1;
   if ( errcode > 0 ) {
      psocShowUsage( optHandle, argv[0], "" );
      return 0;

   psocGetShortOptArgument( optHandle, 'i', &inputname );
   psocGetShortOptArgument( optHandle, 'o', &dirname );

   errcode = stat( inputname, &status );
   if ( errcode != 0) {
      fprintf( stderr, "Cannot access the size of the input file\n" );
      return 1;
   length = status.st_size;
   psocGetShortOptArgument( optHandle, 'o', &dummy );
   sscanf( dummy, PSO_SIZE_T_FORMAT, &length );

   fd = open( inputname, O_RDONLY );
   if ( fd == -1 ) {
      fprintf( stderr, "Cannot open the input file\n" );
      return 1;

   buff = (char *)malloc(length + 1 );
   if ( buff == NULL ) {
      fprintf( stderr, "Memory allocation error\n" );
      goto cleanup;
   i = read( fd, buff, length );
   if ( i != length ) {
      fprintf( stderr, "Cannot read the input file\n" );
      goto cleanup;
   buff[length] = 0;
   if ( debug ) {
      doc = xmlReadMemory( buff, i, NULL, NULL, 0 );
   else {
      doc = xmlReadMemory( buff, i, NULL, NULL, XML_PARSE_NOERROR | XML_PARSE_NOWARNING );
   if ( doc == NULL ) {
      fprintf( stderr, "Error reading xml in memory\n" );
      errcode = -1;
      goto cleanup;
   root = xmlDocGetRootElement( doc );
   if ( root == NULL ) {
      fprintf( stderr, "Error: no root\n" );
      goto cleanup;

//   if ( xmlStrcmp( root->name, BAD_CAST "quasar_config") != 0 ) {
//      errcode = PSOW_XML_INVALID_ROOT;
//      goto cleanup;
//   }
   prop = xmlGetProp( root, BAD_CAST "schemaLocation" );
   if ( prop == NULL ) {
      fprintf( stderr, "Error: no schemaLocation property (of root)\n" );
      goto cleanup;
   for ( i = 0; i < xmlStrlen(prop)-1; ++i ) {
      if ( isspace(prop[i]) ) {
         for ( j = i+1; j < xmlStrlen(prop)-1; ++j ) {
            if ( isspace(prop[j]) == 0 ) {
               separator = j;
   if ( separator == -1 ) {
      fprintf( stderr, "Error: invalid schemaLocation property (of root)\n" );
      goto cleanup;
   parserCtxt = xmlSchemaNewParserCtxt( (char*)&prop[separator] );
   if ( parserCtxt == NULL ) {
      fprintf( stderr, "Error: creating new parser context failed\n" );
      goto cleanup;
   schema = xmlSchemaParse( parserCtxt );
   if ( schema == NULL ) {
      fprintf( stderr, "Error: parsing the schema failed\n" );
      goto cleanup;
   xmlFree( prop );
   prop = NULL;

   validCtxt = xmlSchemaNewValidCtxt( schema );
   if ( validCtxt == NULL ) {
      fprintf( stderr, "Error: creating new validation context failed\n" );
      goto cleanup;
   if ( debug ) {
      xmlSchemaSetValidErrors( validCtxt,
                               (xmlSchemaValidityErrorFunc) fprintf,
                               (xmlSchemaValidityWarningFunc) fprintf,
                               stderr );
   else {
      xmlSchemaSetValidErrors( validCtxt,
                               (xmlSchemaValidityErrorFunc) dummyErrorFunc,
                               (xmlSchemaValidityWarningFunc) dummyErrorFunc,
                               stderr );
   if ( xmlSchemaValidateDoc( validCtxt, doc ) != 0 ) {
      fprintf( stderr, "Error: document validation failed\n" );
      goto cleanup;

   if ( xmlStrcmp( root->name, BAD_CAST "photon" ) == 0 ) {
      /* This is a topFolder and has no name */
      errcode = doFolder( root, dirname );
   else {
      prop = xmlGetProp( root, BAD_CAST "objName" );
      if ( prop == NULL ) {
         fprintf( stderr, "Error getting the name of the root\n" );
         goto cleanup;
      if ( validateName( prop ) != 0 ) {
         fprintf( stderr, "Invalid object name = %s\n", (char *) prop );
         goto cleanup;

      rc = mkdir( dirname, 0755 );
      if ( rc != 0 ) {
         if ( errno != EEXIST ) {
            fprintf( stderr, "Creating directory %s failed\n", dirname );
            goto cleanup;
      rc = chdir( dirname );
      if ( rc != 0 ) {
         fprintf( stderr, "cd to directory %s failed\n", dirname );
         goto cleanup;
      if ( xmlStrcmp( root->name, BAD_CAST "folder" ) == 0 ) {
         errcode = doFolder( root, (char *)prop );
      else if ( xmlStrcmp( root->name, BAD_CAST "hashmap") == 0 ) {
         rc = doHashMap( root, (char *)prop );
      else if ( xmlStrcmp( root->name, BAD_CAST "queue") == 0 ) {
         rc = doQueue( root, (char *)prop );
      else {
         fprintf( stderr, "Error: root type is invalid\n" );
         errcode = -1;

      rc = chdir( ".." );
      if ( rc != 0 ) {
         fprintf( stderr, "cd to directory \"..\" failed\n" );

   if ( buff != NULL ) free( buff );
   if ( fd != -1 ) close(fd);
   if ( parserCtxt ) xmlSchemaFreeParserCtxt( parserCtxt );
   if ( schema ) xmlSchemaFree( schema );
   if ( validCtxt ) xmlSchemaFreeValidCtxt( validCtxt );
   if ( prop ) xmlFree( prop );
   if ( doc ) xmlFreeDoc( doc );

   /* In case this program is include in a script */
   if ( errcode != 0  || rc != 0 ) return 1;

   return 0;   
Пример #5
void QDeclarativeValueSpacePublisher::queueChange(const QString &subPath, const QVariant &val)
    m_queue << QDeclarativeValueSpacePublisherQueueItem(subPath, val);
    if (m_publisher)