Пример #1
int luag_spawn(lua_State *L) {

    particle_t *p;
    particleDetail_t *pd;
    float mass;
    int id;

    mass = lua_tonumber(L, -1);
    id = -1;

    lua_pop(L, 1);
    luag_TableToVector(L, vel);

    lua_pop(L, 1);
    luag_TableToVector(L, pos);

    lua_pop(L, 1);
    id = lua_tonumber(L, -1);

    if (id < 0 || id >= state.particleCount) {
        conAdd(LERR, "Particle %i out of range", id);
        return 0;

    p = getParticleFirstFrame(id);
    pd = getParticleDetail(id);

    VectorCopy(pos, p->pos);
    VectorCopy(vel, p->vel);
    pd->mass = mass;


    return 0;

Пример #2
int pickPositions() {

	int gals;


	float galSize[100];
	float galMassMin[100];
	float galMassMax[100];
	float spawnRange;
	int i;
	int g;
	particle_t *p;
	particleDetail_t *pd;
	float totalMass = 0;

	float angle;
	float angle2;
	float radius;

	gals = (rand() % (1 + spawnVars.maxGalCount-spawnVars.minGalCount)) + spawnVars.minGalCount;

	if (gals <= 0) {

		conAdd(LERR, "For some reason galaxies to spawn is 0 or less. Not possible!");
		return 0;


	if (gals >= 100) {

		conAdd(LERR, "Maximum galaxies to spawn is 100");
		return 0;


	spawnRange = frand(spawnVars.minSpawnRange, spawnVars.maxSpawnRange);

	conAdd(LNORM, "Spawning new simulation...");
	conAdd(LLOW, "- %i particles...", state.particleCount);
	conAdd(LLOW, "- %i galaxies...", gals);

	for (g = 0; g < gals; g++) {

		galMassMin[g] = frand(spawnVars.minGalMass, spawnVars.maxGalMass);
		galMassMax[g] = frand(spawnVars.minGalMass, spawnVars.maxGalMass);
		galSize[g] = frand(spawnVars.minGalSize, spawnVars.maxGalSize);

		setRangePosition(galPos[g], spawnRange);
		setRangePosition(galVel[g], frand(0,1) * frand(0,1) * frand(spawnVars.minGalVel, spawnVars.maxGalVel));


	for (i = 0; i < state.particleCount; i++) {

		if (!(i % 100)) {
			view.recordParticlesDone = i;

		if (state.restartSpawning) {
			return 0;
		p = getParticleFirstFrame(i);
		pd = getParticleDetail(i);

		g = rand() % gals;

		pd->mass = frand(galMassMin[g], galMassMax[g]);

//		if (g % 2 == 0)
//			pd->mass = -pd->mass;

		totalMass += pd->mass;

		// position
		VectorCopy(galPos[g], p->pos);
		setRangePosition((float *)&shit, galSize[g]);
		VectorAdd(p->pos, shit, p->pos);

		// galaxy structured position
		angle = frand(0, PI*2);
		radius = frand(0, galSize[g]);


		p->pos[0] = cos(angle) * radius;
		p->pos[1] = sin(angle) * radius;
		p->pos[2] = frand(-radius/10, radius/10);

		VectorAdd(galPos[g], p->pos, p->pos);

		angle2 = angle + PI / 2;

		p->vel[0] = cos(angle2) * radius * 0.05f;
		p->vel[1] = sin(angle2) * radius * 0.05f;
		p->vel[2] = 0;

		VectorAdd(galVel[g], p->vel, p->vel);

		if (g & 2) {
			p->vel[0] = -p->vel[0];
			p->vel[1] = -p->vel[1];
			p->vel[2] = -p->vel[2];


	conAdd(LLOW, "- %f total mass...", totalMass);
	conAdd(LLOW, "- %f galaxy mass...", totalMass / gals);
	conAdd(LLOW, "- %f particle mass...", totalMass / state.particleCount);

	return 0;
